A co AGES 14+
Pay attention wile charging the thium battery. Inappropriate charging of tithium battery ny cause: ir, njury ot os of property. By operating this device you acknowledge and accept al sks and responsibilities of use. The manufacture, retailer or sales agent are not esponibe for any accidents. Pease, read carefully the safety guidance and instructions for charging, before using this produc. Keep the battery away from smal children and pets. dul supervision is recommended for users below 14 yeas old. Ths product must not be used by small children, GUARANTEE OF THE LITHIUM BATTERY The gurantee covers raw materials and manufacturing defects, but nt the product itself. The manufacturer bears no responsiblity for any ss, injury or damage and therefore wont compensate the amount higher than the value ofthe retail price. Do nat eave the charger/battery unattended whit in use Only use the included USB charging wie while charging the battery. 1 1 4. Its highly forbidden to decompose and disassemble the battery. 4 Donat keep or use the battery in high-temperature area or near heat sources or flammable products. 5. tshighly forbidden to cover the batery or the charger. Ensue thatthe Battery i charged in well ventilated and fire-resistant locaton. 6 Ifthe batter begins to smel or puff during charge, please unplug the battery from the charge and move the battery toa safe outdoor place to avoid combustion a explosion (please dispose the battery in an appropiate way) 7. Storing or transporing batteries together with metal objects is strc frbiden, Its forbidden to throw batteries ito the fre or cause them to be heated. 4. Its forbidden to contact metal objects to the plus and minus ends ofthe battery. 0. Its highly frtdden to reverse/change plu and minus polars ofthe battery. 1. If by any accident battery electrolyte [battery's fd) gets into your ees, do nat ub your eyes instead rinse your eyes wit clear wate. 12, Store the battery na cool and dy environment. 1.CONTENTS Camera
{Pay attention tothe direction of Propellers}
Thee athe vss of C38 Basic Version thot camer);
Camere Version wth camer: 0.3 mega pies reson 40": ame at: 3.0:
HD Camera Version lth HD camera: 2 mage ils: resolution; 140"70; ame rt: 3000p) SO cars upto 3268 rf batty: 3.0 3A 2.Charging Aircraft Battery Take battery out of aircraft and conect th USB charger tothe bate. Then, plug the USB side to a computer USB port or any appropriate USB charger { Note:
the USB charger can safely be coneced to smartphone charges witha USB pot also can be charged using portable batteries and car phone chargers. Only standard
-+5+0.5V USB chargers are supported, A. =;
Se Battom te: Pay ate te paaity Cyt charging, the USB charger wil show ae ight inicatng ON, The USB indicator ight is ony OFF. when fully charged. The charge time maybe up oOmins. The time offghtis approximately Sin, However light time may be aected by tong winds and battery voltage rate. When the aircraft begins to lose power, please recharge the battery. a inset the SO card int the SD cart por at the back ofthe aircraft. When the aireraft hover ta stable height, click te pctrelvideo button, fr taking photos and videos. Sitch off the aircraft after lying. You may connect the SD card to a computer for viewing picturesWideos, SD cards with storage Space upto 3268 are supported 3. Download Software 10S Phone Software Download instructions 1 .Downtoad and Install the Software Please downlod and instal the software CX-36 from APP Store, or scan the two-dimensional code (Figure 1) 2.\WIFI Connection Instruction
(Dum the aircraft on and the indicators wil begin to ash rapidly. ium on Wii and connect C434. When the "appears indicating successul connection then ext the setting
(Open the saftwareCX-3bon your iPhone or Pa, then click the con to enter the control interface When ying keep away from other WiFi signals as far as possible 2h Figure 2 Android Phone Software Download Instructions, Download and instal the Software Overseas User: Please download and instal the software CH-36 through the google play store, or scan the OR code shown, to download and install (Figure 2) China User: Please download the software CX-3 through alternative way, o scan the OR code shown, to download and instal Figure 3). 2.WiFi Connection Instruction
(Tum the aircraft on andthe indicators wil begin to flash raphy. Tur on WiFi and connect CX-36. When the - appears inicatin successful connection then ext the setting
(BOpen the software CX-36 on your phone, then click the icon to enter the control interface, When fing keep away rom ter Wi signals as fa as pasibl Tum off WiFi and reconnect iti there is no WF signal und in search menu Pease completly ext the software when you ned to change the battery Choose the corresponding network for connection. Tum onthe software again aftr successful conection
( WiFi range may rach 30 meters. Please do not exceed the fying range to keep normal fying
( Please keep away fom people and animals and do nat fy in places with inflammable, fragile and dangerous obstacles it may cause unintended damages.
