EEmmeerrggeennccyy PPeennddaanntt // WWrriisstt TTrraannssmmiitttteerr ((WWTTRRQQ SSeerriieess)) EEaassyy && EExxcchhaannggeeaabbllee BBeelltt // NNeecckk CCoorrdd ssttyylleess LLoonngg bbaatttteerryy lliiffee WWaatteerrpprrooooff The Wrist Transmitter/Emergency Pendant is designed to be worn by seniors as they move on the premises. In an emergency, help is merely a button press away. The WTRQ Series include the following models:
Model Name WTRQ WTRQ2 WTRQ3 AAccttiivvee BBuuttttoonn Pressing the Active Button for more than 1 sec will activate the Control Panel, causing it to dial emergency call or alarm. Press and hold the Active Button for 8 seconds to send a Cancel Code to the Control Panel.
(This function is not compatible with every control panel). Press and hold the button for 15 sec (until the LED flashes 3 times) to activate the Auto Low Battery Detection. WTRQ will automatically check battery voltage every 20-24 hours. LLEEDD iinnddiiccaattoorr Flashes three times: When Auto Low Battery detection function is enabled. (WTRQ2 & WTRQ3) LLeeaarrnn iinn tthhee TTrraannssmmiitttteerr Step 1. Put the Control Panel into the learning mode. Step 2. Press the Button on the Transmitter, a radio signal will be transmitted to the Control Panel. Step 3. Please refer to the operation manual of your Control Panel to complete the learning process. BBaatttteerryy LLiiffee The Transmitter uses one CR2032 3V Lithium battery as its power source. Every time the Active Button is pressed, the Wrist Transmitter will check the battery voltage. If low battery is detected for 3 times successively, the Wrist Transmitter will enter low battery status and transmit Low Battery signal along with regular signal every time the button is pressed.
A 30-second interval is required between each Active Button press to check the battery voltage again. SSwwiittcchhiinngg BBeettwweeeenn WWrriisstt BBaanndd//NNeecckk CCoorrdd 1 Step 1. Take off the Wrist Band on the Transmitter. Step 2. Clip the hook onto the Transmitter. Step 3. Thread Neck cord through the hook. AAuuttoo LLooww BBaatttteerryy DDeetteeccttiioonn The Wrist Transmitter features Auto Low Battery detection function. Press and hold the Active Button for 15 seconds to activate this function (ignoring the 1st and 2nd set of LED flashes at the first and 8th seconds). The LED will flash three times to confirm. After activation, the Wrist Transmitter will automatically check battery voltage every 20-24 hours. If low battery is detected for 3 times successively, the Wrist Transmitter will enter low battery status and transmit low battery signal every 12 hours.
If Auto Low Battery detection is not activated, the Wrist Transmitter will not automatically check battery status. You need to check battery status by manually pressing the Active Button. Once Auto Low Battery Detection is activated, it cannot be deactivated later in any circumstances. CCoommpplliiaannccee wwiitthh SSttaannddaarrddss Complies with the requirements of the Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EU, Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU Safety:
EN 60950-1:2006+A11:2009+A1:2010+A12:2011+A2:2013 EN 50130-4:2011+A1:2014 EN 301489-1:V2.2.0:2017 EN 301489-3:V2.1.1:2017 EN 300220-1:V3.1.1:2017 EN 300220-2:V1.1.1:2017 EN 300220-3-1:V1.1.1:2017 EN 300220-3-2:V1.1.1:2017 FFCCCC SSttaatteemmeenntt This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. FFCCCC CCaauuttiioonn::
To assure continued compliance, any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance may void the user's authority to operate this equipment. (Example - use only shielded interface cables when connecting to computer or peripheral devices). 2