all | frequencies |
exhibits | applications |
manuals | photos | label |
app s | submitted / available | |||||||
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User Manual | Users Manual | 3.87 MiB | June 07 2023 / December 02 2023 | delayed release | ||
1 |
User Manual Compliance info | Users Manual | 48.93 KiB | June 07 2023 / December 02 2023 | delayed release | ||
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Internal Photos | Internal Photos | 2.28 MiB | June 07 2023 / December 02 2023 | delayed release | ||
1 |
External Photos | External Photos | 1.07 MiB | June 07 2023 / December 02 2023 | delayed release | ||
1 |
ID Label and Location | ID Label/Location Info | 866.29 KiB | June 07 2023 | |||
1 |
Agency Letter | Cover Letter(s) | 128.30 KiB | June 07 2023 | |||
1 |
Antenna Gain info | Cover Letter(s) | 645.57 KiB | June 07 2023 | |||
1 |
Attestation of Not Covered Entity Applicant | Attestation Statements | 105.24 KiB | June 07 2023 | |||
1 |
Attestation of Not Covered Equipment | Attestation Statements | 144.59 KiB | June 07 2023 | |||
1 |
Attestation of US Agent Letter | Attestation Statements | 175.88 KiB | June 07 2023 | |||
1 | Block Diagram | Block Diagram | June 07 2023 | confidential | ||||
1 |
Confidentiality Letter | Cover Letter(s) | 130.30 KiB | June 07 2023 | |||
1 |
FCC RF Exposure | RF Exposure Info | 1.26 MiB | June 07 2023 | |||
1 | Operational Description | Operational Description | June 07 2023 | confidential | ||||
1 | Schematics | Schematics | June 07 2023 | confidential | ||||
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Test Report | Test Report | 3.34 MiB | June 07 2023 | |||
1 |
Test Setup Photos | Test Setup Photos | 626.12 KiB | June 07 2023 / December 02 2023 | delayed release |
1 | User Manual | Users Manual | 3.87 MiB | June 07 2023 / December 02 2023 | delayed release |
G1500 BAR V1.0 80x125mm 80g 54272 For more information, please visit our website:
Model: EDF701007 FCC ID: Z9G-EDF195 IC: 10004A-EDF195 Edifier International Limited P.O. Box 6264 General Post Office Hong Kong 2023 Edifier International Limited. All rights reserved. Printed in China Designed by DONGGUAN EDIFIER ESPORTS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. NOTICE:
For the need of technical improvement and system upgrade, information contained herein may be subject to change from time to time without prior notice. Products of EDIFIER will be customized for different applications. Pictures and illustrations shown on this manual may be slightly different from actual product. If any difference is found, the actual product prevails. Hereby, Edifier International Limited declares that the radio equipment type EDF701007 is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address: EN Product description and accessories Power indicator Power/Mode switch button Volume -
Volume +
" " button Power on/off Input mode switch (USB-A/Bluetooth) Disconnect Bluetooth Volume down Volume down gradually Volume up Volume up gradually Sound mode switch (Music/Game/Movie) Light effects on/off Light effects switch 2s x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2 Input mode indicators Sound mode indicators USB-A power cable/audio cable Headphone jack Microphone jack Microphone mute/unmute 7.1 SURROUND GAMING SPEAKERS Quick Start Guide Microphone Double-side adhesive tape Brand card Brand sticker Quick start guide Power connection USB Power Plug Input: 5V 1A Bluetooth mode Setting Bluetooth Bluetooth My Device HECATE G1500 BAR x1 Switch to Bluetooth mode, the " " icon blinks in blue. Select "HECATE G1500 BAR" in your device setting to connect. The " " icon is steadily lit in blue. USB-A input mode JP
(USB-A/Bluetooth) Bluetooth
2s x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2 USB-A/
: 5V 1A Bluetooth Bluetooth HECATE G1500 BAR USB-A USB-A USB-AUSB
x1 x1
: R/L: 2.5W+2.5W
: R/L: 120Hz-20kHz
: 5V 1A EU
: 2.402GHz ~ 2.480GHz RF : 10 dBm (EIRP)
Bluetooth Bluetooth Bluetooth Bluetooth Bluetooth 2 Bluetooth10 Bluetooth G1500 BAR USB EDIFIER 1 (Warranty Terms) TR rn aklamas ve aksesuarlar 2s x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2 G gstergesi G/Mod gei butonu Sesi ksma Sesi ama ok ilevli " " dmesi Giri modu gstergeleri Ses modu gstergeleri USB-A g kablosu/ses kablosu Kulaklk jak Mikrofon jak Mikrofon sessize alma dmesi G aik/kapali Girii modunu deitirmek (USB-A/Bluetooth) Bluetooth balantsn kesin Sesi ksma Sesi kademeli olarak azaltn Sesi ama Sesi kademeli olarak artrn Ses modu deitirmek (Mzik/Oyun/Snema) Ik efekti ak/kapal Aydnlatma efektlerini a/kapat Sorun Giderme Mikrofon/ift taraflyapkan bant/Marka kart/Marka kartmas/Hzl balang klavuzu G Balants USB G Fii Giri: 5V 1A Bluetooth moduna Bluetooth moduna gein, " " simgesi mavi renkte yanp sner. Balamak iin cihaz ayarlarnzda "HECATE G1500 BAR" esini sein. Balandktan sonra " " simgesi srekli olarak mavi renkte yanar. USB-A giri moduna USB-A giri moduna gein USB-A giri moduna gein ve USB balant noktasn ses kaynana takn.
" " simgesi srekli olarak mavi renkte yanar. zellikler G k: Sa/Sol: 2.5W+2.5W Frekans yant: Sa/Sol: 120Hz-20kHz Giri: 5V 1A AB Beyan Frekans Band: 2,402GHz ~ 2,480GHz RF G k: 10 dBm (EIRP) Kullanm snrlamas yoktur. Not:
Resimler gsterim amal olup gerek rnden farkl olabilir. Teknik geliim ve sistem ykseltme gereksiniminden tr, burada mevcut olan bilgi ve zellikler asl rnden biraz farkl olabilir. Herhangi bir fark grlrse gerek rn esas alnmaldr. Ses yok Hoparlrn ak olduuna emin olun. Ses kontrol dmesini kullanarak sesi amay deneyin. Ses kablolarnn sk bir ekilde bal olduuna ve hoparlrdeki giri ayarnn doru yapldna emin olun. Ses kaynandan bir sinyal k olup olmadn kontrol edin. Bluetooth aracl ile balant kurulamyor Hoparlrn Bluetooth giriine ayarlandndan emin olun. Eer ayar dier ses giri modlarnda ise Bluetooth balanmayacaktr. " " dmesine iki defa basn tm Bluetooth aygtlar ile balanty kesin ve ardndan tekrar deneyin. Etkili Bluetooth sinyal menzili 10 metredir; ltfen uygulama srasnda menzil dahilinde olduunuzdan emin olun. Balant iin dier bir Bluetooth aygt deneyin. G1500 BAR almyor USB g kablosunun bal olup olmadn kontrol edin. Hoparlrlerden grlt gelmesi Baz ses aygtlarnn dip grltleri olduka yksek iken EDIFIER hoparlrler az miktarda grlt retir. Ltfen ses kablolarn karn ve sesi ykseltin, hoparlr ile 1 metre mesafede iken herhangi bir ses duyulamyor ise rnn herhangi bir sorunu yok demektir. EDIFIER hakknda daha fazlasn renmek iin, ltfen sitesini ziyaret edin. EDIFIER garanti sorgular iin, ltfen sitesindeki ilgili lke sayfasn ziyaret edin ve Garanti artlar blmn inceleyin. ABD ve Kanada: Gney Amerika: Yerel irtibat bilgileri iin ltfen (ngilizce) veya (spanyolca/Portekizce) sitesini ziyaret edin. THAI
x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2 USB-A /
: 5V 1A
x1 x1 G1500 BAR "setup.exe"
) HECATE: HECATE ( Windows 10
: / 2.5W+2.5W
: 5V 1A
: / 120Hz-20kHz EU RF: 10 dBm (EIRP)
: 2.402GHz ~ 2.480GHz
: () (/) x1 Switch to USB-A input mode Switch to USB-A input mode and plug the USB port into the audio source. The " " icon is steadily lit in blue. G1500 BAR setup.exeHECATE Windows 10;
Ses efekti ayar yazlmnn yklenmesi G1500 BAR yazlmn indirmek iin ltfen adresindeki HECATE ana sayfasnda oturum an, "setup.exe" dosyasn bulun ve HECATE yazlmn ykleyin (Windows 10 veya sonraki sistemler desteklenir);
Yklemeyi tamamlamak iin ltfen talimatlar izleyin. 1 English 2 English 15 16 29 Trke 30 Trke 43 44 Installation of the sound effect adjustment software Please log in HECATE home page website: to download software of G1500 BAR, find the "setup.exe" file, and install the HECATE software (Windows 10 or later systems supported);
Please follow the instructions to complete the installation. Troubleshooting No sound Check if the speaker is ON. Turn up the volume by using the volume control. Ensure the audio cables are firmly connected and the input is set correctly on the speakers. Check if there is a signal output from the audio source. Specifications Power output: R/L: 2.5W+2.5W Frequency response: R/L: 120Hz-20kHz Input: 5V 1A Declaration for EU Frequency Band: 2.402GHz ~ 2.480GHz RF Power output: 10 dBm (EIRP) There is no restriction of use. Note:
Images are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual product. For the need of technical improvement and system upgrade, information and specifications contained herein may be slightly different from actual product. If any difference is found, the actual product prevails. Cannot connect via Bluetooth Make sure the speaker is switched to Bluetooth input. If it is in other audio input modes, Bluetooth will not connect. Disconnect from any Bluetooth device by pressing the " " button twice, then try again. Effective Bluetooth transmission range is 10 meters; please ensure that operation is within the range. Try another Bluetooth device for connection. The G1500 BAR does not turn on Check if USB power cable is connected. Noise coming from speakers EDIFIER speakers generate little noise, while the background noise of some audio devices may be too high. Please unplug audio cables and turn the volume up, if no sound can be heard at 1 meter away from the speaker, then there is no defect. To learn more about EDIFIER, please visit For EDIFIER warranty questions, please visit the relevant country page on and review the section titled Warranty Terms. USA and Canada: South America: Please visit (English) or
