a Desig For Indoot
% Hobby Sty Propeller Motor Protecting grill Throttle stic Function c Mode 1: Throt Left/Right Mode 2: Thro Left
Mode 1: Left/
fl Mode 2: Left/|
NOTICE: The hear will h Set the "Two Spe button in "Runin can be drive in 4 When push up direction stick forward or bac Do suggested in|
the UFO can bec forward, backwar 10. Specia Solwly raise the th action if the UFO. 1. Throttle stick tri When don't push the rise, adjust the trimn When push the throt the trimmer little up |
330 BAUS Wii 2, nth. lir Spider n r & Outdoor uilt-in gy yle Collapsible AGHZz L Power light ick trimmer Antenna }_ A
\ lt conversion [~, /
ttle Stick &
t side flight ttle stick & [
/Right turn
= e) ) mse
/Right side a yht trimmer
(Right turn trimmer Power Switch defaulted boot is MODE 1 when it is switched c two sound of Di, Di, then switch into MODE2 near one sound of ", then switch into MODE
= 4 eed Adjuster / Runing on floor"
1g on floor" function, the UFO CT
| direction on the floor.
= : Runing on floor eh vy /
: g| blad e leve
) the throttle lever while pushing the up or down, the UFO-car goes Wh ckward. sid low speed mode and climb on the wall with rd turning =
hrottle stick and let the UFO lift-off the ground, yo leans in a different direction. immer. 2. Lef e throttle lever up, the UFO automatically When mer bit down until UFO stops. When ttle lever up, UFO rises very slow, adjust until UFO rises normally. For ages 14+
(Instructior manual) yroscope ong distance of remote Control USB charge line x 1 Instruction manu Battery plug IC Board connector Forward and backward trimmer Two speed adjuster / Runing on flo:
(The defaulted state is it gear when it is switched on, press it and it will send out two sound of Di, Di and then enter into quick gear;
| press the second time,it will send out three sound of "Di Di Di", and then change to runing on floor; then press it once again and out one sound of Di and then enter gear.) Mode 1: Forward, Backward, LS Left/Right Turn Mode 2: Forward, Backward, Left/Right side flight Mode 1:
Mode 2:
Left/Right turn trimmer Left/Right side flight trimmer on. Press Function Conversation and you wi 2; then press Function Conversation and you 1. en push up the throttle lever, the main rotor de spinning faster. When push down the throttle er, the main rotor blade spinning slower. Left/Right turn hen push the direction-stick to the left or right Je, the UFO-car turns to left or right. Du can use the trimmer to correct the ft/Right Turn Trimmer
| the UFO leans right,adjust the trimmer to the left side.
| the UFO leans left, ist the trimmer to the right side. RAC mca Install batteries: Open the cover of battery case and insert 6x1.5 AA batteries.(Batteries to be purchased)(Pic.1) NOTICE: 1. Do not mix new 2. Do not iffer 4. USB charge(Pic.2)
(1). Insert USB Cable to the compu socket.
(2). Connect the USB cable to char port of the UFO. USB lights ON during charging & USB lights C when finish charging.
(3). Charging time via this USB cab about 80-90 minutes. UFO flyi ual time is about 5-6 minutes. Warning :
1. Turn OFF the UFO when charg 2. Do not operate the UFO during c Prem) Please be sure that without obsta Note: e Please make sure the ar e Do not make the UFO fly when flying. 6. Ready to fly(Pic.3) 1. Please connect the battery plug make sure you are at least 2 me 2. Switch on the power of the tr:
Di, then push the left control le be flashing quickly and enter int indicator will be kept eternal bi now. 3. Check that the UFO be far away NOTICE: While the indicator of And you can change 3. Forward/Backward trimmer. When the UFO leans forward,adjust the When the UFO leans backward, adjust th During the process of flying, severe time the UFO will appear side-flying circumstance appears, you can res can be as below:
Trimmer to the center position. of , that represents the trimmer 2. Pull the Control Levers upward q downward till the left down corner. That means the Reposition Corre in this way once again!
. Trouble shoot anc PROBLEM Transmitter Power sv doesnt e Insert ba improper WOFK: e Batteries Can not Power s\
control You play the UFO. strong w UFO can Main rote not rise. @ Doesn't f UFO land e Pull dow too fast. 13. Caution 1. The control distance w 2. The UFO would not fly F 3. If the rotor become dam 4. lf you dont use the tran:
to avoid the battery leak Dont drop the UFO fron
. The biggest control rad otherwise the UFO w 7. Rechargeable batteries 8. Different types of batte:
9. Batteries are to be inser 10. Exhausted batteries ar 11. The supply terminals a 12. If the UFO become dar aa and old batteries. ent types of batteries. ster rging N |
OFF I ||
Ls NS s re us i ! I charging. Battery plug
(Pic.2) acles, animal and people around during fly. imbiences before fly. Child playing m y out of sight e For indoor and
g of the UFO with the power connecting port of eters behind the UFO (with tail wing pointing te ismitter, the power indicat be flashing anc aver to the top and then pull it back to the botto
\to the decoding state. When you hear two sour ight, it shows that the decoding is successfully y from the crowd, animals and other obstructio!