( White tying donot put the thrattestick down immesiately, otherwise te aircraft may fall daw causing damages.
4.Instruction for software controls test esearwtes ane that made is gros ode by deft Tu night handed atl Click the pay icon tthe right oto comer th interface to enter the contringntertace Return 4.00 toch figs ois 1 That, otto yan ake pictre 7.0 toch lnc alban 12 Fonda lo igh fale ake video Aotate he manor 13.fleatr tim jst sestty 9.0 touch take-off 1aew in Gait sensng contro 10.00 toch ating Aeron tin oh Place aircraft ona ft level surface and click ona one
{ouch takeoff icon, After taking ff it can hover and keep height at approx. 1m above the ground, ter clicking one-touch landing icon the sireraft will. yadualy lots height and automatically lan, While hovering click the one-touch flipBrll icon and the aircraft wil ip ral you enna ntl ig, pe he sit on the fat evel surface and click the one-touch balance calibration icon. Te LED indicators onthe aircraft wil flash constant indicating the successful abiration You can lyn itferent modes and itis defaulted at bepinners made. Beginners mode ~ 30%
Intermediate mode ~ 60%
Advanced made ~ 100%
Tachange modes click the sensitty icon. The higher the sensi the quicker heart wil respond Insert SO card to the SO pot onthe aca. After stable hovering Click the picture icon to take a picture. Red color indicator wl flash once and then flash constantly, when storing pictures 4 Inset SO card tothe SO port onthe sical. fe table hovering click the wide en fo shot aio, Rd exar indicator wi lash ck it ingicators wil flash constantly indicating the video is stored. 5.Operations Manual Flying Control
(1) Ascend/descend control: when the throttle stick is moved up, the rotors will rotate andthe aircraft wil ascend; when the throttle stick is lowered, rotors wll rotate slowty and the aircraft wll descend
(2) Forwardfbachward contol: when the elevatoridirectional stick is moved up, the arraft wil ly forward; when it is moved down the srcrat wil ly backwards torepaet are
(3) Leftright side contro: when the aleron/siectonal stick is moved lef, the aircraft wil ly to the left side; when the aleron/diectonal stick is moved right, the aircraft wil ly to the right side
((4)_Rotationaltaw control: when the throttle sticks moved lft the aircraft will rotate to the left; wen itis moved to the right, the aircraft will ave tothe ight 1 forward/backward trim: if the arcrtt drifts forwards o backwards, wile trying to hover aust the rim setting unt it gets stable hovering 2.Left/right side fly trim: tthe aircraft its to the Leto othe right, while trying to hover adjust the trim sefting util it gets stable hovering Rotational trim: if the aircraft rotates tothe lft rt the right, wile trying to hover adjust the tim setting until it ges stable hovering, a 2.6ravity sensor control The gravity sensor controls defaulted to OFF status twill tum yellow ate licking the icon, indicating ON status util ned to move the thratte stick to control the height and rotational direction. You can use the phone to control te ara ettright, forwardfoachwars, When the arty sensor i on,
(1), Lett the eft; when |
ht side control: when te phone slopes to the left the aircraft wil ly to he phone slopes tothe ight the aircraft wil fl tothe ight. SY
(2). Forwards backwards control: when the phone sl fly forward; when it slopes backwards, the aircraft wil es forward, the aircraft wll ly to backward. Ss Wtheaieratt | 1 Ensure the batter is charged ant take off | 2. Wii conection between aircraft and phone i nt sucessful please ecconect both devices. 1. Check propels onthe arf i needed replace tthe aircraft drifts | damaged propellers. 2. Place it on fat evel surface and click the one touch fr balance calibration 1. Ensure you ae using a suitable SD cad 21 Check SD card for damages and, replace if needed, Nate: nl SD cards up to 3268 ar supported, No data in SO card after shooting wane CChanes of moder nt exes aerate ye pay essen le compare could ve he
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