COGENTSYSTEMS InstructionforMobileIdentIIIc(Mi3c) 2009629 CogentSystems 1. Power On Mobile Ident IIIc (Mi3c)..3 TableofContent 2. Manual Check...4 2.1. Memory......4 2.2. Display.......5 2.3. Screen........5 2.4. Key6 2.5. Magcard..6 2.5.1 Swipe card.7 2.5.2. Contactless Card..7 2.5.3. ICCARD8 2.6. Voice..8 2.7. VibratMotor..9 2.8. Finger Adjust.9 2.9. Finger Camera..9 2.10. Facial Camera..10 2.11. Power.10 2.12. WIFI.11 2.13. GPS..11 2.14.GPRS..12 2.15.Bluetooth12 2.16. Barcode.13 3. Photo..15 4. Settings..15 4.1. Volume.16 4.2. Date16 4.3. Screen Calibration17 4.4. Fingerprint Calibration.17 4.5. LCD.18 5. Identify..18 5.1. Enroll18 5.2. Search.20 2 CogentSystems 1. PowerOnMobileIdentIIIc(Mi3c) Presspowerbuttontopoweronthedevice. Power Button Login page will show up once the device is powered on. Enter user name and password (Test Demo: UsernameCogent, Password3259600), click Login to go intotheFrontPage(Fig.1) Fig.1 3 CogentSystems 2. ManualCheck ClickManualCheckinFrontPage,MobileIDIITestpagewillshowup.MobileIDII TestpageisthemainpageofManualCheck. 2.1. Memory Click Memory, Memory Check dialogue will pop up. Click Start, it will calculatethememorydiskautomatically.Afterfinishingmemorycalculation, clickQuit(Fig.2.1). Fig.2.1 4 CogentSystems 2.2. Display Click Displayandgetintoit.ClickColor,thescreenwillturntored,blue, whiteandblackautomatically.AfterthatitwillgobacktoDisplaypage. Adjust backlight by using BackLight Adjust Bar. Click OK to return to MobileIDIITestpageifthereisnoerror. 2.3. Screen Click Screen and get into Touchscreen Check page. Click anywhere on the screen (exclude OK and Fault) and get into the blank page. Write anything youwishtowrite,checkthefluencyofthetouchscreen,thenpresscancel button (power button) back to the Touchscreen Check page, click OK to returntothemanualcheckpage. 5 CogentSystems 2.4. Key ClickKey,KeyCheckdialoguewillpopup.Powerbutton(cancelbutton)isthe righttopkeyandOKbuttonisthelefttopkey.Theinterfacewillshowthe corresponding action when press cancel button and OK button. Press OK button,Lefttopkeydownwillpopup,loosenit,Lefttopkeyupwillpopup. Thenusethesamemethodtocheckcancelbutton.ClickOKifitpassthetest, clickFaultifitisfailed. 2.5. Magcard ClickMagcarandgetintoit.Threekindsofcardtestingisincluded:Swipe Card,ContactlessCardandICCARD(testtoolsincludeoneswipecard,two kinds of contactless card, one IC card, one swipe card reader and one contactlesscardandICcardreader).PleaserefertoFig.2.5. 6 CogentSystems 2.5.1. SwipeCard Fig.2.5 Installtheswipecardreaderonthebackofdevice.ClickSwipeCard and go to the test page. Swipe the magcard on the swipe card module, there should be three rows of information of the card showingintheblankbox(Fig.2.5.1). of rows Three cards information will be shown here 2.5.2. ContactlessCard Fig.2.5.1 InstallthecontactlessandICcardreader,puttheMifareandDesfire card individually in front of the reader, the distance between them andreadershouldbewithin44.5cmand1.52cm.Clickwritingarea, keypad will pop up, write information items in writing area, input itemquantityinthenumericarea.Forexample,enter123inwriting area.Information123ismadeof3individualitems,theninnumeric area, it should be 3. Please note that the quantity number in numericareamustnomorethanthequantityofinformationitems. PleaserefertoFig.2.5.2. 7 CogentSystems Writingarea Numericarea 2.5.3. ICCARD Fig.2.5.2 InsertICcardintotheICcardreader,clickICCARD,testprocedureis thesameascontactlesscard. 2.6. Voice ClickVoiceandgetintoit.Adjustvoicebyadjustingthevoicebar. 8 CogentSystems 2.7. VibratMotor Click VibratMotor and get into it. Press Start, the device will be vibrated, pressStop,itwillstoptovibrate. 2.8. FingerAdjust Click FingerAdjust and get into Camera Adjust page. Clean the fingerprint sensor, then click start to adjust the camera. Click OK on the pop up dialogueafteradjustingcarema. 2.9. Finger Camera ClickFingerCameraandgetintoFingerCheckpage.Putyourfingerinthe fingerprint sensor, click Capture to capture the fingerprint, click Save to saveit.ConnecttheMi3ctoPCtocheckthefingerprintimagequality. 9 CogentSystems 2.10. FacialCamera Click FacialCamera to get into Facial Check page. Click Capture to capturetheimage,clickSavetosavetheimage.Connectthedeviceto PCtochecktheimage. 