TARAS RT: 1050 x 85mm MINISO. Product Introduction _ opgpreespewer | Poweratt | {lesepcedihree Feri0 phere, to 2: Cannel tumvon the witeloss earphones FCC Warning ISED Warning Prsentation du Produit Mode d'emploi Loraque la musique ext essai, ime Soe cise ; attention | Ss Lope tiger les sppteatione demon telephone avacies ue aacan | Sngetteaion est | saw | Father bee : | ontout de ears 1 | telomere =| luce M pal oncoge ' uteurs apres avoir appair les couteurs sans fil au tlphone Product Name: Classic Wireless Headset Necgrvesion tra | powerot | (shape ree wmgnactt | eazeatarethe same | Regie! | less ous 4, Reasonable control of the volume and time of usage is required Solution: Check the battery to see if tis low. Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party This device contains icence-exempt transmitter(s)receiver(s) that Nom du produit: Casque Audio sans Fil TT sopuren terior M, Secenaes e 4. Un contrle relsonneble du volume et du temps dlutiisation est 4: Ls @cookmes san Wine palivent pas ere apie ai teheptons! Rponse : Il se peut que certaines applications ne puissent pas ModelIParing Neme: 87350 ee Een: to avoid hearing damage. scan wenuney ote wretsemoninnete mama responsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate | comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Nom du modlelappairage: BT350 Sania tostrcions | couse) | Vovant inex nee, Senate ncessaire pour viter les dommages audits, Solution : Vrifiz si les couteurs sont en mode d'appairage et si Gh Leone Milne Soporte las perenne BT Version: 5.1 BrPairing | beset umona pairing | Flashes red and 2, For your safety, do not use it in potentially hazardous condition. Ahasvor: No| The lthiuns boyiner betsy inthe eoephonea ts the equisment. - Canada's licence-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the Version BT: 5.1 Nomdappoirage | Meise BT260 7 Stollen espmenton semes! | sper | Se: f 2. Pour votre scurit, ne lutlisez pas dans des conditions la fonction BT du tlphone est active. Vrifiez la liste sur votre USER MANUAL Exterior Color: Back memes Sesh soowcacat | Seine! [| i 3, Do not steno musi cll up or answer the phone wie ring | fnopaccable Tendeteprmlae irl ie FCC Riles Sperone: | low met cc Couleur entvoure: Baxstenonier| wens | Sosenve a anaes potnteent dangeeuses Slee, etexlon outers de ate, uve I none Balad i i . ieure: Noir Allume Botton eimenaion | Mise sous | Clgnote en bleu ement sur reque a erson oe i i d id it i CARES Product Function: Media player, phone cal Seats | vaaxandsown | RSE | eye Enaacar | TReMbuvon ; i dlowk aor aan tcc sald get sad Ae-Tsecanaaarshins Gel mec an aca (1) This device may net cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference | Fonction du produit: Lecteur multimdia, appel tlphonique encore fee | Mien e vou ceaicton ese teeee Got 3, \Vtcouler pas de musique, appeles pel nb ie ponies pee Valls Gephone, APPA A nowentien ownur 286 | + apparel est confor 28 cu aux normes RSS exemndestde Earphone material: Plastic, stainless stool. wth or oT device uceccata | mnogsionly ARES Sex PALOTSS SOE RRA WHT SL eens (2) this device must accept any interference received, including that may cause undesired operation of the device. Mallia dee dood eure: Pladigue;eclot ioiydabla: Joos ean ae robe, ur mesnage yoo au tlphone en conduisant pour viter tout danger di & une Ticenos drlndustite Canaia. Sort Gnction feet cole Longest transmission cstance: <15m (Tested in an open aes) se ears | nonce | pence | : pee Solution: BT fs wisless co thet every senlve to objects Intranet ey csi ope Ths tanoiter mist ote colecated or oprtrgin corunten | Stance de tanamisson a plus longue. 