Abbreviations....2 Safety..2 1. Preface... 3 2. Introduction / Features & Functions..5 3. Installation.7 3.1 Installation Procedure...8 3.1 Installation Procedure Cont9 3.2 Antenna Installing and Cable Wiring..10 3.3 Manual Gain Adjustment - UL / DL..11 3.4 Testing...15 3.5 Trouble Shooting...16 Specifications....17 FCC Statement....18 Repeater Settings......19 1 Terminology AGC BTS CDMA dB DL Donor GSM iDEN LCD LED LTE MS PCS RF UL Meaning Automatic Gain Control Base Transmitting Station (Cell Tower) Code Division Multiple Access Decibel (A unit of measure for signal strength) Downlink (Communication channel from cell tower to mobile device) Outdoor Antenna (Antenna that donates an input signal) Global System for Mobile Communications Integrated Digital Enhanced Network Liquid Crystal Display Light Emitting Diode Long Term Evolution Mobile Station Personal Communication System Radio Frequency Uplink (Communication channel from mobile device to cell tower) User Warnings MUST READ!
1. This repeater must ONLY be used for the purpose it was intended for. Making any alternations to the design layout without first consulting with a trained technician can result in interference to the operators network and liability by the end user. 2. Please read this entire manual carefully before using this product!
3. Only the power supply that came with the repeater should be used at all times. It is highly recommended that the repeater is grounded and lightning protection used. 4. Do not attempt to open any part of the repeater. This will void the warranty and can cause an electric shock. Electrostatic can also cause damage to the internal components. 5. Please keep away from any heating-equipment, because the repeater will dissipate heat when working. Do not cover the repeater with anything that influences heat-dissipation. 6. Do not place or mount the repeater in a location that is exposed to the elements. This will void the warranty and can cause an electric shock. 2 a background, JDT ers that are applicab a system. (DAS) Re uency used today. TECK has successfu ble to any mobile ne epeaters are availab ully developed adva etwork and indoor di ble to support any te anced istributed echnology se a large amount of ted urban areas, the used to cover small gs or sub-ground loc ed when optical fiber olution is not cost eff f BTS or Node B de ere is usually no larg blind areas and pro cations. Typically, ra rs are not available fective. evices are deployed ge blind area. Repe ovide signal covera adio frequency (RF) in buildings or whe d in densely eaters are ge inside
) repeaters n using a he number of repea mber of buildings to d up feeding from o ed repeaters (below aters on a cellular ne be covered in a spe one BTS or Node B. 1 W) should be dep etwork usually incre ecific sector, multipl
. In view of this, only ployed in densely po eases with e repeaters y low opulated ers adopt an integra mbines the RF mod selectivity, stability signal distribution in hotels, tea shops, n re also used to cove itable to signal optim ated module concep ule and the monitor and reliability, repe n small areas such a night clubs, and cafe er shadow areas ou mization in densely pt. It is compact in s ring mode in one un eaters are widely ap as office buildings, m es where signals ar utdoors. Such repea populated urban ar structure nit. Owing to plied to meeting re shielded. aters are reas. 1 1. Preface N Nowadays, personal ra ate and persons are m mobile communicatio c communication netw p present second-gene w widely used all over th hird-generation (3G te echnology is widely F For example, Code D w which greatly extend m modulation. As an ad g good multi-channel a n narrowband interfere T The CDMA network c coverage will gradua e effect makes networ it tself determines tha c construction should a adding carriers and r e expanding network c a an auxiliary means o s hould to provide co T The cost of wireless s imple. They have th re epeaters can help a a at a minimum cost. A A cellular tower typic a a relatively small cov a access it is limited a b best way of solving t c coverage to fully utili c cellular network cons p peripheral devices to n network itself. T The complete covera c cellular network, but a a network operator s c complete coverage. a areas, office building to o consummate the n l mobile communica e having higher exp on network. A high-s work has become the eration (2G) mobile the world, but most
) and forth-generati used in Europe, No ation is developing a ectations and dema speed and high-cap e trend of future dev communication sys tly in developing nat on (4G) mobile com orth America and Ko at a very rapid ands on the pacity velopment. At stems like GSM is tions, whereas mmunication orea. Division Multiple Ac ds the signal width -
dvanced wireless co access capability, a ence capability and ccess (CDMA) techn
- the so-called spre ommunication techn nti-multipath fading security protection nology is used ead spectrum nology, it features capacity, anti-
