Elpas Lone Worker Transmitter P/N: Honeywell Version Introduction The Elpas Lone Worker Transmitter is a commercial-grade Active RFID Tag that provides discreet around-the-clock wireless location based tracking of staff members. The Transmitter delivers precise real-time location data that identifies the individual in trouble and the location of the evolving security is used by RTLS applications and security platforms for dispatching emergency response teams. incident. This data The Transmitter includes two user programmable wireless emergency call buttons on either side of the unit for manual duress alerting. Pressing the both push buttons simultaneously will trigger the transmitter to emit a duress alert. Product Specifications RTLS Technologies RF (M otion/Stationar y) RF Under LF Event Messages Button Press/Release Low Battery Power Source Battery Life LED Status Indicator Badge ID Construction Dimensions (H x W x D) Weight Mounting Operating Environment Management Software Regulatory Warranty RF (433MHz) LF (125KHz) Supervision messages every 10secs /60secs 6 RF transmissions (each transmission
@ 4ms in duration), 312.5ms apart 3 RF transmissions (each transmission
@4ms in duration), 312.5ms apart CR2450 Lithium Battery 18 to 36 months, depending on usage Button Press/Release, Motion/Stationary Entering/Exiting LF Field, Low Battery Unique, factory-programmed ID Nylon Plastic (IP67) 8.3 x 4.4 x 1.7 cm (3.3 x 1.7 x 0.7 inches) 40 grams (1.4 ounces) Lanyard worn Temp: -30C to 70C (25F to 159F) Humidity: 95% non-condensing Eiris V4.8 or higher Elpas Configurator V4.8 or higher IC, FCC & CE compliant 1 year limited (excluding battery) Product offerings and specifications are subject to change without notice.. Accessories 5-PBA90003 5-WTA90002 CR2450 Lithium Battery (tray of 25pcs) Pendant Lanyard (set of 5) User Guide
(Actual product may vary from photo) Usage Considerations It is important that you read, understand, and follow the instructions in this user guide. Should you have any questions, please contact your local Elpas support representative before proceeding. Package Contents The Lone Worker Tag following items:
is shipped with the One Lone Worker Tag One Pendant Lanyard One CR2450 Lithium Battery www.elpas.com Page 1 of 4 V5/June 2013 Preliminary_V5 Elpas Lone Worker Transmitter User Guide Initial Activation & Software Enrollment The Lone Worker Transmitter is shipped from the factory in Sleep Mode to conserve battery power during transit. 1. Prior to initial usage, remove the Activation Label and then press simultaneously both of the Tags emergency call push buttons for at least 7 seconds. This action serves as a means of Awakening the Transmitter from Sleep Mode as well as enrolling its unique factory installed ID Number (a six-digital hexadecimal value) into the Host RTLS Application. If the Enrollment process was successful the Transmitters Red LED Status Indicator will alight for 3 seconds.
(Refer to your Eiris Configuration Guides for additional details.) Safety Issues It is the responsibility of the system installer to ensure that the appropriate staff members are suitably trained in the usage and maintenance of the Lone Worker Transmitter. Additionally, Supervisory Alerts should be configured in the Host RTLS Application to notify staff members that the detection Transmitter is:
In a low battery condition or Not properly transmitting location and status data. Note: The above configured Supervisory Alerts should be triggered periodically to ensure system integrity. Alert Testing Pressing either the left or right emergency call push-button individually will trigger the Lone Worker Transmitter to emit a Test Alert Message so that the host RTLS application can confirm that the unit is functioning properly. Battery Replacement 1. Temporarily suspend usage of the Transmitter in the host RTLS application. 2. Place the transmitter on its right side. Remove the 2 screws that holds the battery cover to the body of the Transmitter 3. Utilize the pull tab to slide the battery out of the Transmitter from the battery Dispose of the used battery in accordance with local regulations. CAUTION! After removing the battery please wait at least 30 seconds before installing the replacement battery so as to not cause damage to the tag or to negatively affect the tags operational performance. 4. Before inserting a new battery into place, Place a new Battery Pull Tab onto the (+) positive side of the battery. 5. Slide the battery back into the transmitter. IMPORTANT! Ensure that the positive (+) side of the battery faces up and that the pull tab is fully accessible. 6. Close the side-cover such that the screw holes are correctly aligned. Tighten the 2 screws snugly into place. Do not over-
