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1 2 3 |
Users Manual | Users Manual | 471.61 KiB | September 03 2007 / March 05 2007 | |||
1 2 3 | Attestation Statements | September 03 2007 | ||||||
1 2 3 | External Photos | September 03 2007 / March 05 2007 | ||||||
1 2 3 | ID Label/Location Info | September 03 2007 | ||||||
1 2 3 | Internal Photos | September 03 2007 / March 05 2007 | ||||||
1 2 3 | Cover Letter(s) | September 03 2007 | ||||||
1 2 3 | Test Report | September 03 2007 | ||||||
1 2 3 | Test Setup Photos | September 03 2007 / March 05 2007 | ||||||
1 2 3 | RF Exposure Info | September 03 2007 | ||||||
1 2 3 | RF Exposure Info | September 03 2007 | ||||||
1 2 3 | Attestation Statements | September 03 2007 | ||||||
1 2 3 | Test Setup Photos | September 03 2007 / March 05 2007 |
1 2 3 | Users Manual | Users Manual | 471.61 KiB | September 03 2007 / March 05 2007 |
ME970d User Guide
- ENGLISH Disposal of your old appliance 1. When this crossed-out wheeled bin symbol is attached to a product it means the product is covered by the European Directive 2002/96/EC. 2. All electrical and electronic products should be disposed of separately from the municipal waste stream via designated collection facilities appointed by the government or the local authorities. 3. The correct disposal of your old appliance will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health. 4. For more detailed information about disposal of your old appliance, please contact your city office, waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product. Contents 5 6 7 12 Introduction For your safety Guidelines for safe and efficient use ME970d features Parts of the phone Display information On-Screen Icons 16 Installation 18 Installing the SIM card and the handset battery 19 Charging the Battery Disconnecting the charger 20 Inserting the memory card 21 Removing the memory card C o n t e n t s 2 General functions Making a Call Answering a Call Entering Text 22 23 24 Selecting functions and options In-call menu During a Call Conference Calls 28 29 30 32 35 36 Menu Tree Browser Home Bookmarks Go to URL History Settings Network profiles Cache Cookies Security certificates Information Call history All calls Missed calls Dialled calls Received calls Call duration Call costs Data information 37 38 39 40 Tools Alarm clock Calendar Calculator Memo Stop watch Unit converter World clock SIM services Multimedia MP3 player Camera Video camera Voice recorder 41 42 43 44 45 48 49 50 Messaging New message Text Multimedia Email Inbox Email box Drafts Outbox Sent Listen voicemail Info message Read Topics Templates Text Multimedia 51 52 53 55 56 57 58 59 Settings Text message Multimedia message Email Voicemail number Push messages Info message My stuff Images Sounds Videos Flashes Documents Others Games & Apps External Memory 60 61 62 64 65 66 67 68 69 C o n t e n t s 3 Contents Profiles Activate Personalise Contacts Search New contact Speed dials Groups Copy all/Delete all Settings Information Settings Date & Time Set date Date format Set time Time format Auto update C o n t e n t s 4 70 72 73 74 75 76 Languages Display Wallpaper Backlight timer Brightness Home screen shortcut Menu style Dialing style Standby text Network name Connectivity Bluetooth Sync service Network GPRS attach Network profile USB connection mode Call Call divert Answer mode Send my number Call waiting Minute minder Auto redial Select line Send DTMF Security PIN code request Auto key lock Phone lock Call barring Fixed dial number Change codes Flight mode Power saving Reset default Memory status Accessories Technical data 76 77 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Congratulations on your purchase of the advanced and compact ME970d cellular phone, designed to operate with the latest digital mobile communication technology. Introduction This users guide contains important information on the use and operation of this phone. Please read all the information carefully for optimal performance and to prevent any damage to or misuse of the phone. Any changes or modifications not expressly approved in this users guide could void your warranty for this equipment. I n t r o d u c t i o n 5
C o n s u l t t h e d e a l e r o r a n e x p e r i e n c e d r a d i o
T V t e c h n i c i a n f o r h e l p
R e o r i e n t o r r e l o c a t e t h e r e c e i v i n g a n t e n n a
I n c r e a s e t h e s e p a r a t i o n b e t w e e n t h e e q u i p m e n t a n d r e c e i v e r
. w h i c h t h e r e c e i v e r i s c o n n e c t e d
C o n n e c t t h e e q u i p m e n t i n t o a n o u t l e t o n a c i r c u i t d i f f e r e n t f r o m t h a t t o m o r e o f t h e f o l l o w i n g m e a s u r e s
t u r n i n g t h e e q u i p m e n t o f f a n d o n
, t h e u s e r i s e n c o u r a g e d t o t r y t o c o r r e c t t h e i n t e r f e r e n c e b y o n e o r e q u i p m e n t d o e s c a u s e h a r m f u l i n t e r f e r e n c e o r t e l e v i s i o n r e c e p t i o n
, w h i c h c a n b e d e t e r m i n e d b y H o w e v e r
, t h e r e i s n o g u a r a n t e e t h a t i n t e r f e r e n c e w i l l n o t o c c u r i n a p a r t i c u l a r i n s t a l l a t i o n
. i f t h i s i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e i n s t r u c t i o n s
, m a y c a u s e h a r m f u l i n t e r f e r e n c e t o r a d i o c o m m u n i c a t i o n s
. T h e s e l i m i t s a r e d e s i g n e d t o p r o v i d e r e a s o n a b l e p r o t e c t i o n a g a i n s t h a r m f u l i n t e r f e r e n c e i n a r e s i d e n t i a l i n s t a l l a t i o n
. T h i s e q u i p m e n t g e n e r a t e s u s e s a n d c a n r a d i a t e r a d i o f r e q u e n c y e n e r g y a n d
, i f n o t i n s t a l l e d a n d u s e d p u r s u a n t t o P a r t T h i s e q u i p m e n t 1 5 o f t h e F C C R u l e s
. h a s b e e n t e s t e d a n d f o u n d t o c o m p l y w i t h t h e l i m i t s f o r a c l a s s B d i g i t a l d e v i c e
, P a r t
. 1 5 1 0 5 s t a t e m e n t t h e u s e r
s a u t h o r i t y t o o p e r a t e t h e e q u i p m e n t
P a r t 1 5
. 2 1 s t a t e m e n t
C h a n g e o r M o d i f i c a t i o n s t h a t a r e n o t e x p r e s s l y a p p r o v e d b y t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r c o u l d v o i d 3
. S T A T E L A W R I G H T S
w w w
. l g e s e r v c e
. c o m i T o o b t a i n w a r r a n t y s e r v i c e
, p l e a s e c a l l t h e f o l l o w i n g w e b a d d r e s s
. 4 o t h e r r i g h t s w h i c h v a r y f r o m s t a t e t o s t a t e
. H O W T O G E T W A R R A N T Y S E R V I C E
o r c o n s e q u e n t i a l d a m a g e s o r l i e x c l u s i o n s m a y n o t a p p l y t o y o u
. m i t a t i o n s o n h o w l o n g a n i m p l i e d w a r r a n t y l a s t s
s o T h i s w a r r a n t y g i v e s y o u s p e c i f i c l e g a l r i g h t s a n d t h e s e l i m i t a t i o n s y o u m a y a l s o h a v e o r I M P L I E D W A R R A N T Y O R I N A B I L I T Y T O U S E
, I I N C L U D N G T H E I M P L I E D W A R R A N T Y O F M A R K E T A B I L I T Y T H I S P R O D U C T O R F O R A N Y B R E A C H O F A N Y E X P R E S S O R A P P L I C A B L E T O T H I S P R O D U C T
. S o m e s t a t e s d o n o t a l l o w t h e e x c l u s i v e o f i m i t a t i o n o f i n c i d e n t a l O R A N Y O T H E R D A M A G E S
, I D R E C T O R C O N S E Q U E N T I A L T O T H E D U R A T I O N O F T H E E X P R E S S W A R R A N T Y H E R E I N N O T B E L I A B L E F O R T H E L O S S O F T H E U S E O F T H E P R O D U C T L G
, R I S I N G O U T O F T H E U S E O F
, I I N F O C O M M I N C
. N C O N V E N I E N C E S H A L L
, L O S S N o W A R R A N T I E S
, I I N C L U D N G T H E I M P L I E D W A R R A N T Y O F M A R K E T A B I L I T Y o t h e r e x p r e s s w a r r a n t y i s a p p l i c a b l e t o t h i s p r o d u c t
. T H E D U R A T I O N O F A N Y I M P L I E D
, I S L I M I T E D n o r m a l c u s t o m e r u s e
1 1
) C o n s u m a b l e s
s u c h a s f u s e s
. 3(
1 0
) P r o d u c t s u s e d o r o b t a i n e d i n a r e n t a l p r o g r a m
) P r o d u c t s o p e r a t e d o u t s i d e p u b l i s h e d m a x i m u m
. r a t i n g s
. m a n n e r
. p u r c h a s e
) m a r k e t a b i l i t y o r f i t n e s s f o r a p a r t i c u l a r u s e
. D a m a g e r e s u l t i n g f r o m u s e o f n o n
L G a p p r o v e d a c c e s s o r i e s
. A l l p l a s t i c s u r f a c e s a n d a l l o t h e r e x t e r n a l l y e x p o s e d p a r t s t h a t a r e s c r a t c h e d o r d a m a g e d d u e t o o r
) P r o d u c t s w h i c h h a v e h a d t h e s e r i a l n u m b e r r e m o v e d o r m a d e i l l e g i b l e
. m a l f u n c t i o n o f t h e p r o d u c t d u r i n g t h e a p p l i c a b l e l i m i t e d w a r r a n t y p e r i o d
. o p e r a t i o n s l a w
, s t a t u t o r y o r o t h e r w i s e
, i n c l u d i n g
, b u t l i m i t e d t o a n y i
) T h e l i m i t e d w a r r a n t y i s i n l i e u o f a l l o t h e r w a r r a n t i e s
, e x p r e s s o r i m p l i e d w a r r a n t y m p l i e d e i t h e r i n o f f a c t o r b y B
) r e a k a g e o r d a m a g e t o a n t e n n a s u n l e s s c a u s e d d i r e c t l y b y d e f e c t s i n m a t e r i a l f a u l t o f L G
, i n c l u d i n g d a m a g e c a u s e d b y s h i p p i n g b l o w n f u s e s s p i l l s o f f o o d m m o i s t u r e o r d a m p n e s s
, u n a u t h o r i z e d m o d i f i c a t i o n s
, u n a u t h o r i z e d c o n n e c t i o n s
, i s u s e
, n e g l e c t
, a b u s e
, a c c i d e n t
, a l t e r a t i o n
, i m p r o p e r i n s t a l l a t i o n
, o r o t h e r a c t s w h i c h o r l i q u i d
. o r u n a u t h o r i z e d r e p a i r
, a r e n o t t h e w o r k m a n s h i p
) D e f e c t s o r d a m a g e s f r o m a b n o r m a l u s e
, a b n o r m a l c o n d i t i o n s
, i m p r o p e r s t o r a g e
, e x p o s u r e t o
) T h a t t h e C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e D e p a r t m e n t a t L G w a s n e t n o t i f i e d b y c o n s u m e r o f t h e a l l e g e d d e f e c t
. 2 W H A T T H I S W A R R A N T Y D O E S N O T C O V E R
) D e f e c t s o r d a m a g e s r e s u l t i n g f r o m u s e o f t h e p r o d u c t i n o t h e r t h a n i t s n o r m a l a n d c u s t o m a r y s e r v i c e u n d e r t h i s l i m i t e d w a r r a n t y
. L G
) T h e c u s t o m e r s h a l l b e a r t h e c o s t o f s h i p p i n g t h e p r o d u c t t o t h e C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e D e p a r t L G s h a l l b e a r t h e c o s t o f s h i p p i n g t h e p r o d u c t b a c k t o t h e c o n s u m e r a f t e r t h e c o m p l e t i o n o f m e n t o f o f t h e p r o d u c t
) U p o n r e q u e s t f r o m L G
, t h e c o n s u m e r m u s t p r o v i d e i n f o r m a t i o n t o r e a s o n a b l y p r o v e t h e d a t e o f
) T h e e x t e r n a l h o u s i n g a n d c o s m e t i c p a r t s s h a l l n o t b e c o v e r e d u n d e r t h e s e l i m i t e d w a r r a n t y t e r m s
. l o n g a s i t i s i n t h e U S
, i n c l u d i n g A l a s k a
, H a w a i i
, U S
. T e r r i t o r i e s a n d C a n a d a
) T h i s w a r r a n t y i s g o o d o n l y t o t h e o r i g i n a l p u r c h a s e r o f t h e p r o d u c t d u r i n g t h e w a r r a n t y p e r i o d a s t r a n s f e r a b l e t o a n y s u b s e q u e n t p u r c h a s e r
e n d u s e r
) T h e l i m i t e d w a r r a n t y e x t e n d s o n t o t h e o r i g i n a l p u r c h a s e r o f t h e p r o d u c t a n d i s n o t a s s i g n a b l e o r
. 1 W H A T T H I S W A R R A N T Y C O V E R S
) T h e l i m i t e d w a r r a n t y f o r t h e p r o d u c t e x t e n d s f o r O N E
) y e a r b e g i n n i n g o n t h e d a t a o f p u r c h a s e f r e e f r o m d e f e c t s i n m a t e r i a l a n d w o r k m a n s h i p
, a c c o r d i n g t o t h e f o l l o w i n g L G o f f e r s y o u a l i m i t e d w a r r a n t y t h a t t h e e n c l o s e d s u b s c r i b e r u n i t a n d i t s e n c l o s e d t e r m s a n d c o n d i t i o n s
