AO TRPNVAIZ EPS WwIMmPPaice Gwe WY Beek f om DV A ante pl on, Y, | ala) ae
[So ee Merete meas er 2 eee Berek res AB@ptfeeepiF, /&rmeeer, A fe = Ws FE Pettis SB ees ZLIAP 27UNANINEL AW MAW COUNINUL oFroicivi INSTRUCTION MANUAL
= reasier_ mie 4.4.4, Ss... fF fe FUR IW VAN ANY DUAL Vol Before | say anvthing else, I'd like to say Thank vou! for makina Tower Hobbies Svstem 3000 2TXP your choice in 2-channel pistol radios Tower Hobbies radio systems, its designed to provide you with many hours of trouble-free operation, as well as a good, solid value in car :
systems. beh of apm ak MAA wk. PPA, 2. ok. Och a eka Oe ee ke ed ee ee, OT ne ne, ta tm tk om ke a ee OT nn nn kt ee cn aime LIKe OUT OUTET vyotenl WVU sysleilio, Ue t AT Jealuies OULIALE MIUUIN TOU Uy forvad fF GITGRALTY TT ie COMM Gt Ai IOUSIVE!, AVOUT and reliable, SMT circuits hang tough against the slam-bang action that fast-paced R/C can produce. In addition, both the 2TX-R and the transn robotically assembled, to ensure your radio system is as near perfect as we can make it. You may get a hint of the care and quality built into the 2TXP from its styling. But pick it up for the first time, and you'll know how quality fee yet surprisingly lightweight, and balanced to keep you in firm control hour after hour. Comfort contributes, as well, from the way the grip fits one ah ft Cg ck eg Le lm ey ch me i i re hk ome es sid then esha MIG UIT, VE Madly COMPO COUaUS BG TUNMUCI COLO OEITY YWHIG! PII AS Ue Go beyond comfort, quality and durability, and you still have performance to enjoy. Steering and throttle contro! are just the start: there proportional trims for fast centering, a knob for adjusting steering rate to your style and numerous features designed simply for your ease. An LED power meter for at-a-glance reference. Servo reversing for easy installation. A quick-change battery set-up for the transmitter <
{Battery Eliminator Circuitry) in the receiver. A built-in recharging jack, just in case you switch to optional NiCd batteries. Mini-switch harness, fr flenm ewitmnnanr and halen fearm nmr Teauarar kLinkhing! Tank CHaff diamar warrank: . the OTYR hae tham all And se 4 OTYD manor wars hava it all tan Er eT et Ee eee ee ee eee Te eee eee eT eee eee ee een eee ne Ne EE ES Ee 2TXP ~ and thanks again for choosing Tower Hobbies! , OHICCTOL yuulo,
[2 sly Sf
[QA /(Jitte4 Bruce R. Holecek Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Tower Hobbies.
SSANYVH HOLIMS SS FTLLOYHL HOLIMS ry 333HM =, & . _ ASeaAad OAYAS Thiet the | moery i SS, POLARIZED. =) f SN CONNECTOR SS BATTERY DOOR bp ume BATTERY HOLDER NUTE. Nis Quick Mererence uiae IS a CONGEnSSA Version Of ali INMOPMAUON QIVER IN IHS Manual. vv Strongly frecommena you trst re entire manual before operating your System 3000 R/C system. 1. Install 8-AA alkaline batteries into the transmitter's battery holder located in the base of the transmitter. Be sure to install the batterie:
direction shown on the battery holder. a. INSTA 4AA Dallenes I ne receiver batlery Nolaer,. 3. Connect servos, 4-ceil battery pack and switch harness to the receiver as shown above. 4. Turn on the transmitter, then turn on the receiver switch harness. 5. Center the steering and throttle trim adjustments and make sure all servos operate according to transmilter movements. 6. Turn off the system, receiver first, then transmitter. y+ 2p om ai. am ggg i km me mm lk nr ce a me eae Lk we ellie meet 7. STON GIS CHUTE raQulO SYSTEM WHO YOUR TVG! ao SHUOWET WT WIe THOUS! SITIO MIU TMG (oO AMUVS TUT BI BOE CUI Iet Moayey. 8, If you need to reverse the direction in which a servo rotates, locate the servo reversing switch for that particular channel on the face transmitter and slide it to the R position. 9. With the transmitter antenna collapsed, you should maintain smooth control of your model from at least 30 feet away. If not, refer 2TXP's Troubleshooting Guide on page 3. RATTERY HO] DER A co power LED Ix ANTENNA STEERING TRIM BATTERY DOOR SWITCH I ADJUSTMENT ee ON n\Cy SY THRATTIETRIN
