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User Manual | Users Manual | 5.02 MiB | ||||
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Internal photos | Internal Photos | 5.46 MiB | ||||
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Letter/Finding Report | Cover Letter(s) | 1.31 MiB | January 11 2021 | |||
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Cover letter | Cover Letter(s) | 191.55 KiB | ||||
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Test report part 1 | Test Report | 639.46 KiB | ||||
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Test report part 2 | Test Report | 382.27 KiB | ||||
1 2 3 | Cover Letter(s) | |||||||
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Annex A Part 25 | Test Report | 353.60 KiB | ||||
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Annex B Part 25 | Test Report | 161.44 KiB | ||||
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External Photos | External Photos | 1.55 MiB | ||||
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FCC Part 1.1310 Test Report | RF Exposure Info | 408.83 KiB | ||||
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FCC Part 25 Test Report | Test Report | 476.85 KiB | ||||
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Label Label Location | ID Label/Location Info | 175.35 KiB | ||||
1 2 3 | Cover Letter(s) | |||||||
1 2 3 | Cover Letter(s) | |||||||
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Test Setup Photos | Test Setup Photos | 260.02 KiB |
1 2 3 | User Manual | Users Manual | 5.02 MiB |
Iridium Iridium Welcome Welcome Package Package Package Package Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Welcome!
100 Cattlemen Road, Sarasota, Florida 34232 Telephone: 941-371-0811 Facsimile: 941-377-5591 Dear Valued Customer, All of us at L-3 Aviation Recorders take this opportunity to say thank you for your selection of the L-3 Airbus Iridium Satellite Communication (SATCOM) system. This SATCOM system, also identified as the Automated Flight Information & Reporting System (AFIRS), is a multi-function voice and data communication system that provides a link between the aircraft and ground using the existing Iridium satellite constellation. The system consists of:
Satellite Data Unit (SDU) SDU Configuration Module (SCM), which houses the system SIM card Coaxial Cable Iridium Antenna These system elements are described in further detail in the following sections of this Welcome Kit package. The system performs the following primary functions:
Satellite Phone The Iridium SATCOM System contains a single-channel Iridium satellite phone along with an internal Private Branch Exchange (PBX) system. The AFIRS 228 SDU includes telecom functions integrated into the cockpit audio system for the flight crew and separate calling capability through conventional two-wire tip and ring telephony devices. Cockpit dialing and control functions can be performed by using the aircraft's Multipurpose Control Display Units (MCDUs). Up to two wired or eight cordless handsets can be added in the cabin for intercom, call transfer, conference calling, camp-on calling and noise-cancelling features. The aircraft can call or be called from any conventional telephone, as well as any other similarly-
equipped aircraft. This provides the crew with worldwide access to MedLink or other emergency medical services. ACARS Satellite Data Unit For ACARS-equipped aircraft, the Iridium SATCOM System can function as a standard ARINC 741/761 Satellite Data Unit (SDU) when interfaced to the aircraft's ACARS Communication Management Unit (CMU). The system uses a dedicated Iridium satellite channel for data services. The Iridium SATCOM System receives messages from the CMU, prioritizes the messages, and transmits them over the Iridium satellite link. ACARS messages received from the satellite link are routed to the CMU for processing. Page 1 Confidential 100 Cattlemen Road, Sarasota, Florida 34232 Telephone: 941-371-0811 Facsimile: 941-377-5591 Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) Interface If desired, the Iridium SATCOM System SDU provides an EFB with an interface to the EFB message transport system. An Ethernet port provides the physical connection between the devices using industry standard IEEE 802.3 LAN technologies. Once physically connected, the SDU routes to the EFB a web-
based portal that can be accessed by EFB applications using a defined IP based protocol, supporting text messaging and other functions. L-3 Aviation Recorders manufactures and services the Iridium SATCOM system. To learn more about L-3 products, please visit the companys website at: . This Welcome Package includes the following useful information for you to obtain support for effective operation of your Iridium SATCOM system:
L-3 Contact Information Authorized Service Facility Information Compliance Package (Export Compliance Certification, End-Use/User Statement) Technical Documentation (Quick Guide, and Installation & Operation Manual) Customer Training Schedule CD includes all Welcome Package documentation & a Component Maintenance Manual Thank you again for your interest in our products. We look forward to working with you to bring your new Airbus Iridium SATCOM System on-line in your fleet operations, and to meeting your needs and expectations in the support and service of your Airbus Iridium SATCOM System. Mike Phillips Product Support Manager L-3 Aviation Recorders Confidential Page 2 100 Cattlemen Road, Sarasota, Florida 34232 Telephone: 941-371-0811 Facsimile: 941-377-5591 Table of Contents This Welcome Package includes the documents listed in the table below. Keep in mind, these documents may not be the latest up-to-date revisions. Please check the L-3 Customer Support website for the latest update available at: Documents Welcome Letter L-3 Contact Details Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Quick Start Guide Iridium SIM Card Registration Installation Manual Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Component Maintenance Manual Confidential Page 1 S id 34232 Sarasota, Florida 34232 t Fl CAGE Code 06141 Phone: (941) 3710811 | FAX: (941) 3775591
Iridium Customer Support Iridium Customer Support pppp Technicalsupport,Reliability,Productsupport DarenWelker ProductSupportEngineer CarloMammelli PublicationsSupervisor DaveDowding SeniorProductSupportEngineer Phone941.379.1620 Cell Cell941.372.2313 941 372 2313 Fax941.377.5591 Phone941.377.5550 Cell Cell941.726.9050 941 726 9050 Fax941.377.5591 Phone941.377.5551 Cell Cell941.284.3048 941 284 3048 Fax941.377.5591 Mike Phillips MikePhillips ProductSupportManager Phone941.377.5547 Cell941.726.0107 Fax941.377.5591 Technical Technical Documentation Documentation ForaccesstoTechnicaldocumentation,pleaselogonto:
Website: Forspecificrequestsontechnicaldocumentation,contact: Training Training Customer Iridium Operator training is provided CustomerIridiumOperatortrainingisprovided three(3)timesayearattheL3ARFacilityin Sarasota,FL. 2014TrainingDates Feb.1820,2014 Jun. 2325,2014 Oct. 2022,2014 FormoredetailsconcerningL3ARTrainingpleaseusethislink:
Website: g p g Forquestionsaboutproducttraining,contact: Sarasota, Florida 34232
, CAGE Code 06141 Phone: (941) 3710811 | FAX: (941) 3775591
Authorized Service Facility Authorized Service Facility yy AEuropeanservicefacilitywillbeestablishedlaterin2014.Untilsuch time,allIridiumrepairswillbeperformedatL3Factory. Address:
L3CommunicationsAviationRecorders 100CattlemenRd.Sarasota,Florida34232 Attention: Repair Station 941 377 5517 Attention:RepairStation 9413775517 RepairStationManager:GeraldGodbee Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Quick Start Guide AirbusIridiumSATCOMSystem SDU L-3 part number 228E5733-00 SCM L-3 part number 418E5733-00 165E573301Rev.02 7March2014 Page1 L3AviationRecordersProprietary SECTION 1 OVERVIEW AirbusIridiumSATCOMSystem 1. Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Overview TheAirbusIridiumSATCOMSystemwillbecertifiedtoTSOC159aforvoiceanddatasafetyservices.It hasadualchannelIridiumlink,onededicatedfordatawiththecapabilitytosendandreceivestandard ACARSmessagesbetweentheaircraftsAirTrafficServiceUnit(ATSU),andtheotherprioritizedfor voiceviaacertifiedterrestrialserviceprovider. TheAutomatedFlightInformationReportingSystem(AFIRS)providesasatellitevoiceanddata communications(SATCOM)linkwiththePublicSwitchedTelephoneNetwork(PSTN)viatheIridium satellitenetwork.ThesystemusesastandardARINC741/761SATCOMinterfacetotheflightcrews AudioIntegratingSystemandARINC739AMultiPurposeControlandDisplayUnits(MCDUs)inthe cockpit,aswellasproviding3extensionPublicBranchExchange(PBX)capabilityforupto2handsetsin thecabin. 165E573301Rev.02 7March2014 Page2 L3AviationRecordersProprietary AirbusIridiumSATCOMSystem SatelliteDataUnit(SDU) 2. SDU Configuration Module (SCM) TheSCMishousedinasmallenclosure,whichisdesignedtobemountedwithin24oftheSDUrear connector.TheSCMandantennaconnectdirectlytotheSDU.TheSDUistheheartofthesystemand providesalloftheinterfacestootheraircraftsystems. 165E573301Rev.02 7March2014 Page3 L3AviationRecordersProprietary SECTION 2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION AirbusIridiumSATCOMSystem YouconfiguretheAirbusIridiumSATCOMSystemSatelliteDataUnit(SDU)viaEthernetusingalaptop, webbrowser,andtheAFIRSMaintenanceUserInterface(MUI).AnRJ45MaintenancePortjackis locatedbehindtheaccessdooronthefrontpaneloftheSDU. IMPORTANT:READBEFORECONFIGURINGSATCOMSYSTEM TheMUIonlyacceptsEnglishlanguagecharactersandnumbers. TheaircraftsstatusmustbedeemedOnGroundtoaccessMaintenanceModeandmakeany systemchanges.IftheaircraftisdeemedInAir,theEnterMaintenanceModebuttonwillbe, orwillbecome,unavailable.IftheaircraftstatuschangestoInAirwhileinMaintenance Mode,thesystemwillrebootautomaticallyandreturntoOperationalModewithoutsavingany changes. EnteringMaintenanceModedisablesallMCDUfunctions. 165E573301Rev.02 7March2014 Page4 L3AviationRecordersProprietary AirbusIridiumSATCOMSystem 1. Install SIM Card 1. RemovethefourscrewsfromtheplateontheSCM. 2. RemovetheplateontheSCMtoreveal theSIMenclosure. 3. SlidetheSIMEnclosuretorelease. 4. LifttheSIMEnclosure. 165E573301Rev.02 7March2014 Page5 L3AviationRecordersProprietary AirbusIridiumSATCOMSystem 5. SlidetheSIMcardintheslot.Itwillfitonlyoneway;donotforce. 6. ClosetheSIMEnclosureandslidetothelefttolock. TheSIMCardisnowinstalled. 7. Replacetheplate. 8. ReplacethefourscrewsusingasmallamountofthreadingLoctite222. 9. ProceedtoAccesstheMaintenanceUserInterface(MUI)below. 165E573301Rev.02 7March2014 Page6 L3AviationRecordersProprietary AirbusIridiumSATCOMSystem 3. Access the Maintenance User Interface (MUI) 1. Withsystempoweron,connectanEthernetcabletotheMaintenancePortviathefront panelaccessdooroftheSDU. 2. Connecttheotherendofthecabletoalaptopwithawebbrowser(MozillaFireFoxis recommended). 3. Confirmthatthegreenlinklightisilluminated.Thelightcanbesteadyorflashingflashing meansthatdataisbeingtransmitted. 4. Setthelaptopnetworkadaptertothefollowing:
IP= SubnetMask= Note:TheMaintenanceportcanautonegotiatethebestspeed(10/100)andmode(full/halfduplex). 5. Openthelaptopswebbrowserandclearthecache. 6. IntheAddressbar,typethefollowingdefaultIPaddress: SATCOMSystemHomepagewilldisplaywiththeGeneraltabinformationdisplayed. 165E573301Rev.02 7March2014 Page7 L3AviationRecordersProprietary AirbusIridiumSATCOMSystem 1Loginarea 2Menuofavailablelinkstopagesaccessibletovarioususersuponlogin 3Tabs:GENERAL,ARINC,andDISCRETEIN 4SystemandLinkstatusdisplayarea 5Systeminformationdatadisplayarea 6Mode:OPERATIONAL,MAINTENANCE,INITIALIZING,etc. 7. ProceedtoAccessMaintenanceModebelow. 4. Access Maintenance Mode On Ground Status Required 1. YouarenowconnectedtotheAirbusIridiumSATCOMSystemMUIHomePage;typethe followingintheLoginfields:
DefaultUserName:AFIRSMAINT DefaultPassword:228MAINT 2. ClickLogin. 3. ClickEnterMaintenanceMode.Amessagedisplays,promptingforconfirmationtoenter MaintenanceMode. 4. ClickOK.TheMUIMaintenanceHomePagewilldisplay. 5. Modify Owner Requirements Table (ORT) Parameters 1. YouareloggedintotheMUIasaMaintenanceUserfromthepreviousprocess.Youwillnow beabletocustomizeparametersfortheindividualaircraftoperatorbasedonoperational requirementsorpreferences. 2. ClickEnterMaintenanceMode.Aconfirmationmessagedisplays. 3. ClickOK. 165E573301Rev.02 7March2014 Page8 L3AviationRecordersProprietary AirbusIridiumSATCOMSystem 4. ClicktheORTlinkontheleftsideofthescreentoopentheORTpage.TheOwner RequirementsTablewilldisplay. Field CallProgressTones Extension1 LowPriorityCalls AdditionalACARS Header AirTrafficService(ATS) AvailableOptions NorthAmerican European YesCallsfromcockpitcanbeplacedmanually NoCallsfromcockpitcanonlybeplacedfromaddressbook YesLowprioritycallscanbereceived/madefromcockpit NoLowprioritycallscannotbereceived/madefromcockpit NoneSITAService ARINCARINCService YesSIMcardwithATS NoSIMcardwithoutATS 6. Create an Address Book 1. ClickDownloadsfromtheleftmenu. 2. ChoosetheAddressBookoption. 3. ClickDownload. 4. ChoosetheSaveFileoption. 165E573301Rev.02 7March2014 Page9 L3AviationRecordersProprietary AirbusIridiumSATCOMSystem 5. ClickOK. AnAddressBooktemplatewilldownloadtothecomputerasacommaseparatedvaluesfile
(adb.csv).IfthecomputerdoesnothaveMicrosoftExcel,thefilecanbeopenedasa MicrosoftWordPadfile. ExampleofMicrosoftExcelAddressBookfile. ExampleofMicrosoftWordPadAddressBookfile. 6. Locateandopentheadb.csvfile. 7. Addentriestotheaddressbook(upto300)andmodifyasnecessary. Therearenolistnumbersintheadb.csvfiletoidentifyindividualentries. Important:Thetemplate(adb.csv)entriesmustadheretotheparametersexactly. PhoneNumber Name Priority UseonlyATS enabledIridium SIMcards. Protected Directory SpeedDial1 SpeedDial2 SpeedDial3 AddressBookParameters Upto18digits (Alwaysincludecountrycode) Upto23uppercasealphanumericcharacters(AZ,09,+,,/,space) 4Public 3NonSafety 2Safety 1Emergency 0No 1Yes 4Public 3NonSafety 2Safety 1Emergency 1 0(notcurrentlyused) 0(notcurrentlyused) 8. WhenfinishedmodifyingtheAddressBook,saveandclosethefile. Important:Thefilenamemustremainadb.csvorthefilewillnotload. 9. ClickUpgradesfromtheleftmenu. L3AviationRecordersProprietary 165E573301Rev.02 7March2014 Page10 AirbusIridiumSATCOMSystem 10. ClickBrowseandlocatetheadb.csvfilethatyoujustcreated. 11. ClickUpload. 12. ClickApply. 13. ClickExitMaintenanceModewhenupdatesarecomplete.Amessagedisplays,prompting forconfirmationtoexitMaintenanceMode. 14. ClickOK.Thesystemsaveschanges,reboots,andreturnstoOperationalMode. 15. ProceedtoEnterAdministratorRolebelow. 7. Enter Administrator Role OnGround Status Required 1. YouarestillconnectedtotheAirbusIridiumSATCOMSystemMUIHomePage;typethe followingintheLoginfields:
DefaultUserName:AFIRSADMIN DefaultPassword:ADMIN228 2. ClickLogin. 3. ClickEnterMaintenanceMode. 165E573301Rev.02 7March2014 Page11 L3AviationRecordersProprietary AirbusIridiumSATCOMSystem 8. Update User Access Table (UAT) Parameters TheUserAccessTable(UAT)isusedtosetupuseraccessprivilegesforupto20users.These settingsmaybechangedasneededtomeetoperationalrequirements. 1. ClicktheUAT(Security)linkontheleftsideofthescreentoopentheUATpage. 2. Addsecurityrolesasnecessarybasedonthefollowingparameters. Field UserName Password SecurityLevel Parameter 420uppercasealphanumericcharacters 420uppercasealphanumericcharacters DataCollector(default) Maintenance Administrator Modifications UAT
(User Access Table) Address Book ORT Parameters Roles Guest
(nologinrequired) No No DataCollector Yes Maintenance Administrator No Note:Alluserscandownloadfaultlogs,exceptGuest. No No No No No No No Yes Privileges S/W Upgrades No No Yes Yes ICT No No Yes Yes Software/DataLoading(Upload) UAT
(User Access Table) ADB
(Address Book) ORT
(Complete) No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 3. Whenfinished,clickExitMaintenanceModeforthesystemtorebootandsavechanges. 4. ProceedtoSection3TestingorDownloadBackupUATFile(Optional)below. 165E573301Rev.02 7March2014 Page12 L3AviationRecordersProprietary AirbusIridiumSATCOMSystem a. Download Backup UAT File (Optional) YoumaywanttodownloadabackupUATfilethatyoucoulduploadintheeventthat thesystemfileshouldfail. 1. OntheHomePage,typethefollowingintheLoginfields:
DefaultUserName:AFIRSADMIN DefaultPassword:ADMIN228 2. ClickLogin. 3. ClickDownloads. 4. SelecttheUAToptionfromtheConfigurationssection. 5. ClickDownload. 6. ChooseSave. 7. ClickOK. 8. ProceedtoSection3Testingbelow. 165E573301Rev.02 7March2014 Page13 L3AviationRecordersProprietary SECTION 3 TESTING AirbusIridiumSATCOMSystem 1. Test System Voice Connectivity Performthefollowingstepstoensurethatthesystemisworkingproperly.Ifyoudonothave voicetransmissionavailable,proceedtoTestSystemDataConnectivity.Forinformationon BuiltinTestsandFaultIndicators,seetheInstallationandOperationsManual. U.S. NonU.S. 14807682500 0014807682500 a. Call from Landline Phone to Iridium SATCOM Phone NONATS(AirTrafficService)SIM 1. Call Iridium Call Service 2. Enter Iridium 12 digit phone number and follow with the # symbol. 1. Call Iridium Call Service 2. Enter Iridium 12 digit phone number and follow with the # symbol. 3. Enter the following information when prompted and follow each entry with the
# symbol. This information is provided by SIM card provider. ATS(AirTrafficService)SIM 0014807303900 14807303900 NonU.S. U.S. UserID PIN Prioritylevel o Emergency o Safety o NonSafety o Public PlaneID 165E573301Rev.02 7March2014 Page14 L3AviationRecordersProprietary AirbusIridiumSATCOMSystem 1. Select Manual Dial from the MCDU screen. b. Call from Iridium SATCOM Phone to Landline Phone (Manual) 2. Punch in the phone number and select the button directly next to the open field to populate the field. 3. Choose a priority by using the Page Up and Page Down buttons. 4. Choose PreSelect. 165E573301Rev.02 7March2014 Page15 L3AviationRecordersProprietary AirbusIridiumSATCOMSystem 5. Thesystemisreadytoconnectthecall. 6. Initiatethecall.