a c c e s s o r i e s w i l l b e L I M I T E D W A R R A N T Y S T A T E M E N T For Your Safety Important Information This user guide contains important information on the use and operation of this phone. Please read all the information carefully for optimal performance and to prevent any damage to or misuse of the phone. Any changes or modifications not expressly approved in this user guide could void your warranty for this equipment. Before You Start Safety Instructions WARNING! To reduce the possibility of electric shock, do not expose your phone to high humidity areas, such as the bathroom, swimming pool, etc. Always store your phone away from heat. Never store your phone in settings that may expose it to temperatures less than 32F or greater than 104F, such as outside during extreme weather conditions or in your car on a hot day. Exposure to excessive cold or heat will result in malfunction, damage and/or catastrophic failure. Be careful when using your phone near other electronic devices. RF emissions from your mobile phone may affect nearby in adequately shielded electronic equipment. You should consult with manufacturers of any personal medical devices such as pacemakers and hearing aides to determine if they are susceptible to interference from your mobile phone. 8 Turn off your phone in a medical facility or at a gas station. Never place your phone in a microwave oven as this will cause the battery to explode. IMPORTANT! Please read the TIA SAFETY INFORMATION on page 78 before using your phone. Safety Information Read these simple guidelines. Breaking the rules may be dangerous or illegal. Further detailed information is given in this user guide.
] Never use an unapproved battery since this could damage the phone and/or battery and could cause the battery to explode.
] Never place your phone in a microwave oven as it will cause the battery to explode.
] Do not dispose of your battery by fire or with hazardous or flammable materials.
] Make sure that no sharp-edged items come into contact with the battery. There is a risk of this causing a fire.
] Store the battery in a place out of reach of children.
] Be careful that children do not swallow any parts such as rubber plugs (earphone, connection parts of the phone, etc.). This could cause asphyxiation or suffocation. For Your Safety
] Unplug the power cord and charger during lightning storms
] Do not place any heavy items on the power cord. Do not to avoid electric shock or fire.
] When riding in a car, do not leave your phone or set up the hands-free kit near to the air bag. If wireless equipment is improperly installed and the air bag is activated, you may be seriously injured.
] Do not use a hand-held phone while driving.
] Do not use the phone in areas where its use is prohibited.
(For example: aircraft).
] Do not expose the battery charger or adapter to direct sunlight or use it in places with high humidity, such as a bathroom.
] Never store your phone in temperatures less than- 4F or greater than 122F.
] Do not use harsh chemicals (such as alcohol, benzene, thinners, etc.) or detergents to clean your phone. There is a risk of this causing a fire.
] Do not drop, strike, or shake your phone severely. Such actions may harm the internal circuit boards of the phone.
] Do not use your phone in high explosive areas as the phone may generate sparks.
] Do not damage the power cord by bending, twisting, pulling, or heating. Do not use the plug if it is loose as it may cause a fire or electric shock. allow the power cord to be crimped as it may cause fire or electric shock.
] Do not handle the phone with wet hands while it is being charged. It may cause an electric shock or seriously damage your phone.
] Do not disassemble the phone.
] Do not place or answer calls while charging the phone as it may short-circuit the phone and/or cause electric shock or fire.
] Only use the batteries, antennas, and chargers provided by LG. The warranty will not be applied to products provided by other suppliers.
] Only authorized personnel should service the phone and its accessories. Faulty installation or service may result in accidents and consequently invalidate the warranty.
] Do not hold or let the antenna come in contact with your body during a call.
] An emergency call can be made only within a service area. For an emergency call, make sure that you are within a service area and that the phone is turned on. 9 Body-worn Operation This device was tested for typical body-worn operations with the back of the phone kept 0.79 inches (2cm) between the users body and the back of the phone. To comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, a minimum separation distance of 0.79 inches(2cm) must be maintained between the user's body and the back of the phone. Third-party belt-clips, holsters, and similar accessories containing metallic components should not be used. Body-worn accessories that cannot maintain 0.79 inches(2cm) separation distance between the user's body and the back of the phone, and have not been tested for typical body-worn operations may not comply with FCC RF exposure limits and should be avoided. For Your Safety FCC RF Exposure Information WARNING! Read this information before operating the phone. In August 1996, the Federal Communications (FCC) of he United States, with its action in Report and Order FCC 96-326, adopted an updated safety standard for human exposure to radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC regulated transmitters. Those guidelines are consistent with the safety standard previously set by both U.S. and international standards bodies. The design of this phone complies with the FCC guidelines and these international standards. CAUTION Use only the supplied and approved antenna. Use of unauthorized antennas or modifications could impair call quality, damage the phone, void your warranty and/or result in violation of FCC regulations. Do not use the phone with a damaged antenna. If a damaged antenna comes into contact with skin, a minor burn may result. Contact your local dealer for a replacement antenna. 10 Vehicle Mounted External Antenna
(optional, if available) A minimum separation distance of 8 inches (20cm) must be maintained between the user/bystander and the vehicle mounted external antenna to satisfy FCC RF exposure requirements. For more information about RF exposure, visit the FCC website at FCC Part 15 Class B Compliance This device and its accessories comply with part 15 of FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device and its accessories may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device and its accessories must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Cautions for Battery
] Do not disassemble.
] Do not short-circuit.
] Do not expose to high temperature: 60C (140F).]
] Do not incinerate. For Your Safety Battery Disposal
] Please dispose of your battery properly or bring to your local wireless carrier for recycling.
] Do not dispose in fire or with hazardous or flammable materials. Adapter (Charger) Cautions
] Using the wrong battery charger could damage your phone and void your warranty.
] The adapter or battery charger is intended for indoor use only. Do not expose the adapter or battery charger to direct sunlight or use it in places with high humidity, such as the bathroom. 11 ME970d features Parts of the phone Front view Earpiece Navigation key v In standby mode:
q Briefly: New text message Hold down: List of Message r Briefly: List of Contacts Briefly: List of Profiles Hold down: Activate/
Deactivate Vibrate mode Briefly: List of Favourites v In menu: scroll up & down Main LCD Top: Signal strength, battery level and various function Bottom: Soft key indications Alpha numeric keys v In standby mode: Input numbers to dial Hold down
- International calls
- Activate Voice mail centre menu to
- Speed dials v In editing mode: Enter numbers &
characters Microphone 12 Left soft key/ Right soft key These keys perform the function indicated in the bottom of the display. End key Switch on/off (hold down) End or reject a call. Clear key Send key v Dial a phone number and answer a call. v In standby mode: shows recently dialled, received and missed call. 13 Cable Connector/Battery Charging Connector Note v Connect USB device several minutes after power on your phone and in the idle window. Side keys v In standby mode (opened): Volume of key tone v In standby mode (closed):
Short press - The sub LCD light on. v In menu: scroll up & down v During a call: volume of the earpiece Note v To protect the sense of hearing while Slide open, maximum volume level is 3. MP3 key Side camera key Long press - Photo camera activation 14 Display Information Icon area The screen displays several icons. These are described below. Text and graphic area On-Screen Icons Icon Description 1IRY
'SRXEGXW Soft key indications Area Description First line Displays various icons. Middle lines Display messages, instructions and any information that you enter, such as number to be dialled. Last line Shows the functions currently assigned to the two soft keys. 16 Tells you the strength of the network signal. *
Call is connected. You can use GPRS service. Shows that you are using a roaming service. The alarm has been set and is on. Tells you the status of the battery. You have received a text message. You have received a voice message. Vibrate only menu in profile. General menu in profile.
* The quality of the conversation may change depending on network coverage. When the signal strength is below 2 bars, you may experience muting, call drop and poor audio. Please refer to this signal as an indicator for your calls. When there are no bars, that means that there is no network coverage: in this case, you wont be able to access the network for any service (call, messages and so on). Icon Description Silent menu in profile. Headset menu in profile. Offline menu in profile. Outdoor menu in profile. You can divert a call. Indicates that the phone is accessing the WAP. Indicates that you are using GPRS. You have activated Bluetooth menu. Shows the EDGE service is available. Connection to the EDGE service allows you to transfer data at a speed of 200Kb/s
(depending on network availability). Check with your operator for network coverage and service availability. 17 Installation Installing the SIM card and the handset battery Make sure the power is off before you remove the SIM card or battery. 1. Remove the battery. Press and hold down the battery release button and lift off the battery cover. Turn the phone up-side down, as shown, then press down the battery lightly with your fingers and pull-out the battery. Note v Removing the battery from the phone when the power is on may cause the phone to malfunction. I n s t a l l a t i o n 18 2. Install the SIM card. Insert the SIM card into the holder. Slide the SIM card into the SIM card holder. Make sure that the SIM card is inserted properly and that the gold contact area on the card is facing downwards. To remove the SIM card, press down lightly and pull it in the reverse direction. To insert the SIM card To remove the SIM card Note v The metal contact of the SIM card can be easily damaged by scratches. Pay special attention to the SIM card while handling. Follow the instructions supplied with the SIM card. 3. Install the battery. Insert the the battery into the battery compartment as metal contacts meet in the middle of the phone. Push down the top of the battery until it snaps into place. Place the battery cover to the phone as shown. Charging the Battery Before connecting the travel adapter to the phone you must first install the battery. 1. Ensure the battery is fully charged before using the phone for the first time. 2. With the arrow facing you as shown in the diagram push the plug on the battery adapter into the socket on the side of the phone until it clicks into place. 3. Connect the other end of the travel adapter to the mains socket. Use only the charger included in the box. 4. The moving bars of battery icon will stop after charging is complete. I n s t a l l a t i o n 19 Installation Disconnecting the charger Disconnect the travel adapter from the phone by pressing its side buttons as shown in the diagram. CAUTION!
