all | frequencies |
exhibits | applications |
manuals |
app s | submitted / available | |||||||
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User Manual 1 | Users Manual | 1.10 MiB | ||||
1 |
User Manual 2 | Users Manual | 3.83 MiB | ||||
1 | Cover Letter(s) | |||||||
1 | Block Diagram | |||||||
1 | External Photos | |||||||
1 | Internal Photos | |||||||
1 | ID Label/Location Info | |||||||
1 | Operational Description | |||||||
1 | Test Report | |||||||
1 | Schematics | |||||||
1 | Test Setup Photos |
1 | User Manual 1 | Users Manual | 1.10 MiB |
Regulatory Information cont. FCC Compliance Statement respecte toutes les exigences du Rglement sur le matriel brouilleur du Canada. This equipment has been tested and found to comply within the limits of a Class B digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception (which can be determined by turning the equipment on and off), the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by using one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Caution: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's (or your) authority to operate the equipment. Only peripherals (digital input/output devices, terminals, printers, etc.) certified to comply with the Class B limits may be attached to this monitor. Operation with non-certified peripherals is likely to result in interference to radio and TV reception. Only shielded signal cables may be used with this System. NOTICE The regulations are applied only to the products with the ID LABEL indicating specific requirements. Canadian DOC Notice This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations. Cet appareil numrique de la classe B NOTICE The regulations are applied only to the products with the ID LABEL indicating specific requirements. NOTICE The following information is for the models certified by TCO. If you want to know the specification of the purchased product, see the label attached on the back of the product. TCO Displays 5.0 Congratulations, Your display is designed for both you and the planet!
This display carries the TCO Certified label. This ensures that the display is designed for minimal impact on the climate and natural environment, while offering all the performance expected from top of the line electronic products. TCO Certified is a third party verified program, where every product model is tested by an accredited independent test laboratory. TCO Certified represents one of the toughest certifications for displays worldwide. Some of the Usability features of the TCO Displays 5.0 requirements:
Visual Ergonomics Good visual ergonomics in order to improve the working environment for the user and to reduce sight and strain problems. Important parameters are:
Light levels without color tint, Uniform color and luminance, Wide color gamut Calibrated color temperature and gamma curve Wide luminance level, Dark black levels, Low motion blur Electrical Safety Product fulfills rigorous safety standards 1 Regulatory Information cont. Emissions Low alternating electric and magnetic fields emissions Low acoustic noise emissions Some of the environmental features of the TCO Displays 5.0 requirements:
The brand owner demonstrates corporate social responsibility and has a certified environmental management system (EMAS or ISO 14001) Very low energy consumption both in on-and standby mode Restrictions on chlorinated and brominated flame retardants, plasticizers and polymers Restrictions on heavy metals such as cadmium, mercury and lead (RoHS compliance) Both product and product packaging is prepared for recycling The brand owner offers take-back options The requirements included in this label have been developed by TCO Development in co-operation with scientists, experts, users as well as manufacturers all over the world. Since the end of the 1980s TCO has been involved in influencing the development of IT equipment in a more user-friendly direction. Our labeling system started with displays in 1992 and is now requested by users and IT-manufacturers all over the world. For more information, please visit: English Information for Environmental Preservation LGE. announced the 'LG Declaration for a Cleaner Environment' in 1994, and this ideal has served as a guiding managerial principle ever since. The Declaration is a foundation that has allowed us to undertake environmentally friendly activities in careful consideration of economic, environmental, and social aspects. We promote activities for environmental preservation, and we specifically develop our products to embrace the concept of environment-friendly. We minimize the hazardous materials contained in our products. For example, there is no cadmium to be found in our monitors. Information for recycling This monitor may contain parts which could be hazardous to the environment. It is important that this monitor be recycled after use. LGE. handles all waste monitors through an environmentally acceptable recycling method. There are several take-back and recycling systems currently in operation worldwide. Many parts will be reused and recycled, while harmful substances and heavy metals are treated by an environmentally friendly method. If you want to find out more information about our recycling program, please contact your local LG vendor or a corporate representative of LG. We set our vision and policies on a cleaner world by selecting the issue of the global environment as a task for corporate improvement. Please visit our website for more information about our green policies.
recycling.jsp 2 Regulatory Information cont. Deutsch Franais Informationen zur Erhaltung der Umwelt Im Jahr 1994 verkndete LGE die 'LG Declaration for a Cleaner Environment' (LG Erklrung fr eine sauberere Umwelt). Seitdem dient dieses Ideal als fhrendes Prinzip des Unternehmens. Diese Erklrung war die Basis fr die Durchfhrung von umweltfreundlichen Aktivitten, wobei wirtschaftliche, umweltbezogene und soziale Aspekte in die berlegungen mit einbezogen wurden. Wir frdern Aktivitten zum Schutz der Umwelt und die Entwicklung unserer Produkte ist darauf ausgerichtet, unserem Konzept bezglich Umweltfreundlichkeit gerecht zu werden. Wir sind darauf bedacht, den Anteil der in unseren Produkten enthaltenen schdlichen Materialien zu minimieren. So ist in unseren Monitoren beispielsweise kein Kadmium zu finden. Informationen zum Thema Recycling Dieser Monitor enthlt Teile, die umweltschdlich sein knnen. Es ist unbedingt erforderlich, dass der Monitor recycelt wird, nachdem er auer Dienst gestellt wurde. Bei LGE. werden alle ausrangierten Monitore in einem unter umweltbezogenen Aspekten geeigneten Verfahren recycelt. Augenblicklich sind weltweit mehrere Rcknahme- und Recyclingsysteme im Einsatz. Viele Teile werden wieder verwendet und recycelt. Schdliche Substanzen und Schwermetalle werden durch umweltvertrgliche Verfahren behandelt. Falls Sie mehr ber unser Recyclingprogramm erfahren mchten, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren lokalen LG-
Hndler oder einen Unternehmensvertreter von LG. Wir richten unsere Firmenpolitik auf eine sauberere Umwelt hin aus, indem wir umweltspezifische Aspekte als wichtigen Punkt in die Weiterentwicklung unseres Unternehmens einflieen lassen. Zustzliche Informationen ber unsere grne Firmenpolitik erhalten Sie auf unserer Website.
recycling.jsp Information sur la protection delenvironnement LGE. a publi sa 'Dclaration en faveur dun environnement plus propre' en 1994 et celle-ci est reste, depuis lors, un principe directeur de notre entreprise. Cette dclaration a servi de base notre rflexion et nous a permis de prendre en compte la fois les aspects conomiques et sociaux de nos activits, tout en respectant lenvironnement. Nous encourageons les activits en faveur de la prservation de lenvironnement et cest dans cet esprit que nous dveloppons nos produits : nous rduisons au minimum les matires dangereuses qui entrent dans leur composition et lon ne trouve pas de cadmium, par exemple, dans nos moniteurs. Information sur le recyclage Ce moniteur peut contenir des composants qui prsentent un risque pour lenvironnement. Il est donc important que celui-ci soit recycl aprs usage. LGE. traite les moniteurs en fin de cycle conformment une mthode de recyclage respectueuse de lenvironnement. Nous reprenons nos produits et les recyclons dans plusieurs sites rpartis dans le monde entier. De nombreux composants sont rutiliss et recycls, et les matires dangereuses, ainsi que les mtaux lourds, sont traits selon un procd cologique. Si vous souhaitez plus de renseignements sur notre programme de recyclage, veuillez contacter votre revendeur LG ou un lun de nos reprsentants. Nous voulons agir pour un monde plus propre et croyons au rle de notre entreprise dans lamlioration de lenvironnement. Pour plus de renseignements sur notre politique verte, rendez visite notre site :
recycling.jsp 3 Regulatory Information cont. Italiano Espaol Informazioni per la tutela dellambiente La LGE. ha annunciato nel 1994 la cosiddetta 'LG Declaration for a Cleaner Environment' (Dichiarazione di LG a favore di un ambiente pi pulito), un ideale che da allora funge da principio ispiratore della gestione aziendale. La dichiarazione rappresenta il fondamento che consente di intraprendere attivit a favore dell'ambiente tenendo conto degli aspetti economici, ambientali e sociali.Noi della LG, promuoviamo attivit a favore della tutela dell'ambiente sviluppando appositamente i nostri prodotti per cogliere il concetto del rispetto dellambiente riducendo i materiali dannosi presenti nei nostri prodotti. Ad esempio nei nostri monitor non presente il cadmio. Informazioni per il riciclaggio Il monitor pu presentare componenti che potrebbero risultare eventualmente dannosi per l'ambiente. importante che il monitor sia riciclato al termine del suo utilizzo. La LGE. gestisce tutti i monitor di rifiuto con un metodo di riciclaggio soddisfacente dal punto di vista ambientale. In tutto il mondo sono attualmente in funzione numerosi sistemi di riciclaggio e recupero. I diversi componenti sono riutilizzati e riciclati, mentre le sostanze dannose e i metalli pesanti vengono trattati con un metodo rispettoso dellambiente. Se si desiderano maggiori informazioni in merito al programma di riciclaggio, consigliabile rivolgersi al proprio rivenditore LG o ad un rappresentante aziendale della LG. Noi della LG impostiamo la nostra visione e le nostre politiche a favore di un mondo pi pulito ponendo la questione dell'ambiente dal punto di vista globale come una mansione rivolta al miglioramento della nostra azienda. Vi invitiamo a visitare il nostro sito internet per ulteriori informazioni sulla nostra politica verde.
