LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021 LoRa Sensor, Beacon Applications LR62XE LoRa transceiver module uses a Semtech SX1262 sub-GHz radio transceiver and a Skyworks SKY65313 power amplifier. An u.FL connector is on-board for external antenna. It is paired with Fanstel BT840F, a Nordic nRF52840 BLE 5.2 module. The Cortex M4F MCU in BT840F manages LR62XE through SPI interface. BT840F GPIOs can be used for sensor data input or control output. Android OS app is available for field set up through Bluetooth interface. BT840F + LR62XE pair can be used in LoRaWANTM application. LoRaWan stacks are not available from Fanstel. Cloud Connection, LoRa Gateway The 2nd application example is in a gateway for connecting to a cloud server(AWS, Microsoft, Google, Fanstel development server, etc.) through Ethernet, WiFi, or LTE network. BLE 5.2 module manages LR62XE through SPI interface. LR62XE Specifications:
Semtech SX1262 transceiver with Skyworks SKY65313 power amplifier Size: 10 (14) x 22.3mm, L- shape.
+?? dBm TX power (USA). FCC ID:
M262X840F/M262X840XE Specifications:
M262X840F with BT840F BLE module. M262X840XE with BT840XE BLE module. Nordic nRF52 with ARM Cortex M4F at 64 MHz. Over-the-Air (OTA) firmware update Flash/RAM: 1024KB/256KB 34 GPIOs 12 bit/200KSPS ADC, 8 configurable channels with programmable gain. 3X SPI Master/Slave (8Mbps) 3X 4-channel pulse width modulator (PWM) 2X 2-wire Master/Slave (I2C compatible) UART (with CTS/RTS and DMA) 128-bit AES HW encryption 5 x 32 bits, 3 x 24 bits Real Time Counters (RTC) Available NFC-A tag interface for OOB pairing Size: 30x42 mm for M.2 connector, B-key Operation temperature: - 4 0 C t o + 8 5 C Model Summaries module BLE module/Flash/RAM Size GPIO Antenna LoRa/BLE Max. TX power, LoRa Max. TX power, BLE Availability M262X840F BT840F/1024KB/512KB M262X840XE BT840XE/1024KB/256KB 30x42mm, M.2, B key 34 u.FL/PCB
+8.49 dBm 30x42mm, M.2, B key 34 u.FL/u.FL
+21.0 dBm LR62XE 10(14) x22.3mm 0 u.FL 1 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021 Table Of Contents 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Product Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Semtech SX1262 ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Mechanical Drawings ........................................................................................................................................... 6 LR62XE Pin Functions ......................................................................................................................................... 7 LR62XE Pin Functions ..................................................................................................................................... 7 M262840F Pin Functions ..................................................................................................................................... 8 3. Evaluation Board EV-LN60G ............................................................................................................................. 11 Loading Firmware into Evaluation Board Through a Nordic DK ....................................................................... 12 Nordic Development Environment ..................................................................................................................... 12 Download and set up Basic Software tools for EV-LR62XE ......................................................................... 13 Evaluation Board EV-LN60G Schematics ......................................................................................................... 14 Battery Power Application .................................................................................................................................. 16 4. Miscellaneous .................................................................................................................................................... 17 Soldering Temperature-Time Profile for Re-Flow Soldering ............................................................................. 17 Cautions, Design Notes, and Installation Notes ................................................................................................ 17 Packaging ........................................................................................................................................................... 20 FCC Label .......................................................................................................................................................... 20 5. Revision History ................................................................................................................................................. 21 6. Contact Us ......................................................................................................................... !