1m (Test dons wees | Meni [peter erie wngataiin | ttrin scr | ovtaey | Saez erect 2. Impossibe allumer ls outers sas deux conditons sivanes iciseamiaia ul-eperedce! post pte sn but Veushanug sonar ssccrmeee | SEEBSSVES [REA | een ee Sree 5: Bona to itiomet Hemmge rei neon etccr ne ceroncsanatnesomecesetce Gheckinere | Noe: Tiseqipmerthas bon eta found to complywinine | than ciherartoneortanemier. Eitan 28 nes plus longue:-< 15m ( es ose a ae a SEEEE | | wactonchor de id es rants poureviertoudonaeras_| Seiten: Vetara ates prorat ox al (1) Ge enpostfne dol pes causer ginterfrencee, et elie tabrg tien apeartnat Aue hertaringot | "ho doncewnse tac | suceeate | Sentero Be Tai aek Maan 10 nat store or use it under -20C or above 40C to avoid asiphag ional oe limits for @ Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FC ie device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure ; ; Peammenin, | saan [igre eos en vanes | See, . Eni pst une utilisation incorrecte. {2) Ge dispostf doit accepter toute interfrence, y compris les trons ocr ey vue down buon (eet Wek fron) Been parade | eoncton cannncs | Sadat | 1 shortening the lifespan of earphones and battery, ro ary mela or otter objects nat may sift the connaciion wit Rules, These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection | requirement, The device can be used in portable exposure condition Fonetionnement des boutons: Bouton alimentation! bouton M/ Parco Siac | tetn | rote. pas sin foment | lei veie. | ' si ogee ot 5. Ne le jetez pas pour viter tout dommage dd a une chute, 3. La batterie des couteurs sans fll peutelle&tre remplace ? Sas grees CLEAN We pov OTTO CLASSIC WIRELESS HEADSET zs = Beconmmaing | Bevonite stectie |cowcomnecr | estas sed erd on 7,.Do not modify, disassemble or repair the product, against harmful interference in a residential installation. This without restriction. ares ae du solute Sencar, pia pease ago bau 7 rl macro 6. Ne pas conserver & une temprature infriaure & -20C ou Rponse : Non : Non. La batterie au lithium polymare des couteurs indsirable du dispositf. ee eC Sens OE Ce ae ue eee te SRR TER = Voce anaeant | SRE | oop fi 8 replaceable battery. I should be dsposed of according to local | 5. Cannot hear audio playing when the earphones are connected | _SatiPment generates uses and can radiate raco frequency energy seal n= lalla alta onsge 01 | exces pl Saino Soren bai ad artipetoe | auctlittinen tue | en suprieure & 40C pour viter de rduie la dure de vie des es iemplaable Cet metteur ne dott pas tre colocalis ou fonctionner en Sues nile plas back Wndezt Dh Ola ata comming | Winget | onpcee Devacssnoaat sBecgotle 4 1, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, romps de veille BT: perro ectety mee aoe" | uimuasharrere | flere ' i Conjonction avec une autre antenne ou un autre metteur, ASS 45h es inconnecton nmected | esmedand rules & regulations or be recycled by professional institute. Do to the computer or phone. "on mode Ssppairage Fourie tlphones 108, jescenda 3.4V. Ecouteurs et de la batterie. Ficla Sea aue in AUDIFONOS DIADEMA INALAMBRICOS Charging port: Micro USB charging port nnesterene, | ggmanee wiper | eucconts | Heo chomatehy Wee bat oi not throw away or toss it into fire. Solution: Check whethor the computer's audio output is already may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, Temps de conversation: <12h iene nae *. Na pan nde, ddtccntar eu Kbarar is oie 4. Les couteurs sans fl ont 618 dconnects du tlphone dans un Le matrie! a t valu pour rpondre aux exigences gnrales CLASICOS Input: DC SV, 180~300mA (CI | wihon they are putose, | S2nnecion prompt tow bier connected to wireless device and whether the Bluetooth in the there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular Dure de lecture de fa musique: <12h (50% du volume} Appairoge rust | Gennectes" | grote on bow RE ote Enyron 2.5 heures sont rayon de 15 metres. exposition aux radiofrquences.Le dispositif peut tre utlis dans input: DC'S, mA (Changing according to the betery esau aan | RES | wane | bento 9. When not in use fora longtime, charge the earphones