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User manual | Users Manual | 1.67 MiB | September 06 2021 | |||
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Internal photos | Internal Photos | 993.63 KiB | September 06 2021 | |||
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Family declaration | Attestation Statements | 122.77 KiB | September 06 2021 | |||
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Letter Authorization | Cover Letter(s) | 46.70 KiB | September 06 2021 | |||
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Test reports | Test Report | 1.98 MiB | September 06 2021 | |||
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Test setup photos | Test Setup Photos | 1.40 MiB | September 06 2021 |
1 | User manual | Users Manual | 1.67 MiB | September 06 2021 |
Digital Proportional Radio
Control System
Copyright ©2021 Flysky Technology co., ltd
Thank you for purchasing our product, an ideal radio system for beginners or experienced
In order to ensure your safety, and the safety of others, read this manual carefully before
using this product. If you encounter any problem during use, refer to this manual first. If
the problem persists, contact your local dealer or visit our service and support website:
1. Safety..................................................................................................................1
1.1 Safety Symbols ................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Safety Guide.....................................................................................................................................................1
2. Introduction.........................................................................................................2
2.1 Transmitter Overview ................................................................................................................................................2
2.2 Receiver Overview ...........................................................................................................................................4
3. Getting Started......................................................................................................5
3.1 Transmitter Battery Installation..........................................................................................................................5
4. Instructions.....................................................................................................6
4.1 Power On .........................................................................................................................................................6
4.2 LED Indicator....................................................................................................................................................6
4.3 Binding..............................................................................................................................................................6
4.4 Stick Calibration................................................................................................................................................7
4.5 Power Off .........................................................................................................................................................7
5. System Functions.................................................................................................8
5.1 Channel Description ........................................................................................................................................8
5.2 Channel Reverse .............................................................................................................................................8
5.3 Trims..................................................................................................................................................................8
5.4 D/R....................................................................................................................................................................9
5.5 Mode Switching ................................................................................................................................................9
5.6 Failsafe..............................................................................................................................................................9
5.7 Beginner Mode................................................................................................................................................10
6. VK-R4A Receiver Function Instructions....................................................................11
6.1 Attentions ........................................................................................................................................................11
6.2 Use Guidance .................................................................................................................................................11
6.3 Instruction on the binding of the receiver ..........................................................................................................12
6.4 Protection Function Description ......................................................................................................................12
6.5 Alarm for battery power...................................................................................................................................13
6.6 Car light control................................................................................................................................................13
6.7 Failsafe............................................................................................................................................................13
7. Product Specifications........................................................................................................14
7.1 Transmitter Specification( FS-VK-G4P) ..........................................................................................................15
7.2 Receiver Specification (VK-R4A) ....................................................................................................................15
8. Troubleshootings...............................................................................................15
9. Package Contents...............................................................................................16
10. Certification.......................................................................................................17
10.1 DoC Declaration ............................................................................................................................................17
10.2 CE Warning ...................................................................................................................................................17
10.3 Appendix 1 FCC Statement ..........................................................................................................................17
11. Environmentally friendly disposal..................................................................18
1.1 Safety Symbols
1.2 Safety Guide
Pay close attention to the following symbols and their meanings. Failure to follow these warnings could cause damage,
injury or death.
• Not following these instructions may lead to serious injuries or death.
• Not following these instructions may lead to major injuries.
• Not following these instructions may lead to minor injuries.
• Do not use the product at night or in bad weather like rain or thunderstorm. It can cause
erratic operation or loss of control.
• Do not use the product when visibility is limited.
• Do not use the product on rain or snow days. Any exposure to moisture (water or snow)
may cause erratic operation or loss of control.
Interference may cause loss of control. To ensure the safety of you and others, do not
operate in the following places:
• Near any site where other radio control activity may occur
• Near power lines or communication broadcasting antennas
• Near people or roads
• On any body of water when passenger boats are present
• Do not use this product when you are tired, uncomfortable, or under the influence of
alcohol or drugs. Doing so may cause serious injury to yourself or others.
The 2.4GHz radio band is limited to line of sight. Always keep your model in sight as a
large object can block the RF signal and lead to loss of control.
• Do not touch any part of the model that may generate heat during operation, or
immediately after use. The engine, motor or speed control, may be very hot and can cause
serious burns.
• Misuse of this product may lead to serious injury or death. To ensure the safety of you
and your equipment, read this manual and follow the instructions.
• Make sure the product is properly installed in your model. Failure to do so may result in
serious injury.
• Make sure to disconnect the receiver battery before turning off the transmitter. Failure to
do so may lead to unintended operation and cause an accident.
• Ensure that all motors operate in the correct direction. If not, adjust the direction first.
• Make sure the model stays within the systems maximum range to prevent loss of control.