*EXTE ANAL CHARGE JACK FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 Tha tranemitiar (Tv) ranirac &@ AA" hattarine Dn nant miv ald and naw ralle Mn nnt miv alkalinn cetandard frarhan_gine\ ar Pre FPA eee ee A re O_o * nee eee NR ANA NL ON rechargeable (nickel- cadmium) batteries. To install the batteries, : slide open the battery door on the bottom of the Tx (see figure 1). Install 8 AA batteries in the holder following the configuration molded into the case, making sure to note the proper polarities on eacn cen. Liose In Dallery Qoor. Turn the Tx nower switch on (see figure 2). The red "BATT LED should itluminate. Uf not. turn off the Ty and check the cranfiaquratian of the batteries to make sure each cell is firmly in place and in the proper direction. If the red LED blinks, the batteries are low on power and should be replaced. DO NOT OPERATE AN R/C VEHI LE WITH LOW BATTERIES AS IT COULD RESULT IN recs Vomm PPARImOo AAIPY FOMCCIDI OC Ico AO MOAT DAE AR OT LIE RACAL tense tlh BR ae mbm bes bb i ee 8 Sime amb e rin wh PIN, Pi eke see Ne Ne Pe Th. ete bee TreOkCaly hI TA Cla Macaig a Sry WY place in a clockwise direction. *The Tower Hobbies 2TXP is equipped with an external charge jack for re-charging optional NiCd or NiMH rechargeable batteries. Never attempt to re-charge alkaline or other non-rechargeable batteries. See your hobby dealer and ask lor a 1x NiIGd conversion Kil. During norma!) conditions. the ranae. or safe overating distance from the Tx to the Ry is as far as vou can clearly sas the model. The 2TXP operates on the 27 or 75MHz frequency bands. There are 30 different channels in the 75MHz band ranging from 75.410MHz (Ch61) through 75.990MHz (Ch90) and six channels in the 27MHz band ranging from Al (26.995Mhz) to A6 OF? AEPOCKAR~s)\ BOAr nafrnhst FARACAMO tr) mire? aharmune BRA maarn ni vshad nie nKnNnel uA AeA RIRnn nm thant mr ham padtiann im thn Ramee mee
\eor ABs ivll Teepe NAT wai ly TRAE ay aVvM oP aes BN CAVEAT WE FEE TCAL Wl CAL Pied ive Uo Mang wl UTC. EI Lee Pre He tito Oat aIomd are EVER operating, on, the. same frequency. simultaneously. Mount the frequency flags that are supplied. with your R/C system onto-your Tx.antenna so that other modelers at the track can identify. your channel number. Zwei vnont SERVO oe : | ANTENNA SHORTENER Because there are a variety of specific applications for servos in R/C TEMPLATE modeling, different servos are designed for different applications. _ Tower Hobbies offers a targe line-up of servos which you can '
choose from (see page 4). For each servo, use a servo horn long ff} 7 \ |
ee ee pe BW dm hb hh ml we em ol op me et mt bee bhi es max 1 . *
SHVUyTE (V GRUVITTTIUUMGIE Ait CII FO UP Vem We Uta pat ular control. RECEIVER ANTENNA FIGURE 3 RECEIVER, SWITCH HARNESS AND RECEIVER BATTERY (refer to diagram in the Quick DAfAKRAKADN (Pra) EOP tie Re trenart A_AA olbalinn Kattorine iIntn tha raraivor Aattaru Aalaar in tha diracrtinn chawen an tha Bhataru kAaldar Aftar than canine and ee nen ee eee ee eer eee ee ee en nnn nn nee nn ne nen ee ee NI Nt NAIA NEEDED NAO Beet ARO OT NR EATEN RT Te I EN CAT receiver are mounted into your model per the models manual, connect the servos and switch harness to the receiver as shown. The servo connectors are polarized to prevent improper connection, but do pay close attention when connecting them to the receiver. [he black wire goes toward Ine outside eage Of ine receiver case. lf you are using an electronic speed control (ESC) connect the ESCs throttle lead to channel 2 in the receiver and refer to the ESCs instructions for further set-up details (the battery holder and ewitch harnece ran he omittad when ticing an FSC) Conter the ctocringn and thratilea trim adiiietmante feaa finiura 29) Turn on the Tx, then the Rx switch harness. Make sure all servos ; operate according to the m movement of the Tx controls. Turn off th the Rx switch harness or ESC, then the transmitter and be careful not to move the servo output arms from their centered position Quring instahavon, CPamniatoaly inmewind and rarnta tha roreiver antonna arcnredinn tn tha manalic Inetriictinne Mn NOT Ant tha antoanns nrowurnit mae ee eee eee nn sn nnn ee nnn nn non nn nn nn nen een een ne NN NN NR NENA NAN YN lose adequate operational range. if your antenna is too long to route through your model, make an antenna shortener out of _continuea rarnhaanre ust than tarmrlatn nmenvinad thn Lintin 9 WRAR HAR ARtARnn ena fram mnuinn nartea and than nnsmar tapas in tmiPl NCAT RNS OCAT NS VRE OLE Te ANG TETRA ECAR PRIVY Ie et tytn a iNewPy MON GAL URN EE PEA CAVA TENE Peeve patie CANIN ltt he vet WilOoo ue yw '
avoid interference. Also, use capacitors on your electric motors as described in your model's instructions to help elimina noise in electric cars. NOVIRAL STEERING AND THROTTLE FORWARD ag nmevence STEERING DUAL-RATE Ka ADJUSTMENT xa SOOy 4002 MECHAN SPEED CO!
