| How to call |
1. Dial a telephone number and click Call on the <I dial pad, DPPC EL 2.The main menu appears along with the volume LM Mal level indicator. ni = 7 :
3. Click the Er icon to go to the Call Status screen to change the calling status or stop the call 4 If dial pad is needed for ARS during a call, please click "Dial Pad on the Call Status screen and the dial pad pops up. 5, To change from Hands Free to mobile phone or vice versa, please click @. 6. During a call, you may want to click Mic Mute so the person on the other end does not hear the noise or other conversations in your area.
@ Bluetooth enable
@ Bluetooth disable
@ eit
@ Delete 00:00:17 Explore Connect
@ Disconnect Explored Bluetooth device list 0221630738
[Dial Pad for making a call]
22 1. The screen for receiving a call automatically pops up on your device upon receiving a call. 2. Click the "Call" button to answer it. Or click the Cancel button to refuse a call 3. Clicking the "Call" button automatically activates the main menu, 4. Click the [] icon for the Call Status screen to change the call status or hang up. 5.In case you receive another call on the line, please click the [2] icon to access the second caller's screen, Please click the @ button to shift between callers. 6.To change from Hands Free to mobile phone or vice versa, please click the "Change the calling device" button. 7. During a call, you may want to click Mic Mute so the person on the other end does not hear the noise or other conversations in your area.
@ Change between two callers during a call 23 Cease yer fa
[Screen for receiving a call]
[Call status screen]
Lyre Eee) Cy ESC ESYZLYLT) ye-ca) S| 88) aii)
[Second callers status screen}
| Phone book |
41. Select [fJ phone book icon to execute the phone book 2. Click [3] phone connection icon to enter the mode getting the phone book data of the mobile phone. 3. Select the list in your mobile phone book and send it to this device. (Please refer to the manual of the mobile phone) 4, Check the phone book screen if the selected list is transferred in the phone book list of this device. 5. Complete saving the phone book list by clicking the disconnection icon [9] or the exit icon. 6. In receiving the phone number saved in the phone book, the saved phone number and person displays on the incoming call screen. 7.To directly make the phone on the phone book list, it can be only achieved in the condition that the phone is disconnected by clicking the disconnection icon, and the calll button is activated, Caution According to the kinds of the mobile phone, there would be the possibility that the data transfer is not correctly made. In this case, please check the compatibility of mobile phone with this device to visit www. com. 24 Ete IR ebtes)) eee (este) Fleurop(3538) HUSSEL(4877) KontoService(2000) _o_| ws)
[Screen for receiving a call]
0221630738 eu c
{incoming call screen}
Auskunft(11833) Peres OPPS CELELD) Fleurop(3538) Lu GLY ZO}
KontoService(2000) _wi_| wo |
[Call waiting screen}
MOVIE PLAYER Click the [Movie Player] icon for the execution.
| Basic Screen |
@ Playing status Full screen
@ Opena file @ Play/Pause Stop @ Play a former file
@Playanextfile @ Mute
@ Volume down @ Volume up Enter @ Cancel
| Open a file |
Open a dialogue window by clicking [Open a file] button and select a movie file to play. o ty Fa oo 25 MOVIE PLAYER
| How to use |
There are three kinds of playing status like Play{) /Pause[i1) /stop[@) Video files on the play list are played one by one in order. Ifyou click{) or {*) , the existing file stops playing and the former file or the next file plays. Click J to watch the full screen
. Click anywhere on the full screen mode to show the control box. To retune to the full screen, please click (J n the full screen control box to return the preview screen of Movie file POrRONS
@ Play/Pause Stop
@Playaformerfile @ Play anextfile
@ Preview screen @ Close Caution 1. In the case of the chosen video file could not be played, there would be possibility that video file specification is the upper version that this device cannot support Please check whether the specification of your chosen file in the below category or not Supporting video file spec. : DIVX 3,11/4/5 (640x480 : 1Mbps) MPEG 1 (640x480 : 1.5Mbps) MPEG4/V3 (640x480 : 1Mbps) WMV7/8/9 (640x480 1Mbps) 2.In the case of the video file specification is higher one, please convert it into the playable the specification which this device can support with the converting program. 26
| Screen Layout |
Repetition Play list iii Open a file @ Play/Pause Stop Play a former file
@Playanextfile @ Mute
@Volume down @) Volume up Add the file(s) @ Enter
@ Cancel @ Add all files
@ Delete the file(s) Delete all files.
