UserGuides 1 Deposit andPricing 1.1 Differences between Deposit andBalance1.2 TrialUsers 1.3 Deposit FreeCoupons1.4 PayDeposit 1.5 DepositRefund1.6 TopUp 1.7 BalanceRefund2Pric ing 2.1 Pricing 2.2 PricingError 3 Unlock andLock3.1 How toUnlock3.2 UnlockFailed 3.3 Charging withoutUnlocking3.4 How toLock 3.5 Forget toLock3.6 Unable to End 4 Registration and Verification 4.1 Failed to Receive VerificationCode4.2 IDVerification 4.3 ID VerificationFailed4.4 InviteFriends 5 MonthlyPass 5.1 What is a MonthlyPass 5.2 How to Purchase/Renew MonthlyPasses6 PersonalAccount 6.1 How to Change your PhoneNumber6.2 CreditSystem 7 About theBike7.1Reserva tion 7.2 How to FindBikes7.3 Where toPark 8Caution 1 Deposit andPricing 1.1 Differences between Deposit andBalance Your deposit is different from your balance. You need to top up your balance in orderto pay for trip fees, whereas your deposit will forever be untouched until you request fora refund. The deposit ensures your responsibility while using bikes, and it can be refunded toyour payment account whenever youwant. The balance in your wallet is used to pay for yourrides:
1. It has no expiration date, and cannot be transferred or donated to anotheruser;
2. The balance you topped up is refundable, but top-up subsidies given to youby Mobike can only be used to pay the fee charged for your rides, and cannotbe withdrawn; Once youve refunded the balance that youve topped up,top-
upsubsidies Mobike gave you willdisappear;
3. If you have any problem with your wallet balance, pleaseemail 1.2 Trial Users After registration, if you have never paid the deposit, you can select the "Trialriding mode" in the Wechat mini app to become a trialuser:
1. Trial users can ride for a limited number of times per week without paying adeposit;
2. Trial users cannot enjoy the Monthly Passperks;
3. Trial users are not VIP members and therefore cannot enjoy VIPperks. 1.3 Deposit FreeCoupons Mobike will occasionally give away Temporary Deposit Free Coupons. New userswho have never paid the deposit can use a Temporary Deposit Free Coupon when payingthe deposit:
1. During the specified period of the Deposit Free Coupon, users can become aVIP member without paying the deposit, enjoying full membership perks like theMonthly Pass;
2. When the Deposit Free Coupon expires, users need to pay the deposit tocontinue riding. This will not count as a first time deposit payment and therefore the userwill not enjoy perks that come with a first time depositpayment;
3. Users who have used the Deposit Free Coupon cannot use another DepositFree Coupon, and cannot become a trialuser. 1.4 PayDeposit When you pay the deposit after registration, we will give you a free MonthlyPass!
To pay the deposit, please click on the top left corner of the main screen, "MyWallet"-
>"Deposit". You can pay the deposit using Wechat Pay, Alipay or ApplePay. 1.5 DepositRefund To refund the deposit, please click on the top left corner of the main screen, "MyWallet"-
>"View"->"RefundDeposit". You may request to refund the deposit at any time. Mobike will start the refundprocess immediately upon its receipt of such request. Normally, it will take 2-7 weekdays to creditsuch refund into your original payment account. The actual credit of such refund into youroriginal payment account, however, will vary due to various processing flows of the bank and thethird-
party payment system associated with the payment method youchose. Please understand and acknowledge that the deposit is one of the preconditionsto request Mobikes services and therefore once the refund request is made, you will not beable to use Mobikes. All your Mobike coupons and Free Ride Days will be automaticallycleared from your account once your deposit refund has been successfullyprocessed. You will not be able to request a refund of the deposit under thefollowing circumstances:
In the middle of an ongoingtrip User has a negative Mobike Credit score User has a negative accountbalance
.6 TopUp To top up the balance, please click on the top left corner of the main screen,"My Wallet"->"TopUp". You can top up your balance with Wechat Pay, Alipay or ApplePay. 1.7 BalanceRefund Your account balance is refundable. Please send an email with your registeredmobile phone number, full name, and relevant order number to Wewill process your request within 7 businessdays. To check the order number of your top up payments, please check the platform ofwhich you made your payment orderon:
1. For your Wechat payment order number, please check your Wechat paymenthistory. 2. For your Alipay payment order number, please check your Alipay Paymenthistory:
3. iOS users who used Apple Pay can check the payment order number through theirbanks. To view the payment platform you chose for your top-up, click on the top left corner,"My Wallet"->"Detail". 2 Pricing 2.1 Pricing According to different bicycle types, Mobike charges a standard service fee of xx or xx for every 30 minutes of riding. For a trip lasting less than 30 minutes, it shallbe deemed as 30minutes. For example:
1) If you unlock a bike that charges xx for 30 minutes, and ride it for 10minutes, you will be charged xx for the trip. If you ride for 40 minutes, you willbe charged xx for thetrip;
2) If you unlock a bike that charges XX for 30 minutes, and ride it for 10minutes, you will be charged XX for the trip. If you ride for 40 minutes, you willbe charged 2XX for thetrip;
Trip starts from the moment when the bike is unlocked, and lasts until it hasbeen successfully locked. If you unlock a bike charging XX for 30 minutes, ride it for10 minutes, stop for 30 minutes without locking the bike, and then continue to ride it foranother 10 minutes, the total time of the trip should be 50 minutes, and in such case, you willbe charged 2XX in total for thetrip. 2.2 PricingError If you encounter a case where you get charged falsely, you can use the top rightbutton
"Unable to end" to end your trip and report an issue. While we process your request,your account will be temporarily frozen, and it will be unfrozen once we havesuccessfully processed yourrequest. If you were charged for a trip by mistake and the trip has already ended, you canclick ontheCustomerServiceicononthelowerrightcorner"Others""History"tolookforthe ride that you want toreport. 3 Unlock andLock 3.1 How toUnlock Locate a Mobike and click on the "Unlock" button at the bottom of the main screen.Use the camera to scan the QR code displayed between the handlebars or on the lock.Once youve successfully scanned the code, your phone will bring you to the unlocking pageand the lock should automatically unlockpromptly. If you are experiencing issues with the scanning process, you may also click"Bike Number" on the unlock page and enter the bike number below the QR code to unlockthe Mobike. Please be sure that you enter the correct bikenumber. 3.2 UnlockFailed If you are experiencing a failed unlock, check thefollowing:
1. If a bikes lock has a blue blinking light, it means that another user hasalready reservedit;
2. Please close the App and try to scan the code again or manually enter thebike 3. If the App prompts you with "Please make sure you are next to the bike andtry again," you can try to wiggle the lock and the back wheel. The bike will beepthree times. Please wait a minute and try to scan the codeagain;
4. If the App prompts you with "Im having a rest, please try another bike," the bikemight be temporarily unusable, waiting for operation and maintenance. Please scananother bike;
5. If you tried all of the above and still cant unlock the bike, the bike mightbe temporarily unusable, waiting for our operation team to intervene. You can help usby clicking on the Customer Service icon on the bottom right corner and reportingthis bikes problem:). 6. If you tried many bikes and all failed, please check your network, restart the App,or click on the Customer Service icon on the bottom right corner and report theproblem. 3.3 Charging without Unlocking After scanning to unlock, if your lock did not automatically unlock but your Appstarts charging you for a trip, please use the top right button "Unable to end" to end your tripand report an issue. While we process your request, your account will be temporarily frozen,and it will be unfrozen once we have successfully processed yourrequest. 3.4 How toLock When you have finished riding your Mobike and returned it to a legal public bikeparking location, close the lock by pulling down the red latch on the side of the lock. You will heartwo beeping sounds followed by three beeping sounds, signalling that the bike hasbeen successfullyreturned. 3.5 Forget toLock Please make sure that you lock your Mobike when you park. Failing to lock your bikewillresult in deducting 15 Mobike credits from your account (if the bike was notdamaged). If you forgot to unlock a bike, please call 400-811-7799 for customer service toresolve theissue. 3.6 Unable toEnd If your trip does not end after you manually lock your bike, please use the topright button "Unable to end" to end your trip and report an issue. While we process yourrequest, your account will be temporarily frozen, and it will be unfrozen once we havesuccessfully processed yourrequest. 4 Registration andVerification 4.1 Failed to Receive VerificationCode If you did not receive the verification code via SMS, click "Try voice call option" onthe registration page, and try the voice call option instead. Be ready to receive a call and getthe verificationcode. 4.2 IDVerification You can complete your ID Verification during the registration process, or by clickingon your profile picture in the user center and selecting"Verification."
