L L R R S M L Quickstart_Sphear_W_64x78_new.indd 1 27/09/2018 12:27:28 SPHEAR WIRELESSQuick start / Dmarrage rapide / Quickstart_Sphear_W_64x78_new.indd 2 27/09/2018 12:27:28 Type In-ear headphones Intra-auriculaire Bluetooth wireless technology Bluetooth wireless technology Frequency band /
Bande de frquence Bluetooth Audio Codecs 4.1 2402MHz to 2480MHz SBC / aptX Range / Distance 10m Battery / Batterie Up to 8h Jusqu' 8h Frequency response /
Rponse en frquence THD @ 1kHz / 100dB SPL <0.3%
10Hz to 22kHz Driver / Capsule Microphone Net weight / Poids Charging / Charge Electrodynamic 01/4" Sandwich Diaphragm lectrodynamique 7 mm Sandwich Diaphragm Omnidirectional Omnidirectionnel 0.04lbs 15g Standard USB port or 5V, 500mA Port USB standard ou 5V, 500mA Quickstart_Sphear_W_64x78_new.indd 3 27/09/2018 12:27:28 EQUALIZER Works with /
Quickstart_Sphear_W_64x78_new.indd 4 27/09/2018 12:27:28 SPHEAR WIRELESSQuick start / Dmarrage rapide / L R Equalizer Volume ON/OFF
Volume Battery module /
Micro USB charging
/ Micro USB Microphone LED Quickstart_Sphear_W_64x78_new.indd 5 27/09/2018 12:27:28 SPHEAR WIRELESSQuick start / Dmarrage rapide / 2h
PUSH 4 ON PUSH SETTINGS Bluetooth ON Quickstart_Sphear_W_64x78_new.indd 6 27/09/2018 12:27:28 SPHEAR WIRELESSQuick start / Dmarrage rapide / 2h
1. Bluetooth Pairing PUSH SETTINGS 2. SETTINGS ON PUSH Bluetooth ON Bluetooth ON LED
/ 5 3. SETTINGS Device FOCAL SPHEAR WIRELESS SETTINGS Device FOCAL SPHEAR WIRELESS Quickstart_Sphear_W_64x78_new.indd 7 27/09/2018 12:27:28 SPHEAR WIRELESSQuick start / Dmarrage rapide / EN Go to the user manual FR Accdez la notice dutilisation DE Bedienungsanleitung lesen ES Acceda a las instrucciones de uso IT Accedi alle istruzioni per luso PT Ir para o manual de servio NL Ga naar de gebruiksaanwijzing RU CN KR JP AR www.focal.com/sphear-wireless/usermanual/
Quickstart_Sphear_W_64x78_new.indd 8 27/09/2018 12:27:29 SPHEAR WIRELESSQuick start / Dmarrage rapide / SPHEAR WIRELESS Nettoyage / Cleaning instructions Franais Nous vous conseillons de nettoyer rgulirement vos couteurs afin de ne pas obstruer la sortie et ainsi diminuer les performances de votre casque intra-
auriculaire. Nettoyage des embouts Veillez bien retirer les embouts des couteurs du casque intra-auriculaire afin de ne pas les endommager. Nettoyez-les ensuite laide dun chiffon sec pour les embouts mmoire de forme ou lgrement humidifi pour les embouts en silicone. Nettoyage du conduit et de la grille de protection Il se peut que la sortie de vos couteurs soit obstrue aprs un certain temps par du crumen ou autres impurets (poussire). Nous vous conseillons donc de les nettoyer rgulirement. Pour cela, retirez les embouts des couteurs, puis laide dun chiffon doux ou dun coton tige, frottez lgrement la grille situe lintrieur du conduit. Replacez ensuite vos embouts. Attention Focal se rserve le droit de dnoncer la garantie si la procdure de nettoyage nest pas respecte. English We recommend cleaning your headphones regularly in order to not obstruct the output which could reduce the performance of your in-ear headphones. Cleaning the tips Carefully remove the tips from the in-ear headphones to avoid damaging them. Clean the memory foam tips with a dry cloth, and clean the silicone tips with a slightly damp cloth. Cleaning the duct and the protective grille Over time, the duct of your headphones may become blocked with earwax or other impurities
(dust...). We recommend cleaning them regularly. To do so, remove the tips from the headphones, then delicately wipe the grille inside the duct using a soft cloth or a cotton bud. Then, put the tips back on. Note Focal reserves the right to revoke the warranty if cleaning instructions arent respected. Quickstart_Sphear_W_64x78_new.indd 9 27/09/2018 12:27:29 SPHEAR WIRELESS Reinigen / Pulizia Deutsch Wir empfehlen Ihnen, Ihren Kopfhrer regelmig zu reinigen, damit die ffnungen nicht verstopfen, wodurch sich der Klang Ihres In-Ear-Kopfhrers verschlechtern knnte. Reinigung der Ohradapter Ziehen Sie bitte die Ohradapter/Ohrstpsel von Ihrem In-Ear-Kopfhrer ab, um diese nicht zu beschdigen. Ohradapter aus Memoryschaum reinigen Sie anschlieend mit einem trockenen Tuch und Ohradapter aus Silikon mit einem leicht angefeuchteten Tuch. Reinigung von Kopfhrer und Schutzgitter Die ffnungen Ihres Kopfhrers knnen nach einiger Zeit durch Ohrenschmalz oder andere