every 3 sss device end Matigien Hts suuurhent does couse horcil iptorarca w que: q ) NeieRiphe | Meets | seo | te Set cetoet | termierreercire, | Sesiiee | Canccecti Pein 8. Baler inemplagabe, Ele dot ere mise aurebut contormment | Solution a tecnologe BT Glan sans fi elle est s sensible aux | des conditions exposition portabies iimtes SATIRE St ARE voltage) Prerpaugete | | Wmenmemaes | 7 | Reeraye one is toe ewoses Sen months to extend its service life. noe no Make sure fp volume t= up of radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning, Port de chargement: Port de chargement Micro USB poe: raussie | _odesies 6s Pours Spores ewes Ensourede | veyanttumnenxcovient | | Toumerenrouge aux ragles et rglementations locales ou tre recycie par un objets situs entre les coutours et fapparell appair. Verifier sl y
. Charging time: About 2.5 eae va of automata, Be ss the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct Entre: DC5V, 150-300mA (changement en fonction de la tension Aetesamioen | -conmeces | Leno cioncte ancien poate enears institut professionnel, Ne la jetez pas et ne fa jetez pas au feu. a des objets mtaliques ou autres qui peuvent affecter 'appairage ROSES rrntuninatins| RESERESNISD | ; Tapia aioe Troubleshooting 6:Can operate ne Apps eFmy phone trough he earphones eter | eererence by one or more of he flowing measures sel ater) pry Seer | uomeore, eo eek 9. Sivous mise: ps es oauour pendant un ongue pode, | dansiadatonce efecto ca 4. Fall to pairthe wireless earphones with your cl phone piven the wines saphionss be inorease the separation between the equipment and receiver sae Some | meh ia 5, Imposstie dentanre fa lcture auto lorsque les coueurs sont Rate von 198 may not support being operated through the Gara oe Sond ae le Solution: Check the earphones aren paring mode, and whother | Anewer: Sure apps may hots =Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit iferent from Dconnenion omeomecr | ageauaten Temnarunaopa | Papupzsaiebonos |, i appairs & ordinateur ou au tlephone. Operation tnatructor Earphones | !elettor ght vows ewan womnbepa |eifchage treet] Seed the phone has BT function on, Check the list on your phone, remove that to which the receiver is connected. bervccecleciad skomgivement M pe reo Solution : Vrifiez sla sortie audio de Fordinateur est dja appaire Paring Name | __ Wine S750 i Volume udown ston Beep? : peppery the earphones from the list, folow the instructions of user manual Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. ee Leal, 2.un priphrique sans fil tsi le Bluetooth de ordinateur prend en hana vune Gay | wes tiv chegen ne to pair the earphones with your phone again. The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure 2a erm ag | sunertindocomoxion, | Coneciod | Le rygeetio Rjeterun appel_ | *ppuyeslnauornt , charge le protocole A2DP. Assurez-vous que le volume est lev
{ong pres power adjusted Yo ts highest When tay iy eg i Tua i Tevalegnone "| (9 Ssudeus se coupent | spree une Tumon BREMEN | Poweron | Fanesbive rts Se ereet noe a Sarge | LESAN rentive requirement. The device can be used in portable exposure condition neauphone |" Sromesuaece"| commen | eucencien secre pre sur votre telephone ou votre ordinateur caine, hee, without restriction then toogeonmenes |
site z Ric eae en eee Baer ommaeee | Preceiciones ; oo Egan : oer | Saat | = ; am 7 Pay wid coal das Guan 1 snd directa ts Pata anterior rumen, Asiatente de vox | escucho un pido para 8 ' los puesta NerWicueiel evel et fe aetna ceded lies: < sie atimiaell \iiasiiahiad bid!