tighten as this may strip the case threads. 7. Reactive the Transmitter in the Host RTLS Application. www.elpas.com Page 2 of 4 V5/June 2013 Preliminary_V5 Elpas Lone Worker Transmitter User Guide RF Transmissions in LF Fields For Moving Transmitter LF Response Time: Onboard LF receiver polls every 250ms to check if the Transmitter is in a LF zone Transmission Rate: 3 RF event transmissions (each transmission about 2ms in duration), at 0.4 second intervals. If the Transmitter stays in a LF zone, then repeated at 2 seconds intervals. Transmitted Message Type: RF Data Message includes ID code of LF Beacon. Motion bit, M=1. For Motionless Transmitters LF Response Time: Onboard LF receiver polls every 250ms to check if the Transmitter is in a LF zone Transmission Rate: 3 RF supervision transmissions (each transmission about 2ms in duration), 0.4 seconds apart:
If the Transmitter stays in a LF zone for more than 10 minutes, then repeated at 15 second intervals. Transmitted Message Type: RF Data Message includes ID code of LF Beacon. Motion bit, M=0 Cleaning & Disinfection Procedures Use an appropriate antibacterial disinfectant such as Dispatch Hospital Cleaner Disinfectant with Bleach from Caltech Industries
(http://www.caltechind.com) to clean the Lone Worker Transmitter. Since Cleaning Procedures may vary according to facility guidelines, thus the procedures given below are for illustrative purposes only:
Option 1 Using Dispatch Disinfectant Spray 1. Lightly wet a disposable towel with Dispatch spray Option 2 Using Dispatch Disinfectant Towels 1. Open a new Dispatch pre-moistened towel 2. Do not saturate the towel 2. Wipe the outer surfaces of the sensor 3. Wipe the outer surfaces of the sensor 3. Next wipe the sensor with a dry disposable towel 4. Next wipe the sensor with a dry disposable towel 4. Allow the sensor to air dry 5. Allow the sensor to air dry 5. Return the clean sensor to inventory or usage 6. Return the clean sensor to inventory or usage 6. Dispose of used towels per facility policies 7. Dispose of used towels per facility policies www.elpas.com Page 3 of 4 V5/June 2013 Preliminary_V5 Elpas Lone Worker Transmitter User Guide FCC & IC Compliance Standards This device co mplies with FCC Ru les Part 15 and with Industry Canada licen se -
exempt RSS standard (s). Ope ration is subject to two cond ition s: (1 ) This device may not cause harmf ul th is device must accept any interf erence that may be rece ived o r th at may cause undesired operat ion. inte rf erence, and (2 ) For Indust ry Canada: Le prsent appareil est conf orme aux CNR d'Indu st rie Canada applicable s aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'e xplo itation est autorise aux deux condit ions su ivante s : (1) l'appa reil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et tout brou illa ge radio lect riqu e sub i, m me si le brou illage est susceptib le d'en comp rome ttre le f onctionnement. l' appareil doit accepte r l'ut ilisateu r de
(2) N o t e : This equip ment has been tested and f ound to comply with the limits f or a Class B d igita l device, pu rsuant to part 15 of the FCC Rule s. The se limit s are designed to pro vide reasonable prot ection against ha rmf ul inte rf erence in a residentia l insta llat ion. Th is equipmen t generates; uses and can radiate ra dio f requency energy and, t he inst ruct ions, ma y cause harmf ul inte rf erence to radio co mmun icat ions. Ho wever, there is no guarantee that inte rf erence will not occu r in a part icu lar insta llation . in accordance with in stalled and used if not If this equipment does cause harmf ul in terf erence to radio or television recept ion, which on the user is encou raged of :