If the battery is completely discharged, the charging display will appear on the LCD approximately 1 to 1.5 minutes after connecting TA. Do not force the connector as this may damage the phone and/or the travel adapter. Insert the battery pack charger vertically to wall power outlet. If you use the battery pack charger out of your own country, use an attachment plug adaptor for the proper configuration. Do not remove your battery or the SIM card while charging. WARNING!
Unplug the power cord and charger during lightning storms to avoid electric shock or fire. Make sure that no sharp-edged items such as animal teeth or nails, come into contact with the battery. There is a risk of this causing a fire. Do not place or answer calls while charging the phone as it may short-circuit the phone and/or cause electric shock or fire. I n s t a l l a t i o n 20 Inserting the memory card Insert the memory card into the slot until the memory card is fully inserted into the slot, as shown in the figure below:
Removing the memory card Carefully remove the memory card out of the soket, as shown in the figure below:
Note v The gold connectors must be face down and inserted first into the memory card slot. Note v Only use memory cards that have been approved by the manufacturer. Some memory cards might not be compliant with the handset. I n s t a l l a t i o n 21 General functions Making a Call 1. Make sure your phone is powered on. 2. Enter a phone number including the area code. To edit a number on the display screen, simply press the v Press and hold the key to erase one digit at a time. key to erase the entire number. 3. Press the 4. When you want to finish, press the key to call. Making International Calls 1. Press and hold the key for the international prefix. The + character can be replaced with the international access code. 2. Enter the country code, area code, and the phone number. 3. Press the key. key. Ending a Call When you have finished a call, press the key. Making a Call by Send Key 1. Press the key, and the most recent incoming, outgoing and missed phone numbers will be displayed. 2. Select the desired number by using the navigation key. 3. Press the key. Making a Call From the Contact list You can store names and phone numbers dialled frequently in the SIM card as well as the phone memory known as the Contact list. You can dial a number by simply looking up a name in the contact list. G e n e r a l f u n c t i o n s 22 Adjusting the Volume During a call, if you want to adjust the earpiece volume, use the side keys of the phone. In idle mode, you can adjust the key volume using the side keys. Note v You can answer a call while using the Address Book or other menu features. In case phone is connected with PC via USB cable, call and message are not available. Answering a Call When you receive a call, the phone rings and the flashing phone icon appears on the screen. If the caller can be identified, the callers phone number (or name if stored in your Address Book) is displayed. 1. Slide up and press the key or the left soft key to answer an incoming call. If the Any Key menu option
(Menu 9.5.2), has been set to any key press will answer a call except for the key. key or the right soft 2. End the call by closing the phone or pressing the key. Vibrate Mode (Quick) Vibrate Mode can be activated by pressing and holding the left navigation key. Signal Strength If you are inside a building, being near a window may give you better reception. You can see the strength of your signal by the signal indicator (
phones display screen.
) on your G e n e r a l f u n c t i o n s 23 General functions Entering Text You can enter alphanumeric characters by using the phones keypad. For example, storing names in the Address Book, writing a message, creating scheduling events in the calendar all require entering text. The following text input methods are available in the phone. Note v Some fields may allow only one text input mode
(e.g. telephone number in address book fields). T9 Mode This mode allows you to enter words with only one keystroke per letter. Each key on the keypad has more than one letter. The T9 mode automatically compares your keystrokes with an internal linguistic dictionary to determine the correct word, thus requiring far fewer keystrokes than the traditional ABC mode. G e n e r a l f u n c t i o n s 24 ABC Mode This mode allows you to enter letters by pressing the key labeled with the required letter once, twice, three or four times until the letter is displayed. 123 Mode (Numbers Mode) Type numbers using one keystroke per number. To change to 123 mode in a text entry field, press until 123 mode is displayed. key Symbolic Mode This mode allows you to enter special characters. Changing the Text Input Mode 1. When you are in a field that allows characters to be entered, you will notice the text input mode indicator in the upper right corner of the display. 2. If you want to change modes, press
. The available modes are changed. Using the T9 Mode The T9 predictive text input mode allows you to enter words easily with a minimum number of key presses. As you press each key, the phone begins to display the characters that it thinks you are typing based on a built-in dictionary. As new letters are added, the word changes to reflect the most likely candidate from the dictionary. Note v You can select a different T9 language from the
. menu option or press hold down the key The default setting on the phone is T9 disable mode. 1. When you are in the T9 predictive text input mode, start entering a word by pressing keys Press one key per letter to v The word changes as letters are typed-ignore whats on the screen until the word is typed completely. v If the word is still incorrect after typing completely, press the down navigation key once or more to cycle through the other word options. Example: Press to type Good. v If the desired word is missing from the word choices list, add it by using the ABC mode. 2. Enter the whole word before editing or deleting any key strokes. 3. Complete each word with a space by pressing the key or key. To delete letters, press to erase the letters continuously. Press and hold down Note v To exit the text input mode without saving your
. The phone returns to the idle input, press screen. G e n e r a l f u n c t i o n s 25 General functions to Using the ABC Mode Use the keys to enter your text. 1. Press the key labeled with the required letter:
v Once for the first letter. v Twice for the second letter. v And so on. 2. To insert a space, press the letters, press the key once. To delete key. Press and hold down the key to erase the letters continuously. Note v Refer to the table below for more information on the characters available using the keys. G e n e r a l f u n c t i o n s 26 Key Characters in the order display Upper Case Lower Case
. , ? ! ' '' 1 - ( ) @ / : _
. , ? ! ' '' 1 - ( ) @ / : _ A B C 2 a b c 2 D E F 3 d e f 3 G H I 4 J K L 5 g h i 4 j k l 5 M N O 6 OE m n o 6 oe P Q R S 7 S T U V 8 W X Y Z 9 p q r s 7 s t u v 8 w x y z 9 Space 0 (long press) Space 0 (long press) Using the 123 (Numbers) Mode The 123 Mode enables you to enter numbers in a text message (a telephone number, for example). Press the keys corresponding to the required digits before manually switching back to the appropriate text entry mode. Using the Symbol Mode The Symbol Mode enables you to enter various symbols or special characters. To enter a symbol, press the navigation keys to select the desired symbol and press the [OK] key. key. Use the G e n e r a l f u n c t i o n s 27 Selection functions and options and Your phone offers a set of functions that allow you to customize the phone. Thesefunctions are arranged in menus and sub-menus, accessed via the two soft keysmarked
. Each menu and sub-menu allows you to view and alter thesettings of a particular function. The roles of the soft keys vary according to the current context; the label on thebottom line of the display just above each key indicates its current role. l S e e c t i o n f u n c t i o n s a n d o p t i o n s 28 Your phone provides a number of control functions that you can use during a call. To access these functions
[Options]. during a call, press the left soft key During a Call The menu displayed on the handset screen during a call is different than the default main menu displayed when in idle screen, and the options are described below. Making a Second Call
(Network Dependent) You can get a number you wish to dial from the Address Book to make a second call. Swapping Between Two Calls To switch between two calls, press soft key, and then select Swap Call. key or the left In-call menu Answering an Incoming Call To answer an incoming call when the handset is ringing, simply press the key. The handset is also able to warn you of an incoming call while you are already on a call. A tone sounds in the earpiece, and the display will show that a second call is waiting. This feature, known as Call waiting, is only available if your network supports it. For details of how to activate and deactivate it see Call waiting (Menu 9.5.4). If Call Waiting is on, you can put the first call on hold and answer the second, by pressing the left soft key
. Rejecting an Incoming Call You can reject an incoming call without answering by simply pressing the During a call, you can reject an incoming call by pressing the key. key. I n
c a l l m e n u 29 In-call menu Muting the Microphone You can mute the microphone during a call by pressing the [Mute] key. The handset can be unmuted by pressing the [Unmute]. When the handset is muted, the caller cannot hear you, but you can still hear them. DTMF tones while calling To switch on DTMF tones while calling (e.g. to use the phone with an automatic switchboard) press the key
[Options] followed by Send DTMF on. Select DTMF off to disable DTMF tones. DTMF tones are normally on. Conference Calls The conference service provides you with the ability to have a simultaneous conversation with more than one caller, if your network service provider supports this feature. A conference call can only be set up when you have one active call and one call on hold, both calls having been answered. Once a conference call is set up, calls may be added, disconnected or separated (that is, removed from the conference call but still connected to you) by the person who set up the conference call. These options are all available from the In-Call menu. The maximum callers in a conference call are five. Once started, you are in control of the conference call, and only you can add calls to the conference call. Making a Second Call You can make a second call while currently on a call. Enter the second number and press the When the second call is connected, the first call is automatically placed on hold. You can swap between calls, by pressing the key. Setting Up a Conference Call To set up a conference call, place one call on hold and while the active call is on, press the left soft key and then select the Join menu of Conference call. I n
c a l l m e n u 30 Activate the Conference Call on Hold To activate a conference call on hold, press the Alternatively press the left soft key [Options] and select Join all/Hold all calls. Other users on hold will stay connected. To return to conference call mode, press the left soft key
[Options] followed by Conference call. key. Adding Calls to the Conference Call To add a call to an existing conference call, press the left soft key, and then select the Join menu of Conference call. Private Call in a Conference Call To have a private call with one caller from a conference call, display the number of the caller you wish to talk to on the screen, then press the left soft key. Select the Private menu of Conference call to put all the other callers on hold. Ending a Conference Call Currently displayed caller from a conference call can be disconnected by pressing the key. I n
c a l l m e n u 31 Menu Tree The following illustration shows the available menu structure and indicates the:
v Number assigned to each menu option. v Page where you can find the feature description. You can go to the desired menu using the left soft key [Menu], navigation keys and the [OK] key. And you can also take a shortcut by pressing the corresponding number key of desired menu after pressing the left soft key [Menu]. 1. Browser 2. Call history 3. Tools 1.1 Home 1.2 Bookmarks 1.3 Go to URL 1.4 History 1.5 Settings 1.6 Information 2.1 All calls 2.2 Missed calls 2.3 Dialled calls 2.4 Received calls 2.5 Call duration 2.6 Call costs 2.7 Data information 3.1 Alarm clock 3.2 Calendar 3.3 Calculator 3.4 Memo 3.5 Stop watch 3.6 Unit converter 3.7 World clock 3.8 SIM services M e n u T r e e 32 4. Multimedia 4.1 MP3 player 4.2 Camera 4.3 Video camera 4.4 Voice recorder 5. Messaging 5.1 New message 5.2 Inbox 5.3 Email box 5.4 Drafts 5.5 Outbox 5.6 Sent 5.7 Listen voicemail 5.8 Info message 5.9 Templates 5.0 Settings 6. My stuff 6.1 Images 6.2 Sounds 6.3 Videos 6.4 Flashes 6.5 Documents 6.6 Others 6.7 Games & Apps 6.8 External Memory M e n u T r e e 33 Menu Tree 7. Profiles 7.1 General 7.2 Silent 7.3 Vibrate only 7.4 Outdoor 7.5 Headset M e n u T r e e 34 8. Contacts 8.1 Search 8.2 New contact 8.3 Speed dials 8.4 Groups 8.5 Copy all 8.6 Delete all 8.7 Settings 8.8 Information 9. Settings 9.1 Date & Time 9.2 Languages 9.3 Display 9.4 Connectivity 9.5 Call 9.6 Security 9.7 Flight mode 9.8 Power saving 9.9 Reset default 9.0 Memory status Browser Description Key q,r Scrolls each line of the content area Returns to the previous page Selects options and confirms actions Using the WAP browser menu There are various menu options available when surfing the Mobile Web. Note v The WAP browser menus may vary, depending on your browser version. You can access various WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) services such as banking, news, weather reports and flight information. These services are specially designed for mobile phones and they are maintained by WAP service providers. Check the availability of WAP services, pricing and tariffs with your network operator and/or the service provider whose service you wish to use. Service providers will also give you instructions on how to use their services. Once connected, the homepage is displayed. The content depends on the service provider. To exit the browser at any time, press the (
) key. The phone will return to the idle menu. Navigating with the WAP browser You can surf the Internet using either the phone keys or the WAP browser menu. Using the phone keys When surfing the Internet, the phone keys function differently to phone mode. B r o w s e r 35 Browser Home Menu 1.1 Connects to a homepage. The homepage will be the site which is defined in the activated profile. It will be defined by the service provider if you have not defined it in the activated profile. Menu 1.2 Bookmarks This menu allows you to store the URL of favourite web pages for easy access at a later time. To create a bookmark 1. Press the left soft key
[Options]. 2. Select Add new and press the OK key. 3. After entering the desired URL and title, press the OK key. B r o w s e r 36 After selecting a desired bookmark, the following options are available. v Connect: Connects to the selected bookmark. v Add new: Select this to create a new bookmark. v Edit: You can edit the URL and/or the title of the selected bookmark. v Delete: Deletes the selected bookmark. v Delete all: Deletes all the bookmarks. Go to URL You can connect directly to the site you want. After entering a specific URL, press the OK key. Menu 1.3 History This menu will shows the recent browsing pages. Menu 1.4 Settings You can set the profile, cache and security related to internet service. Menu 1.5 Network profiles (Menu 1.5.1) A profile is the network information used to connect to the Internet. There are default profiles for some operators, stored in phone memory. Its impossible to rename default profiles. Each profile has submenus as follows:
v Activate: Activates the selected profile. v Settings: Use this to edit and change WAP settings for the selected profile.