recycling.jsp Informacin para la conservacin medioambiental LGE. present la 'Declaracin para un entorno ms limpio de LG' en 1994 y este ideal ha servido para guiar nuestros principios empresariales desde entonces. La Declaracin es la base que nos ha permitido llevar a cabo tareas que respetan el medio ambiente siempre teniendo en cuenta aspectos sociales, econmicos y medioambientales. Promocionamos actividades orientadas a la conservacin del medio ambiente y desarrollamos nuestros productos especficamente para que se ajusten a la filosofa que protege el entorno. Reducimos al mximo el uso de materiales de riesgo en nuestros productos. Un ejemplo de ello es la ausencia total de cadmio en nuestros monitores. Informacin para el reciclaje Este monitor puede contener piezas que entraen riesgos medioambientales. Es importante reciclar este monitor despus de su utilizacin. LGE. trata todos los monitores usados siguiendo un mtodo de reciclaje que no daa al entorno. Contamos con diversos sistemas de recuperacin y reciclaje que funcionan a nivel mundial en la actualidad. Es posible reciclar y reutilizar muchas de las piezas, mientras que las sustancias dainas y los metales pesados se tratan siguiendo un mtodo que no perjudique al medio ambiente. Si desea obtener ms informacin acerca del programa de reciclaje, pngase en contacto con su proveedor local de LG o con un representante empresarial de nuestra marca. Basamos nuestra visin y nuestras polticas en un mundo ms limpio y para ellos optamos por un entorno global como tarea principal de nuestra evolucin como empresa. Visite nuestra pgina Web para obtener ms informacin sobre nuestras polticas ecolgicas.
recycling.jsp 4 Regulatory Information cont. Portugus Nederlands Informaes relacionadas preservao ambiental A LGE. anunciou a 'LG Declaration for a Cleaner Environment' (Declarao da LG para um ambiente mais limpo) em 1994 e esse ideal tem servido desde ento como um princpio administrativo de orientao. A Declarao a base que nos tem permitido realizar atividades favorveis ao ambiente com considerao atenta aos aspectos econmicos, ambientais e sociais. Promovemos atividades de preservao ambiental e desenvolvemos nossos produtos para englobar especificamente o conceito de favorvel ao ambiente. Reduzimos os materiais perigosos contidos em nossos produtos. Por exemplo, no h cdmio em nossos monitores. Informaes relacionadas reciclagem Este monitor pode conter peas que podem representar riscos ao ambiente. importante que ele seja reciclado aps o uso. A LGE. cuida de todos os monitores descartados atravs de um mtodo de reciclagem agradvel ao ambiente. H vrios sistemas de devoluo e reciclagem atualmente em operao no mundo. Muitas peas sero reutilizadas e recicladas e as substncias nocivas e os metais pesados passaro por tratamento atravs de um mtodo favorvel ao ambiente. Para obter mais informaes sobre nosso programa de reciclagem, entre em contato com seu fornecedor LG local ou com um representante corporativo da LG. Definimos nossa viso e nossas polticas relacionadas a um mundo mais limpo selecionando a questo do ambiente global como uma tarefa de aprimoramento corporativo. Visite nosso site para obter mais informaes sobre nossas polticas de meio ambiente.
recycling.jsp Informatie met betrekking tot het behoud van het milieu LGE. publiceerde in 1994 de 'LG Declaration for a Cleaner Environment' (de LG-verklaring met betrekking tot een schoner milieu). Deze verklaring en het ideaal van een schoner milieu fungeren sindsdien als een bestuurlijke leidraad voor onze onderneming. Op basis van deze verklaring ontplooien wij milieuvriendelijke activiteiten, waarbij er zowel met sociale en economische aspecten, als met milieuaspecten zorgvuldig rekening wordt gehouden. Wij ondersteunen activiteiten die zijn gericht op het behoud van het milieu en wij houden bij het ontwikkelen onze producten specifiek rekening met de milieuvriendelijkheid van onze producten. Wij minimaliseren het gebruik van schadelijke stoffen in onze producten. Er wordt bijvoorbeeld geen cadmium verwerkt in onze monitors. Informatie met betrekking tot recycling Deze monitor bevat materialen die schadelijk zouden kunnen zijn voor het milieu. Het is belangrijk dat deze monitor aan het einde van zijn levensduur wordt gerecycled. LGE. verwerkt alle afvalmonitors via een milieuvriendelijke recyclingmethode. Hiervoor worden er momenteel wereldwijd verscheidene inname- en recyclingsystemen gehanteerd. Een groot aantal onderdelen wordt opnieuw gebruikt en gerecycled, waarbij schadelijke stoffen en zware metalen volgens een milieuvriendelijke methode worden verwerkt. Voor meer informatie over ons recyclingprogramma kunt u contact opnemen met uw plaatselijke LG-
vertegenwoordiger of een LG-vestiging. Onze visie en ons beleid met betrekking tot een schonere wereld vloeien voort uit het feit dat wij het milieu hebben aangemerkt als een onderwerp dat speciale aandacht verdient binnen onze onderneming. Bezoek onze website voor meer informatie over ons 'groene' beleid.
recycling.jsp 5 Regulatory Information cont. Russian 1994 LGE
' LG ',
. LG.
recycling.jsp 6 LG 1994 LG
. LG
. LG
recycling.jsp Regulatory Information cont. NOM MARK (Mexico only) Italian Smaltimento delle apparecchiature obsolete 1.Quando su un prodotto riportato il simbolo di un bidone della spazzatura barrato da una croce significa che il prodotto coperto dalla direttiva europea 2002/96/EC. 2.Tutti i prodotti elettrici ed elettronici dovrebbero essere smaltiti separatamente rispetto alla raccolta differenziata municipale, mediante impianti di raccolta specifici designati dal governo o dalle autorit locali. 3.Il corretto smaltimento delle apparecchiature obsolete contribuisce a prevenire possibili conseguenze negative sulla salute umana e sull'ambiente. 4.Per informazioni pi dettagliate sullo smaltimento delle apparecchiature obsolete, contattare il comune, il servizio di smaltimento rifiuti o il negozio in cui stato acquistato il prodotto. Swedish Kassering av din gamla apparat 1.Nr den hr symbolen med en verkryssad soptunna p hjul sitter p en produkt innebr det att den regleras av European Directive 2002/96/EC. 2.Alla elektriska och elektroniska produkter br kasseras via andra vgar n de som finns fr hushllsavfall, helst via fr ndamlet avsedda uppsamlingsanlggningar som myndigheterna utser. 3.Om du kasserar din gamla apparat p rtt stt s bidrar du till att frhindra negativa konsekvenser fr miljn och mnniskors hlsa. 4.Mer detaljerad information om kassering av din gamla apparat kan fr av kommunen, renhllningsverket eller den butik dr du kpte produkten. Dutch Uw oude toestel wegdoen 1.Als het symbool met de doorgekruiste verrijdbare afvalbak op een product staat, betekent dit dat het product valt onder de Europese Richtlijn 2002/96/EC. 2.Elektrische en elektronische producten mogen niet worden meegegeven met het huishoudelijk afval, maar moeten worden ingeleverd bij speciale inzamelingspunten die door de lokale of landelijke overheid zijn aangewezen. WEEE (for Europe ) English Disposal of your old appliance 1.When this crossed-out wheeled bin symbol is attached 1.When this crossed-out wheeled bin symbol is attached to a product it means the product is covered by the to a product it means the product is covered by the European Directive 2002/96/EC. European Directive 2002/96/EC. 2.All electrical and electronic products should be 2.All electrical and electronic products should be disposed of separately from the municipal waste disposed of separately from the municipal waste stream via designated collection facilities appointed by stream via designated collection facilities appointed by the government or the local authorities. the government or the local authorities. 3.The correct disposal of your old appliance will help 3.The correct disposal of your old appliance will help prevent potential negative consequences for the prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health. environment and human health. 4.For more detailed information about disposal of your 4.For more detailed information about disposal of your old appliance, please contact your city office, waste old appliance, please contact your city office, waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product. product. French limination de votre ancien appareil 1.Ce symbole, reprsentant une poubelle sur 1.Ce symbole, reprsentant une poubelle sur roulettes barre d'une croix, signifie que le roulettes barre d'une croix, signifie que le produit est couvert par la directive europenne produit est couvert par la directive europenne 2002/96/EC. 2002/96/EC. 2.Les lments lectriques et lectroniques 2.Les lments lectriques et lectroniques doivent tre jets sparment, dans les vide-
