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User Manual | Users Manual | 1.09 MiB | January 03 2005 | |||
1 | External Photos | January 03 2005 | ||||||
1 | ID Label/Location Info | January 03 2005 | ||||||
1 | Internal Photos | January 03 2005 | ||||||
1 | RF Exposure Info | January 03 2005 | ||||||
1 | Cover Letter(s) | January 03 2005 | ||||||
1 | Cover Letter(s) | January 03 2005 | ||||||
1 | Cover Letter(s) | / January 03 2005 | ||||||
1 | Test Setup Photos | January 03 2005 | ||||||
1 | Cover Letter(s) | January 03 2005 | ||||||
1 | Test Report | January 03 2005 |
1 | User Manual | Users Manual | 1.09 MiB | January 03 2005 |
Universal Development Kit Hardware Users Guide 2130391 Rev 1.1 UNIVERSAL DEVELOPMENT KIT SierraWirelessreservestherighttomakechangesinitsproductswithoutnoticeinorderto improvedesignorperformancecharacteristics. Thispublicationneitherstatesnorimpliesanywarrantyofanykind,includingbutnotlimitedto impliedwarrantsofmerchantabilityorfitnessforaparticularapplication. Theinformationinthispublicationisbelievedtobeaccurateinallrespectsatthetimeofpublication, butissubjecttochangewithoutnotice.SierraWirelessassumesnoresponsibilityforanyerroror omissions,anddisclaimsresponsibilityforanyconsequencesresultingfromtheuseofthe informationincludedherein. Copyright2004 SierraWireless.Allrightsreserved. PAGE 2 INTRODUCTION Table of Contents INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 6 OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................... 6 TERMS AND ACRONYMS .............................................................................................................. 6 REGULATORY INFORMATION ............................................................................................. 7 STATEMENT ................................................................................................................................. 7 REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................................ 7 SAFETY ........................................................................................................................................ 7 User operation requirements .................................................................................................. 7 INTERFACES ................................................................................................................................. 8 DEVELOPMENT KIT CONTENTS.................................................................................................... 9 CONFIGURATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 9 Boxed configuration................................................................................................................ 9 Bench configuration.............................................................................................................. 10 SETUP AND INSTALLATION ................................................................................................ 12 QUICK SETUP ............................................................................................................................. 12 PC CONNECTIONS ...................................................................................................................... 12 POWERING THE DEVELOPMENT KIT........................................................................................... 13 AC wall cube power.............................................................................................................. 13 DC power.............................................................................................................................. 14 RF CONNECTION ....................................................................................................................... 14 DEVELOPMENT KIT FEATURES ........................................................................................ 16 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 16 MODES OF OPERATION ............................................................................................................... 16 Standalone mode................................................................................................................... 16 Host Development mode ....................................................................................................... 17 Extender Mode...................................................................................................................... 18 CEPC mode........................................................................................................................... 19 LED INDICATORS ...................................................................................................................... 21 D10 10-segment LED......................................................................................................... 21 D11 Board power LED ...................................................................................................... 22 D12 Module power LED.................................................................................................... 22 SERIAL INTERFACES................................................................................................................... 23 UART (1~3) - DE9................................................................................................................ 23 UART signals ........................................................................................................................ 23 UART switches...................................................................................................................... 23 UART monitor support.......................................................................................................... 24 XIM interface ........................................................................................................................ 26 USB ....................................................................................................................................... 27 SWITCHES .................................................................................................................................. 27 SW2 Digital control DIP switch ........................................................................................ 27 PAGE 3 SW3 Anlalog DIP switch.................................................................................................... 29 Typical DIP switch settings .................................................................................................. 29 Reset switch........................................................................................................................... 30 DEBUG HEADERS AND CONNECTORS .......................................................................................... 30 CN11 UART signal test points ........................................................................................... 30 CN12 - MIO (Module Input/Output) signal test points......................................................... 31 CN3 - Analog test points....................................................................................................... 31 CN15 JTAG header............................................................................................................ 31 CN23 ISR header ............................................................................................................... 32 J4 Battery connector.......................................................................................................... 32 J5 External power switch connector.................................................................................. 32 CN27 - Board-to-board connector........................................................................................ 32 AUDIO TESTING.......................................................................................................................... 35 Using a headset..................................................................................................................... 35 Using a handset..................................................................................................................... 37 RF INTERFACE......................................................................................................................... 38 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 38 50 CONNECTION ..................................................................................................................... 38 Cables ................................................................................................................................... 39 ANTENNA USE............................................................................................................................ 39 PART NUMBERS.......................................................................................................................... 39 Figures Figure 1 - UDK boxed Configuration........................................................................................... 10 Figure 2 - UDK bench configuration............................................................................................ 11 Figure 3 - Dual UART and USB+UART Configurations............................................................. 12 Figure 4 - RF Connections Diagram............................................................................................ 15 Figure 5 - Standalone mode connection diagram......................................................................... 