(Spanish/Portuguese) for local contact information. PL Opis produktu i akcesoria Wskanik zasilania Przycisk przecznika zasilanie/tryb Obnienie gonoci Zwikszanie gonoci Przycisk wielofunkcyjny Wczanie/wyczanie zasilania Przecznik trybu wejciowego (USB-A/Bluetooth) Odcz Bluetooth Obnienie gonoci Stopniowe zmniejszenie gonoci Zwikszanie gonoci Stopniowe zwikszenie gonoci Przecznik trybu dwikowego (Muzyka/Gry/Film) Wczenie/wyczenie efektw wietlnych Przecz efekty wietlne 2s x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2 Wskaniki trybu wejcia Wskaniki trybu dwiku Kabel zasilania USB-A/kabel audio Wtyczka suchawek Wtyczka mikrofonu Wyciszanie/wyczanie wyciszenia mikrofonu Mikrofon/Dwustronnatama klejca/Karta marki/Naklejka marki/Instrukta szybkiego Podczenie zasilania Wtyczka zasilajca USB Wejcie: 5V 1A Tryb Bluetooth x1 x1 Przecz na tryb Bluetooth, ikona miga na niebiesko. W swoim urzdzeniu wybierz i pocz z HECATE G1500 BAR. Ikona wieci si cigle na niebiesko po podczeniu. Tryb wejcia USB-A Przecz na tryb wejcia USB-A Przecz na tryb wejcia USB-A i wetknij port USB do rda audio. Ikona wieci si cigle na niebiesko. Instalacja oprogramowania do regulacji efektw dwikowych Prosimy zalogowa si na stron HECATE:, aby pobra program G1500 BAR, znajd plik setup.exe i zainstalowa program HECATE (Obsugiwany system Windows 10 lub nowsze);
Stosowa si do instrukcji, aby przeprowadzi instalacj. Dane techniczne Moc wyjciowa: R/L: 2.5W+2.5W Pasmo przenoszenia: R/L: 120Hz-20kHz Wejcie: 5V 1A Deklaracja dla UE Pasmo Czstotliwoci: 2.402GHz ~ 2.480GHz Moc Wyjciowa RF: 10 dBm (EIRP) Nie ma adnych ogranicze w stosowaniu. Uwaga:
Rysunki su tylko dla celw ilustracyjnych i mog rni si od rzeczywistego produktu. Ze wzgldu na potrzeb poprawy technicznej i aktualizacji systemu informacje i specyfikacje zawarte w niniejszym dokumencie mog nieco rni si od rzeczywistego produktu. W przypadku wykrycia rnicy obowizuje rzeczywisty produkt. Wykrywanie i usuwanie usterek Brak dwiku Sprawd, czy gonik jest W. Sprbuj zwikszy gono za pomoc przycisku regulacji gonoci. Sprawd, czy kable audio s mocno podczone, a na zestawie gonikowym waciwie ustawiono rdo sygnau. Sprawd, czy z urzdzenia rdowego dochodzi sygna audio. Nie mona nawiza poczenia przez Bluetooth Sprawd, czy gonik przeczony jest na wejcie Bluetooth. Jeli jest w innym trybie audio, Bluetooth nie mona poczy. Odcz gonik od wszelkich urzdze Bluetooth dwukrotnie nacinij przycisk w trybie Bluetooth, po czym sprbuj ponownie. Efektywn czno Bluetooth mona zapewni w odlegoci 10 metrw midzy urzdzeniami, prosimy pamita, by odlego nie bya wiksza. Celem sprawdzenia cznoci prosimy uy innego urzdzenia Bluetooth. G1500 BAR nie wcza si Sprawd, czy kabel zasilajcy USB jest podczony. Szum wychodzcy z gonikw Goniki EDIFIER generuj niewielkie szumy, natomiast szumy w tle niektrych urzdze audio s za wysokiej. Odcz przewody audio i podgonij; jeeli w odlegoci 1 m od gonika nie sycha adnego dwiku, wwczas nie ma problemu z produktem. Wicej informacji na temat EDIFIER znajduje si na naszej stronie internetowej W przypadku pyta na temat gwarancji prosimy otworzy waciw zakadk danego kraju na naszej stronie i zapozna si treci Warunkw Gwarancji. USA i Kanada: Ameryka Poudniowa: Odwied nasz stron (po angielsku) lub (po hiszpasku/portugalsku) w celu uzyskania informacji lokalnych. BG
2s x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2
(USB-A/Bluetooth) Bluetooth
: 5V 1A Bluetooth Bluetooth, .
, HECATE:, G1500 BAR, "setup.exe" HECATE (
Windows 10 - );
: /: 2.5W+2.5W
: /: 120Hz-20kHz
: 5V 1A
: 2.402GHz ~ 2.480GHz RF : 10 dBm (EIRP)
. ON.
, . Bluetooth Bluetooth . 10 . , ,
. G1500 BAR USB .
, 1 ,
: , ( ) or
( /) . ID Deskripsi produk dan aksesori Daya nyala/ mati Beralih mode masukan (USB-A/Bluetooth) Putuskan sambungan Bluetooth Volume turun Volume turun bertahap Volume naik Volume naik bertahap Sakelar mode suara (Musik/Game/Film) Efek lampu nyala/mati Beralih efek pencahayaan 2s x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2 Indikator daya Tombol sakelar Daya/
Mode Volume turun Volume naik Tombol multifungsi " "
Indikator mode input Indikator mode suara Kabel audio/kabel daya USB-A Soket headphone Soket mikrofon Bisukan/suarakan mikrofon Mikrofon/Selotipdua sisi/Kartu merek/Stiker merek/Panduan memulai cepat Sambungan Daya Steker Daya USB Input: 5V 1A Mode Bluetooth Alihkan ke mode Bluetooth, ikon " " berkedip biru. Pilih "HECATE G1500 BAR" di pengaturan perangkat Anda untuk menghubungkan. Ikon " " menyala biru stabil setelah terhubung. Mode input USB-A Alihkan ke mode input USB-A Alihkan ke mode input USB-A dan tancapkan USB ke sumber audio. Ikon " " menyala biru stabil. x1 x1 Penginstalan perangkat lunak penyesuai efek suara Harap masuk ke beranda situs web HECATE: untuk mengunduh perangkat lunak G1500 BAR. Cari file setup.exe, lalu instal perangkat lunak HECATE
(Mendukung Windows 10 atau yang lebih baru);
Ikuti instruksi untuk menyelesaikan penginstalan. Spesifikasi Keluaran daya: R/L: 2.5W+2.5W Respons frekuensi: R/L: 120Hz-20kHz Input: 5V 1A Pernyataan untuk UE Pita Frekuensi: 2,402GHz ~ 2,480GHz Keluaran Daya FR: 10 dBm (EIRP) Tidak ada batasan penggunaan. Catatan:
Gambar disediakan hanya sebagai ilustrasi dan mungkin berbeda dengan produk yang sesungguhnya. Untuk kebutuhan penyempurnaan teknis dan peningkatan sistem, informasi dan spesifikasi yang ada di sini mungkin sedikit berbeda dari produk sebenarnya. Jika ada perbedaan ditemukan, yang berlaku adalah produk sebenarnya. Mengatasi Gangguan Tidak ada suara Periksa apakah speaker AKTIF. Cobalah menaikkan volume menggunakan tombol kontrol volume. Pastikan kabel audio tersambung dengan erat dan masukan diatur dengan benar pada speaker. Periksa apakah ada keluaran sinyal dari sumber audio. Tidak bisa terhubung via Bluetooth Pastikan speaker dialihkan ke masukan Bluetooth. Jika speaker berada dalam mode masukan audio lainnya, Bluetooth tidak akan terhubung. Putuskan koneksi dari perangkat Bluetooth dengan tekan dua kali tombol " ", lalu coba lagi. Kisaran transmisi Bluetooth yang efektif adalah 10 meter; pastikan pengoperasioan tersebut berada dalam kisaran tersebut. Coba perangkat Bluetooth lain untuk memeriksa koneksi. G1500 BAR tidak menyala Pastikan kabel daya USB sudah tersambung. Bising dari speaker Speaker EDIFIER menghasilkan sedikit suara bising, sedangkan suara bising latar belakang perangkat audio lain terlalu tinggi. Harap mencabut kabel audio dan naikkan volumenya, jika tidak ada suara yang terdengar sejauh 1 meter dari speaker, maka tidak ada masalah dengan produk ini. Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang EDIFIER, silakan kunjungi Untuk pertanyaan garansi EDIFIER, silakan mengunjungi halaman negara terkait di dan tinjau bagian berjudul Persyaratan Garansi. AS dan Kanada: Amerika Selatan: Silakan kunjungi (Inggris) atau (Spanyol/
Portugis) untuk melihat informasi kontak setempat. 3 English 4 English 17 Polska 18 Polska 31 32 45 Bahasa Indonesia 46 Bahasa Indonesia FR Description du produit et accessoires Indicateur d'alimentation Bouton d'interrupteur d'alimentation/de mode Rduction du volume Augmentation du volume Bouton multifonction Allumer/teindre Slection de mode d'entre (USB-A/Bluetooth) Dconnecter le Bluetooth Rduction du volume Rduire progressivement le volume Augmentation du volume Augmenter progressivement le volume Slection du mode son (Musique/Jeu/Film) Effets lumineux activs/dsactivs Slecteur des effets lumineux 2s x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2 Indicateurs de mode d'entre Indicateurs de mode sonore Cble d'alimentation USB-A/cble audio Prise pour casque d'coute Prise microphone Couper/activer le micro Microphone/Ruban adhsif double face/Carte de la marque/Autocollant de la marque/
Guide de dmarrage rapide Raccordement lectrique Fiche d'alimentation USB Entre: 5V 1A Mode Bluetooth Caractristiques techniques Puissance de sortie : R/L : 2.5W+2.5W Rponse en frquence : R/L : 120Hz-20kHz Entre : 5V 1A Dclaration pour l'UE Bande de Frquence: 2.402GHz ~ 2.480GHz Puissance de Sortie RF: 10 dBm (EIRP) Il n'y a aucune restriction d'utilisation. Remarque :