doivent tre jets sparment, dans les vide-
ordures prvus cet effet par votre municipalit. ordures prvus cet effet par votre municipalit. 3.Une limination conforme aux instructions aidera 3.Une limination conforme aux instructions aidera rduire les consquences ngatives et risques rduire les consquences ngatives et risques ventuels pour l'environnement et la sant ventuels pour l'environnement et la sant humaine. humaine. 4.Pour plus d'information concernant l'limination 4.Pour plus d'information concernant l'limination de votre ancien appareil, veuillez contacter votre de votre ancien appareil, veuillez contacter votre mairie, le service des ordures mnagres ou mairie, le service des ordures mnagres ou encore la magasin o vous avez achet ce encore la magasin o vous avez achet ce produit. produit. 7 Regulatory Information cont. 3.De correcte verwijdering van uw oude toestel helpt negatieve gevolgen voor het milieu en de menselijke gezondheid voorkomen. 4.Wilt u meer informatie over de verwijdering van uw oude toestel? Neem dan contact op met uw gemeente, de afvalophaaldienst of de winkel waar u het product hebt gekocht. Finnish Vanhojen laitteiden hvittminen 1.Tm merkki tuotteessa tarkoittaa, ett tuote kuuluu shk- ja elektroniikkalaiteromusta annetun EU-direktiivin 2002/96/EY soveltamisalaan. 2.Kaikki elektroniset laitteet ovat ongelmajtett, joten ne on toimitettava paikalliseen keryspisteeseen. 3.Vanhan laitteen asianmukainen hvittminen ehkisee mahdollisia ympristn ja terveyteen kohdistuvia haittavaikutuksia. 4.Listietoa vanhan laitteen hvittmisest saat ottamalla yhteyden paikallisiin viranomaisiin, kierrtyskeskukseen tai myymln, josta ostit laitteen. German Entsorgung von Altgerten 1.Wenn dieses Symbol eines durchgestrichenen Abfalleimers auf einem Produkt angebracht ist, unterliegt dieses Produkt der europischen Richtlinie 2002/96/EC. 2.Alle Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgerte mssen getrennt vom Hausmll ber dafr staatlich vorgesehenen Stellen entsorgt werden. 3.Mit der ordnungsgemen Entsorgung des alten Gerts vermeiden Sie Umweltschden und eine Gefhrdung der persnlichen Gesundheit. 4.Weitere Informationen zur Entsorgung des alten Gerts erhalten Sie bei der Stadtverwaltung, beim Entsorgungsamt oder in dem Geschft, wo Sie das Produkt erworben haben. Danish Sdan smider du dit gamle apparat ud 1.Nr der er et tegn med et kryds over en skraldespand, betyder det, at produktet er omfattet af EU-direktiv 2002/96/EC. 2.Alle elektriske og elektroniske produkter skal smides ud et andet sted end gennem den kommunale affaldsordning ved hjlp af specielle indsamlingsfaciliteter, der er organiseret af staten eller de lokale myndigheder. 3.Korrekt bortskaffelse af dit gamle apparat er med til at forhindre mulige skadevirkninger p miljet og menneskelig sundhed. 4.Mere detaljerede oplysninger om bortskaffelse af dit gamle apparat kan fs ved at kontakte dit lokale kommunekontor, renovationsselskab eller den butik, hvor du kbte produktet. Greek 1.
, E O 2002/96/EOK. 2.H
. 3.H
. 4.
. Spanish Cmo deshacerse de aparatos elctricos y electrnicos viejos 1.Si en un producto aparece el smbolo de un contenedor de basura tachado, significa que ste se acoge a la Directiva 2002/96/CE. 2.Todos los aparatos elctricos o electrnicos se deben desechar de forma distinta del servicio municipal de recogida de basura, a travs de puntos de recogida designados por el gobierno o las autoridades locales. 3.La correcta recogida y tratamiento de los dispositivos inservibles contribuye a evitar riesgos potenciales para el medio ambiente y la salud pblica. 4.Para obtener ms informacin sobre cmo deshacerse de sus aparatos elctricos y electrnicos viejos, pngase en contacto con su ayuntamiento, el servicio de recogida de basuras o el establecimiento donde adquiri el producto. 8 Regulatory Information cont. Portuguese Hungarian Slovak Czech Croatian Polish 9 Regulatory Information cont. Estonian Latvian Lithuanian Turkish Eski cihaznzn atlmas 1. Bu arp iaretli tekerlekli p tenekesi sembol rnn 2002/96/EC Avrupa Ynergesi kapsamnda olduunu gsterir. 2. Tm elektrikli ve elektronik rnler hkmetin ya da mahalli yetkililerin gsterdii toplama tesislerine atlmaldr. 3. Eski cihaznzn uygun biimde atlmas evreye ve insan salna zararl potansiyel negatif sonular nler. 4. Eski cihaznzn atlmasyla ilgili daha detayl bilgi almak iin ltfen mahalli yetkililerle, kat atk servisiyle ya da rn aldnz maaza ile irtibata geiniz. 5. EEE Ynetmeliine uygundur. Green Mark (for Japan) 10 Regulatory Information cont.
(for only EU) ENGLISH EU Conformity Notice LG hereby declares that this/these product(s) is/are in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, 2009/125/EC and (for products having a wireless function*) 1999/5/EC. European representative :
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. The Netherlands
(Tel : +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*NOTE : Please refer to the preparation sheets. DEUTSCH EU-Konformittserklrung LG erklrt hiermit, dass dieses Produkt bzw. diese Produkte den grundlegenden Anforderungen und anderen relevanten Bestimmungen der Richtlinien 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, 2009/125/EC und (fr kabellose Produkte*) 1999/5/EC entspricht bzw. entsprechen. Vertreter fr Europa:
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. The Netherlands
(Tel. : +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*HINWEIS: Beachten Sie die Seiten zur Vorbereitung. FRANAIS Notice de conformit UE LG atteste que le ou les prsents produits sont en conformit avec les exigences essentielles et autres dispositions pertinentes de la Directive 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, 2009/125/EC et (pour les produits quips de fonctions sans fi l*) 1999/5/EC. Reprsentant en Europe :
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Pays-Bas
(Tl : +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*REMARQUE : Reportez-vous aux fi ches de prparation. ITALIANO Avviso di conformit EU LG dichiara che questi prodotti sono conformi ai requisiti essenziali e con le altre disposizioni rela-
tive alle direttive 2004/108/CE, 2006/95/CE, 2009/125/CE e (per i prodotti con funzione wireless*) 1999/5/CE. Rappresentante europeo:
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Paesi Bassi
(Tel: +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*NOTA: consultare i documenti di preparazione. 11 Regulatory Information cont. ESPAOL Aviso de conformidad con la UE Por la presente, LG declara que estos productos cumplen con los requisitos esenciales y las dems provisiones relevantes de la directiva 2004/108/CE, 2006/95/CE, 2009/125/CE y 1999/5/CE (para productos con funcin inalmbrica*). Representante europeo:
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Pases Bajos
(Tel: +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*NOTA: consulte la documentacin de preparacin. PORTUGUS Aviso de conformidade da UE A LG declara por este meio que este(s) produto(s) est/esto em conformidade com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposies relevantes da Directiva 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, 2009/125/EC e
(para produtos que tenham uma funo sem fios*) 1999/5/EC. Representante europeu:
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Holanda
(Tel.: +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*NOTA: consulte o catlogo. NEDERLANDS Conformiteitsverklaring (EU) LG verklaart hierbij dat dit/deze product(en) voldoen aan de essentile vereisten en andere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 2004/108/EG, 2006/95/EG, 2009/125/EG en (voor producten met een draadloze functie*) 1999/5/EG. Europees hoofdkantoor:
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15 1327 AE Almere. Nederland
(Tel: +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*OPMERKING: raadpleeg het gedeelte Voorbereiding.
, LG 2004/108/, 2006/95/, 2009/125/ (
*) 1999/5/.
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere.