900 FIGURE 5 Steering: Move the steering control left and right. Be sure there is no binding and that the car's steering controls mov ee see. gt ppt a nw ll NP ltl lglg gt wg lg hk nk ope PIQUE! UNCUUOH joee QUIS 4), HW Ne SICCHIG WHC! Is TUTTE lO We PIG VU We Cal luis len, MOVE Ine sleenhg Fevers!
to the R position, and vise-versa. Steering Dual Rate: This adjustment (see figure 4), is used to fine tune the steering servo throw. The dual rate knob allow:
decrease the amount of throw that the front wheels have. It also allows you to increase the throw of the front wheels fo etabsrinn It tha vuahiala je pindarctanrinn f(rnivehinn\ innracca tha amnirint af tpyeawus tn tha frant ausharia umsinna tha Anal pe Lbrar eS een een ene eee eee eee eee eee eee ee NE NE EE NA NEN TENE ER EE ENS Ne BN MAE TN NE INS Neca tf yee vehicle is oversteering (spinning out), decrease the amount of throw to the front wheels using the dual rate knob. tan ~~ a oe oe a _ oe . pp an ek lee . ; _ oo Mmrome. squeeze tne inrote trigger. be Sure inal your Motor Can reacn tun inrotie (Carouretor jully open on a gas eng wiper on mechanical speed contro! moves to furthest forward contact for electric models). If the throttle servo moves in tht direction, move the throttle reversing switch to the R position. With the triaqger released. the carburetor should b approximately 1/16" for idling. The car should brake when the trigger is pushed away. Adjust the idle stop screw on the carb the engine dies when the brake is applied (see the model's instruction manual). With mechanical speed controls, the wipei ho hatusaoan tha fanaara and ravoreca anntarte whan at ract and chnaiild trniinhh tha fill eouaren AAntAnRtD ushan tan tehananar je eee ee eee eee eee eee nee en eee et ee eee ee nee nen eee eee NE Ne NE ERAN ee A forward (see figure 5). mange test ne raaio system prior 10 Operalion. vith tne ix antenna Collapsed, you snouid be abie to smootntly control mo of all contro! surfaces on your model from at least 30 ft. on the ground. If not, refer to the 2TXP's Troubleshooting Guide bi directions.
() TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE Froorem., Short range rossiore Vause. Collapsed Tx antenna Intanieorence Solution:
extend the Tx antenna Chack frantianciac in araan chark By inctallatinn Rx antenna poorly routed Low Tx or Rx batter Rx or Tx out of tune Send radio to Hobb Services for tuning Severed Rx antenna Widoli Valllage Low Tx or Rx batteries Binding servos causing VETO Tauro Wy MUDDY OC VICES IOr Teall Replace the batteries Free hinding comononents in nushrods or moving Short runtime
de excess battery drain Tx batteries need replaced Replace the batteries Turn on switch harness Rx batteries need replaced Rx switch in off position Ao thee hbo cee ee a ag Tx meter beyond red zone but servos pe gg gt UVTI PU OWN Hale os CUrHicUlou incorrectly OES QUICK TEIGTCHUSe YUulue Interference Another Tx is on vour channel Do not onerate vour evetem inti] othor eg or servos system is not in use glitching Outside interference Check your local R/C club for conformation
(Fagefs, LTFansSMISssion lowers, Cic) or dangerous frequencies in your area One glitching servo Send servo to Hobby Services for repair fe OTXP SPECIFICATIONS PAGE 4 Receiver Cnanneis: e-cnannei Onanneis: a-CNnannet Transmitting frequency: 27, 75MHz Receiving frequency: 27, 75MHz AM band Modulation type: AM band Operating Voltage: 4.8V to 8.4V(BEC) Current drain: Approximately 170mA Dimensions: 1.87" x1.24" x0.62"
