mBFT17(V), multi-path Blue Force Tracker Operator Manual JANUARY 2018 Table of Content 1. OVER VIEW ..................................................................................................................... 5 2. DESCRIPTIONS OF MBFT17(V) ........................................................................................ 6 3. DESCRIPTIONS OF BATTERY PACK ASSEMBLY ................................................................. 6 4. OPERATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................................................ 7 4.1 POWER ON/OFF ......................................................................................................................... 7 4.2 VOLUME CONTROL ........................................................................................................................... 7 4.3 SHORTCUT BUTTON .......................................................................................................................... 7 4.4 LED INDICATOR ............................................................................................................................... 7 4.5 SATELLITE LED INDICATOR ................................................................................................................. 7 4.6 POWER PORT .................................................................................................................................. 7 4.7 USB PORT ..................................................................................................................................... 7 4.8 GPS ANTENNA ........................................................................................................................... 7 4.9 IRIDIUM SATELLITE ANTENNA ................................................................................................... 8 4.10 CHARGER ASSEMBLY ................................................................................................................. 8 4.11PROTECTIVE CASE ................................................................................................................. 8 5. OPERATION PROCEDURE ................................................................................................ 9 5.1 LOGIN ........................................................................................................................................... 9 5.2 MAIN MENU ............................................................................................................................ 10 5.3 INITIAL USER REGISTRATION ................................................................................................... 11 5.4 TACTICAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ 12 5.5. DIAGNOSTICS ........................................................................................................................ 13 5.6 SETTING ................................................................................................................................. 18 5.7 C2 MESSAGES ........................................................................................................................ 19 5.8 CAMERA ................................................................................................................................. 22 5.9 ELECTRONIC MAP ................................................................................................................... 23 6. COMPONENTS .......................................................................................................... 27 7. SPECIFICATIONS ....................................................................................................... 29 8. CERTIFICATION ......................................................................................................... 29 List of figures Figure 1-1 operational diagram of mBFT17(V) _____________________________________ 5 Figure 2-1 mBFT17(V) Assembly ________________________________________________ 6 Figure 3-1 Battery pack assembly _______________________________________________ 6 Figure 5-1Login screen _______________________________________________________ 9 Figure 5-2 main menu & status bar of screen _____________________________________ 10 Figure 5-3Tactical information management screen _______________________________ 12 Figure 5-4 Setting screen ____________________________________________________ 18 Figure 5-5 GPS status screen __________________________________________________ 18 Figure 5-6 C2 message screen _________________________________________________ 19 Figure 5-7 Free format message screen ________________________________________ 20 Figure 5-8 Position Location Report screen ______________________________________ 21 Figure 5-9 Camera screen ____________________________________________________ 22 Figure 5-10 Photo viewer screen ______________________________________________ 22 Figure 5-11 menu bar on the Map _____________________________________________ 23 Figure 5-12 Distance measuring between two points on the map_____________________ 24 Figure 5-13 Location calculation with direction and distance _______________________ 24 Figure 5-14 Set reference point _______________________________________________ 25 Figure 5-15 Hand sketch 1 ____________________________________________________ 25 Figure 5-16Hand sketch 2 ____________________________________________________ 26 Figure 6-1 components of mBFT17(V) __________________________________________ 28
