FRONT BOOMTAG Quick guide:
Open or download the free Apple Find My app from the App Store. BOOMTAG This product has aeplaceableCR2032 battery. batteiesthat Please make sure you use high-quality BOOMTAG Ottne die iOS App,,Wo ist?" oder downloode diese ous dem App Store Kurzanleltung:
will last for an additional year. Simply replace it like so:
BOOMTAG Dieses Produkt hat eine austauschbae Biestelle sicher, doss du qualitativ die mindestens Der Austausch fur einahrhalten. geht ganz elntach:
hochwertige CR2032 Batterte Batterien einsetzt, Sign up get 15% OFF younextBoompod
(Terms & conditions apply) 4 Li
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Press switch on:
press for 5 seconds. open Apple Find My App. tap: Items "+"
tap: Add Other Item 0. BOOMTAG will now show Tap: Connect. to disconnect
press 5 times quickly. to factory reset :
firsemovefrom Find My App, press 2 times, then immediately press and hold for 8 seconds fl n g e m Use z
a re po p s la iii e c v e b tt a
.SI d e e u ry p rp es s b e g c a II n y I k o g e th re tDpQ Online manuals 1 BACK
Activate your warranty Please register your product within 30 days of purchase at or scan the QR code You can also sign-up to receive our latest news, discounts, product support and troubleshooting. Please ead instuctions beloe use, and keep lo luluerefeence. burn hazard, Coin battery inside, Swallowing can bums in 2 hours, even death, Keep batteries away fram children stop using product. Keep away seek immediate medical attention,oduct con weaken signal and reduce visibility lnteerence with Bluetooth Chemical Ifallowed or inserted, WARNING:
Do not ingest battery, couse severe internal If battery compartment doesn't from children, nat a toy or edible, Mobile device casings Avoid lorge metol objects neor device ond Boomtog. signal. Caution:
Lithium battery heot ond mechonicol warranty, and voiding inside, Risk of explosion close securely, stress. Do not disossemble Boomtog. with incoect use, Avoid direct shock Risk of electric UK, & Europe Warronfy-
or Your BOOMPODS product is guaranteed workmonship for 2 years from the dole of originol purchose providing it hos nof been disassembled and it has not suffered accidental ony defects in material against damage US & Conodo Warranty-
Your BOOMPODS workmanship not been disassembled product is guaranteed against for 1 years from the date of original any defects in material purchase providing or it has ond if hos not suffered occidentol domoge. The device must be used n accodance to presentafion apply to normal wear and tear or to any device that has been misused with, It should be retumed to the local service centre, the service beaany shipping cost of the returned item of the original invoice or receipt from the retailer with the user manual. or tampered centewill not The warranty is subject and does not Please check centre for your local service The DeclaraHon of Conmffy can be found at hftps:// Hereby,
[Tackewith FCC-ID: 2A36Q-SPTS Boompods declares that the radio equipment type is in complionce with Directive 2014/53/EU Bluetooth]
... U se of fhe Wcrks wlfh Apple badge meoos !hat a pcodact wack speclfrnly wifh fhe fechoology byfheprodfmaoofacb ondequlemeots. of this pcodact ldeoflf..t lo meef App RMynefwqkpro fcr fhe opemfloo Apple, oaf cespooslble oltscomp|ionce has beeo deslgoed to lo fhe badge aod has beeo cefied wthsafefyand regu|atsfaodads d"Lilcafuos of fhls device cre