Les images utilises servent de rfrence uniquement, et peuvent ne pas correspondre au produit. Les informations et spcifications contenues dans ce document peuvent varier lgrement par rapport au produit rel, car nous apportons constamment des amliorations techniques et systme nos produits. Si aucune diffrence n'est trouve, le produit rel prvaut. Dpannage Pas de son Vrifiez que le haut-parleur est allum. Essayez d'augmenter le volume avec le bouton de contrle de volume. Vrifiez que les cbles audio sont bien connects et que l'entre est correctement rgle sur les haut-parleurs. Vrifiez s'il y a une sortie de signal provenant de la source audio. Connexion par Bluetooth impossible Vrifiez que le haut-parleur est rgl sur l'entre Bluetooth. S'il est dans un autre mode d'entre audio, le Bluetooth ne se connectera pas. Dconnectez tout appareil Bluetooth en appuyez deux fois sur le bouton en mode Bluetooth, puis ressayez. La distance de transmission effective Bluetooth est de 10 mtres, veillez ce que l'appareil est porte. Essayez de connecter un autre appareil Bluetooth. Passez en mode Bluetooth, l'icne clignote en bleu. Impossible de dmarrer le G1500 BAR Assurez-vous que le cble d'alimentation USB est connect. x1 x1 Slectionnez HECATE G1500 BAR dans les paramtres de votre appareil pour vous connecter. L'icne est allume en permanence en bleu aprs la connexion. Mode d'entre USB-A Passez en mode d'entre USB-A Passez en mode d'entre USB-A et branchez le port USB sur la source audio. L'icne est allume en permanence en bleu. Installation du logiciel de rglage des ef fets audio Rendez-vous sur la page d'accueilde HECATE:www.hecategaming.compour tlcharger le logiciel G1500 BAR, trouvez et excutez le fichier setup.exe, et installez le programme HECATE (Systmes Windows 10ou ultrieurs pris en charge);
Suivez les instructions pour effectuer linstallation du logiciel. Bruit provenant des hauts-parleurs Les hauts-parleurs d'EDIFIER mettent peu de bruit, tandis que le bruit de fond de certains dispositifs audio est trop lev. Veuillez dbrancher les cbles audios et augmentez le volume. Si vous ne pouvez pas entendre les hauts-parleurs en vous tenant 1 mtre d'eux, alors il y a un problme avec ce produit. Pour en savoir plus sur EDIFIER, visitez Pour des demandes relatives la garantie d'EDIFIER, visitez la page pour votre pays sur et lisez la section intitule Modalits de garantie. tats-Unis et Canada: Amrique du Sud: Visitez (anglais) ou (espagnol/portugais) pour les coordonnes locales. CZ Popis produktu a psluenstv Ukazatel napjen Tlatko pepnut napjen/reimu Snit hlasitost Zvit hlasitost Multifunkn tlatko Zapnut/vypnut Pepnout vstupn reim (USB-A/Bluetooth) Odpojte Bluetooth Snit hlasitost Postupn snit hlasitost Zvit hlasitost Postupn zvit hlasitost Pepnout reim zvuku (Hudba/Hra/Film) Zap./vyp. svtelnch efekt Pepnout svteln efekty 2s x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2 Ukazatele vstupnho reimu Ukazatele zvukovho reimu Napjec kabel USB-A/audio kabel Zdka na sluchtka Zdka na mikrofon Ztlumen/zapnut mikrofonu Mikrofon/Oboustrannlepic pska/Karta znaky/Nlepka znaky/Rychl pruka Pipojen napjen USB elektrick zstrka Vstup: 5V 1A Reim Bluetooth Pepnte na reim Bluetooth, ikona bude blikat mode. V nastaven vaeho zazen zvolte HECATE G1500 BAR a pipojte se. Po pipojen ikona nepetrit svt mode. Vstupn reim USB-A Pepnte na vstupn reim USB-A Pepnte na vstupn reim USB-A a USB kabel zapojte do zvukovho zdroje. Ikona nepetrit svt mode. x1 x1 Instalace softwaru pro nastaven zvukovho efektu Pihlaste se na domovsk strnce internetovch strnek HECATE:, abyste si mohli sthnout software G1500 BAR, potom najdte soubor setup.exe a nainstalujte software HECATE (Jsou podporovny Windows 10 nebo novj systmy);
Pro dokonen instalace pokraujte podle pokyn. Technick specifikace Vstupn vkon: P/L: 2.5W+2.5W Kmitotov charakteristika: P/L: 120Hz-20kHz Vstup: 5V 1A Prohlen pro EU Frekvenn Psmo: 2,402GHz ~ 2,480GHz Radiofrekvenn Vstupn Vkon: 10 dBm (EIRP) Pouit nen omezeno. Poznmka:
Obrzky jsou jen pro ilustraci a mohou se liit od skutenho vrobku. V ppad poteby technickho vylepen a upgradu systmu se mohou informace a specifikace obsaen zde mrn liit dle vlastnho produktu. Pokud naleznete njak odlinosti, ite se vlastnm produktem. Odstraovn zvad dn zvuk Zkontrolujte, zda je reproduktor zapnut. Zkuste zvit hlasitost pomoc tlatka ovldn hlasitosti. Zkontrolujte, zda jsou audio kabely sprvn zapojeny a reproduktory maj sprvn nastaven vstup. Zkontrolujte audio vstup pehrvae. Nelze se pipojit pes Bluetooth Ujistte se, e je reproduktor pepnut na vstup Bluetooth. Pokud je v reimu jinch vstup audia, tak se Bluetooth nepipoj. Odpojte vechna zazen Bluetooth tak, e dvakrt stisknte tlatko v reimu Bluetooth, a zkuste znovu. Efektivn penosov dosah systmu Bluetooth je 10 m; ujistte se, e jsou oba pstroje v uvedenm dosahu. Zkuste pipojit jin zazen Bluetooth. Zazen G1500 BAR nechce zapnout Zkontrolujte, zda je pipojen napjec kabel USB. Hluk pichzejc z reproduktor Reproduktory EDIFIER generuj mal um, zatmco um nkterch zvukovch zazen je pli vysok. Odpojte audio kabely a zvyte hlasitost, pokud nen slyet dn zvuk ve vzdlenosti 1 metru od reproduktoru, pak nen problm s tmto produktem. Vce informac o spolenosti EDIFIER naleznete na strnkch Informace o zruce na produkty EDIFIER naleznete na pslunch mutanch strnkch na a v kapitole Podmnky zruky. USA a Kanada: Jin Amerika: Mstn kontaktn informace naleznete na (anglicky) nebo (panlsky/portugalsky) NL Productbeschrijving en accessoires Stroomcontrolelampje Stroom/
Modus-schakelaar Volume omlaag Volume omhoog Multifunctionele
" " knop Aan/uit zetten Ingangsmodus schakelaar (USB-A/Bluetooth) Bluetooth ontkoppelen Volume omlaag Volume geleidelijk aan omlaag Volume omhoog Volume geleidelijk aan omhoog Geluidsmodus schakelaar (Muziek/Game/Film) Lichteffecten aan/uit Lichteffecten wijzigen 2s x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2 Ingangsmodus-controlelampjes Geluidsmodus-controlelampjes USB-A-stroomkabel / audiokabel Koptelefoonaansluiting Microfoonaansluiting Microfoon dempen/dempen opheffen Microfoon/Dubbelzijdigkleefband/Merkkaart/Merksticker/Snelstartgids Stroomaansluiting USB-netstekker Invoer: 5V 1A Bluetoothmodus Schakel naar de Bluetoothmodus, " " pictogram knippert blauw. Selecteer "HECATE G1500 BAR" in de instellingen van uw apparaat om verbinding te maken. Het " " pictogram is na verbinding continu blauw verlicht. USB-A-ingangsmodus Schakel naar USB-A-ingangsmodus Schakel naar USB-A-ingangsmodus en sluit de USB-poort aan op de audiobron. Het " " pictogram is continu blauw verlicht. Installatie van de geluidseffectinstelsoftware Log in op de homepage van de HECATE website: om de software van G1500 BAR te downloaden, zoek het bestand "setup.exe" en installeer de HECATE-
software (Ondersteunt Windows 10 of latere systemen);
Volg de instructies om de installatie te voltooiien. Specificaties Uitgangsvermogen: R/L: 2.5W+2.5W Frequentiebereik: R/L: 120Hz-20kHz Invoer: 5V 1A Verklaring voor de EU Frequentieband: 2.402GHz ~ 2.480GHz RF Uitgangsvermogen: 10 dBm (EIRP) Er zijn geen beperkingen voor het gebruik. Opmerking:
Afbeeldingen dienen alleen ter illustratie en kunnen afwijkend zijn van het werkelijke product. De informatie en specificaties die hier zijn vermeld kunnen door een technische verbetering of systeemupgrade lichtjes afwijken van het werkelijke product. Indien een verschil wordt gevonden, prevaleert het werkelijke product. Probleemoplossing Geen geluid Controleer of de luidspreker ingeschakeld is. Probeer het volume hoger te zetten via de volumeregelknop. Zorg dat de audiokabels stevig zjn aangesloten en de ingang op de luidsprekers correct is ingesteld. Controleer of er een signaal op de uitgang van de audiobron staat. Kan geen verbinding maken via Bluetooth Zorg ervoor dat de luidspreker is geschakeld naar Bluetooth-ingang. Als er het in andere audio-ingangsmodi is geschakeld, zal Bluetooth geen verbinding maken. Ontkoppel van een Bluetooth-apparaat door drukt u tweemaal op de " " knop in Bluetooth-modus, probeer het vervolgens opnieuw. Het effectieve zendbereik van Bluetooth is 10 meter; zorg ervoor dat de gebruik binnen het bereik is. Probeer een ander Bluetooth-apparaat te koppelen. De G1500 BAR gaat niet aan Controleer of de USB-stroomkabel is aangesloten. Ruis uit de luidsprekers EDIFIER luidsprekers genereren weinig ruis, terwijl het achtergrondgeluid van sommige apparaten te hoog is. Koppel de audiokabels los en draai het volume omhoog, als er geen geluid te horen is op 1 meter afstand van de luidspreker, is er geen probleem met dit product. Voor meer informatie over EDIFIER, bezoek Voor vragen betreende de garantie, bezoekt u de pagina van het betreende land op en leest u de sectie Garantiebepalingen. USA en Canada: Zuid-Amerika: Bezoek (Engels) of (Spaans/Portugees) voor lokale contactinformatie. SA
( / ) USB-A
2s x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2
USB 1 5 :
USB USB-A Windows 10 HECATE "setup.exe" G1500 BAR
2.5 2.5
20 120 1 5 :
2.480 2.402
(EIRP) 10
. . " " . 10
. G1500 BAR
. 5 Franais 6 Franais 19 esky 20 esky 33 Nederlands 34 Nederlands 47 48 ES Descripcin de producto y accesorios Indicador de encendido Botn de encendido/
