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User Manual 1 | Users Manual | 1.29 MiB | / January 10 2011 | |||
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User Manual 2 | Users Manual | 236.95 KiB | / January 10 2011 | |||
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1 | User Manual 1 | Users Manual | 1.29 MiB | / January 10 2011 |
m525 Getting started with Premire utilisation Logitech Wireless Mouse M525 1 On m525 Getting started with Premire utilisation Logitech Wireless Mouse M525 2 3 English Mac OS X Users: When plugging in the Unifying receiver, the Keyboard Assistant window may appear. Please close this window. Advanced features: Software is optional for this mouse! Download the free mouse software for Windows only
(Logitech SetPoint for Windows) at to enable side-to-side scrolling and middle button features. Franais Utilisateurs Mac OS X: lorsque vous branchez le rcepteur Unifying, la bote de dialogue de lassistant de configuration du clavier peut safficher. Veuillez fermer cette fentre. Fonctions avances: le logiciel de cette souris est disponible en option. Tlchargez-le gratuitement pour Windows uniquement
(Logitech SetPoint pour Windows) sur le site pour activer lutilisation du dfilement horizontal et du bouton central. Espaol Usuarios de Mac OS X: al conectar elreceptor Unifying, es posible que aparezca la ventana del asistente para elteclado. Debes cerrarla. Funciones avanzadas: El software esopcional para este mouse. Descargaelsoftware de mouse gratuito slo para Windows (Logitech SetPoint para Windows) en
downloads para activar las funciones dedesplazamiento horizontal y de botn central. Portugus Usurios do Mac OS X: ao conectar oreceptor Unifying, poder ser exibida ajanela Assistente de instalao doteclado. Feche essa janela. Recursos avanados: o software opcional para este mouse! Faa o download gratuito do software do mouse somente para Windows
(Logitech SetPoint para Windows) em para ativar a rolagem horizontal e os recursos do boto do meio. 1 3 2 4 5 8 6 7 English Features 1. Left and right mouse buttons 2. Battery LEDFlashes green when mouse is powered on, and it flashes red when the battery power is low. 3. Scroll wheel 4. Middle buttonThe function of this button depends on your operating system and the application being used. For example, if you are browsing the Internet in Windows and click on a link using the Middle button, typically the link opens in a new tab. 5. Internet back/forwardTilt the scroll wheel right to move forward one page. Tilt the scroll wheel left to move back one page.*
6. On/Off slider switch 7. Battery door release 8. Unifying receiver storageWhen the mouse is not in use, you can store the Unifying receiver inside the mouse.
*On a Mac the Internet back/forward feature is not supported. You can assign Dashboard, Expos, Spaces, or other functions to the tilt wheel feature using System Preferences. Franais Fonctionnalits 1. Boutons gauche et droit de la souris 2. Tmoin lumineux des piles: il clignote envert lorsque la souris est sous tension et enrouge lorsque le niveau de charge despiles est faible. 3. Roulette de dfilement 4. Bouton central: la fonction de ce bouton dpend de votre systme dexploitation et de lapplication utilise. Par exemple, si vous naviguez sur Internet sous Windows et que vous cliquez sur un lien laide du bouton central, le lien souvre gnralement dans un nouvel onglet. 5. Fonction Internet page prcdente/
suivante: inclinez la roulette vers ladroitepour passer la page suivante. Inclinez la roulette vers la gauche pour revenir la page prcdente.*
6. Commutateur Marche/Arrt 7. Bouton douverture du compartiment despiles 8. Rangement du rcepteur Unifying:
lorsquevous nutilisez pas la souris, vouspouvez ranger le rcepteur Unifying lintrieur.
* Sur un ordinateur Mac, la fonction Internet page prcdente/suivante nest pas prise en charge. Vouspouvez affecter les tches Dashboard, Expos ou Spaces la roulette multidirectionnelle dans lesPrfrences systme. Espaol Caractersticas 1. Botones izquierdo y derecho 2. Diodo de estado de bateras: destellos verdes cuando el mouse est encendido, destellos rojos cuando la carga de lasbateras es baja. 3. Botn rueda 4. Botn central: la funcin de este botn vara segn el sistema operativo ylaaplicacin que se use. Por ejemplo, siests navegando por Internet enWindows y haces click en un vnculo mediante el botn central, normalmente elvnculo se abre en una ficha nueva. 5. Avance/retroceso en Internet: inclina el botn rueda hacia la derecha para avanzar una pgina. Inclina el botn rueda hacia laizquierda para retroceder una pgina.*
6. Conmutador de encendido/apagado 7. Botn de compartimento de bateras 8. Almacenamiento de receptor Unifying:
puedes guardar el receptor Unifying en elmouse cuando no lo utilices.