FCC Warning ThS deoce rnmplles
-"lh pa15offhe FCC Roles. OpalkA1ssubiecffo fhefollowngfwo s COOOion may ootcaare hmmt. iafertee, ond Pl thls devKe musf occepi any rterence that may ca aree,redapemtion onsooteelyappm,ed opemtetheeqipmenf by the parly rn,paa,ible tammpli oncecouki afaundfo compfyfhfhe imifsfd0CB digltaldeve reoSeofect,OOagoinsf FCCRules.Thesearedesigdtopmve eeioa5identiGltolbtioo. domiusedin Tequipmentgeoomtes usesandCGn rodioteodio occ0ewiththeions,maycoumh<
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[EUL GOnico0506PL Reo,feaso, NEW card same as old but new shape:
J \
Press Elnschalten:
FOr 5 Sekunden gedrOckt 0ffne die Apple,,Wo ist?" App Tippe: Gerate +
halten Tippe:Andees Objekt hinzufOgen BOOMTAG wird nun angezeigt Tippe: Verbinden Ausschalten:
5 x kurz drucken Reset: BOOMTAG in den Auslieferungszustand zu versetzen halten 2 x kurz drOcken, fur 8 Sekunden dann sofort gedrOckt BACK r l..enSledle AnlungvoderVeiw WARNUNG,
BatterIe nichf vechlccken. Im lnne,en. Veechlocken Sfcndenvecuchen, Batteriefach nlchf weltec. nlchf slchec Gefah, van chemlschen Ve,enncngen. MOn,batterie van 2 Vecbcenncngen kann schwe,e van Klndem femhalten. Wenn das saga, t6dllch. kann, veendenSle das Pcodckt lnne,e Batterien vechlossen wecden lnnechalb Von Klndem femhalten. Bel Veechlccken medInIsche Handygehacse SlegcoBe Hi1fesuchen Produktist kann das Signal Metallgegenstande St6cungen keInspie|zeug schwachen mlf Betooth-Slgnalen m6gllch Vecmelden In dee Nahe des Gecats end des Boomtags end die Slchtbackelf vemngem ode,ntohcensofort undhtmVeegeelgnet
... Im Inneen, Vocht.Llthlumbatterie Exploslonsgefah belcnsachgemerVemendu DireHlt,eend mecha"1sche Belmfcng vemden.Den Boomtag nlchf mclegen Gefah, elnes elektschen Schlags cVeustderGarant1e lhc BOOMPODS-Pcodckt sofem es nlcht ocselnondecgenommen Material- ode, Vecacbelfcngsfehlec gomnflert, Kocfs gegen
-Vecelnlgtes Kgrelch& Europa 1st ro, 2 Johce ob dem Dotcm des cspcOngllchen Gacanfle wccde end kelne veehentllchen Schaden ocfwelst gilt nlcht Das Ge,at muss gemdeeBedlencngsanleltcng giItnubelVoage veendetwecden, ode, des Kmsenbelegs fOmo,malen deCxlglnalcechncng die falsch VeechlelB wccden, sontean dm Miehe Seezenfrum Secvlce,enm odeGe,ate, kelne Veeondkosten Obemlmmt vecwendet zuckgesatweden, Das fOUckgesandte Artlkel Die Gamntle vom Handleund ode, manlpcllert Ab,eichem de; "WowithApple"-
Die Vecweoduog
!Uc die Zu;omme,aei wucde uod vam Pcadukt-Hete||
oofocdecueo We de, Betcieb vo, Sichecheis-
dAppleRod My-Nenwecks,u die;e;
uod Reguliecuog;;toodocds. tmil dee io dem Ab,eicheo erzertifiziert eothApple bedeutet. GecOt;. wu um den Produktspefikofionen und -
" oicht vecaofwortlich die Veendungdieses Produkts oderdeen EinhoItung do;; ei, PoduktspeZle||
ideotifi,ierte, Techoaie eotwickelt Apple Fiod My, Apple Watch, Fiod My, iPhaoe, iPad, iPadOS, Mac, macOS uod Apple, watchOS sod Macke,,a, Apple loc,, iOS isl eioe Macke adec eiogetcageoe und wird unter Lenzvecwendet die io de, USA uod aodece, Macke,a, Cisca io de, USA uoo aodece, Laodem cegisertsiod Laodem
\.. FCC-ID: 2A36Q-SPTS BiepcOfen Sle fOc lhOrtOchesSecvewnfrum HiemIteartBoompods, Die Kanfofserung unter findenSie OMTAG httpsc//
[Tackec entspricht dass dos Fcnkgecat 2014/53/EU dee Rlchtllnle mlt Betooth]
CE0 i, a fde=kof BOOMPODS MLNR11
[EU). IOOMPODS 02023 Ail,rghS. Gaoica,05-8',PL 7K RegeNo:OO146 6.ModemChiOO LTD. BOOMPODS infol, BOOMPOOS