Digital Proportional Radio Control System
2.1 Transmitter Overview
[1] Panel flip cover
Wheel angle, the maximum rotation of the steering wheel is
35 degrees from center to left or right (CH1)
[2] Steering reverse switch (ST.REV)
[11] Throttle trim (TH.TRIM )
[3] Power indicator LED (R. LED)
[12] Steering D/R (ST.D / R )
[4] Status indicator green LED (G.LED)
[13] Power switch
Two-colors LED battery power level display
(Car battery)
[14] Base, 4 * AA battery compartment
[6] Lanyard hole
[15] Three-position switch (CH3)
[7] Bind button (BIND)
[8] Throttle reverse (TH.REV)
[9] Steering trim (ST.TRIM )
Key Switch SW2 (CH4) [Please operate this function by
Throttle trigger, has a total throw of 12 degrees, 12.5
degrees forward, and 12.5 degrees backward (CH2)
Digital Proportional Radio Control System
2.2 Receiver Overview
Headlight interface
Left turn signal light interface
Right turn signal light interface
Battery cable interface"-"
Power cathode
Power anode
Battery cable interface"+"
Power switch
Signal end
Motor interface "M-"
Motor interface "M+"
3.Getting Started
Before operation, install the battery and connect the system as instructed below.
3.1 Transmitter Battery Installation
• Only use specified battery (X4 AA batteries).
• Do not open, disassemble, or attempt to repair the battery.
• Do not crush/puncture the battery, or short the external contacts.
• Do not expose to excessive heat or liquids.
• Do not drop the battery or expose to strong shocks or vibrations.
• Always store the battery in a cool, dry place.
• Do not use the battery if damaged.
Battery Type: AA
Insert 4 AA batteries with the correct polarity. Make sure it is connected with the correct polarity to avoid damage.
1. Open the battery compartment cover.
3. Replace battery compartment cover.
Low battery alarm: When the battery is lower than 4.2v, the G.LED on the panel will flash slowly.
Digital Proportional Radio Control System
After setting up, follow the instructions below to operate the system.
4.1 Power On
Follow the steps below to turn on the transmitter:
1. Check to make sure that that battery is fully charged and installed correctly.
2. Toggle the switch to the [ON] position. When active the R.LED will be lit.
3. Power on the receiver.
For safety always power on the transmitter before the receiver.
• Operate with caution in order to avoid damage or injury.
• Make sure that the throttle is at its lowest position and the switches are set to their up
4.2 LED Indicator
1. R.LED
2. G.LED
The red power indicator;
The green status indicator;
3. Car battery: Two-colors light for battery power level display (hereinafter referred to as D3)
• When the battery power level is high, the D3 green keeps on.
• When the battery power level is medium, the D3 orange keeps on.
• When the battery power level is low, the D3 red keeps on.
• When the battery power level is off, the D3 red slow flash
• When the receiver drops the code, the two-colors light is off.
4.3 Binding
The transmitter and receiver have already been bound at the factory.
However if the receiver needs to be replaced or additional receivers bound follow these steps:
1. Turn on the tra nsmit t er while h o l d i n g t he b i n d b u tto n to enter b i ndi n g mod e. G.LE D w i l l start
fl ashing qui ck ly.
• Once in binding mode release the BIND button.
2. Th e recei ver will power on a n d w a i t fo r 1 s e co n d , i f w i th o ut c onn ecti on , i t w i l l e nter i nto the
bind ing state au t omati cally;
3. Once binding is succ essf ul t h e L E D o f th e re c e i ve r w i l l keep on, an d the G.LE D w i l l off.
Note: When binding, put t he tr a n s mi t t er i n to b i nd i n g s ta te fir st, then th e rec ei ve r.
• Applicable to the FS-VK-G4P transmitter and the VK-R4A receiver. Different receivers have
different binding procedures. For more information, visit the FLYSKY website for manuals
and other related information.
• Product information is updated regularly, please visit our website for more information.
4.4 Stick Calibration
This fu ncti on is use d t o s et t he n e ut ra l p o si ti o n fo r thr o ttl e a nd wh eel .
Every transmitter is calibrated before leaving the factory, however if recalibration is required, please
follow these steps:
1. Tur n and hold t he wheel as f a r c l oc k w i se a s i t w i l l tu rn , hol d th e thro ttl e al l the w ay
forw ard,then t ur n on th e t ran smi t t e r i n ca l i b ra ti o n mo d e .
2. Cali brate wheel: Turn t he wh e e l c o m ple te l y c l o ck w i se , th en c ompl etel y c oun terc lo ck w i se.
The R.LED and G.LED will flash twice.
• Car Battery, the D3 yellow keeps on.
• When calibration is completed the R.LED will be off.
• Car Battery, the D3 red keeps on.
