19/05/2019 Pyboard D-series reference Pyboard D-series 1.0 documentation Docs PyboardDseriesreference Pyboard D-series reference ThisreferenceisvalidforallPYBDmodels. https://pybd.io/hw/pybd_sfxw.html 1/8 19/05/2019 Pyboard D-series reference Pyboard D-series 1.0 documentation https://pybd.io/hw/pybd_sfxw.html 2/8 19/05/2019 Pyboard D-series reference Pyboard D-series 1.0 documentation Fortheschemacssee:PYBD_SFxW_schemacs.pdf Power supply Note Pleasetakenoteofthefollowingpowersupplyopons:
ThesimplestwayistoplugaUSBcableintotheUSBportonthePYBD.Thatwill powerthePYBDandallowcommunicaonwiththePC. YoucanpowerthePYBDviatheVUSBport(seeXposions).Thevoltageonthis portmustbebetween4.8Vand5.2V.Thisportcontainsaprotecvediodeanda 1Afast/0.22Ohmfuse. YoucanpowerthePYBDviatheVINport(seeYposions).Thevoltageonthis portmustbebetween3.2Vand4.8V. The3V3pinisoutputonlyandshouldnotbeusedtopowertheboard.Itcanbeusedasa regulated3.3Voutputsupply,maximum300mAtotaloutputcurrentincludingpower consumedbytheSDcardoreMMC. GeneralrecommendaonsforpoweringPYBDfromacustompowersource:
https://pybd.io/hw/pybd_sfxw.html 3/8 19/05/2019 Pyboard D-series reference Pyboard D-series 1.0 documentation Forbestperformanceprovide3.4VonVIN(3.3Visalsookbut3.4Vwillbenetfrom LDOltering).IfthereisachancethattheUSBport(orVUSB)willprovidepoweras wellasVIN,thenVINshouldbeprotectedwithadiode(egSchokydiodeoraFET reverseprotector). Ifsupplyvoltageis5VtheneitherprovideitonVUSB(onlyavailableontheXposion throughholes)orputadiodeinlineandfeedintoVIN(diodeshoulddropvoltageto 4.8Vorbelow). Asummaryofthepowerportsisprovidedinthetablebelow.Forfulldetailspleaseconsult theschemacs. Port Use Voltage Notes USBconn powerandcomms 5V connecttoPCorUSBpowerbrick VUSB VIN VBAT 3V3 powerin powerin 4.8V5.2V 1Afast/0.22Ohmfuseandprotecvediode 3.2V4.8V alsoonWBUS backupbaery 1.65V3.6V alsoonWBUS outputonly 3.3V userswitchableLDOmax300mAtotal Warning:IftheUSBhostportwhichpowersPYBDiscapableofdeliveringmorethan1A,a shortcutonVINwouldtripthebuiltinfuseonthePYBD. Note:VINmayalsobeusedasanonswitchablepowersupplyoutputaslongastotalcurrent isbelow1A. Power control The3V3outputportisconnectedinternallytoanLDOwhichisswitchableonandoviathe Pin('EN_3V3') pin.Itisturnedonbydefaultduringthebootsequence. TheCPUfrequencycanbesettoanymulpleof2MHzbetween48MHzand216MHz,via machine.freq(<freq>) .BydefaulttheSF2modelrunsat120MHzandtheSF6modelat 144MHzinordertoconserveelectricity.Itispossibletogobelow48MHzbutthentheWiFi cannotbeused. Filesystem ThePYBDhasaninternal2MiBlesystemwhichisFATformaedandavailabletoPythonat thepath '/flash' .Theunderlyingblockdeviceforthislesystemisavailableviathe pyb.Flash() object. USB ports https://pybd.io/hw/pybd_sfxw.html 4/8 19/05/2019 Pyboard D-series reference Pyboard D-series 1.0 documentation TherearetwoUSBinterfaces:FSandHS.TheUSBHSportisthemainoneandisavailable onthePYBDitself.TheFSportismadeavailableontheWBUSDIP28adapter.Bydefault theUSBporttousewillbeautodetectedbasedonthepresenceofacablepluggedin.Itcan beselectedmanually,egin boot.py :
import pyb pyb.usb_mode('VCP+MSC', port=-1) # default, auto-detect port pyb.usb_mode('VCP+MSC', port=0) # select FS port pyb.usb_mode('VCP+MSC', port=1) # select HS port pyb.usb_mode() canbecalledatanyme,fromanyscript,butisusuallyputin boot.py to conguretheUSBasearlyaspossibleinthebootsequence.Youcanuse pyb.usb_mode(None) tocompletelydisableandturnotheUSBperipheral(thissavespower). WhenMSCmodeisenabledtheconnectedPCwillbeabletoseethelesystemofthe PYBD.Bydefaultthisistheinternal2MiBash,unlessanSDcardisinsertedinwhichcaseit istheSDcard.Thiscanbeselectedmanuallyviathe msc keywordargumentwhichshould beatupleorlistofoneelement,forexample:
pyb.usb_mode('VCP+MSC', msc=(pyb.Flash(),)) # expose internal flash to the PC pyb.usb_mode('VCP+MSC', msc=(pyb.SDCard(),)) # expose SD card to the PC pyb.usb_mode('VCP+MSC', msc=(pyb.MMCard(),)) # expose MMC to the PC WiFi control Inyour boot.py leyoushouldcongurethecountryfortheallowedWiFichannelsinyour region:
import pyb pyb.country('US') # 2-char code, eg: US, GB, DE, NL, FR, AU, CA TousetheWiFistaoninterface:
https://pybd.io/hw/pybd_sfxw.html 5/8 19/05/2019 Pyboard D-series reference Pyboard D-series 1.0 documentation import network wl = network.WLAN() wl.active(1) # bring up the interface wl.config('mac') # get the MAC address wl.config(antenna=0) # select antenna, 0=chip, 1=external wl.scan() # scan for access points, returning a list wl.connect('ssid', 'password') # connect to an access point wl.isconnected() # check if connected to an access point wl.disconnect() # disconnect from an access point TousetheWiFiaccesspointinterface:
import network wl_ap = network.WLAN(1) wl_ap.config(essid='PYBD') # set AP SSID wl_ap.config(password='pybd0123') # set AP password wl_ap.config(channel=6) # set AP channel wl_ap.active(1) # enable the AP wl_ap.status('stations') # get a list of connection stations wl_ap.active(0) # shut down the AP See network formoredetails. Internal LEDs Seepyb.LED. from pyb import LED led = LED(1) # 1=red, 2=green, 3=blue led.toggle() led.on() led.off() Internal USR button Seepyb.Switch. from pyb import Switch sw = Switch() sw.value() # returns True or False sw.callback(lambda: pyb.LED(1).toggle()) https://pybd.io/hw/pybd_sfxw.html 6/8 19/05/2019 Pins and GPIO Pyboard D-series reference Pyboard D-series 1.0 documentation AllpinsareavailableviatheirWBUSname,eg Pin('W19') .Somepinsalsohaveothernames forconvenience,suchas Pin('X1') .Seepinoutsforafulllistofaccessiblepinnames.See pyb.Pinfordetailsofpinuse. from machine import Pin x1 = Pin('X1', Pin.OUT) x1.value(1) # set pin digital high x2 = Pin('X2', Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) print(x2.value()) # read digital value I2C buses TheI2CbusontheXposion,pinsX9andX10,hastwoindependentuserselectablepullup resistorsonSCLandSDA,of5.6kOhmeach.Theyareconnectedontheirhighsideto Pin('PULL_SCL') and Pin('PULL_SDA') andaredisabledbydefault.Toenablethemuse:
from machine import Pin Pin('PULL_SCL', Pin.OUT, value=1) # enable 5.6kOhm X9/SCL pull-up Pin('PULL_SDA', Pin.OUT, value=1) # enable 5.6kOhm X10/SDA pull-up RTC (real time clock) TheinternalRTCisdrivenbyahighprecision,precalibratedoscillator.Seepyb.RTCfor detailsofRTCuse. from pyb import RTC rtc = RTC() rtc.datetime((2017, 8, 23, 1, 12, 48, 0, 0)) # set a specific date and time rtc.datetime() # get date and time SD card TheboardhasabuiltinmicroSDcardslot.IfanSDcardisinserted,bydefaultitwillnotbe automacallymountintheboardslesystembutitwillbeexposedasamassstoragedevice ifUSBisused.ToautomacallymounttheSDcardifitisinserted,putthefollowinginyour boot.py :
https://pybd.io/hw/pybd_sfxw.html 7/8 19/05/2019 import sys, os, pyb if pyb.SDCard().present():
Pyboard D-series reference Pyboard D-series 1.0 documentation os.mount(pyb.SDCard(), '/sd') sys.path[1:1] = ['/sd', '/sd/lib']
TheabovecodewillalsoputtheSDcardslesysteminthepathlistsoPythonscriptscanbe importedfromtheSDcard.Youcanremoveorchangethisasdesired. Differences to the original PYBv1.x ThemaindierencesbetweenPYBDandtheoriginalPYBv1.xpyboardare:
Ifinserted,theSDcardisnotautomacallymountedonPYBD. Thelast(8th)elementof pyb.RTC().datetime() ismicrosecondsandcountsupon PYBD. ISED RSS Warning:
This device complies with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Le prsent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'ISED applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorise aux deux conditions suivantes:
(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et
(2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radiolectrique subi, mme si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement. ISED RF exposure statement:
This equipment complies with ISED radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator& your body.This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Le rayonnement de la classe b repecte ISED fixaient un environnement non contrs.Installation et mise en u vre de ce matriel devrait avec changeur distance minimale entre 20 cm ton corps.Lanceurs ou ne peuvent pas coexister cette antenne ou capteurs avec dautres. IC Label Instructions:
The outside of final products that contains this module device must display a label referring to the enclosed module. This exterior label can use wording such as:
Contains Transmitter Module IC: 25382-PYBD,or Contains IC: 25382-PYBD, Any similar wording that expresses the same meaning may be used. Instructions d'tiquetage IC:
L'extrieur des produits finis contenant ce module doit afficher une tiquette faisant rfrence au module inclus. Cette tiquette extrieure peut utiliser des libells tels que: contient le module metteur IC: 25382-PYBD ou contient: IC: 25382-PYBD , tout libell similaire exprimant le mme sens peut tre utilis Summarize the specific operational use conditions This module can be used in household electrical appliances as well as lighting equipment. The input voltage to the module should be nominally 4.5~5.5 VDC ,typical value 5.0VDC and the ambient temperature of the module should not exceed 85C. This module using only two kind of antennas, with maximum gain is 2.2 dBi .Other antenna arrangement is not covered by this certification. The antennas are not field replaceable. If the antennas need to be changed, the certification should be re-applied. Limited module procedures This module can be used in lighting equipment, smart front panel, household electrical appliances. Normally host device should provide a power supply in range 4.5~5.5V, typically 5.0V for this module. The limited module manufacturer will review detailed test data or host designs prior to giving the host manufacturer approval. https://pybd.io/hw/pybd_sfxw.html 8/8 Regulatory Module Integration Instructions 2.2 List of applicable FCC rules This device complies with part 15.247 of the FCC Rules. 2.3 Summarize the specific operational use conditions This module can be used in household electrical appliances as well as lighting equipment. The input voltage to the module should be nominally 4.5~5.5 VDC ,typical value 5.0VDC and the ambient temperature of the module should not exceed 85C. This module using only two kind of antennas, with maximum gain is 2.2 dBi .Other antenna arrangement is not covered by this certification. The antennas are not field replaceable. If the antennas need to be changed, the certification should be re-applied. 2.4 Limited module procedures This module can be used in lighting equipment, smart front panel, household electrical appliances. Normally host device should provide a power supply in range 4.5~5.5V, typically 5.0V for this module. The limited module manufacturer will review detailed test data or host designs prior to giving the host manufacturer approval. 2.5 Trace antenna designs Not applicable 2.6 RF exposure considerations This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator& your body. If the device built into a host as a portable usage, the additional RF exposure evaluation may be required as specified by 2.1093. 2.7 Antennas Module only contains one SMD chip antenna and one u.fl connector for the installation of an external antenna. 2.8 Label and compliance information The outside of final products that contains this module device must display a label referring to the enclosed module. This exterior label can use wording such as: Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: 2AT9IPYBD, or Contains FCC ID: 2AT9IPYBD, Any similar wording that expresses the same meaning may be used. 2.9 Information on test modes and additional testing requirements a) The modular transmitter has been fully tested by the module grantee on the required number of channels, modulation types, and modes, it should not be necessary for the host installer to re-test all the available transmitter modes or settings. It is recommended that the host product manufacturer, installing the modular transmitter, perform some investigative measurements to confirm that the resulting composite system does not exceed the spurious emissions limits or band edge limits (e.g., where a different antenna may be causing additional emissions). b) The testing should check for emissions that may occur due to the intermixing of emissions with the other transmitters, digital circuitry, or due to physical properties of the host product