capabilities. has, what is called ally shrink as the ce rk planning more co t the load of the net be higher than that roaming agreement capacity, and adding of capacity expansio ntinuous coverage, a cell breathing eff ll load increases. Th mplicated. The CDM twork at the early st of the GSM networ ts between them is g BTSs or Node B b on. The aim of the ra instead of hotspot fect. That is, the he cell breathing MA technology tage of rk. Therefore, a major means of base stations is adio network coverage. repeaters are relati he functions of a mi a BTS or Node B to ively low and the co ni BTS or Node B. O achieve the optima onstruction is On the network, al network quality cally supports a larg verage footprint. Th nd a large amount o this problem is to us ize the telecommun struction in Asia, rep o cover blind areas ge capacity of users erefore, the numbe of channel resource se repeaters to exte nication resources. F peaters are no long in the network but a but is affected by r of users who can es are wasted. The end the BTS For example, in ger considered as as part of the core age is not only a pre also a factor that a should first consider The seamless cove gs, super markets, a network. erequisite for a high ttracts users. From r providing a radio n erage in urban areas and top grade hotels h quality mobile this point of view, network with a s, heavy traffic s is the first step 3 In such repeate antenna or frequ Becaus populat simply u building are use fiber so Since th the num may en powere areas. Repeat and com its high indoor s rooms, They ar very su Figure 1 sh hows the applications of the repeaters. 44 rove the call quality mitting the signals f d antenna system (D ile communications ess improvement in r-ground parking lot oor park or any othe d specific output sig tection circuits with s. The Alarm LEDs Uplink Alarm) will ch the intensity) if the s input signal is beyo ellular network, the 2. Introduction 2 n T This full duplex mob fo or providing a wirele o office building, unde hopping mall, outdo s It t is designed to imp fi ltering and re-trans a area via a distributed T To maintain safe and s ignal oscillation det e environmental status
(D Downlink Alarm & U re ed, (depending on t e either band, or if the in nterference to the ce as an automatic gai T This repeater also ha ower of the repeater re educe the output po dB depending on th c can vary from 15-20d eded to take the uni re eduction in gain nee nd user can make u th he AGC, then the en ual gain control (MG re epeater called manu utput gain of the rep fu urther reduce the ou o navigate through th he front of the unit t manually attenuate (
(reduce) the repeate m y. d downlink individually J DTECKs repeaters a automatically shuts-d c cellular network if no th he repeaters LEDs a all times for optimum T The main cause of s to oo close in proximity A Alarm LED status ch G Green - System func A Amber - Mild detect R Red - Strong signal O Off Repeater is no s also feature a Netw down the transmiss o adjustments are m
. You will want to m m system performan ctioning well / no er ion of signal oscillat oscillation. ot transmitting (MUT signal oscillation is w y to the outdoor ant hart and recommend repeater from JDT the cellular receptio t, warehouse, apart er large coverage ar ECK is perfect on inside a large tment building, rea requirement. y of an area by rece from the base statio DAS) or distributed iving, amplifying, on into a specified antenna grid. gnal levels, this repe color changing LED located on the front hange color from gre system detects sign ond a safe limit so a repeater will indicat eater has built-in Ds to indicate its t of the unit een to amber or al oscillation in as to avoid ted this. in control (AGC) fea r if oscillation is dete he model of your rep it out of alarm excee use of yet another fe GC). This allows the peater by using the the liquid crystal dis ers output gain of e ature which will ected. This range peater. If the eds the range of eature of this e end user to push buttons on splay (LCD) and either the uplink or work Safe / MUTE f sion side of the repe made to eliminate ala make sure the LEDs nce. feature that eater to protect the arm readings on remain green at when any of the indo tenna on the roof. oor antennas are ded action:
rors. tion. TE Activated) 5 Grounding ures & Functio ons Featu Sl LE Su Lo A AG M M LC H leek attractive hous ED indicators to mo upports all technolo ow power consumpt LC function. (Auto L GC function. (Autom MGC function. (Manu MUTE function. (Shu CD Interface. (User eat Sink cooling fins sing. onitor environmental ogies including, GPR tion. Limit Control will n matic Gain Control) ual Gain Control) uts down if no chang Friendly Digital Inte s to dissipate heat q l status. RS, EDGE, CDMA&