(: +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*: . 12 Regulatory Information cont. SVENSKA Meddelande om EU-regelefterlevnad LG intygar hrmed att denna/dessa produkt(er) uppfyller gllande regler och andra relevanta delar av direktiv 2004/108/EG, 2006/95/EG, 2009/125/EG och (fr produkter med trdlsa funktioner*) 1999/5/EG. Europeisk representant:
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Nederlnderna
(Tel: +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*Obs! Ls mer i frberedelseinformationen. NORSK Samsvarsmerknad for EU LG erklrer herved at disse produktene er i samsvar med de vesentlige kravene og andre relevan-
te bestemmelser i Direktiv 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, 2009/125/EC og (for produkter med trdls funksjon*) 1999/5/EC. Europeisk representant:
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Nederland
(Tlf.: +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*MERK: Se forberedelsessidene. DANSK EU-overensstemmelseserklring LG erklrer hermed, at dette/disse produkt(er) overholder de vigtige krav og andre relevante bestemmelser i direktiv 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, 2009/125/EC og (for produkter med trdls funktion*) 1999/5/EC. Europisk reprsentant:
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Holland
(Tlf.: +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*BEMRK: Se venligst installationsarkene. SUOMI EU-vaatimustenmukaisuusilmoitus LG vakuuttaa tten, ett tm tuote on / nm tuotteet ovat seuraavien direktiivien oleellisten vaa-
timusten ja muiden ehtojen mukainen: 2004/108/EY, 2006/95/EY, 2009/125/EY ja (tuotteet, joissa on langattomia toimintoja*) 1999/5/EY. Edustaja Euroopassa:
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Alankomaat
(Puh: +31 (0)36 547 8888)
*HUOM: Lue lis kytt edeltvist toimista. 13 Regulatory Information cont.
LIETUVI K. EB atitikties deklaracija Bendrov LG pareikia, kad is (ie) gaminys (-iai) atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas atitinka-
mas nuostatas, pateiktas Direktyvose 2004/108/EB, 2006/95/EB, 2009/125/EB ir (jei gaminiai turi belaidio ryio funkcij*) 1999/5/EB. Atstovas Europoje:
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Nyderlandai
(Tel. +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*PASTABA: praome irti paruoimo lapus. LATVIEU Paziojums par atbilstbu ES direktvm Ar o LG pazio, ka is/ie izstrdjums(-i) atbilst vism direktvu 2004/108/EK, 2006/95/
EK, 2009/125/EK un 1999/5/EK btiskajm prasbm un citiem saistoajiem noteikumiem
(izstrdjumiem ar bezvadu sakaru funkciju*). Prstvniecba Eirop:
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Nderlande
(Tel.: +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*PIEZME: ldzu, skatiet sagatavoans dokumentus. EESTI E vastavuskinnitus LG kinnitab jrgnevaga, et see/need toode/tooted on vastavuses direktiivide 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, 2009/125/EC ja (traadita funktsioonidega seadmed*) 1999/5/EC ja nende lisade phinuetega. Euroopa esindus:
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Holland
(Tel : +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*MRKUS. Palun vaadake ettevalmistuslehti. SLOVENINA Obvestilo o skladnosti s predpisi EU Podjetje LG izjavlja, da so ti izdelki skladni z bistvenimi zahtevami in drugimi ust-
reznimi doloili Direktiv 2004/108/ES, 2006/95/ES, 2009/125/ES in 1999/5/ES (za izdelke z brezino funkcijo*). Evropski zastopnik:
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. The Netherlands
(Tel: +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*OPOMBA: oglejte si liste za pripravo. 14 Regulatory Information cont.
* POLSKI Deklaracja zgodnoci z normami UE Firma LG niniejszym zawiadcza, e niniejszy produkt spenia zasadnicze wymagania i inne odnone postanowienia dyrektyw 2004/108/WE, 2006/95/WE, 2009/125/WE oraz (w zakresie urzdze wyposaonych w funkcj cznoci bezprzewodowej*) 1999/5/WE. Przedstawiciel na Europ:
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. The Netherlands
(Tel.: +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*UWAGA: Dokadniejsze informacje mona znale w instrukcjach przygotowania urzdzenia do pracy. MAGYAR EU Megfelelsgi nyilatkozat Az LG ezton kijelenti, hogy a termk(ek) megfelelnek a 2004/108/EK, a 2006/95/EK, a 2009/125/
EK s (vezetk nlkli funkcival rendelkez termkek esetn*) az 1999/5/EK irnyelv alapvet elrsainak s egyb vonatkoz rendelkezseinek. Eurpai kpviselet:
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Hollandia
(Tel: +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*MEGJEGYZS: Lsd az elksztst bemutat fejezeteket. ESKY Prohlen o shod s legislativou EU Spolenost LG tmto prohlauje, e tento vrobek (tyto vrobky) je ve shod se zkladnmi poadavky a pslunmi ustanovenmi smrnic 2004/108/ES, 2006/95/ES, 2009/125/ES a (u vrobk s bezdrtovou funkc*) 1999/5/ES. Zastoupen v Evrop:
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Nizozemsko
(Tel : +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*POZNMKA: Pette si prosm podklady k pprav. SLOVENSKY Vyhlsenie o zhode pre oblas E Spolonos LG tmto vyhlasuje, e tento/tieto produkt(y) je/s v slade so zkladnmi poiadavkami a inmi relevantnmi ustanoveniami Smernice 2004/108/ES, 2006/95/ES, 2009/125/
ES a (u produktov s funkciou bezdrtovho pripojenia*) 1999/5/ES. Eurpske zastupitestvo:
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Holandsko
(Tel. : +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*POZNMKA : Pretudujte si prpravn hrky. 15 Regulatory Information cont.
ROMANESTE Declaraie de conformitate UE Prin prezenta, LG declar c acest(e) produs(e) este/sunt conform(e) cu cerinele eseniale i cu alte prevederi ale Directivei 2004/108/CE, 2006/95/CE, 2009/125/CE i (pentru produse care dispun de funcia fr fir*) 1999/5/CE. Reprezentant european:
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Olanda
(Tel: +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*NOT: Consultai fiele de pregtire. LG , 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, 2009/125/EC (
*) 1999/5/EC.
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. The Netherlands
(.: +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*: . . LG , / () 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, 2009/125/EC ( *) 1999/5/EC.
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. The Netherlands
(.: +31-(0)36-547-8888)
, 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, 2009/125/EC
( *) 1999/5/EC.
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere.
( .: +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*. . 16 Regulatory Information cont. LG () 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, 2009/125/EC
( *) 1999/5/EC
LG Electronics Service B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere.
( : +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*: . HRVATSKI Napomena o sukladnosti s EU standardima LG ovim putem izjavljuje da je ovaj proizvod sukladan svim osnovnim preduvjetima i drugim vanim odredbama direktiva 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, 2009/125/EC i (za proizvode s funkcijom beinog prijenosa*) 1999/5/EC. Zastupnik za Europu:
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. The Netherlands
(Tel.: +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*NAPOMENA: Pogledajte informacije o postavljanju. SRPSKI Napomena o usklaenosti sa standardima LG ovim izjavljuje da je/su ovaj/ovi proizvod(i) u skladu sa najbitnijim zahtevima i drugim relevant-
nim zakonskim odredbama Direktive 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, 2009/125/EC i (za proizvode sa beinom funkcijom*) 1999/5/EC. Evropski predstavnik:
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Holandija
(Tel: +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*NAPOMENA: Pogledajte listove za pripremu. TRKE AB Uygunluk Bildirimi LG ibu belgeyle bu rnn/rnlerin 2004/108/EC, 2009/125/EC ve (kablosuz ilevi olan rnler iin) 2009/125/EC Ynetmeliinin temel gereklilikleri ve dier ilgili hkmleriyle uyumlu olduunu beyan eder Avrupa temsilcilii :
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. The Netherlands
(Tel : +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*NOT : Ltfen hazrlk belgelerine bavurun. 17 Regulatory Information cont. SHQIP Deklarata e Konformitetit pr BE-n Nprmjet ksaj LG deklaron se ky/kto produkt(e) sht/jan n prputhje me krkesat themelore t dispozitave prkatse t Direktivave 2004/108/KE, 2006/95/KE, 2009/125/KE dhe (pr produktet q kan funksion t komunikimit me val*) 1999/5/KE. Prfaqsuesi evropian:
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. The Netherlands
(Tel : +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*SHNIM: Ju lutemi referojuni fletve prgatitore. MACEDONIAN LG / () /
2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, 2009/125/EC (
*) 1999/5/EC.
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. The Netherlands
( : +31-(0)36-547-8888)
/ / LG
.EC/5/1999 ( ) EC/125/2009 EC/95/2006 EC/108/2004
1327 ,15 B.V. Veluwezoom LG Electronics
.AE Almere
(8888-547-36(0)-31+ : )
EU LG2004/108/EC2006/95/EC2009/125/EC1999/5/EC(*)
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere.
(: +31-(0)36-547-8888)
18 Regulatory Information cont. BAHASA INDONESIA Catatan Kesesuaian EU LG dengan ini menyatakan bahwa produk ini sesuai dengan ketentuan utama dan ketentuan lain yang relevan dari Directive 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, 2009/125/EC dan (untuk produk yang memiliki fungsi nirkabel*) 1999/5/EC. Perwakilan Eropa:
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Belanda
(Tel : +31-(0)36-547-8888)
*CATATAN: Baca lembar persiapan. LG / 2004/108/EC2006/95/EC2009/125/EC (
*) 1999/5/EC
LG Electronics Service Europe B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. Netherlands
(: +31-(0)36-547-8888)
EU LG 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC, 2009/125/EC (
*) 1999/5/EC .
