User Manual Dear Customer, Please read carefully the product instruction before using!
Model Name:BU5-25D Rated voltage: AC 120V/60Hz Rated current:365mA Lamp power:25W Features Energy Saves up to 80% compared to common incandescent Lamps Long lamp life, average 4 years at 3~5 hours per day High Lumens efficiency;
Rapid on/off with silent operation;
Reduces Carbon Dioxide Electromagnetic Volume Consumes natural resources Generate less heat in the building Note & Attention Always turn-off power before re-lamping;
Avoid installing lamp by gripping the glass tube;
Do not use with dimmers or electronic timers Reliable operating temperature -5~50 Not suitable for damp surroundings or sealed occasions Risk of electric shock-use in dry locations For best result use in proper voltage range as mentioned on lamp base Applications:
Home, Office, Hotel, Shop, Restaurantand so on. FCC Information 1This device complies with Part 18 of the FCC Rules. 2Information on the following matters shall be provided to the user in the Instruction manual:
(a) The interference potential of the device or system;
(b) Maintenance of the system;
(c) Simple measures that can be taken by the user to correct interference;
(d) Manufacturers of RF lighting devices must provide an advisory statement, either on the product packaging or with other user documentation, similar to the following: This product may cause interference to radio equipment and should not be installed near maritime safety communications equipment or other critical navigation or communication equipment operating between 0.45-30MHz. Variations of this language are permitted provided all the points of the statement are addressed and may be presented in any legible font or text style.