- Homepage: This setting allows you to enter the address (URL) of a site you want to use as homepage. You do not need to type http:// at the front of each URL as the WAP Browser will automatically add it.
- Gateway settings: IP Adress/Port Number: You need to enter IP adress or Port number that you want.
- Connection type: This setting allows you to select the type among HTTP and HTTP with proxy and WAP.
- Network Profile: You can select network profile that have set on the (Menu 9.4.5). v Rename: You can change the profile name. v Add new: You can add a new profile. v Delete: Deletes the selected profile from the list. v Delete all: Deletes all profile from the list. Cache (Menu 1.5.2) The information or services you have accessed are saved in the cache memory of the phone. Note v A cache is a buffer memory, which is used to save data temporarily. B r o w s e r 37 Browser Cookies (Menu 1.5.3) The information or services you have accessed are saved in the cache memory of the phone. Security certificates (Menu 1.5.4) You can see the list of personal. Certificates that have been stored in your phone. Information You can view the information of WAP browser version. Menu 1.6 B r o w s e r 38 Call history You can check the record of missed, received, and dialled calls only if the network supports the Calling Line Identification (CLI) within the service area. The number and name (if available) are displayed together with the date and time at which the call was made. You can also view call times. Dialled calls This option lets you view the last 50 outgoing calls
(called or attempted). You can also:
v View the number if available and call it or save it in Menu 2.3 the Address Book All calls You can view all lists of outgoing or incoming calls. Menu 2.1 v Send a message by this number v Delete the call from the list v Enter new name for the number and save both in the Address Book Missed calls This option lets you view the last 50 unanswered calls. You can also:
v View the number if available and call it, or save it in Menu 2.2 the Address Book v Enter a new name for the number and save both in the Address Book v Send a message by this number v Delete the call from the list Received calls Menu 2.4 This option lets you view the last 50 incoming calls. You can also:
v View the number if available and call it or save it in the Address Book v Enter new name for the number and save both in the Address Book v Send a message by this number v Delete the call from the list C a l l h i s t o r y 39 Data information You can check the amount of data transferred over the network through the GPRS information option. In addition, you can also view how much time you are online. Menu 2.7 Call history Menu 2.5 Call duration Allows you to view the duration of your incoming and outgoing calls. You can also reset the call times. The following timers are available:
v Last call: Length of the last call. v Dialled calls: Length of the outgoing calls. v Received calls: Length of the incoming calls. v All calls: Total length of all calls made and incoming calls since the timer was last reset. Call costs Allows you to check the cost of your last call, all calls, remaining and reset the cost. To reset the cost, you need to PIN2 code. Menu 2.6 C a l l h i s t o r y 40 Alarm clock You can set up to 5 alarm clocks to go off at a specified time. 1. Select On and enter the alarm time you want. 2. Select the repeat period: Once, Mon-Fri, Mon-Sat, Sat-
Menu 3.1 Wed, Sat-Thu, Everyday. 3. Select the alarm tone you want and press
[Set]. Menu 3.2 Calendar When you enter this menu a calendar will show up. On top of the screen there are sections for date. Whenever you change the date, the calendar will be updated according to the date. And square cursor will be used to locate the certain day. If you see marked date in the calendar, it means that there is a schedule or memo that day. This function helps to remind you of your schedule and memo. The phone will sound an alarm tone if you set this for the note. Tools To change the day, month, and year. Key
, Description Yearly Monthly
, q,r Weekly
, Daily In the scheduler mode, press left soft key as follows;
v View
View all schedules and memo for the chosen day. q,r to browse through the note lists. Use If you want to view the note in detail, press left soft key
[Options] to View, Edit, Send via bluetooth, Delete and Calendar.
[Select]. Press left soft key T o o l s 41 Tools v New schedule Allows you to add new schedule and memo for the chosen day. You can store up to 100 notes. Input the subject and then press left soft key
[OK]. You enter the appropriate information in the follow section; Time, Repeat and Alarm. v Schedular tone You can set the alarm tone of each chosen date. v All schedules View all schedules and memo for the chosen day. q,r to browse through the note lists. If Use you set alarm for the note, the alarm icon is displayed. If you want to view the note in detail, press left soft key
[Options] to delete, edit the note you selected.
[Select]. Press left soft key v Go to date You can go the chosen date directly. T o o l s 42 v Delete all You can delete for the all notes. Calculator Menu 3.3 This contains the standard functions such as +, -, x, n :
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division. Furthermore, you can use the various function of calculator such as +/-, sin, cos, tan, log, ln, exp, sqrt, deg, rad. 1. Input the numbers by pressing numeric keys. 2. Use a navigation key to select a sign for calculation. 3. Then input the numbers. 4. Press key to view the result. 5. To input the decimal number, press 6. To end Calculator, press the right soft key
[Back]. key. Memo 1. Select the Memo by pressing the left soft key
[View]. 2. If the entry is empty, press the left soft key
[New]. Menu 3.4 3. Input the memo and then press left soft key
[OK]. Note v If you want to change the text input mode, press the in order. Menu 3.6 Unit converter This converts any measurement into a unit you want. There are 7 types that can be converted into units:
Currency, Area, Length, Weight, Temperature, Volume and Velocity. 1. You can select one of four unit types by pressing
[OK] key. 2. Select the unit you want to convert by pressing q, r. Its impossible to input - symbol in unit converter. 3. Select the standard value by using
. Stop watch 1. Press [Start] to take time and record the lap time by Menu 3.5 pressing [Lap]. 2. Press [Stop] to ascertain the record of lap time. 3. Press [Reset] to default condition. T o o l s 43 Tools World clock You can view clocks of the worlds major cities. 1. Select the city belonged to the time zone by pressing Menu 3.7
, key. 2. You can set the current time to the city time you select by pressing the left soft key
[Set]. v Set: Allows you to set your current location. v Zoom in/out: Home time/current area time. SIM services This menu depends on SIM and the network services. Menu 3.8 T o o l s 44 Multimedia You can enjoy your multimedia function such as camera, voice recorder, MP3 for your fun and convinience. Note v When the status of the battery indicates low, you may not use Camera or Multimedia function. v While using Multimedia function, the status of the battery is changeable. MP3 player Menu 4.1 The ME970d has an integrated MP3 player built-in. You can enjoy listening to MP3 music files on a memory in your phone using a compatible headset or via the internal loudspeaker. Note v Because of the small dimension of the speaker, in some cases the audio could be distorted, especially at maximum volume and when there are lots of bass sounds. Therefore, we recommend you to use the stereo headset in order to appreciate the high quality of your music. The music player supports:
MPEG-2 Layer III, MPEG-2.5 Layer III: Sampling frequency up from 8KHz to 48KHz. Bit rate up to 320Kbps, stereo. AAC: ADIF, ADTS formats (Sampling frequency from 8KHz to 48KHz) AAC+: V1: (Bit rate 16~128Kbps) V2 : (Bit rate 16~48Kbps)
(Sampling frequency from 8KHz to 48KHz) M u l t i m e d a i 45 Multimedia Note vME970d doesnt support the variable bit rate of all mentioned file types. Therefore, you cant change the file from MP3 format to AAC. You can transfer MP3 files from a compatible PC to the memory in your phone using the Mass Storage. When you connect the phone to a PC using the USB cable (supplied in the same package), and then you can show removable disk through windows explorer. After you copy songs in removable disk, you should execute safe remove from your system. Note v You should copy MP3 to Sounds/MP3 folder. If you copy another folder, you cant see MP3 files. v The PC should run Windows 98 SE, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP operating system. Progressive bar Volume level 3TXMSR
&EGO Player skin File name Running time Stereo/
Shuffle Status of the music controller Repeat Play all Repeat all Repeat one M u l t i m e d a i 46
- Visual effect: You can select the visual effect menus: Real spectrum, Fake. This menu allows to change the background of main LCD on playing MP3 file. Note v Music is copyright protected in international treaties and national copyright laws. It may be necessary to obtain permission or a license to reproduce or copy music. In some countries national law prohibits private copying of copyrighted material. Please check the national legislation of the applicable country concerning the use of such material. Note v In case that any invalid file is included in the playlist, an error message will be popped up and go back to the prior screen. 1. Press Multimedia menu, and then select MP3 player. 2. Press the left soft key
[Options] to access the following menus. v Pause: You can stop playing MP3 file. v View playlist: You can select another music you want on playing MP3 file. v Set as ringtone: You can set the current music on playing MP3 file as a ringtone v Settings
- Equalizer: This menu helps you to adjust various of environment on listening to the music.