17 Figure 6 - Extender mode configuration ...................................................................................... 19 Figure 7 CEPC connection diagram ......................................................................................... 20 Figure 8 - Monitor mode connection example.............................................................................. 25 Figure 9 - Protocol analyzer Y-adapter cable.............................................................................. 26 Figure 11 - Headset schematic implementation ........................................................................... 36 Figure 12 - Pushbutton microphone headset................................................................................ 37 Tables Table 1 Acronyms and definitions................................................................................................ 6 Table-2 - UDK Interfaces ............................................................................................................... 8 Table 3 - Power switch settings .................................................................................................... 13 Table 4 - VBATT voltage adjustment............................................................................................ 14 Table 5 Standalone / Host Development mode switch configurations ...................................... 18 Table 6 - Extender mode switch configuration............................................................................. 18 Table 7 - CEPC switch settings .................................................................................................... 19 Table 9 - CEPC Signal Definition ................................................................................................ 20 Table 10 - Primary 10-segment LED map.................................................................................... 21 PAGE 4 INTRODUCTION Table 11 - Secondary 10-segment LED map ................................................................................ 22 Table 12 - D12 power LED states................................................................................................. 22 Table 13 - UART signals............................................................................................................... 23 Table 14 - UART Switch Settings.................................................................................................. 23 Table 15 - UART Monitor Connections........................................................................................ 24 Table 16 - XIM switch settings...................................................................................................... 26 Table 17 - CN25 XIM signal interface.......................................................................................... 27 Table 18 - USB signal interface.................................................................................................... 27 Table 19 - Switch 2 (SW2) settings ............................................................................................... 28 Table 20 - Switch 3 (SW3) Settings............................................................................................... 29 Table 21 - SW2 typical settings..................................................................................................... 29 Table 22 - SW3 Typical Settings ................................................................................................... 30 Table 23 - CN11 - UART signal test points .................................................................................. 30 Table 24 - CN12 - MIO signal test points.................................................................................... 31 Table 25 - CN3 - analog test points.............................................................................................. 31 Table 26 - CN15 - JTAG header................................................................................................... 31 Table 27 - CN23 - ISR Header...................................................................................................... 32 Table 28 J4 Battery connector pinout........................................................................................ 32 Table 29 J5 External power switch pinout ................................................................................ 32 Table 30 - UDK 100-pin Connector Pinout by EM3420 Function............................................... 33 Table 31 - Audio switch settings ................................................................................................... 36 Table 32 - Headset connector pinout............................................................................................ 36 Table 33 - Handset connector pinout............................................................................................ 37 Table 34 - Typical RF Performance Parameters.......................................................................... 38 Table 35 - Connector part numbers.............................................................................................. 39 PAGE 5 Introduction Overview ThisdocumentexplainsthefeaturesandcapabilitiesoftheUniversal DevelopmentKit(UDK).TheUDKisbasedonadevelopmentplatformthatis designedtosupportmultiplemembersoftheWirelessEmbeddedModule(EM) productfamily.ThepurposeoftheUniversalDevelopmentKitistoassistthe OEMduringthefollowingproductdevelopmentstages:
InitialEMevaluation Hostsoftwaredevelopment Preliminaryhardwareintegration Terms and Acronyms Table1Acronymsanddefinitions Acronym or Term Call Box CDMA Cellular CW CCW dB Definition Test equipment used for CDMA testing, a.k.a. test set Code Division Multiple Access (digital phone standard) 800 MHz radio spectrum air interface Clock-wise Counter clock-wise Decibel = 10 x log10 (P1/P2) (Power dB) Decibel = 20 x log10 (V1/V2) (Voltage dB) Decibels, relative to 1 mW Decibel(mW) = 10 x log10 (Pwr
(mW)/1mW) Embedded Module Global positioning system Hardware Module Input/Output Modulator demodulator (the EM) Personal Communication System spans the 1.9GHz radio spectrum Radio Frequency Removable User Identity Module Subscriber Identity Module Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter Universal Development Kit Universal Serial Bus Either RUIM or SIM, as the cards themselves are interchangeable dBm EM GPS HW MIO Modem PCS RF RUIM SIM UART UDK USB xIM PAGE 6 REGULATORY INFORMATION Regulatory Information Statement Thefollowingsafetyprecautionsmustbeobservedduringallphasesofthe operation,use,serviceorrepairofanycellularterminalormobileincorporating theEM.Manufacturersofthecellularterminaldevicesareadvisedtoconveythe followingsafetyinformationtousersandoperatingpersonnelandtoincorporate theseguidelinesintoallsafetystandardsofdesign,manufactureandintended useoftheproduct.SierraWirelessassumesnoliabilityforcustomerfailureto complywiththeseprecautions. 1. TheEMmustbeoperatedatthevoltagesdescribedinthistechnicaldocumentation. 2. TheEMmustnotbemechanicallyorelectricallychanged.Useoftheconnectors shouldfollowtheguidanceofthistechnicaldocumentation. 3. TheEMisdesignedtomeettheEMCrequirementsof47CFRPart2andPart15. 4. WhenintegratingtheEMintoasystem,SierraWirelessrecommendstestingthe systemtoOETBulletin65SupplementCedition9701. Requirements TheFederalCommunicationsCommission(FCC)requiresapplicationfor certificationofdigitaldevicesinaccordancewithCFRTitle47,Part2andPart15. Thisincludeselectromagneticsusceptibilitytesting.AstheEMisnotastand alonetransceiverbutisanintegratedmodule,theEMcannotbetestedbyitself forEMC/EMIcertification. ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15oftheFCCrules.OperationoftheEMis subjecttothefollowingtwoconditions:(1)thisdevicemaynotcauseharmful interference,and(2)thisdevicemustacceptanyinterferencereceived,including interferencethatmaycauseundesiredoperation. Yourmobiledeviceisalowpowerradiotransmitterandreceiver.WhileON,it receivesandsendsoutradiofrequency(RF)signals.Thedesignofthismodule complieswiththeFCCguidelinesandapplicablestandards. WARNING:Unauthorizedantennas,modifications,orattachmentscouldimpair callquality,damagetheEM,orresultinviolationofFCCregulations.Donotuse theEMwithadamagedantenna.Pleasecontactyourlocalauthorizeddealerfor antennareplacement. Safety User operation requirements Theantennausedforthistransmittermustbeinstalledtoprovideaseparation distanceofatleast20cmfromallpersonsandmustnotbecolocatedor operatinginconjunctionwithanyotherantennasortransmitters.Apersonor objectwithin8inches(20centimeters)oftheantennacouldimpaircallquality PAGE 7 andmaycausethephonetooperateatahigherpowerlevelthannecessaryand exposethatpersontoRFenergyinexcessofthatestablishedbytheFCCRF ExposureGuidelines.
!IMPORTANT!:TheUDKmustbeinstalledwithaminimumseparationdistanceof20 cmormorebetweentheantennaandpersonstosatisfyFCCRFexposurerequirements formobiletransmittingdevices. Thetransmittereffectiveradiatedpowermustbelessthan1.5WattsERP,2.0Wattsor 33.0dBmEIRP.Thisrequiresthatthecombinationofantennagainandfeedlineloss doesnotexceed6.0dBi(Conductedmaxpower+cableloss+Antennagain). Interfaces TheUniversalDevelopmentKitconsistsoftwoprintedcircuitboards,amain boardandadaughtercard.Themainboardcontainstheinterfacesand developmentfeaturesthatarecommontomultipleEMtypes.Thedaughtercard isdesignedtoadaptagivenEMtypetothemainboard.Thefollowingtable describestheinterfacesanddevelopmentfeatures(mainboardonly)availableon theUniversalDevelopmentKit. Table-2 - UDK Interfaces External Interfaces XIM socket Available Outside of Box USB connector: B-type / USB device Power on/off switch DC Input jack: +5VDC from universal input AC adapter 4 UART connectors: 2 or 3 UARTs + 1 or 2 TxD monitors 2 Power LEDs 10 Status LEDs Reset switch 2.5mm headset jack RJ-14 handset jack Host adapter flat cable connector RF connector for antenna or call-box: TNC female Available on main board only Battery test clips (& battery header) 2 Digital / Logic analyzer headers: GPIO & UART 1 Analog header 2 x10 DIP switches: x10 analog / x10 digital JTAG debug interface PAGE 8 REGULATORY INFORMATION Development Kit Contents TheUniversalDevelopmentKitpackageincludes:
UniversalDevelopmentKitmainboard UniversalDevelopmentKitdaughtercard WirelessEmbeddedModule(EM) Walloutlet110/220VACpowersupply CDROMcontainingSierraWirelessToolssoftwareandutilities 2DE9serialcables Thekitalsoincludesanumberofoptionalcomponents,dependingontheEM typeorintendeduse:
Antennacombinationsofcellular,PCSandGPSbandsuponrequest RFAdapterspecifictotheEMtype USBcable ParallelcableonlyusedforCEPCinterface Headsetwithpushtotalkbutton DualUARTadaptersupports230kbps Metalenclosureoptional,typicallyusedfordemonstrationor certification Configurations Boxed configuration Theboxed(demo)configurationisshownbelow.Youmustspecifythisdelivery optionatthetimeofordering.Notethatthisconfigurationisnotpreferablefor developmentuse,sinceonlyasubsetoftheinterfacesisavailable.Itisintended forinitialEMevaluationordemonstrationonly. Thediagrambelowdepictsalloftheavailableinterfacesandindicatorsforthe boxedconfiguration,andisshownwiththelidoffforclarity.Notethatthe internalRFcableconnectseithertotheSMAortotheTNCbulkheadadapter,not both. PAGE 9 Figure1UDKboxedConfiguration SMA Adapter. See 50 Connection on page 38. TNC Adapter. (Typically not installed) See 50 Connection on page 38. TxDn See UART monitor support on page 24. UART3 See UART signals on page 23. UART2 See UART signals on page 23. UART1 See UART signals on page 23. USB. See USB on page .27. Wall Cube Input. See AC wall cube power on page 13. UDK Power LED. See D11 Board power LED on page 22. Handset Jack. See Using a handset on page 37. Module Power LED. See D12 Module power LED on page 22. Headset Jack. See Using a headset on page 35. Bench configuration Thebenchconfigurationisthemostcommonusedconfiguration.Thisisan openboardconfigurationwithaccesstoalldevelopmentfeatures.TheEM3420 DaughterCardisshowninthediagramasanexample. TheembeddedmodulesRFadaptercanalsobeaccesseddirectlyinthis configurationinordertominimizeRFlosses.Theseadditionalinterfacesare showninFigure2UDKbenchconfiguration Reset Button. See Reset switch on page 30. PAGE 10 SETUP AND INSTALLATION EM RF Adapter. See page 38. Figure2UDKbenchconfiguration CEPC / Parallel Interface. See page 19. Battery Header. See page 32. RUIM Connector. See page 24. CPLD Program Header. See page 32. 10x DIP LED. See page 21. EM3420 Daughter Card SMA Adapter. See page 38. MIO Header See page 31. Digital / Control DIP Switch. See page 27. UART Header. See page 30. MSM JTAG Header. See page 31. Analog / Control DIP Switch. See page 29. Analog Header. See page 31. PAGE 11 Setup and Installation Quick setup Tosetupandinstallthedevelopmentkit:
1. ConfiguretheUDKDIPswitchesforStandaloneMode.SeeTypicalDIP switchsettingsonpage29.Theboxedconfigurationhaspreconfigured defaultsettings. 2. ConnecttheDevelopmentKittoaPC(orotherhost)viaserialcable(s). 3. PlugthewalloutletpowerbrickACcableintoanACreceptacle,thenplug theDCcableintothedevelopmentkit. 4. ConnectthecablefromthedevelopmentkitSMARFconnectortothecall boxorCDMAemulator;pleasecontactSierraWirelessApplications Engineeringforadditionalsetupinformation. PC connections ThedevelopmentkitmaybeconnectedtoaPCinadualUARTconfigurationor USB+singleUARTasillustratedbelow.AUSBonlyconfigurationisnotshown. Figure3DualUARTandUSB+UARTConfigurations Daughter Card M E SW2 Universal Dev Kit SW3 n D x T 3 T R A U 2 T R A U 1 T R A U DC Input USB Wall Cube
) a ble(s erial C S Data Control PAGE 12 SETUP AND INSTALLATION Daughter Card M E SW2 Universal Dev Kit SW3 n D x T 3 T R A U 2 T R A U 1 T R A U DC Input USB Wall Cube
(s ble a erial C S Data Control NotethatCOMAandCOMBlabelsareusedonthehostPCintheabove diagram.ThisistoidentifythephysicalCOMportsandshouldnotbeconfused withtheCOMportnumberassignedbyWindows. Powering the Development Kit Therearetwooptionsforpoweringthedevelopmentkit,usinganACwall cubeorDCpowerfromanexternalpowersupply. AC wall cube power WhenusingtheACwallcube,theDCoutputjackfromthewallcubeconnects totheDCInputjackonthedevelopmentkit,CN5. IfthewallcubesuppliedwiththeDevPlatformisnotsuitable,anotherwall cubemaybeusedsolongasithasa5Voutputratedforatleast2Ampswiththe jackbarrelexteriorgroundedand5Vonthebarrelinterior. WhenusingtheUDKinthepackagedconfiguration,SwitchSW21mustbein theOFFposition,asthisisinparallelwiththeboxmountedpowerswitch. TurningSW21ONoverridestheexternalswitch.Table3showstherequired switchsettingswhenusingwallcubepower. Table3Powerswitchsettings SW2-1 External Power Switch Module Power State OFF Bench Configuration ON OFF OFF ON Boxed Configuration X X OFF ON X OFF ON OFF ON ON PAGE 13 Whenusingthewallcubeinput,thereare2settingsforbatteryvoltage.SW38is closedtosetthevoltagetoanominalvalue(~3.9V).Thisisthedefaultsetting, andshouldbeusedinmostcases.Whenopen,thevoltagecanbeadjustedusing R394fortestingloworhighbatteryvoltageconditions.Adjustmentranges between3.0V~4.5V,asshowninTable4. ToadjusttheVBATTvoltage,measureatTP17&TP18andadjustR394.Note thatSW38mustbeOFFinordertoadjustVBATTvoltageaccordingtothetable. Table4VBATTvoltageadjustment SW3-8 R394 ON OFF OFF VBATT Voltage
~4.5V X Full CCW Full CW DC power IfusingaDCpowersourcewithoutajackconnector,theDCvoltagemustbe between3.6Vand4.2Vandratedforatleast2amps.TheDCvoltagemustbe connectedtothedevelopmentkitonTP17(VBATT)andgroundmustbe connectedonTP18.Inthisconfiguration,SW21mustbeturnedOFF. RF Connection TheboxedconfigurationconnectstoaCDMAcallboxorotherRFtest equipmentviatheexternalSMAconnector.Forthebenchconfiguration,there aretwooptions. 1. UsetheSMAconnectorattheendofthedaughtercard.Thisprovidesthe mostcommonlyavailableconnectortype,sonospecialRFadaptersare required. 2. Directconnection.TheEMsRFconnectorprovidesminimalRFlosses,but requiresaspecialRFadapter.TheadaptertypedependsontheEMmodelis suppliedwithyourUDK. Bothconfigurationsareshownbelow,withOption1showninblueandOption2 inviolet. PAGE 14 SETUP AND INSTALLATION Figure4RFConnectionsDiagram CDMA Call Box SMA / SMA A M S
? / S
M E SW2 Daughter Card Universal Dev Kit SW3 n D x T 3 T R A U 2 T R A U 1 T R A U DC Input USB FormoredetailedinformationontheRFinterfacefortheUDK,see50 Connectiononpage38. PAGE 15 Development Kit Features Introduction Thedevelopmentkitincludesanumberofswitchesforvariouscontrolsand configurationoptions.Thissectiondiscussestheseswitches,LEDindicatorsand thevariousdevelopmentkitheadersandconnectors. Modes of operation Thedevelopmentkitsupportsfourmodesofoperation:standalonemode,host developmentmode,extendermodeandCEPCmode.Inallmodesofoperation, theembeddedmoduleismountedonthedevelopmentkitdaughtercard,which isspecificallydesignedforagivenEMmodel. Standalonemodeallowsforoperationofthemoduleindependentofthe targethostsystem.TheinterfaceprotocolisforcedtoDMprotocol, allowingcommunicationwiththelowestleveldevelopmenttools. HostDevelopmentmodealsoallowsthemoduletooperate independentlyofthetargethostsystem,howevertheprotocolis compatiblewiththetargethostdevice. Extendermodeassistswithhardwareandsoftwareintegrationofthe moduleintothetargethostsystem. CEPCmodeallowsaspeciallyconfiguredPCtocontrolhostmodem handshakingsignalsandpowercontrolduringearlystagesofWindows CEdevelopment. Eachmodeofoperationisrequiredtosatisfytheinterfacerequirementsofthe EMmodelbeingused.SeeEmbeddedModuleHardwareIntegrationGuidefor detailsonhostmodemhandshaking.ByenablingtheModuleWakeDIPSwitch SW26(seeSW2DigitalcontrolDIPswitch),theUDKassertsthenecessary signalstokeeptheEMcommunicatingwiththehostplatform. PleaseseethetablesunderheadingSW2DigitalcontrolDIPswitchforthe typicalswitchsettingsforeachmode. Standalone mode Standalonemodeisintendedforproductevaluationandearlydevelopment independentofthetargethostsystem.Instandalonemode,aPCorotherhost cancommunicatewiththedevelopmentkitviaserialports.Usethesameserial portconfigurationdescribedlaterinthisdocument.Standalonemodealso supportsaudiotestcapabilityviaa2.5mmheadsetjackandRJ11handsetjack. Tosetthedevelopmentkitforstandalonemode,SwitchesSW2.6andSW2.7 mustbeturnedONbeforeresettingthemodule(viaSW1).Itisrecommendedto usethedefaultswitchsettingsasshownunderTypicalDIPswitchsettingson page29. PAGE 16 DEVELOPMENT KIT FEATURES SettingSW2.6andSW2.7forStandalonemodeandresettingthemodule,forces theserialinterfacetousetheDMprotocolwhichiscompatiblewiththelow leveldebugtools.ThisistrueformodulesusingeitherCnSorHIprotocols. SeeFigure5foranexampleofstandaloneoperationfortheDualUART configuration. Figure5Standalonemodeconnectiondiagram Daughter Card M E SW2 Universal Dev Kit SW3 n D x T 3 T R A U 2 T R A U 1 T R A U DC Input USB Wall Cube
) a ble(s erial C S Data Port Control Port Host Development mode HostDevelopmentmodeisintendedforhostprotocoldevelopmentindependent ofthetargethostsystem.InHostDevelopmentmode,aPCorotherhostcan communicatewiththedevelopmentkitviaserialports.Usethesameserialport configurationdescribedlaterinthisdocument.HostDevelopmentmodealso supportsaudiotestcapabilityviaa2.5mmheadsetjackandRJ11handsetjack. TosetthedevelopmentkitforHostDevelopmentmode,SwitchesSW2.7mustbe turnedOFFbeforeresettingthemodule(viaSW1). IMPORTANT!SwitchSW2.6canbeturnedeitherONorOFFduringreset,butmust beturnedOFFforthemoduletofullypowerdownatanytime!