• When calibration is completed the G.LED will be off.
• Car Battery, the D3 Green keeps on.
4. Both Wheel and r igger ar e C a l i br a ti o n p a ss e d .
The two-colors light is off.
3. Tri gger calibra tion: Pull t he tr i g ge r b a ck th e n fo rw a rd a s far as i t w i l l go .
5. Once calibr at ion is com plet e d , p re s s th e b i n d k e y to sa v e and exi t.
4.5 Power Off
Follow the steps below to turn off the system:
1. Disconnect the receiver power.
2. Toggle the transmitter's power switch to the OFF position.
do so may lead to damage or serious injury.
• Make sure to disconnect the receiver power before turning off the transmitter. Failure to
Digital Proportional Radio Control System
5.System Functions
This section focuses on the functions and how to use them.
The transmitter out put s a tot al o f 4 c ha n n e l s, w h i ch a re a l l o c ated a s fol l o w s:
5.1 Channel Description
• CH1
Steering wheel
• CH2
Throttle trigger
• CH3
Three-position switch
• CH4
Key switch
5.2 Channel Reverse
5.3 Trims
Note : By de fault t he out put of CH 4 i s 1 0 0 0 u s, a fte r w h ic h p re ss ing th e butto n w i l l to ggl e between
1000 and 2000us .
This function is used to adjust e a ch c h an n e l s d i r ec ti on o f m ove men t i n r el ati on to i t’s i n put.
The ST.REV / TH. REV swit c hes a re th e re v e rse b u tto n s fo r C H 1 a nd C H 2 . If the s w i tch i s u p it
indicates rever se, and the dow n i n d i c a te s n o rma l .
The ST.TRIM is t he t rim s f or C H 1 ( s te e ri n g ),a n d c an b e mu l ti pl e xed a s Tri ms of C H 3 an d C H4. For
multip lexing switc hing mode, se e [ 5. 5 Mo d e S w i tch i n g ].
TH. TR IMis the trim s fo r CH2(t h r ot t l e ).
Adjustment range: - 120us- + 12 0 u s , e a c h s te p i s 4u s ;
ST. TR IM + / TH.T RI M +: incre a s e a d j u s tm en t s te p ;
ST. TR IM- / TH.T RI M- : Dec reas e a dj u s t me n t ste p .
LED Ind icator :
• When using the trim keys the G.LED will flash slowly on short presses and quickly on long presses.
• When the fine adjustment value is at the midpoint, the G.LED will flash twice slowly.
• When the fine adjustment value is at both ends (+ 120us / -120us), the trim adjustment is at its
maximum and as such G.LED will not flash(if the fine adjustment value has been adjusted to + 120us,
then press ST.TRIM + / TH.TRIM + key is invalid and G.LED has Instructions)
5.4 D/R
ST. D / R is for se rvo t ravel ad j us t me n t , w h i c h c a n b e mu l ti p l ex ed as C H 2 (thr ottl e), C H 3, C H4
servo travel adjus tm ent, see [ 5 .5 Mo d e S w i tch ] for mu l ti p l e x sw i tc hi ng m ode ;
Adj ustment range: 0-120%(t he d e fa u l t i s 1 0 0 % ), th e s te p i s 5 % .
ST.D / R + : inc rease ser vo tr a v el .
ST.D / R - : d ecr ease ser vo t r av e l .
LED Indicator:
• When using the trim keys the G.LED will flash slowly on short presses and quickly on long presses.
• When the ratio value is at both ends (0/120%), the ST.D / R button is at its maximum and as such G.LED
will not flash(if the ratio value has been adjusted to 120%, then press ST.D/R+ key is invalid and G.LED
has Instructions)
5.5 Mode Switching
Function setting:
This fu ncti on is for reusing the S T. T R I M an d S T.D / R b u tto n s for di fferen t c ha nnel s (se e [5.3
Trims], [5.4 D/R).
Under normal power -on, quic kl y p re s s t h e Bi n d b u tto n tw i c e (w i th in 1 Sec) to cycl e throu gh modes
1, 2, 3, and 4. Th e default set ti n g w h en p ow er in g o n i s mo d e 1 .
Mode 1: G.LED flas he s slowly o n ce , S T. TR IM i s C H1 fi n e a dj us tment, S T.D / R i s se rvo tra vel
Mode 2: G.LED fl ashes twice sl o w l y, ST.TR IM i s C H 1 fi n e a dj u stme nt, S T.D / R i s C H 2 se rvo travel
Mode 3: G.LED flas he s thr ee t i me s s l o w l y, ST.TR IM i s C H 3 fi ne a dj us tment, S T.D / R i s C H 3 servo
trave l adj ustme nt .