* En los equipos Mac no se admite la funcin deavance/retroceso en Internet. Es posible asignar Dashboard, Expos, Spaces u otras funciones alafuncin de botn rueda inclinable enPreferencias del Sistema. Portugus Recursos 1. Botes esquerdo e direito do mouse 2. LED de pilhas A luz verde pisca quando o mouse ligado, e a luz vermelha pisca quando as pilhas esto fracas. 3. Roda de rolagem 4. Boto do meio A funo deste boto depende do sistema operacional edoaplicativo em uso. Por exemplo, sevoc estiver navegando pela Internet no Windows e clicar em um link usando oboto do meio, normalmente o link abrir uma nova guia. 5. Voltar/avanar na Internet Incline a roda de rolagem para a direita para avanar uma pgina. Incline a roda de rolagem para a esquerda para retroceder uma pgina.*
6. Controle deslizante para ligar/desligar 7. Livramento da porta do compartimento de pilhas 8. Armazenamento do receptor Unifying Quando o mouse no est em uso, o receptor Unifying pode ser guardado dentro do mouse.
* Em um Mac, no h suporte para o recurso devoltar/avanar da Internet. Voc pode atribuir Dashboard, Expos, Spaces ou outras funes aorecurso da roda de inclinao usando Preferncias do sistema. 1. Make sure your Unifying receiver is plugged in. 2. If you havent already, download the Logitech Unifying software from 3. Start the Unifying software* and follow the onscreen instructions to pair the new wireless device with your existing Unifying receiver.
*Go to Start / All Programs / Logitech / Unifying / Logitech Unifying Software Franais Branchez-le. Oubliez-le. Ajoutez des dispositifs. Votre nouveau produit Logitech est livr avec un rcepteur Logitech Unifying. Saviez-vous quil est possible dajouter un dispositif Logitech sans fil compatible utilisant le mme rcepteur que votre produit Logitech Unifying actuel?
Etes-vous compatible Unifying?
Si vous possdez un dispositif Logitech sans fil compatible Unifying, vous pouvez le coupler dautres dispositifs Unifying. Recherchez la prsence du logo orange Unifying sur le nouveau dispositif ou sur son emballage. Crez votre combinaison parfaite. Ajoutez un dispositif. Remplacez-en un. Cest trs simple, et vous pouvez utiliser un seul port USB pour six dispositifs. Linstallation est trs facile. Si vous tes prt associer vos dispositifs en utilisant le rcepteur Unifying, voici comment procder:
1. Vrifiez que le rcepteur Unifying est correctement branch. 2. Si ce nest dj fait, tlchargez le logiciel Logitech Unifying partir du site 3. Lancez le logiciel Unifying* et suivez les instructions lcran pour coupler le nouveau dispositif sans fil au rcepteur Unifying existant.
*Cliquez sur Dmarrer / Tous les programmes / Logitech / Unifying /
Logiciel Logitech Unifying Espaol Receptor Logitech Unifying Conctalo. Olvdate de l. Agrega ms. Tu nuevo producto Logitech se entrega con un receptor LogitechUnifying. Sabas que puedes agregar un dispositivo inalmbrico Logitech compatible que utiliza el mismo receptor quetuproducto Logitech Unifying actual?
Ests listo para Unifying?
Si tienes un dispositivo inalmbrico compatible con Unifying, puedesemparejarlo con otros dispositivos Unifying. Busca el logo naranja de Unifying en el nuevo dispositivo o en su embalaje. Crealacombinacin ideal. Agrega algo. Sustituye algo. Es sencillo:
slo utilizars un puerto USB para hasta seis dispositivos. Es muy sencillo Si ests listo para emparejar los dispositivos mediante Unifying, sigueestos pasos:
1. Comprueba que el receptor Unifying est conectado. 2. Si no lo has hecho an, descarga el software Logitech Unifying desde 3. Inicia el software* Unifying y sigue las instrucciones en pantalla para emparejar el nuevo dispositivo inalmbrico con el receptor Unifying existente.
*Va a Inicio / Todos los programas / Logitech / Unifying /
Software Logitech Unifying Portugus O receptor Logitech Unifying Conecte-o. Esquea-o. Adicione a ele. Seu novo produto da Logitech inclui um receptor Logitech Unifying. Sabia que possvel adicionar um dispositivo sem fio compatvel daLogitech que usa o mesmo receptor que o atual produto Logitech Unifying?
Est preparado para Unifying?