Output power: less than .75W Receiving range: 350 yards Pa Vee room ae older p Stock # | Description TOWM4505 TOWM4510 04.4002 16 SOG YY OU Tt A UA ft. 16:7002._n 41 sec @ 60 09x 04x 08 oS YooUO0U 10-10 NICO Servo SYS2000 TS-5 High Speed Nano Servo 1.6x 08x 1.4 16x 0.8x 1.4"
44,0002.-in. 41.2502.-in. 23 sec @ 60 29 sec @ 60 SYS3000 TS-53 Standard Servo SYVS2000 TS-69 Standard BB Servo TOWM4525 TOWM4545
.19 sec @ 60 2.3x 1.1x 2.0"
4h ann ff CNS L# Af AS AOQ.e. 4d av AA TOWM4565 SYS3000 TS-75 1/4 Scale BB Servo 110,000z.-in. SANIAIPL EAE Mant RAIA RAAAN TR Oh Miannt Qael.n MD Mawsr OVE Mans fA DWV Wive te ww TOCYYY POrOU VAC VU Wh Vel vy Gis. We sive eS VV Fete I hee TOWM5215__| SYS2000 TS-71MG Super Torque Servo 23 sec @ 60 i x X_0.8X_ 1.5"
.20 sec @ 60
.16 sec @ 60 1.0X UGX 1.4 16x 0.8x 1.5"
TOWMS220 TOWM5225 SYS2000 1S-67 Standard 238 servo =s_- [42.6002.-in. SYS2000 TS-65 Standard HT 2BB Servo | 77.000z.-in. 1.7x 0.9x 1.0"
1.7x% 0.9x 1.0"
.50 sec @ 60 18sec @ 60 SYS2000 TS-63 Low Profile Retract Servo} 90.800z.-in. SVS9000 TS-59 Low Profile Aileron Servo | 61.100z.-in. TUWM5235 TOWM5240 _| SYS2000TS-35 High Power Mini BB Servo .14 sec @ 60 MAIR AC OAS QAVLAHRANNH TOC ACLAM LIRR DRAusar Adie? Cama! CO ANS in 4A wean mm eno 13x 07x 1.2"
4 nOns *qAay NIr7v 49"
UAV Vivier I RP FEI EP EVA FTE ED MEE eee De mt wey Sw TOWMS5245_| SYS2000TS-15 Sub Micro Servo _ 20 sec @ 60 wm mm 1.0x 0.5 x 0.9"
Note: All Servos equipped with universal connector, lorque and speed ratings 19 OFTUGT aly OYSLEIN QUUY SEILVOS OF TOMIGUSITICIN Palio, Vicaoo based on 4.8V input. call Tower Hobbies at 800-637-6050, or see the information below FCC STATEMENT This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules, Operation Is supject to the foliowing two conaitions.
(1) This device may not cause harmful interferences. ag ogee wm lg eg tg lg
{e) IMIS Gevice MUST accept any INICMerence TOCewved, INCMaHIg UMENETCNCS Tal Tidy Galos UGS eU OPerauolt.
(Rie T?YEAR LIVED WARAANIY U.S.A. and Canada Only _ Tower Hobbies. warrants. this product to b fred frm detcts in materials arid Workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the dd of purchase: Duririg?that periodt-Tower Hobbies: will, at its option;: repair. of replace without service charge*any product deemed defective due to those causes. You wii be required to provide proot of purcnase (invoice or receipt). 1Mis warranty aoes not cover damage caused by abuse, misuse, alteration or accident. If there is damage stemming from these causes within the ateatnn wusarranh: maArind TrArsinr WaAkRhiae ill at ite Antinn ronsir ar rantanngn jt far a enrsira rharnga nat nrasatar than RN nf ite than SE CAD AT NY ree PND EN Og A Ph eee ee ee ee es oe oe Na currant retail list price. Be sure to include your daytime telephone number in case we need to contact you about your repair. This warranty gives you specific rights. You may have other rights, which vary from state to state. For service on your Tower Hobbies product, warranty or non-warranty, send it post paid and insured to:
HORRV CERVICEC ee T 1610 Interstate. Drive Champaion. IL 61821 CONTACTING TOWER HOBBIES Via Phone: Toll-Free in the US and Canada: 800-637-6050 Via The Internet: E-Mail: info Outside the US and Canada: 217-398-3636 | World Wide Web: hitp://(
Toll-Free FAX In the Us and Canada: 800-63/-/303 FAX Outside the US and Canada: 217-356-6608 Via Mail: Tower Hobbies PO Box 9078 Champaign IL 61826-9078 Entire Contents Copyright 2001 TOW2Z1160 for TOWJ21