(Directory) c. Call from Iridium SATCOM Phone to Landline Phone IMPORTANT: If manual dialing has been disabled, the ability to use dualtone multi frequency signaling (DTMF) will also be disabled. This means that you will not be able to punch in an extension number after reaching a switchboard via Directory dialing. 1. Select Directory from the MCDU screen. 2. Chooseadirectory. 165E573301Rev.02 7March2014 Page16 L3AviationRecordersProprietary AirbusIridiumSATCOMSystem 3. Locatethenumbertocall. 4. Initiatethecall. 2. Send Data Message from Iridium SATCOM 1. GototheMCDU. 2. ChooseafreetextandsendatestmessagetoDispatchorMaintenance.Thesystem willautomaticallyqueueandsendthemessage.Optionally,youcanhavethe messagereceiversendyouamessageback. 165E573301Rev.02 7March2014 Page17 L3AviationRecordersProprietary Note:LEDindicatorsrequirepowertotheIridiumSATCOMsystem.Everyindicatorwillbeoffifnopowerisapplied. IridiumStatusIndicatorSummary Status Indicator Name System ISVM Link ISDM Link GPS Link OFF Never Off Never Off Never Off Internal GPS Active Parameter Set to Inactive Indicator Color GREEN YELLOW RED Operational Mode No Failure/Fault Operational Mode No Failure/Fault Operational Mode No Failure/Fault Operational Mode No Failure/Fault Initialization Mode or Maintenance Mode or Fault/Event Critical Failure Fault/Event Fault/Event Fault/Event Never Red Never Red Never Red Ethernet Link
(for each port)
(for each port) Not Used or Fault Steady = Link OK Flashing = Data Being Transmitted Flashing = Data Being Transmitted Never Yellow Never Red L3AviationRecordersProprietary L-3 Iridium SATCOM System - Built-in Test and Fault Indicators DATA CHECKS Fault Name BIT Check Raise Fault/Failure Condition CONFIG FAIL Configuration Table Failure CONFIG FAULT Compatibility SCM Fault The Configuration Table Failure will be raised if the system is unable to read or write the Configuration Data stored in the The SCM Compatibility Fault will be raised if the SDU software load memory is not compatible with the valid Configuration Data stored in the SC Fault Light Discrete Output ON OFF Clear Fault/Failure Condition The Configuration Table Failure cannot be cleared once raised. The SCM Compatibility Fault cannot be cleared once raised. NVM FAIL NR-NVM Failure The NR-NVM Failure will be raised if missing or not detected, does not initialize or is judged to be defective. The NR-NVM Failure cannot be cleared once raised. Indicator Description LED Off Fault/Event Operational, No Failure/Fault Critical Failure Front Panel LEDs MCDU Indicators System ISVM ISDM GPS Operable SDU SCM Comment No N/A N/A No N/A N/A Critical Error. Verify ICT and ORT files in MUI. If files are valid for A/C, replace SDU. Transition to Configuration Invalid State. Verify software load in MUI. Yes FAIL OK Internal memory failure. FLASH CARD FAULT Flash card status Flash card removed or can not be read Flash card inserted and can be read. Yes FAIL OK Verify flash card is inserted and can be read. L3AviationRecordersProprietary L-3 Iridium SATCOM System - Built-in Test and Fault Indicators POWER CHECKS Fault Name BIT Check Raise Fault/Failure Condition Clear Fault/Failure Condition LOW VOLTS Low Voltage Status The Low Voltage Status will be raised if the system enters the Low Input Voltage state. The Low Voltage Status will be cleared if the system exits the Low Input Voltage state. ALTERNATE POWER Alternate Power Status The Alternate Power Status will be raised if the voltage at the Alternate Input is below 18.0 V or above 32.2 V. The Alternate Power Status will be cleared if the voltage at the Alternate Input is within an inclusive range of 18.0 V to 32.2 V. POWER LOSS Power Loss Check The Power Loss Status will be raised if the system enters the Power Failure state. The Power Loss Status will be cleared if the system exits the Power Failure state. Indicator Description LED Off Fault/Event Operational, No Failure/Fault Critical Failure Front Panel LEDs MCDU Indicators System ISVM ISDM GPS Operable SDU SCM Comment Fault Light Discrete Output ON OFF Yes OK OK Check input voltage if persistent. Yes OK OK Check input voltage. No FAIL No Check input voltage. L3AviationRecordersProprietary L-3 Iridium SATCOM System - Built-in Test and Fault Indicators TEMPERATURE CHECKS Fault Name BIT Check Raise Fault/Failure Condition CONFIG FAIL Temperature Sensor Fault A Temperature Sensor Fault will be raised if one or more of the temperature sensors are considered unreasonable. CONFIG FAULT NVM FAIL NVM FAIL System Low Temperature Status The System Low Temperature Status will be raised if the system enters the System Low Temperature state. ISVM Elevated The System High Temperature Status ISVM Elevated The System High Temperature Status Temperature will be raised if the system enters the Status, or ISVM System High Temperature state. High Temperature Status, or System High t T Fault Light Discrete Output ON OFF Clear Fault/Failure Condition Indicator Description LED Off Fault/Event Operational, No Failure/Fault Critical Failure Front Panel LEDs MCDU Indicators System ISVM ISDM GPS Operable SDU SCM Comment The Temperature Sensor Fault will be cleared if all of the temperature sensors report a reasonable The System Low temperature Temperature Status will be cleared if the system exits the System Low The System High The System High Temperature Status will be cleared if the system exits the System High Temperature state. Yes OK OK Yes OK OK Temperature is below -15 C. Yes Yes OK OK OK OK Temperature is Temperature is above 70 C. L3AviationRecordersProprietary L-3 Iridium SATCOM System - Built-in Test and Fault Indicators INTERNAL CHECKS Fault Name BIT Check Raise Fault/Failure Condition Clear Fault/Failure Condition Indicator Description LED Off Fault/Event Operational, No Failure/Fault Critical Failure Front Panel LEDs MCDU Indicators System ISVM ISDM GPS Operable SDU SCM Comment Fault Light Discrete Output ON OFF ISVM DPL FAIL ISVM Voice Communication Failure The Iridium Satellite Voice Modem
(ISVM) failure will be raised if the ISVM driver reports no communication with the ISVM DPL port after three retry attempts. The ISVM Voice Communication Failure will be cleared if the ISVM driver reports communication with the ISVM. ISVM AT FAIL ISDM FAIL SIM CARD FAIL GPS FAIL ISVM Data Communication F il Failure The ISVM Data Communication Failure will be raised if the Iridium All Off M d i Off Mode is not Active and the ISVM d h ISVM driver reports no communication with the ISVM AT port after three retry A i attempts. Communication ISDM Failure The Iridium Satellite Data Modem
(ISDM) failure will be raised if the ISDM driver reports no communication with the ISDM DPL port after three retry attempts. The ISVM Data Communication Failure will be cleared if the ISVM ill b d if h ISVM l driver reports communication with the ISVM AT port. The ISDM Voice Communication Failure will be cleared if the ISDM driver reports communication with the ISDM. SIM Communication Failure Communication GPS Fail The SIM Communication Failure will be raised if the system fails to read or write to the SIM card. The SIM Communication Failure will be cleared if the system successfully reads and writes to the SIM card. The GPS Communication Failure will be raised if the GPS Receiver reports no communication with the GPS after three retry attempts. The GPS Communication Failure will be cleared if the GPS Receiver reports communication with the GPS. L3AviationRecordersProprietary Yes FAIL OK Yes FAIL OK Yes FAIL OK Yes OK FAIL Yes FAIL OK Voice communications not available. Link should reestablish within a few minutes. If link does not reestablish within 20 minute period, replace SDU. Non-Safety Services Data Communications inoperable. Li k h t bli h Link should reestablish ld within a few minutes. If link does not reestablish within 20 minute period, replace SDU. Safety Services Data Communications inoperable. Link should reestablish within a few minutes. If link does not reestablish within 20 minute period, replace SDU. Voice Communications not available. Verify SIM card is installed and SCM is operational. GPS not available, Link should reestablish within a few minutes. If link does not reestablish within 20 minute period, replace SDU. If still present verify Iridium/GPS antenna and cable antenna and cable. L-3 Iridium SATCOM System - Built-in Test and Fault Indicators EXTERNAL CHECKS Fault Name BIT Check Raise Fault/Failure Condition Clear Fault/Failure Condition Indicator Description LED Off Fault/Event Operational, No Failure/Fault Critical Failure Front Panel LEDs MCDU Indicators System ISVM ISDM GPS Operable SDU SCM Comment Fault Light Discrete Output ON OFF A717 INACTIVE ARINC 573/717 Receiver Inactive Fault The ARINC 573/717 Receiver fault will be raised if the ARINC 573/717 is configured Active data and the data is not present. A429 RXnn INACT (nn =
Port Number) ARINC 429 Receiver Port Inactive Fault An ARINC 429 Receiver Port Inactive Fault will be raised if an ARINC 429 Receiver Port that is configured as Generic 429 has not ACARS1 RX INACT ACARS 1 Receiver Port Inactive Fault ACARS2 RX INACT ACARS 2 Receiver Port Inactive Fault MCDU1 RX INACT MCDU 1 Receiver Port Inactive Fault The ACARS 1 Receiver Port The ACARS 1 Receiver Port Inactive Fault will be raised if an ARINC 429 Receiver Port configured as ACARS 1 has not received a recognized label with correct parity for 4 seconds in a The ACARS 2 Receiver Port Inactive Fault will be raised if an ARINC 429 Receiver Port configured as ACARS 2 has not received a recognized label with The MCDU 1 Receiver Port Inactive Fault will be raised if an ARINC 429 Receiver Port configured as ARINC 739 MCDU 1 has not received a recognized label with correct parity for 4 seconds in a row. MCDU2 RX INACT The MCDU 2 Receiver Port Inactive Fault will be raised if an ARINC 429 Receiver Port MCDU 2 configured as ARINC 739 MCDU 1 Receiver Port has not received a recognized label Inactive Fault has not received a recognized label Inactive Fault with correct parity for 4 seconds in a row. The ARINC 573/717 Receiver Fault will be cleared if ARINC 573/717 data resumes. A raised ARINC 429 Receiver Port Inactive Fault will be cleared if a recognized f label with correct parity is A raised ACARS 1 Receiver A raised ACARS 1 Receiver Port Inactive Fault will be cleared if a recognized label with correct parity is received for 4 seconds in a row over the port for which the A raised ACARS 2 Receiver Port Inactive Fault will be cleared if a recognized label with correct parity is received for 4 seconds in a row over A raised MCDU 1 Receiver Port Inactive Fault will be cleared if a recognized label with correct parity is received for 4 seconds in a row over the port for which the MCDU 1 Receiver Port Inactive Fault was raised. A raised MCDU 2 Receiver Port Inactive Fault will be cleared if a recognized label with correct parity is received for 4 seconds in a row over the port for which the MCDU 1 Receiver Port Inactive Fault was raised. Yes OK OK Verify ARINC 573/717 data. Yes OK OK Verify ARINC 429 data on indicated receiver port. Yes OK OK Verify ACARS 1 receiver data. Yes OK OK Verify ACARS 2 receiver data. OK OK OK OK
(MCDU No 1)
(MCDU No 2) 2) L3AviationRecordersProprietary Display on MCDU 1 inoperable. Check MCDU 1. Display on MCDU 2 inoperable. Check MCDU 2 2. L-3 Iridium SATCOM System - Built-in Test and Fault Indicators EXTERNAL CHECKS Fault Name BIT Check Raise Fault/Failure Condition Clear Fault/Failure Condition A717 INACTIVE ARINC 573/717 Receiver Inactive Fault The ARINC 573/717 Receiver fault will be raised if the ARINC 573/717 is configured Active data and the data is not present. The ARINC 573/717 Receiver Fault will be cleared if ARINC 573/717 data resumes. MCDU3 RX INACT A429 TXn FAIL
(n = Port Number) ACARS TX FAIL The MCDU 3 Receiver Port Inactive Fault will be raised if an ARINC 429 Receiver Port MCDU 3 Receiver Port configured as ARINC 739 MCDU 1 has not received a recognized label Inactive Fault Inactive Fault has not received a recognized label with correct parity for 4 seconds in a row. ARINC 429 Transmitter Port Loopback Failure ACARS Transmitter Port Loopback Failure An ARINC 429 Transmitter Port Loopback Failure will be raised if an active ARINC 429 Transmitter Port is configured as a GP Bus or CFDS and the loopback from the port is not detected. The ACARS Transmitter Port Loopback Failure will be raised if an ARINC 429 Transmitter Port is configured as ACARS and the loopback from the port is not detected. A raised MCDU 3 Receiver Port Inactive Fault will be cleared if a recognized label with correct parity is received for 4 seconds in a row over the port for which the MCDU 1 Receiver Port Inactive Fault was raised A raised ARINC 429 Transmitter Port Loopback Failure will be cleared if the loopback is detected from the port for which the ARINC 429 Transmitter Port Loopback Fault was raised. A raised ACARS Transmitter Port Loopback Failure will be cleared if the loopback is detected from the port for which the ACARS Transmitter Port Loopback Failure was raised. ACARS FAULT ACARS Loop Test Fault The ACARS Loop Test Fault will be raised if an ACARS Loop Test does not pass on at least one ACARS system. Indicator Description LED Off Fault/Event Operational, No Failure/Fault Critical Failure Front Panel LEDs MCDU Indicators System ISVM ISDM GPS Operable SDU SCM Comment Fault Light Discrete Output ON OFF Yes OK OK Verify ARINC 573/717 data.
(MCDU No 3) 3) OK OK Display on MCDU 3 inoperable. Yes FAIL OK Verify ARINC 429 data on indicated transmitter port. Yes FAIL OK Verify ACARS transmitter port. Yes OK OK Verify ACARS system. L3AviationRecordersProprietary L-3 Iridium SATCOM System - Built-in Test and Fault Indicators EXTERNAL CHECKS Fault Name BIT Check Raise Fault/Failure Condition Clear Fault/Failure Condition Indicator Description LED Off Fault/Event Operational, No Failure/Fault Critical Failure Front Panel LEDs MCDU Indicators System ISVM ISDM GPS Operable SDU SCM Comment Fault Light Discrete Output ON OFF A717 INACTIVE ARINC 573/717 Receiver Inactive Fault The ARINC 573/717 Receiver fault will be raised if the ARINC 573/717 is configured Active data and the data is not present. MCDU TX FAIL MCDU Transmitter Port Loopback Loopback Failure The MCDU Transmitter Port Loopback Failure will be raised if an ARINC 429 Transmitter Port is configured as ARINC 739 MCDU and the loopback from the port is d h l b k f h i not detected. SERIALn FAULT (n =
Port Number) RS-232/422 Receive Fault SERIALn FAIL
(n = Port Number) RS-232/422 Transmission Loopback Failure A RS-232/422 Receive Fault will be raised for any active RS-
232/422 Serial Port for which a received data error is reported. The RS-232/422 Transmission Loopback Failure will be raised for any Active RS-232 Serial Port whose loopback is not detected after three loopback attempts. DOUTn FAIL (n
= Port Number) Discrete Output Failure A Discrete Output Failure will be raised for any Discrete Output Port that is Active and does not output the expected voltage. ETHERNETn FAULT (n =
Port Number) Ethernet Link Fault The Ethernet Link Fault will be raised if Ethernet is Monitored and there is no link. The ARINC 573/717 Receiver Fault will be cleared if ARINC 573/717 data resumes. A raised MCDU Transmitter Port Loopback Failure will be cleared if the loopback is detected from the port for which the MCDU which the MCDU Transmitter Port Loopback Failure was raised. A raised RS-232/422 Receiver Fault will be cleared if the data is received without error over the port for which the fault was raised. The RS-232/422 Transmission Loopback Failure cannot be cleared once raised. The Discrete Output Failure will be cleared if the expected voltage is output from the port for which the fault was raised. The Ethernet Link Fault will be cleared if Ethernet is Monitored and there is a link. Yes OK OK Verify ARINC 573/717 data. No FAIL OK Verify MCDU system. Yes OK OK Verify received serial data on indicated port. Yes FAIL OK Verify serial data on indicated port. Yes FAIL OK Verify discrete output on indicated port. Yes OK OK Verify indicated Ethernet port. Access to MUI may be impacted, may need to access MUI through another Ethernet port. another Ethernet port. L3AviationRecordersProprietary L-3 Iridium SATCOM System - Built-in Test and Fault Indicators EXTERNAL CHECKS Fault Name BIT Check Raise Fault/Failure Condition Clear Fault/Failure Condition The ARINC 573/717 Receiver Fault will be cleared if ARINC 573/717 data resumes. A717 INACTIVE ARINC 573/717 Receiver Inactive Fault The ARINC 573/717 Receiver fault will be raised if the ARINC 573/717 is configured Active data and the data is not present. NO GPS LINK GPS Link Status Status NO ISVM LINK ISVM Link Status NO ISDM LINK ISDM Link Status NO DTP SOURCE Date, Time, Position Source Status The GPS Link Status will be raised if the internal GPS is configured as Active and the GPS i R Receiver reports no navigation solution for 5 seconds in a row. ti t i The ISVM Link Status will be raised if the ISVM driver reports no link. The ISDM Link Status will be raised if the ISDM driver reports no link. The DTP Source Status will be raised if DTP 1 interface, DTP 2 interface, DTP 3 interface, and internal GPS are all not providing valid data. Indicator Description LED Off Fault/Event Operational, No Failure/Fault Critical Failure Front Panel LEDs MCDU Indicators System ISVM ISDM GPS Operable SDU SCM Comment Fault Light Discrete Output ON OFF Yes OK OK Verify ARINC 573/717 data. The GPS Link Status will be cleared if the GPS Receiver reports a navigation solution reports a navigation solution for 5 seconds in a row. The ISVM Link Status will be cleared if the ISVM driver reports a link for 5 seconds in a row. The ISDM Link Status will be cleared if the ISDM driver reports a link for 5 seconds in a row. Yes OK OK Yes OK OK Yes OK OK GPS not available, Link should reestablish within a few minutes. If link does not reestablish within 20 minute period, replace minute period, replace SDU. If still present verify Iridium/GPS antenna and cable. Voice communications not available. Link should reestablish within a few minutes. Data communications not available. Link should reestablish within a few minutes. The DTP Source Status will be cleared if at least one of DTP 1 interface, DTP 2 interface, DTP 3 interface, or internal GPS is providing valid data. Yes OK OK Verify DTP source. L3AviationRecordersProprietary Iridium SIM Card Registration The Iridium network is based on the international Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) standard and architecture. With any GSM cellular device, all Iridium transceivers capable of voice require a Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) associated with the mobile device. Though the SIM can be used for many functions, such as restricting call access or to store information, its primary function is to assign the telephone number to the L-3 Satellite Data Unit (SDU) transceiver. An exception is the Iridium Short Burst Data (SBD) modem, which operates solely from an IMEI number assigned to each modem. Often customers or installers are not familiar with the need to activate the SIM and IMEI for service over the Iridium network prior to testing or use of the system. You may select any valid Iridium Service provider. Our recommendation is to contact our partner, FLYHT Aerospace Solutions Ltd., complete the following activation form, and send to FLYHT for processing. There are two types of voice service plans to choose from:
Air Traffic Service (ATS) The operator will be able to prioritize calls to and from the cockpit and pre-empt a lower priority call with a higher priority incoming call. The calls from ground-to-
air have additional security procedures; the user will be required to have a User ID, PIN, plane ID, and set the call priority. Non-ATS This service does not have call prioritization and the ground-to-air calls only require the phone number of the SIM card to place a call. You may need the following information when activating a SIM card:
Tail Number Avionics MFR L-3/FLYHT Avionics Model - AFIRS 228S Satellite Data Unit IMEI Voice Modem Number IMEI Data Modem Number Voice Modem Model 9523 Data Modem Model 9602 CongratulationsonpurchasingtheFLYHTAFIRSTM228Ssystem. Inordertocompletetheactivationofthevoiceanddataserviceswerequiresomeadditional information. Pleasereviewthefollowingvoiceanddataserviceoptionsandemailthecompletedformtous at228SVoice/ youtocompletetheactivationprocessandtoprovideyouwiththeassignedsatcomphone number. 1. AircraftInformation:
2. AFIRS228Information:
SDUSerial Number:
SCMSerial Number 3. Pleaseselectoneofthefollowingsatcomvoiceserviceplanoptions:
AFIRSGlobalVoice/DataPlanNONATS Rate BillingIntervals AirtoGround GroundtoAir CircuitSwitchDataforEFB
$1.45/minUSD 20seconds
$1.45/minUSD 20seconds
$1.45/minUSD 20seconds Note1:CallstootherSATCOMserviceproviderswillbechargedatarateof$8.50/min Note2:Minimummonthlyfeeof$50willapplytoallaccounts AFIRSGlobalVoice/DataPlanATS Rate BillingIntervals AirtoGround GroundtoAir CircuitSwitchDataforEFB
$1.45/minUSD 20seconds
$1.75/minUSD 20seconds
$1.45/minUSD 20seconds Note:CallstootherSATCOMserviceproviderswillbechargedatarateof$8.50/min Note2:Minimummonthlyfeeof$50willapplytoallaccounts 4. PleaseindicateyourACARSsatcomdataserviceprovider:
ARINC SITA PleasenoteyouwillrequireaseparateagreementwithyourselectedACARSsatcomdata serviceprovider. 5. Contactinformation:
Company Name Address:
*Thesatcomvoicephonenumberwillbeprovidedtothiscontactuponactivation. BillingContact(ifdifferent) Primarycontact*
TermsandConditions TERMSOFPAYMENT Paymentnetthirty(30)daysfromdateofinvoiceorasotherwisespecifiedbySeller.Buyer agreestopaytheentirenetamountofeachinvoicefromSellerpursuanttothetermsofeach suchinvoicewithoutoffsetordeduction.OrdersaresubjecttocreditapprovalbySeller,which mayinitssolediscretionatanytimechangethetermsofbuyerscredit,requirepaymentin cash,bankwiretransferorbyofficialcheckand/orrequirepaymentofanyorallamountsdue ortobecomedueforBuyersorderbeforeshipmentofanyoralloftheproducts.Ifseller believesingoodfaiththatBuyersabilitytomakepaymentsmaybeimpairedorifBuyershall failtopayanyinvoicewhendue,Sellermaysuspendthedeliveryofanyorderoranyremaining balancethereofuntilsuchpaymentismadeorcancelanyorderoranyremainingbalance, thereof,andbuyershallremainliabletopayforanyproductsalreadyshippedandallNon StandardProductsorderedbyBuyer.Buyeragreestosubmitsuchfinancialinformationfrom timetotimeasmaybereasonablyrequestedbySellerfortheestablishmentand/or continuationofcreditterms.Checksareacceptedsubjecttocollectionandthedateofthe collectionshallbedeemedthedateofpayment.AnycheckreceivedfromBuyermaybeapplied bySelleragainstanyobligationowingfromBuyertoSeller,regardlessofanystatement appearinginorreferringtoBuyershallpayinterestonanyinvoicenotpaidwhenduefromthe duedatetothedateofpaymentattherateofoneandonehalf(11/2%)percentpermonthor suchlowerrateasmaybemaximumallowablebylaw.IfBuyerfailstomakepaymentwhendue Sellermaypursueanylegalorequitableremedies,inwhicheventSellershallbeentitledto reimbursementforcostsofcollectionandreasonableattorneysfees. PRIVACYPOLICY FLYHTAerospaceSolutionsLtd.(FLYHT)usestheinformationcollectedtofulfillyourrequestsfor servicesandtofacilitatebilling.FLYHTwillsendpersonallyidentifiableinformationaboutyou and/oryourcompanytoothercompaniesorpeoplewhen:weneedtoshareyourinformation toprovidetheserviceyouhaverequested,weneedtosendtheinformationtocompanieswho workonbehalfofFLYHTtoprovideservicetoyou(unlesswetellyoudifferentlythese companiesdonothaveanyrighttousethepersonallyidentifiableinformationweprovidethem beyondwhatisnecessarytoassistus).Personallyidentifiableconsumerinformationisshared withthirdparties(suchasbanksandcreditcardprocessors)totheextentnecessaryforFLYHT tocollectpaymentfortheservicesprovided. CUSTOMERAGREEMENT Asanindividualorauthorizedrepresentativeofthecompany,Iherebycertifythatthe informationprovidedonthisformistrueandcorrect.IauthorizeFLYHTAerospaceSolutions Ltd.(FLYHT)toinvestigatefinancialreferencesandallotherrelevantmaterial.FLYHThasthe righttodenyservicetoanyaccountthatispastdueandalsoreservestherighttodenyservice baseduponinformationsupplied.Iunderstandthatourcompanyisresponsibleforallcharges andservicesuptillthedateouraccountisproperlycancelledthroughFLYHTandtheIridium network.IagreethatFLYHTcannotbeheldliableforanyclaimsduetounavailability,delay,or interruptioninsatelliteservices.Suchclaimsshallalsoextendtodamage,expense,andlossof life.IagreetotheTermsofPaymentandthePrivacyPolicy. Ihavereadandagreetothestandardtermsandconditionsabove.Signedthis Signature:
dayof PrintName Title Company Address:
Installation Manual Airbus Iridium SATCOM System SDU L-3 part number 228E5733-00 SCM L-3 part number 418E5733-00 Publication Number: 165E5733-00 Issue: Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary 100 Cattlemen Road Sarasota, FL 34232 EXPORT CONTROL STATEMENT IRIDIUM SATCOM TECHNOLOGY / DATA:
This Iridium SATCOM System Technical Data is being exported from the United States in accordance with the Export Administration Regulations (ECCN #7A994), No License Required (NLR). Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. In accordance with U.S. Law (Title 15CFR Part 746 and Supplement No. 1 to Part 774; and Title 31CFR) resale/re-export or transfer to certain designated countries is prohibited without the prior written consent of the U.S. Department of Commerce. HTSUS/Schedule B: 85439.09.000 This manual contains date sensitive information. To verify the latest revision level of this manual, visit our document down-load site at Copyright 2013 by L-3 Communications. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing. Inquiries should be addressed to:
L-3 Communications, Aviation Recorders Publications Vendor Code: 06141 P. O. Box 3041 Sarasota, Florida 34230 Phone: (941) 3710811;
FAX: (941) 3775591 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary 100 Cattlemen Road Sarasota, FL 34232 Record of Revisions Rev. Issue Date Description Pages By 00 01 01 November 2013 15 December 2013 Corrected SDU & SCM Top-
Initial issue. 02 21 January 2014 Level Part Numbers. Corrected SDU & SCM Top-