cambio de modo Bajar volumen Subir volumen Botn " " multifuncin Encendido/apagado Cambio de modo de entrada (USB-A/Bluetooth) Desconectar Bluetooth Bajar volumen Bajar volumen gradualmente Subir volumen Subir volumen gradualmente Cambio de modo de sonido(Msica/Juego/Pelcula) Activar/desactivar efecto luminoso Cambio de efectos de luz 2s x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2 Indicadores de modo de entrada Indicadores de modo de sonido Cable de alimentacin USB-A/cable audio Toma de auriculares Toma de micrfono Silenciar/activar el micrfono Micrfono/Doble caracinta adhesiva/Tarjeta de marca/Etiqueta de marca/Gua de inicio rpido Conectar a la alimentacin Conector de alimentacin USB Entrada: 5V 1A Modo Bluetooth Cambie a modo Bluetooth, el icono " " parpadea en azul. Seleccione "HECATE G1500 BAR" en la configuracin de su dispositivo para conectar. El icono " " se enciende fijo en azul tras la conexin. Modo de entrada USB-A Cambiar a modo de entrada USB-A Cambiar a modo de entrada USB-A y conectar el puerto USB a la fuente de audio. El icono " " se enciende fijo en azul. Instalacin del software de ajuste de efectos de sonido Acceda al sitio web de HECATE: para descargar el software de G1500 BAR, localice el archivo "setup.exe" e instale el software HECATE (Sistemas Windows 10 o posteriores soportados);
Siga las instrucciones para finalizar la instalacin. Especificaciones Potencia de salida: R/L: 2.5W+2.5W Respuesta de frecuencia: R/L: 120Hz-20kHz Entrada: 5V 1A Declaracin para la UE Banda de Frecuencia: 2.402GHz ~ 2.480GHz RF Potencia de Salida: 10 dBm (EIRP) No hay restricciones de uso. Nota:
Las imgenes aparecen con un fin meramente ilustrativo y pueden variar del producto final. Por motivos de mejora tcnica y actualizacin del sistema, la informacin y especificaciones aqu contenidas pueden ser ligeramente distintas al producto real. Si se encuentra alguna diferencia, prevalece el producto real. Resolucin de problemas No hay sonido Compruebe que el altavoz est activado. Intente aumentar el volumen usando el botn de control de volumen. Asegrese de que los cables de audio estn correctamente conectados y la entrada a los altavoces est ajustada. Compruebe si hay seal de salida de la fuente de audio. No se puede conectar a travs de Bluetooth Asegrese de que el altavoz est conectado a la entrada Bluetooth. Si est seleccionada otra entrada de audio, no se conectar el Bluetooth. Desconctese de cualquier dispositivo Bluetooth, para ello pulse dos veces el botn " " en el modo Bluetooth, despus, intntelo de nuevo. El alcance de transmisin de Bluetooth es de 10 metros, por favor, asegrese de que est dentro de esa distancia. Pruebe la conexin con otro dispositivo Bluetooth. El G1500 BAR no se enciende Compruebe que el cable de alimentacin USB est conectado. Ruido procedente de los altavoces Los altavoces EDIFIER generan el menor ruido posible, mientras que otros dispositivos de audio emiten demasiado ruido de fondo. Desconecte los cables de audio y suba el volumen, si no se oye ningn sonido a un metro de distancia del altavoz, el aparato funciona correctamente. Si quiere saber ms sobre EDIFIER, visite Para consultas sobre la garanta EDIFIER, por favor, seleccione la pgina del pas correspondiente en y revise la seccin Condiciones de la garanta. EE.UU. y Canad: Amrica del Sur: por favor, visite (ingls) o (espaol/
portugus) para obtener informacinde contacto local. SK Opis vrobku a prsluenstva Indiktor napjania Tlaidlo napjania/
reimu Znenie hlasitosti Zvenie hlasitosti Viacfunkn tlaidlo Zapnutie/vypnutie Prepnanie reimu vstupu (USB-A/Bluetooth) Odpoji Bluetooth Znenie hlasitosti Postupne zniujte hlasitos Zvenie hlasitosti Postupne zvyujte hlasitos Prepna reimu zvuku (Hudba/Hra/Film) Zapn/vypn sveteln efekty Prepnanie svetelnch efektov 2s x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2 Indiktory reimu vstupu Indiktory reimu zvuku Napjac kbel USB-A/audio kbel Konektor na pripojenie slchadiel Konektor na pripojenie mikrofnu Vypnutie/zapnutie mikrofnu Mikrofn/Obojstrannlepiaca pska/Karta znaky/Nlepka znaky/
Sprievodca rchlym spustenm Prpojka napjania Napjacia zstrka USB Vstupn: 5V 1A Reim Bluetooth Po prepnut do reimu Bluetooth blik modr ikona . Pripojte sa zvolenm HECATE G1500 BAR v nastaven zariadenia. Po pripojen trvalo svieti modr ikona . Vstupnho reimu USB-A Prepn do vstupnho reimu USB-A Prepnite do vstupnho reimu USB-A a port USB pripojte k zdroju zvuku. Trvalo svieti modr ikona . x1 x1 Intalcia softvru na nastavenie zvukovho efektu Ak si chcete stiahnu softvr G1500 BAR, prihlste sa na vodn internetov strnku spolonosti HECATE, vyhadajte sbor setup.exe a naintalujte si softvr HECATE (Podporovan je operan systm Windows 10 alebo nov);
Intalciu vykonajte poda zobrazench pokynov. pecifikcie Vkon: Prav/av: 2.5W+2.5W Frekvenn odozva: Prav/av: 120Hz-20kHz Vstupn: 5V 1A Vyhlsenie pre E Frekvenn Psmo: 2,402GHz ~ 2,480GHz RF Vstup Napjania: 10 dBm (EIRP) Neexistuj iadne obmedzenia pouvania. Poznmka:
Obrzky s len na porovnanie a mu sa li od skutonho vrobku. Z dvodu potreby technickho zlepenia a aktualizcie systmu sa informcie a pecifikcie uveden v tomto dokumente mu mierne li od skutonho produktu. V prpade zistenho rozdielu, prevauje skuton vrobok. Rieenie problmov iadny zvuk Skontrolujte reproduktor, i je zapnut. Skste zvi hlasitos pomocou tlaidla ovldania hlasitosti. Uistite sa e audio kble s pevne pripojen a vstupy na reproduktoroch s sprvne pripojen. Skontrolujte i signl z audio zdroja vysiela. Nie je mon pripoji cez Bluetooth Uistite sa e reproduktor je prepnut na Bluetooth vstup. Ak je prepnut na in mdy audio vstupov, Bluetooth sa nepripoj. Odpojte od akhokovek Bluetooth zariadenia dvojnsobnm stlaenm tlaidla v Bluetooth mde, potom to skste znovu. Efektvny rozsah prenosu Bluetooth je 10 metrov; ubezpete sa, e prevdzka je v dosahu. Pokste sa pripoji in Bluetooth zariadenie. G1500 BAR sa nezapla Skontrolujte, i je pripojen napjac kbel USB. Z reproduktorov sa ozva um Reproduktory EDIFIER vytvraj slab um, avak na niektorch zvukovch zariadeniach je na pozad vemi vysok um. Odpojte zvukov kble a zvte hlasitos, ak nie je pou iaden zvuk v 1 metrovej vzdialenosti od reproduktora, potom s tmto vrobkom nebude iadny problm. Viac informci o EDIFIER, njdete na Otzky tkajce sa zruky EDIFIER njdete na prslunej strnke krajiny a pozrite si asnazvan Podmienky zruky. USA a Kanada: Jun Amerika: Prosm navtvte (anglicky) alebo
(panielsky/Portugalsky) pre miestne kontaktn daje DK Produktbeskrivelse og tilbehr Tnd/sluk Skift af indgang (USB-A/Bluetooth) Afbryd Bluetooth Lydstyrke ned Skru gradvist ned for lydstyrken Lydstyrke op Skru gradvist op for lydstyrken Skift af lydfunktions (Musik/Spil/Film) Lyseffekt til/fra Skift af lyseffekt 2s x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2 Lysdiode for strm Knap til strm/
skift af tilstand Lydstyrke ned Lydstyrke op Knap " " med flere funktioner Lysdioder for indgangstilstand Lysdioder for lydtilstand USB-A-strmkabel/lydkabel Stik til hovedtelefoner Mikrofonstik Sl mikrofon fra/til Mikrofon/Dobbeltsidettape/Mrkekort/Mrke Sticker/Startvejledning Strmtilslutning USB-strmstik Indgang: 5V 1A Bluetooth funktion Skift til Bluetooth-tilstand. Ikonet " " blinker blt. Vlg "HECATE G1500 BAR" i din enhedsindstilling for, at oprette forbindelsen. Ikonet " " lyser konstant blt, nr forbindelsen er oprettet. Indgangstilstand USB-A Skift til indgangstilstand USB-A Skift til indgangstilstand USB-A, og st lydkilden i USB-porten. Ikonet " " lyser konstant blt. Installation af software til justering af lydeffekt Log ind p HECATEs websted (, og download softwaren til G1500 BAR. Find filen "setup.exe", og installr softwaren HECATE (Windows 10 og nyere versioner understttes). Flg anvisningerne for at udfre installationen. Specifikationer Udgangseffekt: H/V: 2.5W+2.5W Frekvensgang: H/V: 120Hz-20kHz Indgang: 5V 1A Erklring til EU Frekvensbnd: 2.402GHz ~ 2.480GHz RF Udgangseffekt: 10 dBm (EIRP) Der ingen restriktioner for brug. Bemrk:
Billederne er kun til illustrerende forml og kan afvige fra det egentlige produkt. Oplysningerne og specifikationerne i dokumentet kan variere fra det faktiske produkt som flge af tekniske forbedringer og systemopgraderinger. I tilflde af forskelle glder det faktiske produkt. Fejlfinding Ingen lyd Se, om hjttaleren er tndt. Prv at skrue op for lyden med lydstyrkeknappen. Kontroller, at audio-kablerne er korrekt tilsluttet, og inputtet er indstillet korrekt p hjttalerne. Tjek om der kommer et signal fra audio-kilden. Kan ikke tilslutte via Bluetooth Srg for, at hjttaleren er indstillet til Bluetooth-input. Hvis den er indstillet til en anden lydinputtilstand, kan Bluetooth ikke tilsluttes. Afbryd Bluetooth-enheder ved dobbelttryk p knappen " ", og prv derefter igen. Det effektive Bluetooth-transmissionsomrde er 10 meter, srg for at enheden er inden for denne afstand. Prv at tilslutte en anden Bluetooth-enhed. G1500 BAR tnder ikke Se om USB-strmkablet er tilsluttet. Der kommer stj fra hjttalerne EDIFIER hjttalere frembringer lidt stj, nr baggrundsstjen i nogle lydenheder er for hj. Frakobl lydkablerne og skru op for lydstyrken, hvis der ikke kan hres nogen lyd i 1 meters afstand fra hjttaleren, er der ikke noget i vejen med dette produkt. Besg for at lre mere om EDIFIER For foresprgsler om EDIFIER garanti, besg den relevante landeside p og se afsnittet Garantibetingelser. USA og Canada: Sydamerika: Besg (Engelsk) eller (Spansk/Portugisisk) for lokale kontaktoplysninger. HEB
( /USB-A) Bluetooth