- Play mode: This menu allows to set the play mode:
Repeat one, Repeat all,Play all.
- Set shuffle: It you select On, you can listen to the music at random. M u l t i m e d a i 47 Multimedia Camera Menu 4.2 1. Select Camera. If you want to reach this menu directly, press
. 2. Focus on the subject to capture the image, and then press the key. v Mode [
]: Allows to take multishot photos successively.
- Single shot: 320x240, 640x480, 1280x960, 1600x1200
- Multishot: 320x240, 640x480 3. If you want to save it, press the left soft key the key. or v Night mode [
]: Allows you to take a picture by using this menu at night. Note v You can control the image size, brightness, colour and other setting by pressing the left soft key
. M u l t i m e d a i 48 v Image effect [
]: 4 settings are available.
(Negation/Mono/Sepia/Color) v Flash [
]: Allow you to set the flash when you take a photo in dark place. v Save to [
]: You can set the space after taking a picture. (External/Phone) v Shutter tone [
taking a picture.
]: You can set the sound when v Size [
]: Allows you to set the image size.(1600x1200), (1280x960) (640x480) and (320x240). Multishot is only available with the (320x240),
(640x480) pixel resolution. v Delay timer [
]: Allows you to select the delay time (Off, 3 Seconds, 5 Seconds, 10 seconds). Then the phone takes a photo after the specified time. v Quality [
]: Allows you to set the image quality from Normal, Fine and Superfine. v White balance [
]: Allows you to change the settings according to the enviroment.
(Fluorescent/Cloudy/Incandescent/Daylight/Auto) v Auto focus [
]: Automatically adjusts the focus for a clear, sharp with a single press of a button. v Metering [
]: determines the lighting based on a little part of the subject. You can select the Centred, pot and combined which is to be exposed correctly. Menu 4.3 Video camera 1. Select Video camera menu. 2. You can also amend the brightness, size, quality and other settings by pressing left soft key
[Options]. Video camera settings menu is the same with Photo camera settings, except following items:
v Size: You may select following resolution:
128x96, 176x144 . v Recording time: You may select recording time from the list: 1 minute, 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 90 minutes and unlimited. M u l t i m e d a i 49 Multimedia Voice recorder You can record voice memo. The following [Options] menus are available. v Storage You can choose Phone or External memory. Menu 4.4 v Recording mode You can choose General mode of unlimited recording or MMS mode of recording up to 30 seconds. Record 1. Once recording is started, the message Recording and the remaining time is displayed. 2. If you want to pause or resume recording, press left soft key or OK key. 3. If you want to finish recording, press right soft key. Album You can display Sounds which have been saved in the memory. Sound files are stored each folder of Default sounds, My melody, Voice records, MP3 and Downloaded. M u l t i m e d a i 50 New message This menu includes functions related to SMS (Short Message Service), MMS (Multimedia Message Service), Email, voice mail, as well as the networks service messages. Menu 5.1 Text (Menu 5.1.1) You can write and edit text message, checking the number of message pages. 1. Enter the New messages menu by pressing the left soft key
[OK]. 2. If you want to write a new message, select Text. 3. To make text input easier, use T9. 4. Press [Options] to attach the followings. Options v Send to: Sends text messages. 1. Enter numbers of recipient. 2. Press r key to add more recipients. 3. You can add phone numbers in the address book. Messaging 4. Press the
[Option] and then press send after entering numbers. All messages will be automatically saved in the outbox folder, even after a sending failure. v Insert
- Symbol: You add special characters.
- Image: You can insert the Default graphics or graphics in My pictures that are available for short messages.
- Sound: You can insert sounds that are available for short messages.
- Default images: You can insert Animations stored.
- Default sounds: You can insert Sounds stored.
- Text template: You can use Text templates already set in the phone.
- Contacts: You can add phone numbers or e-mail addresses in address book.
- My business card: You can add your Business card to the message. M e s s a g n g i 51 Messaging v Save to drafts: Stores messages in Drafts. v T9 languages: Select the language for T9 input mode. You can also deactivate T9 input mode by selecting T9 off. v Clear text: You can clear text while writing SMS. v Exit: If you press Exit while writing a message, you can end the writing message and back to the Message menu. The message you have written is not saved. Note v The phone which supports EMS release 5 is available to send colour pictures, sounds, text styles, etc.. The other party may not receive pictures, sounds or text styles you sent properly if the phone does not support such options. M e s s a g n g i 52 Multimedia (Menu 5.1.2) You can write and edit multimedia messages, checking message size. 1. Enter the New message menu by pressing the left soft key
[OK]. 2. If you want to write a new message, select Multimedia. 3. You can create a new message or choose one of the multimedia message templates already made. Maximum available file size, that can be inserted to MMS-message, is 300 kb. Options v Send to: You can send multimedia messages to multiple recipients, priorities your message, and make it sent later as well. v Insert: You can add Symbol, Image, Video, Sound, New slide, Text template, Contact, Business card, Others Note v All messages will be automatically saved in the outbox folder, even after a sending failure. v Preview: You can preview multimedia messages you have created. v Save: You can save multimedia messages To drafts or As templates v Edit subject: Allows you to modify the multimedia message you have chosen. v Slide duration: You can set the duration of slide of multimedia message. v T9 languages: Select the language for T9 input mode. You can also deactivate T9 input mode by selecting T9 off. v Exit: You can get back to the Message menu. Note v If you select the picture (200K) on writing multimedia message, loading duration will take around 10 seconds at least. Furthermore, you cant activate any key during loading time. After 10 seconds, it is available to write multimedia message. Email (Menu 5.1.3) To send/receive an email, you should set up the email account. 1. You can input up to 20 email addresses in the To and Cc field. Tip: To input @, press the and select @. 2. Key in the subject of the mail and press OK. 3. After writing an email message, press the left soft key
[Options]. You can access the following option menus. M e s s a g n g i 53 Messaging v Send to: You can edit recipients. v Attachment: You can attach file with this menu. v Preview: You can preview the writing mail. v Save to drafts: Select this to save the message in Drafts. v Edit subject: You can edit the subject. v T9 languages: Select the language for T9 input mode. You can also deactivate the T9 input mode by selecting T9 off. v Clear text: You can clear text while writing the message. v Exit: If you select this while writing the message, you can exit from writing message and go back to the previous screen. The message you have written is not stored. Note v For each e-mail account you may save up to 40 messages (totally 200 for five accounts). In Inbox folder you may save not more than 20 messages, in Drafts and Outbox folders - 5 messages, and in Sent folder up to 10 messages. In case Drafts Outbox or Sent folder is full, and you try to save new message to one of this folders, first saved message will be automatically deleted. v Maximum size for one sent message is 300 kb with attachments, and maximum size for one received message is 300 kb. In case you have received message with more than 5 attachments, only 5 of them will be received. Some attachment may display incorrectly. M e s s a g n g i 54 Inbox You will be alerted when you have received messages. They will be stored in Inbox. In Inbox, you can identify each message by icons. For detail, see the icon directive. Menu 5.2 Icon Icon directive Multimedia message Short message SIM message Read multimedia message Read text message Push message Notified multimedia message If the phone shows No space for SIM message, you have to delete only SIM messages from Inbox. If the phone displays No space for message, you can make space of each repository as deleting messages, media and applications.
* SIM message SIM message means the message exceptionally stored in SIM card. You can move this message to the phone. For notified multimedia message, you have to wait for downloading and processing of the message. To read a message, select one of the messages by pressing the left soft key v View: You can view the received messages. v Delete: You can delete the current message. v Reply: You can reply to the sender. v Forward: You can forward the selected message to
. another party. v Return call: You can call back to the sender. M e s s a g n g i 55 Messaging v Information: You can view information about received messages; Senders address, Subject (only for Multimedia message), Message date & time, Message type, Message size. v Multi delete: After selecting the messages you want to remove, you can delete the selected messages. v Delete all read: You can delete all messages read. v Delete all: You can delete all messages. Menu 5.3 Email box When you access this menu, you can either connect to your remote mailbox to retrieve your new email messages, or you can view the previously retrieved email messages without logging in to the email server. You can check the saved emails, drafts, outbox, and sent emails. In the Inbox, up to 20 emails are stored.
(Outbox stores up to 5, Draftes store up to 5, Sent stores up to 10) M e s s a g n g i 56 Menu 5.4 Drafts Using this menu, you can preset multimedia messages that you use most frequently. This menu shows the preset multimedia message list. The following options are available. v View: You can see the multimedia messages. v Edit: Modifies the message you choose. v Delete: Deletes the message you choose. v Information: You can view information about the message you choose. v Multi delete: After selecting the messages you want to remove, press OK and you can delete the selected messages. v Delete all: Deletes all of the messages in the folder. Outbox Menu 5.5 This menu allows to view the message which is about to send or is failed sending. After sending the message successfully, the message will be moved to sent box. v View: You can view the message. v Delete: You can delete the message. v Resend: You can resend the selected message. v Edit: Modifies the massage you choose. v Information: You can check information of each message. v Multi delete: Select and delete the selected messages. v Delete all: You can delete all messages in outbox. Sent This menu allows you to view the messages which are already sent. You can check the time and the contents of message. Menu 5.6 Listen voicemail Menu 5.7 Once this menu has been selected, simply press the left soft key hold down the voice mail.
[OK] to listen to voice mail. You can also key in standby mode to listen to Note v When you receive a voice mail, your phone displays the icon and you hear an alert. Please check with your network provider for details of their service in order to configure the handset correctly. M e s s a g n g i 57 Messaging Info message Menu 5.8
(Dependent to network and subscription) Info service messages are text messages delivered by the network to GSM. They provide general information such as weather reports, traffic news, taxis, pharmacies, and stock prices. Each type of has the number; therefore, you can contact service provider as long as you have input the certain number for the information. When you have received an info service message, you can see the popup message to show you that you have received a message or the info service message is directly displayed. To view the message again or not in standby mode, follow the sequence shown below;
M e s s a g n g i 58 Read (Menu 5.8.1) 1. When you have received an info service message and select Read to view the message, it will be displayed on the screen. You can read another message by scrolling
[Next]. or
, 2. The message will be shown until another message is reached. Topics (Menu 5.8.2)
(Dependent to network and subscription) v View list: You can see Info service message numbers
[Options], you can which you added. If you press edit and delete info message category which you added. v Active list: You can select info service message numbers in the active list. if you activate an info service number, you can receive messages sent from the number. Templates Menu 5.9
- Email: This menu allows you to edit, delete or add an email account. Text (Menu 5.9.1) You have 6 text templates as below;
Please call me back. Im late. I will be there at Where are you now?
I am on the way. Urgent! Please contact. I love you. The following options are available. v View: You can see multimedia templates. v Edit: Use this to write a new message or edit the selected template message from the text template list. v Send via
- Text message: Use this to send the selected template message by SMS.
