CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee DDooccuummeenntt Hardware setup Innssttaalllliinngg BBuuttttoonnss aanndd JJooyyssttiicckkss
. BBuuttttoonn Innssttaallllaattiioonn Pass the button module through your index nger
. JJooyyssttiicckk Innssttaallllaattiioonn Velcro attachment CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee DDooccuummeenntt Ax the included velcro to the tip of your index nger. It is dicult to reattach the velcro, so please position it carefully. Mounting the joystick module Secure the joystick with Velcro. It is also possible to ne-tune the mounting position. If you want to place the joystick module on something other than your
ngertips Innssttaalllliinngg tthhee mmoouunnttiinngg aaddaapptteerr
. TTuunnddrraa TTrraacckkeerr UUsseerrss Remove tracker baseplate CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee DDooccuummeenntt Remove the two screws that secure the baseplate. Do not lose the screws during removal. Mounting the adapter Remove the mounting adapter for the Tundra Tracker from the case and x it to the tracker using the screws you removed earlier. There is a direction to install the adapter, so please install it in the same direction as the photo above. FFoorr VViivvee TTrraacckkeerr uusseerrss Mounting the adapter CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee DDooccuummeenntt Remove the mounting adapter for Vive Tracker from the case and x it using the included screws as shown in the image above. TTIPP By using the dedicated adapter for the Tundra Tracker, the height of the tracker can be made shorter and less likely to shake. If you frequently use the tracker outside of the ContactGlove, attaching the Vive Tracker adapter to the Tundra Tracker makes it easier to remove the adapter. (*The height of the tracker will be higher than when using the dedicated adapter.) AAttttaacchh ttrraacckkeerr ttoo CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee bbooddyy Align the tracker with the rail and slide it until it clicks into place. The hardware related setup is now complete!
CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee DDooccuummeenntt IInnssttaallll DDiivviinngg SSttaattiioonn Install Diving Station CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee DDooccuummeenntt ContactGlove Product Specications tteemm Battery Capacity Continuous Operation Time SSppeecciiccaattiioonn
,mAh Approximately hours (built-in battery) Charging Time Approximately hours (when powered o) Charging Method USB Type-C Connector Hand Tracking Independent bending acquisition of each nger and joint Haptic Feedback Vibration using built-in Haptic Reactor Wireless Communication Proprietary communication utilizing .GHz band Maximum Simultaneous Up to pairs of gloves to a single PC (varies based on Connections surrounding radio conditions) Controller Inputs []
Trigger / Grip / Touchpad (press) Controller Inputs
(Additional Modules) A / B / System / Joystick []
Compatible VR Headsets Various headsets compatible with SteamVR []
Compatible Applications VRChat / Other SteamVR applications [][]
Tracking Additional attachment of trackers, etc., required for compatibility with various tracking systems
[[DDeettaaiilleedd SSppeecciiccaattiioonnss]]
g data. Input emulation using hand tracking data. put e ulat o us g a d t ac
. To use A / B / System / Joystick inputs, separately sold input modules must be CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee DDooccuummeenntt purchased additionally. Please refer to Button & Joystick Input Usage for usage details. ddeettaaiillss. Operation is not guaranteed on all headsets. Content must support Skeletal Input for independent hand tracking of each nger and joint in SteamVR. As of November , VRChat does not support Skeletal Input, but you can use the following hand tracking through our proprietary software:
Hand tracking compliant with Valve Index Controller ContactGlove's independent nger and joint hand tracking For more detailed specications regarding hand tracking in VRChat, please refer to hheerree . Operation is not guaranteed on all SteamVR applications. Method of operation Simple Guide (By Usage) CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee DDooccuummeenntt Controller Settings In the controller menu, you can disable buttons and congure bindings. eennaablblee//ddiissaablblee ccoonnttrroolllleerr When you press the setting button on the upper right of the controller menu, you can edit the settings related to the controller. By checking/unchecking the checkbox to the left of each controller component (joystick, button, etc.), you can enable/disable each controller function. TTIPP We recommend disabling the joystick when you want to prevent unexpected CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee DDooccuummeenntt movements, such as during performances. SSeennssiittiivviittyy aaddjjuussttmmeenntt You can adjust the sensitivity of controller inputs based on gestures, such as triggers and grips. If you increase the Sensitivity, you can respond to triggers etc. with a smaller
nger movement, and if you decrease the sensitivity, you can prevent the controller from responding unless you move your nger a lot. Chhaannggee bibinnddiinnggss If you want to change the placement of the controller, you can use the binding editing function. It is also possible to add a function to the pairing button on the back of the main unit. TTIPP If the shake is large and the trigger cannot be handled well, it may be improved by assigning the trigger function to the button. Simple Guide (By Usage) OverView CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee DDooccuummeenntt Controller Switching There are two methods for switching controllers. EEnnaablbliinngg//DDiissaablbliinngg tthhee DDrriivveerr By disabling the ContactGlove driver before launching SteamVR, you can use other controllers alongside ContactGlove. TTIPP A SteamVR restart is required for the changes to take eect. The enable/disable state of the ContactGlove driver can be toggled using the button indicated by the red frame in the DivingStation image. CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee DDooccuummeenntt CCoonnttrroolllleerr SSwwiittcchhiinngg UUssiinngg DDiivviinnggSSttaattiioonn''ss FFuunnccttiioonnaalliittyy The following RReeccooggnniittiioonn:: TThhee ddeevviiccee iiss ppoowweerreedd oonn,, aanndd tthhee ccoorrrreessppoonnddiinngg ddeevviiccee iiccoonn iinn SStteeaammVVRR ssttaattuuss iiss iilllluummiinnaatteedd bblluuee,, iinnddiiccaattiinngg rreeccooggnniittiioonn.. is expressed. By utilizing DivingStation's controller switching enable option, you can switch devices without restarting SteamVR. The controller switching enable option can be toggled ON/OFF with the following steps. Open the DivineStation window and go to the DDeevviicceess tab. Toggle the EEnnaabbllee CCoonnttrroolllleerr SSwwiittcchhiinngg checkbox under advanced settings to turn the option ON/OFF. CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee DDooccuummeenntt Coonnttrroollllerer SSwwiittcchhiinngg EEnnaabblle:e: OONN Switch controllers based on the recognition order and status of the devices. Devices are represented in three types. CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee OOtthheerr CCoonnttrroolllleerrss: Vive Wand, Index Controller, and others TTrraacckkeerr ffoorr GGlloovveess: Trackers set to Handheld/Left Hand or Right Hand with TrackerRole The following is the controller recognition determination for device recognition states.
"" indicates recognition, and "-" indicates an unrecognized state.
