wie Suwar United forth America Inc. id Peachtree Road TT, .
; eae ae, Georgia 30024 States Applicat 1t Declaration
| Applicant Legal Business Nai Addrace FCC ID Authorized Contact Name
| Contact Email Contact Phone
|, the undersigned, certify that a) in accordance with 47(
knowledae and belief. b) in accepting a Grant of iKeyless, Inc. 191011 Syvramnre Ctatinn PI I EEE
| Doug Robertson
| drobertson@ikeyless.com 502-472-9983 _ _
| am an authorized signatory for the Applica
-FR2.911(d), all of the statements herein an Equipment Authorization issued by a TCB, Sita 101 Ianiievilla KY 4N9VQ0 int and therefore declare;
d the exhibits attached hereto are true and under the authority of the FCC, as a result. correct to the best of my of the representations made in this application, the Ap
(1) labeling the
(2) ecomoliance ew ee See
(3) compliance C COC) TUN AppUCallt ts MOU that production units of d) in accordance with 47 |
party and agree to abic e) in accordance with ISC and aqreec to ahide hv EES
(1) the Applicant ur
(2) the Applicant s/
(9) Ul APPUCAIt SF FCC and/or ISE software require plicant is responsible for:
2>quipment with the exact FCC ID as specific tatament laheling niirciiant to the annlicahl. NERO ORE |e a ATER cero FAERIE eS RNs Rae gem nea ones ee eee =
of the equipment with the applicable technic ey ee ee ee eS a ee sr IS AGUA! INAnMNUlaClurel OF UIE CQUIPITICII, ap this equipment will continue to comply with CFR 2.909 and KDB394321, the Applicant |
le by their responsibilities as specified unde 17065, FCC KDB641163, FCC KDB61007 the noct market ciirveillance raqiiiramente era ee
\derstands, accepts and agrees that a samr all make provisions to always have a prodt we ese mt te lg ll igs lall, UVOT] FOQUESt DY OMS, Alle AppiCalit D as instructed. The sample shall include a d for evaluation, review, certification and at 2d in this application, a riilac PIOVIIALS aAllallQeimlemts Mave VEC MldGe W the FCCs technical requirements. Vas read, understood and agrees to accept r47 CFR 2.909 and KDB394321. 7, KDB394321 and RSP-100, the Applicant le may be requested for surveillance testin:
iction sample available upon request by SC ne a pe ll
> EXAPETISE, PlOVIQE d PlOQUuCUO! sdlITlple OF Il support devices, cables, software, access Idit surveillance of products certified by SG:
esp ah. lime ll le WUT Ue MIAanuUrdaClurer lO Closure that they are the responsible has read, understood, accepts oF iS, FCC and/or ISED. WIE FEQUEStEG PrOQguCl lO oo, ories or other hardware or 5. f) neither the Applicant n 5301 of the Anti-Drug /
47CFR 1.2002(b) for th g) the Applicant has read, TL tal te MOMMA: bbe ense/hananase LfLan-
LHIN W Wi IN. bitty -/L NV NV VI Link to KDBs: https://apps. fcc. Link to RSP-100: httos://www.i Link to the Covered List: Cove iKevless. Inc. (the anplic an equipment authorizati ts en Py 7 77 5 TING YIRoo, HIt. | LIS AVM established pursuant to or any party to the application is subject to <
\buse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. 862 because e definition of a nartv for these purposes.
| understood, accepts and agrees to abide k ALBA ALS VlSdo/ VULSAUHULIVISIVILO/LOEULIL ws qov/oetcf/kdb/index.cfm c.qc.ca/eic/site/smt-ast.nsf/eng/sf01130.htr red List ant) certifies that the equipment for which -;
on pursuant to section 2.903 of the FCC rul ee ee er 2h cs rc 2? er 2)
(MAIIL J UNTUIISS Ulal, ado UI UI UGS UE LUIS TIT 1.50002, as an entity producing covered 1 denial of Federal benefits, that includes F
- of a conviction for possession or distributic yy the SGS North America, Inc.(TCB) terms re ee ee , es authorization is souaht is not covered equi ee ee es ee | | a . ce J VMIUIS AVVIHVALUUIT, LIS AVVIHUGLIL [lo TIL] MUS
+C benefits, pursuant to Section nN of a controlled substance. See and conditions. nhieu bhle AT iOMment orohibited from receivina eee a eee ee s.r on Ce AU Ul Ie WUVEIeU Tot, Applicant oignature:
A Print Name:
*NOTE: This declaration cannc QSF27-14-04 Rev 1.0 Rev. Feb _ Bbbotson q Robertson ineering Manager ot be signed by an Agent, it shall be signed |
5, 2023 Page 1 of 1 Original Vate:
2023/05/02 by an authorized person listed in the FCC a Issue: Jan. 4, 2021 atabase