- Multimedia message: Use this to send the selected template message by MMS. v Delete: Deletes the template. v New template: Use this to create new template. v Delete all: Allows you to delete all multimedia messages. Multimedia (Menu 5.9.2) After saving new template, you can use the following options. v Save: Allows you to save new multimedia templates you created. v Insert: You can add Symbol, Image, Video, Sound, New slide, Text template, Contact, Business card and Others. v Preview: You can preview multimedia templates you wrote. v Edit subject: Allows you to modify the multimedia message you have chosen. v Slide duration: You can set the duration of slide of multimedia message. M e s s a g n g i 59 Messaging v T9 languages: Select the desired language for T9 input mode. You can also deactivate T9 input mode by selecting T9 off. v Message centre number: If you want to send the text message, you can receive the address of SMS centre through this menu. v Exit: Will take you back to the Message menu. Settings Menu 5.0 Text message (Menu 5.0.1) v Message types:
Text, Voice, Fax, Paging, X.400, Email, ERMES Usually, the type of message is set to Text. You can convert your text into alternative formats. Contact your service provider for the availability of this function. v Validity period: This network service allows you to set how long your messages will be stored at the message centre. v Delivery report: If you set to Yes, you can check whether your message is sent successfully. v Reply charging: When a message is sent, it allows the recipients to reply and charge the cost of the reply to your telephone bill. M e s s a g n g i 60 v Bearer setting: You can set the bearer setting such as GSM, GPRS. Multimedia message (Menu 5.0.2) v Subject: You can enter multimedia messages subject when this menu is on. v Slide duration: Display the duration of each page when writing the message. v Priority: You can set the priority of the message you choose. v Validity period: This network service allows you to set how long your text messages will be stored at the message centre. v Delivery report: If it is set to Yes in this menu, you can check whether your message is sent successfully. v Read report: You can receive the report whether the receiver read the message or not. v Auto download: If you select On, you receive multimedia messages automatically. If you select Off, you receive only notification message in the inbox and then you can check this notification. If you select Home network only, you receive multimedia messages depends on Homenetwork. v Network profile: If you select multimedia message server, you can set URL for multimedia message server. v Permitted message type Personal: Personal message. Advertisement: Commercial message. Information: Necessary information. Email (Menu 5.0.3) v Email account This menu allows you to edit, delete or add an email account.
- View: You can see the Email.
- Set as default
- Edit Account name: Account name. Email address: Enter the email address given to you by your service provider. My name: You can make your nickname. Protocol type: Choose your protocol type.
(POP3/IMAP4) Incoming mail server: Enter the POP3 address and Port number of the that receives your email. User name: Enter your email ID. Password: Enter your email password. Outgoing mail server: Enter the SMTP address and Port number of computer that sends your email. M e s s a g n g i 61 Messaging Maximum receive size: View the Maximum size that you can receive mails. Save to server: Select Yes to leave the messages on the server. Insert signature: Select Yes to attach your signature to your email messages.
- Advanced settings Reply email address: Email address that you can receive the reply. Incoming port number: Allow you to edit POP3 port number. Outgoing port number: Allow you to edit SMTP port number. Outgoing mail authentication: when you send the mail, you can set authentication whether or not. Outgoing server ID/password: Enter the ID and password for sending your email.
- New account: You can set up to 5 email accounts by selecting New account menu. Using the Edit menu, you can set the following values.
- Delete: Deletes the selected account from the list. M e s s a g n g i 62
- Delete all: You can delete all account lists. v Network profile A profile is the network information used to connect to the Internet. There are default profiles for some operators, stored in phone memory. Its impossible to rename default profiles. v Signature You can make your signature. Voicemail number (Menu 5.0.4) You can receive the voicemail if your network service provider supports this feature. When a new voicemail is arrived, the symbol will be displayed on the screen. Please check with your network service provider for details of their service in order to configure the phone accordingly. Info message (Menu 5.0.5) v Receive Yes: If you select this menu, your phone will receive Info service messages. No: If you select this menu, your phone will not receive Info service messages any more. v Alerts Yes: Your phone will beep when you have received Info service message numbers. No: Your phone will not beep even though you have received info service messages. v Language You can select the language you want by pressing
[On/Off]. Then, the info service message will be shown in the language that you selected. M e s s a g n g i 63 My stuff Images Show the list of JPG files at My media\Photos in Multimedia memory. v View: You can see the JPG file when pressing OK key Menu 6.1 or selecting View menu of Option menus. v Set as
- Wallpaper: Currently selected image can be set as a wallpaper.
- Picture ID: Currently selected image can be set as a Picture ID. v File info: Show the file information. v Send via Multimedia message/Bluetooth/Email:
Allows you to send a image through MMS/
Bluetooth/Email. v File
- Rename: Change the file name of selected file. The maximum length of characters is 200. And You can not change the extension of file. M y s t u f f 64 Warning!
You cant use the following characters, \ / : * ? < > |
- Move to folder: Move the selected file to the folder.
- Move to external memory: Move the selected file to the Multimedia memory\external memory. Warning!
If you remove a external memory during moving a file, it makes a serious damage at phone.
- Copy to external memory: Copy the selected file to the Multimedia memory\external memory. Warning!
If you remove a external memory during copying a file, it makes a serious damage at phone.
- Information: Show the file information. v Print via Bluetooth: Most pictures that youve taken in the camera mode and downloaded through WAP can be transmitted via Bluetooth to a printer. v Slide show
- Settings: You can set the View size (Normal/full) and Time interval.
- Play: You can view the slide show of files you stored. v Sort by: Allows you to arrange files according to Date,Type and Name. v List view: Allows you to set the view type. Sounds Show the list of MP3, MP4, AAC, M4A files at My media\Music in Multimedia memory. v Play: You can play the MP3 file when pressing OK key Menu 6.2 or selecting Play menu of Option menu. v Set as: Currently selected sound can be set as a Ringtone/Ringtone ID. v File info: Show the file information. v Sort by: Allows you to arrange files according to Date,Type and Name. Note v You may send files via Bluetooth only if they are stored in phone memory, not on memory card. To send file from external memory, please, firstly copy it to internal phone memory. M y s t u f f 65 My stuff Menu 6.3 Videos Show the list of 3GP, 3G2 files at My media\Videos in Multimedia memory. Supported only .3gp files, that are encoded with MPEG4 and h.263 video-codecs and AMR audio-codec. v Play: You can play the video file when pressing OK key or selecting Play menu of Option menus. v Delete: Delete a file. v Send via: Send the selected file to another device via Multimedia message, Bluetooth or Email. Note v You may send files via Bluetooth only if they are stored in phone memory, not on memory card. To send file from external memory, please, firstly copy it to internal phone memory. M y s t u f f 66 v File: You can save/move/copy the folder or external memory.
- Rename: Change the file name of selected file. The maximum length of characters is 200. And you can not change the extension of file. Warning!
You cant use the following characters, \ / : * ? < > |
- Move to folder: Move the selected file to the folder.
- Move to external memory: Move the selected file to the Multimedia memory\external memory. Warning!
If you remove a external memory during moving a file, it makes a serious damage at phone.
- Copy to external memory: Copy the selected file to the Multimedia memory\external memory. Warning!
If you remove a external memory during copying a file, it makes a serious damage at phone.
- Information: Show the file information. v New folder: You can create a new folder. v Multi delete: You can remove a number of files you selected. v Delete all: Delete all files in the list. v Sort by: Allows you to arrange files according to Date,Type and Name. Flashes Menu 6.4 Menu 6.5 Documents This menu enables you to view document files (txt, ppt, pdf, doc and excel). You can use the following Options menu v View: You can see the document file when pressing OK key or selecting View menu of Option menus. v Send via: Send the selected file to another device through Bluetooth/Email. v File: You can save/move/copy the folder or external memory.
- Rename: Change the file name of selected file. The maximum length of characters is 200. And You can not change the extension of file. Warning!
You cant use the following characters, \ / : * ? < > |
- Move to folder: Move the selected file to the folder.
- Move to external memory: Move the selected file to the Multimedia memory\external memory. Warning!
If you remove a external memory during moving a file, it makes a serious damage at phone.
- Copy to external memory: Copy the selected file to the Multimedia memory\external memory. Warning!
If you remove a external memory during copying a file, it makes a serious damage at phone.
- Information: Show the file information. M y s t u f f 67 My stuff v New folder: You can create a new folder. v Multi delete: You can remove a number of files you selected. v Delete all: Delete all files in the list. v Sort by: Allows you to arrange files according to Date,Type and Name. Others Show the list of MP3, MP4, AAC, M4A files at My media\Music in Multimedia memory. v Play: You can play a file if its type is the one of 3GP, Menu 6.6 3G2, MP3, MP4, AAC, and M4A. v View: You can see a file if its type is the one of JPG, GIF, WBMP and PNG. v Send via Bluetooth: Send the selected file to another device via Bluetooth. M y s t u f f 68 Note v You may send files via Bluetooth only if they are stored in phone memory, not on memory card. To send file from external memory, please, firstly copy it to internal phone memory. v When you connect phone with PC via bluetooth, to Music, Video, Others and Text folders you can write and receive files, and from Photo, Sounds and Images folders you may only receive files, copy files to this folders from PC is impossible. All supported file types you may copy from PC to phones Others folder, and then you may view or play these files. When connecting with PC via USB cable in internal phone memory you may see only Photo, Music, Others and Video folders, and on external memory card you may see all folders. Games & Apps In this menu, you can manage the Java applications installed in your phone. You can play or delete downloaded applications, or set the connect option. Menu 6.7 External Memory This menu allows you to view Videos, Photos, Music, Images, Sounds and Others in memory card. If the external memory is not available, a pop up message Please insert external memory is displayed. Menu 6.8 Note v Removable disk will be not available, if in phone Sim card absence. New Fantastic LG There is mass storage function in ME970d. if you connect the USB cable, you can use the phone as a Removable Disk. You can download MP3 files, and photos, video, txt files etc. this gives you fast access from PC to Phone, by just connecting the USB cable. Note v Please do not try to remove the cable while you are downloading files. After you download the files, you need to click window HW safely remove on PC and then disconnect cable. v When you copy a file to the removable disk, you can see the Main LCD display transferring. it means MASS STORAGE is working. while transferring, do not disconnect the cable. if you disconnect the cable while transferring, data will be broken. v If you receive a call during MASS STORAGE call and message are not available. M y s t u f f 69 Profiles In Profiles, you can adjust and customise the phone tones for different events, environments, or caller groups. There are six preset profiles: General, Silent, Vibrate only, Outdoor and Headset. Each profile can be personalised. Press the left soft key
[Menu] and select Profiles using up/down navigation keys. Activate (Menu 7.X.1) 1. A list of profiles is displayed. 2. In the Profiles list, scroll to the profile you want to
[OK] or OK activate and press the left soft key key. 3. Then, select Activate. Personalise (Menu 7.X.2) Scroll to the desired profile in the Profile list. After pressing the left soft key or the OK key, select Personalise. The profile setting option opens. Set the option as required. v Call alert type: Set the alert type for incoming calls. v Ring tones: Select the desired ring tone from the list. v Ring volume: Set the volume of the ringing tone. v Message alert type: Set the alert type for messages. v Message tones: Select the alert tone for messages. v Keypad tones: Select the desired keypad tone. v Keypad volume: Set the volume of keypad tone. v Slide tones: Allows to set the flip tone for adjusting environment. v Effect sound volume: Set the volume of effect sound. v Power on/off volume: Set the volume of the ringing tone when switching the phone on/off. P r o f i l e s 70 v Auto answer: This function will be activated only when your phone is connected to the handsfree kit. Off: The phone will not answer automatically. After 5 secs: After 5 seconds, the phone will answer automatically. After 10 secs: After 10 seconds, the phone will answer automatically. Note v All profiles cannot be renamed. P r o f i l e s 71 Contacts Search 1. Select Search by press the left soft key 2. Enter the name that you want to search. Menu 8.1
[OK]. Note v Instant searching is available by inputting the initial letter of the name. v Delete: You can delete an entry. v New contact: After selecting the place (SIM/Phone) you want to save, you can add to the phonebook list. v Multi delete: Allows you to remove a number of files selected. v Copy to SIM: You can copy an entry from SIM to phone or from phone to SIM. 3. If you want to edit, delete, copy an entry, or to add the voice to one, select left soft key The following menu will be displayed. v View: You can view each entry in details. v Edit: You can edit the name, number, group, ringtone
[Options]. and picture by using the navigation key. v New message: After you have found the number you want, you can send a text/multimedia message to the selected number. v Send via: You can send the data of phone book to devices which is compatible with bluetooth through bluetooth. C o n t a c t s 72 New contact You can add phonebook entry by using this function. Phone memory capacity is 1000 entries. SIM card memory capacity depends on the cellular service provider. The number of character is SIM dependent feature. Menu 8.2 Note v Maximum stored name and number length depends on SIM-card type. 1. Select Add new by press left soft key 2. Select the memory you want to save: SIM or Phone.