LG B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere. The Netherlands
(Tel : +31-(0)36-547-8888)
* : . 19
1 | User Manual 2 | Users Manual | 3.83 MiB |
E N G L I S H OWNERS MANUAL LED LCD MONITOR Please read this manual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference. LED LCD MONITOR MODEL E1942TC E2042TC E2242TC E2442TC 21 SPECIFICATIONS 21 E1942TC 22 E2042TC 23 E2242TC 24 E2442TC 25 Preset Modes (Resolution) 26 Indicator 27 PROPER POSTURE 27 Proper posture for using the Monitor set. E N E G N L G I S H 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS 3 ASSEMBLING AND PREPAR-
ING Unpacking Parts and buttons Setting up the Monitor set
- Attaching the Stand Base
- Detaching the Stand Base
- Mounting on a table
- Using the cable holder
- Mounting on a wall 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 8 9 USING THE MONITOR SET 9 9 9 Connecting to a PC
- D-SUB connection
- DVI-D connection 11 CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS 12 Customizing Settings 12 13 14 15 16 17 SUPER ENERGY SAVING Setting 18 PICTURE MODE Setting
- Menu Settings
- OTHERS 19 TROUBLESHOOTING ASSEMBLING AND PREPARING 3 ASSEMBLING AND PREPARING Unpacking Check your product box for the following items. If there are any missing accessories, contact the local dealer where you purchased your product. The illustrations in this manual may differ from the actual product and accessories. E N E G N L G I S H CD(Owner's Manual) /
Card D-SUB Cable DVI-D Cable
(This cable is not included in all countries.) or Power Cord AC-DC Adapter
( Depending on the country ) AC-DC Adapter
( Depending on the country ) Stand Body Stand Base CAUTION yy Do not use any unapproved accessories to ensure the safety and product life span. yy Any damages or injuries by using unapproved accessories are not covered by the warranty. NOTE yy The accessories supplied with your product may vary depending on the model. yy Product specifications or contents in this manual may be changed without prior notice due to upgrade of product functions. 4 ASSEMBLING AND PREPARING Parts and buttons E N E G N L G I S H Power Indicator yy Lighting On: Turned on yy Lighting Off: Turned off
(Power Button) Button (See p.11) Connection panel (See p.9) ASSEMBLING AND PREPARING 5 Setting up the Monitor set Attaching the Stand Base 1 Place the Monitor set with the screen side down on a flat and cushioned surface. Detaching the Stand Base 1 Place the Monitor set with the screen side down on a flat and cushioned surface. E N E G N L G I S H CAUTION Lay a foam mat or soft protective cloth on the surface to protect the screen from damage. 2 1 2 3 Pull out the Stand Body and Stand Base from the monitor set. Turn the screw to the left with a coin. Pull out the Stand Base. 2 1 2 3 Attach the Stand Body to the monitor set. Attach the Stand Base. Tighten the screw to the right with a coin. Stand Body Stand Body Stand Base Stand Body Stand Base Stand Base CAUTION yy This illustration depicts the general model of connection. Your monitor may differ from the items shown in the picture. yy Do not carry the product upside down holding only the stand base. The product may fall and get damaged or injure your foot. 6 ASSEMBLING AND PREPARING Mounting on a table E N E G N L G I S H 1 Lift and tilt the Monitor set into its upright position on a table. Leave a 10 cm (minimum) space from the wall for proper ventilation. 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm 3 Press
(Power) button on the bottom switch panel to turn the power on. CAUTION Unplug the power cord before moving the Monitor to another location. Otherwise electric shock may occur. Using the cable holder 2 Connect the AC-DC Adapter and Power Cord to a wall outlet. Cable holder or ASSEMBLING AND PREPARING 7 Using the Kensington security system The Kensington security system connector is located at the back of the Monitor set. For more information of installation and using, refer to the manual supplied with the Kensington security system or visit Connect the Kensington security system cable between the Monitor set and a table. E N E G N L G I S H NOTE The Kensington security system is optional. You can obtain it from most electronics stores. WARNING When you adjust the angle, do not hold the bottom of the Monitor set frame as shown on the following illustration, as may injure your fingers. Do not touch or press the screen when adjusting the angle of the monitor. Do not hold this set like below picture.Monitor screen can detach from stand base and injure your body. NOTE Tilt from +20 to -5 degrees up or down to adjust the angle of the Monitor set to suit your view. Front Rear 8 ASSEMBLING AND PREPARING E N E G N L G I S H Mounting on a wall For proper ventilation, allow a clearance of 10 cm on each side and from the wall. Detailed instructions are available from your dealer, see the optional Tilt Wall Mounting Bracket Installation and Setup Guide. 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm If you intend to mount the Monitor set to a wall, attach Wall mounting interface (optional parts) to the back of the set. When you install the Monitor set using a wall mounting interface (optional parts), attach it carefully so it will not drop. 1 Please, Use the screw and wall mount interface in accordance with VESA Standards. 2 If you use screw longer than standard, the monitor might be damaged internally. 3 If you use improper screw, the product might be damaged and drop from mounted position. In this case, LG Electronics is not responsible for it. 4 VESA compatible. 5 Please use VESA standard as below. yy 784.8 mm (30.9 inch) and under
* Wall Mount Pad Thickness : 2.6 mm
* Screw : 4.0 mm x Pitch 0.7 mm x Length 10 mm yy 787.4 mm (31.0 inch) and above
* Please use VESA standard wall mount pad and screws. Model E1942TC E2042TC E2242TC VESA (A x B) 75 x 75 Standard screw Number of screws M4 4 E2442TC 100 x 100 CAUTION yy Disconnect the power cord first, and then move or install the Monitor set. Otherwise electric shock may occur. yy If you install the Monitor set on a ceiling or slanted wall, it may fall and result in severe injury. yy Use only an authorized LG wall mount and contact the local dealer or qualified personnel. yy Do not over tighten the screws as this may cause damage to the Monitor set and void your warranty. yy Use only screws and wall mounts that meet the VESA standard. Any damages or injuries by misuse or using an improper accessory are not covered by the warranty. NOTE yy Use the screws that are listed on the VESA standard screw specifications. yy The wall mount kit will include an installation manual and necessary parts. yy The wall mount bracket is optional. You can obtain additional accessories from your local dealer. yy The length of screws may differ depending on the wall mount. Be sure to use the proper length. yy For more information, refer to the instructions supplied with the wall mount. USING THE MONITOR SET USING THE MONITOR SET 9 Connecting to a PC yy Your Monitor set supports Plug & Play*.
*Plug & Play: A PC recognizes a connected device that users connect to a PC and turn on, without device configuration or user intervention. D-SUB connection Transmits analog video from your PC to the Monitor set. Connect the PC and the Monitor set with the supplied D-sub 15 pin signal cable as shown in the following illustrations. NOTE yy When using a D-Sub signal input cable connector for Macintosh E N E G N L G I S H yy Mac adapter For Apple Macintosh use, a separate plug adapter is needed to change the 15 pin high density (3 row) D-SUB VGA connector on the supplied cable to a 15 pin 2 row connector. DVI-D connection Transmits a digital video signal from your PC to the Monitor set. Connect the PC and the Monitor set with a DVI cable as shown in the following illustrations. 10 USING THE MONITOR SET E N E G N L G I S H CAUTION yy Connect the signal input cable and tighten it by turning the screws clockwise. yy Do not press the screen with your finger for a long time as this may result in temporary distortion on the screen. yy Avoid displaying a fixed image on the screen for a long period of time to prevent image burn. Use a screensaver if possible. Self Image Setting Function Press the power button on the bottom panel to turn the power on. When monitor power is turned on, the "Self Image Setting" Function is executed automatically. (Only supported in Analog Mode) NOTE NOTE yy When you want to use two PC in our Monitor, please connect the signal cable(D-SUB/
DVI-D) respectively in Monitor set. yy If you turn the Monitor set on while it is cold, the screen may flicker. This is normal. yy Some red, green, or blue spots may appear on the screen. This is normal. yy "Self Image Setting" Function. This function provides the user with optimal display settings.When the user connects the monitor for the first time, this function automatically adjusts the display to optimal settings for individual input signals.(Only supported in Analog Mode) yy AUTO Function. When you encounter problems such as blurry screen, blurred letters, screen flicker or tilted screen while using the device or after changing screen resolution, press the AUTO function button to improve resolution.
