Applicant: Polygroup Evergreen Limited Add: Unit 606, 6th Floor, Fairmont House, No.8 Cotton Tree Drive, Central, Hong Kong Tel: 86-769-83915520-2802 Email: Attestation Letter Date: 2023-02-08 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSIONS Authorization and Evaluation Division 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia, MD 21046 Ref: Attestation Statements CFR 47 2.911(d)(5)(ii) Filing FCC ID: 2A62O-PDT015V Polygroup Evergreen Limited certifies that as of the date of the filing of the application, the applicant is not identified on the Covered List as an entity producing covered equipment. Sincerely, Signature Contact Person: Mr Michael Wang Title: Manager Polygroup Evergreen Limited Add: Unit 606, 6th Floor, Fairmont House, No.8 Cotton Tree Drive, Central, Hong Kong CFR 47 2.911 (d)(5)(ii) Attestation Letter