2s x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2
USB 5V 1A :
. "HECATE G1500 BAR"
USB-A x1
. Windows 10 ) HECATE "setup.exe" G1500 BAR HECATE:
2.5W + 2.5W :R/L :
120Hz-20kHz :R/L :
5V 1A :
2.402 GHz ~ 2.480GHz :
(EIRP) 10dBm :RF
. Bluetooth , Bluetooth. , " " . Bluetooth
; 10 Bluetooth Bluetooth Bluetooth G1500 BAR-
7 Espaol 8 Espaol 21 Slovenina 22 Slovenina 35 Dansk 36 Dansk 49 50 DE Produktbeschreibung und Zubehr Stromanzeige Betriebs-/Modus-
Umschaltetaste Lautstrke verringern Lautstrke erhhen Multifunktionstaste Einschalten/ausschalten Eingangsmodusschalter (USB-A/Bluetooth) Bluetooth trennen Lautstrke verringern Lautstrke langsam verringern Lautstrke erhhen Lautstrke langsam erhhen Tonmodus-Schalter (Musik/Spiele/Film) Lichteffekte Ein-/Ausschalten Lichteffekte wechseln 2s x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2 Eingangsmodusanzeigen Sound-Modus-Anzeigen USB-A-Netzkabel/Audiokabel Kopfhrerbuchse Mikrofonbuchse Mikrofon stummschalten/aufheben Mikrofon/DoppelseitigesKlebeband/Markenkarte/Aufkleber mit Markenzeichen/
Schnellstartanleitung Stromanschluss USB-Netzkabelstecker Eingang: 5V 1A Bluetooth-Modus In den Bluetooth-Modus wechseln, das Symbol blinkt blau. Whlen Sie HECATE G1500 BAR in Ihren Gerteeinstellungen, um eine Verbindung herzustellen. Das Symbol leuchtet nach dem Anschlieen dauerhaft blau. USB-A-Eingabemodus Wechseln zu USB-A-Eingabemodus Wechseln Sie in den USB-A-Eingabemodus, und schlieen Sie den USB-Anschluss an die Audioquelle an. Das Symbol leuchtet dauerhaft blau. Die Installation der Software zur Anpassung der Klangeffekte Melden Sie sich auf der HECATE-Homepage an: und laden die Software von G1500 BAR herunter. Suchen Sie die Datei setup.exe und installieren die HECATE-Software (Windows 10 oder neuere Systeme werden untersttzt);
Folgen Sie bitte den Anweisungen, um die Installation abzuschlieen. Technische Daten Leistung: R/L: 2.5W + 2.5W Frequenzgang: R/L: 120Hz-20kHz Eingang: 5V 1A EU-Konformittserklrung Frequenzband: 2.402GHz ~ 2.480GHz RF Ausgangsleistung: 10 dBm (EIRP) Keine Nutzungseinschrnkungen vorhanden. Hinweis:
Die Abbildungen dienen ausschlielich zur Veranschaulichung und knnen vom tatschlichen Produkt abweichen. Aufgrund notwendiger technischer Verbesserungen und Systemaktualisierungen knnen die hierin enthaltenen Informationen und Spezifikationen sich jederzeit vom tatschlichen Produkt unterscheiden. Bei vorhandenem Unterschied ist das tatschliche Produkt mageblich. Fehlerbehebung Kein Ton berprfen Sie, ob der Lautsprecher EINGESCHALTET ist. Versuchen Sie, die Lautstrke mithilfe der Lautstrketaste zu erhhen. Sorgen Sie dafr, dass die Audiokabel fest angeschlossen und die Eingabeeinstellungen des Lautsprechers korrekt eingestellt sind. berprfen Sie, ob von der Audioquelle ein Signal gesendet wird. Keine Verbindung ber Bluetooth mglich Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Lautsprecher auf Bluetooth-Eingabe eingestellt ist. Wenn andere Audio-Eingnge aktiviert sind, wird keine Bluetooth-Verbindung hergestellt. Durch -Taste zweimal im Bluetooth-Modus sowie erneutes Versuchen kann die Verbindung zu smtlichen Bluetooth-Gerten unterbrochen werden. Ein effektiver Bluetooth-bertragungsbereich liegt bei ca.10m; bitte halten Sie diesen bertragungsbereich bei der Verwendung des Gerts ein. Stellen Sie eine Verbindung zu einem anderen Bluetooth-Gert her. Der G1500 BAR lsst sich nicht einschalten berprfen Sie, ob das USB-Netzkabel angeschlossen ist. Aus den Lautsprechern wird ein Rauschen ausgesendet Lautsprecher von EDIFIER erzeugen ein geringes Rauschen, wenn das Grundrauschen eines der anderen Audiogerte zu gro ist. Trennen Sie die Audiokabel und drehen Sie die Lautstrke auf. Sollte in einem Abstand von einem Meter zum Lautsprecher kein Gerusch zu vernehmen sein, dann liegt bei diesem Produkt kein Problem vor. Um mehr ber EDIFIER zu erfahren, besuchen Sie bitte Bei Fragen zu Garantieleistungen unserer Produkte gehen Sie bitte auf die entsprechende Webseite Ihres Landes unter und schauen Sie im Abschnitt Garantiebestimmungen nach. USA und Kanada: Sdamerika: Besuchen Sie fr rtliche Kontaktinformationen bitte (Englisch) oder (Spanisch/Portugiesisch). UKR
2s x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2
(USB-A/Bluetooth) Bluetooth
./. USB-A/
: 5B 1A Bluetooth x1 Bluetooth
, HECATE G1500 BAR. USB-A USB-A x1 USB-A ' USB . HECATE:, G1500 BAR; setup.exe HECATE ( Windows 10 );
: /: 2.5 +2.5
: /: 120 - 20
: 5B 1A
: 2,402 ~ 2,480
: 10 (EIRP)
. Bluetooth
, Bluetooth.
, Bluetooth . Bluetooth , ,
. Bluetooth 10 . ,
. Bluetooth. G1500 BAR
. . 1 , . EDIFIER - EDIFIER -, . Omkopplare ljudlge (Musik/Spel/Film) upptcks r det den faktiska produkten som rder. Ljuseffekter p/av ndra ljuseffekter Felskning Strmmen p/av Omkopplare fr ingngslge (USB-A/Bluetooth) Koppla bort Bluetooth Snk volymen Volym ned gradvis Hj volymen Volym upp gradvis SV Produktbeskrivning och tillbehr Strmindikator Omkopplarknapp strm/lge Snk volymen Hj volymen Multifunktion
" "-knapp 2s x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2 Indikatorer fr inmatningslge Indikatorer ljudlge USB-A strmkabel/ljudkabel Hrlursuttag Mikrofonuttag Mikrofon dmpa/ppna Mikrofon/DubbelsidaSjlvhftande tejp/Varumrkeskort/Mrkesdekal/Snabbstartsguide Strmanslutning USB-strmkontakt Ingng: 5V 1A Bluetooth-lge x1 x1 Vxla till Bluetooth-lge, ikonen " " blinkar bl. Vlj "HECATE G1500 BAR" i din enhetsinstllning fr att ansluta. Ikonen " " lyser med fast bltt sken efter anslutning. USB-A inmatningslge Vxla till USB-A inmatningslge Vxla till USB-A inmatningslge och anslut USB-uttaget till ljuskllan. Ikonen " " lyser fast bl. Installation av programvaran fr justering av ljudeffekt Logga in p HECATE hemsida: fr att hmta hem ner programvaran fr G1500 BAR. Sk filen "setup.exe", och installera HECATE-programvara (Windows 10 eller senare system stds);
Flj instruktionerna fr att slutfra installationen. Specifikationer Uteffekt: H/V: 2.5W+2.5W Frekvenssvar: H/V: 120Hz-20kHz Ingng: 5V 1A Frskran fr EU Frekvensband: 2,402GHz ~ 2,480GHz RF-utgngseffekt: 10 dBm (EIRP) Ingen anvndningsbegrnsning finns. Notera:
Bilderna r endast illustrerande och kan skilja sig frn den verkliga produkten. Fr behovet av tekniska frbttringar och systemuppgraderingar, kan informationen och specifikationerna hri skilja sig ngot frn den faktiska produkten. Om ngon skillnad Inget ljud Kontrollera att hgtalaren r P. Prva med att hja volymen med volymkontrollen. Se till att ljudkablarna r ordentligt anslutna och att ingngen r korrekt instlld p hgtalaren. Kontrollera att det finns en signal frn ljudkllan. Kan inte ansluta via Bluetooth Se till att hgtalaren r kopplad till Bluetooth-ingng. Om den r i andra lgen fr ljudingng, kommer Bluetooth inte att anslutas. Koppla bort valfri Bluetooth-enhet Dubbeltryck " "
-knappen , och frsk igen. Effektiv rckvidd fr Bluetooth-verfring r 10 meter. Se till att driften ligger inom det intervallet. Frsk med en annan Bluetooth-enhet fr anslutning. G1500 BAR startar inte Kontrollera om USB-strmkabeln r ansluten. Buller kommer frn hgtalare EDIFIER-hgtalare genererar vldigt lite brus, medan bakgrundsljudet p vissa ljudenheter r fr hgt. Koppla bort ljudkablarna och hj volymen. Hrs inget ljud p 1 meters avstnd frn hgtalaren r det inga problem med denna produkt. Fr att lra dig mer om EDIFIER, besk Fr EDIFIER garantifrgor, besk den relevanta sidan fr ditt land p och ls avsnittet med titeln Garantivillkor. USA och Kanada: Sydamerika: Besk (engelska) eller (spanska/portugisiska) fr lokal kontaktinformation. CN
x1 x2 x1
(USB/) 2s x1 2s x1
(//) 2s
x2 RGB
: 5V 1A x1
, HECATE G1500 BAR USB-A x1 USB-A USB-A USB HECATEwww.hecategaming.comG1500 BARsetup.exe HECATE Windows 10 ;
R/L: 2.5W+2.5W R/L: 120Hz-20kHz 5V 1A 10 G1500 BAR 1 EDIFIER
9 Deutsch 10 Deutsch 23 24 37 Svenska 38 Svenska 51 51 IT Descrizione del prodotto e degli accessori Indicatore di alimentazione Pulsante di accensione/
modalit di funzionamento Diminuzione volume Aumento volume Pulsante " "
multifunzione Accensione/spegnimento Selettore modalit d'ingresso (USB-A/Bluetooth) Disattivare il Bluetooth Diminuzione volume Diminuire gradualmente il volume Aumento volume Aumentare gradualmente il volume Selettore modalit suono (Musica/Gioco/Film) Effetti luce accensione/spegnimento Selettore effetti luce 2s x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2 Indicatori della modalit di ingresso Indicatori della modalit audio Cavo di alimentazione USB-A/cavo audio Porta cuffie Jack per microfono Microfono silenziato/riattivato Microfono/Nastro biadesivo/Scheda della marca/Adesivo della marca/Guida rapida Collegamento di alimentazione Connettore USB Ingresso: 5V 1A Modalit Bluetooth Se si passa alla modalit Bluetooth, l " " icona lampeggia in blu. Selezionare "HECATE G1500 BAR" nel proprio dispositivo per effettuare la connessione. Dopo la connessione l " " icona illuminata costantemente in blu. Modalit di ingresso USB-A Passare alla modalit di ingresso USB-A Passare alla modalit di ingresso USB-A e collegare la porta USB alla sorgente audio. L " " icona illuminata costantemente in blu. Installazione del software di regolazione effetto suono Accedere al sito web di HECATE: per scaricare il software di G1500 BAR, trovare il file "setup.exe" e installare il software HECATE (Sono supportati i sistemi Windows 10 o successivi);