(enclosure). This investigation is especially important when integrating multiple modular transmitters where the certification is based on testing each of them in a stand-alone configuration. It is important to note that host product manufacturers should not assume that because the modular transmitter is certified that they do not have any responsibility for final product compliance. c) If the investigation indicates a compliance concern the host product manufacturer is obligated to mitigate the issue. Host products using a modular transmitter are subject to all the applicable individual technical rules as well as to the general conditions of operation in Sections 15.5, 15.15, and 15.29 to not cause interference. The operator of the host product will be obligated to stop operating the device until the interference has been corrected Below are steps for TX verification:
wl4343WA1.exe --serial 99 down wl4343WA1.exe --serial 99 country ALL wl4343WA1.exe --serial 99 band b wl4343WA1.exe --serial 99 chanspec -c 1 -b 2 -w 20 -s 0 wl4343WA1.exe --serial 99 mpc 0 wl4343WA1.exe --serial 99 ampdu 1 wl4343WA1.exe --serial 99 bi 65000 wl4343WA1.exe --serial 99 frameburst 1 wl4343WA1.exe --serial 99 rateset 11b wl4343WA1.exe --serial 99 up wl4343WA1.exe --serial 99 txant 0 wl4343WA1.exe --serial 99 antdiv 0 wl4343WA1.exe --serial 99 nrate -r 11 wl4343WA1.exe --serial 99 phy_watchdog 0 wl4343WA1.exe --serial 99 disassoc wl4343WA1.exe --serial 99 txpwr1 -1 wl4343WA1.exe --serial 99 pkteng_start 00:90:4c:aa:bb:cc tx 40 1000 0 To stop transmitting:
wl4343WA1.exe --serial 99 pkteng_stop tx 2.10 Additional testing, Part 15 subpart B disclaimer The final host / module combination needs to be evaluated against the FCC Part 15B criteria for unintentional radiators in order to be properly authorized for operation as a Part 15 digital device. The host integrator installing this module into their product must ensure that the final composite product complies with the FCC requirements by a technical assessment or evaluation to the FCC rules, including the transmitter operation and should refer to guidance in KDB 996369. Frequency spectrum to be investigated For host products with certified modular transmitter, the frequency range of investigation of the composite system is specified by rule in Sections 15.33(a)(1) through (a)(3), or the range applicable to the digital device, as shown in Section 15.33(b)(1), whichever is the higher frequency range of investigation. Operating the host product When testing the host product, all the transmitters must be operating. The transmitters can be enabled by using publicly-available drivers and turned on, so the transmitters are active. In certain conditions it might be appropriate to use a technology-specific call box (test set) where accessory devices or drivers are not available. When testing for emissions from the unintentional radiator, the transmitter shall be placed in the receive mode or idle mode, if possible. If receive mode only is not possible then, the radio shall be passive (preferred) and/or active scanning. In these cases, this would need to enable activity on the communication BUS (i.e., PCIe, SDIO, USB) to ensure the unintentional radiator circuitry is enabled. Testing laboratories may need to add attenuation or filters depending on the signal strength of any active beacons (if applicable) from the enabled radio(s). See ANSI C63.4, ANSI C63.10 and ANSI C63.26 for further general testing details. The product under test is placed into a normal WiFi station mode and connected to a WiFi router, as per the normal intended use of the product (for example, transferring data). FCC Statement Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operati on is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This de vice must accept any interference received, includi ng interference that may cause undesired operation.