Se tiver um dispositivo sem fio da Logitech que esteja preparado para Unifying, voc poder emparelh-lo com dispositivos Unifying adicionais. Procure o logotipo laranja do Unifying no novo dispositivo ou na embalagem. Faa sua combinao ideal. Adicione algo. Substitua algo. fcil, e somente uma porta USB ser usada para atseis dispositivos. fcil comear Se estiver pronto para emparelhar dispositivos atravs do Unifying, aqui est o que preciso fazer:
1. Verifique se o receptor Unifying est conectado. 2. Se ainda no o fez, faa o download do software Logitech Unifying no site 3. Inicie o software Unifying* e siga as instrues na tela para emparelhar o novo dispositivo sem fio com o receptor Unifying existente.
* V para Iniciar / Todos os programas / Logitech / Unifying /
LogitechUnifying Software English The Logitech Unifying receiver Plug it. Forget it. Add to it. Your new Logitech product ships with a Logitech Unifying receiver. Did you know you can add a compatible Logitech wireless device that uses the same receiver as your current Logitech Unifying product?
Are you Unifying-ready?
If you have a Logitech wireless device thats Unifying-ready, you can pair it with additional Unifying devices. Just look for the orange Unifying logo on the new device or its packaging. Build your ideal combo. Add something. Replace something. Its easy, and youll use only one USB port for up to six devices. Getting started is easy If youre ready to pair your device(s) via Unifying, heres what you need to do:
English Help with setup: Mouse not working Is the mouse powered on?
Is the Unifying receiver securely plugged into a computer USB port?
Try changing USB ports. If the Unifying receiver is plugged into a USB hub, try plugging it directly into a USB port on your computer. Check the orientation of the batteries inside the mouse. Replace the batteries if necessary. The mouse uses two AA alkaline batteries. Remove metallic objects between the mouse and the Unifying receiver. Franais Aide la configuration: la souris ne fonctionne pas La souris est-elle sous tension?
Le rcepteur Unifying est-il correctement branch sur un port USB de lordinateur? Ressayez en changeant de port USB. Si le rcepteur Unifying est branch sur un hub USB, branchez-le directement sur un port USB de lordinateur. Vrifiez que les piles sont bien orientes dans la souris. Changezlespiles si ncessaire. La souris utilise deux piles alcalinesAA. Retirez tout objet mtallique se trouvant entre la souris et lercepteur Unifying. Espaol Ayuda con la instalacin: el mouse no funciona Has encendido el mouse?
Est el receptor Unifying conectado correctamente aunpuertoUSB de la computadora? Prueba otros puertos USB. Portugus Ajuda para a configurao: O mouse no funciona O mouse est ligado?
O receptor Unifying est conectado corretamente a uma porta USB do computador? Tente mudar de porta USB. Si el receptor Unifying est conectado a un concentrador USB, conctalo directamente a un puerto USB de la computadora. Comprueba la orientacin de las bateras dentro del mouse. Cambialas bateras en caso necesario. El mouse usa dos bateras alcalinas AA. Retira cualquier objeto metlico situado entre el mouse yelreceptor Unifying. Se o receptor Unifying estiver conectado a um concentrador USB, tente conect-lo diretamente a uma porta USB no computador. Verifique a orientao das pilhas dentro do mouse. Substitua as pilhas, se necessrio. O mouse usa duas pilhas alcalinas AA. Remova objetos metlicos entre o mouse e o receptor Unifying. Experimente mover o receptor Unifying para uma porta USB maisprxima do mouse. Experimente reconectar o mouse e o receptor Unifying usandoosoftware Logitech Unifying. (Consulte a seo Unifying nesteguia.) Try moving the Unifying receiver to a USB port closer to the mouse. Try reconnecting the mouse and Unifying receiver using the Logitech Unifying software. (Refer to the Unifying section in this guide.) Essayez de brancher le rcepteur Unifying dans un port USB plusproche de la souris. Reconnectez la souris au rcepteur Unifying laide du logiciel Logitech Unifying (reportez-vous la section Unifying de ce guide). Lleva el receptor Unifying a un puerto USB ms cercano al mouse. Vuelve a conectar el mouse y el receptor Unifying mediante elsoftware Logitech Unifying. (Consulta la seccin Unifying deestagua.) United States Argentina Brasil Canada Chile Latin America Mexico
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Please take a minute to tell us. Thank you for purchasing our product. Nos gustara conocerla, si puede dedicarnos un minuto. Le agradecemos la adquisicin de nuestro producto. Prenez quelques minutes pour nous faire part de vos commentaires. Vous venez dacheter ce produit et nous vous en remercions. Reserve um momento para nos informar. Obrigado por adquirir nosso produto. 2011 Logitech. All rights reserved. Logitech, the Logitech logo, and other Logitech marks are owned by Logitech and may be registered. Microsoft, Windows Vista, Windows, and the Windows logo are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. Mac, Mac logo, Expos, and Spaces are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Logitech assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual. Information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 2011 Logitech. Tous droits rservs. Logitech, le logo Logitech et les autres marques Logitech sont laproprit de Logitech et sont susceptibles dtre dposs. Microsoft, Windows Vista, Windows et le logo Windows sont des marques dposes du groupe et des socits Microsoft. Mac, le logo Mac, Exposet Spaces sont des marques dposes dApple Inc., enregistres aux Etats-Unis et dans dautres pays. Touteslesautres marques commerciales sont la proprit de leurs dtenteurs respectifs. Logitech dcline toute responsabilit en cas derreurs dans ce manuel. Les informations nonces dans ce document peuvent faire lobjet de modifications sans avis pralable. 620-003601.002