f the controller is sparkle,which shows the cont some batteries for it. 4. Left/Right side flight tri trimmer to down. When the UFO leans right, a he trimmer to up. When the UFO leans left, ad ion may happen and it may affect the balar g and other abnormal phenomenon like unstable |
solve this problem by using the Reposition Correc irst of all, please switch on the UFO firstly and the und of Di, Di. Set the position of both the Throttl ing the process of trimming, the transmitter may s has already been placed on the center position. juickly in the same time on both left side and right This time the indicator of the UFO will be flashing tion has been successfully finished. If there is no |
d dealing with CAUSE sc witch is OFF. Turn the powe itteries into transmitter Confirm batter rly. according to th e Change new b e Turn the powe
@ Do not play in winds, it would 3 lack of power. witch is OFF. j the UFO in winds weather. or blades rotate too slowly. fully charge the battery. e Pull up the thre e Fully charge U in the throttle stick too fast. | Slowly pull dov chopper landin be shorter when the battery is not fu high enough, because the battery is not 1aged or broken, do not fly, otherwise, i is er for a long time, remove all batte kage to damage this product. n high position or crash, because that v us of the UFO is 50 meters, please use be out of control when it overstep this 2 are only to be charged under adult sup ies or new and used batteries are not t rted with the correct polarity. re to be remove from the toy. are not to be short-circuited. maged, deformation, please repaired ir 6 5 eAs per the picture shown, disconnect I the UFO with the battery first. SB charge line nust be guided by adult. outdoor use. f the fuselage; please oO you). d send out two sound of Di, ym. The power indicator wi ind of Di finished and you can fly ns. troller is lack of power. immer. adjust the trimmer to the left side.
{just the trimmer to the right side. nce point of the gyroscope. This flying . In the case that such In. The operating method en switch on the transmitter, le Trimmer and Side-flying send out long lasting sound it side, then pull them J and then turn eternal bright. response, please operate ILUTION sr switch to ON. ries be inserted heir pole. atteries instead. sr switch to ON. strong d make it out of control. ottle stick. JFO battery. wn the throttle stick till UFO ng smoothly. lead to injury. eries out, in order will damage it. es in 50 meters area, area. pervision. fo be mixed. n time. Whe bein Whe Whe turn FC(
dev con acc ope con rea:
equ and con pari tele use mes bet diffe exp Control methods de 1 control methods:
Ascending en you push up the throttle stick, the rotors ng speed up and the UFO begin to ascending. Left side-flight en the throttle stick moving to left, the UFO
| flight to left side. en you push up the direction stick, the UFO move forward. Left turn en push the direction stick to left, the UFO ns to left. C Caution: Any changes or modificatior ponsible for compliance could void the vice complies with Part 15 of the FCC F ditions: (1) This device may not cause sept any interference received, includin 2ration. This device and its antenna(s) |
yjunction with any other antenna or trar ITE: This equipment has been tested a ital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the F sonable protection against harmful inte Jipment generates, uses and can radia J used in accordance with the instructic nmunications. However, there is no gu:
ticular installation. If this equipment do svision reception, which can be determi sr is encouraged to try to correct the int asures: -- Reorient or relocate the rece ween the equipment and receiver. -- C erent from that to which the receiver is yerienced radio/TV technician for help. When you push down the throttle stick, t being slow down and the UFO begin to d When the throttle stick moving to right, tt will flight to right side. When you push down the direction stick, will move backward. When push the direction stick to right, the turns to right.
=2gs ns not expressly approved by the party
: user's authority to operate this equiprr Rules. Operation is subject to the follov
> harmful interference, and (2) this de ig interference that may cause undesire must not be co-located or operating in nsmitter. ind found to comply with the limits for a
-CC Rules. These limits are designed t erference in a residential installation. TI ite radio frequency energy and, if not in ons, may cause harmful interference to arantee that interference not occur yes cause harmful interference to radio ined by turning the equipment off and terference by one or more of the follow siving antenna. -- Increase the separati onnect the equipment into an outlet on connected. -- Consult the dealer or an the rotors descending. Mode 2 control When you push up tt being speed up and When push the left le left. When you push up th move forward. Left side-fli When the direction st will flight to left side. y nent. This ving two ice must ed a Class B to provide his nstalled
) radio rina
) Or on, the fing ion 1 a circuit 1
| methods:
he throttle stick, the rotors When you |
the UFO begin to ascending. slow down ever to left, the UFO turns to When push to right. he direction stick, the UFO will When you fF will move bi tick move to left, the UFO When the c will flight to push down the throttle stick, rotors being
| and the UFO begin to descending. push down the direction stick, the UFO ackward. o right side.