[OK]. Note v According to default memory, if you select SIM or Handset, the phone will not requests the memory to save an entry. Speed dials You can assign any of the keys Name list entry. You can call directly by pressing this key. 1. Open the phonebook first by pressing the right soft key Menu 8.3 with a to
[Contacts] in standby mode. 2. Scroll to Speed dial, then press the left soft key
[OK]. a. Input a name. b. Press r, then you can input a number. c. You can set a group for the entry by pressing
. d. You can set a ringtone and a photo for the entry by ress left soft key
[Option]. 3. If you want to add speed dial, select <empty> by pressing the left soft key search the name in phonebook.
[Add]. Then, you can 4. After assigning the number as speed dial, you can change and delete the entry. You can also make a call or send a message by this number. C o n t a c t s 73 Contacts Groups Menu 8.4 You can list up to the members per each group. There are 6 groups you can make lists to. v View members: Shows the group members you have selected. v Group ringtone: Allows you to specify ring tone for the group members call. v Group icon: Allows you to select the icon dependent on Group. v Add member: You can add group members. v Remove member: You can remove the member from the Group member list. But the name and the number will be remained in phonebook. v Rename: You can change a group name. v Reset all: Allows you to delete all the members in the group. C o n t a c t s 74 Copy all/Delete all You can copy/move entries from SIM card memory to Phone memory and vice versa. v SIM: You can copy the entry from SIM Card to Phone Menu 8.5/8.6 memory. v Phone: You can copy the entry from Phone memory to SIM Card. Settings 1. Press the right soft 2. Scroll to Settings, then press the left soft key
[Contacts] in standby mode. Menu 8.7
[OK]. v View options Scroll to highlight View options, and then press the left soft key [Select].
- Name only: Set the phonebook list with displaying only name.
- With photo: Set the phonebook list with the information of character and picture. Information v Service dial numbers Menu 8.8 Use this function to access a particular list of services provided by your network operator (if supported by the SIM card). v Own numbers (SIM dependent) You can save and check your own number in SIM card. v Business card This option allows you to create your own business card featuring Name and an mobile phone number. To create a new business card, press the left soft key
[Add] and enter the information into the fields. If you want to edit, delete or to send a business card, select left soft key
[option]. C o n t a c t s 75 Settings Date & Time You can set functions relating to the date and time. Menu 9.1 Auto update (Menu 9.1.5) Select On, the phone will automatically update the data and time. Set date (Menu 9.1.1) You can enter the current date. Date format (Menu 9.1.2) You can set the Date format such as YYYY/MM/DD, DD/MM/YYYY, MM/DD/YYYY.
(D: Day / M: Month / Y: Year) Set time (Menu 9.1.3) You can enter the current time. Time format (Menu 9.1.4) Your can set the time format between 24-hour and 12-
hour. S e t t i n g s 76 Languages Menu 9.2 You can change the language for the display texts in your phone. This change will also affect the Language Input mode. Display Menu 9.3 Wallpaper (Menu 9.3.1) You can select the background pictures in standby mode. v Default You can select a picture or an animation of wallpaper by pressing or
. Backlight timer (Menu 9.3.2) You can set the light-up duration of the display.
(Off/10 secs/20 secs/30 secs/60 secs) Standby text (Menu 9.3.7) If you select On, you can edit the text which is displayed in standby mode. Brightness (Menu 9.3.3) You can set the brightness of LCD: 100%, 80%, 60%, 40%
Network name (Menu 9.3.8) If this function is activated, network name will be displayed on LCD. Home screen shortcut (Menu 9.3.4) Selecting On displays the functionalities of 4 Navigation keys and Menu key as pictures on the middle of the idle window. (Profiles/Messaging/ Favourites/Contacts) Menu style (Menu 9.3.5) Your phone provides you with Grid and Arch menu themes. Set the menu colour by scrolling and pressing the left soft key
[OK]. Dialing style (Menu 9.3.6) Your phone provides you with three dialing styles.
(Color style/Beads style/Digital style) Connectivity Menu 9.4 Bluetooth (Menu 9.4.1) Bluetooth enables compatible mobile devices, peripherals and computers that are in close proximity to communicate directly with each other without wires. This handset supports built-in Bluetooth connectivity, which makes it possible to connect them with compatible Bluetooth headsets, computer applications and so on. S e t t i n g s 77 Settings Note v If you use LG PC Sync via bluetooth, you can exchange the data only within phonebook v When you receive data from another Bluetooth device, the phone requests confirmation. After confirming the transfer, the file will be copied on to your phone. v Depending on the file type, it will be stored in the following folders:
- Video (.3gp, mp4): Videos folder
- Image (.bmp, gif, jpg, png): Images folder
- Sound (.amr, wav, aac): Sounds folder
- MP3 (.mp3): Sounds/MP3 folder
- Other files (.txt, html): Others folder v Bluetooth on/off You can activate or cancel the bluetooth function. v Device list You can view all devices which your ME970d is already paired to. If you enter Paired devices, you access the options
- Connect: After pairing with headset or stereo headset, you should connect with those devices. Then you can use those devices.
- Add new: Allows to search new bluetooth devices and add them to your phones list of paired devices. When you select Add new your handset will start to search for Bluetooth devices within range. Once the device you wish to pair appears on the list press the right soft key [Stop]. Scroll to the desired device and press the left soft key
[Pair]. You will then be asked to enter a passcode. The passcode can be any code you wish to use (the same passcode must be used by both devices) or is one that is pre-determined by the manufacturer of the device you are trying to pair with. Please check the User Manual of the device you are initiating the pair with to see if it already has a predetermined passcode in place. S e t t i n g s 78 Sync service (Menu 9.4.2) Use this Sync service, you can synchronize phonebook or calendar (If the server supports) with a remote sync server. v Connect Connect to the Server v Logs View the updated logs between the client and the server. v Set server Set the servers to synchronize. v Network profile Set network profile. You can only activate a network profile.
- Assign short name: Allows you to change the name of the paired Bluetooth device and how it is displayed on the handset.
- Set as authorised/Set as unauthorized: Allows you to set an authorised connection between each Bluetooth device. For example if you regularly use a Bluetooth headset with your phone then setting the connection as authorised will mean the headset will automatically connect to the handset each time the headset is powered on.
- All services: Allows to view all services which are supported by bluetooth device.
- Delete: Allows to delete a paired bluetooth device.
- Delete all: Allows to delete all a paired bluetooth devices. v Bluetooth settings
- My visibility: This indicates whether or not your handset will be visible to other Bluetooth devices.
- My name: You can set the name of bluetooth device. The default name is LG ME970d.
- My address: You can view the address of your Bluetooth device. S e t t i n g s 79 Settings Network (Menu 9.4.3) You can select a network which will be registered either automatically or manually. Network selection (Menu Usually, the network selection is set to Automatic. v Automatic: If you select Automatic mode, the phone will automatically search for and select a network for you. Once you have selected Automatic, the phone will be set to Automatic even though the power is off and on. v Manual: The phone will find the list of available networks and show you them. Then you can select the network which you want to use if this network has a roaming agreement with your home network operator. The phone let you select another network if the phone fails to access the selected network. v Preferred: You can set a list of preferred networks and the phone attempts to register with first, before attempting to register to any other networks. This list is set from the phones predefined list of known networks. S e t t i n g s 80 GPRS attach (Menu 9.4.4) You can set GPRS service depending on various situations. v Power on If you select this menu, the phone is automatically registered to a GPRS network when you switch the phone on. Starting a WAP or PC dial-up application created the connection between phone and network and data transfer is possible. When you end the application, GPRS connection is ended but the registration to the GPRS network remains. v When needed If you select this menu, the GPRS connection is established when you connect a WAP or application service and closed when you end the WAP or applicaion connection. Network profile (Menu 9.4.5) v Data connections
- Bearer: You can set the bearer data service. 1 Data/2 GPRS
- Data settings: Appears only if you select Data Settings as a Bearer/service. Dial number: Enter the telephone number to dial to access your WAP gateway. User ID: The users identity for your dial-up server
(and NOT the WAP gateway). Password: The password required by your dial-up server (and NOT the WAP gateway) to identify you. Call type: Select the type of data call; Analogue or Digital (ISDN). Linger time: You need to enter timeout period. After entering that, the WAP navigation service will be unavailable if any data is not input or transferred. Call speed: The speed of your data connection; 9600 or 14400 (Depends on Operator)
- GPRS settings: The service settings are only available when GPRS is chosen as a bearer service. APN: Input the APN of the GPRS. User ID: The users identify for your APN server. Password: The password required by your APN server.
- DNS settings Primary server: Input the IP address of the primary DNS server you access. Secondary server: Input the IP address of the secondary DNS server you access. USB connection mode (Menu 9.4.6) You can choose one mode of Data service and Mass storage. (Modem/Mass storage) When you have finished using the phone memory, click Exit and take the following steps. S e t t i n g s 81 Settings Caution v Before you remove the cable, it is necessary that you click Exit. Or, the integrity of transferred data is not guaranteed. 1. Click on the notification area.
[Unplug or Eject Hardware]
2. Select USB Mass Storage Device, click on Stop. The following message will appear: The USB Mass Storage Device device can now be safely removed from the system Call You can set the menu relevant to a call by pressing
[Select] in the Setting menu. Menu 9.5 Call divert (Menu 9.5.1) The Call divert service allows you to divert incoming voice calls, fax calls, and data calls to another number. For details, contact your service provider. v All voice calls Diverts voice calls unconditionally. v If busy 3. Then remove the cable. Diverts voice calls when the phone is in use. S e t t i n g s 82 v If no reply Diverts voice calls which you do not answer. v If out of reach Diverts voice calls when the phone is switched off or out of coverage. v All data calls Diverts to a number with a PC connection unconditionally. v All fax calls Diverts to a number with a fax connection unconditionally. v Cancel all Cancels all call divert service. The submenus Call divert menus have the submenus shown below.