Level Part Numbers. All All All CM CM/SC CP L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary 100 Cattlemen Road Sarasota, FL 34232 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Table of Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 9 1.1 Applicability ..................................................................................................................... 9 1.2 Model Designation .......................................................................................................... 9 1.2.1 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System ....................................................................... 9 1.3 Part Numbers ................................................................................................................. 9 1.4 Reference Documents .................................................................................................... 9 1.5 Definitions of Acronyms and Terms .............................................................................. 12 2. Description and Operation .................................................................................................... 16 2.1 System Overview .......................................................................................................... 16 2.2 System Architecture ..................................................................................................... 16 2.3 External System Interfaces ........................................................................................... 17 3. Equipment Specifications ..................................................................................................... 20 3.1 Satellite Data Unit (SDU) .............................................................................................. 20 3.1.1 General ............................................................................................................ 21 3.1.2 Mechanical Specifications ............................................................................... 21 3.1.3 Environmental Specifications Airbus Iridium SATCOM System ................... 22 3.2 SDU Configuration Module (SCM) ............................................................................... 22 3.2.1 General ............................................................................................................ 22 3.2.2 Mechanical Specifications ............................................................................... 23 3.2.3 Environmental Specifications ........................................................................... 25 3.3 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Satellite Antenna ...................................................... 25 3.4 Antenna Coaxial Cable ................................................................................................. 26 Interface Specifications ................................................................................................ 26 3.5 SDU Rear Connector (J1) ............................................................................................ 27 3.5.1 Power Input ...................................................................................................... 29 3.5.2 Chassis Ground ............................................................................................... 29 3.5.3 ARINC 429 Digital Serial Bus Input ................................................................. 30 3.5.4 ARINC 429 Digital Serial Bus Output .............................................................. 30 3.5.5 Ethernet ........................................................................................................... 30 3.5.6 Discrete Inputs ................................................................................................. 30 Inputs .......................................................................................... 30 3.5.7 Discrete Outputs .............................................................................................. 31 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 4 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 4. Outputs ....................................................................................... 31 3.5.8 Two-Wire Phone .............................................................................................. 31 3.5.9 Microphone Input ............................................................................................. 31 3.5.10 Iridium / GPS Antenna ..................................................................................... 32 3.6 SDU Maintenance Connector (J2) ................................................................................ 32 3.7 SDU Configuration Module (SCM) ............................................................................... 32 3.8 ARINC 429 Receiver Protocols .................................................................................... 32 3.9 ARINC 429 Receiver Activity Status ............................................................................. 34 3.10ARINC 429 Transmitter Protocols ................................................................................ 34 3.10.1 From SDU to ATSU / FWC .............................................................................. 34 3.10.2 From SDU to MCDU ........................................................................................ 35 3.10.3 From SDU to Airbus CFDS .............................................................................. 35 Installation Considerations .................................................................................................... 36 4.1 Satellite Data Unit (SDU) .............................................................................................. 36 4.2 SDU Configuration Module (SCM) ............................................................................... 37 Iridium Antenna System ............................................................................................... 37 4.3 4.3.1 Antenna ........................................................................................................... 37 4.3.2 Antenna Mounting ............................................................................................ 39 4.3.3 Coaxial Cable .................................................................................................. 39 5. SATCOM Installation Materials ............................................................................................. 41 5.1 Required Materials ....................................................................................................... 41 6. System Interface Wiring ........................................................................................................ 42 6.1 General ......................................................................................................................... 42 6.2 Primary Power, Antenna, and SCM .............................................................................. 42 6.3 ARINC 429 Interfaces ................................................................................................... 42 6.3.1 Receiver Protocols ........................................................................................... 43 6.3.2 Transmitter Protocols ....................................................................................... 43 6.4 MCDU ........................................................................................................................... 44 6.5 ACARS ATSU ............................................................................................................... 45 6.6 CFDIU Interface ............................................................................................................ 46 6.7 Date, Time and Position ............................................................................................... 46 6.8 RS-232/422 Databus .................................................................................................... 46 6.9 Ethernet ........................................................................................................................ 47 6.10Discrete Inputs .............................................................................................................. 48 6.10.1 Landing Gear Control Interface Unit (LGCIU) Input ......................................... 48 6.10.2 Function Assignment ....................................................................................... 49 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 5 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 6.11Discrete Outputs ........................................................................................................... 50 6.12SATCOM ...................................................................................................................... 50 6.12.1 Audio Integrating System ................................................................................. 50 7. SATCOM System Configuration ........................................................................................... 52 7.1 Accessing the Maintenance User Interface (MUI) ........................................................ 53 7.1.1 Home Page Tab Descriptions .......................................................................... 54 7.1.2 Faults Page ...................................................................................................... 55 7.1.3 Part Numbers Page ......................................................................................... 56 7.2 Entering Maintenance Mode ......................................................................................... 57 7.2.1 Maintenance Mode Menu Descriptions ........................................................... 60 7.3 Configuring the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System ......................................................... 65 7.3.1 Address Book .................................................................................................. 65 7.3.2 Owner Requirements Table (ORT) Parameters .............................................. 66 7.3.3 Installation Configuration Table (ICT) .............................................................. 68 7.3.4 User Access Table (UAT) Parameters ............................................................ 68 7.4 Upgrading Airubs Iridium SATCOM System Software.................................................. 70 7.4.1 Upgrade Materials ........................................................................................... 70 7.4.2 Upgrade Procedure ......................................................................................... 70 7.5 Exiting Maintenance Mode ........................................................................................... 73 8. Maintenance and Checkout .................................................................................................. 75 8.1 Post-Installation Checkout ............................................................................................ 75 8.1.1 Before Power-On Tests ................................................................................... 75 8.1.2 Aircraft Systems Interface Tests ...................................................................... 76 8.1.3 Operational System Tests ............................................................................... 77 8.1.4 EMI Tests ......................................................................................................... 78 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness ...................................................................... 78 8.2 List of Figures Figure 2-1 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Operational Concept .......................................... 16 Figure 2-2 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Block Diagram .................................................... 17 Figure 2-3 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System External Interfaces ............................................. 18 Figure 3-1 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Satellite Data Unit (SDU) ................................... 20 Figure 3-2 SDU Outline Drawing ............................................................................................. 21 Figure 3-3 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System SDU Configuration Module (SCM) ..................... 22 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 6 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Figure 3-4 SCM Outline Drawing ............................................................................................. 23 Figure 3-5 SCM Oblique View ................................................................................................. 24 Figure 3-6 SCM Connector View Showing Location of Pin 1 .................................................. 25 Figure 3-7 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Antenna .............................................................. 25 Figure 3-8 Iridium Antenna Coaxial Cable and Connectors .................................................... 26 Figure 3-9 SDU Connector Map .............................................................................................. 29 Figure 4-1 2MCU Mounting Tray ............................................................................................. 36 Figure 4-2 Iridium Antenna, Outline and Dimensions .............................................................. 38 Figure 4-3 Iridium Antenna, Gasket ......................................................................................... 39 Figure 4-4 Iridium Antenna, Coaxial Cable .............................................................................. 40 Figure 6-1 Primary Power, Antenna, and SCM Interface ........................................................ 42 Figure 6-2 MCDU Interface ...................................................................................................... 44 Figure 6-3 ACARS ATSU Interface ......................................................................................... 45 Figure 6-4 CFDIU Interface ..................................................................................................... 46 Figure 6-5 Serial Port Interface ................................................................................................ 47 Figure 6-6 Ethernet Interface ................................................................................................... 48 Figure 6-7 Discrete Input Interfaces ........................................................................................ 50 Figure 6-8 Latched ACP Audio Interface ................................................................................. 51 Figure 7-1 Maintenance Port Location ..................................................................................... 52 Figure 7-2 Home Page General Tab .................................................................................... 54 Figure 7-3 Faults Page (Fault Log Tab) ................................................................................... 55 Figure 7-4 Faults Page (Fault History Tab) ............................................................................. 55 Figure 7-5 Part Numbers Page (Software Tab) ....................................................................... 56 Figure 7-6 Part Numbers Page (Hardware Tab) ...................................................................... 56 Figure 7-7 Entering Maintenance Mode Message ................................................................... 57 Figure 7-8 Maintenance Mode Initial Display Screen .............................................................. 58 Figure 7-9 Maintenance Mode Exit Screen ............................................................................. 59 Figure 7-10 System Restart Screen ........................................................................................ 59 Figure 7-11 Upgrades Screen ................................................................................................. 60 Figure 7-12 Address Book ....................................................................................................... 66 Figure 7-13 ORT Screen ......................................................................................................... 67 Figure 7-14 UAT Page ............................................................................................................. 69 Figure 7-15 Software Upgrade Progress ................................................................................. 71 Figure 7-16 Software Loading Progress Screens .................................................................... 71 Figure 7-17 Exit Maintenance Mode Message ........................................................................ 72 Figure 7-18 Exit Maintenance Mode Progress Bar .................................................................. 72 Figure 7-19 Exiting Prompt Message ...................................................................................... 73 Figure 7-20 Restart Screen ..................................................................................................... 74 Figure 7-21 Software Part Numbers Screen ............................................................................ 74 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 7 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System List of Tables Table 1-1 Part Numbers ............................................................................................................ 9 Table 1-2 References ................................................................................................................ 9 Table 1-3 Acronyms and Terms .............................................................................................. 12 Table 3-1 J1A Top Plug (TP) Insert ......................................................................................... 27 Table 3-2 J1B Middle Plug (MP) Insert .................................................................................... 28 Table 3-3 J1C Bottom Plug (BP) Insert ................................................................................... 29 Table 3-4 ARINC 429 Receiver Protocols ATSU/FWC ........................................................ 32 Table 3-5 ARINC 429 Receiver Protocols CFDS ................................................................. 33 Table 3-6 ARINC 429 Receiver Protocols MCDU ................................................................ 33 Table 3-7 ARINC 429 Receiver Port Monitoring ...................................................................... 34 Table 3-8 ARINC 429 Transmitter Protocols SDU ATSU/FWC ............................................ 34 Table 3-9 ARINC 429 Transmitter Protocols SDU MCDU .................................................... 35 Table 3-10 ARINC 429 Transmitter Protocols SDU FDS ..................................................... 35 Table 6-1 Serial Port Pin Assignments .................................................................................... 46 Table 7-1 Read Privileges by Role .......................................................................................... 62 Table 7-2 Download Privileges by Role ................................................................................... 63 Table 7-3 Modify Privileges by Role ........................................................................................ 64 Appendices Appendix A Wiring Diagram ..................................................................................................... 79 Appendix B ORT Worksheet .................................................................................................... 83 Appendix C Environmental Qualification Forms ...................................................................... 85 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 8 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System INTRODUCTION 1. This section provides a general introduction to the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System and its applicable standards and references. 1.1 Applicability This Installation Manual provides the information necessary to plan the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System installation and integration in the aircraft. It defines the mechanical and electrical interfaces for each Line Replaceable Unit (LRU) and provides the procedures required to properly configure, test, and maintain the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System. This manual is applicable to the following software version(s):
Software Part Number: 840E5733-06 1.2 Model Designation This manual covers model designation Airbus Iridium SATCOM System. 1.2.1 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System will be certified to TSO C-159a for voice and data safety-
services. It has a dual-channel Iridium link, one dedicated for safety-services data and the other prioritized for safety-services voice. 1.3 Part Numbers The following part numbers are defined for the LRUs of the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System. Table 1-1 Part Numbers Part Number 228E5733-00 418E5733-00 Description Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Satellite Data Unit (SDU) Airbus Iridium SATCOM System SDU Configuration Module
(SCM) 1.4 Reference Documents Table 1-2 References Ref. Document Number Description 1. ANSI/TIA/EIA-232-
Interface Between Data Terminal Equipment and Data Circuit-
Terminating Equipment Employing Serial Binary Data Interchange Mark 33 Digital Information Transfer System (DITS) L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 9 F-1997 2. ARINC 429-19 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 Ref. Document Number Description 3. ARINC 573-7 4. ARINC 600-16 5. ARINC 619-3 6. ARINC 664-2 7. ARINC 702-6 8. ARINC 702A-3 9. ARINC 717-14 10. ARINC 718-4 11. ARINC 718A-2 12. ARINC 739A-1 13. ARINC 741-13 14. ARINC 758-2 15. ARINC 761-4 16. FAA TSO C-159a 17. GAMA Publication No. 11, Ver. 5.1 IEEE 802.3-2008 18. 19. RTCA/DO-160G 20. RTCA/DO-214 21. RTCA/DO-262A 22. TIA/EIA-422-B 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Mark 2 Aircraft Integrated Data System (AIDS Mark 2) Air Transport Avionics Equipment Interfaces ACARS Protocols For Avionic End Systems Aircraft Data Networks Flight Management Computer System Advanced Flight Management Computer System Flight Data Acquisition and Recording System Mark 3 Air Traffic Control Transponder (ATCRBS/MODE S) Mark 4 Air Traffic Control Transponder (ATCRBS/MODE S) Multi-Purpose Control And Display Unit Aviation Satellite Communication System Communications Management Unit (CMU) Mark 2 Second Generation Aviation Satellite Communication System, Aircraft Installation Provisions Technical Standard Order, Avionics Supporting Next Generation Satellite Systems (NGSS) ARINC 429, General Aviation Subset IEEE Standard for Information Technology-Specific Requirements
- Part 3: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
(CMSA/CD) Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment Audio Systems Characteristics and Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Aircraft Audio Systems and Equipment Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Avionics Supporting Next Generation Satellite Systems (NGSS) Electrical Characteristics of Balanced Voltage Digital Interface Circuits L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 10 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Ref. Document Number Description 23. ABD0100 Issue I List of Affective ABD0100 Modules 24. ABD0100.0.0D General 25. ABD0100.1.1E 26. ABD0100.1.2G General Technical Requirements Applicable to all Technical Domains Environmental Conditions and Tests Requirements Associated to Qualification 27. ABD0100.1.3E Safety Reliability - Requirements 28. ABD0100.1.4F Maintainability Requirements 29. ABD0100.1.5F Off Aircraft Test and Testability Requirements 30. ABD0100.1.6D Material Requirements 31. ABD0100.1.7E Mechanical Requirements 32. ABD0100.1.8E Electrical and Installation Requirements 33. ABD0100.1.9H Electronic Equipment Design and Parts Requirements 34. ABD0100.1.10G Software Requirements Related to Product 35. ABD0100.1.11C Optical and Installation Requirements 36. ABD0100.1.12B Conventional Instruments Requirements 37. ABD0100.1.13A Cabin Requirements 38. ABD0100.1.14B Obsolescence Management 39. ABD0100.1.15A Supportability Engineering 40. ABD0100.1.16A Equipment Functional Robustness 41. ABD0100.2.1C Purchaser-Supplier Relations Requirements 42. ABD0100.2.2F Supplier Organization Requirements 43. ABD0100.2.3E Equipment General Design Assurance Process 44. ABD0100.2.4G Software Design Assurance Process 45. ABD0100.2.5D Hardware Design Assurance Process 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 11 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Ref. Document Number Description 46. ABD0100.2.6B Sub-Contracted Item Design Assurance 47. ABD0100.2.7G Design Validation/Verification Process and Reviews 48. ABD0100.2.8F Formal Qualification and Purchaser Acceptance Process 49. ABD0100.2.9G Configuration Management Process 50. ABD0100.2.10A Design Quality Assurance 51. ABD0100.2.11C Electronic Hardware Design Assurance Process 52. ABD0100.3.0H Documentation Requirements 53. ABD0012G 54. ABD0031F 55. ABD0024E 56. ABD0046D 57. AP1013C Supplies Tool and Test Equipment Fire/Smoke/Toxicity Aircraft MFR Tools and test equipment Units of Measurement GRESS: General Requirements for Equipment and System Supplier 1.5 Definitions of Acronyms and Terms Table 1-3 Acronyms and Terms Acronym ACARS ACP ADB AFIRS ANSI APU ATE ATS ATSU 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 Definition Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System Audio Control Panel Address Book Automated Flight Information Reporting System American National Standards Institute Auxiliary Power Unit Automatic Test Equipment Air Traffic Service Air Traffic Service Unit L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 12 Acronym ARINC AWG BCD BITE BOP BP BSP CF CFDS CNSSA CTS DITS DTP EFB EIA ELA FAA F/W FWC GAMA GFI GPS GSE HBP HYB ICA ICAO 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Definition Aeronautical Radio Incorporated American Wire Gauge Binary Coded Decimal Built-In Test Equipment Bit Oriented Protocol Bottom Plug Board Support Package Compact Flash Centralized Fault Display System (Airbus) Core Non-Safety Services Application Clear To Send Digital Information Transfer System Date Time Position Electronic Flight Bag Electronics Industry Association Embedded Logic Application Federal Aviation Administration Firmware Flight Warning Computer General Aviation Manufacturers Association General Format Identifier Global Positioning System Ground Service Equipment Harvard Bi-Phase Hybrid Instructions for Continued Airworthiness International Civil Aviation Organization L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 13 Acronym ICD ICE ICT IEEE IMEI ISO LGCIU LED LRU LSK MCDU MOPS MP MUI N/C NGSS N/O ORT PBX PC P/N PSTN PTT RMS RTS RTCA RX 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Definition Interface Control Document Iridium Certified Equipment Installation Configuration Table Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers International Mobile Equipment Identifier International Organization for Standardization Landing Gear Control Interface Unit Light Emitting Diode Line Replaceable Unit Line Select Key Multi-Purpose Control and Display Unit Minimum Operational Performance Specifications Middle Plug Maintenance User Interface Normally Closed Next Generation Satellite Systems Normally Open Owner Requirements Table Public Branch Exchange Personal Computer Part Number Public Switched Telephone Network Push To Talk Root-Mean-Square Request To Send Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics Receive L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 14 Acronym SAL SATCOM SCM SDI SDU SIM SSA SSM SW TIA TNC TP TX TSO UAT UTC VAC VDC WPS 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Definition System Address Label Satellite Communications SDU Configuration Module Source/Destination Identifier Satellite Data Unit Subscriber Identity Module Safety Service Application Signed Status Matrix Software Telecommunications Industry Association Threaded NeillConcelman Top Plug Transmit Technical Standard Order User Access Table Coordinated Universal Time Volts Alternating Current Volts Direct Current Words Per Second L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 15 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 2. DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION This section describes the system operation and architecture. 2.1 System Overview The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System provides multiple voice and data communications functions in the aircraft. The Automated Flight Information Reporting System (AFIRS) provides a satellite voice and data communications (SATCOM) link with the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) via the Iridium satellite network. The system uses a standard ARINC 741/761 SATCOM interface to the flight crews Audio Integrating System and ARINC 739A Multi-Purpose Control and Display Units