[[CCoonnttrroolllleerr RReeccooggnniittiioonn DDeetteerrmmiinnaattiioonn]]
CCoonnttrroolllleerr RReeccooggnniittiioonn CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee OOtthheerr TTrraacckkeerr ffoorr CCoonnttrroolllleerrss GGlloovveess TTrraacckkeerr ffoorr GGlloovveess OOtthheerr CCoonnttrroolllleerrss FFiirrsstt RReeccooggnniizzeedd DDeevviiccee
CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee DDooccuummeenntt CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee
((Innppuutt OOnnllyy)) CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee
((FFiirrsstt RReeccooggnniizzeedd DDeevviiccee)) FFiirrsstt RReeccooggnniizzeedd DDeevviiccee FFiirrsstt RReeccooggnniizzeedd DDeevviiccee
. To recognize ContactGlove as a controller, it needs to be recognized in the order of CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee -> TTrraacckkeerr ffoorr GGlloovveess. Turning o the power of either one will result in the other being recognized as a controller. To enable position tracking of ContactGlove, recognition of the Glove Tracker is required. Inn ccaasseess ooff eexxttrreemmeellyy ppoooorr ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn wwiitthh CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee,, tthhee ddeevviiccee rreeccooggnniittiioonn mmaayy bbee lloosstt,, aanndd tthhee GGlloovvee TTrraacckkeerr mmaayy bebeccoommee tthhee ccoonnttrroolllleerr.. Turn o the Tracker's power, conrm that ContactGlove is recognized, and then turn the Tracker's power back on. If the issue persists, try turning o the controller switching enable option. CCoonnttrroollllerer SSwwiittcchhiinngg EEnnaabblle:e: OOFFFF Regardless of the power and communication status of ContactGlove, its recognition is maintained from the startup of SteamVR. TTIPP CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee DDooccuummeenntt To enable position tracking of ContactGlove, recognition of the Glove Tracker is required. GGlloovvee TTrraacckkeerr iiss rreeqquuiirreedd. ContactGlove and Dongle Calibration of Glove Tracker
(Position Oset) CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee DDooccuummeenntt troubleshooting ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn iiss ssllooww//I ffeel eel aa ddelaelayy Select Devices on DivingStation and check the ping of each device. Dongle ping is around (or higher) The USB connection may be bad. Try plugging the dongle into another port. Left or Right ping is around (or higher) Change the channel. Radio waves may be interfering with other devices. Check if the dongle of another device is stuck near the dongle. Please connect to PC away from other dongles. SStteeaamm VVRR I ccaann sseeee tthhee DDiivverer-XX llooggoo oonn SStteeaammVVRR,, bbuutt I ccaann''tt mmoovvee mmyy nnggeerr Possible causes are:
. DivingStation is not open Fingers will not move on SteamVR if the DivingStation is not open or if it is open but not connected to the glove. DivingStation and SteamVR are not communicating Launch Control Panel and select System and Security > Windows Defender Firewall
> Allowed apps. Find divingstation.exe and check Private/Public. When things go wrong CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee DDooccuummeenntt CCoonnttaaccttGloGlovvee iiccoonn rrememaaiinnss ggrraayy aanndd hhaannddss aarree nnoott vviissiibbllee iinn SStteeaammVVRR There is a high possibility that the tracker's role setting is not done. Please review the settings. DDeevviicceess DDoonngglle e iiss nnoott rrececooggnniizzeded eevvenen tthhoouugghh iitt iiss iinnsserertteded Press the upper right setting button and press the "Install USB driver" button. ThThee rreded lliigghhtt oonn tthhee gglloobbe e ddooeses nnoott ccoomme e oonn eevvenen tthhoouugghh iitt iiss cchhaarrggiinngg ContactGlove is designed to stop charging in order to cool down when it has a certain amount of heat. Please turn o the glove and charge it after a while. ThThee rrememaaiinniinngg bbaattttereryy lleevvel el ddiissppllaayyeded oonn tthhee DDiivviinnggSSttaattiioonn iiss iinnccoorrrrecectt While charging, the remaining battery level displayed on the DivingStation may be incorrect. Please be assured that there is no problem in operation. ThThee ttrraacckkerer ppooppss oouutt You can download the D data of the injection prevention parts from here and create them with a D printer. This part will be delivered to the purchaser at a later date.
usp=sharing CCoonnttaaccttGGlloovvee DDooccuummeenntt Installation of Anti-Ejection Parts If DivingStation is installed in a path containing Japanese g Japa ese pat co ta ContactGlove Document ContactGlove Document FCC Certications FCC Caution. FCC Caution. Labelling requirements. . Labelling requirements. This device complies with part of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: () This device may not cause harmful interference, and () this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Information to user. . Information to user. Any Changes or modications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. Information to the user. . Information to the user. Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment o and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) information:
This equipment complies with FCC/ISED radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End user must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. This transmi er must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmi er. The portable device is designed to meet the requirements for exposure to radio waves established by the ISED. These requirements set a SAR limit of . W/kg averaged over one gram of tissue. Trademarks