1 | User Manual 2 | Users Manual | 236.95 KiB | / January 10 2011 |
Logitech Important Information Safety, Regulatory, and Warranty English Important ergonomic information. Long periods of repetitive motion using an improperly set-up workspace, incorrect body position, and poor work habits may be associated with physical discomfort and injury to nerves, tendons, and muscles. If you feel pain, numbness, weakness, swelling, burning, cramping, or stiffness in your hands, wrists, arms, shoulders, neck, or back, see a qualified health professional. For more information, please read the Comfort Guidelines located on the Logitech web site at, or on the Logitech Software CD. Do not immerse product in any liquid or expose it to heat or moisture. There are no serviceable parts. Class 1 LED products. The product contains Class 1 LED. Operating temperature between 5C (41F) to 40C (104 F). Class 1 laser products. International standards and safety. Logitech Class 1 laser products comply with International Standard IEC/EN 60825-1: 2007, Class 1 Laser Product, and also comply with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11, except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. 50, dated June 24, 2007: 1) Emission of one parallel beam or two parallel beams (for devices that can track on glass) of infrared user-
invisible light; 2) Maximum power of 716 microwatts CW, wavelength range 832 865 nanometers; 3) Operating temperature between 5C (41F) and 40C (104 F). CAUTION! There is a risk of radiation exposure if product is misused or disassembled. Class 1M laser products. International standards and safety. Logitech Class 1M laser products comply with International Standard IEC/EN 60825-1: 2007, Class 1M Laser Product. Logitech Class 1M laser products also comply with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11, except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. 50, dated June 24, 2007, as follows: 1) Emission of diverging beam of minimum +/-2 of infrared user-invisible light; 2) Maximum power of 1.4 milliwatts CW, wavelength range 832 865 nanometers; 3) Operating temperature between 5C (41F) and 40C (104 F). CAUTION! Invisible Laser Radiation. There is a risk of radiation exposure if product is misused or disassembled. Viewing the laser output with certain optical instruments (for example, eye loupes, magnifiers, and microscopes) within a distance of 100mm may pose an eye hazard. INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION DO NOT VIEW DIRECTLY WITH OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS CLASS 1M LASER PRODUCT Additional compliance information. To obtain additional information about Class 1 LED, Class 1 lasers, Class 1M lasers, or other compliance-related matters, go to, or call Logitech customer support.
(Customer support telephone numbers are listed in the product documentation.) Battery warning! Risk of explosion or personal injury if batteries are replaced by incorrect type, mutilated, or exposed to conducting materials, liquid, fire, or heat
(above 54 C or 130 F). Do not use or recharge damaged rechargeable batteries. Do not mix battery types. Dispose of spent or damaged batteries according to manufacturer instructions and local laws. Power supply warning! Caution electric shock/fire hazard! For indoor use only. Do not expose to moisture, liquid, or heat. Do not use any other power supply with your Logitech product. Device pairing limitations. Some Unifying devices may be limited in the number of times they can be paired (connected) to a Unifying receiver. Although the number of pairings possible may vary, the minimum number of available pairings is 45. UL statement. Your product is UL approved. Use only with UL listed ITE computers. FCC United States and Canada This hardware device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and 2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Compliance Information Statements:
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: 1) Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. 2) Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. 3) Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. 4) Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Modifications to this product not authorized by Logitech could void your right to use or operate this product by the FCC Where shielded interface cables or accessories have been provided with the product or specified additional components or accessories elsewhere defined to be used with the installation of the product, they must be used in order to ensure compliance with FCC regulations. Canada (IC) Statements: Corded products: This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cordless (Radio Transmitter) products: Section A. RSS-310
