'. Connect Styrofoam Fins Carefully separate the Styrofoam into the 4 fins following the perforated lines. Each fin has one edge with tabs that need to be separated. Bend each tab by 90 - The first tab to the left and gue no kc aw tek!
i. Do not store the bailoon in an area where there is a temperature variance of more than 10. Such an increase in temperature will cause the balloon to enlarge. ff this occurs, in an extreme case, carefully open the Auto-Seal Valve to release a emall amount of haliim hy ERIS IS TMG WO aReTale (0 Ine ene (Viagram #3). Attach fins to the tail of the Blimp by using double-sided or regular Scotch tape (Diagram #5). Ensure fins are straight. j. Rooms with windows and direct sunlight may create more than a 10 indoor temperature 6. Balance the Balloon in the air (adjusting the Ballast putty) (* Diagram # 1, 4, 5}
variance between morning and night. This would NOT be an ideal storage area. Make sure that you are indoors, far from any ventilator, air-conditioner outlet or any other source kk. The purity of the helium will decrease if air mixes with the helium [fthienceire daflate tho carefully inserting a drinking straw, Remove a smalt amount and reseal immediately. OL MEEGRANY, GUOHE NG WeIQht OLIN Module 10 roll the balloon upright, so the Module is balloon and refill with new helium. positioned (hanging) underneath. Slowly release the balloon and check its movement: [, Do not forget to turn the Thruster Engines Module switch to OFF when you are finished
* If the baticon floats up - place a small piece of putty along centerline of Module. playing with the balioon. Tip! m. Do not touch the inside of the receiver or the transmitter with vour hand ar with a matal oe Be Ee ane Gall Gasny De Gone by pressed gently. The putty sticks well to any surface. If object. Placing putty off the center line (center, front to back), balance evenly by placing equai amounts on either n. When storing the balloon for a long time period -
side of module. Keep putty away from turning propellers. |. Remove the module from the balloon by carefully peeling off the tape.
(Refer to Step #4's NOTE renardina ramoval of madijla Alen ha earotiil and hala EINE Dalloon SINKS Gown with ine pully - remove some of the putty. on to the Balloon so it can't float away!)
* if the balloon sinks down WITHOUT ANY putty - carefully add some more helium into the H. Remove all batteries - from both the R/C and module. balloon (not too much, balloon can burst). Adjust & Repeat untif the balloon suspends in the air Il. Deflate the balloon by carefully inserting a drinking straw into the balloons when released. It problem persists, deflate and try refilling batloon with fresh helium. auto-seal valve and then gently squeeze the balloans helium ont. 9. The warranty In USA and Canada:
Airship America is warranted against any manufacturer's defects. A defective part will be replaced or repaired, with the same or similar model provided that the Airship America has been operated according to the instructions and that a dated purchase For the best flying performance the balloon needs to be in a neutral, balanced position, with a slight rise -
Suspended in mid-air - ensure there is NO CONTACT with any Sulrounding items. Iman rinnel o receipt is provided. The warranty does not apply to any product which has been The balloon stays filled up for approximately 1-2 weeks. Helium will Slowly dissipate - which is normal, subject to abuse, misuse, and operation different than described in this manual, The balloon will begin to sink to the floor. Add a small amount of helium in the balloons reusable sealer negligence, an accident or not observing the general precautions. Defects caused by
(as described in step 3). Repeat the balancing adjustments above. tampering, unauthorized alterations or repairs, or other causes not arising out of defects in materia! or workmanship are not covered by this warranty. NOTE: Mylar balloon is NOT covered by warranty. 9a. The warranty in Europe and other countries:
The local distributor or retailer will provide a warranty. For further information please contact 7. Operating Airship America
* Turn the Thruster Engines Module's switch to the ON' position.
* Screw the antenna inte Remote-Controller (R/C) until it's secure. e@ lLielA tee Mim :, . pel oo a EEE EAS AAA ELE LIESES OLESEN NASER MAL ATE PFINleG ON ING PYG (and Dox). the retailer you purchased the product from or contact the importer {name is printed on the Tip!
package). For best performance of the R/C - use short bursts of the engines (push and release) of 1-3 seconds. This will also save the battery power for longer use. Experiment with directional control & timing to navigate the Tip!
wmmemt ne dented Pincsbeen crete ce a , te. EE ED EEE INES DBSERLLEINERE EMEMAE MEER ONS GUIS ASTER) Cee UPS Please try operating the units with FRESH BATTERIES before teturning the product. Sometimes product seems to be defective, though weak batteries will cause poor performance. 8. Cautions For Handling Airship America a. Do not use the balloon outdoors - the slightest breeze could blow the balloon away. Be OTN matt flee Shem bemlhme, meee hee es oe nk cts Le!