dete rmined equipment t urning and can the of f be by Reorient or re locate the rece iving antenna. Increase the separat ion between the eq uipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circu it dif f erent f rom that to wh ich the receiver is connected. Consult the deale r or an e xperienced radio/TV te chnician f or help Changes or modif ications to this equip ment not exp ressly approved by the party responsible f or compliance (Elpas Solution s Ltd.) could vo id t h e u s e r s a u t h o r i t y t o o p e r a t e t h e e q u i p m e n t . This equip ment co mplies with FCC and IC RF rad iation exposu re limit s set f orth f or an uncontro lled environme nt. Co mp an y Co nt ac t Elpas, Inc. W estf ord, Massachu setts (USA ) - Tel: 1 -800-223-0020 EU Declaration of Conformity This equipment is in co mpliance with the essentia l require ments and other re levant p rovisions of Direct ive 1 999/5/EC Product Warranty El pas Sol uti ons, Lt d. ( t h e C o m p a n y ) , a n d i t s a f f i l i a t e s , w a r r a n t s i t s p r o d u c t s ( h e r e i n a f t e r r e f e r r e d t o a s " t h e P r o d u c t ) t o b e f r e e o f d e f e c t s i n m at eri al s and wor km anshi p under norm al oper ati ng c ondi ti ons and use f or a peri od of one y ear f rom the dat e of shi pm ent by El pas. The C o m p a n y s o b l i g a t i o n s s h a l l b e l i m i t e d wi t h i n t h e w a r r a n t y p e r i o d , a t i t s opti on, to repai r or to r epl ac e the def ecti v e Pr oduct or any def ecti v e com ponent or part t hereof . To ex erci se thi s warr anty, the pr oduct m ust be r eturned t o the m anuf actur er f rei ght prepai d and i nsured. Thi s warranty does not appl y to r epai r s or repl ac em ent c aused by i m proper i nst al l ati on, P roduct m i suse, f ai l ure t o f ol l ow i ns t al l ati on or oper ati ng i nstr ucti ons, al ter ati on, abuse, acci dent, tam peri ng, r epai r by anyone ot her than El pa s, ex ternal causes, and f ai l ure to perf orm requi r ed pr ev entiv e m ai ntenanc e. Thi s warr ant y al so does not appl y to any pr oduct s, acc essori es, or att ac hm ent s used i n c onj uncti on wi t h the Pr oduct, i ncl udi ng batt eri es, whi c h shal l be cov ered s ol el y by thei r own warr anti es, i f any. El pas shal l not be l i abl e f or any dam age or l oss whatsoev er, whether di rectl y, i ndi rectl y, i nci dent al l y, consequenti al l y or ot her wi se, r e sul ti ng f rom a m al f uncti on of the Pr oduct due t o product s, acc essori es, or att ac hm ent s of other s, i ncl udi ng batt eri es, used i n c onj unct i on wi t h the Pr oduct. ELPAS MAKES NO E XP RES S W ARRANT IES E XC EPT THOSE ST ATED I N THIS STATEMENT. E LPA S DIS CLAIMS A LL O THER W ARRANTIES, E XPRE SS OR IM P LIED, INC LU DING W ITHOUT LIMITATION IM PLI ED W ARRANTIES OF MER CH ANTABI LITY AN D FITNE SS FOR A PARTI CU LAR P U RPOSE. ELP AS S S O L E R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y F O R W ARRANTY C LAIMS I S LIMITE D TO RE PA IR OR TO REP LA CE AS SET FORTH I N TH IS STATEMENT. El pas shal l hav e no l i abi l i ty f or any death, per sonal i nj ury, pr operty dam age, or other l oss whether d i rect, i ndi r ect, i nci dent al , consequenti al , or ot her wi se, based on a c l ai m that the Product f ai l ed to f uncti on. H owev er, i f El pas i s hel d l i abl e, whether di r ectl y or i ndi r ectl y, f or any l oss or dam age ar i si ng under thi s l i m i ted warr anty or other wi se, regar dl ess of cause or ori gi n, the c om pany ' s m ax i m um li abi l i ty shal l be l i m i ted to t he pur chase pri ce of the P roduct, whi c h shal l be f i x ed as l i qui dated dam ages and no t as a penal ty, and shal l be t he c om pl et e and ex cl usiv e l i abi l i ty of El pas. El pas shal l not, under any ci rcum stanc es what soev er, be l i abl e f or any i nac curac y, err or of j udgm ent, def aul t, or negl i genc e of El pas, i ts em pl oyees, of f i cers, agent s, or any other party, or of the purc haser or user, ari si ng f rom any assi st ance or com m uni cati on of any ki nd r egar di ng t he c onf i gur ati on, desi gn, i nstal l ati on, or c reati on of securi ty sy stem i nv olv i ng the Product, that bei ng t he r esponsi bi l i ty of the pur chaser or user. If El pas i s unabl e to m ak e suc h repai r or repl ac em ent, t h e c o m p a n y s enti re l i abi l i ty shal l be l i m i ted to t he c ost of a reasonabl e subs ti tute product. El pas shal l not be r esponsi