PAGE 17 TheconnectiondiagramisthesameasthatshownforStandaloneMode.The tablebelowshowstheeffectofswitchesSW26andSW27followingamodule reset.Thestatesshowninthistablearevalidonlywhenhandshakingisenabled. Table5Standalone/HostDevelopmentmodeswitchconfigurations Operating Mode Standalone Mode SW2-6 Module Wake ON SW2-7 Host Status ON Host Development Mode ON / OFF OFF Behavior DM Protocol; communication channel never closes CnS or HI Protocol; communication channel follows the state of MODULE_WAKE Extender Mode Inextendermode,ablankEMPodisinstalledinthetargethostinplaceofthe EM.Thisdummymoduleprovidesaflexcableconnectiontothedevelopment kit,butnoEMcircuitry.Inthisarrangement,theEMonthedevelopmentkitis poweredandcontrolledbythetargethost.Thismodeofoperationallowsfor probinganumberofthesignalsonthemodulehostinterfaceconnector. AdditionallytheserialportscanbeconfiguredtoallowmonitoringofRXandTX communicationdirectionsforbothportsusingaserialportanalyzer. Twocontrolswitchchanges(fromstandalone/hostdevelopmentmodes)are requiredtosupportextendermode.Thedevelopmentkitmainboardwillrelease therequiredcontrol/handshakingsignalswhentheflexcableisdetected, dependingonthepositionoftheModuleWake&HostStatusswitches.Analog switchesrequiringsetupareforbatteryconnectionandmonitoring.These optionsareshowninthefollowingtable:
Table6Extendermodeswitchconfiguration Signal OFF ON Switch Position SW2-6 MODULE_WAKE SW2-7 HOST_STATUS SW3-9 AUXV0 VBATT Tri-states Module Wake signal to the EM, allowing these to be controlled by the Host. Tri-states Host Status signal to the EM, allowing these to be controlled by the Host. Isolates AUXV0 pin on EM connector Connects VBATT to AUXV0 Drives Module Wake signal to the EM, forcing control channel ON Drives Host Status signal to the EM, forcing control channel ON pin on EM connector Supplies dev kit VBATT from host battery voltage SW3-10 VBATT HOST_VBATT Isolates dev kit VBATT from Host battery voltage AdiagramshowingExtendermodeinterconnectionisshownbelow.This exampleshowsadualUARTconfiguration.Extendermodeinitsmostbasic formsimplyroutessignalsbetweenthehostandEMviaaCPLD. NotethatTxDalwaysoriginatesfromtheHost(DTE),andRxDoriginatesfrom theEM(DCE).Signaldirectionsareindicatedinthediagram. PAGE 18 DEVELOPMENT KIT FEATURES CertainEMmodelsbringoneormoreAuxiliaryAnalogtodigitalinputs numbered(0...)outtothehostconnector.AUXV0isreservedformeasuring batteryvoltage,andAUXV1,AUXV2,etc.canbeconnectedforgeneraluse. SupportedAUXVnsignalpinsaredefinedintheEMReferenceGuides. Figure6Extendermodeconfiguration EM Pod Host Platform Daughter Card R x D 2 T x D 2 CPLD M E R x D 1 T x D 1 TxD2 RxD2 TxD1 RxD1 Universal Dev Kit DC Input 1 D x T 2 D x T 2 T R A U 1 T R A U Wall Cube CEPC mode CEPCisaspeciallyconfiguredPC,runningWindowsCEonPCplatform
(CEPC).ThePCsparallelportdirectlyinterfacestotheUniversalDevKitto performpowercontrolandsignalingfunctions.Signalsusedforthisinterface conformtotheHostModemHandshakingSpecificationRev3.7. SimilartoExtenderMode,theUDKmainboardwillreleasetherequired control/handshakingsignalswhentheparallelcableisdetected,dependingon thepositionoftheModuleWakeandHostStatusswitches(refertothetable below). Table7CEPCswitchsettings OFF ON Signal MODULE_ WAKE HOST_ST ATUS Tri-states Module Wake signal to the EM, allowing these to be controlled by the Host. Tri-states Host Status signal to the EM, allowing these to be controlled by the Host. Drives Module Wake signal to the EM, forcing control channel ON Drives Host Status signal to the EM, forcing control channel ON. PAGE 19 Switch position SW2-6 SW2-7 ThefollowingdiagramshowsinterconnectionbetweenthePCandEM DevelopmentBoard,usingastandardDB25parallelcableand2serialcables. Figure7CEPCconnectiondiagram Daughter Card 5 2
B D M E Universal Dev Kit Wall Cube DC Input 2 T R A U 1 T R A U s ble a rial C e
) S
(WinCE Emulator) Data Port Control Port ThefollowingtableshowspinoutandsignalnamesforthePCparallelportand UDK,signaldirectionandsignaldescription.TheActivecolumndefinesthe activestateforthePCparallelportonly.TheUDKthentranslatesthesesignals accordingtoEMtypedetected. Table8CEPCSignalDefinition PC pin 2 3 4 Dir UDK Signal PC signal Data 0 ON/OFF_EM Data 1 RESET_N Data 2 MODULE_WAKE UDK pin 27 25 30 Active Description High High level turns the EM on Low High High level tells EM to wake up;
Low pulse resets the EM HOST_STATUS HOST_WAKE Data 3
+Paper End
+Select MODEM_ STATUS 5 12 13 28 29 26 Enable the control channel Low level tells EM to keep control channel open High High High level tells the host that the EM has high Low priority message to send Low level tells host that EM has been reset;
High level: control channel has been initialized PAGE 20 DEVELOPMENT KIT FEATURES TwoCEPCfunctionsaretypicallydevelopedindependentlypowercontroland hostmodemhandshaking.TheModuleWakeswitch(SW26)shouldbeturned ONwhileHostModemHandshakingisnotbeingcontrolledbytheCEPC.This willallowproperdebugofthePowerControlfunction. LED Indicators D10 10-segment LED TheUniversalDevelopmentKitsupportsa10segmentLEDbartodisplay digitalsignalstatus,plus2power/statusindicators. Eachsegmentofthe10segmentdisplayisrelatedtoanIOsignalasshowninthe tablebelow.TheLEDlightsupwhenthesignalisintheACTIVEstate;andoff whenthesignalisintheINACTIVEstate. TwomapsareavailableforagivenEMmodel.TheprimaryLEDmapisenabled bydefault,andisusedforhostmodemhandshakingsignalstatesandselected UART1andUART2signals.TheprimaryLEDmapformostembeddedmodules isshownbelow:
Table9Primary10segmentLEDmap UART1 Data Terminal Ready - from host UART1 Data Set Ready - from EM UART1 Carrier Detect - from EM UART1 Ring Indicator - from EM UART2 Transmit Data - from host UART2 Receive Data - from EM Module Wake MODULE_WAKE - wakeup signal from host Host Status HOST_STATUS - status signal from host Host Wake HOST_WAKE - wakeup signal from EM Modem Reset MODEM_RESET_STATUS - from EM DTR1/
TXD2 RXD2 D13 10-Segment LED Array (Primary map) Pos Label Name Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SomeEMmodelsalsosupportfullUART1signalstatususingaDIPswitchon theirDaughterCard.ThisplacesTxD1,RTS1/,RxD1,andCTS1/ontoPositions 1~4,respectively.Positions5~10remainpertheabovetable.Refertothe ReferenceGuideforyourEMmodelformoredetails. ThesecondaryLEDmapformostembeddedmodulessupportsXIM development.TousethisLEDmap,MIO19mustbepulledhigh(seeCN12.3 detailsinCN12MIO(ModuleInput/Output)signaltestpointsonpage31). NotethatagivenEMmodelsupportsonlyoneXIMinterface,theotherwill defaulttoaUARTinterface.ForexampleEM3420usesUART3fortheRUIM interface,sointheLEDmapbelow,UART2signalswillapplytopositions7~10. PAGE 21 Table10Secondary10segmentLEDmap Description TXD3 pin, enables XIM VCC when high RXD3 pin, bidirectional XIM data RTS3_N pin, active high reset to XIM card CTS3_N pin, XIM clock GPIO5 PD, goes high when card is inserted Not Used TXD2 pin, enables XIM VCC when high RTS2_N pin, active high reset to XIM card CTS2_N pin, XIM clock RXD2 pin, bidirectional XIM data D13 10-Segment LED Array (Secondary map) Pos Label Name 1 XIM_EN3 XIM_IO3 2 XIM_RST3 3 4 XIM_CLK3 XIM_DET 5 N.U. 6 XIM_EN2 7 8 XIM_RST2 9 XIM_CLK2 10 XIM_IO2 OthercombinationsofLEDsignalingcanbeassignedforspecificdevelopment tasksorEMinterfacecapabilitiesviaCPLD,asrequired.Theseassignmentsmay varybetweenEMmodels;seetheReferenceGuideforyourspecificmodule. NOTE:The10segmentLEDisalsousedtodisplaytheCPLDcodeversion,whenthe daughtercardisremoved.TheLEDEnableswitchmustbeturnedOFFtoviewthiscode. Thecodeversionisdisplayedasabinarynumber,withLEDD13.1beingtheLSB. D11 Board power LED D11istheBoardPowerindicator,anddisplaysGREENwhentheUDKmain boardispoweredon. D12 Module power LED D12istheModulePowerindicator,whichdisplaysGREENorREDwhenthe Moduleispoweredon.TheLEDisturnedOFFwhentheModulepowercontrol isOFF(viatheUDK).Thiscombinationofindicationisvalidforstandalone mode,ExtenderModeorCEPC,accordingtothetablebelow. Table11D12powerLEDstates D12 State OFF Description Power control to the EM is in the OFF state. Controlled by SW2-1 unless in Extender Mode or using CEPC. The EM is ON, and reset is inactive The EM is turned ON, but either power is not detected or the EM is in the reset state. GREEN RED PAGE 22 DEVELOPMENT KIT FEATURES Serial Interfaces UART (1~3) - DE9 UsedtoaccesstheEMUARTs,RS232compatibleupto8wireinterface