Seguire le istruzioni per completare l'installazione. Specifiche Potenza di uscita: R/L: 2.5W + 2.5W Risposta in frequenza: R/L: 120Hz-20kHz Ingresso: 5V 1A Dichiarazione per l'Unione Europea Frequenza di Banda: 2.402GHz ~ 2.480GHz Potenza di Uscita RF: 10 dBm (EIRP) Non vi sono restrizioni d'uso. Nota:
Le immagini sono solo a scopo illustrativo e possono differire dal prodotto reale. Per via di miglioramenti tecnici e di aggiornamenti del sistema, le informazioni e le specifiche contenute nel presente documento potrebbero differire leggermente dal prodotto. In caso di eventuali differenze, prevale il prodotto reale. Risoluzione dei problemi Nessun suono Verificare se gli altoparlanti sono in stato ON. Provare ad aumentare il volume usando il pulsante di controllo del volume. Assicurarsi che i cavi audio siano ben collegati e che l'ingresso sia impostato correttamente sugli altoparlanti. Verificare che vi sia un segnale in uscita dalla sorgente audio. Impossibile collegarsi tramite Bluetooth Assicurarsi che l'altoparlante sia impostato sull'ingresso Bluetooth. Se in altre modalit audio il Bluetooth non si collegher. Scollegare da qualsiasi dispositivo Bluetooth premere due volte il pulsante " " in modalit Bluetooth e riprovare. La portata effettiva della trasmissione Bluetooth 10 metri; assicurarsi che l'uso sia entro questo intervallo. Provare a collegare un altro dispositivo Bluetooth. L' G1500 BAR non si accende Controllare se il cavo di alimentazione USB collegato. Rumore proveniente dagli altoparlanti Gli altoparlanti EDIFIER generano pochissimo rumore, mentre il rumore di background di alcuni dispositivi audio decisamente troppo alto. Scollegare i cavi audio e alzare il volume, se non si avverte alcun rumore a 1 metro di distanza dall'altoparlante, non sussiste alcun problema con questo prodotto. Per sapere di pi su EDIFIER, visitare il sito Per domande sulla garanzia EDIFIER, visitare la relativa pagina del paese sul sito e consultare la sezione intitolata Condizioni di garanzia. USA e Canada: Sud America: Visitare il sito (inglese) o (spagnolo/
portoghese) per informazioni locali di contatto. GR
2s x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2
(USB-A/Bluetooth) Bluetooth
: 5V 1A Bluetooth Bluetooth, " " .
"HECATE G1500 BAR" .
" " . x1 x1 USB-A USB-A USB-A USB .
" " . HECATE: G1500 BAR, setup.exe, HECATE ( Windows 10 );
: R/L: 2.5W+2.5W
: R/L: 120Hz-20kHz
: 5V 1A
: 2.402GHz ~ 2.480GHz RF : 10 dBm (EIRP)
. , . Bluetooth Bluetooth.
, Bluetooth . Bluetooth " " . Bluetooth 10 ,
. Bluetooth . G1500 BAR USB. EDIFIER ,
. , 1 , . EDIFIER, EDIFIER, .
: ()
(/) . Comutare mod sunet (Muzic/Jocuri/Filme) Efecte de lumin activate/dezactivate Comutare efecte de lumin diferen, prevaleaz produsul real. Depanare RO Descrierea produsului i accesorii Indicator de alimentare Buton comutator de pornire/mod Reducere a volumului Cretere a volumului Butonul multifuncional Indicatori mod de intrare IIndicatori mod sunet 2s x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2 Pornire/oprire Comutare mod de intrare (USB-A/Bluetooth) Deconectai Bluetooth-ul Reducere a volumului Reducere treptat a volumului Cretere a volumului Cretere treptat a volumului Cablu de alimentare USB-A / cablu audio Muf pentru cti Muf pentru microfon Microfon dezactivare sunet/activare sunet Microfon/Band adezivdubl/Card marc/Autocolant marc/ Ghid rapid de punere in functiune Conexiune de alimentare Muf de alimentare USB Intrare: 5V 1A Mod Bluetooth Comutai la modul Bluetooth, pictograma licrete n culoarea albastr. Selectai HECATE G1500 BAR n setrile dispozitivului dvs. pentru a v conecta. Pictograma este aprins constant n culoarea albastr dup conectare. Modul de intrare USB-A Comutai la modul de intrare USB-A Comutai la modul de intrare USB-A i conectai portul USB la sursa audio. Pictograma este aprins constant n culoarea albastr. Instalarea software-ului de reglare a efectului de sunet V rugm s v conectai pe site-ul web al paginii HECATE: pentru a descrca software-ul G1500 BAR, gsii fiierul setup.exe i instalai software-ul HECATE
(se accept Windows 10 sau sisteme ulterioare);
V rugm s urmai instruciunile pentru a finaliza instalarea. Specificaii Putere de ieire: R/L: 2.5W+2.5W Rspuns n frecven: R/L: 120Hz-20kHz Intrare: 5V 1A Declaraie pentru UE Banda de Frecven: 2.402GHz ~ 2.480GHz Putere de Ieire RF: 10 dBm (EIRP) Nu exist nicio restricie de utilizare. Not:
Imaginile sunt doar n scop ilustrativ i pot fi diferite de produsul real. Din nevoia de mbuntire tehnic i de actualizare a sistemului, informaiile i specificaiile coninute n acest document pot fi uor diferite de produsul real. Dac se constat vreo Lips sunet Verificai dac boxa este pornit. ncercai s cretei volumul folosind butonul de control al volumului. Asigurai-v c cablurile audio sunt bine conectate i c intrarea este setat corect pe box. Verificai dac exist un semnal de ieire de la sursa audio. Nu se poate conecta prin Bluetooth Asigurai-v c difuzorul este comutat la intrarea Bluetooth. Dac se afl n alte moduri de intrare audio, Bluetooth nu se va conecta. Deconectai-v de la orice dispozitiv Bluetooth apsai de dou ori butonul , apoi ncercai din nou. Intervalul efectiv de transmisie Bluetooth este de 10 metri; v rugm s v asigurai c utilizarea este n acest interval. ncercai un alt dispozitiv Bluetooth pentru conectare. Dispozitivul G1500 BAR nu pornete Verificai dac este conectat cablul de alimentare USB. Zgomot n boxe Boxele EDIFIER genereaz puin zgomot, n timp ce zgomotul de fond al unor dispozitive audio este prea mare. V rugm s deconectai cablurile audio i s dai volumul mai tare, dac nu se aude niciun sunet la 1 metru distan de box, atunci nu exist nicio problem cu acest produs. Pentru a afla mai multe despre EDIFIER, v rugm s accesai Pentru ntrebri legate de garania EDIFIER, v rugm s vizitai pagina rii respective pe i s consultai seciunea intitulat Condiii de garanie. SUA i Canada: America de Sud: V rugm s vizitai (englez) sau
(spaniol/portughez) pentru informaii de contact locale. 11 ltaliano 12 ltaliano 25 26 39 Romn 40 Romn PT Descrio do produto e acessrios Indicador de energia Boto de mudana de modo/energia Diminuir volume Aumentar volume Boto " " multifuncional Ligar/desligar Alternar modo de entrada (USB-A/Bluetooth) Desligar Bluetooth Diminuir volume Reduo gradual de volume Aumentar volume Aumento gradual de volume Alternar modo de som (Msica/Jogo/Filme) Ativar/desativar efeitos de luz Alternar efeitos de luz 2s x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2 Indicadores do modo de entrada Indicadores do modo de som Cabo de energia USB-A/cabo de udio Plugue de auscultadores Plugue do microfone Silenciar/ativar microfone Microfone/Dupla facefita adesiva/Carto da marca/Etiqueta da marca/Guia de incio rpido Conexo de Energia Conector do Cabo de Energia USB Entrada: 5V 1A Modo Bluetooth Alterne para o modo Bluetooth, o cone " " pisca na cor azul. Selecione "HECATE G1500 BAR" na configurao do seu dispositivo para conectar. O cone " " permanece aceso na cor azul aps conectado. Modo de entrada USB-A Alterne para o modo de entrada USB-A Alterne para o modo de entrada USB-A e conecte a porta USB na fonte de udio. O cone " " permanece aceso na cor azul. Instalao do software de ajuste de efeito sonoro Inicie sesso no website HECATE: para transferir o software de G1500 BAR, localize o ficheiro "setup.exe" e instale o software HECATE (Compatvel com Windows 10 ou sistemas posteriores);
Siga as instrues para concluir a instalao. Especificaes Sada de potncia: R/L: 2.5W + 2.5W Resposta de frequncia: R/L: 120Hz-20kHz Entrada: 5V 1A Declarao para UE Banda de Frequncia: 2.402GHz ~ 2.480GHz RF Potncia de Sada: 10 dBm (EIRP) No existem restries utilizao. Nota:
As imagens so apenas ilustrativas e podem diferir do produto real. Para a necessidade de melhoramento tcnico e atualizao do sistema, as informaes e especificaes aqui contidas podem ser ligeiramente diferentes do produto real. Se for encontrada qualquer diferena, prevalece o produto real. Resoluo de problemas Sem som Verifique se o altifalante est LIGADO. Tente aumentar o volume usando o boto de controle de volume. Certifique-se de que os cabos de udio esto bem ligados e que a entrada est corretamente selecionada nos altifalantes. Verifique se existe sada do sinal do dispositivo de udio fonte. No possvel ligar por Bluetooth Certifique-se de que o altifalante est comutado para a entrada Bluetooth. Se estiver noutro modo de entrada de udio, a funo Bluetooth no ser ligada. Desligue de todos os dispositivos Bluetooth pressione duas vezes o boto " " no modo Bluetooth, e tente novamente. O alcance efetivo da transmisso por Bluetooth de 10 metros; certifique-se de que est a operar dentro desse alcance mximo. Tente ligar-se a outro dispositivo Bluetooth. O G1500 BAR no se liga Verifique se o cabo de energia USB est conectado. Rudo proveniente das colunas As colunas EDIFIER geram pouco rudo, ao passo que o rudo de fundo de alguns dispositivos de udio bastante alto. Desligue os cabos de udio e aumente o volume, se no escutar nenhum som a 1 metro de distncia da coluna, significa que existe um problema com este produto. Para mais informaes sobre a EDIFIER, consulte o site Para obter informaes sobre a garantia da EDIFIER, aceda pgina relevante do pas em e consulte a seco dos Termos da Garantia. EUA e Canad: Amrica do Sul: Visite o site (Ingls) ou (Espanhol/
