NOTE: Before you begin to erase: the lost or stolen transmitter(s), have all transmitters:available that ae wish to remain programmed, These will be used during the program process fo identify Transmitters that will continue to be used. Enter the transmitier program moda:
1. Tum the ignition switch to the SON" position. 2. Within 10 seconds, press and release the valet/pragram switch ihree times. (Siren emits. 1 short chirp indicating channel 1 has een entered) 3. Within 10 Seconds, press and hold the ARM or ARM/DISARM button of the first transmitter you wish to ramain-stored into the control unit until a single chirp is heard from the siren.
{ al this for each transmitter you wish to remain stored in the control urilt}. The receiver stores up to four transmitters. To be certain all transmitter slots in the receiver are occupied with transmitters you wish to con-
tinue to use, and all others are erased, you will have to fill all four receiver sidts. If in step 3 you identified one transmitter, you will have to fill the additional 3 slots. If in step 3 you identified two transmittars, you will have to {ill the additional two slots, atc... 4. Press and hold any unused button or combination of buttons until. a Seu is hea sso the Lees pene and press ne ae *
ution combination again and again remaini ots are full. NOTE: The button or onion ation ot buttons entered wa alse control ihe arm of antvdisarm function until additional transmitters are added. All unwanted transmitters are now deleted, REPRIORITIZING A TRANSMITTER'S PROGRAMMING:
To reprogram a receiver channel with a different transmitter button once a code has been stored, thera will be two options:
1, Enter the transmitter program mode of the receiver channel to be reprogrammed, Using any unused button or combination of but-
tons, push out the stored code by pressing the unused button until a long chirp is haard, then rapeat 3 additional times, After this, you can add any desired unused transmitter button. This action erases only the bu siored of the transmitter you are programming. All ciher codes will ramain stored, 2, Enter the transmitter program mode. Using any transmitter button press and hold until a chirp is heard. Ifa single chirp or multiple chirps, (up to 7 chirps), are heard, the unit is indicating that the transmitter has already been programmed elsewhere In the ra-
ceiver. Release the transmitter bution and within 5 seconds press and hold until a long chirp is heard. This action forces the unit to Th mike ante th =| aeons or its th mod
@ unit then exits the program a the siren emits the program ie exit chirp pattem. All fansiniter buttons for that teansrratior (rive: now be reprogrammed. Any other transmitier still remain operational. If the bution is ral within the 5 second period, no change in programming has been made The programmer can move onto a differant codes as described in 1-above. to the recelver channel:
channel or erase: the transmitter OPERATING THE FLASHLIGHT OF APS-2K4FL if the transmitter packa
(Flashlight Transmitter) the transmitter will cause The light will turn off when the button is released. Caution! Always paint the light Brn eon you sic: ihe yon e piers. is This is a bright hi intensity LED or into the eyes of anyone, Stored in the unit's memory eased and not pressed again ged with your system included the APS-2K4FL, Pressing the button focated on the sie of
@ light on tha end of the unit to turn on, QUICK REFERENCE CHART:
You can preorarn any Individual channal without reprogramming all channels, To go directly to a particular receiver channel follow tha chart below:
CHANNEL VALET SWITCH LED Lign.On Then_| Press and Aelease 3 Times | 1. Flash 2lgn.On Then |Press and Release 4 Times | 2 Flashes 3ign.On Then |Press and Release 5 Times | 3 Flashes 4 ign. On Then |Press and Release 6 Times | 4 Flashes Sign, On Then [Press and Release 7 Times | 5 Flashes 6 ign.On Then [Press and Release 8 Times | 6 Flashes