2 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021 1. Introduction LR62XE LoRa module with Semtech SX1262 transceiver are ideal for long range wireless applications. It can be paired with BT840F BLE module in LoRa sensor or beacon design. A smart phone can set up sensor or beacon easily through Bluetooth interface. BT840F is powerful, highly flexible, ultra low power Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) modules using Nordic nRF52840 SoCs. With an ARM CortexTM M4F MCU, 1024KB flash, 256KB RAM, embedded 2.4GHz multi-
protocol transceiver, and an integrated antenna, it allows faster time to market with reduced development cost. The second application example is in a gateway for connecting to cloud server. A LoRa sensor or beacon can be connected to a cloud server through Ethernet, WiFi, or LTE network. It is possible to port LoRaWANTM stacks to Nordic nRF52 BLE SoCs. LoRaWANTM stacks are not available from Fanstel. 3 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021 2. Product Overview Semtech SX1262 Semtech SX1262 data sheets can be downloaded from this webpage. A block diagram is below. 4 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021 LR62XE module has an u.FL connector for external antenna. A BT840F/XE BLE module with Cortex M4F MCU manage LR62XE through SPI interface. The following is a block diagram of M262X840XE. 5 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021 Mechanical Drawings The followings are mechanical drawings of LR62XE, top view. Size of module is 30x42 mm. Library components for PADS and EAGLE can be downloaded from
For other PCB layout tools, please download evaluation Gerber files and extract library component. 6 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021 LR62XE Pin Functions The followings are LR62XE pin assignment. Pin functions are in a table below. Please refer to Semtech SX1262 Product Specifications for detailed descriptions and features supported. It can be downloaded from: LR62XE Pin Functions LR62XE pin#
pin name 1 ANT-SW 2 SX-NRESET 3 BUSY 4 DIO1 5 VDD 6 SCK 7 MOSI 8 MISO 9 NSS 10 GND SX1262 pin#
Descriptions Antenna switch 15 Reset signal, active low 14 Busy indicator 13 Multiple purpose Digital IO 1 DC input voltage, 1.8V to 3.7V 18 SPI clock 17 SPI Slave input 16 SPI Slave Output 19 SPI Slave Select 20 Ground 7 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021 M262840F Pin Functions M.2 pin#
nRF52840 BT840F M262X840F pin#
Name Y2 F4 BLE-VDDH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 B1 AD2 B1 AD6 AD4 AC24 B6 T2 AD22 AD8 U1 Y23 R1 AC13 AC17 AC9 AC19 AC11 AD20 AC15 W24 9 F6 9 E4 15 E5 16 10 11 12 13 E6 D5 E3 14 E2 D4 D1 D3 C1 D2 C5 VDD-3V3 USB-VBUS VDD-3V3 USB DP BLE-SWDCLK USB DN BLE-SWDIO GND GND P011 GND P100 P013 P012 P101 P109 P018/RESET P021 P014 P023 P016 P024 P019 P102 Descriptions DC input for 3.3V regulator; 3.2V to 15V. 4.35V minimum if connected to USB-VBUS externally. High voltage input for nRF52840/nRF5340, 2.5V to 5.5V DC input for 3.3V regulator; 3.2V to 15V. 4.35V minimum if connected to USB-VBUS externally. Regulated 3.3V DC input, 800 mA minimum USB power supply, 4.35V to 5.5V. Regulated 3.3V DC input, 800 mA minimum USB data pin Serial Wire Debug clock input for BLE USB data pin Serial Wire Debug data for BLE Ground Ground BLE GPIO Ground BLE GPIO BLE GPIO BLE GPIO BLE_UART RXD BLE GPIO Reset for BT40F, Reset or P018 for BT840F BLE GPIO BLE GPIO BLE GPIO BLE-OTA BLE GPIO BLE GPIO BLE_UART-TXD 8 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 AD10 AD18 AD12 N1 AD16 L1 A8 P2 B9 M2 AC21 K2 J1 A10 B11 G1 H2 J24 L24 B13 A12 C4 C2 C3 B5 E1 B4 B3 A6 B2 A5 B1 A4 A3 A2 A1 1 2 8 7 6 5 P015 P022 P017 P008 P020 P006 P031 P108 P030 P007 P025 P005 P004 P029 P028 P026 P027 P010 P009 P003 P002 BLE GPIO BLE GPIO BLE GPIO BLE GPIO BLE GPIO BLE GPIO BLE GPIO, analog input BLE GPIO BLE GPIO, analog input BLE GPIO BLE GPIO BLE GPIO, analog input No Connect BLE GPIO, analog input No Connect BLE GPIO, analog input No Connect BLE GPIO, analog input No Connect BLE_I2C, SDA No Connect BLE_I2C, SCL No Connect BLE_GPIO, NFC2 No Connect BLE_GPIO, NFC1 No Connect BLE_GPIO, AIN1 No Connect BLE_GPIO, AIN 0 No Connect No Connect No Connect No Connect No Connect No Connect No Connect No Connect No Connect 9 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021 75 No Connect 10 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021 3. Evaluation Board EV-LN60G An evaluation board can be used to evaluate performance of module and to develop and test your firmware before an application-specific host board is developed. An EV-LN60G include the followings:
An EV board without an M.2 module. A 10-pins flat cable. An USB cable Additional hardware required but not included for evaluation. M262X840F and an LTE antenna. Or, M262X840XE and an LTE antenna and a 0 dBi BLE antenna ANT000. 11 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021 Loading Firmware into Evaluation Board Through a Nordic DK ToprogramBT840FBLEmodule. ConnectNordicnRF52840DKdebugouttoFanstelevaluationboarddebuginusingthe10pinflatcableas shownbelow. ConnectNordicnRF52DKtoPC. ConnectaDCpowersourcetomicroorminiUSBportofevaluationboard. Nordic Development Environment Nordic Semiconductor provides a complete range of hardware and software development tools for the nRF52 Series devices. nRF52DK or nRF52840DK board is recommended for firmware development. Document and Software development tools can be downloaded by the following links. GetstartedwithNordicchipandallonlinedocuments. _dev_kit.html&cp=1_1 NordicSDKwithmanyexampleprojects.
Nordicdevelopmentzone. 12 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021 Download and set up Basic Software tools for EV-LR62XE nRF command line tool 10.2.1 or newer. nRF Connect desktop 3.2.0 or newer. 13 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021 Evaluation Board EV-LN60G Schematics 14 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021 15 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021 Battery Power Application Two inductors required for DCDC converter are inside BT840F module. You can enable DCDC to lower power consumption. The 32.768 kHz sleep crystal and load capacitors are on the M.2 module. 16 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021 4. Miscellaneous Soldering Temperature-Time Profile for Re-Flow Soldering Maximum number of cycles for re-flow is 2. No opposite side re-flow is allowed due to module weight. Cautions, Design Notes, and Installation Notes Failure to follow the guidelines set forth in this document may result in degrading of the products functions and damage to the product. DesignNotes
(1) Follow the conditions written in this specification, especially the control signals of this module.
(2) The supply voltage has to be free of AC ripple voltage (for example from a battery or a low noise regulator output). For noisy supply voltages, provide a decoupling circuit (for example a ferrite in series connection and a bypass capacitor to ground of at least 47uF directly at the module).
(3) This product should not be mechanically stressed when installed.
(4) Keep this product away from heat. Heat is the major cause of decreasing the life of these
(5) Avoid assembly and use of the target equipment in conditions where the products' temperature may exceed the maximum tolerance.
(6) The supply voltage should not be exceedingly high or reversed. It should not carry noise and/or products. spikes.
(7) this product away from other high frequency circuits. 17 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021 NotesonAntennaandPCBLayout
(1) Dont use a module with internal antenna inside a metal case.
(2) For PCB layout:
Avoid running any signal line below module whenever possible, No ground plane below antenna, If possible, cut-off the portion of main board PCB below antenna. Installation Notes
(1) Reflow soldering is possible twice based on the time-temperature profile in this data sheets. Set up the temperature at the soldering portion of this product according to this reflow profile.
(2) Carefully position the products so that their heat will not burn into printed circuit boards or affect the other components that are susceptible to heat.
(3) Carefully locate these products so that their temperatures will not increase due to the effects of heat generated by neighboring components.
(4) If a vinyl-covered wire comes into contact with the products, then the cover will melt and generate toxic gas, damaging the insulation. Never allow contact between the cover and these products to occur.
(5) This product should not be mechanically stressed or vibrated when reflowed.
(6) If you want to repair your board by hand soldering, please keep the conditions of this chapter.
(7) Do not wash this product.
(8) Refer to the recommended pattern when designing a board.