Mode 4: G.LED flas he s slowly f ou r t i m es , S T.TR IM i s C H 4 fin e ad ju stme nt, ST.D / R i s C H 4 servo
trave l adj ustme nt .
5.6 Failsafe
This fu ncti on prot ec ts t he use r b y pr e v en ti n g th e m o d e l fr om beha vi n g une xpe cted l y i f si gn al is
The tra nsmitter is d ef ault set as no s i g na l o u tp u t w h e n fa ci ng mal fun cti on a s the Fai l s afe
Digital Proportional Radio Control System
5.7 Beginner Mode
Beg inner mode is designed f or p e op l e n ew to th e h o b by.
In this mode the throt t le will be l i m i te d t o 5 0 p e rce nt, Th e ch ann el ran ge de faul ts to
Set up:
To switch between beginner and n or ma l mo d e s , fi r st p re ss a nd h ol d the cha nnel 4 button a nd Turn
the handwhe el to t he bot tom c o u n t e rc l o ck w i se , th e n tu rn o n th e tran smi tter.
Note : By default, th e sys t em is set t o n o rm al mo de . The GLE D w il l fl ash sl owl y for 3 s ec onds
during pow er o n if t he syst em i s se t t o b e g i n n e r mo d e .
Receiver Function Instructions
based o n ANT pr ot ocol is a three-in-one rece ive r with ESC and LED light group control
boa rd. It has an e xt ernal sin gl e a n t e n n a , ca n o utp u t P WM si g nal an d l i ght c ontro l si gn al , can
imple ment two-way t r ans m issi o n , a d o p ts a u to m ati c b i n d i ng , an d ha s a co mpa ct d e si g n, which
can be adapted t o v ari ous m od e l s.
6.1 Attentions
serious injury.
• Make sure the pr oduct i s inst a l l e d a n d ca l i b ra te d c or r ec tly, fai lu re to do so m ay re sul t in
• Please carefull y check each p ow e r d e vi c e a n d c a r fr am e i nstr uc tion s to en sur e the po wer
match ing is r ea sonable before u s e . Avo i d da ma gi ng po wer s y ste m due to inc or rec t m atching.
• Do not let the ext e rnal t emper at u re o f the sy s tem ex c eed 90 ℃ /19 4 ℉ , be cau se h ig h
te mpe rature w il l da mage t he po w e r s ys tem .
• Make sure the r ece ive r's b at t ery i s di sc o n n e cte d b e fo re tu rn i ng off th e tran smi tter, fa i l ure to
do so may lea d t o uninte nded o p er a ti on or lo ss o f co n tro l .
• After use, remem ber t o disc on ne c t th e ba tte ry a n d th e E S C . If the b attery i s n' t di sc onn ected,
th e ESC will c ons ume elect ric e ne r gy al l th e tim e e ve n i f i t i s off. It w i l l di sc har ge c ompletely if
conne ct the ba t tery f or a long ti m e, t h u s re su lti ng i n th e fa i l ur e of the b attery o r the E S C. We
are not respo nsi ble f or any dam a ge c a us e d b y th i s!
• Make sure the r ece ive r is mou nt e d aw a y fr om mo tor s o r a n y d evi c e that e mi ts ex ces si v e
• Keep the antenna of th e recei ve r a t l e as t 1 cm a w a y fro m c o ndu ct i ve ma ter ial s su ch as carbon
electrical noise .
or m etal .
• Do not pow er on t he rec eiver d u ri n g t h e se tu p pr oc e ss to p re ve nt l oss of con trol .
6.2 Use Guidance
1 . Con nect related e quipm ent .
• Make sure the ESC is o ff bef or e c o n n ecti o n . C o n n e ct th e motor w i th M + a nd M- o f E S C .
Connect the steering se rvo t o t h e 3 P i n i nte rfa ce ma rk e d w i t h “S T” o f ES C (- + S c onne cted
correspondingly). Connectthe battery with the positive and negative poles of ESC correspondingly.
Tip s:
If the rotation direct ion is n ot c o rr e ct d u rin g ru n n i ng , e x ch a nge th e tw o w i res co nnec ti ng motor
and ES C.
2. Nor mal boot, i dent if icat io n t h ro t t l e mi d p o i n t
• After connecting related equipment as step 1, turn on the radio first, move the throttle trigger to
the neutral positi on. Turn on t h e sw i t c h o f E SC a t l a s t. Th e re cei v er w i l l au to mati c al l y re cognize
t he battery type wh en i t is po we r ed o n a g a i n . Th e n i t ca n ru n i t.