(27 MHz transmitters and receivers): This Category II radio communication device complies with Industry Canada Standard RSS-310. Section B. RSS-210 (2.4 GHz transmitters or transceivers): This Category I radio communication device complies with RSS-210 of Industry Canada. Logitech hardware product limited warranty Logitech warrants to the original purchaser that your Logitech hardware product shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for the period of time, identified on your product package and/or contained in the user documentation, from the date of purchase. You may also find this information by selecting your product in the Online Support section of our website at Except where prohibited by applicable law, this warranty is nontransferable and is limited to the original purchaser. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights that vary under local laws. Logitech's entire liability and your exclusive remedy for any breach of warranty shall be, at Logitech's option, (1) to repair or replace the hardware, or (2) to refund the price paid, provided that the hardware is returned to the point of purchase or such other place as Logitech may direct with a copy of the sales receipt or dated itemized receipt. Shipping and handling charges may apply, except where prohibited by applicable law. Logitech may, at its option, use new or refurbished or used parts in good working condition to repair or replace any hardware product. Any replacement hardware product will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period or thirty (30) days, whichever is longer or for any additional period of time that may be applicable in your jurisdiction. This warranty does not cover problems or damage resulting from (1) accident, abuse, misapplication, or any unauthorized repair, modification or disassembly;
(2) improper operation or maintenance, usage not in accordance with product instructions or connection to improper voltage supply; or (3) use of consumables, such as replacement batteries, not supplied by Logitech except where such restriction is prohibited by applicable law. How to obtain warranty support. Before submitting a warranty claim, we recommend you visit the support section at for technical assistance. Valid warranty claims are generally processed through the point of purchase during the first thirty (30) days after purchase; however, this period of time may vary depending on where you purchased your product - please check with Logitech or the retailer where you purchased your product for details. Warranty claims that cannot be processed through the point of purchase and any other product related questions should be addressed directly to Logitech. The addresses and customer service contact information for Logitech can be found in the documentation accompanying your product and on the web at Limitation of liability. LOGITECH SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF PROFITS, REVENUE OR DATA (WHETHER DIRECT OR INDIRECT) OR COMMERCIAL LOSS FOR BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY ON YOUR PRODUCT EVEN IF LOGITECH HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Duration of implied warranties. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THIS HARDWARE PRODUCT IS LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE DURATION OF THE APPLICABLE LIMITED WARRANTY PERIOD FOR YOUR PRODUCT. Additional Rights. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights that vary from State to State or by country or other jurisdiction. National Statutory Rights. Consumers have legal rights under applicable national legislation governing the sale of consumer goods. Such rights are not affected by the warranties in this Limited Warranty. No Other Warranties. No Logitech dealer, agent, or employee is authorized to make any modification, extension, or addition to this warranty. Warranty Periods. Please note that in the European Union, any warranty period less than two years shall be increased to two years. Logitech address. Logitech, Inc. 6505 Kaiser Drive, Fremont, California 94555 Espaol Informacin sanitaria importante. Realizar tareas repetidas durante largos periodos de tiempo, una disposicin inadecuada del lugar de trabajo, una posicin incorrecta del cuerpo y hbitos de trabajo deficientes pueden ocasionar cansancio y lesiones fsicas en nervios, tendones y msculos. Ante cualquier sntoma de dolor, rigidez, debilidad, inflamacin, quemazn, calambre o agarrotamiento de manos, muecas, brazos, hombros, cuello o espalda, consulte a un profesional sanitario titulado. Para ms informacin, consulte las Recomendaciones para evitar el cansancio en la pgina Web de Logitech, o en el CD del software Logitech. No sumerja el producto en ningn lquido ni lo exponga al calor o la humedad. No incluye piezas que puedan repararse o sustituirse. Productos con diodos de clase 1. El producto contiene diodos de clase 1. Temperatura de funcionamiento entre 5 C y 40 C. Productos lser de clase 1. Normativa internacional y seguridad. Los productos lser de clase 1 de Logitech cumplen la normativa internacional IEC/EN 60825-1:
2007, Producto lser de clase 1, as como 21 CFR 1040.10 y 1040.11, excepto en lo relacionado con el aviso de lser nmero 50, con fecha de 24 de junio de 2007:
1) Emisin de dos haces paralelos de luz infrarroja invisible para el usuario;
2) Potencia mxima de 716 microvatios en funcionamiento continuo; intervalo de longitud de onda entre 832 y 865 nanmetros; 3) Temperatura de funcionamiento entre 5 C y 40 C. ATENCIN. Existe un riesgo de exposicin a radiaciones si se desmonta o usa incorrectamente el producto. Productos lser de clase 1M. Normativa internacional y seguridad. Los productos lser de clase 1M de Logitech cumplen con la normativa internacional IEC/EN 60825-1:2007, producto lser de clase 1M. Los productos lser de clase 1M de Logitech tambin cumplen con la normativa 21 CFR 1040.10 y 1040.11, excepto en lo relacionado con el aviso de lser nmero 50, con fecha de 24 de junio de 2007, como se indica: 1) Emisin de un haz divergente de luz infrarroja mnima (+/-2) invisible para el usuario; 2) Potencia mxima de 1,4 milivatios en funcionamiento continuo; intervalo de longitud de onda entre 832 y 865 nanmetros;
3) Temperatura de funcionamiento entre 5 C y 40 C. ATENCIN. Radiacin lser invisible. Existe un riesgo de exposicin a radiaciones si se desmonta o usa incorrectamente el producto. La visualizacin del lser con instrumentos pticos (como lupas o microscopios) a una distancia no superior a 10 cm puede daar los ojos. RADIACIN LSER INVISIBLE!