1. Over view Hyundai J.Comms mBFT17(V), multi-path Blue Force Tracker (hereafter mBFT17(V)) is an advanced hand held blue force tracking terminal for users to enables them sharing situational awareness in near real time by position reporting & C2 messaging. With integral GPS receiver and electronic map, users can identify its accurate position and share various tactical messages with geographic location information to other subscribers through integral iridium and optional communication modems (analog radio modem, WCDMA modem). Use of mBFT17(V) and or external WCDMA modem is available after proper subscription procedure with local representative of Iridium satellite service provider and mobile telecommunication service provider respectively. mBFT17(V) has BLE Bluetooth module to support local area sensor (e.g. heart rate meter, temperature-humidity sensor). Also it has designed to utilize location based service such as beacon sensors. Figure 1-1 operational diagram of mBFT17(V) 2. Descriptions of mBFT17(V) mBFT17(V) assembly support data communication with Iridium satellite network via integral data communication modem and it support data communication with WCDMA communication network and tactical radio network via optional external WCDMA modem and analog radio modem respectively. Figure2-1 mBFT17(V) Assembly 3. Descriptions of Battery pack assembly Battery pack assembly is rechargeable Lithium-ion Polymer battery with Max 3.7V 5800mAh capacity and supply power to mBFT17(V) as installed inside of mBFT17(V). Figure3-1 Battery pack assembly 4. Operational Instructions 4.1 Pressing power button right upper placed over 2 seconds powering mBFT17(V). Power ON/OFF Pressing power button right upper placed over 2 seconds then turn off mBFT17(V) by click terminate icon on the LCD 4.2 Volume control Press volume UP/DOWN button left upper placed to control volume. 4.3 Shortcut button User can use Menu/home/Cancel buttonin accordance with its Intended use. 4.4 LED indicator The status LED lights up green as mBFT17(V) powered on. The status LED lights up red while mBFT17(V) is charging. The status LED lights up green when the recharging is completed. 4.5 Satellite LED indicator Satellite LED indicator lights up green as Iridium satellite communication is available. Satellite LED indicator lights out as Iridium satellite communication is unavailable. 4.6 Power port mBFT17(V) can be powered by AC power supply for long time in door use or lack of battery. Connect cable of AC power supply assembly to power port placed bottom of mBFT17(V). Once it connected normally, status bar placed top of LCD display charging icon. In case of charging failure, please re-
connect charging cable. Please replace AC/DC adaptor for permanent charging failure. 4.7 USB Port mBFT17(V) has USB port to connect it to usb port at computer to download user data and or map data. Once the cable connected normally, user can identify it display of the computer. USB drive supplied with mBFT17(V) should be installed on the computer. 4.8 GPS Antenna mBFT17(V) has integral GPS receiver to acquire GPS signal. If mBFT17(V) fail to acquire GPS signal after 2minutes later powering on then powering off then re-install GPS antenna. Please replace GPS antenna for permanent failure. External GPS antenna installation recommended for In door or vehicle operation. 4.9 Iridium satellite antenna mBFT17(V) has integral Iridium satellite antenna to communicate through Iridium satellite network. If mBFT17(V) fail to receive Iridium satellite signal after 2minutes later powering on then powering off then re-install Iridium satellite antenna. Please replace Iridium satellite antenna for permanent failure. External Iridium satellite antenna installation recommended for In door or vehicle operation. 4.10 Voice call When you talk on the phone, you take off your minibag. Hold the terminal in your hand and make voice calls using earphones. 4.11 Charger assembly Rechargeable battery pack assembly of mBFT17(V) can be charged by charger assembly with high speed. Install rechargeable battery pack assembly into charger assembly then connect to AC power supply cable. The status LED lights up red as connect AC power supply cable while charging. The status LED lights up green when the recharging is completed. External Iridium satellite antenna installation recommended for In door or vehicle operation. 4.12 Protective case The protective case is used to protect the handset from external impacts.. 4.13 Mini Bag Mini bag is used exclusively for carrying equipment. 5. Operation procedure 5.1 Login 1. Input password (eight digit) 2. Then Press OK ICON Figure 5-1Login screen 5.2 Main Menu Figure 5-2 main menu & status bar of screen Map ICON Inspection ICON Setting ICON Tactical ICON Message ICON Camera ICON User Information Management End Status Bar Position Communication Status Bar 3G Antenna Bar Satellite Antenna Bar GPS Antenna Bar New Massage Status Bar Battery Status Bar Time 5.3 Initial userregistration Initial user of mBFT17(V)should input required information into mBFT17(V) before use. A. Basic setting for communication should be done for C2 message exchange.These items are controlled as list and user should set these information in Tactical B. To send C2 messages or position reporting, permanent station should be set. C. Then automatic position reporting, SOS emergency message should be set. (Refer to automatic position reporting, SOS emergency message in setting.) 5.4 Tactical Information User can manage tactical information in the Tactical Informationmenu as follows. Figure 5-3Tactical information management screen Friendly Force Management ICON Enemy Force Management ICON Group Management ICON Illegal User Management ICON Personnel Equipment Management ICON Tactical Graphic Management ICON 5.5. Diagnostics Inspection menu of mBFT17(V)povides built in test function. User can verify functionality of SDCard, Battery Gauge, Ethernet Device, GPS module, Iridium module, FPGA, LED Lamp, Display, Sound, Vibrator, Touch panel and Keypad. User can verify individual functionality by click left button respectively or verify all at a time by click Test all at bottom. In normal status each items grey window (
In abnormal status each items grey window (
) turn to green (
) turn to red (
