Date (2020-07-20) Federal Communications Commission Equipment Authoriation Branch 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia, MD 21046 Modlar Approal Reqest FCC ID:
The folloing attestation addresses the reqirements to spport modlar approal:
2ABWR-DKT003 Modlar approal reqirement Yes
(proide brief statement) No *
The module is not shielded and relies on the hosts tested within the filing for compliance
(HMNs: SwingTracker, PitchTracker Baseball, PitchTracker Softball) Data inputs are buffered through a microcontroller
(c) The module must contain power suppl regulation on the module RF Voltage regulation is handled on the module. The antenna is permanentl attached to the module
(a) The radio elements must have the radio frequenc circuitr shielded. Phsical components and tuning capacitor(s) ma be located external to the shield, but must be on the module assembl
(b) The module must have buffered modulation/data inputs to ensure that the device will compl with Part 15 requirements with an tpe of input signal
(d) The module must contain a permanentl attached antenna, or contain a unique antenna connector, and be marketed and operated onl with specific antenna(s), per Sections 15.203, 15.204(b), 15.204(c), 15.212(a), 2.929(b)
(e) The module must demonstrate compliance in a stand-alone configuration
(f) The module must be labelled with its permanentl affixed FCC ID label, or use an electronic displa (See KDB Publication 784748 about labelling requirements) The module is tested with specific hosts as outlined in the test reports provided within this filing. Please refer to FCC ID Label format and location in attached file 700 River Avenue Suite 100
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Phone: 412.223.5341 The module complies with the rules governing the transmitter as laid out in the attached report. Below SAR exemption
(g) The module must compl with all specific rules applicable to the transmitter. The grantee must provide comprehensive instructions to explain compliance requirements
(h) The module must compl with RF exposure requirements
* Please provide a detailed explanation if the answer is No. Yours sincerel, Name:
Title: Platform Engineer Compan:
Diamond Kinetics, Inc. Jerem Rittenhouse 700 River Avenue Suite 100
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Phone: 412.223.5341