- Activate Activate the corresponding service. To voice mailbox Forwards to message centre. This function is not shown at All data calls and All fax calls menus. To other number Inputs the number for diverting. To favourite number You can check recent 5 diverted numbers.
- Cancel Deactivate the corresponding service.
- View status View the status of the corresponding service. Answer mode (Menu 9.5.2) v Slide open If you select this menu, you can receive an incoming call when you open the slide. v Any key If you select this menu, you can receive a call by pressing any key except
[End] key. v Send key only If you select this menu, you can receive a call by only pressing
[Send] key. S e t t i n g s 83 Settings Send my number (Menu 9.5.3)
(network and subscription dependent) v Set by network If you select this, you can send your phone number depending on two line service such as line 1 or line 2. v On v View status Shows the status of Call waiting. Minute minder (Menu 9.5.5) If you select On, you can check the call duration by a beep sound given every minute during a call. You can send your phone number to another party. Your phone number will be shown on the receivers phone. Auto redial (Menu 9.5.6) v On When this function is activated, the phone will automatically try to redial in the case of failure to connect a call. v Off Your phone will not make any attempts to redial when the original call has not connected. v Off Your phone number will not be shown. Call waiting (Menu9.5.4)
(network dependent) v Activate If you select Activate, you can accept a waiting
(receiving) call. v Cancel If you select Cancel, you cannot recognize the waiting
(receiving) call. S e t t i n g s 84 Select line (Menu 9.5.7)
(SIM dependent) This menu is shown only if the SIM supports two subscriber numbers, that is, two phone lines. Select which phone line (between Line 1 and Line 2) you want to use for making calls and sending short messages. Calls on both lines can be answered irrespective of the selected line. Send DTMF (Menu 9.5.8) You can send touch tones during an active call to control your voice mailbox or other automated phone services. v Information DTMF tone: Dual Tones Multiple Frequency. Security Menu 9.6 PIN code request (Menu 9.6.1) In this menu, you can set the phone to ask for the PIN code of your SIM card when the phone is switched on. If this function is activated, youll be requested to enter the PIN code. 1. Select PIN code request in the security settings menu, and then press
[OK]. 2. Set Enable/Disable. 3. If you want to change the setting, you need to enter PIN code when you switch on the phone. 4. If you enter wrong PIN code more than 3 times, the phone will lock out. If the PIN is blocked, you will need to key in PUK code. 5. You can enter your PUK code up to 10 times. If you put wrong PUK code more than 10 times, you can not unlock your phone. You will need to contact your service provider. S e t t i n g s 85 Settings Auto key lock (Menu 9.6.2) When Auto key Lock feature is enabled, the phone is locked. v All outgoing The barring service for all outgoing calls. v Outgoing international Phone lock (Menu 9.6.3) You can use a security code to avoid unauthorized use of the phone. Whenever you switch on the phone, the phone will request security code if you set phone lock to When switch on. If you set phone lock to When SIM changed, your phone will request security code only when you change your SIM card. Call barring (Menu 9.6.4) The Call barring service prevents your phone from making or receiving certain category of calls. This function requires the call barring password. You can view the following submenus. The barring service for all outgoing international calls. v O/G international except home country The barring service for all international outgoing calls except home network. v All incoming The barring service for all incoming calls. v Incoming when abroad The barring service for all incoming calls when roaming. v Cancel all barrings You can cancel all barring services. v Change password You can change the password for Call Barring Service. S e t t i n g s 86 Change codes (Menu 9.6.6) PIN is an abbreviation of Personal Identification Number to prevent use by unauthorized person. You can change the access codes: Security code, PIN1 code, PIN2 code. 1. If you want to change the Security code/PIN1/ PIN2 code input your original code, and then press
[OK]. 2. Input new Security code/PIN/PIN2 code and verify them. The submenus:
- Activate Allows to request the network to set call restriction on.
- Cancel Set the selected call restriction off.
- View status View the status whether the calls are barred or not. Fixed dial number (Menu 9.6.5)
(SIM dependent) You can restrict your outgoing calls to selected phone numbers. The numbers are protected by your PIN2 code. v On You can restrict your outgoing calls to selected phone numbers. v Off You can cancel fixed dialling function. v Number list You can view the number list saved as Fixed dial number. S e t t i n g s 87 Settings Menu 9.7 Flight mode This allows you to use only the phones features that do not require the use of the wireless network when you are in an airplane or in places where the wireless network is prevented. If you set the flight mode on, the icon will be displayed on the screen instead of the network signal icon. v On: You cannot make (or receive) any calls, including emergency calls, or use other features that require network coverage Reset default You can initialize all factory defaults. You need Security code to activate this function. Menu 9.9 Memory status You can check free space and memory usage of each repository, Internal memory and Multimedia memory. You can go to each repository menu. Menu 9.0 v Off: You can deactivate the flight mode and restart your handset to access the network. Power saving Menu 9.8 If you set On, you can save the power when you dont use the phone. S e t t i n g s 88 There are various accessories for your mobile phone. You can select these options according to your personal communication requirements. Accessories Standard Battery Travel Adapter This charger allows you to charge the battery while away from home or your office. Data cable/CD You can connect your phone to PC to exchange the data between them. Hands free earmicrophone and music player controller combo v Stereo headset v Controller: Answer & End button, music player control, volume control, Hold button and microphone. Note
] Always use genuine LG accessories.
] Failure to do this may invalidate your warranty.
]Accessories may be different in different regions;
please check with our regional service company or agent for further inquires. A c c e s s o r i e s 89 Technical data General Product name:ME970d System: GSM 850 / DCS 1800 / PCS 1900 Ambient Temperatures Max: +55C Min: -10C T e c h n i c a l d a t a 90
frequency | equipment class | purpose | ||
1 | 2007-03-09 | 2402 ~ 2480 | DSS - Part 15 Spread Spectrum Transmitter | Original Equipment |
2 | 1850.2 ~ 1909.8 | PCE - PCS Licensed Transmitter held to ear | ||
3 | JBP - Part 15 Class B Computing Device Peripheral |
app s | Applicant Information | |||||
1 2 3 | Effective |
1 2 3 | Applicant's complete, legal business name |
LG Electronics USA
1 2 3 | FCC Registration Number (FRN) |
1 2 3 | Physical Address |
1000 Sylvan Avenue
1 2 3 |
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632
1 2 3 |
United States
app s | TCB Information | |||||
1 2 3 | TCB Application Email Address |
1 2 3 | TCB Scope |
A4: UNII devices & low power transmitters using spread spectrum techniques
1 2 3 |
B1: Commercial mobile radio services equipment in the following 47 CFR Parts 20, 22 (cellular), 24,25 (below 3 GHz) & 27
1 2 3 |
A1: Low Power Transmitters below 1 GHz (except Spread Spectrum), Unintentional Radiators, EAS (Part 11) & Consumer ISM devices
app s | FCC ID | |||||
1 2 3 | Grantee Code |
1 2 3 | Equipment Product Code |
app s | Person at the applicant's address to receive grant or for contact | |||||
1 2 3 | Name |
K******** H******
1 2 3 | Title |
Director, Standards & Compliance
1 2 3 | Telephone Number |
1 2 3 | Fax Number |
1 2 3 |
app s | Technical Contact | |||||
1 2 3 | Firm Name |
PCTEST Engineering Lab., Inc.
1 2 3 | Name |
R****** O******
1 2 3 | Physical Address |
6660-B Dobbin Road
1 2 3 |
Columbia, Maryland 21045
1 2 3 |
United States
1 2 3 | Telephone Number |
1 2 3 | Fax Number |
1 2 3 |
app s | Non Technical Contact | |||||
n/a | ||||||
app s | Confidentiality (long or short term) | |||||
1 2 3 | Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | Yes | ||||
1 2 3 | Long-Term Confidentiality Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | No | ||||
1 2 3 | If so, specify the short-term confidentiality release date (MM/DD/YYYY format) | 05/03/2007 | ||||
if no date is supplied, the release date will be set to 45 calendar days past the date of grant. | ||||||
app s | Cognitive Radio & Software Defined Radio, Class, etc | |||||
1 2 3 | Is this application for software defined/cognitive radio authorization? | No | ||||
1 2 3 | Equipment Class | DSS - Part 15 Spread Spectrum Transmitter | ||||
1 2 3 | PCE - PCS Licensed Transmitter held to ear | |||||
1 2 3 | JBP - Part 15 Class B Computing Device Peripheral | |||||
1 2 3 | Description of product as it is marketed: (NOTE: This text will appear below the equipment class on the grant) | Cellular/PCS GSM/EDGE Phone with Bluetooth | ||||
1 2 3 | Related OET KnowledgeDataBase Inquiry: Is there a KDB inquiry associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 2 3 | Modular Equipment Type | Does not apply | ||||
1 2 3 | Purpose / Application is for | Original Equipment | ||||
1 2 3 | Composite Equipment: Is the equipment in this application a composite device subject to an additional equipment authorization? | Yes | ||||
1 2 3 | Related Equipment: Is the equipment in this application part of a system that operates with, or is marketed with, another device that requires an equipment authorization? | Yes | ||||
1 2 3 | Grant Comments | Output power is conducted. This device is approved for use in the handset described in this filing. | ||||
1 2 3 | Power output listed is ERP for Part 22 and EIRP for Part 24. SAR compliance for body-worn operation is based on a separation distance of 2.0 cm between the unit and the body of the user. End-users must be informed of the body-worn operating requirements for satisfying RF exposure compliance. Belt clips or holsters not listed in this filing may not contain metallic components. SAR compliance was evaluated with the integral Bluetooth active. The highest reported SAR values are: Part 22 - Head: 0.33 W/kg; Body-worn: 0.637 W/kg; Part 24 - Head: 0.263 W/kg; Body-worn: 0.462 W/kg. This device also contains functions that are not operational in U.S. Territories. This filing is only applicable for US operations. | |||||
1 2 3 | Is there an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 2 3 | If there is an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application, has the associated waiver been approved and all information uploaded? | No | ||||
app s | Test Firm Name and Contact Information | |||||
1 2 3 | Firm Name |
ESTECH Co., Ltd.
1 2 3 | Name |
Y****** J********
1 2 3 | Telephone Number |
1 2 3 | Fax Number |
1 2 3 |
Equipment Specifications | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line | Rule Parts | Grant Notes | Lower Frequency | Upper Frequency | Power Output | Tolerance | Emission Designator | Microprocessor Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 15C | CC | 2402.00000000 | 2480.00000000 | 0.0016000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line | Rule Parts | Grant Notes | Lower Frequency | Upper Frequency | Power Output | Tolerance | Emission Designator | Microprocessor Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | 1 | 22H | 824.2 | 848.8 | 0.931 | 2.5 ppm | 250KGXW | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | 2 | 22H | 824.2 | 848.8 | 0.269 | 2.5 ppm | 249KG7W | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | 3 | 24E | 1850.2 | 1909.8 | 1.923 | 2.5 ppm | 245KGXW | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | 4 | 24E | 1850.2 | 1909.8 | 1.795 | 2.5 ppm | 244KG7W | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line | Rule Parts | Grant Notes | Lower Frequency | Upper Frequency | Power Output | Tolerance | Emission Designator | Microprocessor Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | 1 | 15B | CC |
some individual PII (Personally Identifiable Information) available on the public forms may be redacted, original source may include additional details
This product uses the FCC Data API but is not endorsed or certified by the FCC