) A. SD card SC memory Card is main storage of mBFT17(V) which has electronic map and C2 messages. Click button check up SD card. button check up battery then display capacity of the battery onresult B. Battery Click window. C. Ethernet Device Click button check up Ethernet device. D. GPS receiver Click button check up GPS receiver. E. Iridium Communication Module Click F. FPGA Click button check up Iridium Communication Module button check up FPGA G. LED Indicators Click button check up LED indicators Cross check between actual LED indicator of mBFT17(V) and LED indicators displayed picture in LCD. H. Display Click Display color changed sequentially from green to red to blue in 1 second. button check up LCD. I. Sound Click button check up sound J. Vibration motor Click button check up vibration motor K. Touch panel Click button check up touch panel Display change as below picture of 1 then check up if each red colored X disappeared by click. L. Keypad Click check up key pad. Keypad check up displays each key on LCD then disappeared by pressing each key.. 5.6 Setting This menu set GPS, Iridium communication, WCDMA communication, Ethernet communication. This is slide-to activation switchofGPS.It is activated by slide it to right then de-activates by slide it to left.Above picture show activated GPS. If user touches GPS line except slide switch, hidden button as above displayed and it is for checking GPS status. GPS Sky view displayed when it enter into GPS status menu (refer to Figure XX GPS status view). It displays available and acquired GPS. (Green dot is GPS and blue dot is GLONASS.) Figure 5-4 Setting screen Figure 5-5 GPS status screen Display shift to CNR view as right above by touching strengths of receive GPS signal as CNR value. button. The above table displays signal It is slide-to activationswitch of integral Iridium satellite communication module. It is activated by slide it to right then de-activates by slide it to left. Above picture show de-activated. It is slide-to activation switch of external WCDMA communication module. It is activated by slide it to right then de-activates by slide it to left. Above picture show de-activated. It is slide-to activation switch of integral Ethernet communication module.It is activated by slide it to right then de-activates by slide it to left. Above picture show de-activated. If user touches LAN line except slide switch, it enters into Ethernet setting mode to set IP, MASK, GATEWAY and BCCP. 5.7 C2 Messages In C2 message menu of mBFT 17(V), user can create, edit and manage messages sent or received. Create new message List of messages (sent/received) Received messages Sent messages Button to create free format message Button to create position location reporting Button to create intelligence information report Button to create meteorological report Button to create situation report Button to createNBC1 report Button to createNBC4 report(NBC RECON) Button to createCall for fire message Button to create Target damage Assessment report Button to create Person & Equipment report Button to check status of message Message select toggle button Show types of message Select all button Delete selected message button Figure 5-6 C2 message screen A. Free format message Click free format message button on the first menu to write free format message. Scroll menu is fixed permanent station that user belong to. User can choose recipient of the message by scrolling of button. Recipient list show registered friendly force and group of Tactical information. Figure 5-7 Free format message screen Available transmission path will be scrolled ahead recipient, relevant transmission path should be set before use. Free format message consist with title and contents. Once click send button, transmission initiated then shift to new message write window. If click save button, mBFT17(V) store message but not send then shift to new message write window. User can prioritize the message between normal and immediate. B. Position Location report User can report its position location report to designated recipient and group GPS acquired coordination is default. User can input MGRS coordinate manually or choose position on the map by click position button in case of GPS failure or user wants to change its position manually. Scroll menu permanent station that user belong to. User can choose recipient of the message is fixed By scrolling of button. Available transmission path will scrolled ahead recipient, relevant transmission path should be set before use. By scrolling of set current status of operation. user can Once click send button, transmission initiated then shift to new message write window. If click save button, mBFT17 store message but not send then shift to new message write window. Figure 5-8Position Location Report screen 5.8 Camera mBFT17(V) has 500M pixel Camera upper back and support dedicated picture viewer application. User can access camera by click Take Picture button Once select photo in photo viewer menu then display shift to menu to send photo to designated recipient and group. Scroll menu that user belong to. User can choose recipient of the photoBy scrolling of is fixed permanent station button. Available transmission path will scrolled ahead recipient, relevant transmission path should be set before use. User can back to main menu by press back key bottom right on the mBFT17(V) when it display photo viewer menu or send file menu. In send file menu, click save button just save message then back to main menu. Transmission of photo take long time so it operated as background and status bar placed top of menu show its status of transmission or receiving. Figure 5-9Camera screen Figure 5-10 Photo viewer screen 5.9 Electronic Map When it enters to map menu, map is displayed as below pictures. On the map menu, user can move area of map by touch or drag on the LCD. Vertical control menu consist with + and - to magnify or reduce map and toggle key to fix display or rotate it per moving direction and return key to users current position from up to down. Bottom menu provide access to message, setting camera and tactical information by click. A. Vertical Control button in 1, 2 and 3 in red colored squares Button 1 toggled its display on the map by button 2.