(Only supported in Analog Mode) CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS 11 CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS 1 Press the desired button on the bottom of the Monitor set. 2 Change the value of the menu item by pressing the buttons on the bottom of the Monitor set. To return to the upper menu or set other menu items, use the up arrow (
) button. 3 Select EXIT to leave the OSD menu. E N E G N L G I S H Monitor set Buttons Button Description Accesses the main menus.(See p.12) OSD LOCKED/
UNLOCKED This function allows you to lock the current control settings, so that they cannot be inadvertently changed. Press and hold the MENU button for several seconds. The message "OSD LOCKED" should appear. You can unlock the OSD controls at any time by pushing the MENU button for several seconds. The message "OSD UNLOCKED" should appear. Use this button to enter SUPER ENERGY SAVING menu.For more information.(See p.17) Use this button to enter CUSTOM, TEXT, PHOTO, CINEMA, GAME menus.(See p.18) When adjusting your display settings, always press the AUTO button on the MONITOR SETUP OSD. (Only supported in Analog Mode) The best display mode E1942TC : 1366 x 768 E2042TC : 1600 x 900 E2242TC / E2442TC : 1920 x 1080 You can choose the input signal. When two input signals are connected, you can select the input signal (D-SUB/DVI) you want. When only one signal is connected, it is automatically detected. The default setting is D-SUB. EXIT Exit the OSD(On Screen Display). Turns the power on or off. Power Indicator The power indicator stays red if the display is running properly
(On Mode). If the display is in Sleep Mode, the power indicator blinks red.
(Power Button) E N E G N L G I S H 12 CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS Customizing Settings Menu Settings 1 Press MENU button on the bottom of the Monitor set to display the MENU OSD. 2 Set the options by pressing the or or buttons. 3 Select the "NEXT MENU" button to enter the more option settings. 4 Select EXIT to leave the OSD menu. To return to the upper menu or set other menu items, use the up arrow (
) button. Each option is explained below. MENU Analog Digital BRIGHTNESS CONTRAST WIDE/ORIGINAL RESET To adjust the brightness, contrast of the screen Description WIDE Switch to full screen mode according to input image signal. ORIGINAL Change the input image signal ratio to original.
* This function works only if input resolution is lower than Monitor set ratio (16:9). Restore all factory default settings. Press the , buttons to reset immediately. MENU > NEXT MENU Analog Digital Description PICTURE COLOR DISPLAY OTHERS SHARPNESS GAMMA COLOR TEMP HORIZONTAL VERTICAL CLOCK PHASE LANGUAGE POWER INDICATOR WHITE BALANCE yy Analog: D-SUB(Analog signal) input. yy Digital: DVI-D(Digital signal) input. To adjust the clearness of the screen . To customize the color of the screen To adjust the position of the screen To improve the clarity and stability of the screen To customize the screen status for a user's operating environment CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS 13 E N E G N L G I S H PICTURE 1 Press MENU button on the bottom of the Monitor set to display the MENU OSD. 2 Select the "NEXT MENU" button to enter the more option settings. 3 Enter to PICTURE by pressing the button. 4 Set the options by pressing the or or buttons. 5 Select EXIT to leave the OSD menu. To return to the upper menu or set other menu items, use the up arrow (
) button. Each option is explained below. MENU > NEXT MENU > PICTURE SHARPNESS To adjust the clearness of the screen. Description 14 CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS COLOR E N E G N L G I S H 1 Press MENU button on the bottom of the Monitor set to display the MENU OSD. 2 Select the "NEXT MENU" button to enter the more option settings. 3 Select COLOR by pressing the button. 4 Enter to COLOR by pressing the button. 5 Set the options by pressing the or or buttons. 6 Select EXIT to leave the OSD menu. To return to the upper menu or set other menu items, use the up arrow (
) button. Each option is explained below. MENU > NEXT MENU > COLOR GAMMA COLOR TEMP Description Set your own gamma value. : GAMMA 0, GAMMA 1, GAMMA 2 on the monitor, high gamma values display whitish images and low gamma values display blackish images. CUSTOM RED:Set your own red color levels. GREEN: Set your own green color levels. BLUE:Set your own blue color levels. Select the screen color. WARM: Set the screen to warm color temperature (more red). MEDIUM: Set the screen to medium color temperature. COOL: Set the screen to cool color temperature (more blue). CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS 15 E N E G N L G I S H DISPLAY 1 Press MENU button on the bottom of the Monitor set to display the MENU OSD. 2 Select the "NEXT MENU" button to enter the more option settings. 3 Select DISPLAY by pressing the button. 4 Enter to DISPLAY by pressing the button. 5 Set the options by pressing the or or buttons. 6 Select EXIT to leave the OSD menu. To return to the upper menu or set other menu items, use the up arrow (
) button. Each option is explained below. MENU > NEXT MENU > DISPLAY HORIZONTAL VERTICAL CLOCK PHASE Description To move image left and right. To move image up and down. To minimize any vertical bars or stripes visible on the screen background.The horizontal screen size will also change. To adjust the focus of the display. This item allows you to remove any horizontal noise and clear or sharpen the image of characters. 16 CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS OTHERS E N E G N L G I S H 1 Press MENU button on the bottom of the Monitor set to display the MENU OSD. 2 Select the "NEXT MENU" button to enter the more option settings. 3 Select OTHERS by pressing the button. 4 Enter to OTHERS by pressing the button. 5 Set the options by pressing the or or buttons. 6 Select EXIT to leave the OSD menu. To return to the upper menu or set other menu items, use the up arrow (
) button. Each option is explained below. MENU > NEXT MENU > OTHERS LANGUAGE POWER INDICATOR WHITE BALANCE Description To choose the language in which the control names are displayed. Use this function to set the power indicator on the bottom side of the monitor to ON or OFF.If you set OFF, it will go off. If you set ON at any time, the power indicator will automatically be turned on. If the output of the video card is different the required specifications,the color level may deteriorate due to video signal distortion. Using this function, the signal level is adjusted to fit into the standard output level of the video card in order to provide the optimal image.Activate this function when white and black colors are present in the screen. SUPER ENERGY SAVING Setting 1 Press
( SUPER ENERGY SAVING ) button on the bottom of the Monitor set to display the SUPER ENERGY SAVING OSD. 2 Set the options by pressing the or or buttons. 3 Select EXIT to leave the OSD menu. CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS 17 E N E G N L G I S H Each option is explained below. SUPER ENERGY SAVING ON OFF RESET Description Enables SUPER ENERGY SAVING you can save energy with this energy- efficient function Disables SUPER ENERGY SAVING. Resets the values of total energy consumption reduction and CO2 emission reduction estimates. NOTE yy TOTAL POWER REDUCTION: How much power is saved while using the monitor. yy TOTAL CO2 REDUCTION: Change the TOTAL POWER REDUCTION to CO2. yy SAVING DATA(W/h) 470 mm
(18.5 inch) SUPER SAVING 4 W/h 508 mm
(20 inch) 5 W/h 546 mm
(21.5 inch) 600 mm
(23.6 inch) 6 W/h 7 W/h yy Saving Data depends on the Panel. So,those values should be different from each panel and panel vendor. yy LG calculated these values by using broadcast video signal
(including broadcast video: IEC 62087) yy SUPER SAVING refers to how much power can be saved using the SUPER ENERGY SAVING function. 18 CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS PICTURE MODE Setting E N E G N L G I S H 1 Press MODE button on the bottom of the Monitor set to display the PICTURE MODE OSD . 2 Set the options by pressing the or or buttons. 3 Select EXIT to leave the OSD menu. Each option is explained below. PICTURE MODE CUSTOM TEXT PHOTO CINEMA GAME Description It is a mode that the user can adjust each element. It can adjust the color mode of the Main Menu. It is a mode that the screen is adjusted to the best for the text works. It is a mode that the screen is adjusted to the best to view pictures. It is a mode that the screen is adjusted to the best to view the videos. It is a mode that the screen is adjusted to the best to play a game. TROUBLESHOOTING 19 E N E G N L G I S H TROUBLESHOOTING Check the following before calling for service. No image appears Is the power cord of the display connected?
outlet. y Check and see if the power cord is connected properly to the power Is the power indicator light on?
Is the power on and the power indicator Red?
Is the power indicator flickering?
Do you see an "OUT OF RANGE"
message on the screen?
Do you see a "NO SIGNAL"
message on the screen?
y Press the Power button. y Adjust the brightness and the contrast. y If the display is in power saving mode, try moving the mouse or pressing any key on the keyboard to bring up the screen. y Try to turn on the PC. y This message appears when the signal from the PC (video card) is out of horizontal or vertical frequency range of the display. See the
'Specifications' section of this manual and configure your display again. y When the monitor is on "No-Signal" in 5 minutes, the monitor goes to DPM mode. Do you see a "OSD LOCKED" message on the screen?