Verunreinigungen (Staub etc.) zusetzen. Es ist daher ratsam, sie regelmig zu reinigen. Ziehen Sie zu diesem Zweck die Ohradapter von den Kopfhrern ab und wischen Sie das Schutzgitter im Inneren des Kopfhrers mit einem weichen Tuch oder einem Wattestbchen vorsichtig ab. Stecken Sie anschlieend die Ohradapter wieder auf. Achtung Focal behlt sich vor, eine Garantieleistung abzulehnen, sollte das Reinigungsverfahren nicht eingehalten werden. Italiano Si consiglia di pulire gli auricolari regolarmente in modo da non ostruire luscita e quindi non ridurre le prestazioni dei vostri auricolari. Pulizia dei gommini Assicurarsi che siano stati rimossi i gommini dagli auricolari per non danneggiarli. Quindi pulirli con un panno asciutto nel caso di gommini in memory foam o con un panno leggermente inumidito se si tratta di gommini in silicone. Pulizia del condotto e della griglia di protezione Pu accadere che luscita delle cuffie possa essere ostruita dopo qualche tempo, a causa del cerume o di altre impurit (polvere...). Si consiglia quindi di pulirle regolarmente. Per effettuare questa operazione, rimuovere i gommini dalle cuffie, quindi con un batuffolo di cotone o con un panno morbido, strofinare leggermente la griglia situata allinterno del condotto. Riposizionare quindi i gommini. Attenzione Focal si riserva il diritto di far decadere la garanzia, se non viene rispettata la procedura di pulizia. Quickstart_Sphear_W_64x78_new.indd 10 27/09/2018 12:27:29 SPHEAR WIRELESS Limpieza / Limpeza Espaol Aconsejamos limpie sus auriculares con regularidad para evitar obstruir la salida, lo que reducira el rendimiento de su casco intra-auricular. Limpieza de las olivas Asegrese de retirar las olivas del casco intra-auricular para evitar que se daen. A continuacin, lmpielas con un pao seco en el caso de olivas con memoria de forma o con un pao ligeramente humedecido si son olivas de silicona. Limpieza del conducto y de la rejilla protectora Puede ser que la salida de sus auriculares se obstruya despus de un tiempo, debido al acmulo de cerumen u otras impurezas (polvo). Por este motivo, aconsejamos limpiarlos con regularidad. Para ello, retire las olivas de los auriculares y a continuacin, con un pao suave o con un bastoncillo, frote ligeramente la rejilla situada dentro del conducto. Despus, vuelva a colocar las olivas. Atencin Focal se reserva el derecho de invalidar la garanta si no se respeta el procedimiento de limpieza. Portugus Recomendamos que voc faa a limpeza regular de seus fones de ouvido, a fim de no obstruir a sada e desse modo diminuir o desempenho de seus fones de ouvido. Limpeza das pontas Dever remover as pontas dos fones de ouvido intra-auriculares para no danific-las. Em seguida, limpe as pontas de memria de forma com um pano seco e as pontas de silicone com um pano levemente umedecido. Limpeza da conduta e da grelha de proteo Poder acontecer a sada dos fones de ouvido ficar bloqueada aps algum tempo pela cera do ouvido ou outras impurezas (poeiras...). Aconselhamos voc a limp-los regularmente. Para fazer isso, remova as pontas dos fones de ouvido e, em seguida, usando um pano macio ou um cotonete, esfregue levemente a grelha situada no interior da conduta. Em seguida, recoloque as pontas. Ateno A Focal se reserva o direito de cancelar a garantia se o procedimento de limpeza no for respeitado. Quickstart_Sphear_W_64x78_new.indd 11 27/09/2018 12:27:29 SPHEAR WIRELESS Reiniging /
Nederlands We raden aan uw hoofdtelefoon regelmatig te reinigen om de uitgang niet te blokkeren waardoor de prestatie van uw in-ear hoofdtelefoon zou verminderen. Reiniging van de oordopjes Let er op de oordopjes te verwijderen van de in-ear hoofdtelefoon om schade te vermijden. Reinig ze daarna met een droge doek voor geheugenmetalen oordopjes of een licht vochtige doek voor siliconen oordopjes. Reiniging van de kabel en het veiligheidsrooster het is mogelijk dat de uitgang van uw hoofdtelefoon na verloop van tijd geblokkeerd raakt met oorsmeer of andere onzuiverheden (stof enz.). Wij raden dus aan ze regelmatig te reinigen. Verwijder hiervoor de oordopjes van de hoofdtelefoon en gebruik daarna een zachte doek of een wattenstaafje en wrijf zacht op het rooster in het product. Breng de oordopjes daarna opnieuw aan. Opgelet Focal behoudt zich het recht voor de garantie nietig te verklaren als de reinigingsprocedure niet wordt nageleefd.