@ Add the file(s) 1. Click [Open a file] then the below screen appears. 2, Select the file(s) that you want to add in a desired folder. 3. Click [Add the file(s)] icon to add the chosen file(s). 4, Click [Add all files] when you want to add all files in a desired folder. 5. Click [Enter]
@ Delete the file(s) 1, Select the file(s) to be deleted in the play list. 2. Click [Delete the file(s)] to delete the chosen file(s). 3. Click [Delete all files] when you want to delete all files on the play list 4, Click [Enter]
| How to use |
1. There are three kinds of playing status like Play (>}/Pause{")) istop{]. 2. Audio files on the play list are played one by one in order. 3. If you click (4) or {") , the existing file stops playing and the former file or the next file plays. 4. There are 3 kinds of the play mode. Once playback of the full list )ionce repetition of one iRandomn E2] /Repetition ofthe full ist (). audio file Caution If your chosen audio file is locked with DRM, that audio file cannot be played back in our device. 28 PHO
| Screen Layout |
Zoom In Zoom out Full screen @ Slide show
@ File list @ Previous image
@ Next image Preview screen
@ Exit
| How to use|
41. Select one image file on the Image List. 2. For the automatic slide show of all image files, please click 3. Click [=] to show the image on the full screen, 4. Click anywhere on the full screen to show the control box. 5. Click [Sto return the full screen mode 6.Click [>] to return the preview screen 29 Click [Photo] for the execution
(Full screen]
CAR MANAGER ni ) ae [Car Manager] on the sub menu of [ETC] to run
= it
| Screen Layout |
@ Previous month @ Next month ae Refueling records @ Repair records
@ Statistics @ Current month
o. 1}
| Oil information |
1. Click [Oil Info] to switch to the Oil information mode. 2. Here, you may input details such as refueling date, cost, oll amount and the current driven mileage (km), @
3. Use the keyboard to make the input 4. Click the [SAVE] button to store your input in memory. 5. Click [Delete] button to delete the oil information on any specific date.
@ Save Delete @ Date @ Amount
@Oil @ Distance @ Key board 30 CAR MANAGER
| Repair list |
4. Click [Repair] to go to the repair list. ene) 2.Input the date, amount, item and the current mileage of the repair using the number keys. aa fi felts]
3. Click the [Save] icon to store your data in the =
memory, 4.Click [Delete] to delete the data on a specific day,
@ Save @ Delete @ Date @ Amount
@ltem @ Distance Key board
| Statistics |
1, Click [Statistics] to switch to statistic mode. 2, Select the year to check 3. Select the month to check 4, The screen calculates and shows the Oil status, Total upkeep, Total mileage and so on, which are stored in the selected mmiyy.
@ Year Month Supplied oil @ Exchange Total mileagelyy @ Cost of operation Efficiency @ Previous mmv/yy
@ Next mmiyy 31 CALCULATOR
(>) Click [Calculator] on [ETC]'s sub menu foe the execution.
| Screen Layout |
There is the general calculation.
32 SEE) Click Memo] on [Etc's sub menu foe the execution
| Screen Layout |
Using the stylus pen, you can write letters or draw diagrams in the center of the screen on the white board. In the toolbox at the upper side of the screen, you can easily select pen or eraser.
@Newfile This icon on the tool box allows you to erase existing files and create a newfile for a new drawing
@Drawing This icon allows you to draw pictures on the screen after changing the input mode into the drawing mode.
@Eraser You can partly erase the existing picture.
@Zoom In / Out This icon allows you to double the size of picture or return the enlarged picture to its original size. PRREe 33 MEMO
| Open and Save File |
1. Click on the File menu and select Open. 2. Click on the name of the file you want to open a from the dialogue window. Open a file Save a file Save a file in Bitmap format
@ Save File 1. Click on the File menu and select Save. 2. Input the file name and the directory in which you want to save the file
@ Save as a Bitmap File 1. Click on the File menu and select Export. 2. Input the directory in which you want to save the file and the Bitmap file name.
| Drawing Configuration |
Changing the Color 1. Click on the Pen menu and select Color. 2. Select the pen color Changing the Pen Pattern and Size 1.To change the pattern of the pen, click on the Pen menu and select Type. 2.To change the size of the pen, after clicking on the Pen menu and Type, select Size, 3, You can also set your own desired size by selecting "User Defined. 4. You can choose Pen pattern with Line and Dot type, but it is available only with a Pen size of 1 px. 34 dO) eae Click (Explorer] on [ETC]'s sub menu for the execution,
| Screen Layout |
@O@OG0OH00 oR ees BB cao cab. Smet On Pape
- 8
@Copy Copy a file or a folder.