Do you see OSD LOCKED when you push MENU button?
y You can secure the current control settings, so that they cannot be inadvertently changed. You can unlock the OSD controls at any time by pushing the MENU button for several seconds: the message OSD UNLOCKED will appear. Display image is incorrect Display Position is incorrect. On the screen background, vertical bars or stripes are visible. Any horizontal noise appearing in any image or characters are not clearly portrayed. y Press the AUTO button to automatically adjust your display image to the ideal setting. y Press the AUTO button to automatically adjust your display image to the ideal setting. y Press the AUTO button to automatically adjust your display image to the ideal setting. y Check Control Panel Display Settings and adjust the display to the recommended resolution or adjust the display image to the ideal setting. Set the color setting higher than 24 bits (true color). 20 TROUBLESHOOTING E N E G N L G I S H CAUTION yy Check Control Panel Display Settings and see if the frequency or the resolution were changed. If yes, readjust the video card to the recommend resolution. yy If the recommended resolution (optimal resolution) is not selected, letters may be blurred and the screen may be dimmed, truncated or biased. Make sure to select the recommend resolution. yy The setting method can differ by computer and O/S (Operation System), and resolution mentioned above may not be supported by the video card performance. In this case, please ask to the computer or the video card manufacturer. Display image is incorrect The screen color is mono or abnormal. y Check if the signal cable is properly connected and use a screwdriver to fasten if necessary. y Make sure the video card is properly inserted in the slot. y Set the color setting higher than 24 bits (true color) at Control Panel Settings. The screen blinks. y Check if the screen is set to interlace mode and if yes, change it to the recommend resolution. Do you see an "Unrecognized monitor, Plug&Play (VESA DDC) monitor found" message?
Have you installed the display driver?
y Be sure to install the display driver from the display driver CD (or diskette) that comes with your display. Or, you can also download the driver from our web site: y Make sure to check if the video card supports Plug&Play function. SPECIFICATIONS 21 E N E G N L G I S H SPECIFICATIONS E1942TC Display Screen Type Pixel Pitch Horizontal Frequency Vertical Frequency Input Form Signal Input Input Form Max 47.0 cm (18.5 inch) Flat Panel Active matrix-TFT LCDAnti-
Glare coating Visible diagonal size: 47.0 cm 0.3 mm x 0.3 mm (Pixel Pitch) 30 kHz to 61 kHz (Automatic) 56Hz to 75Hz (D-SUB, DVI-D) Separate Sync. Digital 15 pin D-SUB Connector /DVI-D Connector (Digital) RGB Analog (0.7 Vp-p/ 75 ohm),Digital D-SUB(Analog) : 1366 x 768 @ 60 Hz DVI (Digital) : 1366 x 768 @ 60 Hz VESA 1366 x 768 @ 60 Hz 1.2 A Recommend DDC 2B(Analog,Digital) On Mode : 15 W(Typ.) Sleep Mode 0.3 W Off Mode 0.3 W 19 V Type ADS-40SG-19-3 19025G, manufactured by SHENZHEN HONOR ELECTRONIC or Type ADS-40FSG-19 19025GPG-1, manufactured by SHENZHEN HONOR ELECTRONIC or Type ADS-40FSG-19 19025GPBR-1, manufactured by SHENZHEN HONOR ELECTRONIC or Type ADS-40FSG-19 19025GPI-1,manufactured by SHENZHEN HONOR ELECTRONIC or Type ADS-40FSG-19 19025GPCU-1, manufactured by SHENZHEN HONOR ELECTRONIC or Type LCAP21, manufactured by LIEN CHANG ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISE or Type LCAP26-A, manufactured by LIEN CHANG ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISE or Type LCAP26-E, manufactured by LIEN CHANG ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISE or Type LCAP26-I, manufactured by LIEN CHANG ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISE or Type LCAP26-B, manufactured by LIEN CHANG ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISE OUTPUT: 19 V With Stand Without Stand 44.1 cm x 34.9 cm x 16.8 cm 44.1 cm x 27.5 cm x 5.5 cm 1.3 A 2.1 kg
-5 to 20 Operating Temperature Operating Humidity Storage Temperature Storage Humidity Attached ( ), Detached (O) Wall-outlet type 10C to 35 C 10 % to 80 %
-20C to 60 C 5 % to 90 % non-Condensing Sync Input Video Input Resolution Plug & Play Power Consumption Power Input AC-DC Adapter Dimensions
(Width x Height x Depth) Weight Tilt Range Environmental conditions Stand Base Power cord Product specifications shown above may be changed without prior notice due to upgrade of product functions. 22 SPECIFICATIONS E N E G N L G I S H SPECIFICATIONS E2042TC Display Screen Type Pixel Pitch Horizontal Frequency Vertical Frequency Input Form Signal Input Input Form Max 50.8 cm (20 inch) Flat Panel Active matrix-TFT LCDAnti-
Glare coating Visible diagonal size: 50.8 cm 0.276 mm x 0.276 mm (Pixel Pitch) 30 kHz to 83 kHz (Automatic) 56Hz to 75Hz (D-SUB, DVI-D) Separate Sync. Digital 15 pin D-SUB Connector /DVI-D Connector (Digital) RGB Analog (0.7 Vp-p/ 75 ohm),Digital D-SUB(Analog) : 1600 x 900 @ 60 Hz DVI (Digital) : 1600 x 900 @ 60 Hz VESA 1600 x 900 @ 60 Hz 1.2 A Recommend DDC 2B(Analog,Digital) On Mode : 20 W(Typ.) Sleep Mode 0.3 W Off Mode 0.3 W 19 V Type ADS-40SG-19-3 19025G, manufactured by SHENZHEN HONOR ELECTRONIC or Type ADS-40FSG-19 19025GPG-1, manufactured by SHENZHEN HONOR ELECTRONIC or Type ADS-40FSG-19 19025GPBR-1, manufactured by SHENZHEN HONOR ELECTRONIC or Type ADS-40FSG-19 19025GPI-1,manufactured by SHENZHEN HONOR ELECTRONIC or Type ADS-40FSG-19 19025GPCU-1, manufactured by SHENZHEN HONOR ELECTRONIC or Type LCAP21, manufactured by LIEN CHANG ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISE or Type LCAP26-A, manufactured by LIEN CHANG ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISE or Type LCAP26-E, manufactured by LIEN CHANG ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISE or Type LCAP26-I, manufactured by LIEN CHANG ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISE or Type LCAP26-B, manufactured by LIEN CHANG ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISE OUTPUT: 19 V With Stand Without Stand 47.4 cm x 36.6 cm x 16.8 cm 47.4 cm x 29.2 cm x 5.5 cm 1.3 A 2.3 kg
-5 to 20 Operating Temperature Operating Humidity Storage Temperature Storage Humidity Attached ( ), Detached (O) Wall-outlet type 10C to 35 C 10 % to 80 %
-20C to 60 C 5 % to 90 % non-Condensing Sync Input Video Input Resolution Plug & Play Power Consumption Power Input AC-DC Adapter Dimensions
(Width x Height x Depth) Weight Tilt Range Environmental conditions Stand Base Power cord Product specifications shown above may be changed without prior notice due to upgrade of product functions. SPECIFICATIONS 23 E N E G N L G I S H SPECIFICATIONS E2242TC Display Screen Type Pixel Pitch Horizontal Frequency Vertical Frequency Input Form Signal Input Input Form Max 54.6 cm (21.5 inch) Flat Panel Active matrix-TFT LCDAnti-
Glare coating Visible diagonal size: 54.6 cm 0.247 mm x 0.247 mm (Pixel Pitch) 30 kHz to 83 kHz (Automatic) 56Hz to 75Hz (D-SUB, DVI-D) Separate Sync. Digital 15 pin D-SUB Connector /DVI-D Connector (Digital) RGB Analog (0.7 Vp-p/ 75 ohm), Digital D-SUB(Analog) : 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz DVI (Digital) : 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz VESA 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz 1.2 A Recommend DDC 2B(Analog,Digital) On Mode : 23 W(Typ.) Sleep Mode 0.3 W Off Mode 0.3 W 19 V Type ADS-40SG-19-3 19025G, manufactured by SHENZHEN HONOR ELECTRONIC or Type ADS-40FSG-19 19025GPG-1, manufactured by SHENZHEN HONOR ELECTRONIC or Type ADS-40FSG-19 19025GPBR-1, manufactured by SHENZHEN HONOR ELECTRONIC or Type ADS-40FSG-19 19025GPI-1,manufactured by SHENZHEN HONOR ELECTRONIC or Type ADS-40FSG-19 19025GPCU-1, manufactured by SHENZHEN HONOR ELECTRONIC or Type LCAP21, manufactured by LIEN CHANG ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISE or Type LCAP26-A, manufactured by LIEN CHANG ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISE or Type LCAP26-E, manufactured by LIEN CHANG ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISE or Type LCAP26-I, manufactured by LIEN CHANG ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISE or Type LCAP26-B, manufactured by LIEN CHANG ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISE OUTPUT: 19 V With Stand Without Stand 50.9 cm x 38.7 cm x 18.1 cm 50.9 cm x 31.3 cm x 5.5 cm 1.3 A 2.6 kg
-5 to 20 Operating Temperature Operating Humidity Storage Temperature Storage Humidity Attached ( ), Detached (O) Wall-outlet type 10C to 35 C 10 % to 80 %
