OL900 RF Lift Controller Operating Manual Author: Tony Casterline Location: SYS:EMBEDDED\TONY\OL900 Revised June 15, 2000 Introduction:
The OL900 lift control provides a wireless link to the bil-jax WORKFORCE scaffolding lift and monitors the outriggers, spanner, and level sensor to prevent the lift from operating under unsafe conditions. The status of these sensors and the signal strength from the remote are displayed on the front panel of the lower control box. The OL900 Lift control operates in the 900 MHz range. One of eight different channels can be selected so that multiple units can operate in close proximity without interfering with each other. An extremely secure rolling code algorithm is implemented in these devices to ensure that only the mated remote can operate the lift and that cross talk is impossible, even between units that are set to the same channel. Also, no other type of interference can cause the lift to move. Selecting Channels:
If two or more lifts are going to work in close proximity with each other, separate channels should be selected for each lift. In order to accomplish this, the Channel Select Dip Switch
($1) inside the upper and lower control units may need to be changed. Use the Illustration below as a guide:
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Learning the Seed Code:
An OL900 will only accept commands from a transmitter that it has learned. The upper and lower control units are matched at the factory, but to allow for replacements, a new remote can be matched in the field by following these instructions:
1) Clear all previously learned transmitters by holding the LEARN button down until the LED turns off (approximately ten seconds). The LEARN button is located on the CE2642 board inside the lower control unit. The LED is located next to the LEARN button and will turn on when the button is pressed. The receiver is capable of learning up to four different remotes at one time. Before learning a new remote, any previousiy stored remotes should be erased to ensure that only one remote can operate the lift. 2) Press and release the LEARN button. The LED should come on and stay on. 3) On the remote, press the ENABLE and UP buttons simultaneously. The LED on the CE2642 board will turn off when a valid transmission is received. 4) On the remote, press the ENABLE and UP buttons once more. The LED will flash for four seconds to verify that the new seed code has been learned. DIP Switch ($3):
1) ON enables voice messages. 2) ON turns on a delay to filter out short transmission gaps in the remote signal. 3) Not used 4) Not used 5) Not used 6) Not used 7) ON enables the Hi, I'm Hal... message when the control is powered up. 8) ON enables the self test. This switch should always be OFF.
| INSTRUCTION TO THE USER This product has been tested and found to comply with the limits of Part 15.249 paragraphs A-E with regards to output power, transmission content, harmonics, and occupied bandwidth of a class C device. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. It is unlawful to remove or modify any part of this device including the antennas, cables, or enclosures. Doing so may void the user's authority to operate this equipment.