Portugus) para obter informaes sobre o contacto local RU HECATE ( Windows 10 );
Y Y 2s x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2
/ a
(USB-A/Bluetooth) Bluetooth Y Y
: 5 1 A Bluetooth Bluetooth,
G1500 BAR,
-, setup.exe
: /: 2.5 +2.5
: /: 120 -20
: 5 1 A
: 2,402 ~ 2,480
: 10 dBm (EIRP)
. Bluetooth
, Bluetooth, Bluetooth. Bluetooth- Bluetooth,
. Bluetooth 10 ,
. Bluetooth. G1500 BAR
, 1 ,
: ( ) (/ ). Cng tc ch m thanh (Nhc/Tr chi/Phim) Bt/tt hiu ng nh sng Chuyn i hiu ng nh sng X l s c VN M t sn phm v ph kin n bo ngun Nt chuyn i ngun/ch Gim m lng Tng m lng Nt a chc nng " "
2s x1 x2 x1 2s x1 2s x1 2s x2 Bt/tt ngun u vo chuyn i ch (USB-A/Bluetooth) Ngt kt ni Bluetooth Gim m lng Gim m lng t t Tng m lng Tng m lng t t n bo ch u vo n bo ch m thanh Cp ngun/cp m thanh USB-A Gic cm tai nghe Gic cm microphone Tt/Bt ting microphone Micr/Hai mtbng dnh/Th thng hiu/Hnh dn thng hiu/ Hng dn khi ng nhanh Kt ni ngun in Phch cm USB cp ngun u vo: 5V 1A Ch Bluetooth Chuyn sang ch Bluetooth, biu tng " " nhp nhy mu xanh lam. Chn "HECATE G1500 BAR" trong phn ci t thit b ca bn kt ni. Biu tng " " sng u mu xanh lam sau khi c kt ni. Ch u vo USB-A Chuyn sang ch u vo USB-A Chuyn sang ch u vo USB-A v cm cng USB vo ngun m thanh. Biu tng " " sng u mu xanh lam. Ci t phn mm iu chnh hiu ng m thanh Vui lng ng nhp trang web ca HECATE ti: ti phn mm G1500 BAR, tm tp "setup.exe", ci t phn mm HECATE (H tr h thng Windows 10 hoc mi hn);
Vui lng lm theo hng dn hon tt ci t. Thng s k thut Cng sut u ra: Phi/Tri: 2.5W+2.5W p tuyn tn s: Phi/Tri: 120Hz-20kHz u vo: 5V 1A Tuyn b tun th ch th EU Bng tn: 2.402GHz ~ 2.480GHz Cng sut u ra RF: 10 dBm (EIRP) Khng c hn ch s dng. Ghi ch:
Hnh nh ch mang tnh cht minh ha v c th khc vi sn phm thc t. ci tin k thut hoc nng cp h thng, thng tin v thng s k thut trong y c th hi khc so vi sn phm thc t. Nu c khc bit, vui lng p dng theo sn phm thc t. Khng c m thanh Kim tra xem loa c ANG BT khng. C gng tng m lng bng cch s dng phm iu chnh m lng. m bo cp m thanh c kt ni chc chn v u vo trn loa c thit lp chnh xc. Kim tra xem c tn hiu u ra t ngun m thanh khng. Khng th kt ni qua Bluetooth m bo loa c chnh sang ch u vo Bluetooth. Nu loa ang cc ch u vo m thanh khc, Bluetooth s khng th kt ni. Ngt kt ni vi cc thit b Bluetooth khc nhn p nt " ", sau th li. Phm vi kt ni Bluetooth hiu qu l 10 mt; vui lng m bo rng bn vn hnh trong phm vi ny. Th kt ni vi thit b Bluetooth khc. G1500 BAR khng bt Kim tra xem cp ngun USB c kt ni cha. Loa pht ra ting n Loa EDIFIER gn nh khng to ting n nhng tp m nn ca mt vi thit b m thanh li qu cao. Vui lng rt cp m thanh v tng m lng ln, nu khng nghe thy m thanh g trong bn knh 1 mt quanh loa th sn phm ny khng gp vn g. tm hiu thm v EDIFIER, vui lng gh thm Vi cc cu hi v vn bo hnh ca EDIFIER, vui lng gh thm trang web ca quc gia lin quan ti v xem mc c ta iu khon Bo hnh. M v Canada: Nam M: Vui lng gh thm (ting Anh) hoc (ting Ty Ban Nha/ting B o Nha) tm thng tin lin lc ti a phng. 13 Portugus 14 Portugus 27 28 41 Ting Vit 42 Ting Vit x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1
1 | User Manual Compliance info | Users Manual | 48.93 KiB | June 07 2023 / December 02 2023 | delayed release |
FCC Regulatory Compliance Warning: changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. RF Exposure Compliance This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. ISED Regulatory compliance This device contains licence-exempt transmitters that comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canadas licence-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
This device may not cause interference. This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Lmetteur exempt de licence contenu dans le prsent appareil est conforme aux CNR dInnovation, Sciences et Dveloppement conomique Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. Lexploitation est autorise aux deux conditions suivantes :
Lappareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage;
Lappareil doit accepter tout brouillage radiolectrique subi, mme si le brouillage est susceptible den compromettre le fonctionnement. This equipment complies with IC RSS-102 radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator and your body. Cet quipement est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux radiations IC CNR-102 tablies pour un environnement non contrl. Cet quipement doit tre install et utilis avec une distance minimale de 20 cm entre le radiateur et votre corps. IB-200-000000-13 FCC ISED-
80g 125120MM V1.3/IB-200-000000-13 V1.2 IC/V1.3 ICISED
1 | ID Label and Location | ID Label/Location Info | 866.29 KiB | June 07 2023 |
G1500 BAR 44.7*22*17mm 80g 44.7mm G1500 BAR Model :EDF701007 S/N: XXXXXXXXXXXX Made in China Input: 5V 1A Edier International Limited Address: P.O. Box 6264 General Post Oce, Hong Kong XXX-XXXXXX FCC ID: Z9G-EDF195 IC: 10004A-EDF195 22mm
1 | Agency Letter | Cover Letter(s) | 128.30 KiB | June 07 2023 |
Authority to Act as Agent Date: ____2023-05-31__________ TUV Rheinland of North America, Inc. 1279 Quarry Lane., Suite. A Pleasanton, CA 94566 To Whom It May Concern:
I appoint __________ Edifier International Limited _______ to act as our agent in the preparation of I certify that submitted documents properly describe the this application for equipment certification. device or system for which equipment certification is sought. I also certify that each unit manufactured, imported or marketed, as defined in the FCC or Industry Canadas regulations will have affixed to it a label identical to that submitted for approval with this application. For instances where our authorized agent signs the application for certification on our behalf, I acknowledge that all responsibility for complying with the terms and conditions for Certification, as specified by TUV Rheinland Group, still resides with ____ Edifier International Limited and P.O. Box 6264 General Post Office Hong Kong _________. For TCB applications, We certify that we are not subject to denial of federal benefits, that includes FCC benefits, pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. 862. Further, no party, as defined in 47 CFR 1.2002 (b), to the application is subject to denial of federal benefits, that includes FCC benefits. Thank you, Agency Agreement Date:
_____2023-05-31______________ Agreement is valid for 12 months from the above date. By:
(Signature) ____ Geng Chen _________
(Print name) ______Safety Manger__________
(Title) ____0769-88986868-1656_____
(Telephone) On behalf of:
______ Edifier International Limited ____________________
(Company Name) Page 1 of 1
1 | Antenna Gain info | Cover Letter(s) | 645.57 KiB | June 07 2023 |
G1500BAR RF Report product model name antenna model name PCB Antenna Test Equipment:XXXX Electrical Characteristics 1. Antenna manufactuer Our company's Bluetooth antenna is directly made on PCB , and the processing technology of antenna is copper foil and tin-spraying technology. Copper foil thickness: H/HOZ, PCB material: FR-4 thickness 1.2mm PCB manufacturer: Shenzhen Hezhongxin Precision Electronics Co., LTD Tongfuyu Building, Shajin Baoan, Shenzhen,China 2. Antenna shape a. Dimensional drawing 14.4*5.4mm b. Physical picture 1 G1500BAR RF Report 3. Antenna parameter The Bluetooth antenna operates at 2402-2480 MHZ and generates resonance in this frequency band. The following table shows the main parameters of the antenna. Frequency(MHz) 2402 ~ 2480 MHz Bluetooth built-in antenna VSWR Impedance Return Loss Radiation Gain (Peak) Polarization Admitted Power Connector 1.92 50 Ohm Nominal
-10 dB Max Omni-directional
-0.347483 dBi Linear, Vertical 2W Tin 2 G1500BAR RF Report 4. Antenna gain detection report Spectrum Detector:
Test By:
Test Result:
PK Andy PASS GFSK Test Date :
Temperature :
Humidity :
June 8, 2022 28 55 %
Maximum gain Frequency VNA
(MHz) 2400MHz 2410MHz 2420MHz 2430MHz 2440MHz 2450MHz 2460MHz 2470MHz 2480MHz 2490MHz 2500MHz Direction chart E Total. dB(dBi) Separation Read Separation Limit
-2.87 PHI 0 angle 3 G1500BAR RF Report PHI 90 angle THETA 90 angle 4 G1500BAR RF Report Standing wave pattern 5. RF Logic 5 G1500BAR RF Report 6. RF Picture of Real Products Refer to internal Photos 6
1 | Attestation of Not Covered Entity Applicant | Attestation Statements | 105.24 KiB | June 07 2023 |
Attestation Statements Not Covered Entity Applicant To: Federal Communications Commission Date: 05-31-2023 7435 Oakland Mills Road, Columbia, MD 21046, USA Ref: Information Required by Section 2.911(d)(5)(ii) filing FCC ID: Z9G-EDF195