4.3 ID VerificationFailed Please type your name in simplified Chinese and provide your Chinese ID numberfor verification. If verification fails, please press "Press here if you do not have a Chinese IDor your identification failed" for manualverification. In the manual verification page, please enter your name, ID number andnationality In the manual verification page, please enter your name, ID number andnationality In the manual verification page, please enter your name, ID number andnationality
(make sure youve entered all your information correctly). Chinese citizens can usetheir
(make sure youve entered all your information correctly). Chinese citizens can usetheir
(make sure youve entered all your information correctly). Chinese citizens can usetheir Chinese national ID, passport, or Taiwan Compatriot Permit. Foreign users can usetheir Chinese national ID, passport, or Taiwan Compatriot Permit. Foreign users can usetheir Chinese national ID, passport, or Taiwan Compatriot Permit. Foreign users can usetheir passport. Upload a photo of you holding your passport and a picture of your pass passport. Upload a photo of you holding your passport and a picture of your pass passport. Upload a photo of you holding your passport and a picture of your passport.Please make sure that in these pictures your face is clear and recognizable. We willmanually make sure that in these pictures your face is clear and recognizable. willmanually process your ID verification within 24hours. process your ID verification within 24hours. 4.4 InviteFriends Click on the top left corner and choose "Invite Friends". You can accept afriends Click on the top left corner and choose "Invite Friends". You can accept afriends Click on the top left corner and choose "Invite Friends". You can accept afriends invitation by entering her/his invitation code, or share your own invitation code viaWechat, ntering her/his invitation code, or share your own invitation code viaWechat, ntering her/his invitation code, or share your own invitation code viaWechat, Weibo, and QQ to invite friends to use Mobike. Both users get rewarded after the first rideof Weibo, and QQ to invite friends to use Mobike. Both users get rewarded after the first rideof Weibo, and QQ to invite friends to use Mobike. Both users get rewarded after the first rideof an inviteduser. 5 MonthlyPass 5.1 What is a MonthlyPass The free Monthly Pass is valid for 30 days.Your purchased Monthly Passes are validfor 1 Month (30 days), 3 Months (90 days), 6 Months (180 days), or 12 Months (360days). Monthly Passes are valid from the day of purchase, till the end of the day itexpires. Users with a valid Monthly pass can ride an unlimited amount of times! Every tripshould be under 120 minutes, and you will be charged if you pass this timelimit. You may not refund a Monthly Pass purchase orrenewal. If you refund your deposit, you will no longer be able to use Mobike services, andyour free Monthly Pass will automatically expire. The expiration date of your purchasedMonthly Pass will not change; you can still pay the deposit and enjoy your Monthly Passperks anytime within the validperiod. 5.2 How to Purchase/Renew MonthlyPasses Press on the upper left corner of the main screen and enter "My Wallet." If this isyour first time purchasing a Monthly Pass, please press "Purchase" to select the length ofyour Monthly pass and go through the payment process to successfully purchase a MonthlyPass. When renewing your Monthly Pass, press "Renew" to follow the renewal process.You may only renew your Monthly Pass when you are within 30 days of your previousMonthly Passexpiring. 6 PersonalAccount 6.1 How to Change your PhoneNumber To change your registered phone number, please make sure that there is no depositor balance associated with the account of the new number, otherwise the deposit andbalance in your new number account will be overridden when changing phonenumbers. 1. Log in using your old number, and refund thedeposit;
2. Click on the top left corner of the main screen, enter "Profile" by clicking on theprofile picture, "Phone Number"->"Switch Phone Number". Enter the ID numberassociated with your old account, and enter your new phone number to receive theverification code;
3. Phone number will be changed successfully after SMSverification;
4. Log in using the new number and you should see the wallet balance, Mobikecredits, and trip history from your previous number. Pay the new deposit and you are readyto go!