+. 1 in key enable magnitude/reduce displayed map level Third from top Lock button in 1 is toggle key between map rotation per moving direction or rotation of arrow symbol lock displayed, map doesnt rotate but symbol in 4 rotate. in 4. When Concentric circle symbol displays symbol. distance from in 1 arrow Figure 5-11 menu bar on the Map B. Shortcut menu of map screen Touch then press one point on map screen around 1 second displays shortcut menu (refer to left picture below) Figure 5-12Distance measuring between two points on the map C. Distance measuring between two points in map Click Measure Distance button displays distance between selected two points on the map. Distance measuring performed as shown picture above. If type MGRS coordinate intocolumn of from and to it displays distance and direction as shown in right picture above. At the moment, user can set the points on the map by pressing one point around 1 second. D. Location calculation with direction and distance Touch then press one point on map screen around 1 second displays shortcut menu (refer to left picture below) Figure 5-13 Location calculation with direction and distance At the moment, click Take location button enables user to acquire coordinate with direction and distance. Once entered into this menu, point on the map pressed then hold 1 second become entered as a reference point.(Refer to third picture from left to right in above picture). Once reference point entered, type distance and bearing then click Calc button to display location with acquired coordinate. E. Reference point Touch then press specific point on map screen around 1 second displays shortcut menu (refer to left picture below) Figure 5-14 Set reference point Choose point as above then click Pointing button creates reference point on the map and store it. These created reference point and my position displayed on the map by click target shaped button in 3 of main menu by turns. F. Hand sketch mode mBFT17(V) provide hand sketch mode on the map and entered into this menu by pressing one point on the map then hold 1 second then choose add sketch among popup menu. Figure 5-15 Hand sketch1 shows how to add path on the map. Click add sketch popup menu to use type of sketch in of Figure 5-15 Hand sketch 1. Figure 5-15 Hand sketch 1 Click Pathin clears popup menu and bottom menu bar as well then Cancle and end menu is on the map as . Then User can set a point on the map by touch. of Figure 5-15 Hand sketch 1 will be displayed after complete input then press end. At this screen once click save will return to normal map screen. Figure 5-16Hand sketch 2 Hand sketch support drawing of free line, circle, box, polygon in addition to Path.
, , , in Figure 5-16 Hand sketch 2 shows example of drawing of free line, circle, box and polygon respectively. Drawing procedure is similar with Hand sketch 1. Free line draw as shown in , it maintain line as long as keep touch on the screen. Circle draw as shown in ,it forms circle as first touched point become central point then next clicked point become radius. In the box drawing as shown in , it forms quadrangle as first touched point become first point then dragged point become diagonal point. 6. Components mBFT17(V) has basic issue items and optional items. Basic issue item includes mBFT17(V) assembly, battery pack assembly, charger assembly, AC power supply assembly, protective case assembly, carrying case assembly and stylus pen assembly. Qty Drawing No Remarks 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 OPTION Descriptions mBFT17(V) EXTERNAL 3G MODEM BATTERY PACK BATTERY CHARGER AC/DC ADAPTER PROTECTIVE CASE EXTERNAL SATELLITE ANTENNA EXTERNAL GPS ANTENNA ETHERNET CABLE DOWNLOAD CABLE PRC-999K CABLE ANALOG MODEM CABLE BAG MINI BAG STYLUS PEN EARPHONE SOFTWARE CD Figure 6-1 components of mBFT17(V) 7. Specifications CATEGORY STANDARD Remarks SIZE 88 (W) X 191 (H) X33 (D) mm Except (exclude Antennas and protrusions) WEIGHT Below 700g CPU OS 2.1GHz/1.5GHz Octa Core DDR3 2GB Android 4.4 (KitKat) INT. FLASH MEMORY MICRO SD CARD 16GB 128GB OS & USER DATA MAP CHARGEING CHARGER / SELF CHARGING DC +5.0V INPUT WIRELESS COMMUNICATION 1 Iridium Satellite , Data/Voice Frequency : 1616~1626.5MHz WIRELESS WCDMA , Data only COMMUNICATION 2 Frequency : 3G Band(1/2/4/5/8)
<3m CEP , <30s TTFF(Cold Start) 5800 mAh 10 HOURS NOMINAL 3.7V LCD CAMERA SENSOR EXT. PORT 1 EXT. PORT 2 5.0 INCH / 1280 x 720 AMOLED / C-TOUCH 1300M PIXEL GYRO'/ACCEL'/COMP'
9-AXIS USB Data Download FM / AM RADIO EXT. PORT 3 Ethernet (10/100) CERTIFICATION MIL-STD-810G/461F/FCC 8. Certification FCC Part 15 Statement This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that can cause undesired operation. FCC Interference Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the radio or television receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the computer equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the radio or television receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio television technician for help. FCC RF Exposure Warning This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. SAR Information mBFT17(V) is a radio transmitterand receiver. It is designed and manufactured not to exceedthe limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) recommended by FCC . These limits are part of comprehensive guidelines and establish permitted levels of RF energy for the general population. The guidelines include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health. The exposure guidelines for mobile devices employ a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate or SAR. The SAR limitis 4.0 watts/kilogram (W/kg) averaged over 10g of tissue. Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions with the device transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands. Use of device accessories and enhancements may result in different SAR values. SAR values may vary depending on national reporting and testing requirements and the network band. When using mini bag, mBFT17(V) operates in standby mode or rx only mode under Conditions of use close to body. When you talk on the phone, you take off your minibag. Hold the terminal in your hand and Make voice calls using earphones.