& UMTS. not exceed max rate ed power) ge in environmental erface) quickly and efficient tly conditions) Stud UL Al larm DL Alarm DC Power Plug P Power Switch Up / Down n Button LCD Screen n Enter Button Heat Sink Fins Outdoor Port Indoor Port 6 is very important 3. Installation 1. The repeaters main function is to improve weak RF signals to an area. 2. Selecting the appropriate accessories that are compatible with the for optimal system frequency of performance. An 850Mhz Repeater needs to be used with accessories that supports the 850Mhz band. In the same way, choosing accessories in the 1900Mhz Band needs to go with a 1900Mhz Repeater etc. For dual band or multi-band repeaters, please ensure the peripheral components used supports all the frequencies needed. the repeater 3. The signal strength from the outdoor antenna directly affects the efficiency of the indoor coverage. It is very important to choose the location of the outdoor antenna carefully. With this in mind, it is not recommended that the donor antenna be installed in an attic or at the side of a building. 4. The repeater is a two-way (full duplex) signal amplifier. Therefore there needs to be proper isolation between the outdoor antenna and indoor antenna in order to avoid signal oscillation on the repeater. (Interference) There needs to be more than 15dB of isolation above the repeater gain. For example, if the repeater gain is 60dB, then you need 75dB of isolation between outdoor antenna and indoor antenna. 5. The repeater gain is adjustable for both the uplink / downlink individually. Depending on the environment, the end-user may need to adjust the repeater gain to achieve optimum performance and desired coverage. 6. The repeater is designed to amplify the input signal, filter it and retransmit it to the desired area via service antennas. In order to reach the best performance, the outdoor signal should be greater than -80dBm, and not over +10dBm. If the outdoor signal is very weak, then a pre-amplifier may be used. 7. Calculating the Link budget before setting the repeater gain. Link budget calculation:
Outdoor signal strength Loss of accessories (cable, connectors, splitters, Directional Couplers) + Antenna gain (outdoor antenna, indoor antenna) + Repeater gain = Indoor signal strength. 8. For all cellular applications, you need to use 50 Ohm rated coax. Besides affecting voice quality, using any other impedance of coax will put an extra load on your repeater and shorten its life span. Site Survey Cable Installation Link Budget Calculating 3.1 Installation Procedure Install Indoor Antennas Trouble Shooting Gain Adjustment Installation Planning Install Outdoor Antenna Install Repeater Signal Measurement Test for Call Quality 7 8 3 3.1 Installation P Check the conte Identify a suitab antenna on you antennas or imm input signal from Ensure the loca and at the same complete your in Install the donor the indoor base including any se Connect the ind the unit and mo If the donor ante nearest cell tow commissioning, best signal stren while making su W We suggest getting s m monitor both your m re epeater at the same If signal oscillati relevant band w LEDs turn green If the signal osc relevant band w as a result of service antenna and then match settings for adju Procedure Co ont. ents supplied. ble location where yo r roof or at an eleva mediate obstructions m the cell tower or to ou would like to mo ated location, free of s. Confirm this loca owers you would lik unt the donor f any other tion has the best ke to support. tion is properly isola e time, ensure the c nstallation. r antenna and route unit. DO NOT COI ervice loops. ated from the indoo cable length supplied r antenna d is sufficient to e the coax to the pro L UP any excess c oposed location for coax you may have, door service antenna nitor the LED status as, coax and power s for errors. r supply. Power up enna used is not an wer location is not kn then you may need ngth or call quality is ure the LEDs stay g n omni-directional an nown at the time of s d to rotate the dono s achieved on your reen on the repeate ntenna or the system r antenna until the mobile device, er. someone to help ro obile device (Phone e time. otate the donor ante e or PC Card) and th nna while you he LEDs on the ion is between 1~4d will turn amber. Plea n. (See attenuation dB then the Alarm L se adjust the DL re adjustment) LED for the peater gain till the cillation is between will turn red, and the not having enoug as. In this case att h the UL gain to th ustments) 10-15dB then the A e repeater will then gh isolation betwee tenuate the DL gai e same gain value Alarm LED for the shut down. This is en the donor and n on the repeater
. (See attenuation 9 3.2 An We do n in the a quality o signal o your rep D P D It is free bra ntenna Installat tion and Coax C Cable Wiring not recommend inst ttic or at the side of of the input signal fr oscillation taking pla peater. talling the donor an f a single story build rom the cell tower. A ace, thus having to a tenna of your repea ding. Doing so will re Also you increase th attenuate the output ater system educe the he risk of t power of Do not install the do Please take the nec Do not mount near o onor antenna near h cessary safety meas or in the path of oth high voltage power l sures when working er antennas or sate ines. g on heights. ellite dishes. s recommended tha e of any immediate acket is recommend at you mount your d obstructions. Makin ded for optimum ant spot that is onor antenna in a s ng use of a pole or m mounting tenna performance. 110 n Adjustment ~
~ UL / DL anual Gain Adju ustment ~ UL /
DL Cont. e ENTER button ag ike to attenuate. Th ation value. (Default navigation buttons gain after you have is will then bring yo is 0dB) You can th to add the desired selected the desired ur prompt to the cur hen use either the U amount of attenuati d band you rrent UP or ion. gation Button p Navigation Button 3 3.3 Manual Gain In n order to meet an n network integration, allows you to manua a