Please contact Interactive Toy Concepts Ltd. before returning product to your retailer. Most a9 Ne ME REE SMEG: NT IG Mavnl repeaiodiy Dumps into snarp or pointed objects, it will damage the batloon and helium gas will leak even though a hole is not apparent. Do not fly the balloon near people, especially children and pets. Do not operate the balloon near people's face or hair. This is very dangerous because the prope!
are enanctantly timinn ths khallaan acte nase smeemnto Inn no ot fiers eee!
problems can be dealt with either over the phone or via email. Address for shipping products under warranty:
BE SEER SPST MIS SOrlroue!, = Interactive loy Concepts Lid. EE EES ODO which will stop the propellers from moving. 1925 Leslie Street
@. The balloon may conduct electricity, which may cause harm or injury. The customer is completely Toronto, Ontario, Canada /. | R S lai f | P M3B 2M3 4 iL , sf responsible for the contro! and safety of the balloon. f. Controt and navication will ba campromiced if anerating the hallane near 6 uantifatas air manditianns wok pee bk ee Oe eEE__OO OO EES TO SOG FD outlet or any other source of wind. AVOID ROOMS WITH CEILING FANS! Fax - (416) 444-6879
. Do not fly the balloon near any source of heat (Halogen lights, candles, ovens, heat radiators, eic,), E-mail - info @interactivetoy.com WWW.INTERACTIVETOY.COM This will damage the balloon. When baltioon is not in use, leave it inflated inside a cool. drv roam with claced windawe and danre Product must be returned in original packaging, with a proof of Purchase and a brief Tipt
. explanation of the problem. The module's hanging antenna wire can be carefully used as an anchor to tie the balloon to a fixed object in a 00m (a mooring in balloon jargon). Centering f THE AIRSHIP AMERICA INSTRUCTION MANUAL P29- 2 Your kit Includes:
1. Metallic inflatable batioon 2. Thruster Engines Module nf... tek Aan, ee eee ee re ET re Putty (for balancing/ballast) Double sided-tape Rudder Fins mane oot Imcteltinn Qy You also need (not included):
Diagram #1 - Installing the CR123A 1. 1 Battery CR123A (3V Lithium battery) - for the Thruster Engines Module, Battery into the Thruster Engines Module. "Diagram #2 - Installing the 6F22 (standard 2. 1 Battery 6F22 (9V Alkaline battery) - for the Remote-Controller (R/C).
* Note where the Ballast Putty can be placed, 9V Battery) into the Remote Controller. 2. Halium mac inrthe halfann Purerhaea halt frrm finricte arts ehare ae nc. thee chee FRONT a ewboe Ssaess weee ae selling balloons.
1. Battery far the Moduie Insert battery type CR123A in the Thruster Engines Module's battery compartment by opening the screw of the compartment's door (Diagram #1). Check that the battery is properly installed by switching the ON/OFF switch (on the module) to the ON position, Close the battery door tighten the crew and cwitch ta OFE bere *
Diagram #4 - Placement of Thruster Engines Module. Note: When centered, smail star tip shows at front of
[ee 2. Battery forthe Remote Controller
. Insert a 9V battery into the R/C's battery compartment (Diagram #2). 3. Helium for the balioon Insert the helium tank nozzle into the Alto-Seal Valve alann the caam nf tha hallann Ba
" module, while larger star tip snows at Dack. Carefully careful not to push the nozzle too deep as it may damage the balloons Auto-Seal Valve. Diagram #3 - Alternate bending adjust position until balloon seam is level when floating. p F ay s ulo-ea Nave. a Fill the balloon with helium until the balloon becomes firm without over-stressing the tabs left, then right / Applying 2 % Note where the Ballast Putty can be placed. seams. To close the valve just press the Auto-Seal Valve back together and it will not leak. Sided tape to folded Rudder Fin Tabs. ~
Remark: User cannot modify this product. Ss Uo is St REAR
invent competitions such as knocking over targets, steering through courses, time lapse racing or even hone vour skills trving to nick WARNING!
Be careful. HOLD THE BALLOON SECURELY after It is filled up because the balloon could fly away!
Do not continue to fill the balloon after it gets firm because it could burst. ov A SIDES RIMDER up light objects by placing a small paper clip on the end of the antenna wire and using it as a hook (You may have to adjust the Ballast Putty to make up for the extra weight). Try delivearina The balloon expands when temperature rises. If you completely fill the balloon at a cold temperature and the room temperature increases, the balloon may rupture or burst. the object to a drop-off 3! Search & Rescu 4. Connect the Thruster Engines Module (Refer to Diagrams #4 & #5) piahicrapnneni tl off zone! Search & Rescue * Apply tape to the top of the Modufe on the flat contact area. Keep access tape in center.
* Secure helium-fitled airship with one arm. Place and press the taped Module to the BE SAFE & HAVE FUN! bottom center of the airship ON THE SEAMLESS AREA (option: place and press the taped Modute to the bottom of the airship while pushing against the ceiling). i ith f ideas, stories and * The correct direction is when the module's ON/OFF switch faces the back of the baltoon. Gueationst We would ve 0 hoop thom! + Release the antenna wire and let it hang loose and free from obstructing the propellers. NOTE: As placing the module in the proper balanced position may take a few attempts, FRONT info @interactivetoy.com remove It oy very carefully peeling the module away trom the Dalloon. Take note as to how the bailoon acts with the weight - Nose heavy - place slightly back, Taif heavy -
place slightly toward the front. Make sure the module is aligned straight!
re TE FCC Note: (United States Only) ANTENNA
. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: . Diagram #5 - Placement of Thruster (1) This device may not cause harmful interference and The Thruster Engines Module should be handied carefully. It is made from very Engines Module & Rudder Fins, (2) This device must accept any Interference received, light materials that can be easily damaged by rough handling or If dropped onto
* Note where the Ballast Putty ean he nlercedt including interference that may cause undesired operation. the floor.