EVITE FIJAR LA VISTA CUANDO MIRE A TRAVS DE INSTRUMENTOS PTICOS PRODUCTOS LSER DE CLASE 1M Informacin adicional sobre cumplimiento de normativas. Para obtener informacin adicional sobre LED de clase 1, lsers de clase 1, lsers de clase 1M o sobre otros asuntos relacionados con el cumplimiento de normativas, visite o llame al servicio de atencin al cliente de Logitech. Encontrar los nmeros de telfono del servicio de atencin al cliente en la documentacin del producto. Advertencia sobre pilas: Riesgo de explosin o lesiones fsicas si se sustituyen las pilas por un tipo no adecuado, o si se daan o exponen a materiales conductores, lquidos, fuego o calor (superior a 54 C). No utilice ni recargue pilas recargables daadas. No mezcle distintos tipos de pilas. Deshgase de las pilas gastadas, con fugas o daadas de acuerdo con las instrucciones del fabricante y las normativas aplicables. Advertencia sobre fuentes de alimentacin: Precaucin sobre riesgo de descargas elctricas/incendios. Slo para uso en interiores. No debe exponerse a humedad, lquidos o calor. No utilice ninguna otra fuente de alimentacin con su producto Logitech. Limitaciones para el emparejamiento de dispositivos. Algunos dispositivos Unifying pueden estar limitados en cuanto al nmero de veces que se pueden emparejar (conectar) con un receptor Unifying. Aunque el nmero de emparejamientos posibles puede variar, el nmero mnimo de emparejamientos disponibles es 45. Declaracin UL: Su producto est aprobado por UL. Para uso nicamente con computadoras ITE que figuren en la lista UL. Declaraciones de Canad (IC): Productos con cable: Este dispositivo digital de Clase B cumple con la norma canadiense ICES-003. Productos inalmbricos
(radiotransmisor): Seccin A. RSS310 (transmisores y receptores de 27 MHz):
Este dispositivo de comunicaciones de radio II cumple con la norma Industry Canada Standard RSS-310. Seccin B. RSS210 (transmisores y transceptores de 2,4 GHz):
Este dispositivo de comunicaciones de radio I cumple con la norma RSS 210 de Industry Canada. FCC Este dispositivo cumple todos los requisitos especificados en la seccin 15 de las normativas FCC. El funcionamiento est sujeto a las dos condiciones siguientes:
1) este dispositivo no debe originar interferencias perjudiciales y 2) este dispositivo no debe rechazar ninguna interferencia recibida, incluso cuando sta pudiera originar el funcionamiento indebido del dispositivo. Declaraciones de informacin de cumplimiento: Este equipo ha sido sometido a las pruebas pertinentes y cumple con los lmites establecidos para un dispositivo digital de la Clase B, segn lo establecido en el apartado 15 de la normativa FCC. Estos lmites estn destinados a proporcionar proteccin adecuada ante interferencias perjudiciales en instalaciones domsticas. Este equipo genera, usa y puede emitir energa radioelctrica. Respete las instrucciones pertinentes durante la instalacin y utilizacin del equipo para evitar la aparicin de posibles interferencias de radio. No obstante, no hay garanta de que no vayan a producirse interferencias en una instalacin concreta. Si este equipo es el responsable de la presencia de interferencias en la recepcin de radio o televisin
(lo que puede verificarse apagando y encendiendo el equipo), se aconseja tomar una o varias de las medidas siguientes para intentar eliminar las interferencias:
1) Cambie la orientacin o la ubicacin de la antena receptora. 2) Aumente la separacin entre el equipo y el receptor. 3) Conecte el equipo a una toma de corriente perteneciente a un circuito diferente al que est conectado el receptor. 4) Recurra a su distribuidor o a personal tcnico especializado en radio y televisin. Las modificaciones a este producto no autorizadas por Logitech podran anular su derecho a usar o hacer funcionar este producto de acuerdo con la FCC. Cuando se proporcionan cables de interfaz blindados o accesorios con el producto, o componentes o accesorios adicionales especificados para su uso con la instalacin del producto, se deben utilizar para garantizar el cumplimiento de las normativas FCC. Garanta Limitada de Productos de Hardware Logitech Logitech garantiza al comprador original la ausencia de anomalas en lo referente a los materiales y a la fabricacin del producto Logitech de hardware durante el tiempo especificado en el paquete del producto y/o indicado en la documentacin del producto, a partir de la fecha de