Digital Proportional Radio Control System
Notes: a. The ES C ca n be r un af t e r co mp l e ti n g se l f-i n s p e cti o n (a b out 3 s eco nds ) i f pow er on,
othe rwi se it cannot be operate d n o rm al l y.
b . If ther e is no power ou t pu t an d t he re d l i g h t o f ES C fl ash es q ui ck l y a fte r pow e r on,
please c heck whet her t he t hr ot t l e t ri m o f th e tra n smi tte r i s s et to the "0 " p osi ti o n, th e rec ei ver will
auto maticall y r ec ognize t he m i d p o i n t o f t h e tr i m th ro ttl e a fte r res tarti ng ;
c . If the rot at ion direct io n i s n o t c o rr ec t d ur i n g ru n ni n g, ex cha nge th e tw o w i res con necting
motor and ESC.
d . To mak e sur e ever yt hi n g i s o k , pl e a se tu rn o n th e t ran smi tter fi rs t and fi n al l y tur n on the
ESC, turn off th e ESC f ir st and f i na l l y t ur n o ff th e tra n smi tte r.
6.3 Instruction on the binding of the receiver
If you need to b ind t he r ec eive r a g ai n , p l ea se re fe r to [4 .3 Bi n di ng ]
Notes: (1) Set the tr ansm it t er t o i t s b i n di n g s ta te fi rst, a n d th e n se t the rec ei ve r to i ts bi n di ng
state. If the bi nding is not com p l e te d w i t hi n 1 0 s, th e i nd i c a tor l i gh t o f th e rec ei ve r w i l l ente r its
slow flashing stat e.
(2) If re- binding is s ucces s f u l , a l l th e se tti n g s o f th e c ar l i gh ts w i l l be r esto red to the i r
defa ult val ues.
6.4 Protection Function Description
1. Low volt age p ro tecti o n
The low -voltage prot ec tio n val u e i s 6 .3 V.
When the ESC det ec ts t hat t he ba t t e ry v ol ta g e re a c he s th e l o w- vo ltag e p rote ction va lu e for 2
seco nds, the outp ut power of E S C w i l l be h a l ve d , th a t i s , th e ESC wi ll ope ra te at 50 % of the
outp ut power. The ESC will cu t off th e o utp u t co mp l ete l y aft er a fe w s ec ond s, and th e red l ight of
ESC wi ll blin k in c ycle. Af t er t r i gg e ri n g th e l o w -vo l ta g e p ro te cti on , p l eas e rep l ace th e ba tte ry or
fully charge the batt ery b ef ore u s e.
Note: If i t i s easy to tr igger t he l ow vo l t a g e p ro te cti o n du ri n g u s e , i t is pro bab l y ca use d by the
insufficient dischar ge capacit y o f th e b at te ry. P l e a se re p l a ce th e batter y w i th a h i ghe r di sc harge
rate to test.
2.Over heat prot ect i on
When the internal t em per at ure o f E S C re a ch e s th e p re se t v al ue (110
manufactur er and last s for 2 s e c o n ds , th e ES C wi ll di re c tl y cut o ff th e output, and all car l ights
flash promptly,
) o f th e
/23 0
Note: If ESC is easy t o t ri gger t he o ve rh e a t p ro tec ti o n , i t i s u su a l l y be cau se th e con fi gura ti on is
unreasonable, that is , t he ESC c a n no t mee t th e v e hic l e c onfi gur atio n req uir em ents, p leas e reduce
the vehicle load or r epl ace t he E S C w i t h h i g h e r p o we r.
3. Signal loss p ro t ecti o n
When the ESC de tect s t hat t hr ot t l e s i g n a l is lo st fo r 0 .1s , it w il l autom ati cal ly c ut off the output
and the red li ght w ill f la sh quic k l y.
4. Self-check di sp l a y:
All c ar lights will be on f or 1S w h en t h e r ec ei ve r i s po wer e d on.
6.5 Alarm for battery power
This receiver prov ides a n alar m f o r t h e b a tte r y p o w e r l e ve l . You ca n ob ser ve the col o r of the LED
indicator on the t ransmit t er t o l e a rn ab o u t th e b a tte ry p o we r l ev el i n re al ti me. W hen th e battery
power l ev el i s too low, yo u nee d t o c ha r ge i n ti m e .
• When the batter y power leve l i s h i g h , t he co l o r o f th e L ED i n di ca to r i s gr een , a nd the LE D
indicator is alway s on.
• When the batter y power leve l i s m e di u m, th e c o l o r o f th e LE D i ndi c ator i s oran ge, an d the LED
indicator is alway s on.
• When the batter y power leve l i s l o w, t he co l o r o f th e L E D i ndi c ator i s r ed, an d the L ED i ndicator
is alw ays on.
• When the batter y power leve l i s u l t ra - l ow, th e co l or of th e LE D i nd i cato r i s red , and the LED
indicator is in flashing s lowly st a t e .