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Focal In-Ear
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. Focal Quickstart_Sphear_W_64x78_new.indd 14 27/09/2018 12:27:29 NCC :
(2) ROHS Part Name
() Cable assembly
(Plug) Electronic components Metal parts Adaptor Hg Cd CrVI PBB PBDE O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Pb SJ/T 11364 O: GB/T 26572 X: GB/T 26572 Quickstart_Sphear_W_64x78_new.indd 15 27/09/2018 12:27:29 Franais Dclaration de conformit pour la CE Directive RED (2014/53/UE) Directive Scurit (2001/95/EC) Directive RoHS (2011/65/UE) La dclaration UE est disponible sur notre site :
www.focal.com/spark-wireless/conformity Deutsch EG-Konformittserklrung Funkanlagenrichtlinie (2014/53/EU) Produktsicherheitsrichtlinie
(2001/95/EG) RoHS-Richtlinie (2011/65/EU) Die EU-Erklrung steht auf unserer Website zur Verfgung:
www.focal.com/spark-wireless/conformity English EC Declaration of Conformity RED Directive (2014/53/EU) General Product Safety Directive
(2001/95/EC) RoHS Directive (2011/65/EU) The EU declaration is available on our website:
www.focal.com/spark-wireless/conformity Italiano Dichiarazione di conformit per la CE Direttiva RED (2014/53/UE) Direttiva Sicurezza (2001/95/EC) Direttiva RoHS (2011/65/UE) La dichiarazione UE disponibile ul nostro sito:
www.focal.com/spark-wireless/conformity Espaol Declaracin de conformidad para la CE Directiva RED (2014/53/UE) Directiva Seguridad (2001/95/EC) Directiva RoHS (2011/65/UE) La declaracin UE est disponible en nuestro sitio:
www.focal.com/spark-wireless/conformity Portugus Declarao de conformidade para a CE Diretiva RED (2014/53/UE) Diretiva de Segurana (2001/95/EC) Diretiva RoHS (2011/65/UE) A declarao da UE est disponvel no nosso site :
www.focal.com/spark-wireless/conformity Nederlands Conformiteitsverklaring voor de EG RED richtlijn (2014/53/EU) Veiligheidsrichtlijn (2001/95/EC) RoHS richtlijn (2011/65/EU) De EU-verklaring is beschikbaar op onze site:
www.focal.com/listen-wireless/conformity Quickstart_Sphear_W_64x78_new.indd 16 27/09/2018 12:27:29 Caution: The user is cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Le prsent appareil est conforme aux CNR dIndustrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. Lexploitation est autorise aux deux conditions suivantes :
(1) lappareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) lutilisateur de lappareil doit accepter tout brouillage radiolectrique subi, mme si le brouillage est susceptible den compromettre le fonctionnement. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. Quickstart_Sphear_W_64x78_new.indd 17 27/09/2018 12:27:29 If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. FCC and IC Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with FCC and Canada radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Dclaration dIC sur lexposition aux radiations:
Cet quipement est conforme aux limites dexposition aux radiations dfinies par le Canada pour des environnements non contrls. Cet metteur ne doit pas tre install au mme endroit ni utilis avec une autre antenne ou un autre metteur. Quickstart_Sphear_W_64x78_new.indd 18 27/09/2018 12:27:29 Quickstart_Sphear_W_64x78_new.indd 19 27/09/2018 12:27:29 Focal-JMlab - BP 374 - 108, rue de l'Avenir 42353 La Talaudire cedex - France - www.focal.com Tel. (+33) 04 77 43 57 00 - Fax (+33) 04 77 43 57 04 SCAA-180927/1 - CODO1588 Complies with IMDA Standards DA105282 Quickstart_Sphear_W_64x78_new.indd 20 27/09/2018 12:27:29