(9) Pressing on parts of the metal cover or fastening objects to the metal will cause damage to the unit.
(10) For more details on LGA (Land Grid Array) soldering processes refer to the application note. UsageConditionNotes
(1)Take measures to protect the unit against static electricity. If pulses or other transient loads (a large load applied in a short time) are applied to the products, check and evaluate their operation before assembly on the final products.
(2)Do not use dropped products.
(3)Do not touch, damage or soil the pins.
(4) Follow the recommended condition ratings about the power supply applied to this product.
(5)Electrode peeling strength: Do not add pressure of more than 4.9N when soldered on PCB
(6) Pressing on parts of the metal cover or fastening objects to the metal cover will cause damage.
(7) These products are intended for general purpose and standard use in general electronic equipment, such as home appliances, office equipment, information and communication equipment. Storage Notes
(1)The module should not be stressed mechanically during storage. 18 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021
(2)Do not store these products in the following conditions or the performance characteristics of the product, such as RF performance will be adversely affected:
Storage in salty air or in an environment with a high concentration of corrosive gas. Storage in direct sunlight Storage in an environment where the temperature may be outside the range specified. Storage of the products for more than one year after the date of delivery storage period.
(3) Keep this product away from water, poisonous gas and corrosive gas.
(4) This product should not be stressed or shocked when transported.
(5) Follow the specification when stacking packed crates (max. 10). Safety Conditions These specifications are intended to preserve the quality assurance of products and individual components. Before use, check and evaluate the operation when mounted on your products. Abide by these specifications, without deviation when using the products. These products may short-circuit. If electrical shocks, smoke, fire, and/or accidents involving human life are anticipated when a short circuit occurs, then provide the following failsafe functions, as a minimum.
(1)Ensure the safety of the whole system by installing a protection circuit and a protection device.
(2)Ensure the safety of the whole system by installing a redundant circuit or another system to prevent a dual fault causing an unsafe status. Other Cautions
(1)This specification sheet is copyrighted. Reproduction of this data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices.
(2)Do not use the products for other purposes than those listed.
(3)Be sure to provide an appropriate failsafe function on your product to prevent an additional damage that may be caused by the abnormal function or the failure of the product.
(4)This product has been manufactured without any ozone chemical controlled under the Montreal Protocol.
(5)These products are not intended for other uses, other than under the special conditions shown below. Before using these products under such special conditions, check their performance and reliability under the said special conditions carefully to determine whether or not they can be used in such a manner. In liquid, such as water, salt water, oil, alkali, or organic solvent, or in places where liquid may splash. In direct sunlight, outdoors, or in a dusty environment In an environment where condensation occurs. In an environment with a high concentration of harmful gas. 19 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021
(6) If an abnormal voltage is applied due to a problem occurring in other components or circuits, replace these products with new products because they may not be able to provide normal performance even if their electronic characteristics and appearances appear satisfactory.
(7) When you have any question or uncertainty, contact Fanstel. Packaging Production modules are delivered in reel, 1000 modules in each reel. FCC LABEL The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) must ensure that the OEM modular transmitter must be labeled with its own FCC ID number. This includes a clearly visible label on the outside of the final product enclosure that displays the contents shown below. If the FCC ID is not visible when the equipment is installed inside another device, then the outside of the device into which the equipment is installed must also display a label referring to the enclosed equipment The end product with this module may subject to perform FCC part 15 unintentional emission test requirement and be properly authorized. This device is intended for OEM integrator only. 20 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021 5. Revision History Feb, 2021, Ver. 0.90: The first draft release. 21 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021 6 Contact Us United States:
Fanstel Corp. 7466 E. Monte Ctisto Ave. Scottsdale AZ 85260 Tel. 1 480-948-4928 Fax. 1-480-948-5459 Email: Website: Taiwan:
Fanstel Corp. 10F-10, 79 Xintai Wu Road Xizhu, New Taipei City, Taiwan 22101 79 10 10, 22101 Tel. 886-2-2698-9328 Fax. 886-2-2698-4813 Email: Website: China:
Fanstel Technologies Corp. 11 Jiale Street Ping-Dih, Long-Gang, Shen Zhen, GD 518117
() 11 Tel. 86-755-8409-0928 Fax. 86-755-8409-0973 QQ. 3076221086 Email: Website: 22 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the part responsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate the equipment. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and 2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. RF exposure warning This equipment must be installed and operated in accordance with provided instructions and the antenna(s) usedfor this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and mustnot be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. End-users and installers mustbe provide with antenna installation instructions and transmitter operating conditions for satisfying RF exposurecompliance. 23 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021 Industry Canada (IC) Statement This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. RF exposure warning This equipment must be installed and operated in accordance with provided instructions and the antenna(s) usedfor this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and mustnot be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. End-users and installers mustbe provide with antenna installation instructions and transmitter operating conditions for satisfying RF exposurecompliance. Canada, avis dIndustry Canada (IC) Le prsent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorise aux deux conditions suivantes:
(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et
(2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radiolectrique subi, mme si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement. Informations concernant l'exposition aux frquences radio (RF) Cet quipement est conforme avec l'exposition aux radiations IC dfinies pour un environnement noncontrl. Cet quipement doit tre install et utilis une distance minimum de 20 cm entre le radiateuret votre corps. Cet metteur ne doit pas tre co-localises ou oprant en conjonction avec une autreantenne ou transmetteur. Les utilisateurs finaux et les installateurs doivent tre informs des instructions d'installation de l'antenne et des conditions de fonctionnement de l'metteur afin de satisfaire la conformit d'exposition RF. Note: The end product shall has the words Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: X8WLR62XE, IC:
4100A-LR62XE 24 LR62XE LoRa with Power Amplifier Modules Ver0.90Feb.2021 Information for the OEM and Integrators The following statement must be included with all versions of this document supplied to an OEM or integrator, but should not be distributed to the end user.
(1) This device is intended for OEM integrators only.
(2) Please see the full Grant of Equipment document for other restrictions. LR62XE: PCB Antenna, 2 dBi; Dipole Antenna, 1.4dBi MustusethedeviceonlyinhostdevicesthatmeettheFCC/ISEDRFexposurecategoryofmobile,whichmeans thedeviceisinstalledandusedatdistancesofatleast20cmfrompersons. TheendusermanualshallincludeFCCPart15/ISEDRSSGENcompliancestatementsrelatedtothetransmitter asshowinthismanual. Hostmanufacturerisresponsibleforcomplianceofthehostsystemwithmoduleinstalledwithallother applicablerequirementsforthesystemsuchasPart15B,ICES003. HostmanufacturerisstronglyrecommendedtoconfirmcompliancewithFCC/ISEDrequirementsforthe transmitterwhenthemoduleisinstalledinthehost. MusthaveonthehostdevicealabelshowingContainsFCCID:X8WBC833MContainsIC:4100ABC833M Theuseconditionlimitationsextendtoprofessionalusers,theninstructionsmuststatethatthisinformation alsoextendstothehostmanufacturersinstructionmanual. Thismoduleisstandalonemodular.IftheendproductwillinvolvetheMultiplesimultaneouslytransmitting conditionordifferentoperationalconditionsforastandalonemodulartransmitterinahost,host manufacturerhavetoconsultwithmodulemanufacturerfortheinstallationmethodinendsystem. l'htedoitutiliserl'instrumentuniquementdansdesdispositifsquirpondentlafcc/(catgoried'exposition rfmobile,cequisignifieledispositifestinstalletutilisunedistanced'aumoins20cmdepersonnes. lemanueldel'utilisateurfinaldoitinclurelapartie15/(facrssgendclarationsdeconformitrelatives l'metteurquedemontrerdanscemanuel. lefabricantestresponsabledelaconformitdel'hte,lesystmed'accueilaveclemoduleinstallavectoutes lesautresexigencesapplicablesdusystmecommelapartie15b,ices003. accueillirlefabricantestfortementrecommanddeconfirmerlaconformitaveclesexigencesdelafcc/
(metteurlorsquelemoduleestinstalldansl'hte.ledispositifd'accueildoiventavoirunetiquette indiquantcontientFCCID:X8WLR62XEcontientIC:4100ALR62XE 25