(MCDUs) in the cockpit, as well as providing 3-extension Public Branch Exchange (PBX) capability for up to 2 handsets in the cabin. Figure 2-1 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Operational Concept The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System provides a dedicated safety-services data channel with the capability to send and receive standard ACARS messages between the aircrafts Air Traffic Service Unit (ATSU) and a safety-services certified terrestrial service provider. 2.2 System Architecture The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System consists of modular avionics components that can be tailored to meet customer needs. The core system components are the Satellite Data Unit (SDU), the SDU Configuration Module (SCM), and the Iridium Antenna (see Figure 2-2). Optional components include Cabin Handset(s) (Wired or Cordless). 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 16 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Figure 2-2 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Block Diagram 2.3 External System Interfaces The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System has a number of external interfaces, which are listed below and described in detail in this section. Audio System Interface (1) ARINC 429 Transmitters (6) and Receivers (16) RS-232/422 Serial Ports (4) Ethernet Ports (4) Discrete Outputs (8) and Inputs (16) User Media Interfaces SIM (1), CF (1) Maintenance Interfaces Ethernet (1) Voice Modem Iridium 9523 Data Modem Iridium 9602 Iridium Antenna (1) Figure 2-3 illustrates the interfaces that the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System provides to external aircraft systems or to the user. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 17 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Figure 2-3 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System External Interfaces Audio System Interface (1) This interface consists of a Microphone Input to the SDU and an Interphone Output from the SDU to connect to a standard (DO-214) Audio Integrating System (e.g. Audio Panel) in the aircraft. Software selectable discrete inputs and outputs can be configured to support this interface (e.g. Mic On, Chime, Chime Reset, End Call functions). ARINC 429 Transmitters (6) and Receivers (16) These interfaces can be software-configured to connect to various aircraft systems to support both the display and control functions of the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System. Typical interfaced systems include MCDUs, ACARS ATSUs, Airbus Centralized Fault Display Systems (CFDS), etc. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 18 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System RS-232/422 Serial Ports (4) These interfaces can be software-configured to connect to different aircraft systems. Typical interfaced systems include EFB, Global Positioning System (GPS), etc. Ethernet Ports (4) These interfaces can be used to connect to several different systems. Typical interfaced systems include EFB, CFDS, etc. One of these ports can also be used to provide a remote maintenance port interface (e.g. in the flight compartment). Discrete Outputs (8) and Inputs (16) Discrete inputs and outputs can be used to provide or supplement various flight crew control and display interactions, particularly for voice functions. Discrete inputs can also be used to determine the states of various aircraft systems when this information is not available on a databus (e.g. Weight-on-Wheels, Doors Closed, etc.). An antenna mounted on the top of the fuselage is used to communicate with both the Iridium satellite network and the GPS satellite network. User Media Interfaces SIM (1), CF (1) There are two types of media available for the user to insert or remove from the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System. The SCM contains a user accessible Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card slot for storage of the Iridium communications management information. The SDU contains a front panel accessible Compact Flash (CF). Maintenance Interfaces Ethernet (1) An RJ45 jack on the front panel provides Maintenance Port access using an Ethernet connection. Iridium Antenna (1) 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 19 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 3. EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS This section describes the mechanical and environmental specifications of the components of the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System. 3.1 Satellite Data Unit (SDU) This section describes the mechanical and environmental specifications of the components of the Satellite Data Unit (SDU) see Figure 3-1. Figure 3-1 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Satellite Data Unit (SDU). 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 20 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 3.1.1 General The SDU is housed in an ARINC 600 2MCU enclosure, which is designed to be mounted in a standard ARINC 600 mounting tray. See Figure 3-2 for an outline of this component. Figure 3-2 SDU Outline Drawing (dimensions in [millimeters] and inches) 3.1.2 Mechanical Specifications Dimensions:
7.81 x 2.27 x 15.02 (198.3mm x 57.7mm x 381.5mm)
(See Figure 3-2) 7.7 lbs. (3.49 kg) Max. Aluminum Alloy with Black Polyurethane Finish 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 21 Mounting:
Rear Mating Connector: Size 2 ARINC 600 Receptacle Airbus Iridium SATCOM System ARINC 600 2MCU Mounting Tray Radiall P/N: NSXN2P201S0004 Maintenance Connector: RJ45 (8P8C) Modular Connector Jack Flash Card:
CompactFlash (Type I or Type II) 3.1.3 Environmental Specifications Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Refer to Appendix C Environmental Qualification Forms for environmental testing conditions, categories and descriptions of the conducted tests of the SDU. Note:
DO-160G Categories for the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System are as specified by the design. Qualification tests on the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System SDU have not been completed to date. 3.2 SDU Configuration Module (SCM) This section describes the mechanical and environmental specifications of the components of the SDU Configuration Module (SCM) see Figure 3-3. 3.2.1 General The SCM is housed in a small enclosure, which is designed to be mounted within 24 of the SDU rear connector. Figure 3-3 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System SDU Configuration Module (SCM) 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 22 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Typically, the SCM will be mounted on or near the ARINC 600 mounting tray used for the SDU. See Figure 3-4 for an outline of this component. Figure 3-4 SCM Outline Drawing (dimensions in [millimeters] and inches) 3.2.2 Mechanical Specifications Dimensions:
1.00 x 2.00 x 4.69 (25.4mm x 50.8mm x 119.1mm) 0.4 lbs. (0.18 kg) Max. Aluminum alloy with clear chromate per MIL-DTL-5541, Type II, Class 3 on all surfaces 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 23 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Figure 3-5 SCM Oblique View (Note 1: Resistance between mounting plate and module not to exceed 20 milli-ohms. Also, resistance between mounting plate and aircraft structure not to exceed 20 milli-ohms.) Figure 3-6 SCM Connector View Showing Location of Pin 1 (Note 2: Connector is a 9-pin D-Sub, P/N ABS1145A09P03B.) 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 24 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 3.2.3 Environmental Specifications Refer to Appendix C Environmental Qualification Forms for environmental testing conditions, categories and descriptions of the conducted tests of the SCM. 3.3 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Satellite Antenna The antenna is a Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) unit that is mounted on the top of the aircrafts fuselage see Figure 3-7. It provides satellite connectivity for both the GPS and Iridium satellite systems. Figure 3-7 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Antenna 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 25 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 3.4 Antenna Coaxial Cable For details on the selection and installation of the antenna coaxial cable, please see Section 4.3.4, which provides recommended coaxial cable types to be used which meet the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System requirements. Figure 3-8 illustrates the Iridium antenna coaxial cable and connectors. Figure 3-8 Iridium Antenna Coaxial Cable and Connectors 3.5 Interface Specifications This section describes the interface specifications of the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System components. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 26 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System SDU Rear Connector (J1) Table 3-1 J1A Top Plug (TP) Insert C O O O O O O O O O O O O O O A B Ethernet 1A Tx+
Ethernet 1A Rx+
Ethernet 1A Rx-
Ethernet 1A Tx-
O O O O Ethernet 4B Tx+
Ethernet 4B Rx+
Ethernet 4B Rx-
Ethernet 4B Tx-
O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 D O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O E F Ethernet 2B Tx+
Ethernet 2B Rx+
Ethernet 2B Rx-
Ethernet 2B Tx-
O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O G O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O H O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O J Ethernet 3B Tx+
Ethernet 3B Rx-
K Ethernet 3B Rx+
Ethernet 3B Tx-
O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Table 3-2 J1B Middle Plug (MP) Insert A O B O C O D O Ext. 1 Ext. 1 Ext. 1 Mic Audio Mic Audio Audio Out Hi Lo Ext. 1 Audio Out Lo No. 2 A429Rx B Hi No. 2 A429Rx A Airbus Iridium SATCOM System E O O F O O G No. 1 A429Rx A H No. 1 A429Rx B J No. 1 A429Tx A K No. 1 A429Tx B O O O O No. 3 A429Rx A No. 3 A429Rx B No. 4 A429Rx A No. 4 A429Rx B O O O O O O No. 2 Discrete Input No. 6 A429Rx A No. 3 Discrete Input No. 6 A429Rx B No. 4 Discrete Input No. 7 A429Rx A No. 3 A429Tx A No. 12 A429Rx A No. 5 A429Tx A No. 3 A429Tx B No. 12 A429Rx B No. 5 A429Tx B No. 4 A429Tx A No. 3 Discrete Output No. 1 RS422Tx-
RS232TXD No. 5 Discrete Input No. 7 A429Rx B No. 4 A429Tx B No. 9 Discrete Input No. 1 RS422Tx+
RS232RTS No. 6 Discrete Input No. 8 A429Rx A No. 11 A429Rx A No. 4 Discrete Output No. 1 RS422Rx+
RS232RXD No. 7 Discrete Input No. 8 A429Rx B No. 11 A429Rx B No. 10 Discrete Input No. 1 RS422Rx-
RS232CTS No. 3 RS422Tx-
RS232TXD No. 3 RS422Tx+
RS232RTS No. 3 RS422Rx+
RS232RXD No. 3 RS422Rx-
RS232CTS No. 4 RS422Tx-
RS232TXD No. 4 RS422Tx+
RS232RTS No. 2 A429Tx A SCM Power SCM Data No. 9 A429Rx A No. 1 RS232 Com No. 13 A429Rx A No. 2 A429Tx B SCM Ground SCM Clock No. 9 A429Rx B No. 4 RS232 Com No. 13 A429Rx B No. 2 RS422Tx-
RS232TXD No. 4 RS422Rx+
RS232RXD No. 2 RS422Tx+
RS232RTS No. 4 RS422Rx-
RS232CTS O O No. 1 Discrete Output No. 5 A429Rx A No. 10 A429Rx A No. 8 Discrete Input No. 2 RS232 Com No. 2 RS422Rx+
RS232RXD No. 11 Discrete Input No. 14 A429Rx A O O LGCIU 1 Discrete Input No. 5 A429Rx B No. 10 A429Rx B No. 2 Discrete Output No. 3 RS232 Com No. 2 RS422Rx-
RS232CTS No. 12 Discrete Input No. 14 A429Rx B No. 13 Discrete Input No. 6 A429Tx A No. 14 Discrete Input No. 6 A429Tx B Fault Output N/O Chime Output O O O O O O O Fault Output N/C O O No. 15 Discrete Input LGCIU HPP A717Rx A717Rx A O O O B O O O No. 5 Discrete Output No. 15 A429Rx A No. 6 Discrete Output No. 15 A429Rx B No. 7 Discrete Output No. 16 A429Rx A No. 8 Discrete Output No. 16 A429Rx B O O O O O O O O Phone Ext. 2 Tip Phone Ext. 2 Ring Phone Ext. 3 Tip Phone Ext. 3 Ring 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 28 Table 3-3 J1C Bottom Plug (BP) Insert Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Description Pin Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 20 Not Used 12 Primary 28 VDC Power Input 12 Power Ground 20 Not Used 20 Not Used 20 Not Used 12 Not Used 12 Chassis Ground 16 Not Used 16 Not Used 16 Not Used 5 Not Used 5 Iridium/GPS Antenna Figure 3-9 SDU Connector Map 3.5.1 Power Input The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System is powered by +28 VDC. 3.5.2 Chassis Ground For redundant chassis ground connection only. Not to be used as a normal current carrying conductor. Quantity:
1 DC Chassis Ground 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 29 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 3.5.3 ARINC 429 Digital Serial Bus Input Quantity:
Low Speed Data Rate:
High Speed Data Rate:
SSM/SDI/Data Definition:
16 DITS, ARINC 429 Low or high speed 12.5 Kbps 1%
100 Kbps 1%
Software Selectable Protocols 3.5.4 ARINC 429 Digital Serial Bus Output 6 DITS, ARINC 429 Low or high speed 12.5 Kbps 1%
100 Kbps 1%
Software Selectable Protocols Quantity:
Low Speed Data Rate:
High Speed Data Rate:
SSM/SDI/Data Definition:
3.5.5 Ethernet Quantity:
3.5.6 Discrete Inputs Quantity:
Input Impedance:
Fault Current:
DIN+ Voltage Range:
Pulse Width (Min):
4 802.3 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX, half- and full-duplex modes (auto-negotiated) ARINC 664P2 Physical Layer 16 Configurable
>10 k
<15 mA Logic High: 7.0 36.0 VDC Logic Low: 0 3.5 VDC 100 ms Configurable Inputs Each configurable discrete input is individually software-configurable for the following:
Signal Level: Open-Ground (Negative-Seeking) or Open-28V (Positive-Seeking) Logic Assignment: Active Low or Active High Function: Selected from list. Refer to 6.10 for additional information on use of configurable inputs. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 30 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 3.5.7 Discrete Outputs Each discrete output transitions between an Open Circuit (high-impedance-to-ground) and a Closed Circuit (low-impedance-to-ground) state to indicate a change in output logic. Quantity:
Open Circuit Impedance:
Open Circuit Voltage (Max.):
Closed Circuit Current Limit (Min.):
Voltage Across Closed Circuit:
8 Configurable
>100 k 36 VDC 500 mA
<1.25 V Configurable Outputs The Discrete Outputs use Open-Closed signal levels, where the output is either high-impedance to ground (Open) or low-impedance to ground (Closed). Each configurable discrete output is individually software-configurable for the following:
Logic Assignment: Active Low (Closed) or Active High (Open) Function: Selected from list. Refer to 6.11 for additional information on use of configurable outputs. 3.5.8 Two-Wire Phone Quantity:
Loop Battery:
Ring Signal:
Hook Flash:
Load Impedance (Nom.):
Polarity Sensitivity:
Audio Band Pass:
3.5.9 Microphone Input Quantity:
Dynamic Range:
Input Impedance:
Mic. Bias (No Load):
Mic. Bias Ripple:
165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 2 Standard 2-Wire Tip and Ring Loop 48 4 VDC 20 Hz 10%, 90 10 VAC RMS
<700 ms 600 None 300 3400 Hz 1 Standard DO-214 Microphone Input 20 mV to 1.5 V RMS 150 20%
16 0.5 V
<1 mV RMS in the 300 3400 Hz band L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 31 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Sidetone:
Sidetone Level:
Audio Band Pass:
Provided by System to Interphone Output Software Configurable 300 3400 Hz 3 dB @ 1626.5 MHz 3.5.10 Iridium / GPS Antenna Coaxial Cable Insertion Loss (Max.):
3.6 SDU Maintenance Connector (J2) The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System SDU provides an RJ-45 Maintenance Port connector on the front panel which provides for Ethernet connection to Ground Service Equipment (GSE) e.g. a laptop or Personal Computer with a standard web browser. 3.7 SDU Configuration Module (SCM) The SCM and antenna connect directly to the SDU. The SDU is the heart of the system and provides all of the interfaces to other aircraft systems. 3.8 ARINC 429 Receiver Protocols Table 3-4 ARINC 429 Receiver Protocols ATSU/FWC Source: ATSU / FWC Speed: High
(Configurable) Transmit Rate Format BCD Boolean word Boolean word Boolean word HYB BCD ISO 5 1 s 200 ms 200 ms 600 ms 1 s N/A Label 172 214 Parameter ATSU Identifier Word ATSU ICAO Address Word 1 216 ATSU ICAO Address Word 2 270 ATSU Status Word and Monitoring SDU SAL ATSU Equipment Identifier BOP (GFI=Eh) 307 377 ARINC 618 Block Uplink ARINC 618 Block Downlink BOP (GFI=Eh) ISO 5 N/A 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 32 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Table 3-5 ARINC 429 Receiver Protocols CFDS Source: Airbus CFDS Label 125 126 155 Parameter Time (UTC) Flight Phases Aircraft Configuration (Printer, ACARS, etc.) Discrete Format BCD BNR word 156 Aircraft Type 157 Aircraft Configuration (ATSU2, ATSU1) 227 233 234 235 236 260 301 302 303 304 CFDS BITE Command Flight Number 1, 2 Flight Number 3, 4 Flight Number 5, 6 Flight Number 7, 8 BCD Date YY/MM/DD Aircraft Identification 1,2,3 (ORT parameter) Aircraft Identification 4,5,6 (ORT parameter) Aircraft Identification 7,8,9 (ORT parameter) Fleet Identification, Aircraft Type Discrete word Discrete word ISO 5 ISO 5 ISO 5 ISO 5 ISO 5 BCD ISO 5 ISO 5 ISO 5 ISO 5 Speed: Low
(Configurable) Transmit Rate 1 s 1 s 1 s 1 s 1 s 120 ms 4 s 4 s 4 s 4 s 1 s 4 s 4 s 4 s 4 s Table 3-6 ARINC 429 Receiver Protocols MCDU Source: ARINC 739A MCDU Label 377 MCDU Identifier 270 Discrete Word #1 Parameter 350 Maintenance Word #1 307 SDU SAL 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 Speed: Low
(Configurable) Transmit Rate 1 s 1 s 1 s Format BCD Discrete word Discrete word HYB L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 33 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 3.9 ARINC 429 Receiver Activity Status Defines the criteria the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System uses for determining whether a receiver port is active. A bus is generally declared active when 4 consecutive words at the specified rate are received, and declared inactive when 4 consecutive samples fail. Table 3-7 ARINC 429 Receiver Port Monitoring Receiver ATSU / FWC ARINC 739A MCDU Airbus CFDS Activity Label Min. Update Rate 270 270 / 377 125 / 260 1 Hz 1 Hz 1 Hz 3.10 ARINC 429 Transmitter Protocols Table 3-8 ARINC 429 Transmitter Protocols SDU ATSU/FWC 3.10.1 From SDU to ATSU / FWC Destination: ATSU / FWC Label Parameter Speed: High (Configurable) Update Rate Format Transmit Rate SDU Identifier SDU Status Word and Monitoring ATSU SAL BOP (GFI=Eh) BOP (GFI=Eh) BCD Boolean word HYB ISO 5 ISO 5 1 s 1 s N/A N/A
172 270 304 ARINC 618 Block Uplink ARINC 618 Block Downlink 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 34 Table 3-9 ARINC 429 Transmitter Protocols SDU MCDU Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 3.10.2 From SDU to MCDU Destination: ARINC 739A MCDU Label Parameter Speed: Low (Configurable) Update Rate Format Transmit Rate 172 377 220 221 222 Subsystem Identifier Equipment Identifier MCDU Address Label for MCDU#1 MCDU Address Label for MCDU#2 MCDU Address Label for MCDU#3 BCD BCD 1 s 1 s Table 3-10 ARINC 429 Transmitter Protocols SDU CFDS 3.10.3 From SDU to Airbus CFDS Destination: Airbus CFDS Label 354 3561 377 Parameter LRU Identification (PN, SN) Fault Status ARINC 429 Equipment Identifier Speed: Low (Configurable) Format Transmit Rate Update Rate ISO 5 ISO 5 BCD 500 ms 200 ms
1 s Notes:
1. Label 356 is only transmitted when the system is in Operational or Maintenance mode and there are no active failures or faults. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 35 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS 4. This section provides information on the installation considerations for each of the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System components. 4.1 Satellite Data Unit (SDU) The SDU is housed in an ARINC 600 2MCU enclosure, which is designed to be mounted in a standard ARINC 600 mounting tray. Figure 4-1 shows a typical ARINC 600 2MCU tray used for the SDU. Figure 4-1 2MCU Mounting Tray While the SDU does not require forced-air cooling, every attempt should be made to place the SDU in a benign and well-ventilated environment. Placing the SDU on a plenum shelf in the Electronics Bay of the aircraft and using a mounting tray that provides cooling air to the SDU is preferred. The SDU tray should be electrically bonded to the airframe (<20 milliohms). It is recommended that the SDU be located where easy front panel access is available to facilitate replacing the flash card or connecting to the Maintenance Port. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 36 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 4.2 SDU Configuration Module (SCM) The SCM can be mounted on or near the SDU tray within 24 inches of the SDU rear connector. The SCM should be electrically bonded to the airframe (<20 milliohms). It is recommended that the SCM be located to provide easy access to the cover if ever the SIM card requires replacement. Refer to Figure 3-4 for the SCM mounting footprint. 4.3 Iridium Antenna System The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System has a single combined Iridium/GPS RF connection on the rear interface connector, which is to be connected to a single combined Iridium/GPS Antenna. The antenna system is comprised of all the components from the rear interface connector up to and including the antenna. The total gain of the antenna system must be greater than 0 dB at 1626.5 MHz
(measured at the antenna zenith). Most Iridium antennas have a gain of +3 dBic at the zenith; therefore the maximum attenuation in the rest of the antenna system must be less than 3 dB. If an antenna with a different gain is selected, the maximum loss of the rest of the antenna system must be adjusted accordingly. 4.3.1 Antenna Iridium SATCOM System Antenna: This is a passive antenna designed to cover the frequency range from 1565 MHz to 1626.5 MHz for Iridium transmit / receive operations and GPS reception. It is a low-profile, circular device that can be mounted directly to the aircraft fuselage. This antenna connects to the Iridium SDU through a coaxial cable see Figure 3-8 Figure 3-7. The antenna specifications are listed below:
Weight (Typical) 0.170 kg (6 oz.) Overall Dimensions (Typical) Height:
16.8 mm (0.66 inches) 89 mm (3.5 inches) Manufacturers Specification Reference Number Drawing 009E5733-00, Revision Iridium Antenna Passive, 1565 1626.5 MHz, RHCP see Figure 4-2. Iridium SATCOM System Supplier Equipment Specification, Document No. 905-E5750-07, Revision Environmental Specifications The Iridium SATCOM System antenna meets the environmental requirements of RTCA DO-
262A where applicable as referenced in Document No. 905-E5809-42, Revision A. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 37 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Testing was performed to DO-160F, MIL-STD-810, EN-60068, ISO-2669, and the applicable ABDs unless otherwise noted. Temperature:
Electrical Specifications
-55 C (-67 F); to +85 C (+185 F)
-100 to +55,000 FT 10 Gs (DO-160D/E F2-AB) Frequency:
Axial Ratio:
Power Handling:
1616.0 1625.5 MHz 1.5:1 50-Ohms RHCP 3.0 db @ zenith 60 Watts CW Figure 4-2 - Iridium Antenna, Outline and Dimensions 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 38 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 4.3.2 Antenna Mounting A .020 Thick Conductive Gasket is provided. L-3 recommends using (4) screws, MS24693-C274 for mounting the Airbus Iridium Antenna see Figure 4-3. Figure 4-3 - Iridium Antenna, Gasket 4.3.3 Coaxial Cable Iridium SATCOM System Coaxial Cable: This is an RF Cable designed to cover the frequency range from 1565 MHz to 1626.5 MHz for Iridium transmit / receive operations and GPS reception. It is a low-loss, aircraft-grade cable that will be mounted in the aircraft fuselage. This cable provides the interconnection between the Iridium SATCOM System Satellite Data Unit and the Iridium Antenna. The Coaxial Cable has an ARINC Size 5 coaxial contact installed on one end and a TNC male connector installed on the other. There are three possible lengths for this Coaxial Cable. They are designated by the last two digits of the part number (01, 02 or 03) as listed below:
024E5733-01 024E5733-02 024E5733-03 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 39 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System The antenna coaxial specifications are listed below:
Weight (Typical) 024E5733-01 - 1.633 kg (57.6 oz) 024E5733-02 1.497 kg (52.8 oz) 024E5733-03 1.470 kg (51.8 oz) Overall Dimensions (Typical) Length:
024E5733-01 11.3 m (445.0 inches) 024E5733-02 10.2 m (402.0 inches) 024E5733-03 9.95 m (392.0 inches) Diameter:
8.1 mm (0.317 inches) Manufacturers Specification Reference Number Drawing 024E5733-00, Revision B; Iridium Antenna Coax Cable see Figure 4-4. Iridium SATCOM System Supplier Equipment Specification, Document No. 905-E5750-07, Revision Environmental Specifications The Iridium SATCOM System Coaxial Cable meets the environmental requirements of RTCA DO-262A where applicable as described in Document No. 905E5836-42. Testing was performed to DO-160F, EN 4604, EN 3475, and the applicable ABDs unless otherwise noted. Figure 4-4 Iridium Antenna Coaxial Cable 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 40 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 5. SATCOM INSTALLATION MATERIALS In addition to the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System LRUs (SDU and SCM), the materials described in this section are generally required as part of a typical Airbus Iridium SATCOM System installation. Note:
The system integrator is responsible to ensure that all installation materials used meet the regulatory requirements for the intended aircraft installation environment. 5.1 Required Materials ARINC 600 2MCU mounting tray ARINC 600 Size 2 connector, with contacts ARINC 600 ground block, with contacts Antenna coaxial cable(s) (ref. 4.3.3) System interface wiring (ref. 6) Iridium antenna (ref.4.3.1) 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 41 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 6. SYSTEM INTERFACE WIRING This section provides information on the system interface wiring required for the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System. 6.1 General All wire types and installation practices must comply with the requirements for the aircraft. Unless otherwise noted, minimum wire size is 22 AWG for standard copper wire or 24 AWG for high strength copper alloy wire. Terminate all shields at ground block or ground stud on SDU tray. Keep shield drains and unshielded conductor lengths as short as practicable (<3). 6.2 Primary Power, Antenna, and SCM The primary power, antenna, and SCM connections shown in Figure 6-1 are required for all Airbus Iridium SATCOM System installations. The system will start and continue to operate whenever power
(20.5 32.2 VDC) is available at the Primary Power Input pin (J1C-2). Figure 6-1 Primary Power, Antenna, and SCM Interface 6.3 ARINC 429 Interfaces The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System has 16 ARINC 429 receive ports and 6 ARINC 429 transmit ports. Each port is software-configurable for high or low speed, and the receive ports are also individually software-configurable for odd, even or no parity checking. The transmit ports always transmit odd parity. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 42 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 6.3.1 Receiver Protocols Each of the ARINC 429 receivers can be configured in software for the proper protocol of the external aircraft system to which it is interfaced. Below is a list of the available ARINC 429 receiver protocols.