(UART1),2or4wireinterface(UART2&UART3).RTS/CTSfunctionalityis optionalforUART2&UART3.UART1containsallflowcontrolsignals,andis usedprimarilyasthedataport(i.e.ATcommandinterface)forUARTonly implementations. ItmaybenecessarytoadjusttheEMdataportUARTduringdevelopment,as thedefaultdatarateis230kbps.MostPCsdonotsupportmorethan115kbps withoutaspecializedserialportadapter(availableasSierraWirelessaccessory). ScriptsareprovidedontheCDROMtoconfigureUART1for115kbpsor230 kbps. UART signals SignalsfromthemoduleconnectortothisDE9willbelevelshiftedusinganRS 232transceiver. Table12UARTsignals Pin #
UART1 Signal Name CD1_N RXD1 TXD1 DTR1_N GND DSR1_N RTS1_N CTS1_N RI1_N CN2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ref. Des. UART2 Signal Name NC RXD2 TXD2 NC GND NC RTS2_N CTS2_N NC CN1 UART3 Signal Name NC RXD3 TXD3 NC GND NC RTS3_N CTS3_N NC CN13 TxDn Signal Name NC NC TXDn NC GND NC NC NC NC CN14 UART switches EachUARTcanbeindividuallyselectedusingSW2positions3~5,wherethe switchONposition=UARTnSelected.NotethattheEmbeddedModule FirmwaresettingdeterminestheUARTselection.TheUDKUARTselectionsare shownbelow. Table13UARTSwitchSettings Switch Position SW2-3 SW2-4 SW2-5 Select UARTn UART1 UART2 UART3 PAGE 23 UART monitor support The4DE9connectorsaredynamicallyassigned,basedonthecombinationof DIPswitchsettingsforSW23,4and5.Thefollowingtableshowsthese assignments.FortheExtenderModecase,thefullUARTuseisturnedoff, howevertheRxDsignalwillstillbetransmittedtotheconnectorperthetable. See*notebelowthetableformoredetails. Table14UARTMonitorConnections SW2-5
(UART3) 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 SW2-4
(UART2) 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 SW2-3
(UART1) 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 CN2
TxD1 TxD2 TxD1
TxD1 TxD2 TxD1 t n e m n g i s s A i l a n g S T R A U g n i t t e S h c t i w S T R A U
*Note:Forextendermode,RxDnreplacesUARTnintheaboveassignmenttable. ThismeansthatonlytheRxDsignalispassedoutthroughtheseconnectors whenusingextendermode.Signalsinbothdirectionscanbemonitored,but fromdifferentconnectors. SignalTxDnisprovidedonthefourthDE9connector.Thissignalisused exclusivelyformonitormode.TxDnassignmentisdefinedinTable14above. Notethatformonitormode,amaximumof4signalscanbemonitoredinadual UARTconfiguration:
TxD1,RxD1,TxD2,RxD2aremonitoredwhenusingUART1+UART2 TxD1,RxD1,TxD3,RxD3aremonitoredwhenusingUART1+UART3 UART2+UART3isconfigurableonthedevelopmentkit,butistypicallynot usedinanyEM. TheinterconnectformonitormodeoperationisshowninFigure8.Here,the UDKisusedintheextendermode(seepage17),tomonitorUART1and/or UART2.Inthisconfiguration,theSW2settingsfromTable14areSW25,4,3=0, 1,1inordertoenableUART1andUART2. InFigure8theUART2connectormonitorsRxD2(signalsfromEMhost),and TxD2monitorssignalsfromthehostEM. ItisalsopossibletomonitorbothdirectionsofUART1inthisconfiguration, wheretheUART1connectormonitorsRxD1(signalsfromEMhost),andTxD1 monitorssignalsfromthehostEM. PAGE 24 DEVELOPMENT KIT FEATURES Figure8Monitormodeconnectionexample Daughter Card 1 D x T 2 D x T 2 T R A U 1 T R A U R x D 2 T x D 2 CPLD M E R x D 1 T x D 1 TxD2 RxD2 TxD1 RxD1 Universal Dev Kit DC Input TxD2 RxD2
**See adapter cable schematic R T x x D D 2 2 EM Pod Host Platform Wall Cube PC used as "sniffer"
Monitors RxD pin of COMx Protocol Analyzer Monitors TxD & RxD pins
**Requires adapter cable AYadaptercableisusedtomonitorbothTxDandRxDusingaprotocol analyzer.ThisputsRxDontopin2andTxDontopin3oftheprotocolanalyzers DE9plug.Theschematicforthiscableisshownbelow. PAGE 25 TxD From Host RxD From EM G U L P 9 E D G U L P 9 E D Figure9ProtocolanalyzerYadaptercable 5 9 6 1 5 Ground TxD G r o u n d D x R 9 6 1 5 9 6 1 T E K C O S 9 E D To Protocol Analyzer XIM interface SomeembeddedmodulescansupportXIMoneitherUART2orUART3.When theEMfirmwareisconfiguredforXIM,theassociatedUARTfunctionisnot available. DIPswitchsettingsareusedtoenableXIM.SelectXIMforUART2orUART3 pinoutsaccordingtothetablebelow.NotethattheXIMselection,whenenabled, overridesTable13fortheselectedUART.Forexample,ifUART2isenabledin Table13andXIMisenabledwithUART2selectedinTable15,thenTable13 behavesasifUART2isNOTselected. Table15XIMswitchsettings SW2-10 setting OFF ON ON SW2-9 setting X OFF ON XIM configuration XIM disabled XIM enabled on UART2 XIM enabled on UART3 NotethatthedetectionofanXIMcardisconfigurable,andshouldbedetermined duringthedesignoftheHost/EMinterface.Typically,anavailableMIOisused inaleveltriggeredinterruptorpolledmode.Anyrequireddetectioncircuitryis afunctionoftheHostboarddesign. AsshowninTable16thedetectionmechanismfortheUDKisacontactthat closesbetweenpins4&8whentheXIMcardisinsertedwiththeCN25latch connectorclosed.TheXIM_DET_POLsignalisthedetectionpolarity,whichis setontheEMdaughtercard.IftheMIOusedforXIM_DETcontainsapulldown element,thenthesignalXIM_DET_POLwouldbetiedhigh,andviceversa. PAGE 26 DEVELOPMENT KIT FEATURES Table16CN25XIMsignalinterface Pin #
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Signal name VCC_XIM XIM_RST XIM_CLK XIM_DET_POL GROUND XIM_VPP XIM_IO XIM_DET Direction To Card To Card To Card To Socket N/A Bidirectional From Socket XIM detect to MSM Description VCC supply for XIM card Active HI reset signal Clock signal Detection polarity (UDK only) Ground Not Used Data to/from XIM card USB PerformsdirectconnectiontoaPCformodulesthatsupportUSB.Noadditional signalsorswitchesarerequired,howevertheEMand/ordaughtercardmustbe configuredwithaUSBtransceiverandthenecessaryfirmware. Table17USBsignalinterface Signal name CN20 Pin #