adquisicin. Tambin puedes encontrar esta informacin si seleccionas la seccin de asistencia en lnea relativa al producto en nuestra pgina Web en Salvo en lo que prohba la ley vigente, esta garanta es intransferible y protege exclusivamente al comprador original. Esta garanta otorga al usuario derechos legales especficos; puede que poseas otros derechos que variarn de acuerdo con la legislacin local. Recursos: La responsabilidad total de Logitech y su recurso exclusivo en caso de violacin de la garanta consistir en, segn el criterio de Logitech, (1) reparar o reemplazar el hardware, o (2) reembolsar el precio abonado, siempre que se devuelva el hardware al punto de venta u otro lugar similar indicado por Logitech, con una copia del recibo de venta o del recibo detallado y fechado. Es posible que se apliquen gastos de envo y entrega, salvo disposicin legal contraria. Es posible que Logitech utilice, segn su criterio, piezas nuevas, restauradas o usadas en buenas condiciones para reparar o reemplazar cualquier producto de hardware. Todo producto de hardware de reemplazo estar cubierto por la garanta durante el perodo restante correspondiente al perodo de la garanta original o durante treinta (30) das, el perodo que sea ms largo, o durante cualquier perodo adicional establecido en su jurisdiccin. Esta garanta no cubre los problemas o daos ocasionados por (1) accidente, abuso, mal uso o toda reparacin, modificacin o desmontaje no autorizados;
(2) uso o mantenimiento inadecuados, uso no compatible con las instrucciones del producto o conexin a una fuente de alimentacin elctrica inadecuada o (3) utilizacin de insumos, como bateras de reemplazo, no proporcionados por Logitech, salvo disposicin legal contraria a esta restriccin. Cmo obtener respaldo de la garanta: Antes de gestionar un reclamo de garanta, le recomendamos que visite la seccin de asistencia en para recibir soporte tcnico. Los reclamos de garanta vlidos generalmente son procesados a travs del punto de venta durante los primeros treinta (30) das posteriores a la compra. Sin embargo, dicho perodo podr variar de acuerdo con el lugar donde usted adquiri el producto: consulte con Logitech o con el minorista donde usted adquiri el producto para obtener ms detalles al respecto. Los reclamos de garanta que no puedan ser procesados a travs del punto de venta y toda inquietud relacionada con el producto adquirido debern ser enviados a Logitech. Usted podr encontrar las direcciones y la informacin de contacto del servicio al cliente de Logitech en la documentacin adjunta al producto y en la pgina web Limitaciones de responsabilidad: LOGITECH NO ASUMIR NINGUNA RESPONSABILIDAD POR DAOS ESPECIALES, INDIRECTOS, FORTUITOS O CONSIGUIENTES, A SABER, ENTRE OTROS, LA PRDIDA DE GANANCIAS, INGRESOS O INFORMACIN
(YA SEA DIRECTA O INDIRECTA) O LA PRDIDA COMERCIAL POR VIOLACIN DE CUALQUIER GARANTA EXPRESA O IMPLCITA DE SU PRODUCTO, AN CUANDO LOGITECH HAYA SIDO ASESORADO CON RESPECTO A LOS POSIBLES DAOS. Duracin de las garantas implcitas: SALVO DISPOSICIN LEGAL CONTRARIA, LA DURACIN DE TODA GARANTA O CONDICIN IMPLCITA DE APTITUD E IDONEIDAD QUE TENGA UN PROPSITO ESPECFICO PARA ESTE PRODUCTO DE HARDWARE ESTAR LIMITADA A LA DURACIN DEL PERODO CORRESPONDIENTE A LA GARANTA LIMITADA DE SU PRODUCTO. Derechos adicionales. Dado que en algunas jurisdicciones no se permiten las limitaciones de duracin de una garanta implcita o no se permiten las exclusiones o limitaciones de responsabilidad por daos resultantes o fortuitos, puede que las limitaciones o exclusiones expuestas arriba no le sean aplicables. Esta garanta otorga al usuario derechos legales especficos; puede que posea otros derechos que variarn de acuerdo con la legislacin de cada estado, pas o jurisdiccin. Derechos legales nacionales: Los consumidores poseen derechos legales establecidos por la legislacin nacional vigente con respecto a la venta de bienes de consumo. Dichos derechos no se ven afectados por las garantas establecidas en esta Garanta Limitada. Ninguna otra garanta: Ningn distribuidor, representante o empleado de Logitech tiene autorizacin para realizar modificaciones, extensiones o adiciones a esta garanta. Periodos de garanta. Tenga en cuenta que, en la Unin Europea, cualquier periodo de garanta inferior a dos aos deber ampliarse a dos aos. Direccin de Logitech: Logitech, Inc. 6505 Kaiser Drive, Fremont, California 94555 U.S.A.