stay sola gall pu i re aa ax ' wow | SESE | coat tet ee Well C1391 Je 68 2 acta. | Nombre del producto: Auclfonos Diadema Inalambs iis" | onan ' ' ieee ls ah |e e te Se A a alg Byp18 nb al jombre del producto: Audifonos Diadema Inalmbricos Woven amacoa aera pubgulne: manionpe acvar el auistente Control razonable del volumen y tiempo de uso. RAGE: SRRETEM RARE SAV 1, eT RMT Rese Me BT350 :oL 91 aul MJuose > Vm aro ee Ain AS del all wy 5 call gle Cina) Ae pial wi bi Leg wl 991 giog 9 dela! GIS bi] lao a5b alah Modelo / Nombre de emparejamiento: 8T350 Weiagdeceanas | Amado | arany naGees 2. No lo utlice en situaciones peligrosas para garantizar ia 286 puede reernplezar ls Beterta ip ios auld orcs InelEmbriooe? BARB BNE: 81350 aruaeen | ,5REMa. |aeen87| pemswanix femme | SRBRSOPET | soy catery | memierMMT S: WAAAMLARARNLOMAL DRRSTAET AR St teaiah shal Ts ae ee span epted Jase thcadgall iS clalaull pasa Yaka Jol oo 2 SL a9 call oe Gal al Sol Jal Bll VeebeBred pom Lo = ae mae Sagat aig gee seguridad Respuesta: No Ei polmsre dione de io de bs aufones oe i suet elma. reser elerelyle ith sed ta gly soul gy tal cll Meath | pmeon | oka si | sa Se authygey | aeronan | Ane ie lala sete sah laa ual i i 5 Ose 908 on | color Exterior: Nooo Sosmeiawaet | msc | MaRS scene one reed Papidea en 3. No escuche musica, no llame ni contaste el telfono mientras meg recep Cwced! | RARSOMETC came | RROREEE VL orot 1 RARER. iD olallsag Lilug Jasco :guall d ee en hie le Yeon na | arora obs otis 6 gall tac inal doll etal s Nard . whimedi _ eee Subir bsjor | sl boten do bajaral , ene * batera aia * conduce, para evitar el peligro causado por la distraccion, 4. No se pueden conectar los audifonos con el telfono a menos P im -
A nak aed EER | Power ot ees SS | faduui oe gull jl gga Jub plunge amc A 2 pj) bi] aclaall carl dll Blo Go aSt sala Funcion del producto: Reproductor multimedia, bamada teletric. Pipe ben ONT goofs yee a 1 oe oe ee p ao te BRE: SARA, SE Geer SAS, |MMEBAT| consume ae IRI 75h , 2, EF RMR T
[aad pple S98 whiny sdelauall dal eri aise | sn fi i ESM ie ak dae plain seal ical a Sdelaall day Jlanal Say J0-3 Material del audifonos: Plastico / Acero inoxidable. oer rai? eeoete Kepeaaias Cuando ef volumen se Ej i sogunds, 4 Marine tors det shen de os nifios para evitar el peligro Eigse tooth samo , sacnek been nan 25 ne Gronenmben ike bgS0 ope hag oAN Slat Blan eae | ponerot | Me Lat aa sl i staat 5 bps Pisa erence ene | empaclament| "vant sige ete ato srs aga causado por un uso Inadecuado {espuesta: Bluetooth es inalmbrico, por lo que es muy 8, 7 ;
A ale As a6 Piouriala RS ; | 7 7 Tonge eet | seal batall oo gil all iad aiale GAGY.8 ata abl 8 sad e98d yey Y 0153 Distancia de transmis: < 15m (probado en un area abierta) arate, sonra. ima caer AG Lhe es os Le a sensible a los objetos entre los audifonos y el dispositivo AMMEN: <15% ( 2UREURUAT ) newonen | UZ82 B [282227 concen Se aaa |
abound) las) agua 3245 clade /M alto [la alike :Jutatall ce = (das Bae E 51 rea til 15.2935 3 uilglly aeleall cur JLaiY ad ps 4 Botn de operacin: Botn de encendido / botn M / botn de siirilesnen m pe conectado. Compruebe si hay algun metal otros objetos que SIMONE: DRONA / 23h REE aw | IRM (a LT Ae ae ANE, 4 RATRAeSR Ae
{DUI sled Jaa) caguall aad elise I 5yLual Ree Paring | UALS AGe OE! | aah clad : Wn M ete lah el 9] sia -20 yo Jal b> & > 29 aaiall yrrg plain! eac.6 elt U alall yl od lal Slat coro tates , fr Para cokdar 10S, iain 6. Nolo guarde ni lo use por debajo de -20C o por encima de 40C dey os " 6 ) SFL, KAMAE TAR HL,
(3 a Visi eas Sie 1 tga meet | nee ats STATA ATR Fe crac PO etch il a gh BFL J 30 all 0 Be sobre (iin epi rea [btn dba ae ~cormcaaor | Cayaieen ce e. apaaade por eagedo 7 Toe See cova ia acon eo Be nucle fe omen puedan afectar la conexin dentro de la distancia efectiva, ESF AS HRENN: <100h anaae | BARREr eamsvamix pzeem ele $100 aig basta oy a BAG a : Calan gl Wi clS | law 3a ual lgaly Aolaall cae 525730) funcin de pista siguiente) Sapalee et | dea de ina | risen aoe umn ioe : ted: , beat ie elu $12 seas By Sie | Geet | eee [eeu en ' ' SEM | ute iki asl eo] 9 Jiang iy ots V.7 Allaall aL yaso Sua e535 5,51 ell gl BBT tiempo de espera: <100h seven segundos cumdotage | Ucrecmcgest | yTaece | unata 7. No madifique, desmonte ni repare ol producto. 5; No'se puede escuchar la reproduccin de audio cuando kos EMME: <12n pert ; ; URORM NRT AERE, RATE Se vexcweneunwa 50: L512 tplictal ob f Ab\gaIl ele yoke Slain AUD ub Anas delay Le Baal LD gor0.8 slg! gi sonaKIl Acleall Juo9; sic opuall glow Soa V5 Ti de bn:<t2h Despubs de encender, olde segundos, PR romeo 8. Bateria insustitulble. Debe desecharse de acuerdo con las reglas audifonos se han conectado a la computadora. BUA EUALISN: <12h ( 50% EM . : mae