@Cut Cuta file ora folder. Paste Paste a cut file or folder.
@Delete Delete a file or a folder.
@New folder Create a new folder.
@Rename Rename a file or a folder.
@Upper Move to the upper folder. Big Icon Mark folders or files with big icons.
@Smalll con Mark folders or files with small icons. Q Details Mark the information like name, size, format, date of modification, ete.
(Q) 35
| Brightness |
1. Control the brightness. 2. Adjust the brightness with [UP/DOWN] icon. 3. Click [OK] to complete adjusting the brightness. 4,In case of adjust the brightness under DC power input, please make it in the auto mode. 5, Reset the Brightness setting by clicking [Reset]
| Volume |
1. Control the volume. 2. Adjust the volume with [+/-] icon. 3. Click [OK] to complete adjusting the brightness. 4, Reset the brightness setting by clicking [Reset]
| Power |
1, Set the time of the LCD-off. 2.Find the current battery conditions in [Battery]
3. Control the time to turn off the LCD in [LCD-off]
4, Click [OK] to set the time of LCD-off 5. Click [Reset] to reset the LCD-off time. 6, LCD-off function is only workable in the battery mode. In the conditions that this device is supplied with the power, the backlight of LCD keeps. 36
(i) a) +) on) B) aaa)
| Calibration |
1, Re-calibrate. ;
) 2. Adjust the syuspointby cfekng [Re-calbraton]. = | gt) | es) Gr) | By 3. Click [OK] to complete the calibration.
| FM Transmitter |
4, Set the FM Transmitter 2, Adjust the frequency with [+/-] buttons. 3, Set the Enabling or the Disabling. In the condition of the Enabling, both speaker and earphone audio out are disabled 3. Click [OK] to complete operating the FM transmitter.
| Language Selection |
1, Select one language to operate this device 2, Click [OK] to complete selecting the language. | @) a) ) @ |B) 37 How to connect with the mass stora
| Connecting PC |
1. You can copy or delete the map software, the movie file, audio file, image file and so on in SD card or Nand Flash through USB. 2. Please connect the device with the USB port of PC. 3. PC recognizes this device and you can see the mobile disk in the file explorer of PC as follows.
[Devices with Removable Storage f
@) DVD-RAM Drive (:) 4. Copy your chosen data to the mobile dist or the PC
- Dont depart the device from PC in transferring data. It causes the damage in data.
- There might be the possibility that data could be damaged or this device could not be recognized as the mobile disk in accordance with the kinds of PC.
| Disconnecting PC |
1.When transferring Data is completed, click the "Safety hardware disconnection at the lower of right side. Safely Remove Hardware!
SI tmoec 2.When the Safety hardware disconnection is done, depart this device from the PC. Safely remove LISE Mass Storage Device - Drive(F:) SARTO Caution In some case you depart this device from PC without the Safety hardware disconnection, it might cause the damage in the data or this device. 38 TROUBLESHOOTIN'
Checking Check whether the power adaptor is firmly connected. Does not charge i Check if the battery is already fully charged.
} * Check if the battery button is off. The device does not i Sometimes your vehicles battery voltage drops below the level work with cigar jack } required by the device to function properly. When this happens, adaptor i please resolve the power supply issue for your vehicle first. Please check if the device is discharged. Buttons. de:not work; | please:check the HOLD'swith, Overheating i * The device may overheat when in use for a long stretch of time. The total running } + Please check whether the battery was fully charged prior to use. time is different ; * The total running-time of the device may decrease depending on from what the ; howmany functions are used simultaneously. manual indicates } * Please check whether the battery life is worn. No power ; * Please check the charging status. Product stops i * The device may cease to function when buttons are pressed functioning in the | excessively or when the device attempts to play middle of an } unsupported/illegal data. Please press the RESET button in the operation 1 lower side of the device and erase the data from the device. Please check whether the earphone is plugged-in to the device. The speaker does not produce sound when an earphone is plugged-in to the device. No sound coming from the speaker Player ceases to | Please do not remove the USB cable too forcefully after function after a ; completely downloading the upgrade files. device update i Please try reinstalling the upgrade files. The speaker Please check whether the Pause button was pressed while audio Ps was playing or whether the device in MUTE mode. produces nose or |. Please check whether the earphone cable is properly plugged-in improper sound | tothe device. 39 TROUBLESHOOTIN'
Checking The display monitor i turns off while the device is in operation Please check whether the Backlight OFF mode is selected. LCD is too dark, i making it difficult to | * Please check whether the brightness level is properly adjusted see the display 1 under device setting. monitor i Can not play the converted file throug !