3 4 Ground WhenusingamodulewiththeUSBinterface,itmaynotbepossibletouse certaininterfacecombinations.Forexample,theMSM6050sUART3pins interfacewiththeUSBtransceiver,soUART3cannotbeused.Inthiscase,SW25 UART3mustbeintheOFFpositiontoavoidcontention.SeetheReference GuideforyourEmbeddedModulefordetailsonwhichinterfacecombinations arenotpossible. TheUDKusesMIO(1)andMIO(2)toroutethesignalsUSB+andUSB, respectively.TheseMIOsignalsarenotavailableforgeneraluseinthiscase. Switches SW2 Digital control DIP switch DIPswitchSW2isusedfordigitalcontrolfunctions.Certainfunctionsareover riddeninExtenderModeand/orCEPCMode,meaningthatconnectionofa CEPCorExtendercableareautomaticallydetected,sotheswitchsettingdoes notneedtobechanged.Thesefunctionsareindicatedinthetablebelow,inthe farrightcolumns. PAGE 27 Switch position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Table18Switch2(SW2)settings Function MODULE_ON This switch is used to turn the module on. Turning the switch to OFF position turns modem OFF. Turning switch to ON position turns modem ON. This switch is only used in standalone mode to control modem power state. In the extender and CEPC modes this switch position is overridden in the CPLD. Battery Enable Enables the barrel jack LDO regulator / Battery supply, which powers up the Universal Dev Kit board. Turn this switch ON to use the wall cube input to supply the EM. Turn this switch OFF if using DC Power at the battery terminals. UART1 Select Turn this switch ON to enable UART1 communications. This enables both the RS-232 transmitter and receiver for UART1. This switch setting is ignored when using Extender Mode, where only monitoring of RS-232 signals is possible. UART2 Select Turn this switch ON to enable UART2 communications. UART3 Select Turn this switch ON to enable UART3 communications. Note that UART3 must be disabled when using the USB interface with the MSM6050. See the Reference Guide for the associated EM for details. Module Wake Turn this switch ON to activate the MODULE_WAKE signal. Used in conjunction with SW2.7 Host Status during reset to initiate Standalone Mode. Host Status Turn this switch ON to activate the HOST_STATUS signal. Used in conjunction with SW2.6 Module Wake during reset to initiate Standalone Mode. LED Enable Enables the MIO LED array. Turn this switch ON to enable the LED array. XIM Select This switch selects which MSM UART channel will be used for XIM mode, only when XIM is enabled by SW2-10. Turn this switch OFF (Low) to select UART2, and ON (High) to select UART3. XIM Enable Turn this switch ON to enable XIM on UART2 or UART3
(as per SW2-9 setting). The combination of XIM enable and XIM select will override the UARTn Select function switch for SW2-4 and SW2-5 above. That is, the XIM selection takes precedence over the UART function. See XIM interface on page 26 for more details. Extender override CEPC override PAGE 28 DEVELOPMENT KIT FEATURES Switch position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SW3 Analog DIP switch Table19Switch3(SW3)Settings Function MIC BIAS Control This switch is used to enable an onboard mic bias for the headset. Turn to ON position to enable bias at headset microphone. Turn to OFF position to disable bias. Turn to OFF during extender mode. MIC1P<Headset When ON, connects MIC1P to the headset MIC pin. MIC1N<Ground - When ON, connects MIC1N to Ground. Required when using the differential MIC1 interface with a (single-ended) headset. MIC2P<Headset When ON, connects MIC2P to the headset MIC pin. MIC2N<Ground - When ON, connects MIC2N to ground. Required when using the differential MIC1 interface with a (single-ended) headset. SPK1>Headset - When ON, connects SPK1P to the headset SPK pin. SPK2>Headset - When ON, connects SPK2 to the headset SPK pin. Bat Voltage Set Sets the battery LDO regulator output to nominal voltage ~3.9V when turned ON. When this switch is turned OFF, the LDO output voltage can be adjusted between 3.0~4.5V using potentiometer R394. AUXV0<Battery When ON, connects the main battery voltage (VBATT) to the AUXV0 pin. This ADC input is often used by the module to measure battery voltage. See the Reference Guide for the EM model used. Host<Battery - When ON, connects the main battery voltage (VBATT) to the Host battery voltage
(HOST_VBATT). Turn this switch OFF to isolate the HOST_BATTERY from the UDK VBATT net. See the section below for Typical DIP switch settings, and specific Embedded Module Reference Guides for alternate DIP switch setting scenarios. Typical DIP switch settings TypicalDIPswitchsettingsfordualUARTuseareshownbelowforthe standalone,hostdevelopment,extender,andCEPCmodesofoperation.These settingsareastartingpointonly,andnotnecessarilythepreferredcombinations. SeetotheReferenceGuideforyourEMmodelnumberformoreoptions. Table20SW2typicalsettings Description Turn Embedded Module ON SW2 Digital Control DIP Switch Dual UART Typical Settings Pos Label Name 1 Module ON 2 Battery Enable Enable barrel jack LDO 3 UART1 Select Select UART1 4 UART2 Select Select UART2 5 UART3 Select Select UART3 6 Module Wake 7 Host Status 8 LED Enable 9 XIM Select Standalone ON ON ON ON OFF ON (& reset) ON (& reset) ON ON / OFF Activates Module Wake Activates Host Status Enables MIO LED array XIM Select:
OFF=UART2 / ON=UART3 Enables XIM on UART2 or UART3 10 XIM Enable Host Dev. Extender ON OFF ON / OFF ON / OFF X ON X X OFF ON / OFF ON / OFF ON CEPC X ON ON ON OFF ON / OFF ON / OFF ON ON / OFF ON ON ON ON PAGE 29 Standalone Description Table21SW3TypicalSettings SW3 Analog Control DIP Switch - Dual UART Typical Settings Pos Label Name 1 MIC Bias Enable Enable MIC Bias to headset jack ON 2 MIC1P<Headset Connect MIC1P to headset jack ON 3 MIC1N<Ground Connect MIC1N to (AC) ground ON 4 MIC2P<Headset Connect MIC2P to headset jack OFF 5 MIC2N<Ground Connect MIC2N to (AC) ground OFF 6 SPK1P>Headset Connect SPK1P to headset jack ON 7 SPK2>Headset Connect SPK2 to headset jack OFF ON 8 Batt Voltage Set Set battery voltage LDO to Extender ON ON ON OFF OFF ON OFF ON CEPC ON ON ON OFF OFF ON OFF ON mid-level (~3.9V) 9 AUXV0<Battery Connect AUXV0 to VBATT 10 Host>Battery Connect VBATT to the host X X X X ON / OFF X battery pin EM3420 does not support MIC2/SPK2 Depends on power source Reset switch MomentaryswitchSW1resetstheEMwhenpressed. Debug headers and connectors Internaltothedevelopmentkitaretwostandard2row0.1x0.1headersthat canbeusedforconnectinglogicanalyzerorscopeprobes.Athirdheaderisused forprobinganalogsignals. CN11 UART signal test points Table22CN11UARTsignaltestpoints Signal name RXD1 DTR1_N RTS1_N RI1_N RXD2 RTS2_N RXD3 RTS3_N Signal name CD1_N TXD1 DSR1_N CTS1_N TXD2 CTS2_N TXD3 CTS3_N GND Pin #
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Pin #
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 PAGE 30 DEVELOPMENT KIT FEATURES CN12 - MIO (Module Input/Output) signal test points Table23CN12MIOsignaltestpoints Signal name Pin #
2 RESET_EM 4 MIO(19) 6 MIO(1) MIO(3) 8 10 MIO(5) 12 MIO(7) MIO(9) 14 16 MIO(11) 18 MIO(13) MIO(15) 20 Signal name MIO(0) MIO(2) MIO(4) MIO(6) MIO(8) MIO(10) MIO(12) MIO(14) GND Pin #
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 CN3 - Analog test points InadditiontotheAnalogtestheader,youcaninstallasetoftestclipstoassistin connectingaudiotestequipment.Groundtestclipsareblackandsignaltestclips arered.Thesetestclipsaredefinedinthetablebelow.RefertotheEmbedded ModuleHardwareIntegrationGuideforinformationonusingtheaudiocircuitry. Table24CN3analogtestpoints Test clip TP13 TP8 TP7 TP11 TP9 TP5 TP6 TP10 TP12 TP14 Signal name GND MIC1P MIC1N MIC2P MIC2N SPK1P SPK1N SPK2 RINGER/SPK3 GND Pin #
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 Pin #
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Signal name GND N.C. VCC_MSM_P VCC_BRD VCC_XIM VCC_USB VCC_5V VBATT AUXV0 GND CN15 JTAG header TheJTAGheadercanbeusedasanalternatemethodforprogrammingtheEMs FlashmemoryusingtheJTAGinterfacetotheMSMprocessor.Theheaderpins outdirectlytotheLauterbachTrace32debugger. Table25CN15JTAGheader Pin #
Signal name VCC_MSM_P 1 3 TRST_N 5 TDI TMS 7 Signal name GND GND GND GND Pin #
2 4 6 8 PAGE 31 Signal name TCK TDO VCC_MSM_P Pin #
9 11 13 Pin #
10 12 14 Signal name GND RESET_EM GND CN23 ISR header TheISR(InSystemReprogramming)headerisusedtoprogramtheCPLDson theUniversalDevelopmentKit,whichisperformedbySierraWireless.Thethree devicesaredaisychainedtouseonlyoneheader.Noteyoumustremovethe daughtercardtoprogramtheCPLDs. Table26CN23ISRHeader Pin #