frequency | equipment class | purpose | ||
1 | 2011-06-30 | 2405 ~ 2474 | DXX - Part 15 Low Power Communication Device Transmitter | Original Equipment |
app s | Applicant Information | |||||
1 | Effective |
1 | Applicant's complete, legal business name |
Logitech Far East Ltd
1 | FCC Registration Number (FRN) |
1 | Physical Address |
#2 Creation Rd. 4, Science-Based Ind. Park
1 |
Hsinchu, N/A 300
1 |
app s | TCB Information | |||||
1 | TCB Application Email Address |
1 | TCB Scope |
A2: Low Power Transmitters (except Spread Spectrum) and radar detectors operating above 1 GHz
app s | FCC ID | |||||
1 | Grantee Code |
1 | Equipment Product Code |
app s | Person at the applicant's address to receive grant or for contact | |||||
1 | Name |
B******** C****
1 | Title |
Sr. Certification Engineer
1 | Telephone Number |
886-3******** Extension:
1 | Fax Number |
1 |
app s | Technical Contact | |||||
1 | Firm Name |
Bureau Veritas CPS (H.K.) Ltd. Taoyuan Branch
1 | Name |
H**** C******
1 | Physical Address |
81-1, Lu Laio Keng, 9th Ling, Wu Lung Tsuen, Chiun
1 |
Hsinchu Hsien, 307
1 |
1 | Telephone Number |
886-3******** Extension:
1 | Fax Number |
1 |
app s | Non Technical Contact | |||||
1 | Firm Name |
Bureau Veritas CPS (H.K.) Ltd. Taoyuan Branch
1 | Name |
N****** C******
1 | Physical Address |
No. 19, Hwa Ya 2nd Rd., Kwei Shan Hsiang
1 |
Taoyuan Hsien, 333
1 |
1 | Telephone Number |
886-3******** Extension:
1 | Fax Number |
1 |
app s | Confidentiality (long or short term) | |||||
1 | Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | Yes | ||||
1 | Long-Term Confidentiality Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | Yes | ||||
1 | If so, specify the short-term confidentiality release date (MM/DD/YYYY format) | 10/01/2011 | ||||
if no date is supplied, the release date will be set to 45 calendar days past the date of grant. | ||||||
app s | Cognitive Radio & Software Defined Radio, Class, etc | |||||
1 | Is this application for software defined/cognitive radio authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Equipment Class | DXX - Part 15 Low Power Communication Device Transmitter | ||||
1 | Description of product as it is marketed: (NOTE: This text will appear below the equipment class on the grant) | 2.4GHz Cordless Mouse | ||||
1 | Related OET KnowledgeDataBase Inquiry: Is there a KDB inquiry associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 | Modular Equipment Type | Does not apply | ||||
1 | Purpose / Application is for | Original Equipment | ||||
1 | Composite Equipment: Is the equipment in this application a composite device subject to an additional equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Related Equipment: Is the equipment in this application part of a system that operates with, or is marketed with, another device that requires an equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Is there an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 | If there is an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application, has the associated waiver been approved and all information uploaded? | No | ||||
app s | Test Firm Name and Contact Information | |||||
1 | Firm Name |
Bureau Veritas CPS (H.K.) Ltd. Taoyuan Branch
1 | Name |
R******** C********
1 | Telephone Number |
886-3******** Extension:
1 | Fax Number |
1 |
Equipment Specifications | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line | Rule Parts | Grant Notes | Lower Frequency | Upper Frequency | Power Output | Tolerance | Emission Designator | Microprocessor Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 15C | 2405.00000000 | 2474.00000000 |
some individual PII (Personally Identifiable Information) available on the public forms may be redacted, original source may include additional details
This product uses the FCC Data API but is not endorsed or certified by the FCC