5. After paying the deposit again, you still have all rights and coupons of theoriginal account, but the free Monthly Pass willdisappear. 6. You may only change the registered phone number once every threemonths. Notes:
1. If the deposit of the old number has not been credited back to your paymentaccount after you changed the number, please do not worry. The old deposit will becredited back within 2-7 businessdays. 2. Repaying the deposit after number-change is not considered a first-timedeposit payment, therefore no corresponding rights/gifts will begiven. 6.2 CreditSystem In order to encourage legal, compliant, and civilized use of Mobikes, and toprevent inappropriate conduct, Mobike enforces a creditsystem:
1. The default credit score for each registered user is 100. Such credit scorechanges based on the usersconduct/misconduct. 2. Having a low credit score affects the fare of your trips. When your Credit scoreis below 80, the fares for usage will be 100 CNY per 30 mins; once the credit scoreis deducted to 0, your account will be frozen, and you will be prohibited fromusing Mobikeservices. 3. If you believe that your credit score has been falsely deducted, please click onthe top left corner, click "My Credit"->"Penalties", choose the specific deductionrecord, and click "I want to complain" to submit anappeal. 4. How to gain creditscore:
GainCredit Each normalride Verified report of bikemalfunction/breakdown Verified report of wrongparking Verified friendsinvite Sharing of firstride 5. How credit score isdeducted:
Lose Credit Wrong parking (such as any parking in a housingestate, an underground parking lot or basement, a courtyard,and any other non-designated or recommended parkingareas) Credit 1credit/ride 1credit/report 1credit/report 2credits/invite 2credits Credit 20credits/time Leave the bicycle unlocked (that bicycle is laterretrieved byMobike) 15credits/time Abandon the bicycle and flee upon request orinterception of traffic police for inappropriate parking orriding 100credits/time Install personal lock on thebicycle Unauthorized modification of ourbicycle Unauthorized remove of our bicycle, i.e. anyremove except for normal ride or under appropriate instructionfor deducted tozero deducted tozero deducted tozero the purpose of launch or regularoperation Verified violation of applicable traffic regulations andrules while riding our bicycle as decided by traffic police. (Inthis event, Mobike may, at its own discretion, determinethe duration of relevant user account being frozenconsidering the severity ofcircumstances) deducted tozero 7 About theBike 7.1 Reservation When you select a Mobike icon on the map and press "make a reservation", thebike you selected will be reserved for 15 minutes. You can follow the directions on the map tofind the bike and unlock it, but you can also unlock another bike instead. You can cancelthe reservation for free, or it will also automatically expire within 15minutes. You can make 5 free reservations a day atmost. 7.2 How to FindBikes When you successfully reserve a bike, it will be the only one to appear on themap, along with directions to get to it. When you get close to it, you can ring it to find itmore easily. The bikes location system might be influenced by the surroundings, therefore itsactual location might vary a little bit from the App, so please keep an eye out around the locationon the App to find thebike. 7.3 Where toPark Mobikers are encouraged to park at Mobike Hubs or MPLs (MobikePreferred Locations). In the event an MPL is unavailable, Mobikers can park at any public bicyclerack. Mobikes should never be parked in private bicycle parks, within a compound, withina residence, or inside an underground parkingspace. To check out Mobike Hubs near you, please check for "P" icons on the map. Byclicking on a Mobike Hub icon, we will suggest a route for you to get to that parkinglocation. 8 Caution 9 Warning:
Please note that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate the equipment. Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. 10 Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. This equipment complies with radio frequency exposure limits set forth by the FCC for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 5 mm between the device and the user or bystanders. This device must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. 11 This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Radio Frequency (RF) Energy This phone is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the United States. During SAR testing, this device was set to transmit at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands, and placed in positions that simulate RF exposure in usage against the head with no separation, and near the body with the separation of 5 mm . Although the SAR is determined at the highest certified power level, the actual SAR level of the device while operating can be well below the maximum value. This is because the phone is designed to operate at multiple power levels so as to use only the power required to reach the network. In general, the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the lower the power output. The exposure standard for wireless devices employing a unit of measurement is known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6 W/kg. This device is complied with SAR for general population /uncontrolled exposure limits in ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992 and had been tested in accordance with the measurement methods and procedures specified in IEEE1528. The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this model phone with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines. SAR information on this model phone is on file with the FCC and can be found under the Display Grant section after searching on FCC ID: 2AP7UMCA5A15 For this device, the highest reported SAR value for usage near the body is 0.226 W/kg. While there may be differences between the SAR levels of various phones and at various positions, they all meet the government requirements. SAR compliance for body-worn operation is based on a separation distance of 5 mm between the unit and the human body. Carry this device at least 5 mm away from your body to ensure RF exposure level compliant or lower to the reported level. To support body-worn operation, choose the belt clips or holsters, which do not contain metallic components, to maintain a separation of 5 mm between this device and your body. RF exposure compliance with any body-worn accessory, which contains metal, was not tested and certified, and using such body-worn accessory should be avoided.