System's Operation TX-3316RS (Fined Code, labeled in XX format, XO, 1, ..,E, F transmitters axe the common transmitters which are available for all those dealers. Dealer AA owns all the transmitters with the same label AA and dealer BB owas al the transmitters with the same label BB. All the transmitters labeled AA have the same fixed code, so that one Wansmitter Jearaing with ansmutier "AA "can maxe all the other transmitters abled AA work with the very receiver. 1) Smallest size is desired, 2) Basie function of passive arming starter kill device with on-board relay:
Automatically arms up 90 seconds after ignition is tumed off and the NO
(Normally Open relay becomes off) so thatthe stater can't be started. Before starting the ignition and starter, transmitter button #1 has to be pressed so tha the reley will be activaced and complete the starter circuit. Within 30 seconds, the ignition has tobe started, else the relay will be disabled again, After the ignition and the starter have been started, the relay will remain activated until 30 seconds after the ignition power is turned off. Notes:
(1) There are two buttons onthe transmitter, the First button (bigger one) and the 2*
button (smaller one).
(2) The 30-second count down will be effective only if the EEPROM content is not empty. Empty EEPROM means that no transmitter has been learned yet. This ~
means that ifthe EEPROM content is blank, then system will not enter armed mode forever 3) One way for valet parking:
Valet function isto disable the circuit temporarily so thatthe valet parking people can park and stat the car engine frely, If the valet function isnot disabled, then this device is equivalent to being not installed at all. Tum the ignition ON/OFFON/OFFION within 5 seconds, then sYstem wall espond with one beep. Within S seconds, press button #2 (any learned transmitter) for 5 seconds and system will espond with 2 beeps to indicate thatthe device has been in valet mode. During the valet moe, the relay wil always be engaged. How to exit from the valet mode?
Turn the ignition ON/OFFION/OFEION within 5 seconds, then system will respond with one beep. Within 5 seconds, press button #2 (of transmitter learned) for 5 seconds and system will respond with 1 beep to indicate that the device has been out of the valet mode and the system has been in the operating mode, 4) This device has to be constantly powered on. This means that a constant power 412V has to be applied, Relay (NO) will be activated whenever ignition is ON and deactivated 30 seconds whenever ignition is OFF. 5) Pin #7 (of RX-3302D2) (LA) is for code learning and itis active LOW. Thus one NPN transistor may be needed for noise suppressing and circuit protection. Tais pim is to be coanected tothe ignition ofthe cars key. 6) There are two kinds of transmitters involved Type 1: Those transmitters used by dealers:
Dealer AA: All transmitters have the same fixed code and labeled AA. Dealee BB: All transmitters have the same fixed code and labeled BB. Note that BB is different from AA. Dealer XX: Al transmitters have the same fixed code and labeled XX, Type 2: Those rolling code transmitters used by uses.
[Note that fixed code combination is 16 million codes, while for rolling ende tt te jn billions:
You can learn up to 15 transmitters in one or several leaming cycles. more tha 15 trannters ae leamad, then FIFO happens. Note:
FIFO means first-in-first-out which means that 16* learning will push out the first learned transmitter from system's memory D Code learning process:
7.1) For the dealers demo transmitter:
| When the EEPROM content is blank:
Switching ignition ON/OFFION/OFF/ON within 5 seconds and hearing one beep response, then press button #1 of any demo transmitter within 5 seconds, then the fixed dealer code is learned into the system and systems response will be 1 beep.
[After the beep sound, there is another $ seconds of learnini period, You can learn as many fixed code transmitters in the above learning chain Tf nd tanisitr Ys pressed 5 seconds after th last beep, then the earning cycle is completed.
{As soon as this learning process is completed, thea all the dealer's same-fixed-code transmitters can work onthe device Tf you want to learn more fixed code transmitters into the system, then you can
{follow the same procedures to do so. Note that for this type of code learning, the EEPROM is not blank before code learning. FFor programming purpose, a flag (te: transmitter category) should be set up, If this flag is 0 (not set), then only fixed code can be learned into system's memory. Notes 1) For each dealer, you may sell them 1 to 3 different-labeled transmitters. Basically they can ler upto 15 different labeled transmitters into their cr. For each labeled transminer such as AA, learning once foreach receiver is enough Lf you try to lear the same labeled transmiter twice, the system wal sive no further beep.
+2) Code learning can be dane at any mode, disarmed mode, armed mode end valet mode. It is suggested to be done at disarmed mode. For emergency purpose and to the buyers roquest, code fearing can also be done in armed node. IPS, then after code learning system will return to armed mode. SSR Ses ROD ER ee cee ee ig eh od Switching ignition ON/OFF/ON/OFFION within 5 seconds and hearing | beep response, then ress both button ofthe earned demo transmitter for 4 seconds and hearing 2 beeps response, then press the target transmitters ane by one within S seconds and hearing 1 beep response each, then the new transmitter is successfully eared.
[Note that all the fixed code demo transmitters will be deleted from the system before the 1" user transmiter is successfully learned. How to leam more user code thansmitters by the user? Only the earlier learned user code transmitter can be used 10 replace the demo trafismitter, Unit this circumstance, te flag is 1 You can leam up to 15 user transmitters in one or several learning cycles. If more than 15 transmiters are learned, then FIFO happens. Notes:
1) In response to buyers request, at user mode, the dealer transmitter can still be learmed and operated. Iso, both leamed user transmitters and learned dealer transmitters can be operated, But it still follows the following leaming rules:
A. Can use learned user transmitter to learn new user transmitters and all learned transmitters can operat.
'B. Can learn new dealer transmitter and all dealer transmitters with the same code can operate or the car
. Can use learned dealer wansmitter to learn new user transmitters and all the dealer transmitters learned earlier will be erased, only the earned user transmitters and the other learned user transmitters (it any) can be operated 2) Code learning can be done at any mode, disarmed mode, armed mode and valet mode, I is supposed to be done at disarmed mode, but buyer asks for this special feature, After code learning, system will return to the mode before it enters the code learning mode. For example, ifthe code learning is done in armed mode, then ge a a a ee a aad cree are eg aN Ne Sn a ae et Ne NRT CNH TS eT ee 7.3) Code Deletion Device learned with dealer's fixed code:
Switch ignition key ON/OFF/ON/OFFION within 5 seconds and hearing 1 beep of system's response, press both button of demo transmitter for 8 seconis with response of 2 heeps, then system's memory is evacuated, Device learned with user's rolling code: -
Only the learned user's transmitter can do this. Switeh ignition key ON/OFFION/OFF/ON within 5 seconds and hearing 1 been of response, press both button of learned user transmitter for 8 seconds with response 2 beeps, then systems memory is evacuated. This is not suggested to be done by the users, This should he kept asa seeret to the users. 7.4) Emergency Overriding fF you happen to lose your transmitter or if the transmitter becomes defective while the system is in armed mode, then you can operate inthe following way to disarm the system:
Use your key to switch the ignition from OFT to ON and stays for 10 to 20 seconds (more than 10 seconds but less than 20 seconds). Then switch to OFF for 10 to 20 seconils. And then switch to ON for 10 to 20 seconds. Then switch 10 OFF for 10 t0 20 seconds. And then switch to ON and this disarms the system for 30 seconds, sume as operated by using transmitter. But there is no disarming chisp in emergency overriding.