(80 cpa p>) Aah 12 pba ote Sty | cepecee | Sieg satin [on au ten i oe | BSE | eattantes spall Sale|, Mahe age | ana ol all oo Ae alonall alally sigh cg sonst capa gh a3 cant lam pan ah orspe de; vonysesectores . Sonexin, | "seenpucarn | Gonedator | Saecener meee Su seitina arpa corp y regulaciones locales o ser reciciado por un intituto profesional. Respuesta: Verifique si la salida de audio de la computadora ya HERI: micto USBEEN 2 DERE CE RADE , DERE GOS WREEREROASSASERR RR Micro USB sgl Sia eaten | Soont | igi en oes foal cand 3 ay 31 SLD Gaal go call pat Sitg yeilh AZDP UsSoian pox pisuasll 3 opts flay Tin Sobran sea 125 (ONO Sime | otwacetcege | Ste | Suet Es metal foo vemee Noe tie no aroje al fuego, esta conoctada a Bustooh ysiel Bluetooth dela computacora es | sea@yARIE: DOSY 150-300mA ( MREEMALME ) nai come] i .BRRLCRRATRNTAGRER OTRRBRE US |, eeemuerme, eTEIRE alla 300 = 150 slg 5 Ls sts) aurly Sect saigbieadan Liki eats hr 63 Puerto de carga: Puerto de carga micro USB encan sha emparei ents nos, endo reciba une producto se ee F le fe n A Bw: Jet ual ag 539 tie) pol lle pn ecu ao a setae | momar | weet fel aca Rercrrs 9 60 ole laa! yauil algo sah mer el 7 i e a wr) signaSl jg> | wailgll le oguall Soime dt ce sw Responder Gide it a i ; cargenae 8. Cuando no se utllicen durante un periodo protongado, cargue Fake eonel Lakers ao Seen Ge cue 5 volumes FeMRISNY: 46 2.5h PET MEA MAR! erry se : WREEMOURELACRAETERSEARSMHET Bele 25 lo> teeaill Sy ELAR | tien Resa 7 pase) plas! 6:8 aby jail 3S dela i an ela all IS gl lil Jas ono. | Entrada: DC SV, (Cambiando segin el votaje de la _ Tawata va avon | vo aa ead ara ender. oes | ee los audifones cada 3 meses para prolongar su vida iti fe au telfono o computadora est a me | BREEHED | wae [smwonmn 4 a: PMOLE, ERAMRA TRE REM: Set eoene coowaomoae sete | tos satoye Waior Sail ater sear ns *Desconectar | aa = wanda ert | compas capate, ro a a 5. RIES, BROKER; . soz || =a] | |= fae, sete cl oe ween! | [eee | uae [| | | SRR) meg) | ene ;
cehon | Senet | ESET | an eons See Peal Upboae) Gautydelaaall DS Gyo Jedi lal fay par Y ab ail Tiempo de carga: Sobre 2.5h ERE oe para ole eared ae Solucion de problemas Ff eal aphasia hua ine tials Hes am Le 6. AG LA RO ERA RE IHA-20C RAMON , CETTE MERE TURNERS 7 ees scores 2 umnch mig 9 iain ee ' AEE AE RA ; S RAMARANMMRERATS , GAMRRAM HTS Respuesta: Es posible que al Sc
: Ses) Oa Cf. | wae | | | wee | SEER 1 hossonsaoa nao Roxy Epos ui peace om [saree aaa | sMaNten erabeas aauaee aa 1, Pry tad toa 1 Power oft Mitel bose ie genres nacre somal azul Mamade oer foci / Fi incionamiento a travs de los audifonos debido a su configuraci 3 . ie anh etal east ed wero Gelderdespucs | empargjaan sneniLet ante doen 2 segundos Respuesta: Asegurese de que sus audifonos estn en modo de eranetee cree RNG |RaRAMRISTCO| | iad Pat et ' ' a ee asus i Eetune oa coporasess | snsmaccasice ae ee cos buscando un dispositive de emparejamiento, Retire los audifonos axe aBizathe. i ; . i anaae cA i i Hee | lal Ee (udtfonce) amar de wt , ' Dae Wiey yu Reems Powerot | REHM O FMR RORAAS EMER OEE Pico eM Oo at = cant | Games rae {y vuelva a conectar con su disposlvo, wa yaa eer a aes Sie) Pore , bine cous jae ' ogra Spemeosota Extras = 5 i i a iid Bown Bice | suas | ana wise. | __wouwsrace mee! | Sears 1 | ae, a rn rr ane | alle Tuan 8 &y FE RoHS D4