Notes : (1) When th e batt ery powe r le v e l i s u l tra -l o w, th e th ro ttl e o f the m ode l car h as n o output,
but the direc tion ca n be co nt ro l l e d.
(2) When the battery po w e r l e v e l i s n o t u l tra - l ow, th e mo del car c an be co ntr ol l ed normally.
6.6 Car light control
The car light c ont rol is m ainly i m pl e m en t th e c h an ge o v e r o f l i ghti n g state s an d l i ghti n g modes by
sett ing the transim it t er.
1. Car light con tro l
The left and right turn signal l i gh ts o f t h e m o de l c a r a re co ntrol l e d thro ugh r otati ng th e ha nd wheel
of the transmi tter, while t he hea dl i g h t co n tro l i s d o n e b y to g gl i ng th e C H 3 ke y on th e tran smitter.
• When the hand wheel is rot at e d c l o c k w i se o r co u n te rc l o ckw i s e, i .e. w he n the mo del ca r i s
turned to the left or r ight , t he tu r n s i g n al l i g h t i s i n a sl o w flas hi ng state.
• When the CH3 key o n t he t r a ns m i tt e r i s l o ca te d a t th e l e ftmost en d, the he adl ig ht is o ff. When
the CH 3 key is loca t ed at the mi d d l e po s i ti o n , th e h e a d l i g h t i s on . When th e C H3 k ey i s l ocated at
the rightmost en d, the headlig ht i s i n a fa s t fl a sh in g s ta te .
2. Modes of the car l i g ht c on tr o l
Press CH4 button on t he t rans mi t t er t o s w i tch the w o r ki n g mode o f th e ca r li gh t co n tro l. One mode
is switched while yo u pr ess t he C H 4 b u t ton on ce . Th a t i s , tu rn si gn al l i ght mo de, em erge nc y light
mode, sharp flash mode and o ff mo d e a r e s w i tc he d i n tur n .
• Turn signal lig ht mode: In t hi s m o de , th e tu rn si g n a l l i g h t i s i n a sl ow fl as hi ng state w h en the
model car turns. T he t urn sig na l l i g h t s a r e al wa ys o ff w h e n the m ode l c ar d oes n' t tu rn.
• E mer gency li ght m ode: I n t hi s mo d e, t h e tur n s ig n al l i g h ts a re i n a s yn chro nou s an d sl o w
flashing state reg ardless of whe th e r t h e mod el ca r tu rn s o r n ot.
• S harp flash mode: I n t his mo d e, t he t u rn si g n a l l i g h ts a re i n a s yn chr ono us an d fas t fl as hing
sta te regardless of whet her th e m od e l c ar tur ns o r n o t.
• Off mode: In thi s mode, the t u rn s i g n a l li gh ts a re a l w a ys o ff rega rdl e ss o f w h ethe r the model car
turns or not.
Note : Every time t he re ceiver is t urn e d o n , th e m od e o f th e c ar li ght c ontr ol i s i n tur n si gnal light
6.7 Failsafe
This fu ncti on is use d t o prot ec t t h e sa f e t y o f th e mo d e l a n d the ope rator w h en the r ece i ver cannot
normally receive t he signal f rom t h e tr an smi tte r a n d i s o u t o f con tr ol . The re ce iv er d efaul ts that
the thro ttle channel is f ixed t o b e o u t o f co n tro l a n d e n te rs th e bra ke s tate. A fte r othe r cha nnels
are out of control, t he receiv er ha s n o s i g n al o u tp u t. If y o u se t i t on th e tran smi tter, i t w i l l output
ac co rdi ng to the s et v alue.
Digital Proportional Radio Control System
7. Product Specifications
7.1 Transmitter Specifications
Product Model
According to battery type
VK-R4A, HRZ00015
Car, Boat
Model Type
RF Power
2.4GHz Protocol
Channel Resolution
Charging Interface
Life time
Low Voltage Warning
Data Interface
Temperature Range
Humidity Range
Online Update
8. Troubleshootings
Possible Causes
The motor cannot st a rt
and the indicator light i s
not o n after power on.
1. Th e ES C has no w orkin g
vo ltage .
2. Th e s wit ch o f ES C or
ES C its elf i s damag ed
1 . C he ck wh e th er th ere i s a n y c o n ne ction
p rob le m be twee n the batter y a nd ES C
a nd wh ethe r th ere i s fau lty w el d i n g o f the
re le va nt pl ug.
2 . R etu rn to fa ctory fo r in sp ec ti o n a n d
tre atme nt.
The motor cannot st a rt
and the red LED f la shes
quickly after power on.
T he midpoint of thr ottle
ch annel of r adi o i s shi ft o r
ch anged
Ad ju st the thr ottle c ha nne l of th e ra d i o to
ma tch th e exi stin g ne utral p o in t ( un til the
re d l ig ht do e s n ot fla sh).