DL attenuator contr W When your repeater U UL and DL gain valu U wn Navigation Button Dow nd maintain safe en this repeater is e ally control the Uplin rol range is from 0d nvironmental condit equipped with an L nk / Downlink gain in B to -31dB by 1dB i tions for seamless LCD interface that ndividually. The UL increments. r is switched on, the es and output powe e LCD screen will d er setting in a scroll display the current ing sequence. Active Power Sta atus Scrolling Return Button E nter / Select Button Click the ENTER b utton to access the menu to add or rem move attenuation. 3.3 Ma Click th would li attenua DOWN Up Navi Down N Do n own Navigation Button Click the UP or DO OWN navigation but like to attenuate. (U would tton to access the d UPLINK or DOWNL desired band you INK) 11 Plea ENTE ase note: For the se ER button after, or it response elected value to take t will not register. Yo when the change w e effect, you must p ou will then get a co was successful. press the onfirmation 122 avigation Button The default of UL/
attenuator is at 0dB.
/DL gain
(Full Power) T The following examp ple shows a value o of 2dB has been sele ected. n Adjustment ~
UL / DL Con t. anual Gain Adju ustment ~ UL /
DL Cont. 3 3.3 Manual Gain A After the change ha g green or if further att th hen be sure to matc In n some deployment th he location of the re w would be best not to a affect the optimum Avoid putting M Main Menu W When in the main m o options 3 & 4. When fa actory default. (No A O Option 4 simply allow Do O Output Power A Another neat featur a addition to the curr s creen, it also displa u used as an indicat re eceived by the repe power will display O p If f your donor antenn and the Output Pow a c compromised conne p pre-amp to the syste as been made, mo tenuation is needed ch the UL gain to the nitor the DL alarm d. If the DL LED rem e same dB value. LED to see if its mains a solid green, ts, the end user ma epeater is very far f o exceed a 5dB dif m performance of y decide to have a from the cell tower. fference on the DL the repeaters ba stronger UL gain if In this instance, it gain as this could andwidth capacity. more than a 5dB diffe erence between the Up plink and Downlink. menu, if you continu n selected, option 3 Attenuation = Full P ue to scroll down th 3 will allow you rese ower). e LCD will display et the dB values to ws you to exit the m main menu back to th he home screen. n own Navigation Butto the ENTER button t Click t o access any selec tion. re about the LCD rent UL and DL ga ays the active outpu tor to determine h eater. For example Output Power = Low Interface on this r ain values that scr ut power level of the ow strong an inpu if the input signal is w. repeater is that in rolls on the home e unit. This can be ut signal is being s weak, the output na is in the best loca wer is still Low, the ector on your input c em to boost the wea ation for receiving a en it could be that coax cable, or that ak input signal. a good input signal you either have a you need to add a 3.3 Ma When This rep If the in either, a occur if
(RSSI) oscillati from the antenna To dete disconn repeate the cell DL gain match t indoor a If after r back to of your should When c coverag showing be that howeve the upli We enc make s always Re epeater not receiving a go ood input signal. do you adjust th he Repeater Gain n?
peater is equipped w put gain is too high amber or red indicat f the donor antenna from the cell tower on is taking place. S e indoor service ant a outside. with an alarm featur
, the Alarm LED wil ting the intensity or is in a location whe is extremely good (
Signal Oscillation is tenna is being recei re that monitors the l change color from the error. High inpu ere the receive signa
-50dB or better) or s when the amplified ived back into the d e input gain. green to ut gain can al strength if signal d signal onor ermine what is the ca nect the indoor ante er. If the LED does n tower is very strong n by 1dB increments the same attenuatio antenna / service lin ause of your Alarm enna / service line fr not change to green g and it is highly rec s till the LEDs turns on value to the UL, a ne again. LED changing colo om the INDOOR p n, then your input sig commended you att green again. Then after which you can r you can port of the gnal from tenuate the you must connect the reconnecting the ind amber or red then indoor and outdoo therefore have mor door antenna or ser signal oscillation is or antennas being t e separation. rvice line, the LED c taking place. This is oo close to each oth changes s the result her and complete, try makin ge while monitoring g strong signal stre you need to atten er that you do not w nk and downlink va ng some test calls g the LEDs to see ength but your calls nuate your uplink g want to have more lues for optimum sy sired area of throughout the des r. If you are if it changes color ugh, it could are not going throu eep in mind gain a bit more. Ke than a 5dB differen nce between
. ystem performance. courage you to call u ure you have seam happy to help. 1-86 us when commissio less integration to t 66-4-JDTECK (53-8 oning your repeater he cellular network. 8325). system to
. We are 13 144 3 3.4 Testing 15 oubleshooting hy is there still no s signal after install ing the equipment t?