the transcoder program Please check whether converting is normally made or not. Please delete the converted file and retry to convert the file and play it. Please check whether the USB driver has been installed. If the device still fails to recognize the USB connection after the driver has been installed, please reinstall the driver and reboot the PC. Device fails to recognize the USB connection After boot-up, it may take from 30 seconds to 5 minutes for the device to track down the vehicle location according to the vehicle's parking or stop location. When the device is used for the first time or used after the vehicle had been parked for a long period of time, it may take 5-30 minutes for the device to function properly depending on the level of supplied power and system inspection time. Location tracker does not work Display map stops moving when 1 + The display map cannot move when you are in locations where vehicle is insidea {| satellite communication is impossible, including tunnels and tunnels orrunning { underground roads. Please transfer to a location where satellite on underground } communication is supported. roads i Sun coating (especially the ones with metallic substances) and other materials may interfere with GPS satellite waves. Inclement weather may also prevent the GPS device to receive data from the satellite. Poor GPS reception Abi I touch norma oue Readjust the stylus point by clicking on recalibrate. screen function 40 GENERAL ENVIRONMENT, NAVIGATION Model Name N4600 Frequency range 88.1MHz~107.9MHz, 2402~2480MHz Weight 230g Os WIN CE 5.0 Core File System FAT32 Language Operation Touch screen, Buttons on the front & the sides Display 4.3" Wide TFT LCD, 16DM True color's 480 x 272 Resolution, Brightness : 500cd/m2 Interface USB 2.0 SLAVE SDIO Card Extemal SD Slot (up to 4GB) Memory Nand 2GB / 64MB (mDDR-RAM) Input DC5.0V, 2A Battery Lithium lon Voltage : 3.7V Charging time : 4 hours (totally being discharged status) Capacity : 2,000mA Battery time GPS : About 3 hours
(In Middle standard of the brightness and volume) Video : About 5 hours
(In the standard of Divx5/320x240/500Kbps, B/R VOL middle level, earphone output Multi tasking Performance MP3 + Navigation MP3 + Photo view MP3 + Extra functions Operating temperature 0~50C. Storage temperature -10~60C Pentium III 500 MHz or better Microsoft Windows 2000/XP More than 128 MB memory USB Port 2.0 Over spare 4GB HDD CD-ROM Drive Over SVGA monitor SiRF Star Ill/ Intenna ai 41 BLUETOOTH EXTRA FUNCTIONS Specification Version 2.0 Class Class |
Profile A2DP (Audio Streaming), AVRCP (Remote Control), SPP (Serial Port Profile) Receiver Sensity
-87dBm(typ.) Transmitter Power Sub-title OdBm(typ.) SMI Video Codec DIVX/XviD (Sample Profile), MPEG1, MS-MPEG4 v3, WMV, M-JPEG Video File format AVI ,.WMV MPG ,MPEG ,MP4 ,DIVX Support file DIVX 3.11/4/5 (640x480 : 1Mbps) MPEG1 (640x480 : 1.5Mbps) MPEG4/V3 (640x480 : 1Mbps) WMV7/8/9 (640x480 1 Mbps) Audio Codec 30 frames per second (25fps recommended) MPEG Audio(LibMad), Vorbis Audio(Tremor), AC-3 (LibA52), AAC (LibFAAD), ADPCM Audio File format MP3 , WMA , WAV , OGG (up to @10) Channel Stereo Frequency range 20Hz ~ 20KHz Headphone Output Left 20 mW + Right 20 mw Speaker Output O.7Wx 2 SNR Support file Car diary Over -90dB JPEG, BMP 5000x5000 resolution recommended (JPEG), BMP 1600x1200 at Maximum Oil information / Mending list / Statistics Memo White board Calculator Calculator Explorer File sort / Delete / Copy / Paste / Create folder FM Frequency range: 88.1MHz~107.9 MHz 42 MEMO FCC compliance Information This device complies with part 15 of FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2. This device must accept any interference received. Including interference that may cause undesired operation. Information to User This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, Pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio Frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. FCC WARNING:
This equipment may generate or use radio frequency energy. Changes or modifications to this equipment may cause harmful interference unless the modifications are expre: approved in the instruction manual. The user could lose the authority to oper: equipment if an unauthorized change or modification is made. 43