Signal name 1 GND JTAG_EN 3 5 7 VCC_BRD TDO 9 Signal name TMS TCK TDI GND Pin #
2 4 6 8 10 J4 Battery connector J4canbeusedtodirectlyconnectabatteryfortestingchargeorlowbattery conditionbehavior. Table27J4Batteryconnectorpinout J4 Pin #
1 2 Signal name VBATT Ground J5 External power switch connector J5routestheMODULE_ONsignaltotheexternalpowerswitch.Thisisused onlyfortheboxedconfiguration. Table28J5Externalpowerswitchpinout J4 Pin #
1 2 Signal name ON_SWITCH MODULE_ON CN27 - Board-to-board connector A100pinboardtoboardconnectoristheinterfacebetweentheUDKmain boardandtheEMdaughtercard.ThereferenceguideforeachEMmodelshows the100pinconnectorgroupedbyEMfunction.Table29 containsa100pinpinouttableindexedbytheUDKconnectorpinnumber. PAGE 32 DEVELOPMENT KIT FEATURES Table29UDK100pinConnectorPinoutbyEM3420Function VBATT Pin # Signal Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 SPK1P GND MIC2P GND SPK1N GND MIC2N GND SPK2 GND MIC1P GND MIC1N GND VCC_USB VCC_BRD AUXV0 TP36 VCC_MSM_P VCC_XIM ON/OFF_EM TP35 RESET_EM VCC_5V MIO(8) TRST_N TXD2 TXD3 MIO(9) TDI RXD2 RXD3 MIO(12) TMS CTS2_N CTS3_N Type Dir(1) Description Power Bi-Dir Battery Voltage (3.7V Nominal) Speaker 2 Speaker 1 -
Speaker 1 +
IN Bi-Dir Ground OUT Microphone 2 +
Bi-Dir Ground IN Bi-Dir Ground OUT Microphone 2 -
Bi-Dir Ground IN Bi-Dir Ground OUT Microphone 1 +
Bi-Dir Ground OUT Microphone 1 -
Bi-Dir Ground Audio Power Audio Power Audio Power Audio Power Audio Power Audio Power Audio Power Power OUT USB Transceiver Voltage Power OUT UDK Main Board Regulated Voltage Analog OUT Battery Voltage tap for EM ADC N/A Power Power OUT XIM Card Digital Voltage Digital OUT On / Off control to EM N/A Test Point, not used Digital OUT Reset control to EM Power OUT UDK Main Board 5V from wall cube Digital Digital OUT Digital OUT Transmit Data UART2 Digital OUT Transmit Data UART3 Bi-Dir Module Input/Output 9 Digital Digital OUT JTAG Test Data Input Receive Data UART2 Digital Digital Receive Data UART3 Digital Digital OUT Digital Digital IN IN Bi-Dir Module Input/Output 12 JTAG Test Mode Set Clear to Send UART2 Clear to Send UART3 Test Point, not used MSM Digital Voltage from EM Bi-Dir Module Input/Output 8 JTAG Test Reset N/A IN IN IN N/A PAGE 33 MIO(2) Digital Bi-Dir Pin # Signal Name 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 MIO(13) TCK RTS2_N RTS3_N MIO(14) TDO MIO(15) MODULE_WAKE MIO(6) HOST_STATUS MIO(10) HOST_WAKE MIO(11) MODEM_RESET_ STATUS MIO(5) XIM_EN CTS1_N XIM_RST 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 XIM_CLK TXD1 XIM_IO MIO(3) XIM_VPP RTS1_N XIM_DET MIO(4) XIM_DET_POL RXD1 EM_ID(0) MIO(1) EM_ID(1) MIO(7) EM_ID(2) MIO(0) EM_ID(3) EM_ID(4) RI1_N TP34 JTAG Test Clock Dir(1) Description Bi-Dir Module Input/Output 13 Type Digital Digital OUT Digital OUT Ready to Send UART2 Digital OUT Ready to Send UART2 Bi-Dir Module Input/Output 14 Digital Digital IN JTAG Test Data Output Digital Bi-Dir Module Input/Output 14 Digital OUT Module Wake Handshaking signal Digital Digital OUT Host Status Handshaking signal Digital Digital Digital Digital Bi-Dir Module Input/Output 10 IN Bi-Dir Module Input/Output 11 IN Reset Status Handshaking signal Host Wake Handshaking signal Bi-Dir Module Input/Output 6 Digital Digital Digital Digital Bi-Dir Module Input/Output 5 IN IN IN XIM Enable Clear to Send UART1 XIM Reset Module Input/Output 2 USB-
XIM Clock IN Digital Digital OUT Transmit Data UART1 Digital Bi-Dir XIM Data Input/Output Bi-Dir Module Input/Output Digital Power Bi-Dir XIM Programming Voltage Digital OUT Ready to Send UART1 Digital OUT XIM Detection signal Bi-Dir Module Input/Output Digital IN Digital Digital IN IN Digital XIM Detection Polarity Receive Data UART1 Embedded Module ID Bus, Bit 0 Module Input/Output 1 USB+
Embedded Module ID Bus, Bit 1 Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital IN Bi-Dir Module Input/Output 7 IN Bi-Dir Module Input/Output 0 IN Embedded Module ID Bus, Bit 2 Digital Bi-Dir Embedded Module ID Bus, Bit 3 Ringer PWM signal (Digital) Speaker 3 Embedded Module ID Bus, Bit 4 IN Digital Digital OUT Ring Indicator UART1 N/A Test Point, not used N/A RINGER/SPK3 Analog IN PAGE 34 DEVELOPMENT KIT FEATURES Pin # Signal Name 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 DTR1_N MIO(23) CD1_N MIO(22) DSR1_N MIO(21) MIO(16) MIO(20) GND MIO(19) GND MIO(18) GND MIO(17) GND HEADSET_DET GND BUTTON_DET Dir(1) Description Carrier Detect UART1 Type Digital OUT Data Terminal Ready UART1 Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Power Digital Power Digital Power Digital Power Digital OUT Headset Insertion Detection Power Digital OUT Headset Button-press Detection Bi-Dir Module Input/Output 23 IN Bi-Dir Module Input/Output 22 IN Data Set Ready UART1 Bi-Dir Module Input/Output 21 Bi-Dir Module Input/Output Bi-Dir Module Input/Output 20 Bi-Dir Ground Bi-Dir Module Input/Output 19 Bi-Dir Ground Bi-Dir Module Input/Output 18 Bi-Dir Ground Bi-Dir Module Input/Output 17 Bi-Dir Ground Bi-Dir Ground Note(1):SignalDirectionistakenfromtheUDKmainboardperspective. Audio testing Thedevelopmentkitprovidestwomethodsofaudiotesting,a2.5mmheadset jackforahandsfreeheadsetandanRJ11connectorforastandardtelephone handset. TherearetwoaudiopathssupportedbytheUDK:
AudioPath1istypicallyusedforHandsetapplications AudioPath2istypicallyusedfortheHeadsetinterfaceintheend product.However,AudioPath1canbeusedinconjunctionwitha headsettofacilitateproductdevelopmentwiththeUDK. Using a headset Thedevelopmentkithasa2.5mmheadsetjackforacellphoneheadset(J1). MICBiasvoltageWhenusingaheadsetinstandalonemodeorifthehostdoes notprovideaMICbiasvoltage,setSW31totheONposition,otherwisethis switchshouldbesettotheOFFposition.Notethatthedefaultaudiogainsofthe modemaresetforusewithahostfrontendwhichcontainsadditionalgainsin thetransmitpath(20dB).Forthisreasontheaudiowillbeveryfaintwhileusing theheadsetinstandalonemodeunlessadditionalgainsareaddedtothe modemtransmitpathusingdirectedtestscripts. ThetablebelowdepictsSW3settingsforusingtheheadsetjackwithaudiopath1 or2. PAGE 35 Table30Audioswitchsettings Switch position SW3-1 SW3-2 SW3-3 SW3-4 SW3-5 SW3-6 SW3-7 Signals Headset to Path 1 J1 MIC pin MIC_BIAS ON ON J1 MIC pin MIC1P ON AC ground MIC1N OFF J1 MIC pin MIC2P OFF AC ground MIC2N ON J1 SPK pin SPK1P OFF J1 SPK pin SPK2 Headset to Path 2 ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF ON Handset to Path 1 X OFF OFF X X OFF X J1isastandard2.5mmheadsetjack.Thepinoutforthisconnectorisshown below. Table31Headsetconnectorpinout Pin #
1 2 3 4 5 Signal name GND MIC_P SPK_P MIC_DET SPK_DET Theschematicrepresentationoftheheadsetjack,asconnectedontheUDKmain boardisshowninFigure10Headsetschematicimplementation TheHEADSETDETECTfunctionisimplementedusingtheMIC_DETpin4,and isactivelow.ThisconnectionreliesonboththeMicrophonebiasvoltagebeing capableofsignalingalogic1voltagelevel,plustheuseofaGPIOwithpull downintheMSM.TheBUTTONDETECTfunctionasimplementedisalsoactive low,andreliesontheuseofaGPIOwithpullupintheMSM. Figure10Headsetschematicimplementation Microphone IN