(See 3.8 for the label specifications for each receiver protocol.) Once a protocol (except None is selected for any given receive port, it is no longer available for assignment to any of the other ports. None ACARS 1 ACARS 2 Airbus CFDS A739 MCDU 1 A739 MCDU 2 A739 MCDU 3 When an input is not connected to an active system (e.g. no connection, or wiring provisions only are installed), the port should be configured as None to avoid triggering bus inactivity faults. 6.3.2 Transmitter Protocols Each of the ARINC 429 transmitters can be configured in software for the proper protocol of the external aircraft system to which it is interfaced. Below is a list of the available ARINC 429 transmitter protocols. (See 3.10 for the label specifications for each transmitter protocol.) Once a protocol
(except None) is selected for any given port, it is no longer available for assignment to any of the other ports. None ACARS A739 MCDU Airbus CFDS 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 43 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 6.4 MCDU If an ARINC 739A MCDU is installed, MCDU 1 should be connected to ARINC 429 Tx 1 and ARINC 429 Rx 1. For MCDU 2 and 3, ARINC 429 Rx ports 2 and 3 are used as shown in Figure 6-2, but any Rx port from 2 to 16 may be used. Figure 6-2 MCDU Interface 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 44 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 6.5 ACARS ATSU The ACARS ARINC 429 Tx interface provides safety-services data functionality for the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System. It is recommended that if the ACARS ATSU ARINC 429 Rx connection will not be utilized, that the wires be capped and stowed near the connectors as shown. ARINC 429 Rx port 4 is shown in Figure 6-3, but any Rx port from 2 to 16 may be used. Figure 6-3 ACARS ATSU Interface 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 45 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 6.6 CFDIU Interface The SDU communicates with the Airbus Centralized Fault Display Interface Unit (CFDIU) over two ARINC 429 Low Speed busses, (1) input and (1) output as shown in Figure 6-4. Figure 6-4 CFDIU Interface 6.7 Date, Time and Position The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System uses date, time and position information for numerous purposes, including information tags attached to various reports and events. Date, time and position information is provided by the systems internal GPS. 6.8 RS-232/422 Databus The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System has four serial ports (transmit and receive). Each port is software-configurable for RS-232 or RS-422 mode. The speed, data bits, parity, stop bits, and flow control settings for each port are also software-configurable. See Figure 6-5. Each serial port is assigned 5 pins on the rear connector. The function of these pins is dependent on whether RS-232 or RS-422 mode is being used. Table 6-1 Serial Port Pin Assignments RS-232 TXD RTS RXD CTS Com RS-422 Tx-
Not Used Port 1 9E 9F 9G 9H 7J Port 2 9J 9K 10A 10B 9A Port 3 10C 10D 10E 10F 9B Port 4 10G 10H 10J 10K 7K 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 46 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System When configured for RS-232 mode, the serial ports support software (Xon/Xoff) and hardware
(RTS/CTS) handshaking. If hardware handshaking is not being used, the RTS and CTS pins do not need to be connected. Figure 6-5 Serial Port Interface 6.9 Ethernet The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System has four Ethernet ports (see Figure 6-6). Each port can auto-
negotiate the best speed (10/100) and mode (full/half duplex). Port 1A is currently configured with a static IP address. A 4-conductor Ethernet cable must be used. The rear connector pin layout provides slightly better noise immunity with a star-quad cable construction, but a twisted-pair cable construction can generally also be used. For star-quad cables, the conductor lay order should be maintained without crossing the conductors when terminating. For twisted-pair construction, the conductor twists should be maintained right up to the rear connector. In either case, the best noise immunity is obtained by keeping the strip length of the shield as short as physically possible, preferably <0.25 inches. PIC P/N E51424 and ECS P/N 422404 are examples of aircraft-quality star-quad Ethernet cables that are typically suitable for use. PIC P/N E40424 and ECS P/N 922404 are examples of aircraft-quality twisted-pair Ethernet cables that are typically suitable for use. Each of the Ethernet ports can be configured in software for the proper protocol of the external aircraft system to which it is interfaced. Below is a list of the available protocols. None Not Monitored 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 47 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Monitored Unused Ethernet ports should be configured as None. A Monitored port is one where the system expects an active link and it will generate a fault if the Ethernet link to the external system is not available. For example, if the SDU is connected by Ethernet to a Class 2 EFB that is routinely turned off and stowed for take-off and landing, the port should be configured as Not Monitored or the system will generate a fault whenever the EFB is disconnected. Figure 6-6 Ethernet Interface 6.10 Discrete Inputs The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System has 16 Discrete Inputs, of which 14 are software-configurable for Open-Ground or Open-28V signaling levels, Active High or Active Low logic, and the assigned function. 6.10.1 Landing Gear Control Interface Unit (LGCIU) Input Discrete Input No. 1 (Din 1) is dedicated for use as a Landing Gear Control Interface Unit (LGCIU1) input. When there is only one LGCIU input (i.e. the LGCIU2 function is not assigned to a Discrete Input; see 6.10.2) and the LGCIU1 input transitions to the active state, the system is signaled that the aircraft is on the ground, and the inactive state indicates that the aircraft is in the air. LGCIU1 (Din 1) is only an Open-Ground input; it cannot be configured as an Open-28V input. A Hardware Programming Pin (HPP) is provided to set whether the LGCIU1 input is Active High or Active Low. If the LGCIU HPP pin (J1B-11F) is tied low, LGCIU1 is configured as an Active Low input, i.e. Ground = On Ground. If the LGCIU HPP pin is connected to ground, LGCIU1 is configured as an Active High input, i.e. Ground = In Air. If one of the configurable Discrete Inputs is configured for the LGCIU2 function (see 6.10.2), the following logic is used to determine the aircrafts Air-Ground status:
When the LGCIU1 discrete input is in the active state (as configured by the LGCIU HPP strapping) and the LGCIU2 discrete input is in the active state (as defined by the ICT setting for the discrete input configured as LGCIU 2), the aircraft is considered as on the ground. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 48 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System When any of the LGCIU discrete inputs are in the inactive state, the aircraft is considered as in the air. 6.10.2 Function Assignment The discrete inputs are software configurable. Once a function is selected for any given input, it is no longer available for assignment to any of the other inputs. See Figure 6-7. The Mic On, and Call Light functions are used in conjunction with the Extension 1 audio interface and are discussed in below. Discrete Input No. 1 (Din 1) is dedicated as a LGCIU input. Only Discrete Inputs Din 2 through Din 15 are software-configurable. Discrete Input No. 16 (Din 16) is dedicated as aircraft on ground (LGCIU HPP). None When an input is not connected to an active system (e.g. no connection, or wiring provisions only are installed), the input should be configured as None. System Reset The System Reset Discrete Input, when configured, will reset the system only after an inactive to active transition. The system will reset only once even if the discrete input is left active. The System Reset function is independent of the 'In-Air' or 'On-Ground' status of the aircraft. Landing Gear Control Interface Unit 2 (LGCIU2) A second Landing Gear Control Interface Unit input may optionally be provided to the AFIRS system. Refer to 6.10.1 for the logic used when a LGCIU2 input is provided. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 49 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Figure 6-7 Discrete Input Interfaces 6.11 Discrete Outputs The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System has 8 configurable Discrete Outputs, each of which is software-
configurable for Active High or Active Low logic and the assigned function. The Discrete Outputs use Open-Closed signal levels, where the output is either high-impedance to ground (Open) or low-
impedance to ground (Closed). Once a function (except None) is selected for any given output, it is no longer available for assignment to any of the other outputs. 6.12 SATCOM This section describes the interface and integration requirements for the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System with an Audio Integrating System. 6.12.1 Audio Integrating System Extension 1 is generally intended to be connected to the aircrafts audio integrating system for flight crew use. The interfaces required to fully support this functionality vary significantly depending on the design of the audio integrating system. Generally, the MCDUs are used for control and display of the SATCOM functions for Extension 1. Audio Discrete Signals There is one discrete input and one discrete output that can be used to support the integrated audio interface. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 50 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Mic On Input The Mic On function is dedicated as a Latched ACP mode; therefore, Voice Extension 1
(Mic/Phone input) will answer an incoming call when the Mic On input transitions to the active state. Once a call is in progress, the microphone audio channel will function as long as the Mic On input is in the active state. If a call is in progress and the Mic On input toggles to the inactive state, the call will be terminated. For outgoing calls when the Mic On input is configured for Latched ACP, the function is dependent on which control source is configured for Extension 1. When an MCDU is the Extension 1 dialing control, setting the Mic On input to the active state will initiate the dialing process using the phone number preselected on the MCDU. Call Light Output The Call Light output is software configurable for either steady or flashing lights. When an incoming voice call is ringing, the Call Light output will transition to the active state; either in a steady state or flashing at approximately a 1 Hz rate. When the incoming call is subsequently answered, the Call Light output will remain active in the steady state as long as the call is in progress. When the call in progress is terminated, the Call Light output will go inactive. Latched ACP Configuration If the Audio Integrating System provides a latched Mic On output, the following interface can be used. When an incoming call is ringing and the SATCOM switch on the Audio Control Panel is pressed, the call will be answered and microphone audio will always be live. The SATCOM switch on the Audio Control Panel is pressed a second time to end the call. Calls cannot be answered and terminated on the MCDU screen in this configuration. The following diagram also shows how the Call Light output can be interfaced to an Audio Integrating System that provides SATCOM visual and aural call indications. In this case, a Call Light, Chime and Chime Reset switch are not required. See Figure 6-8. Figure 6-8 Latched ACP Audio Interface 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 51 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 7. SATCOM SYSTEM CONFIGURATION You configure the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Satellite Data Unit (SDU) via Ethernet using a laptop, web browser, and the AFIRS Maintenance User Interface (MUI). Note:
The MUI only accepts English-language characters and numbers. IMPORTANT: This manual provides information on how to connect to the Maintenance Port and access the Maintenance User Interface (MUI). It also provides general information on the steps required to configure and update the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System. The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System has an Ethernet interface for the Maintenance Port connection. An RJ-45 Maintenance Port jack is located behind the access door on the front panel of the SDU as shown in Figure 7-1. Figure 7-1 Maintenance Port Location Note:
When performing the initial configuration of an installed system, perform and complete the Before Power-On Tests in section 8.1 before applying power to the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 52 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 7.1 Accessing the Maintenance User Interface (MUI) You access the AFIRS MUI by connecting an Ethernet cable to the Maintenance Port of the SDU. Alternatively, as described in section 6.9, Ethernet Port 1A can be used. Also, if an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) with a supported web browser installed is connected to one of the rear Ethernet port connections, the EFB can be used as an AFIRS maintenance terminal and a laptop is not required. To access the Maintenance User Interface (MUI):
1. Connect an Ethernet cable either to the Maintenance Port via the front panel access door of the SDU or through the rear Ethernet Port 1A connection. Note that the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System power may be on or off. 2. Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to a laptop that is running a web browser. Note:
It is recommended to use Mozilla Firefox as the Internet browser with the SDU. The laptop network adapter must be set to the same subnet mask as the SDU (i.e. 3. If not already powered, apply power to the SDU. 4. Confirm that the green link light (adjacent to Maintenance Port RJ45 connector) is illuminated, either steady or flashing (a flashing link light indicates that data is being transmitted). 5. Open a web browser on the laptop. In the Address bar, type one of the two following IP addresses depending on the connection point: (if connecting to the Maintenance Port at the front panel of the SDU see Figure 7-1.) (if connecting to the rear Ethernet Port 1A. see Figure 6-6). Note:
Before opening the Web page, clear the cache of the Web browser or Ctrl+F5 and reopen the Web page. The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Home page appears with the General tab information displayed see Figure 7-2 Home Page General Tab. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 53 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Figure 7-2 Home Page General Tab The default view opens to the Home page General tab (see Figure 7-2) which displays the following information:
1 Login area 2 Menu of available links to pages accessible to various users upon login 3 Tabs: General, ARINC, and Discrete In 4 System and Link status display area 5 System information data display area 6 Mode: OPERATIONAL, MAINTENANCE, INITIALIZING, etc. 7.1.1 Home Page Tab Descriptions To open the MUI Home Page, there is no user name and password required. The General tab page displays:
UTC Date and Time: This is correlated to a GPS clock if ICT parameter Internal GPS =
Active. If no link is available (i.e. during startup) a default date is displayed. Position: This is the AFIRS GPS position. If no GPS is fixed, no GPS will be displayed. Phone Number: Displays the aircraft phone number (12 digits). Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Status Indicators:
ISVM IMEI: Iridium Satellite Voice Modem International Mobile Equipment Identity (15 digits). ISDM IMEI: Iridium Satellite Data Modem International Mobile Equipment Identity (15 digits). System: Yellow (INIT) initializing; Green (OK), Yellow (FAULT), Yellow (blank) indicates that system is in Maintenance Mode; Red indicates SDU Configuration Module (SCM) or Satellite Data Unit (SDU) Hardware failure or other critical error. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 54 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System ISVM LINK: Yellow (NO LINK) no Iridium link if CSQ (Channel Signal Quality) is 0-1;
Green (OK) if CSQ is 2-5 ISDM LINK: Yellow (NO LINK) no Iridium link if CSQ (Channel Signal Quality) is 0-1;
Green (OK) if CSQ is 2-5 GPS LINK: Yellow (NO FIX), Green (OK) The ARINC tab displays the status of the 16 ARINC 429 RX channels. The status of a configured function is either ACTIVE (green) or FAULT (red). The ARINC 717 RX configuration is currently not used. The DISCRETE IN tab displays the state of the 16 Discrete Inputs. The state of the configured functional input is either ACTIVE (green) or INACTIVE (blue). 7.1.2 Faults Page The Faults page provides access to the system fault log (see Figure 7-3), and fault history (Figure 7-4). The FAULT tab displays only currently raised faults, while the HISTORY tab displays all raised and cleared faults since the last system reboot. Figure 7-3 Faults Page (Fault Log Tab) Figure 7-4 Faults Page (Fault History Tab) 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 55 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 7.1.3 Part Numbers Page The Part Numbers page provides the status of the software (Figure 7-5) and hardware configuration
(Figure 7-6) of the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System. Figure 7-5 Part Number Page (Software Tab) Figure 7-6 Part Number Page (Hardware Tab) 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 56 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 7.2 Entering Maintenance Mode In order to enter Maintenance Mode, the aircraft must be deemed On-Ground. If the aircraft is deemed In-Air, the [Enter Maintenance Mode] button will be or will become unavailable. If the aircraft status changes to In-Air while in Maintenance Mode, the system will reboot automatically and return to Operational Mode. Entering Maintenance Mode is granted to the following users after login with their assigned user name and password:
Entering Maintenance Mode provides the Upgrades page to the Maintenance User and Administrator User. In addition, the Maintenance User is allowed to modify 5 parameters in the ORT page. The Administrator User is allowed to modify parameters in the UAT page only. Role based MUI permissions are provided in Table 7-1 through Table 7-3 at the end of this section. Maintenance User Administrator User To enter Maintenance Mode:
1. Once connected to the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System MUI, on the Home page, enter your user name and password, then click Login. 2. If the aircraft is deemed On-Ground, the [Enter Maintenance Mode] button is available at the top right corner of the screen. Click Enter Maintenance Mode. A message appears (see Figure 7-7) prompting for confirmation to enter Maintenance Mode. Figure 7-7 Entering Maintenance Mode Message 3. To enter Maintenance Mode, click OK. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 57 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System The Home screen appears as shown in Figure 7-8. The SYSTEM status indicates Yellow (blank). Note:
Entering Maintenance Mode disables all MCDU functions. Figure 7-8 Maintenance Mode Initial Display Screen To exit Maintenance Mode:
Upon completion of uploading of data or software files or modifying parameters, click Exit Maintenance Mode for the changes to take effect see Figure 7-9. A dialog box will appear, asking you to confirm that you want to save changes. Click OK, then the system will restart, displaying the screen shown in Figure 7-10. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 58 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Figure 7-9 Maintenance Mode Exit Screen Figure 7-10 System Restart Screen Note:
Exiting Maintenance Mode enables all MCDU functions. If the aircraft status changes to In-Air while in Maintenance Mode, the system will reboot automatically and return to Operational Mode, disregarding incomplete file uploads. The following sections describe the functionality of the additional menu items available in Maintenance Mode. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 59 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 7.2.1 Maintenance Mode Menu Descriptions Entering Maintenance Mode provides the Upgrades page to the Maintenance User and Administrator User. 1. Click Upgrades to upload software or data files. The screen shown in Figure 7-11 will be displayed. 2. Click Browse to navigate and select the software or data file to be uploaded. Figure 7-11 Upgrades Screen 3. Click Upload to start the uploading process. Upon successful completion of the Upload step, the blue progress bars turn green. The uploaded data files display a CRC code, the uploaded software file displays the part number of the software. Non-compatible files will be rejected and an error message displays. 4. Click Apply to start the verification process. Upon successful completion of the verification step, the blue progress bars turn green. Non-compatible files will be rejected and an error message displays 5. Click Reset in order to upload another file. 6. For changes to take effect, the system must be rebooted. Click Exit Maintenance Mode. Note:
If the aircraft status changes to In-Air before the Upload process is completed, the system will reboot automatically and return to Operational Mode, disregarding incomplete uploads. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 60 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 7. Maintenance User can modify only 5 ORT parameters:
a. Click ORT (Owner Requirements Table) to configure customized settings for specific aircraft and or operator requirements. 8. Administrator User can modify any UAT parameter:
a. Click UAT (User Access Table) to configure user access privileges. 9. Click Exit Maintenance Mode for changes to take effect. The system reboots and returns to Operational Mode Note:
If the aircraft status changes to In-Air before the Upload process is completed, the system will reboot automatically and return to Operational Mode, disregarding incomplete uploads. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 61 Table 7-1 - Read Privileges by Role Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Read Privileges StatusandPartNumbers Configurations Status:OperatingMode, GPSSource,Configured PhoneNumber,ISVMIMEI, ISDMIMEI,StatusLEDs
(System,GPS,ISVM,ISDM) ARINC429Rx ChannelsStatus
Inactive) DiscreteInputs Status(Active/
Inactive) Fault Status PartNumbers:
(Address Book) UAT
(User Access Table) ORT ICT Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
(Limited) No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No Yes Roles Guest
(no login required) Data Collector Maintenance Administrator 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 62 Table 7-2 - Download Privileges by Role Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Logs DownloadPrivileges Configurations Roles Guest (no login required) Data Collector Maintenance Administrator 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 Failures InAir Faults On Ground Faults Status(Link Changes) Debug ICT ORT ADB
(Address Book) UAT
(UserAccess Table) No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No Yes No No No Yes No No No No Yes L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 63 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Table 7-3 Modify Privileges by Role ModifyPrivileges Modifications Software/DataLoading(Upload) Roles ORT Parameters ICT Parameters AddressBook Guest (no login required) No Data Collector No Maintenance Administrator No Yes(Limited) No No No No No No No No UAT
(User Access Table) No No No Yes ADB ORT
(Address Book) UAT
(User Access Table) No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes S/W Upgrades No No Yes Yes ICT No No Yes Yes 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 64 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 7.3 Configuring the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System This section provides basic information on how to configure the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System. User access privileges are required to modify parameters as follows:
Maintenance User 5 ORT parameters Administrator User UAT parameters The above listed users are required to log in with a user name and password and enter Maintenance Mode. Note: The aircraft status must be On-Ground when Entering Maintenance Mode. The following sections are intended to provide you with information on the configuration process and data inputs required to install and verify a system as operational: For the purposes of installation, system configuration and verification, the following steps should be completed:
1. Address Book to upload 2. ORT parameters for Maintenance User 3. ICT file to upload 4. UAT parameters for user roles 7.3.1 Address Book The Address Book can be uploaded as a comma-separated-values file (adb.csv) by the Maintenance User or Administrator User after login with a user name and password, and Entering Maintenance Mode when the aircraft status On-Ground. The Address Book can be viewed in the MUI by the Maintenance User or Administrator User after login in Operational Mode. Up to 300 Address Book entries can be made. Note: Address Book entries can be viewed and, if unprotected, modified via the MCDU in Operational Mode. The Address Book can be downloaded as adb.csv file in the MUI (including modifications that have been made via the MCDU) by the Maintenance User after login in Operational Mode. The following restrictions and limitations apply to the parameters of a compatible adb.csv file:
Phone Number up to 18 digits Name up to 23 alphanumeric characters; A-Z, 0-9, +, -, /, space Priority 4 (Public), 3 (Non-Safety), 2 (Safety), 1 (Emergency) Protected 0 (No), 1 (Yes) Directory - 4 (Public), 3 (Non-Safety), 2 (Safety), 1 (Emergency) Speed Dial 1 - 1 Speed Dial 2 0 (currently not used) Speed Dial 3 0 (currently not used) 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 65 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System To view the Address Book in the MUI:
1. In Operational Mode, log in as Maintenance User or Administrator User. 2. Click Address Book to display the Address Book entries (see Figure 7-12). Figure 7-12 Address Book 3. View the Address Book entries in the MUI:
Order#: Up to 300 address book entries. Note: This parameter is not part of the adb.csv file. Phone Number: From 6 to 18 digits Contact Name: Up to 23 alphanumeric characters Default Call Priority and Directory: Options displayed are Emergency, Safety, Non-Safety, and Public. Protected: YES indicates that the Address Book entry is protected from being modified. NO indicates that the Address Book entry is not protected, and can be modified or deleted via the MCDU in Operational Mode. Extension 2 and 3 Speed Dial: Currently not used. 7.3.2 Owner Requirements Table (ORT) Parameters The following user access privileges are required to modify ORT parameters:
Maintenance User 5 ORT parameters The Owner Requirements Table (ORT) for Maintenance User (see Figure 7-13) contains the parameters that may be customized by the individual aircraft operator. These settings may be changed as required to meet operational requirements or preferences. The ORT file can be uploaded and downloaded as a binary file by the Maintenance User. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 66 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System The file name of an up-loadable ORT file has a part number; for example, 852E5927-00.bin. It is version-controlled and the CRC is calculated and displayed during the upload process for verification. The default file name of a downloaded ORT file is ort.bin. Figure 7-13 ORT Screen Note:
An ORT Configuration Worksheet is provided in Appendix B to assist the operator in selecting and documenting the correct ORT configuration settings. To access and modify ORT parameters:
1. Log in with user name and password as Maintenance User. 2. Click Enter Maintenance Mode. Note:
The aircraft status must be On-Ground to be able to Enter Maintenance Mode. 3. Click the ORT link on the left-hand side of the screen to open the ORT page. 4. AIR TO GROUND CALLS - CALL PROGRESS TONES: The call progress tones can be configured to either North American or European. The default is NORTH AMERICAN. 5. ALLOW MANUAL DIALING - EXTENSION 1: If set to YES, manually dialed phone calls can be placed from the cockpit, in addition to using the directory. If set to NO, phone calls from the cockpit can be placed only by using the directory. Note:
If set to NO, the MANUAL DIAL prompt will not be available on the MCDU. IMPORTANT! To obtain operational approval for safety-services voice in accordance with FAA AC20-150A, Extension 1 must be configured YES to allow manual dialing for the flight crew. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 67 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 6. OTHER CALL PARAMETERS ALLOW LOW PRIORITY CALLS IN COCKPIT: Low-
priority calls are considered PUBLIC or Priority 4. If set to YES, low-priority calls can be received in the cockpit, and low-priority calls can be placed from the cockpit. If set to NO, low-priority incoming calls will not ring in the cockpit, and no low-priority calls can be placed from the cockpit. Note:
If set to NO, the PUBLIC directory prompt will not be available on the MCDU. 7. SAFETY SERVICES (Airbus Iridium SATCOM System) ADDITIONAL ACARS HEADER PARAMETER: The default configuration of NONE corresponds to SITA;
alternatively, select ARINC. 8. ATS ENABLED: If set to YES, the Iridium SIM card installed in the SCM must be ATS-
enabled. If set to NO, the Iridium SIM card installed in the SCM is not ATS-enabled. 7.3.3 Installation Configuration Table (ICT) The Installation Configuration Table (ICT) parameters may not be viewed or modified. The ICT file can be uploaded and downloaded as a binary file by the Maintenance User. The file name of an uploadable ICT file has a part number; for example, 852E5910-00.bin. It is version-controlled and the CRC is calculated and displayed during the upload process for verification. The default file name of a downloaded ICT file is ict.bin. 7.3.4 User Access Table (UAT) Parameters The following user access privileges are required to modify UAT parameters:
Administrator User The User Access Table (UAT), shown in Figure 7-14, is used by the Administrator User to set up user access privileges for up to 20 users. These settings may be changed as required to meet operational requirements. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 68 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Figure 7-14 UAT Page To access and modify UAT parameters:
1. Log in with user name and password as Administrator User 2. Click Enter Maintenance Mode. Note:
The aircraft status must be On-Ground to be able to Enter Maintenance Mode. 3. Click the UAT (Security) link on the left-hand side of the screen to open the UAT page. 4. USER NAME: From 4 to 20 upper-case alphanumeric characters 5. PASSWORD: From 4 to 20 upper-case alphanumeric characters 6. SECURITY LEVEL: Select either DATA COLLECTOR (default) or MAINTENANCE or ADMINISTRATOR. Up to 20 Users can be configured. To exit Maintenance Mode:
Upon completion of modifying parameters, click Exit Maintenance Mode for the system to reboot and the changes to take effect. Note:
Exiting Maintenance Mode enables all MCDU functions. If the aircraft status changes to In-Air while in Maintenance Mode, the system will reboot automatically and return to Operational Mode. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 69 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 7.4 Upgrading Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Software The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System software is field-upgradeable using the Upgrade function of the MUI in Maintenance Mode. One of the following user privileges is required to login and enter Maintenance Mode to upload software and data files:
Maintenance User Administrator User Note:
The aircraft status must be On-Ground to enter Maintenance Mode. 7.4.1 Upgrade Materials Make sure you have the following materials available before beginning the upgrade procedure. A notebook computer with an Ethernet port, running the Microsoft Windows operating system and a web browser such as Internet Explorer (see Section 7.1 Accessing the Maintenance Port). A standard, straight-through Ethernet patch cable. The software release folder that contains the upgrade file (upgrade.tgz). The software release notes to identify any changes to functionality or special upload instructions. 7.4.2 Upgrade Procedure Before beginning the upload procedure, make sure you have saved the applicable software release folder that includes the upgrade.tgz file to an accessible location on your laptop. Make sure you review the software release notes for any special instructions that may apply. To upgrade the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Software:
1. From the left-hand menu, click Upgrades. The Upgrades screen displays. 2. Click Browse to locate the software file to upload (upgrade.tgz). 3. Once you have selected the software file you want to upload, click Upload to start the upload process. Blue progress bars indicate the file uploading status. When the upload is complete and successful, the progress bars turn green, and the new Software Part Numbers of the new software image will be displayed (see Figure 7-15). 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 70 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Figure 7-15 Software Upgrade Progress Note:
Incompatible files will be rejected. The progress bars turn red, and an error message displays next to the progress bars. Click Reset to restart the upgrade process. If you uploaded an incorrect file, but have not yet clicked Apply, click Reset to restart the upgrade process. 4. Click Apply to verify and load the software into non-volatile memory. Blue progress bars indicate the status of the software file being installed on the SDU. When the software verification is completed successfully, the progress bars turn green, and the message displays that the system must be restarted for the changes to take effect (see Figure 7-16). Figure 7-16 Software Loading Progress Screens Note:
If the aircraft status changes to In-Air at any time during the Upgrade process, the system will reboot automatically and return to Operational Mode, disregarding any incomplete upgrades. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 71 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System To activate the newly installed software, you must Exit Maintenance Mode and restart the SDU. 5. To exit Maintenance mode, click Exit Maintenance Mode at the top-right corner of the MUI screen, A confirmation message displays prompting to confirm that you want to exit Maintenance Mode (see Figure 7-17). Figure 7-17 Exit Maintenance Mode Message 6. Click OK. The SDU automatically restarts and applies the newly installed software. A message displays indicating that the AFIRS system reboots (see Figure 7-18). Figure 7-18 Exit Maintenance Mode Progress Bar 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 72 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 7. When the restart is complete, verify that the SDU is in Operational Mode and functioning as expected. To verify that the correct software version and configurations have been loaded, check the following:
a. From the Home page, click on the General, ARINC, and Discrete In tabs to review the system and link status, and the status of the ARINC 429 Rx and Discrete In connections. b. Click on the Faults page to view if any faults are currently raised. c. Click on the Part Numbers page to verify that the software part number displayed matches the software version and part number as noted in the release notes or upgrade instructions d. Enter User Name and Password (Maintenance User) and click Login. e. Maintenance User - Click ORT and review the ORT configurations to confirm that they are correct. f. Click Logout after your review is complete and satisfactory. 7.5 Exiting Maintenance Mode To save changes and uploaded configuration data, you need to exit maintenance mode for the changes to take effect 1. In the top-right hand corner of the screen, click Exit Maintenance Mode. 2. A Message displays prompting for confirmation to exit Maintenance Mode
(see Figure 7-19). Note:
If you click Cancel, your changes are still active but not saved. Figure 7-19 Exiting Prompt Message 3. Click OK to exit Maintenance Mode, save your changes and reboot the system. 4. The following message displays (see Figure 7-20):
165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 73 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Figure 7-20 Restart Screen 5. Once the system reboots to Operational Mode, verify your changes and confirm that the correct software and data files have been installed. 6. Click the Part Numbers page and review the Software tab for the correct Part Numbers 7. The Part Numbers screen displays as shown in Figure 7-21. Figure 7-21 Software Part Numbers Screen 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 74 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 8. MAINTENANCE AND CHECKOUT This section provides instructions on post-installation checkout procedures and information on Instructions for Continued Airworthiness. 8.1 Post-Installation Checkout 8.1.1 Before Power-On Tests 1. Before installing the SDU in the mounting tray, confirm that all aircraft interface wiring is correct as per the aircraft wiring integration design. 2. Confirm that a valid SIM card is installed in the SDU Configuration Module (SCM). 3. Set the system circuit breaker for the Main power source and confirm that 28 VDC power is available between pins J1C-2 and J1C-3. Pull the circuit breaker and ensure that Main power is removed. 4. Place the SDU in the mounting tray and secure the front hold-down. 5. Open the front panel door and confirm that a flash card is installed in the SDU. Note:
If no flash card is present, a FLASH CARD FAULT is generated in the MUI, and an SDU FAIL will display on the MCDU SATCOM BITE STATUS page. Only FLYHT P/N 502-
1180-x flash cards should be used in the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System. 6. If installed, the cockpit FAULT indication should be illuminated when power is not applied to the system. 7. Set the system circuit breaker for the Main power source. The SYSTEM LED indicator on the front panel of the SDU will be amber indicating that the system is initializing. Note:
The first time an SDU is installed in an aircraft, the SYSTEM LED indicator will typically remain amber even after it has initialized. The MUI will display an SCM Configuration Fault indicating that the proper configuration settings have not yet been made. 8. Connect an Ethernet cable to the Maintenance Port in the front panel and follow procedures to open the Maintenance User Interface (MUI) as described in Section 7. 9. Log in to the MUI as Maintenance User and Enter Maintenance Mode to install ICT and ORT files in accordance with the procedures contained in Section 7. Exit Maintenance Mode to reboot the system. Keep the laptop connected to the Maintenance Port after finishing the configuration procedure. 10. Once the system resets, the SYSTEM LED indicator on the front panel of the SDU will turn green once the system is operational. 11. The cockpit FAULT annunciator should remain illuminated whenever the SYSTEM STATUS indicator is amber, and extinguish when the SYSTEM LED indicator turns green. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 75 8.1.2 Aircraft Systems Interface Tests Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Note:
The tests listed in this section are generic in nature and are not intended to be used as a test plan for any specific aircraft installation. They should only be used by the aircraft systems integrator as a guide in developing the correct and complete aircraft-specific integration tests. The aircraft systems integrators test plan should ensure that the aircraft and its systems are in a safe condition for each test to be performed. Main Power Test 1. Confirm that 28 VDC power is available at the Main power input, and that the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System is initialized and operating. 2. Using the MUI Home page General tab, confirm that the System status and Datalinks are green. ARINC 429 Databus Interface Tests 1. On the MUI, click on the ARINC tab on the Home page. 2. Confirm the aircraft systems connected to the databus ports being tested are operational and transmitting on the databus. 3. Confirm that the ARINC 429 Rx (1-16) channels used are shown as ACTIVE. MCDU Tests Confirm SATCOM functionality on each MCDU as follows:
1. On the MCDU MENU page, the <SAT prompt should be available at one of the Line Select Keys (LSKs). Press the LSK to display the SATCOM MAIN MENU page. 2. On the SATCOM MAIN MENU, press the LSK for the SATCOM STATUS page. The SATCOM STATUS page should be displayed with log-on state as well as voice and datalink status information. 3. On the SATCOM STATUS page, press the LSK of the CONFIG prompt. The SATCOM CONFIG page 1 of 7 should be displayed. Press Arrow Down or Arrow Up to view current configurations on pages 1 through 7. 4. On the SATCOM STATUS page, press the LSK of the BITE prompt to display the SATCOM BITE STATUS page to display the status of the SDU, SIM CARDS, and SCM. 5. On the SATCOM BITE STATUS page, press the LSK of the SYS BUS prompt. The SATCOM SYS BUS page should display with status information of the CFDS, MCDU#1, MCDU#2, MCDU#3, ATSU#1, ATSU#2, and EFB. 6. Press the <RETURN LSK several times to return to the SATCOM MAIN MENU page. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 76 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Ethernet Port Tests Confirm Ethernet connectivity to each Ethernet device as follows:
Confirm that the SDU front panel ETHERNET LEDs for the connected ports are green. Flashing green indicates data is being transferred. Perform any tests specific to the connected system to confirm that it is communicating with the SDU over the Ethernet port. Discrete Input Tests For each discrete input connected (1-16), confirm the correct aircraft system interface as follows:
1. Using the Maintenance User Interface (MUI), click on the Discrete In tab on the Home page. 2. Select the discrete input to its inactive state. Confirm proper operation of the interfaced aircraft system. 3. Select the discrete input to its active state. Confirm proper operation of the interfaced aircraft system. Discrete Output Tests For each discrete output configured and connected (1-8), confirm the correct state is detected as follows:
1. Manipulate the system providing the discrete output as required to indicate the output active state 8.1.3 Operational System Tests Note:
The tests in this section require the aircraft to be powered and outside the hangar in a location that has a clear view of the Iridium and GPS satellites. Aircraft systems that interface with the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System must be installed and operational. These tests also require the AFIRS system activated on the Iridium network by FLYHT, and a valid SIM card installed in the SCM. Ensure that the ORT configuration ATS Enabled (Yes/No) matches the SIM card type installed. Date, Time, and Position Tests 1. Open the MUI to display the AFIRS Home page. 2. Confirm that the correct date, time, and position (UTC) information is displayed. 3. If the Internal GPS is configured as Active, the MUI display is showing AFIRS GPS and the GPS Link is displayed green. Datalink Tests 1. Confirm on the MUI that the ISVM and ISDM Links are green, and the MCDU SATCOM STATUS page displays LOGGED-ON. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 77 SATCOM Voice Tests Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 1. Confirm that the MCDU SATCOM MAIN MENU page displays Ready to Connect. 2. Place an air-to-ground call by using the MCDU. Confirm proper MCDU indications for a 3. Terminate the call from the cockpit. Confirm proper cockpit indications and return to call in progress. Ready to Connect state. 4. Place a ground-to-air call. Confirm proper cockpit indications for an incoming call. Answer the call and confirm proper cockpit indications for a call in progress. 5. Place a ground-to-air call and reject the incoming call. Confirm proper cockpit indications. 6. Place a ground-to-air call. Allow call to go unanswered. Confirm proper ring sequencing, eventual call termination, and proper cockpit indications. 7. If SIM card installed is ATS-enabled, place a ground-to-air call. While the call is in progress, place a higher priority ground-to-air call. Confirm that the existing call is terminated and preempted by a call of higher priority. 8. Terminate call at from the ground. Confirm proper cockpit indications. 8.1.4 EMI Tests Each Airbus Iridium SATCOM System aircraft installation should be tested for electromagnetic interference in accordance with procedures developed by the aircraft systems integrator. The tests should be developed to ensure that there is no objectionable interference between the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System and other aircraft systems. This can include ground tests with engine running and flight tests as required. 8.2 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness The aircraft systems integrator is responsible to provide Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
(ICA) for the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System specific to the aircraft installation. The general content in this Installation Manual may be referenced by the aircraft systems integrator when developing the ICA. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 78 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Appendix A Wiring Diagram (follows on next 3 pages) 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 79 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 80 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 81 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 82 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Appendix B ORT Worksheet ORTGroup AirtoGround Calls AllowManual Dialing OtherCall Parameters SafetyServices
(Airbus Iridium SATCOM System) ORTParameterName CallProgressTones Extension1 AllowLowPriorityCallsinCockpit Value NORTHAMERICAN EUROPEAN YES NO YES NO AdditionalACARSHeaderParameter NONE ARINC YES NO ATSEnabled 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 83 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 84 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Appendix C Environmental Qualification Forms The following forms are provided for the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System SDU and Airbus Iridium SATCOM System SCM, and Airbus Iridium Antenna System respectively. 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 85 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System RTCA DO-160G Environmental Qualification Form Model: AFIRS 228S Part Number: 228E5733-00 418E5733-00 TSO Number:
Conditions Temperature & Altitude Low Temperature Ground Survival Start-up after ground soak Operating High Temperature Ground Survival Start-up after ground soak Operating 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 Product: Satellite Data Unit and Satellite Control Module Manufacturer: L-3 Communications, Aviation Recorders 100 Cattlemen Road, Sarasota FL, 34232 P.O. Box 3041, Zip Code 34230-3041 Manufacturer's Specification and/or Other Applicable Specifications: Aviation Recorders QTP #905-E5750-34 Airbus Purchaser Technical Specification, X2328SP1010161 Airbus ABD0100.1.2 Airbus ABD0100.1.6 Airbus ABD0100.1.8 RTCA DO-160G TEST STANDARD DO-160G,IAW ABD100.1.2 G 4.5.1 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.3 4.5.4 Description of Conducted Tests Equipment tested to Category A2
+70C L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 86 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Conditions TEST STANDARD Description of Conducted Tests Altitude Decompression Overpressure Temperature Variation Humidity Operational Shocks Vibration Waterproofness 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014
+15,000 feet
+8,000 feet
+50,000 feet Equipment tested at 183 kPa and 199 kPa
(Absolute Pressure) Equipment tested to Category B. Equipment tested to Category A (Standard). 4.6.1 4.6.2 4.6.3 DO-160G, Section 5 IAW ABD100.1.2 G DO-160G, Section 6.0 IAW ABD100.1.2 G DO-160G Section 7.0, IAW ABD100.1.2 G Equipment tested to Category D. 6g, 20 milliseconds (low freq.) Equipment tested to Section 1.6.1, Curve 1 Equipment tested to Cat H (Curve R) Equipment tested to specification
(Windmilling) Equipment tested to Category Y. Condensing water proof test. DO-160G Section 8 Section 8.5.2 IAW ABD1001.2.G DO-160G Section 8.7.2 X20RP09234 18 DO-160G Section 10.3.1 IAW ABD100.1.2 G Section 1.8 L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 87 Conditions Fluids Susceptibility Dust Fungus Resistance Magnetic Effect Power Input Voltage Spike Audio Frequency Susceptibility 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Description of Conducted Tests Equipment tested to Category F, for:
Cleaning Agents Disinfectants Extinguishing Agents Heat Transfer Fluids Hydraulic Fluid Insecticides Equipment qualified to Category D Equipment qualified to Category F Equipment tested to Category A. Equipment tested in accordance with ABD0100.1.8 for 28VDC equipment. Note: Low voltage +20V-DC deviating from requirement of 18.5V-DC Category A Equipment tested in accordance with ABD0100.1.8.1, LDC 104. Equipment tested to Category R for DC TEST STANDARD DO-160G Section 11.4.1 IAW ABD100.1.6 D Sections 4.7 and 4.8 DO-160G Section 12.4, IAW ABD100.1.2 G Section 1.10 DO-160G Section 13.0 and IAW ABD100.1.2 G Section 1.11 DO-160G Section 15.0 IAW ABD100.1.2 G Section 3.4.1 DO-160G Section 16.0, IAW ABD100.1.8 Issue E DO-160G Section 17.0 IAW ABD100.1.8 Issue E DO-160G Section 18.0 IAW ABD100.1.8 Issue E L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 88 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Conditions Induced Signal Susceptibility Magnetic Fields Magnetic Fields Electric Fields Spikes Electrostatic Discharge TEST STANDARD DO-160G Section 19.0 IAW ABD100.1.2 G Section 3.4.4 19.3.1 19.3.3 19.3.4 19.3.5 IAW ABD100.1.2 G Section 3.5 Description of Conducted Tests Equipment tested to Category ZW. Equipment Cables Cables Cables Equipment tested Category B Flammability/Smoke/Toxicity DO-160G ABD0031 Analysis for Flammability Analysis for Smoke & Toxicity Constant Acceleration ABD100.1.2 G Section 1.18, Equipment tested to Category B and Test Procedure to ISO2669 Bench Handling 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 IAW ABD100.1.2 G Section 1.5.3 and MIL-STD 810 Method 516.5 Equipment tested to Procedure VI. L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 89 165E5733-00 Issue, Rev. 02 21 January 2014 Airbus Iridium SATCOM System L-3 Aviation Recorders 100 Cattlemen Road Sarasota, FL 34232 Telephone: 1-941-371-0811 Fax: 1-941-377-5591 E-mail support: Website: L-3 Aviation Recorders Proprietary Page 90 COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM PART NUMBERS SDU - 228E5733-00 SCM - 418E5733-00 COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST P/N: 165E5733-10 IN ACCORDANCE WITH TSO C-159a VENDOR CODE: 06141 23-28-01 Revision 1 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM EXPORT CONTROL STATEMENT IRIDIUM SATCOM TECHNOLOGY / DATA:
This Iridium SATCOM System Technical Data is being exported from the United States in accordance with the Export Administration Regulations (ECCN #7A994), No License Required (NLR). Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. In accordance with U.S. Law (Title 15CFR Part 746 and Supplement No. 1 to Part 774; and Title 31CFR) resale/re-export or transfer to certain designated countries is prohibited without the prior written consent of the U.S. Department of Commerce. HTSUS/Schedule B: 85439.09.000 This manual contains date sensitive information. To verify the latest revision level of this manual check the Publications Index located on the L-3Com Publications down-load site at Copyright 2013 by L-3 Communications. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing. Inquiries should be addressed to:
L-3 Communications, Aviation Recorders Publications Vendor Code: 06141 P. O. Box 3041 Sarasota, Florida 34230 Phone: (941) 371-0811;
FAX: (941) 377-5591 23-28-01 Title Page ii Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM GENERAL This product and related documentation must be reviewed for familiarization with safety markings and instructions before operation. This instrument was constructed in an ESD (electrostatic discharge) protected environment. This is be cause most of the semiconductor devices used in this instrument are susceptible to damage by static dis charge. Depending on the magnitude of the charge, device substrates can be punctured or destroyed by contact or mere proximity of a static charge. The results can cause degradation of device performance, early failure, or immediate destruction. These charges are generated in numerous ways such as simple contact, separation of materials, and nor mal motions of persons working with static sensitive devices. When handling or servicing equipment containing static sensitive devices, adequate precautions must be taken to prevent device damage or destruction. Only those who are thoroughly familiar with industry accepted techniques for handling static sensitive de vices should attempt to service circuitry with these devices. In all instances, measures must be taken to prevent static charge buildup on work surfaces and persons handling the devices. BEFORE APPLYING POWER Verify that the product is set to match the available line voltage and the correct fuse is installed. Servicing instructions are for use by servicetrained personnel only. To avoid dangerous electric shock, do not perform any servicing unless qualified to do so. Adjustments described in the manual are performed with power supplied to the instrument while protective covers are removed. Energy available at many points may, if contacted, result in personal injury. 23-28-01 Title Page iii Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 23-28-01 Title Page iv Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM SERVICE BULLETIN LIST SERVICE BULLETIN DATE EFFECTIVITY DESCRIPTION 23-28-01 Service Bulletin Page v Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 23-28-01 Service Bulletin Page vi Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM RECORD OF CHANGES Issue Revision Initial 00 1 Date of Change Dec. 15/13 Jan. 21/14 Comments Initial issue of AB Iridium SATACOM CMM. Includes all sections, per ATA100. Corrected part numbers. 23-28-01 Record of Changes Page vii Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 23-28-01 Record of Changes Page viii Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM REV. NO.
