(Introduction to stick]
A variety of Magnetic buckle stick stick colors are available Correct placement of the Main Unit in the direction @
Correct placement of the Main Unit in the direction @
The middle layer contains EMS Hydrogels conductive and hot compress material
(Main Unit introduction]
Switch the heat Magnetic ON/OFF lock compress gear buckle switch key Lock screen screen key instructions Heat compress gear indication Strength Mode/Charging Mode EMS intensity Indication shift key digital display TYPE-C charging port
[Introduction to remote control]
EMS intensity digital display sone Se press (|[)(1 nome Heat compress gear indication Mode display Lock screen indication strength + key strength - key Change heat compress gear/lock screen Power/Mode toggle key Mode/Charging Indication
[Suitable for multiple parts]
[Additional description of the use of text]
M ain Unitoperating instructions 1. Fix the main uniton the massage sticker in the conectdirection. 2. Stick the m assage sticker to the position thatneeds to be massaged. P kase w pe off the sweat from the contactarea before use, so that the sticker can be attached to the surface as much as possbk. for cbser contactw ith the skin. 3. Press and hold the ON FF button for3 seconds t tum iton, the nom al indicator light is on, and then lng press the ONO FF button for3 seconds to shutdown, and all indicators are off. Shortpress the ONO FF button to tum on and off the bck screen after pow ering on. After the bck screen is tumed on, the bck screen indicator lightw ill ightup in white, and when the bck screen is tumed off, the bck screen indicator lightw ill tum off. The bck screen w illm ake a beep sound when it is tumed on and off. 4. Touch the t/{ keys to adjstthe EMS intensity, there are 1 t 19 intensities in total press t EMS intensity tb increase, press | EMS intensity to decrease. EMS tensity 0 b 1 w illm ake a beep sound. Itprom pts EMS to be tumed on. W hen the intensity reaches the 19th gear, touch the t key again t make a di-di sound, indicating thatthe intensity is the highest evel In the EMS state, if the m agnetic buckk of the M ain Unitis not hn contactw ith the stick, a dididi prom ptw illsound. 5. Touch the M mode sw itch key to sw itch between modes 1 to 6, and each m ode disp ays a m ode indicator w ith a differentcobr. G reen corresponds to m ode 1, white corresponds to m ode 2, cyan corresponds to m ode 3, red corresponds to m ode 4, ble corresponds to mode 5, and ye low corresponds to m ode 6. The charging display is red, and the LED is offwhen fully charged. M ode transitions w illm ake a beep sound. 6. Touch the sw itch to sw itch the heat com press gear position, shortpress the heat com press function to sw itch fom bw,medim, high, and then to the off gear, each gear shows a differentcobrof the heatcom press indicator. G reen is the bw-grade heatcom press, ye lbw is the m idde-grade heatcom press, and red is the high-grade heatcom press. W hen the stick is attached and the heatis working nom alb, the indicator lightw ill fash. Indicates that the heatpack is running. If the stick is notin contactw ith the m agnetic buckk of the M ain Unit, tuming on the heatcom press sw itch gearbutton w illem ita dididi prom pt and the ndicator lightw illbe on, indicating that the stick and the m agnetic buckk of the M an Unitare not in contact Remote control operation instructions 1. Touch the t/{ key t adjistthe EMS intensity, there are 1 t 19 intensities in total press TEMS intensity to increase, press | EMS intensity t decrease 2. Touch the sw itch to sw itch the heatcom press gear, shortpress the heat com press function to sw itch from bw,medim ,high, and then to the off gear, each gear comesponds to a differentcobrheating indicator, bng press for 3 seconds to activate the rem ote bck screen function, The bck screen icon indicator light is on, press and hold for3 seconds after the bck screen is tumed off, and the bck screen icon indicator light is off. 3. Touch the pow er sw itch button, press and hold for3 seconds to tum on, the nom al indicator light is on, then bng press the ON FF button for 3 seconds to shutdown, all indicators are off. Shortpress the ON FF button after powering on, the m ode sw itches from mode 1 to m ode 6, and each m ode conesponds to am ode ndicator w ith a differentcobr. The corresponding cobrof the rem ote contolm ode is the same as the conesponding cobrof the Man Unitm ode.
[Attention list]
The position of the M ain Unitm ustbe correctly attached to the m agnetic buckke position of the stick, thatis, the f/} keys are atthe upperand bwer positions of the stick, and the hotcom press and the m ode power button are at the eftand right positions of the stick The rem ote controlw illautom atically shutdown if there is no operation for one m nute. During the use of the Mann Unit such as EMS and heatcom press, neither work nor rem ote contol A fter1 m nute, there willbe a di-di sound, and itw ill autom atica lly enter the seep and shutdown state. Press and hold the power sw itch button on the rem ote contol for 3 seconds w ithin 1 m ute to rem otely tum on the Main Unit orpress and hold the ON FF button of the M ann Unit for 3 seconds poweron. The M an Unitw illautom atically shutdown after 30 m nutes w ithoutrem ote contoland button action after work. ln addition to shortpress the ON FF button to bck the screen, and bng press the rem ote controlhotcom press button for 3 seconds to bck the screen, the Main Un itw illautom atically enter the bck screen state afterEM S and hotcom press work, if there is no action w ithin 30 seconds, W hen the screen is bcked, shortpress the ON FF key to unbck it, lng press the ON A FF key for 3 seconds to shutdown, and the restof the touch keys are bcked and unresponsive. The rem ote control can still be used for rem ote controlwhen the screen is bcked. P kase use EMS and hotcom press according to yourown strength. It is recom mended thatwhen users experience EMS and hotcom press for the first tin e, the gear is slightly bwered, and the intensity is gradually increased after the body has fully adapted to the intensity. This way the experience is better. The productcan be charged w ith am obik power supply when the power is bw, and the productcan ako work during the charging process. If the hotcom press is not in good contactduring the charging experience, there m ay be a bng beeping sound. P kase put the stickin good contactw ith the Man Unitor tum off the hotcom press function to experience whik charging. W hen the battery power is very bw, the cobrof the mode ndicatorm ay appear cobr cast, and itw illautom atically shutdown afterworking fora period of time. W hen the cobrstatus display is abnom al pkase charge the user hn tine fora better experience.
[Details of EMS]
EMS isa technique designed to stm uate muscks using ekctrical currents to achieve specific effects. E ectricalm usck stim ulation is the de livery of sm all, bw-vo ltage ekctricalpubes to the musck through e kctrodes placed on the skin to cause the musck to contract Has toned muscks, re axes tense muscks;has been shown to be an effective clinicalnon-drug treatm entaccord ing to research; contol musck strengthening and fim ing. W hen used correctly, ithas no side effects on the body. Its a greatway to tan yourse If, and its scientifically and medically backed up.
[Safety warning]
aN ot to be used as am ask or to teatunidentified pan; consulta physician before use
*) o notuse around the heart, m outh, infected skin
+) o notuse this product in spaces w ith high hum idity, such as bathroom s it is recom m ended to use under the supervision ofa physical therap ist ifnecessary
*0 nl applicabk to extemal lin bs if you want to obtain other therapeutic effects, pkase consult the relevant doctor before use
#C annotbe used when skeping, driving, taking a shower
*) o not kt the product touch jewelry m etalobpcts
*)o notuse ni the follow ing cases
- any discom fort
- have arhythm ia orheartprobkems
-Patients w ith epilepsy
- Pregnantwomen
-cancer patient FE This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two FCC Statement conditions: 1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and 2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
--Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
--Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
--Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
--Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate the equipment. FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement. The device can be used in portable exposure condition without restriction.