bl e f or any di sm antl i ng, i nstal l ati on, r ei nst al l ati on, purc hasi ng, shi ppi ng, i nsuranc e, or any si m i l ar char ges. El pas shal l hav e no l i abi l i ty f or any dam ages, i ncl udi ng wi th out l i m i tati on, any di r ect, i ndi r ect, i nci dent al , speci al , or c onsequenti al dam ages, ex penses, c ost s, pr of i ts, l ost sav i ngs or ear ni ngs, or other dam ages ari si ng out of the use of the Pr oduct or t he rem ov al , i nstal l ati on, r ei nst al l ati on, r ep ai r or r epl acem ent of the Product or any r el ated ev ents. I n the ev ent that t here i s any l i abi l i ty agai nst El pas, such l i abi l i ty shal l be l i m i ted to the purc hase pri c e of the Pr oduct whi c h am ount shal l be f i x ed as l i qui dated dam ages. The purchaser and user under stand that t hi s Pr oduct m ay be com pr om i sed or ci rcumv ented by i nt enti onal act s; that the P roduct wi l l not i n al l cases pr ev ent deat h, pe r sonal i nj ury, property dam age, or ot her l oss res ul ti ng f rom burgl ary, r obbery, f i re or other causes; and t hat the Pr oduct wi l l no t i n al l cases prov i de adequat e war ni ng or pr ot ecti on. The purc haser and user al so under stand that a pr operl y i nst al l ed and m ai ntai ned al arm m ay reduce the ri sk of ev ents suc h as b ur gl ar y, robbery, and f i re wi thout warni ng, but i t i s not i nsur ance or a gua rantee t hat suc h ev ent s wi l l not oc cur or t hat ther e wi l l be no deat h, per sonal i nj ury, property dam age, or ot her l oss as a r esul t of such ev ent s. By purchasi ng the Pr oduct, the purc haser and user shal l def end, i ndem ni f y and hol d El pas, i ts of f i cers, di r ec t or s, af fi l i ates, subsi di ari es, agent s, serv ant s, em pl oy ees , and aut hori zed r epresentati v es harm l ess f rom and agai nst any and al l cl ai m s, sui t s, c osts, dam ages, and j udgm ent s i ncurr ed, cl ai m ed, or sustai ned whether f or deat h, per sonal i nj ury, pr operty dam a ge, or ot her wi se, bec ause of or i n any way rel at ed to t he c onf i gur ati on, desi gn, i nst al l ati on, or cr eati on of a securi ty sy st em i nv olv i ng the Product , and the use, sal e, di stri buti on, and i nst al l ati on of the Pr oduct, i ncl udi ng paym ent of any and al l attorn e y s f e e s , c o s t s , a n d e x p e n s e s i n c u r r e d a s a r e s u l t o f a n y s u c h e v e n t s . The purc haser or user shoul d f ol l ow the Product i nst al l ati on and oper ati on i nst ruc ti ons and t est the P roduct and the enti re s y st em at l east once eac h week. F or v ari ou s reasons, i ncl udi ng but not l i m i ted to c hanges i n env i ronm ent al condi ti ons, el ectri c, el ectr oni c, or el ectr om agneti c di sr upti ons, and t am peri n g, the P roduct m ay not perf orm as ex pect ed. T he purc haser and user are adv ised t o t ake al l necessary precauti ons f or t he pr otecti on and saf ety of per sons and pr operty. Thi s stat em ent pr ov i des c ert ai n l egal ri ghts. Ot her ri ght s m ay v ary by stat e or c ountry. Under c ert ai n ci rc um st ances, som e st ates or c ountri es m ay not al l ow ex cl usi on or l im i tati on of i nci dent al or c onsequenti al dam ages or i m pl i ed war ranti es, so t he abov e ex cl usi ons m ay not appl y under t hose ci r c um st anc es and i n t hose stat es or c ountri es . El pas r eserv es t he ri ght t o m odi f y thi s st atem ent at any ti m e, i n i ts sol e di scr eti on wi t hout noti ce t o any pur chaser or user. H owe v er, thi s st atem ent shal l not be m odi f i ed or v ari ed ex cept by El pas i n wri ti ng, and El pas does not aut hori ze any si ngl e i ndi v i dual to act on i t s behal f to m odi f y or v ary t hi s stat em ent. A ny questi ons about t hi s st atem ent shoul d be di rected t o El pas. Page 4 of 4 V5/June 2013 W.E.E.E. Product Recycling Declaration For information regarding the recycling of this product you must contact the company from which you orignially purchased it. If you are discarding this product and not returning it for repair then you must ensure that it is returned as identified by your supplier. This product is not to be thrown away with everyday waste - Directive 2002/96/EC Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Preliminary_V5