-20C to 60 C 5 % to 90 % non-Condensing Sync Input Video Input Resolution Plug & Play Power Consumption Power Input AC-DC Adapter Dimensions
(Width x Height x Depth) Weight Tilt Range Environmental conditions Stand Base Power cord Product specifications shown above may be changed without prior notice due to upgrade of product functions. 24 SPECIFICATIONS E N E G N L G I S H SPECIFICATIONS E2442TC Display Screen Type Pixel Pitch Horizontal Frequency Vertical Frequency Input Form Signal Input Input Form Max 60.0 cm (23.6 inch) Flat Panel Active matrix-TFT LCDAnti-
Glare coating Visible diagonal size: 60.0 cm 0.277 mm x 0.277 mm (Pixel Pitch) 30 kHz to 83 kHz (Automatic) 56Hz to 75Hz (D-SUB, DVI-D) Separate Sync. Digital 15 pin D-SUB Connector /DVI-D Connector (Digital) RGB Analog (0.7 Vp-p/ 75 ohm), Digital D-SUB(Analog) : 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz DVI (Digital) : 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz VESA 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz 1.6 A Recommend DDC 2B(Analog,Digital) On Mode : 25 W(Typ.) Sleep Mode 0.3 W Off Mode 0.3 W 19 V Type ADS-40SG-19-3 19032G, manufactured by SHENZHEN HONOR ELECTRONIC or Type ADS-40FSG-19 19032GPG-1, manufactured by SHENZHEN HONOR ELECTRONIC or Type ADS-40FSG-19 19032GPBR-1, manufactured by SHENZHEN HONOR ELECTRONIC or Type ADS-40FSG-19 19032GPI-1, manufactured by SHENZHEN HONOR ELECTRONIC or Type ADS-40FSG-19 19032GPCU-1, manufactured by SHENZHEN HONOR ELECTRONIC or Type LCAP21A, manufactured by LIEN CHANG ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISE or Type LCAP26A-A, manufactured by LIEN CHANG ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISE or Type LCAP26A-E, manufactured by LIEN CHANG ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISE or Type LCAP26A-I, manufactured by LIEN CHANG ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISE or Type LCAP26A-B, manufactured by LIEN CHANG ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISE OUTPUT: 19 V With Stand Without Stand 56.7 cm x 41.8 cm x 18.1 cm 56.7 cm x 34.3 cm x 5.5 cm 1.7 A 3.6 kg
-5 to 20 Operating Temperature Operating Humidity Storage Temperature Storage Humidity Attached ( ), Detached (O) Wall-outlet type 10C to 35 C 10 % to 80 %
-20C to 60 C 5 % to 90 % non-Condensing Sync Input Video Input Resolution Plug & Play Power Consumption Power Input AC-DC Adapter Dimensions
(Width x Height x Depth) Weight Tilt Range Environmental conditions Stand Base Power cord Product specifications shown above may be changed without prior notice due to upgrade of product functions. SPECIFICATIONS 25 Preset Modes (Resolution) E1942TC Display Modes (Resolution) Horizontal 720 x 400 640 x 480 640 x 480 800 x 600 800 x 600 832 x 624 1024 x 768 1366 x 768 Frequency(kHz) 31.468 31.469 37.500 37.879 46.875 49.725 48.363 47.712 Vertical Frequency(Hz) 70 60 75 60 75 75 60 60 Polarity(H/V)
Recommend Mode E N E G N L G I S H E2042TC Display Modes (Resolution) Horizontal 720 x 400 640 x 480 640 x 480 800 x 600 800 x 600 1024 x 768 1024 x 768 1152 x 864 1600 x 900 Frequency(kHz) 31.468 31.469 37.500 37.879 46.875 48.363 60.023 67.500 60.000 Vertical Frequency(Hz) 70 60 75 60 75 60 75 75 60 Polarity(H/V)
Recommend Mode 26 SPECIFICATIONS Preset Modes (Resolution) E N E G N L G I S H E2242TC/E2442TC Display Modes (Resolution) Horizontal 720 x 400 640 x 480 640 x 480 800 x 600 800 x 600 1024 x 768 1024 x 768 1152 x 864 1280 x 1024 1280 x 1024 1680 x 1050 1920 x 1080 Frequency(kHz) 31.468 31.469 37.500 37.879 46.875 48.363 60.023 67.500 63.981 79.976 65.290 67.500 Vertical Frequency(Hz) 70 60 75 60 75 60 75 75 60 75 60 60 Polarity(H/V)
Recommend Mode Indicator Mode On Mode Sleep Mode Off Mode LED Color Red Blinking Red Off PROPER POSTURE 27 E N E G N L G I S H Adjust the location of the Monitor set to avoid it reflecting light. PROPER POSTURE Proper posture for using the Monitor set. Adjust the Monitor set and your posture to allow you to view images at the optimal viewing angle. Place your hands gently on the keyboard, keeping your arms bent at the elbows and horizontally outright. Make sure to read the Safety Precautions before using the product. Keep the Owners Manual (CD) in an accessible place for future reference. The model and serial number of the SET is located on the back and one side of the SET. Record it below should you ever need service. MODEL SERIAL ENERGY STAR is a set of power-saving guidelines issued by the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency(EPA). As an ENERGY STAR Partner LGE U. S. A.,Inc. has determined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR guidelines for energy efficiency.
frequency | equipment class | purpose | ||
1 | 2012-04-17 | JBP - Part 15 Class B Computing Device Peripheral | Original Equipment |
app s | Applicant Information | |||||
1 | Effective |
1 | Applicant's complete, legal business name |
LG Electronics USA
1 | FCC Registration Number (FRN) |
1 | Physical Address |
1000 Sylvan Avenue
1 |
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632
1 |
United States
app s | TCB Information | |||||
1 | TCB Application Email Address |
1 | TCB Scope |
A1: Low Power Transmitters below 1 GHz (except Spread Spectrum), Unintentional Radiators, EAS (Part 11) & Consumer ISM devices
app s | FCC ID | |||||
1 | Grantee Code |
1 | Equipment Product Code |
app s | Person at the applicant's address to receive grant or for contact | |||||
1 | Name |
K**** H******
1 | Title |
Director, Standards & Compliance
1 | Telephone Number |
1 | Fax Number |
1 |
app s | Technical Contact | |||||
1 | Firm Name |
Audix Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
1 | Name |
B****** K********
1 | Physical Address |
3F 34Bldg 680 Guiping Rd., Caohejing Hi-Tech Park
1 |
Shanghai, 200233
1 |
1 | Telephone Number |
+86-2******** Extension:
1 | Fax Number |
1 |
app s | Non Technical Contact | |||||
1 | Firm Name |
Audix Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
1 | Name |
A****** H****
1 | Physical Address |
3F 34Bldg 680 Guiping Rd., Caohejing Hi-Tech Park
1 |
Shanghai, 200233
1 |
1 | Telephone Number |
+86-2******** Extension:
1 | Fax Number |
1 |
app s | Confidentiality (long or short term) | |||||
1 | Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | No | ||||
1 | Long-Term Confidentiality Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | No | ||||
if no date is supplied, the release date will be set to 45 calendar days past the date of grant. | ||||||
app s | Cognitive Radio & Software Defined Radio, Class, etc | |||||
1 | Is this application for software defined/cognitive radio authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Equipment Class | JBP - Part 15 Class B Computing Device Peripheral | ||||
1 | Description of product as it is marketed: (NOTE: This text will appear below the equipment class on the grant) | Part15 Subpart B-LCD Monitor | ||||
1 | Related OET KnowledgeDataBase Inquiry: Is there a KDB inquiry associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 | Modular Equipment Type | Does not apply | ||||
1 | Purpose / Application is for | Original Equipment | ||||
1 | Composite Equipment: Is the equipment in this application a composite device subject to an additional equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Related Equipment: Is the equipment in this application part of a system that operates with, or is marketed with, another device that requires an equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Grant Comments | Maximum Resolution: 1920x1080 @60Hz | ||||
1 | Is there an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 | If there is an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application, has the associated waiver been approved and all information uploaded? | No | ||||
app s | Test Firm Name and Contact Information | |||||
1 | Firm Name |
Audix Technology ( Shanghai ) Co., Ltd.
1 | Name |
B**** K******
1 | Telephone Number |
1 | Fax Number |
1 |
Equipment Specifications | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line | Rule Parts | Grant Notes | Lower Frequency | Upper Frequency | Power Output | Tolerance | Emission Designator | Microprocessor Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 15B | 20 |
some individual PII (Personally Identifiable Information) available on the public forms may be redacted, original source may include additional details
This product uses the FCC Data API but is not endorsed or certified by the FCC