RECORD OF REVISIONS REV. BY NO INSERTION DATE REV. NO. BY INSERTION DATE INSERTION DATE BY 23-28-01 Record of Revisions Page ix Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 23-28-01 Record of Revisions Page x Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Page v vi vii viii i ii iii iv Section Title Page Service Bulletin List Record of Changes Record of Revisions List of Effective Pages xi xii Table of Contents xiii xiv xv xvi ix x Date Section Page Date Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Introduction Description and Operation Testing and Troubleshooting Disassembly Cleaning Check 301 302 401 402 501 502 101 102 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 23-28-01 List of Effective Pages Page xi Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Page Section S Repair Assembly Fits and Clearances 601 602 701 702 801 802 803 Date Section Page Date 804 805 806 807 808 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Special Tools, Fixtures and Equipment Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 901 902 Illustrated Parts List 1001 1002 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 Jan. 21/14 23-28-01 List of Effective Pages Page xii Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION A. REQUIRED DOCUMENTS B. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS SUBJECT/DESCRIPTION PAGE 1. GENERAL......................................................................................................................... 1 2. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................... 1 3. DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................ 4 4 5 4. MAINTENANCE PHILOSOPHY ........................................................................................ 6 5. COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL (CMM) DESCRIPTION ................................... 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 6. DOCUMENT VERIFICATION ........................................................................................... 8 A. FRONT MATTER B. DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION C. TESTING AND TROUBLESHOOTING D. DISASSEMBLY E. CLEANING F. CHECK G. REPAIR H. ASSEMBLY I. J. SPECIAL TOOLS, FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT K. ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST FITS AND CLEARANCES DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION 1. SYSTEM OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................... 1 2. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE .............................................................................................. 3 3 4 5 A. SATELLITE DATA UNIT (SDU) B. SDU CONFIGURATION MODULE (SCM) C. IRIDIUM ANTENNA SYSTEM 1. GENERAL..................................................................................................................... 101 TESTING AND TROUBLESHOOTING SUBJECT/DESCRIPTION PAGE 1. GENERAL...................................................................................................................... 301 DISASSEMBLY 23-28-01 Table of Contents Page xiii Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM 1. GENERAL...................................................................................................................... 401 CLEANING CHECK 1. GENERAL...................................................................................................................... 501 REPAIR 1. GENERAL...................................................................................................................... 601 1. GENERAL...................................................................................................................... 701 FITS AND CLEARANCES ASSEMBLY SUBJECT/DESCRIPTION PAGE 1. GENERAL...................................................................................................................... 801 2. EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................... 801 801 803 804 806 A. SATELLITE DATA UNIT (SDU) B. SDU CONFIGURATION MODULE (SCM) C. D. COAXIAL ANTENNA CABLE ASSEMBLY IRIDIUM ANTENNA SYSTEM SPECIAL TOOLS, FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT 1. GENERAL...................................................................................................................... 901 1. GENERAL.................................................................................................................... 1001 ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST 23-28-01 Table of Contents Page xiv Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE TITLE Figure 1. Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Operational Concept Figure 2. Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Block Diagram Figure 3. Satellite Data Unit (SDU) Assembly Drawing Part Number: 228E5733-00 Figure 4. SDU Configuration Module (SCM) Assembly Drawing Part Number: 418E5733-00 Figure 5. Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Antenna Drawing Part Number: 009E5733-00 Figure 801. SDU Outline Drawing Figure 802. SCM Outline Drawing Figure 803. Iridium Antenna Outline Drawing Figure 804. Coaxial Antenna Cable Outline Drawing LIST OF TABLES TABLE TITLE Table 1. Table 2. Reference Document List Acronym Definition List PAGE 1 2 3 4 5 801 803 804 806 PAGE 1 5 23-28-01 Table of Contents Page xv Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 23-28-01 Table of Contents Page xvi Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM INTRODUCTION 1. GENERAL This Component Maintenance Manual (CMM) describes the components for the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System. The system includes a Satellite Data Unit (SDU), p/n:
228E5733-00, an SDU Configuration Module (SCM), p/n: 418E5733-00, along with an Iridium Antenna, p/n: 009E5733-00, and Coaxial Antenna Cable assembly, p/n: 024E5733-
XX. The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System meets the performance requirements of TSO C-
159a. The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System is designed as a maintenance-free system. The SDU, SCM, Iridium Antenna and Coaxial Antenna Cable assembly are considered Level-1 maintenance line-replaceable units and are not field-repairable. No periodic adjustments, calibration, or maintenance is required to maintain this system. The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System is considered an ON CONDITION LRU. 2. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Table 1 defines the acronyms and abbreviations used throughout this CMM. Table 1. Acronym Definition List Acronym ACARS ACP ADB AFIRS ANSI APU ATE ATS ATSU ARINC BCD Definition Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System Audio Control Panel Address Book Automated Flight Information Reporting System American National Standards Institute Auxiliary Power Unit Automatic Test Equipment Air Traffic Service Air Traffic Service Unit Aeronautical Radio Incorporated Binary Coded Decimal 23-28-01 Introduction Page 1 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM Acronym BITE CF CFDS CNSSA CTS DITS DTP EFB EIA FAA F/W FWC GAMA GFI GPS GSE HBP HYB ICA ICAO ICD ICE ICT IEEE IMEI ISO ISDM Definition Built-In Test Equipment Compact Flash Centralized Fault Display System (Airbus) Core Non-Safety Services Application Clear To Send Digital Information Transfer System Date Time Position Electronic Flight Bag Electronics Industry Association Federal Aviation Administration Firmware Flight Warning Computer General Aviation Manufacturers Association General Format Identifier Global Positioning System Ground Service Equipment Harvard Bi-Phase Hybrid Instructions for Continued Airworthiness International Civil Aviation Organization Interface Control Document Iridium Certified Equipment Installation Configuration Table Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers International Mobile Equipment Identifier International Organization for Standardization Iridium Satellite Data Modem 23-28-01 Introduction Page 2 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM Acronym ISVM LGCIU LED LRU LSK MCDU MOPS MUI N/C NGSS N/O ORT PBX PC P/N PSTN PTT RMS RTS RTCA RX SAL SATCOM SCM SDI SDU SIM Definition Iridium Satellite Voice Modem Landing Gear Control Interface Unit Light Emitting Diode Line Replaceable Unit Line Select Key Multi-Purpose Control and Display Unit Minimum Operational Performance Specifications Maintenance User Interface Normally Closed Next Generation Satellite Systems Normally Open Owner Requirements Table Public Branch Exchange Personal Computer Part Number Public Switched Telephone Network Push To Talk Root-Mean-Square Request To Send Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics Receive System Address Label Satellite Communications SDU Configuration Module Source/Destination Identifier Satellite Data Unit Subscriber Identity Module 23-28-01 Introduction Page 3 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM Acronym SSA SSM SW TIA TNC TX TSO UAT UTC VAC VDC WPS Definition Safety Service Application Signed Status Matrix Software Telecommunications Industry Association Threaded NeillConcelman Transmit Technical Standard Order User Access Table Coordinated Universal Time Volts Alternating Current Volts Direct Current Words Per Second 3. DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS The following equipment and documents are, or may be, required for on-aircraft installation and check out of the Airbus Iridium System. A. REQUIRED DOCUMENTS Installation Manual, Airbus Iridium SATCOM System, Part Number: 165E5733-00. 23-28-01 Introduction Page 4 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM B. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS The following documents are listed for reference only. Table 2. Reference Document List Ref. Document Number Description ANSI/TIA/EIA-232-
F-1997 ARINC 429-19 ARINC 573-7 ARINC 600-16 ARINC 619-3 ARINC 664-2 ARINC 702-6 ARINC 702A-3 ARINC 717-14 ARINC 718-4 ARINC 718A-2 ARINC 739A-1 ARINC 741-13 ARINC 758-2 ARINC 761-4 FAA TSO C-159a GAMA Publication No. 11, Ver. 5.1 IEEE 802.3-2008 Interface Between Data Terminal Equipment and Data Circuit-
Terminating Equipment Employing Serial Binary Data Interchange Mark 33 Digital Information Transfer System (DITS) Mark 2 Aircraft Integrated Data System (AIDS Mark 2) Air Transport Avionics Equipment Interfaces ACARS Protocols For Avionic End Systems Aircraft Data Networks Flight Management Computer System Advanced Flight Management Computer System Flight Data Acquisition and Recording System Mark 3 Air Traffic Control Transponder (ATCRBS/MODE S) Mark 4 Air Traffic Control Transponder (ATCRBS/MODE S) Multi-Purpose Control And Display Unit Aviation Satellite Communication System Communications Management Unit (CMU) Mark 2 Second Generation Aviation Satellite Communication System, Aircraft Installation Provisions Technical Standard Order, Avionics Supporting Next Generation Satellite Systems (NGSS) ARINC 429, General Aviation Subset IEEE Standard for Information Technology-Specific Requirements
- Part 3: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
(CMSA/CD) Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications 23-28-01 Introduction Page 5 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM Ref. Document Number Description RTCA/DO-160G Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment Audio Systems Characteristics and Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Aircraft Audio Systems and Equipment Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Avionics Supporting Next Generation Satellite Systems (NGSS) Electrical Characteristics of Balanced Voltage Digital Interface Circuits RTCA/DO-214 RTCA/DO-262A TIA/EIA-422-B 4. MAINTENANCE PHILOSOPHY The Model Airbus Iridium SATCOM System line replaceable units (LRUs), consisting of the SDU and SCM, are considered ON CONDITION LRUs and are designed as maintenance-free units. The SDU and SCM are considered Level-1 maintenance units and are not field-repairable. The bench testing and repair of circuit card assemblies (CCAs) containing surface mount technology (SMT) devices require specialized factory equipment, training, and techniques. These assemblies are not field-repairable while the unit is under the warranty period. As a result, during the units warranty period, the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System maintenance philosophy is replacement of failed LRU. If an LRU failure occurs, the LRU is to be returned to L-3Com for testing, fault isolation, and repair. The L-3Com Repair Station has been given authority to repair, modify, and bench test for return to service all Airbus Iridium SATCOM System LRUs using L-3Com Factory ATP procedures. Repair, modification, and/or recertification of Airbus Iridium SATCOM System LRUs as per ATP procedure are limited to the L-3Com Repair Station. In turn, the operator will receive a certified Return-To-Service unit to be reinstalled into the aircraft or as a replacement for a spare unit. Attempts to repair any components of the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System or the LRU will void the warranty. Refer to the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Installation manual, p/n: 165E5733-00 for detailed instructions for on-aircraft installation, removal and operation. 23-28-01 Introduction Page 6 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM 5. COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL (CMM) DESCRIPTION This CMM consists of a single volume. The manual conforms to the intent and form of Air Transport Association of America (ATA) Specification 100, Revision 36. The manual is written for an audience of intermediate- and depot-level maintenance technicians; however the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System components are not field-repairable. Functional, electrical and mechanical aspects of Airbus Iridium SATCOM System are documented -
description, specifications, operation, top-level illustrated parts list are contained in this manual. The CMM content is summarized as follows:
A. FRONT MATTER Front Matter material consists of a title page, service bulletin list, record of revisions, record of changes, list of effective pages, table of contents, and this introduction. B. DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION This section contains top-level description information for the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System. Line art is used to illustrate the unit, its interconnections, and functionality. C. TESTING AND TROUBLESHOOTING This section is not applicable under the Level-1 maintenance philosophy for the SDU and SCM units. These units are not field-repairable, and as such, must be returned to the L-3AR factory for testing and repair should an LRU fail. D. DISASSEMBLY This section is not applicable under the current maintenance philosophy for the SDU and SCM units. These units are not field-repairable, and as such, must be returned to the L-3AR factory for testing and repair should an LRU fail. E. CLEANING This section is not applicable under the current maintenance philosophy. The SDU and SCM LRUs are level-1 maintenance units and are not field-repairable, and as such, no component cleaning may be performed. F. CHECK This section is not applicable under the current maintenance philosophy for this system. The system is not field-repairable, and as such, no field checks may be performed. G. REPAIR This section is not applicable under the current maintenance philosophy. The SDU and SCM LRUs are level-1 maintenance units and are not field-repairable, and as such, must be returned to the factory for testing and repair should an LRU fail. 23-28-01 Introduction Page 7 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM H. ASSEMBLY This section is not applicable under the current maintenance philosophy for the SDU and SCM units. These units are not field-repairable, and as such, must be returned to the L-3AR factory for testing and repair should an LRU fail. I. FITS AND CLEARANCES This section provides specifications and outline and dimension drawings for the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System. J. SPECIAL TOOLS, FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT This section is not applicable under the current maintenance philosophy for this unit. The unit is not field-repairable, and as such, must be returned to the factory for testing and repair should an LRU fail. K. ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST This section provides only top-level drawings of the SDU and SCM. LRU part lists and circuit card assembly diagrams are not applicable under the Level-1 maintenance philosophy for this system. The unit is not field-repairable, and as such, must be returned to the factory for testing and repair should an LRU fail. 6. DOCUMENT VERIFICATION All CMM material was validated against existing engineering source material. Effectivity of the manual is based on effective dates and product serial number and is identified by a list of effective pages in the front of the manual. 23-28-01 Introduction Page 8 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION 1. SYSTEM OVERVIEW Refer to Figure 1. The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System comprises a portion of the aircraft avionics, or Aircraft Earth Station (AES) required to support the "Next Generation Satellite System" (NGSS) using the Iridium Satellite System as specified in RTCA/DO-
262A. This system serves as the radio transceiver that provides RF path connectivity with the satellite(s), and provides the digital data (ISDM) and/or analog voice and/or digital voice interfaces (ISVM) with other aircraft user subsystems. Its primary functions are: modulation and demodulation of transmitted and received signals, respectively, signaling and protocol interactions with corresponding satellites, channel management, and switching and interconnections with the aircraft and their attached avionics. The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System provides multiple voice and data communications functions in the aircraft. The Automated Flight Information Reporting System (AFIRS) provides a satellite voice and data communications (SATCOM) link with the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) via the Iridium satellite network. The system uses a standard ARINC 741/761 SATCOM interface to the flight crews Audio Integrating System and ARINC 739A Multi-Purpose Control and Display Units (MCDUs) in the cockpit, as well as providing 3-extension Public Branch Exchange (PBX) capability for up to 2 handsets in the cabin. GPS Space Segment Iridium Space Segment Operational User Airbus Irridium SATCOM System External Aircraft Systems Figure 1. Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Operational Concept Maintenance User 23-28-01 Description and Operation Page 1 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM Refer to Figure 2. The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System interfaces to various aircraft systems to monitor, record, and report the aircraft flight and system data. This data includes aircraft movement and position reports, Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) data records, engine and airframe system health and trend records and reports, and monitored parameter tolerances and exception reports. The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System provides a dedicated safety-services data channel with the capability to send and receive standard ACARS messages between the aircrafts Air Traffic Service Unit (ATSU) and a safety-services certified terrestrial service provider. Satellite Control Module (SCM) EEPROM SIM Card To Aircraft Interfaces 28 VDC Power ARINC 573/717 ARINC 429 Serial Ethernet Discrete Audio Satellite Data Unit (SDU) Data Acquisition and Power Module (DAPM) Interconnects, Conditioning, Monitoring, Power Supply, Hold-Up Circuitry Modem Control and Interface Module (MCIM) System Control, Data and Telephony Processing, Data Storage and Retrieval, Communication Control, BIT AFIRS Antenna
(Iridium and GPS) RF RF Mixer Module
(RFMM) GPS Module Iridium Satellite Data Modem (ISDM) RF Voice Modem Interface Module (VMIM) Iridium Satellite Voice Modem (ISVM) Figure 2. Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Block Diagram 23-28-01 Description and Operation Page 2 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM 2. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System consists of three Line Replaceable Units (LRUs). The core system components are the Satellite Data Unit (SDU), the SDU Configuration Module
(SCM), the Iridium Antenna, and Coaxial Antenna Cable assembly. Optional components include Cabin Handset(s) (Wired or Cordless). A. SATELLITE DATA UNIT (SDU) Refer to Figure 3. The SDU is an ARINC 600 2MCU electronic enclosure that resides in the aircrafts equipment rack. It contains the system intelligence and interface circuitry for connecting to the various aircraft systems. The SDU also contains Iridium voice and data modem(s), as well as a GPS receiver. Figure 3. Satellite Data Unit (SDU) Assembly Drawing Part Number: 228E5733-00 23-28-01 Description and Operation Page 3 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM B. SDU CONFIGURATION MODULE (SCM) Refer to Figure 4. The SCM is a small module that is mounted near the SDU. It uses an EEPROM to store a copy of the aircraft personality information. The SCM also contains the Iridium SIM card, which provides access to the Iridium satellite network for the voice communications functionality. Figure 4. SDU Configuration Module (SCM) Assembly Drawing Part Number: 418E5733-00 23-28-01 Description and Operation Page 4 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM C. IRIDIUM ANTENNA SYSTEM Refer to Figure 5. The antenna is a Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) unit that is mounted on the top of the aircrafts fuselage. It provides satellite connectivity for both the GPS and Iridium satellite systems. The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System has a single combined Iridium/GPS RF connection on the rear interface connector, which is to be connected to a single combined Iridium/GPS Antenna. The antenna system is comprised of all the components from the rear interface connector up to, and including, the antenna. The total gain of the antenna system must be greater than 0 dB at 1626.5 MHz (measured at the antenna zenith). Most Iridium antennas have a gain of +3 dBic at the zenith, therefore, the maximum attenuation in the rest of the antenna system must be less than 3 dB. If an antenna with a different gain is selected, the maximum loss of the rest of the antenna system must be adjusted accordingly. Figure 5. Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Antenna Drawing Part Number: 009E5733-00 23-28-01 Description and Operation Page 5 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 23-28-01 Description and Operation Page 6 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM TESTING AND TROUBLESHOOTING 1. GENERAL This section is not applicable to this CMM. The Airbus Iridium System components: Satellite Data Unit, p/n: 228E5733-00, and SDU Configuration Module, p/n: 418E5733-00, have been designated as Level-1 non-field-
repairable Line Replaceable Units. These Airbus Iridium System units should be returned to L-3 Aviation Recorders Repair Station for all maintenance tasks (i.e. disassembly, assembly, replacement parts, testing, and return to service certification). 23-28-01 Testing & Fault Isolation Page 101 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 23-28-01 Testing & Fault Isolation Page 102 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM DISASSEMBLY 1. GENERAL This section is not applicable to this CMM. The Airbus Iridium System components: Satellite Data Unit, p/n: 228E5733-00, and SDU Configuration Module, p/n: 418E5733-00, have been designated as Level-1 non-field-
repairable Line Replaceable Units. These Airbus Iridium System units must be returned to L-3 Aviation Recorders Repair Station for all maintenance tasks (i.e. disassembly, assembly, replacement parts, testing, and return to service certification). 23-28-01 Disassembly Page 301 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 23-28-01 Disassembly Page 302 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM 1. GENERAL CLEANING This section is not applicable to this CMM. The Airbus Iridium System components: Satellite Data Unit, p/n: 228E5733-00, and SDU Configuration Module, p/n: 418E5733-00, have been designated as Level-1 non-field-
repairable Line Replaceable Units. These Airbus Iridium System units should be returned to L-3 Aviation Recorders Repair Station for all maintenance tasks (i.e. disassembly, assembly, replacement parts, testing, and return to service certification). 23-28-01 Cleaning Page 401 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 23-28-01 Cleaning Page 402 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM 1. GENERAL CHECK This section is not applicable to this CMM. The Airbus Iridium System components: Satellite Data Unit, p/n: 228E5733-00, and SDU Configuration Module, p/n: 418E5733-00, have been designated as Level-1 non-field-