/BUTTON DETECT 2 4 5 3 1 Thisconfigurationiscompatiblewithheadsetmodelscontainingapushtotalk buttonfunctiononthemicrophonesignal,orstandard3pinheadsetmodels PAGE 36 DEVELOPMENT KIT FEATURES withoutapushbuttonfunction.SierraWirelessoffersaheadsetcontaininga pushbuttonfunctiononthemicrophonesignalasaUDKaccessory. Figure11Pushbuttonmicrophoneheadset Button MIC SPK GND Microphone Speaker Using a handset Forhandsettesting,alandlinephonehandsetplugsdirectlyintoCN24,anRJ11 jack.Tousethisconnector,theSW3positions(seeabovetable)correspondingto MIC1&SPK1signalsmustbeintheopen(OFF)state. ItisimportanttonotethattheHandsetinterfacerequiresthattheEMbe configuredfordirectinterfacetothemicrophone,i.e.providesbiastoMIC1P/
MIC1N.IftheEMisconfiguredforinterfacetoaHostCODECorotherlinelevel circuitrynotrequiringDCbias,thentheheadsetconnectormustbeusedas describedabove. CN24isusedforthehandsetconnector.Thepinoutforthisconnectorisshown below. Table32Handsetconnectorpinout Pin #
1 2 3 4 Signal Name MIC1N SPK1N SPK1P MIC1P PAGE 37 RF Interface Introduction Thischaptercoversinformationrelatedtotheradiofrequency(RF)interfaceof theembeddedmodulewhenusedwiththeUDK.ThemodulesRFuse parametersvarybetweenmodels.ForperformancespecificationsofeachEM modelseetheProductSpecificationand/orApplicationNotes.TheApplication NotesarealsoavailableasareferenceforintegratinganEMintoahostplatform. Someexamplesofvariousbandsandtypicalperformanceparametersinclude:
Table33TypicalRFPerformanceParameters Parameter Transmit Band Band PCS Cellular IMT PCS Cellular IMT PCS Cellular IMT PCS Cellular IMT Value 1851 to 1910 MHz 824 to 849 MHz 1920 to 1980 MHz
+24.0 dBm (251 mW)
+24.0 dBm (251 mW)
+23.0 dBm (200 mW) 1930 to 1990 MHz 869 to 894 MHz 2110 to 2170 MHz
>-106 dBm
>-106 dBm
>-105 dBm 1575.42 MHz Maximum Transmit Power Receiver Band Receiver Sensitivity GPS Band 50 Connection TheRFconnectionpointonthedevelopmentkitcanbeattachedinseveralways. TheEMantennaconnectioncanbemadewith50coaxialcable,usingthe associatedcoaxialcableconnector(forexample,HiroseU.FLorMurataCSG series),orbyattachinganSMAcabledirectlytothedaughtercardforbench configurationortheSMAbulkheadconnectorfortheboxedconfiguration.The boxedconfigurationcanalternativelybeconnectedviaaTNCbulkheadadapter. DirectconnectiontothemodulerequiresthecorrectRFconnectoradaptercable. ThiscanbeobtainedasanaccessorythroughSierraWireless.Notethat additionalRFcablinglosseswillaffecttheperformancevalueslistedinthe embeddedmodulespecification.TheboxedconfigurationoftheUDK,oruseof theSMAconnectoronthedaughtercardwillincursuchlosses. TypicalRFlossesFOReachconfigurationareprovidedintheReferenceGuide fortheEMmodelused.Valuesaregivenforthebandsofoperation,depending ontheEMmodel. PAGE 38 RF INTERFACE Cables Anyconnectingcablesbetweenthemodemandtheantenna(ifrequired)mustbe 50.MismatchingtheimpedanceoftheEMwillresultinasignificantreduction inRFperformance. Antenna use AnSMAtypeconnectorisshippedwiththeUDK.Frequencyband(s)of operationforthisantennawilldependonthemodelofEMdelivered.Additional frequencyband(s)suchasGPS,oradditionalantennatypesareavailablefrom SierraWirelessasaccessories. Part numbers ThistablecontainspartnumbersforexternalconnectorsusedintheUDK.These areusefulifyourequirematingconnectors. Table34Connectorpartnumbers Interface Reference Description CN5 DC input jack DE9 jack, UARTs CN1, 2, 13, 14 CN20 CN22 CN24 CN25 J1 J4 USB DB25 plug Phone handset jack XIM socket Standard 2.5mm headset jack External battery Part number Switchcraft, RAPC712 AMP, 747844-2 (or equivalent) AMP, 787780-1 AMP, 747842-2 AMP, 520249-2 ITT Industries, CCM03-3013 R102 Hosiden, HSJ1621-01901 JST, SM02B-SRSS-TB PAGE 39
frequency | equipment class | purpose | ||
1 | 2005-03-01 | 1851.25 ~ 1908.75 | PCB - PCS Licensed Transmitter | Original Equipment |
app s | Applicant Information | |||||
1 | Effective |
1 | Applicant's complete, legal business name |
Sierra Wireless Inc.
1 | FCC Registration Number (FRN) |
1 | Physical Address |
13811 Wireless Way
1 |
Richmond, BC, N/A V6V 3A4
1 |
app s | TCB Information | |||||
1 | TCB Application Email Address |
1 | TCB Scope |
B1: Commercial mobile radio services equipment in the following 47 CFR Parts 20, 22 (cellular), 24,25 (below 3 GHz) & 27
app s | FCC ID | |||||
1 | Grantee Code |
1 | Equipment Product Code |
app s | Person at the applicant's address to receive grant or for contact | |||||
1 | Name |
Y****** W****
1 | Title |
Sr. Manager, Regulatory Compliance
1 | Telephone Number |
1 | Fax Number |
1 |
app s | Technical Contact | |||||
n/a | ||||||
app s | Non Technical Contact | |||||
n/a | ||||||
app s | Confidentiality (long or short term) | |||||
1 | Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | Yes | ||||
1 | Long-Term Confidentiality Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | No | ||||
1 | If so, specify the short-term confidentiality release date (MM/DD/YYYY format) | 07/14/2005 | ||||
if no date is supplied, the release date will be set to 45 calendar days past the date of grant. | ||||||
app s | Cognitive Radio & Software Defined Radio, Class, etc | |||||
1 | Is this application for software defined/cognitive radio authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Equipment Class | PCB - PCS Licensed Transmitter | ||||
1 | Description of product as it is marketed: (NOTE: This text will appear below the equipment class on the grant) | Embedded Wireless Radio Modem | ||||
1 | Related OET KnowledgeDataBase Inquiry: Is there a KDB inquiry associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 | Modular Equipment Type | Limited Single Modular Approval | ||||
1 | Purpose / Application is for | Original Equipment | ||||
1 | Composite Equipment: Is the equipment in this application a composite device subject to an additional equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Related Equipment: Is the equipment in this application part of a system that operates with, or is marketed with, another device that requires an equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Grant Comments | Output power listed is conducted. Limited Modular Approval for use as a module in mobile-only exposure conditions, antenna gain including cable loss must not exceed 5.1 dBi in Cellular Band and 3.9 dBi in PCS band , for purposes of 2.1043 and 2.1091. The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons. The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter within a host device. End-users must be provided with specific information required to satisfy RF exposure compliance for final host devices and installations. | ||||
1 | Is there an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 | If there is an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application, has the associated waiver been approved and all information uploaded? | No | ||||
app s | Test Firm Name and Contact Information | |||||
1 | Firm Name |
Compliance Certification Services Inc
1 | Name |
S****** C********
1 | Telephone Number |
408-4******** Extension:
1 | Fax Number |
1 |
Equipment Specifications | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line | Rule Parts | Grant Notes | Lower Frequency | Upper Frequency | Power Output | Tolerance | Emission Designator | Microprocessor Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 24E | 1851.25 | 1908.75 | 0.724 | 2.5 ppm | 1M43F9W | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 22H | 824.7 | 848.31 | 0.793 | 2.5 ppm | 1M40F9W |
some individual PII (Personally Identifiable Information) available on the public forms may be redacted, original source may include additional details
This product uses the FCC Data API but is not endorsed or certified by the FCC