2.11. Power Click PowertogetintoPowerCheckpage.Selectwirelessyouwishto open.Toopenwireless,youcanalsogointoWirelesspageinFrontpage. InPowerCheckpage,youcanalsocheckthemainandbackupbattery. Note:CannotopenGPS,Bluetooth,WifiandGPRStogether.Whenyou wish to use one of the wireless, you have to power off other wireless module. 10 CogentSystems 2.12. WIFI Go into Power Check page or Wireless page to power on the Wifi module. Make sure other wireless modules are power off. Then Click WIFIinManualCheckandgetintoWifiCheckpage.Changetheserver IP as Click Networks to get into Wifi Networks page, choosethebestsignalnetwork,clickConnect.OnceitshowsConnected, clickQuitbacktoWifiCheckpage.ClickConnectToServer,adialogue box will pop up indicating Connected. Some information will show underReceive. 2.13. GPS Go intoFrontpage.ClickWireless,poweronGPSmodule.Clickthelittle earthiconanditwillsearchthelocationautomatically. 11 CogentSystems 2.14. GPRS Insert SIM card before check the GPRS. Go into Power Check page or WirelesspagetopowerontheGPRSmodule.Makesureotherwireless modulesarepoweroff.ClickGPRSinManualCheckandgetintoGPRS Check.ChangeserverIPas116.6.20.59.thenclickDial,waitingforthe toprightdialogueturntoConnected.Click ConnectServer,adialogue boxwillpopuptoshowConnected.Therearesomeinformationshows undertheReceive. Will show date here if GPRS connectsuccessfully Bluetooth GointoPowerCheckpageorWirelesspagetopowerontheBluetooth module.Makesureotherwirelessmodulesarepoweroff.ClickBluetooth in Manual Check and get into it. Click Scan Device. It will scan devices automatically.ClickQuitbacktoManualCheck. 2.15. 12 CogentSystems 2.16. Barcode Click BarcodeinManualCheckandgetintoit. Barcodecameralight(red)willturnonwhilescanningbarcode.The distancebetweenbarcodetesterandMi3cshouldbein816cm. 13 CogentSystems 816cm After the beep, Mi3c finish scanning the barcode. Now the barcode data is showed on the barcode page. Please notice the scanned barcodeundershouldbesameasthenumberonbarcodetester. ClickContinuetoscananotherbarcode. Note: make Mi3c and barcode tester steady, do not trembling. Ensure indoor light is bright enough. Otherwise Mi3c may fail to scan the barcodebecauseofthelightspotonthebarcodetester.Makesurethe wholebarcodeisinsidethescanframe.ThedistancebetweenMi3cand 14 CogentSystems barcode tester is in 816cm (can be adjusted according the scan situation). 3. Photo ClickPhotoinFrontpage.ClickCapturetocapturetheimage.ClickPhotoList,it willshowallphotosyoucaptured.ClickExitbacktoFrontpage. 4. Settings ClickSettingsinFrontpage. 15 CogentSystems 4.1. Volume Click Volumeandgetintoit.Adjustthevolumebyadjustingvolumebar. 4.2. Date Click Date, adjust the date by clicking - or +. Click Save to save your change. 16 CogentSystems 4.3. ScreenCalibration ClickScreenCalibrationandgetintoit.Clickthecentralofthecrossuntilit finishedthecalibration. 4.4. FingerprintCalibration ClickFingerprintCalibrationandgetintoit.Cleanthefingerprintsensor,click Start.Itwillcalibratethesensorautomatically.Aftercalibrating,itwillreturn totheSettingspageautomatically. 17 CogentSystems 4.5. LCD Click LCDandgetintoit.AdjusttheLCDbrightness byclicking or+, clickSavetosavechange. 5. Identify ClickIdentifyinFrontpageandgetintoit. 5.1. Enroll Click Enroll and get into Base Information. After enter all the basic information,clickSavetosaveit.ClickOKtogotothenextstep. 18 CogentSystems The nextstepisfingerprintscaptured.Entertenfingerprintsasinstructed,it willcapturefingerprintsautomatically.Aftercapturingtenfingerprints,click SavetosavethedatathenclickOK,itwillgointonextstep. 19 CogentSystems The next stepis face image captured. 5 face image need to be captured:
Face_0,Face_L45,Face_R45,Face_L90,Face_R90.ClickCapturetocapture thefaceimage,clickSavetosavethedata,clickOKtoreturnbacktomain page. 5.2. Search Click Search, a dialogue will pop up. Select ByFinger. Press finger on the fingerprintsensor.Ifthefingerprintgetthehit,itwillshowonthetop,and correspondingfacialimagewillshowbelow. Fingerprint Facialimage 20 CogentSystems SelectByFacial. Capturing image face Captured image face Detected image face FCCSTATEMENT ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15oftheFCCRules. Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwoconditions:
(2)Thisdevicemustacceptanyinterferencereceived,including interferencethatmaycauseundesiredoperation. FCCCAUTION:
Changesormodificationsnotexpresslyapprovedbythepartyresponsible forcompliancecouldvoidtheusersauthoritytooperatetheequipment. 21 FCC ID: ZYF-BCR This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.