repairable Line Replaceable Units. These Airbus Iridium System units should be returned to L-3 Aviation Recorders Repair Station for all maintenance tasks (i.e. disassembly, assembly, replacement parts, testing, and return to service certification). 23-28-01 Check Page 501 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 23-28-01 Check Page 502 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM 1. GENERAL REPAIR This section is intended to contain information required to restore a worn or damaged part to a serviceable condition. However, the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System is a completely solid-state device that does not contain any electro-mechanical moving parts. The Airbus Iridium SATCOM System consists of a Satellite Data Unit (SDU) and SDU Configuration Module (SCM) line replaceable units (LRUs). These LRUs have been designed as Level-1 maintenance units that make extensive use of surface mount technology (SMT). The repair of circuit card assemblies (CCAs) containing SMT components requires specialized factory equipment, training, and techniques, therefore, such CCAs are not field-repairable. Only the L-3AR Repair Station, FAA: LD7R612J; EASA.145.4620 is authorized to repair the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System components in accordance with L-3AR Factory test, calibration and repair specifications. CAUTION:
repairable Line Replaceable Units. These Airbus Iridium System units must be returned to the L-3AR Repair Station, FAA: LD7R612J; EASA.145.4620 for service in accordance with L-3AR Factory assembly specification instructions. 23-28-01 Assembly Page 701 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 23-28-01 Assembly Page 702 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM FITS AND CLEARANCES 1. GENERAL This section provides the Airbus Iridium System specifications and outline and dimensions. Since the recorder uses solid-state memory recording technology, there are no internal fits and clearances or torque values normally associated with older technology electro-
mechanical tape recorder units. 2. EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS This section describes the mechanical specifications of the components of the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System. A. SATELLITE DATA UNIT (SDU) This paragraph describes the mechanical specifications of the Satellite Data Unit
(SDU) refer to Figure 801 for an outline of this component. 1) SDU Outline & Dimensions The SDU is housed in an ARINC 600 2MCU enclosure, which is designed to be mounted in a standard ARINC 600 mounting tray. Figure 801. SDU Outline Drawing (dimensions in [millimeters] and inches) 23-28-01 Description and Operation Page 801 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM 2) SDU Specifications Dimensions:
Rear Mating Connector: Size 2 ARINC 600 Receptacle 7.81 x 2.27 x 15.02 (198.3mm x 57.7mm x 381.5mm) 7.7 lbs. (3.49 kg) Max. Aluminum Alloy with Black Polyurethane Finish ARINC 600 2MCU Mounting Tray Radiall P/N: NSXN2P201S0004 Maintenance Connector: RJ45 (8P8C) Modular Connector Jack Flash Card:
Environmental &:
Compact-Flash (Type I or Type II) This information is contained in Appendix C of the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Installation Manual, p/n: 165E5733-00. 23-28-01 Description and Operation Page 802 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM B. SDU CONFIGURATION MODULE (SCM) This paragraph describes the mechanical specifications of the SDU Configuration Module (SCM). Refer to Figure 802 for an outline of this component. 1) SCM Outline & Dimensions Figure 802. SCM Outline Drawing (dimensions in [millimeters] and inches) 2) SCM Specifications Dimensions:
Environmental &:
1.00 x 2.00 x 4.69 (25.4mm x 50.8mm x 119.1mm) 0.4 lbs. (0.18 kg) Max. Aluminum alloy with clear chromate per MIL-DTL-5541, Type II, Class 3 on all surfaces. This information is contained in Appendix C of the Airbus Iridium SATCOM System Installation Manual, p/n: 165E5733-00. 23-28-01 Description and Operation Page 803 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM C. IRIDIUM ANTENNA SYSTEM This paragraph describes the mechanical specifications of the Iridium Antenna. Refer to Figure 803 for the Outline & Dimension drawing of this component. 1) Iridium Antenna Outline & Dimensions Figure 803. Iridium Antenna Outline Drawing
(dimensions in [millimeters] and inches) 23-28-01 Description and Operation Page 804 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM 2) 16.8 mm (0.66 inches) 89 mm (3.5 inches) Iridium Antenna Specifications The Iridium SATCOM System Antenna is a passive antenna designed to cover the frequency range from 1565 MHz to 1626.5 MHz for Iridium transmit / receive operations and GPS reception. It is a low-profile, circular device that can be mounted directly to the aircraft fuselage. This antenna connects to the Iridium SDU through a coaxial cable. Weight (Typical) 0.170 kg (6 oz.) Overall Dimensions (Typical) Height:
Manufacturers Specification Reference Number Drawing 009E5733-00, Revision Iridium Antenna Passive, 1565 1626.5 MHz, RHCP refer to Figure 5. Iridium SATCOM System Supplier Equipment Specification, Document No. 905-E5750-07, Revision Environmental Specifications The Iridium SATCOM System antenna meets the environmental requirements of RTCA DO-262A where applicable as referenced in Document No. 905-E5809-
42, Revision A. Testing was performed to DO-160F, MIL-STD-810, EN-60068, ISO-2669, and the applicable ABDs unless otherwise noted. Temperature:
-55 C (-67 F); to +85 C (+185 F)
-100 to +55,000 FT 10 Gs (DO-160D/E F2-AB) 23-28-01 Description and Operation Page 805 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM Electrical Specifications Frequency:
1.5:1 RHCP 50-Ohms 1616.0 1625.5 MHz Axial Ratio:
Power Handling:
3.0 db @ zenith 60 Watts CW D. COAXIAL ANTENNA CABLE ASSEMBLY Refer to Figure 804. The Iridium SATCOM System Coaxial Cable is an RF Cable designed to cover the frequency range from 1565 MHz to 1626.5 MHz for Iridium transmit / receive operations and GPS reception. It is a low-loss, aircraft-grade cable that will be mounted in the aircraft fuselage. This cable provides the interconnection between the Iridium SATCOM System Satellite Data Unit and the Iridium Antenna. The Coaxial Cable has an ARINC Size 5 coaxial contact installed on one end and a TNC male connector installed on the other. There are three possible lengths for this Coaxial Cable. They are designated by the last two digits of the part number (01, 02 or 03) as listed below:
1) Coaxial Antenna Outline & Dimensions Figure 804. Coaxial Antenna Cable Outline Drawing
(dimensions in [millimeters] and inches) 23-28-01 Description and Operation Page 806 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM 2) Iridium Antenna Specifications Weight (Typical) 024E5733-01 - 1.633 kg (57.6 oz) 024E5733-02 1.497 kg (52.8 oz) 024E5733-03 1.470 kg (51.8 oz) Overall Dimensions (Typical) Length:
024E5733-01 11.3 m (445.0 inches) 024E5733-02 10.2 m (402.0 inches) 024E5733-03 9.95 m (392.0 inches) 8.1 mm (0.317 inches) Diameter:
Manufacturers Specification Reference Number Drawing 024E5733-00, Revision B; Iridium Antenna Coax Cable see Figure 804. Iridium SATCOM System Supplier Equipment Specification, Document No. 905-E5750-07, Revision L. Environmental Specifications The Iridium SATCOM System Coaxial Cable meets the environmental requirements of RTCA DO-262A where applicable as described in Document No. 905E5836-42. Testing was performed to DO-160F, EN 4604, EN 3475, and the applicable ABDs unless otherwise noted. 23-28-01 Description and Operation Page 807 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 23-28-01 Description and Operation Page 808 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM SPECIAL TOOLS, FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT 1. GENERAL The Airbus Iridium System components, SDU p/n: 228E5733-00 and SCM p/n: 418E5733-
00) have been designated as Level-1 non-field-repairable Line Replaceable Units. There are no special tools, fixtures and test equipment for Level-1 maintenance for the Airbus Iridium System units. These units must be returned to L-3 Communications for all maintenance tasks (i.e. disassembly, assembly, replacement parts, testing, and return to service certification). 23-28-01 Special Tools and Test Equipment Page 901 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 23-28-01 Special Tools and Test Equipment Page 902 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST 1. GENERAL The Airbus Iridium System components: Satellite Data Unit, p/n: 228E5733-00 and SDU Configuration Module, p/n: 418E5733-00, have been designated as Level-1 non-field-
repairable Line Replaceable Units. The Airbus Iridium System units should be returned to L-3 Communications for all maintenance tasks (i.e. disassembly, assembly, replacement parts, testing, and return to service certification). 23-28-01 Illustrated Parts List Page 1001 Jan. 21/14 AVIATION RECORDERS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL AIRBUS IRIDIUM SATCOM SYSTEM THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 23-28-01 Illustrated Parts List Page 1002 Jan. 21/14
1 2 3 | Letter/Finding Report | Cover Letter(s) | 1.31 MiB | January 11 2021 |
AVIATION PRODUCTS DIVISION Aviation SYSTEMS/L3HARRIS TECHNOLOGIES LETTER/FINDING REPORT FCC Class II Permissive Change Design Change Evaluation AFIRS 228S Satellite Data Unit (SDU) LETTER/FINDING REPORT p20a0015_FCC C2PC_IB2AFIRS228S0 SCOPE OF WORK REPORT NUMBER ISSUE DATE 1-Dec-2020 PAGES 12 DOCUMENT CONTROL NUMBER 2020 Compliance Testing This report is for the exclusive use of Compliance Testing Client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Compliance Testing and its Client. Compliance Testing responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Compliance Testing LLC assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this report. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this report and then only in its entirety. Any use of the Compliance Testing name for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Compliance Testing LLC. The observations and test results in this report are relevant only to the sample tested. This report by itself does not imply that the material, product, or service is or has ever been under an Compliance Testing certification. Version: 1-Dec-2020 Page 1 of 12 Sensys Networks Inc. Report: No: p20a0012_62368-1-001L LETTER/FINDING REPORT December 1, 2020 Compliance Testing Report No. p20a0015_FCC C2PC_IB2AFIRS228S0 Project No. p20a0015 Simon Masson Engineering Project Leader Lead Systems Engineer AVIATION PRODUCTS DIVISION AVIATION SYSTEMS/ L3HARRIS TECHNOLOGIES Tel: +1 727 456 6691 / 490 1st Ave S, Suite 600 / St. Petersburg, FL 33701 / USA Subject: FCC Class II Permissive Change Design Change Evaluation AFIRS 228S Satellite Data Unit (SDU) Dear Simon:
This letter report represents the results of our evaluation of the above referenced product to the requirements contained in the following standards:
FCC Class II Permissive Change - KDB 178919 D01 Permissive Change Policy SECTION 1 SUMMARY Compliance Testing LLC wishes to inform you, we have completed Class II Permissive Change design change review. Version: 23-Nov-2020 Page 2 of 12 Sensys Networks Inc. Report: No: p20a0012_62368-1-001L LETTER/FINDING REPORT SECTION 2 SCOPE OF WORK A. Analyze 4 ea. Software Changes:
1. PR358 solution 2. Audio Processor (AP) minor software fix 3. SBD IMEI number display fix 4. SBD 9602N Data modems certification 5. Technical description Attachment A B. Analyze 1 ea. Hardware Change 1. Combined SLIC/Driver (PNR SI32287-A-GM) replaces obsolete PNR SI3226-E-GQ and PNR SI3208-B-GM 2. Before/after block diagram Attachment B C. Prepare Letter/Findings Report 1. Feasibility of Class II Permissive Change 2. GAP testing required (if any) 3. Filing requirements for Class II Permissive Change 4. Filing procedures requirements and associated fees SECTION 3 FINDINGS A. SOFTWARE CHANGES 1. Software Change - PR358 solution has been verified and validated as an integral part of the operational SW-20 load based on SW-18 and SW-19. 2. Software Change - Audio Processor (AP) minor software fix has been developed and verified to work with both the old SLIC and new SLIC on the newly respun MCIM CCA. (PNR 502-1300-07) 3. Software Change - SBD IMEI number display fix to work for both new SBD 9602N 4. Software Change - SBD 9602N Data modems certification as part of the SDU upgrade with Iridium new firmware, PNR TA19002. and LBT 9523N Version: 23-Nov-2020 Page 3 of 12 Sensys Networks Inc. Report: No: p20a0012_62368-1-001L LETTER/FINDING REPORT 5. FINDINGS FCC is not interested in software changes unless that changes the parameters of the original Grant. In this case it does not. For this case, a Class II PC is most appropriate. B. HARDWARE CHANGES 1. The measured Pout and modulation scheme must remain the same. There should be no need to re-do frequency stability, unless there is a fundamental change to how the fundamental is created. Please see KDB 178919 D01 paragraph 1. Note that changes to the basic frequency determining and stabilizing circuit, frequency multiplication, basic modulator circuit or maximum power or field strength will always require a new Grant 2. A technical description is included in Attachment B. The SDU upgrade loaded with SW-20 will continue to comply with the previously FCC certification requirements. 3. A part-by-part comparison between the old and new variant is shown on Attachment B. The SDU upgrade loaded with SW-20 will continue to comply with the previously FCC certification requirements. SECTION 4 TESTING The below listed represents a summary of the tests that would be performed. Required Testing - None required for Class II Permissive Change. Recommended Testing Although no testing is required, Compliance Testing recommends basic Part 15 EMC testing be conducted. The FCC considers this a good engineering practice. This ensures the device is continuing to operate under the Rules. It also verifies to the manufacturer the performance is as expected and there are no unexpected results. SECTION 5 FILINGS Class II Permissive Change for FCC ID IB2AFIRS228S0 Please contact either your assigned Compliance Testing LLC Project Manager or Compliance Testing LLC Engineer who will assist you, if required. Version: 23-Nov-2020 Page 4 of 12 Sensys Networks Inc. Report: No: p20a0012_62368-1-001L LETTER/FINDING REPORT SECTION 6 PROJECT STATUS & ACTION Issuance of this letter/Finding report completes the evaluation of FCC C2PC_IB2AFIRS228S0 by Compliance Testing LLC Project No. p20a0015. If there are any questions regarding the results contained in this report, or any of the other services offered by Compliance Testing LLC, please do not hesitate to contact your dedicated Compliance Testing LLC Project Manager. William Graff Senior Engineer Reviewed by:
Mark Sechrist QA reviewer November 23, 2020 Date:
Signature November 23, 2020 Please note: this Letter Report does not represent authorization for the use of any Compliance Testing LLC certification. Completed by:
Date Version: 23-Nov-2020 Page 5 of 12 Sensys Networks Inc. Report: No:
p20a0012_62368-1-001L LETTER/FINDING REPORT Attachment A Technical Description Engineering Coordination Memo L3Harris ECM No. ECM-11932 L3Harris Rev
Customer Reference No. Customer Rev CAGE Code 25583 From: L3 Aviation Products 8/27/2020 Simeon Masson Engineering Project Leader (EPL) 727-456-6691 Date:
Name Title:
Reply Requested Yes No If yes. Date:
Program Technical Approval:
Chris Lougee Telephone:
206-790-0790 LMR Industry Business Development Department:
Compliance Testing LLC Subject:
ECM-11932 FCC Testing for AFIRS 228S SDU Upgrade 1. REFERENCE:
FCC Testing Task Description 2. DISCUSSION:
This Engineering Coordination Memo (ECM) is intended to describe the minor hardware and software changes for Compliance Testing LLC to assess and validate the level/type of FCC testing to be performed for the AFIRS 228S SDU upgrade. The operational software load, PNR 840E5733-20 (SW-20), will be common and configurable to both the Airbus (840E5733-18 (SW-18) and Airbus Canada 840E5733-19 (SW-19) platforms. The SDU upgrade, with the operational software load, PNR 840E5733-20 (SW-20), addresses 4 minor SW issues and one minor HW SLIC obsolescence issue. Minor SW change:
19. PR358 solution has been verified and validated as an integral part of the operational SW-20 load based on SW-18 and SW-
Audio Processor (AP) minor software fix has been developed and verified to work with both the old SLIC and new SLIC on the newly respun MCIM CCA.( (PNR 502-1300-07) SBD IMEI number display fix to work for both new SBD 9602N and LBT 9523N SBD 9602N Data modems certification as part of the SDU upgrade with Iridium new firmware, PNR TA19002. Version: 23-Nov-2020 Page 6 of 12 Sensys Networks Inc. Report: No:
p20a0012_62368-1-001L The obsolete SLIC (PNR SI3226-E-GQ) and SLIC driver (PNR SI3208-B-GM) were used on the MCIM CCA (PNR 502-1300-05) to provide two SLIC channels. A new combined SLIC/Driver (PNR SI32287-A-GM) is used on the re-spun MCIM CCA (PNR 502-1300-
07) to replace these obsolete SLIC parts and provides a dual-function for two SLIC TIP and RING channels. The SDU upgrade loaded with SW-20 will continue to comply with the previously FCC certification requirements. Version: 23-Nov-2020 Page 7 of 12 Sensys Networks Inc. Report: No:
p20a0012_62368-1-001L LETTER/FINDING REPORT Attachment B Before/after block diagram Block diagram of the Modem Control and Interface Module (MCIM) Before (Pld) and After (New) SLIC components Version: 23-Nov-2020 Page 8 of 12 Sensys Networks Inc. Report: No:
LETTER/FINDING REPORT p20a0012_62368-1-001L Installed MCIM CCA (for Before/After) Version: 23-Nov-2020 Page 9 of 12 Sensys Networks Inc. Report: No:
LETTER/FINDING REPORT p20a0012_62368-1-001L Version: 23-Nov-2020 Page 10 of 12 Sensys Networks Inc. Report: No:
LETTER/FINDING REPORT p20a0012_62368-1-001L Version: 23-Nov-2020 Page 11 of 12 Sensys Networks Inc. Report: No:
LETTER/FINDING REPORT p20a0012_62368-1-001L Version: 23-Nov-2020 Page 12 of 12
1 2 3 | Cover letter | Cover Letter(s) | 191.55 KiB |
Commercial Aviation 100 Cattlemen Road Sarasota, FL 34232 Tel: (941) 413-4171 October 1, 2018 Federal Communications Commission Authorization and Evaluation Division 7345 Oakland Mills Road Columbia, Maryland 21046 RE: Class II Permissive Change for FCC ID: IB2AFIRS228S0, Granted November 30, 2017. To Whom It May Concern:
We, L3 Technologies, are submitting an application for Class II Permissive Change against FCC ID: IB2AFIRS228S0. There are minor modifications made to the Automated Flight Information Reporting System (AFIRS) 228S Satellite Data Unit (SDU). The changes filed under this application are:
RFMM CCA Schematics RFMM BOM MCIM Schematics MCIM BOM Software upgrade involving minor source code change (PAT1.3 to PAT 1.3.1) If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contract me at +1 941 413 4171 or via email at Best Regards, James Cimino Sr. Mgr. Strategic Subcontracts. L3 Commercial Aviation Systems DOES NOT CONTAIN TECHNICAL INFORMATION OR DATA Confidentiality Warning This message may contain proprietary and/or privileged information of L3 Technologies and its affiliated companies. If you are not the intended recipient please 1) do not disclose, copy or distribute this message or its contents 2) advise the sender by return email and 3) delete all copies from your computer. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated
1 2 3 | Label Label Location | ID Label/Location Info | 175.35 KiB |
0S8zzSuldvzal dl 994 Buripuag syuayedocg'c0e LON edsN g0-2$3-S06 900 VNd 0 15A31 8821-00 / WILY WAdVV4 9091-00
| CorCsnQs0Oz0O9200s00r0000z0 @10 SNOILVOISIGOW SYVMGYaVH AAAAWIA, JIN a W190 JIN Z9SEZ100 YAS 2 2 LOWY 0095827 UNd Ta WSN Zeche ePuoly osties py UOWAHED OOF SJopiodey UOHPIAY E-7 _promerneen) LIN WLVG SLITIALVS gq LHATS $8zz SUIdV }
frequency | equipment class | purpose | ||
1 | 2021-01-11 | 1616.01 ~ 1625.9 | TNB - Licensed Non-Broadcast Station Transmitter | Class II Permissive Change |
2 | 2018-10-29 | 1616.01 ~ 1625.9 | TNB - Licensed Non-Broadcast Station Transmitter | |
3 | 2017-11-30 | 1616.01 ~ 1625.9 | TNB - Licensed Non-Broadcast Station Transmitter | Original Equipment |
app s | Applicant Information | |||||
1 2 3 | Effective |
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 | Applicant's complete, legal business name |
L3 Technologies
1 2 3 | FCC Registration Number (FRN) |
1 2 3 | Physical Address |
5353 52nd Street SE
1 2 3 |
Grand Rapids, MI
1 2 3 |
Grand Rapids
1 2 3 |
United States
app s | TCB Information | |||||
1 2 3 | TCB Application Email Address |
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 | TCB Scope |
B1: Commercial mobile radio services equipment in the following 47 CFR Parts 20, 22 (cellular), 24,25 (below 3 GHz) & 27
app s | FCC ID | |||||
1 2 3 | Grantee Code |
1 2 3 | Equipment Product Code |
app s | Person at the applicant's address to receive grant or for contact | |||||
1 2 3 | Name |
P******** G********
1 2 3 | Title |
Staff Program Manager
1 2 3 | Telephone Number |
1 2 3 | Fax Number |
1 2 3 |
app s | Technical Contact | |||||
1 2 3 | Firm Name |
L3Harris Technologies
1 2 3 | Name |
S**** M********
1 2 3 | Physical Address |
490 1st Ave S
1 2 3 |
St. Petersburg, 33701
1 2 3 |
United States
1 2 3 | Telephone Number |
1 2 3 |
app s | Non Technical Contact | |||||
n/a | ||||||
app s | Confidentiality (long or short term) | |||||
1 2 3 | Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | Yes | ||||
1 2 3 | Long-Term Confidentiality Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | No | ||||
1 2 3 | Yes | |||||
1 2 3 | If so, specify the short-term confidentiality release date (MM/DD/YYYY format) | 01/14/2018 | ||||
if no date is supplied, the release date will be set to 45 calendar days past the date of grant. | ||||||
app s | Cognitive Radio & Software Defined Radio, Class, etc | |||||
1 2 3 | Is this application for software defined/cognitive radio authorization? | No | ||||
1 2 3 | Equipment Class | TNB - Licensed Non-Broadcast Station Transmitter | ||||
1 2 3 | Description of product as it is marketed: (NOTE: This text will appear below the equipment class on the grant) | AFIRS 228S Satellite Data Unit | ||||
1 2 3 | Related OET KnowledgeDataBase Inquiry: Is there a KDB inquiry associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 2 3 | Modular Equipment Type | Does not apply | ||||
1 2 3 | Purpose / Application is for | Class II Permissive Change | ||||
1 2 3 | Original Equipment | |||||
1 2 3 | Composite Equipment: Is the equipment in this application a composite device subject to an additional equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 2 3 | Related Equipment: Is the equipment in this application part of a system that operates with, or is marketed with, another device that requires an equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 2 3 | Grant Comments | Power output listed is peak conducted. The device utilizes a 3 dBi antenna. The antenna installation and operating configurations of this transmitter must satisfy MPE categorical Exclusion Requirements of 2.1091. The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 34.7 cm from all persons and must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Users and installers must be provided with antenna installation instructions and transmitter operating conditions for satisfying RF exposure compliance Class II permissive change. | ||||
1 2 3 | Power output listed is peak conducted. The device utilizes a 3 dBi antenna. The antenna installation and operating configurations of this transmitter must satisfy MPE categorical Exclusion Requirements of 2.1091. The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 34.7 cm from all persons and must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Users and installers must be provided with antenna installation instructions and transmitter operating conditions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. Class II permissive change. | |||||
1 2 3 | Power output listed is peak conducted. The device utilizes a 3 dBi antenna. The antenna installation and operating configurations of this transmitter must satisfy MPE categorical Exclusion Requirements of 2.1091. The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 34.7 cm from all persons and must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Users and installers must be provided with antenna installation instructions and transmitter operating conditions for satisfying RF exposure compliance | |||||
1 2 3 | Is there an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 2 3 | If there is an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application, has the associated waiver been approved and all information uploaded? | No | ||||
app s | Test Firm Name and Contact Information | |||||
1 2 3 | Firm Name |
Compliance Testing, LLC
1 2 3 | Name |
M****** S****
1 2 3 | Telephone Number |
1 2 3 | Fax Number |
480 9********
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 |
Equipment Specifications | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line | Rule Parts | Grant Notes | Lower Frequency | Upper Frequency | Power Output | Tolerance | Emission Designator | Microprocessor Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 25 | 1616.01000000 | 1625.90000000 | 7.5600000 | 0.0010000000 % | 41K7V7W | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line | Rule Parts | Grant Notes | Lower Frequency | Upper Frequency | Power Output | Tolerance | Emission Designator | Microprocessor Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | 1 | 25 | 1616.01000000 | 1625.90000000 | 7.5600000 | 0.0010000000 % | 41K7V7W | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line | Rule Parts | Grant Notes | Lower Frequency | Upper Frequency | Power Output | Tolerance | Emission Designator | Microprocessor Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | 1 | 25 | 1616.01000000 | 1625.90000000 | 7.5600000 | 0.0010000000 % | 41K7V7W |
some individual PII (Personally Identifiable Information) available on the public forms may be redacted, original source may include additional details
This product uses the FCC Data API but is not endorsed or certified by the FCC