ck the power on rep ck the connector of ck the connectors of ck the outdoor signa ck to make sure the ck the connector of ck the cable type is peater and power su outdoor antenna is f RF cable are tight al is strong enough antenna is installed indoor antenna is ti suitable or not. upply. tight or not. or not. or not. d correctly. ght or not. hy the signal stren gth is too weak on n the edge of area?
ck the outdoor signa ck repeater is full ga ck all of the connect nge the location of o ck the cable type is oy more indoor ante al and antenna direc ain or not. tors are tight. outdoor/indoor anten suitable or not. ennas. ction. nna. hy cant I make a c tect a signal?
ck LED status of rep nge the location of o uce the UL gain of th all after installatio n, even though I c can peater to make sure outdoor / indoor ante he repeater. e alarms are green. enna. e signal is not stab ble after turning on n the repeater pow wer. r:
ck to see if the outdo ck the location of the ck the RF cable is b firm direction of don oor signal is stable e donor antenna. To roken or not and ha or antenna in relatio or not. oo close to other an as no coils. on to cell tower. ntennas. Q5. Wh hy is the LED on th he front of the repe eater not lit?
ck the power source TE feature is active. e is normal or not. Attenuate gain of re epeater and cycle p ower. 3.5 Tr Q1. Wh Answe 1. Chec 2. Chec 3. Chec 4. Chec 5. Chec 6. Chec 7. Chec Q2. Wh Answe 1. Chec 2. Chec 3. Chec 4. Chan 5. Chec 6. Deplo Q3. Wh det Answe 1. Chec 2. Chan 3. Redu Q4. The Answe 1. Chec 2. Chec 3. Chec 4. Conf Answe 1. Chec 2. MUT 166 N-Female 50 250 x 330 x 53mm 4.9Kg (10.8 Lbs)
-10C ~ 50C IP40 Input AC 100~240V, Output DC 12V / 6A JD60-9-19-LC SQX-JD60-9-19-LC GSM & EDGE& CDMA& WCDMA | PCS 60MHz Uplink GSM EDGE CDMA WCDMA 201 dBm 201 dBm 201 dBm 201 dBm 80dB Downlink 301 dBm 301 dBm 301 dBm 301 dBm 85dB 9KHz~1GHz 1GHz~12.75GHz
-30dBm CDMA & GSM: 8dB, PCS: 10dB 15dB auto shut off after 15dB 31dB in step of 1dB by LCD menu 0dBm 2
-30dBm p >0.980 12.5%
Meets IS95 & CDMA2000 Meet 3GPP TS 25.143 (V 6.2.0)
-35dB @ Spreading Factor 256 0.01ppm 30dBc / 30KHz 5MHz 50dBc / 30KHz 10MHz 6dB 4.5 micro Sec Mechanical Specifications Frequency Specifications Weight V.S.W.R Max. Gain Impedance Output power Model FCC ID Filter Bandwidth Spurious Emission Switching Adapter Input / Output Port Maximum Input Power Dimensions (W x D x H) Gain Flatness AGC Range Operating Temperature Environment Conditions Gain Control Range(MGC) Noise Figure (@ max gain) Spurious Emission Mask Input Inter-modulation Peak Code Domain Error Modulation Accuracy Frequency Stability Model Specifications Classification Frequency Range PCS CDMA System Group Delay Rho ACPR ACRR 17 Bandwidth Range DL -1930-1990 (MHz) UL -1850-1910 (MHz) Downlink Dip Switch Record your repeater settings here. FCC Statement Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. PLEASE NOTE: It is normal for your repeater to be quite warm while in use. FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment . This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator& your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Uplink Value 1dB 2dB 4dB 8dB Adjusted By: ___________________________________ Value 1dB 2dB 4dB 8dB Total dB Attenuated Total dB Attenuated
... Dip Switch 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Date:
16dB 16dB ON 5 5 ON
18 NOTES _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________