When forward th e ca r by
radio , it reverse.
The motor suddenly
sto ps rotating d ur ing
1. Th e c onn ect i on se quenc e
bet ween out put lin e of
ES C and m otor li ne.
2. Th e t hr ot t le di rectio n o f
ra dio i s wro ng ly s et
1. Th e t hr ot t le sig na l is l os t.
2. Th e ES C ent ers l ow
vo ltage pro tect io n or
ov erheat pr ot ecti on of
bat t ery
1 .E xcha n ge the po si tio n of two l i n e s of
mo tor.
2 . Se t thro ttl e di rec tion o f r ad i o to th e
o pp osi te di re ction
1 .C he ck r adi o a nd re cei ve r.
2 . Th e re d l ig h t o f th e ESC wi l l fl as h i n
a s in gl e cyc le. P leas e ch ec k th e b a ttery
vo lta ge and the tempe rature o f ES C .
When the motor st art s,
it acceler ates rapidly,
and the motor is s tuc k
or stops.
1. B at t ery discha rge
ca pacit y is insuffi cie nt
2. Th e r ot ation sp ee d of
mot or i s too fa st, th e gear
ra tio is n ot reaso nabl e.
1 . R ep la ce b atte ry with stro ng d is c ha rge
ca pa ci ty.
2 .R ep la ce l o w spe ed mo tor,or i n cr ea se the
re du ctio n ra ti o .
Digital Proportional Radio Control System
9. Package Contents
Transm itte r* 1
Receiver *1
10. Certification
10.1 DoC Declaration
10.2 CE Warning
Hereby, [Flysky Technology co., ltd] declares that the Radio Equipment is in compliance with RED
The full text of the EU DoC is available at the following internet address:
The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all
persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other transmitter. End-users and installers
must be provided with antenna installation instructions and transmitter operating conditions for satisfying RF exposure
10.3 Appendix 1 FCC Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device pursuant to part 15 of
the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used
in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to
radio or televison reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try
to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
To assure continued compliance, any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
This equipment complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this
equipment. Such modifications could void the user authority to operate the equipment.
1. The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all
persons and must not be co-lacated or operating in conjunction with any other transmitter.End-users and installers
must be provided with antenna installation instructions and transmitter operating conditions for satisfying RF exposure
2. Move all your channels to the desired position.
3. Select [All channels] and then [Yes] in the confirmation box.
This device contains licence-exempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that comply with Innovation,
Science and Economic Development?Canada’s licence-exempt RSS(s).Operation is subject
to the following two conditions:
1.This device may not cause interference.
2.This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
L’émetteur/récepteur exempt de licence contenu dans le présent appareil est conforme aux
CNR d’Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada applicables aux
appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :
1.L’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage;
L’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est
susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.
FCC statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions:
1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class
B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
--Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
--Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
--Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
--Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement
This device complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an
uncontrolled environment. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in
conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
11. Environmentally friendly disposal
Old electrical appliances must not be disposed of together with the residual
waste, but have to be disposed of separately. The disposal at the communal
collecting point via private persons is for free. The owner of old appliances
is responsible to bring the appliances to these collecting points or to similar
collection points. With this little personal effort, you contribute to recycle
valuable raw materials and the treatment of toxic substances.
Digital Proportional Radio Control
Copyright ©2021 Flysky Technology co., ltd
Release date: 2021-06-15
1 | ID label and location | ID Label/Location Info | 260.24 KiB | September 06 2021 |
FCC ID: N4ZVKR4A01 Page 1 of 1 Report No.: CTL2107099022-WF FCC-ID Label Information 1. Label location:
Digital proportional radio control system Model: VK-R4A 2. FCC ID Label:
1 | Confidentiality | Cover Letter(s) | 53.74 KiB | September 06 2021 |
Office of Engineering Technology
Federal Communications Commission
7435 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, MD 21046
Subject: Request for Confidentiality
To Whom It May Concern,
Date: 2021.09.01
to the provisions of Sections 0.457 and 0.459 of Commission's rules
(47CFR0.457, 0.459), we are requesting the Commission to withhold the following
attachment(s) as confidential document from public disclosure.
ID Label/Location
Attestation Statement
External Photos
Block Diagram
Test Report
Test Setup Photos
User’s Manual
Internal Photos
Parts List / Tune Up
RF Exposure Info
Operational Description
Cover Letter(s)
SDR Software / Security Info
Above mentioned document contains detailed system and equipment description are
considered as proprietary information in operation of
the equipment. The public
disclosure of above documents might be harmful to our company and would give
competitor an unfair advantage in the market.
It is our understanding that all measurement test reports, FCC ID label format and
correspondent during certification review process cannot be granted as confidential
documents and those information will be available for public review once the grant of
equipment authorization is issued.