[Edifier International Limited] (the applicant) certifies that, as of the date of the filing of the application, the applicant is not identified on the Covered List (as a specifically named entity or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates) as an entity producing covered equipment. Sincerely yours, Applicant Signature Printed Name: Geng Chen Title: Safety Manger Address: P.O. Box 6264 General Post Office Hong Kong Tel.: 0769-88986868-1656 Email:
1 | Attestation of Not Covered Equipment | Attestation Statements | 144.59 KiB | June 07 2023 |
Attestation Statements Not Covered Equipment To: Federal Communications Commission Date: 05-31-2023 7435 Oakland Mills Road, Columbia, MD 21046, USA Ref: Information Required by Section 2.911(d)(5)(i) filing FCC ID: Z9G-EDF195
[Edifier International Limited] (the applicant) certifies that the equipment for which authorization is sought is not covered equipment prohibited from receiving an equipment authorization pursuant to section 2.903 of the FCC rules. Sincerely yours, Applicant Signature Printed Name: Geng Chen Title: Safety Manger Address: P.O. Box 6264 General Post Office Hong Kong Tel.: 0769-88986868-1656 Email:
1 | Attestation of US Agent Letter | Attestation Statements | 175.88 KiB | June 07 2023 |
U.S. Agent Letter of Attestation To:
Federal Communications Commission Date: 05-31-2023 7435 Oakland Mills Road, Columbia, MD 21046, USA Ref: Attestation Statement Part 2.911(d)(7) filing FCC ID: Z9G-EDF195 Edifier International Limited (the applicant) certifies that, as of the date of the filing of the application, Edifier USA LLC (the agent) is our designated U.S. agent for service of process for the above reference FCC ID. The applicant accepts to maintain an agent for service of process in the United States for no less than one year after either the grantee has permanently terminated all marketing and importation of the applicable equipment within the U.S., or the conclusion of any Commission-related administrative or judicial proceeding involving the equipment, whichever is later. The applicant further acknowledges it is our responsibility to inform the FCC whenever the agent information changes. Edifier USA LLC (the agent) understand it is the agent's obligation to accept service of process in the United States for matters related to the applicable equipment, and at the physical U.S. address and email address. APPLICANT Company Name: Edifier International Limited Contact Person: Geng Chen Address: P.O. Box 6264 General Post Office Hong Kong Tel.: 0769-88986868-1656 Email: U.S. Agent Company Name: Edifier USA LLC Contact Person: Dr Brien Culver Address: 428 Hemphill St, Fort Worth, TX 76104, United States Tel.:
(817) 265-2160 FCC FRN: 0033444019 Email: Sincerely yours, Company Name Contact Person Signature The Applicant Edifier International Limited Geng Chen The Agent Edifier USA LLC Dr Brien Culver
1 | Confidentiality Letter | Cover Letter(s) | 130.30 KiB | June 07 2023 |
Date: ___2023-05-31__ Federal Communications Commission Equipment Authorization Branch 7435 Oakland Mills Road, Columbia, MD 21046, USA Subject: Confidentiality Request for FCC ID: Z9G-EDF195 Pursuant to FCC 47 CRF 0.457(d), the applicant requests that a part of the subject FCC/IC application be held confidential. Type of Confidentiality Requested Short Term Short Term Short Term Short Term Short Term Short Term Short Term Short Term Short Term Permanent n/a Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent Exhibit Block Diagrams External Photo Internal Photos ***
Operation Description/Theory of Operation Schematics Test Setup***
Tune-Up Procedure Users Manual***
Part List/ Antenna Gain Information Datasheet Edifier International Limited has spent substantial effort in developing this product and it is one of the first of its kind in industry. Having the subject information easily available to "competition" would negate the advantage they have achieved by developing this product. Not protecting the details of the design will result in financial hardship. Permanent Confidentiality:
The applicant requests the exhibits listed above as permanently confidential be permanently withheld from public review due to materials that contain trade secrets and proprietary information not customarily released to the public.
(*** Exceptional case for Permanent Confidentiality for these Exhibits by PAG only) Short-Term Confidentiality:
The applicant requests the exhibits selected above as short term confidential be withheld from public view for a period of specify number of days not to exceed 180 days from the date of the Grant of Equipment Authorization and prior to marketing. This is to avoid premature release of sensitive information prior to marketing or release of the product to the public. Applicant is also aware that they are responsible to notify TUV Rheinland in the event information regarding the product or the product is made available to the public. TUV Rheinland will then release the documents listed above for public disclosure pursuant to FCC Public Notice DA 04-1705. Sincerely, By:
_______________________________________________ _________ Geng Chen _______________
(Print name) Tel: 0769-88986868-1656 Email: MS-0044715 Page 1 of 1 Revision 1
1 | Test Setup Photos | Test Setup Photos | 626.12 KiB | June 07 2023 / December 02 2023 | delayed release |
frequency | equipment class | purpose | ||
1 | 2023-06-07 | 2402 ~ 2480 | DSS - Part 15 Spread Spectrum Transmitter | Original Equipment |
app s | Applicant Information | |||||
1 | Effective |
1 | Applicant's complete, legal business name |
Edifier International Limited
1 | FCC Registration Number (FRN) |
1 | Physical Address |
P.O. Box 6264 General Post Office Hong Kong
1 |
HongKong, N/A
1 |
Hong Kong
app s | TCB Information | |||||
1 | TCB Application Email Address |
1 | TCB Scope |
A4: UNII devices & low power transmitters using spread spectrum techniques
app s | FCC ID | |||||
1 | Grantee Code |
1 | Equipment Product Code |
app s | Person at the applicant's address to receive grant or for contact | |||||
1 | Name |
G****** C******
1 | Title |
Safety Manager
1 | Telephone Number |
0769-******** Extension:
1 | Fax Number |
1 |
app s | Technical Contact | |||||
1 | Firm Name |
Edifier International Limited
1 | Name |
G**** C******
1 | Physical Address |
P.O. Box 6264 General Post Office
1 |
Hong Kong
1 |
1 | Telephone Number |
1 |
app s | Non Technical Contact | |||||
n/a | ||||||
app s | Confidentiality (long or short term) | |||||
1 | Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | Yes | ||||
1 | Long-Term Confidentiality Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | Yes | ||||
1 | If so, specify the short-term confidentiality release date (MM/DD/YYYY format) | 12/02/2023 | ||||
if no date is supplied, the release date will be set to 45 calendar days past the date of grant. | ||||||
app s | Cognitive Radio & Software Defined Radio, Class, etc | |||||
1 | Is this application for software defined/cognitive radio authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Equipment Class | DSS - Part 15 Spread Spectrum Transmitter | ||||
1 | Description of product as it is marketed: (NOTE: This text will appear below the equipment class on the grant) | 7.1 Surround Gaming Speakers | ||||
1 | Related OET KnowledgeDataBase Inquiry: Is there a KDB inquiry associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 | Modular Equipment Type | Does not apply | ||||
1 | Purpose / Application is for | Original Equipment | ||||
1 | Composite Equipment: Is the equipment in this application a composite device subject to an additional equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Related Equipment: Is the equipment in this application part of a system that operates with, or is marketed with, another device that requires an equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Grant Comments | Power output listed is conducted. The antennas used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter, except in accordance with FCC multi-transmitter evaluation procedures. | ||||
1 | Is there an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 | If there is an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application, has the associated waiver been approved and all information uploaded? | No | ||||
app s | Test Firm Name and Contact Information | |||||
1 | Firm Name |
Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd.
1 | Name |
M**** Y****
1 | Telephone Number |
1 |
Equipment Specifications | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line | Rule Parts | Grant Notes | Lower Frequency | Upper Frequency | Power Output | Tolerance | Emission Designator | Microprocessor Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 15C | 2402.00000000 | 2480.00000000 | 0.0026000 |
some individual PII (Personally Identifiable Information) available on the public forms may be redacted, original source may include additional details
This product uses the FCC Data API but is not endorsed or certified by the FCC