Name:COOL Chen
1 | Family declaration | Attestation Statements | 122.77 KiB | September 06 2021 |
West building3, Huangjianyuan Ind, Park QIAOLI North Gate Changping Town, Dongguan, China
TEL: 0769-86836007
FAX: 0769-83365124
Series Models Description
Federal Communications Commission
Authorization and Evaluation Division
Date: September 1, 2021
The device (Product Name: Digital proportional radio control system)
Models Name: VK-R4A, HRZ00015 have same electrical, PCB and BOM, only
the model
s name and colour are different for marketing requirements.
7435 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, MD 21046
To whom it may concern:
1 | Letter Authorization | Cover Letter(s) | 46.70 KiB | September 06 2021 |
C5266091_X8_Ed.1 Letter of Authorization Company: FLYSKY RC MODEL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD Address: West building3, Huangjianyuan Ind, Park QIAOLI North Gate Changping Town, Dongguan, China Product Name: Digital proportional radio control system Model Number: VK-R4A, HRZ00015 FCC Identifier: N4ZVKR4A01 We authorize LGAI Technological Center S.A., Ronda de la Font del Carme, s/n, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain, to act on our behalf on all matters concerning the above named equipment. Any individual within LGAI Technological Center S.A. is authorized to act on our behalf and take action on the application. We declare that authorize LGAI Technological Center S.A., Ronda de la Font del Carme, s/n, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain, is allowed to forward all information related to the approval project to the Federal Communication Commission and to discuss any issues concerning the approval application. Any and all acts carried out by LGAI Technological Center S.A. on our behalf shall have the same effect as acts of our own. Name: COOL Chen Date: 2021.09.01 Title: VICE MANEGER Signature of applicant:
frequency | equipment class | purpose | ||
1 | 2021-09-06 | 2406 ~ 2472 | DXX - Part 15 Low Power Communication Device Transmitter | Original Equipment |
app s | Applicant Information | |||||
1 | Effective |
1 | Applicant's complete, legal business name |
1 | FCC Registration Number (FRN) |
1 | Physical Address |
West building3, Huangjianyuan Ind, Park QIAOLI North Gate Changping Town
1 |
West building3, Huangjianyuan Ind
1 |
Dongguan, N/A
1 |
app s | TCB Information | |||||
1 | TCB Application Email Address |
1 | TCB Scope |
A2: Low Power Transmitters (except Spread Spectrum) and radar detectors operating above 1 GHz
app s | FCC ID | |||||
1 | Grantee Code |
1 | Equipment Product Code |
app s | Person at the applicant's address to receive grant or for contact | |||||
1 | Name |
C******** C********
1 | Title |
1 | Telephone Number |
1 | Fax Number |
1 |
app s | Technical Contact | |||||
1 | Firm Name |
ShenZhen FLYSKY Technology Co.,Ltd
1 | Name |
C**** C********
1 | Physical Address |
1 |
1 | Telephone Number |
86 07********
1 | Fax Number |
86 07********
1 |
app s | Non Technical Contact | |||||
n/a | ||||||
app s | Confidentiality (long or short term) | |||||
1 | Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | Yes | ||||
1 | Long-Term Confidentiality Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | No | ||||
if no date is supplied, the release date will be set to 45 calendar days past the date of grant. | ||||||
app s | Cognitive Radio & Software Defined Radio, Class, etc | |||||
1 | Is this application for software defined/cognitive radio authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Equipment Class | DXX - Part 15 Low Power Communication Device Transmitter | ||||
1 | Description of product as it is marketed: (NOTE: This text will appear below the equipment class on the grant) | Digital proportional radio control system | ||||
1 | Related OET KnowledgeDataBase Inquiry: Is there a KDB inquiry associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 | Modular Equipment Type | Does not apply | ||||
1 | Purpose / Application is for | Original Equipment | ||||
1 | Composite Equipment: Is the equipment in this application a composite device subject to an additional equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Related Equipment: Is the equipment in this application part of a system that operates with, or is marketed with, another device that requires an equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Is there an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 | If there is an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application, has the associated waiver been approved and all information uploaded? | No | ||||
app s | Test Firm Name and Contact Information | |||||
1 | Firm Name |
Shenzhen CTL Testing Technology Co., Ltd.
1 | Name |
T**** Q********
1 | Telephone Number |
1 |
Equipment Specifications | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line | Rule Parts | Grant Notes | Lower Frequency | Upper Frequency | Power Output | Tolerance | Emission Designator | Microprocessor Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 15C | 2406.00000000 | 2472.00000000 |
some individual PII (Personally Identifiable Information) available on the public forms may be redacted, original source may include additional details
This product uses the FCC Data API but is not endorsed or certified by the FCC