Na amare FCC ID:G6D3200A FULL FUNCTION RADIO CONTROL Caution: User is not permitted to change or modfy this product sy Controller and Vehicle Batlery Requirements:
1 ANTENNAS are packed One 9V Alkaline Battery 2's] In shipping foam in box; One 9.6 Rechargeable Power Pack/Charger L 370100446 f INS76-98 TROUBLE SHOOTING AND CARE FOR R/C VEHICLES
EEN CALL AAAI Ave the + ond 's contacts correctly matched in transmitter?
Are the metal contac! tabs touching, rusty or dirty in transmitter?
Are there balteries in vehicle and transmitter?
Is the power switch on vehicle turned on?
Is the batlery/power pack weak or out of power?
ee PROBLEM! //
eo There is radio interference in the area. Another R/C vehicle with the same frequency is close by. The antenna of transmitter is not screwed in light. ine onenna is not tully extended. The battery is weak or fading. The power pack je worn nut end nance tc hn ced ot IEE NE Nee NNER Bad Bolteries are not Alkaline, are miss matched or are old. pied Ee ela The Battery charger & battery pack need to be periodically examined for potential hazards and that any potentially haxordous parts be repaired or replaced. NEW BRIGHT 9. 6 Volt Rechargeable NiCd Battery Pack and Charger.
{Sold Separately) NiCd Rechargeable gg ea LOOY Haeahnld Cutler AN Press lock to Plug in disconnect Charger 1. Plug charger into o 120 baucahald radiat 2. Connect the baifery pack to the charger clip. 3. Charge the battery pack for 4HRS NOTE: Pack is nol charged when new. Pack is fully charged after 4hrs of charging, extended charging does not improve running time. 4. After charging for 4hrs, unplug charger and disconnect pack by pressing . qd Pee IE A RS ERR Running Time Battery pack can be charged up to 1,000 times!
Approximate running lime is 20 to 30 min. Running time can vary from 10 to 20 min. according to size & weighi of vehicle or speed & terrain. Battery pack will lose power or quit suddenty. Let pack cool. then recharae after temoving pack from vehicle.
* Always disconnect units by pulting on plugs, do not pull on wires.
* Force on wire connections can cause shorting,
* Do not recharge warm or hot battery pacies. Wait 20 min. unti!f pack Nas cOored. Hecharging too early will snorter pact life, Rechorging near fire or high temperature is dangerous. Do not recharge packs that show wear or leakage. Always unplug battery pack when net in use. Do not dispose pack in fire, explosion or personal injury may occur, Dispose of NiCd battery packs property, do not disassemble. Always remove battery pack from vehicle before charging. 28 OO) Use charger tor ony use offer tran instructed tn directions. aodicced NS SubATIG!
iba NIN ME 1, push or hata we 2. Insert tube into A through hoilow tube. / hole on vehicle ea on ae 3. A knot may be tied at the top.
{Do not pull wire tight) BISeTE OMG FF Alkaline =
Battery. Screw antenna in tightly Week we we for best transmission. cas |
ez Be sure the + and are NOTE: FOR BEST PERFORMANCE ALWAYS USE ALKALINE BATIERIES. * properly matched. pe TE de Bering Lb _ 2. Join the pack connector plug into compartment plug receptocle and secure lightly. 3. Drop pack into position, close and lock cove:
<7 When disconnecting pac aS DO NOT PULL ON WIRES o y Turn ON/OFF switch on vehicle
\ Extend the antenna to full length. fo me UN posilion tor power. indicator light works when in use. Antenna Alter play, always turn vehicle off. Remove 9V battery and rechargeable pack when not in use or when stored. Leakage may occur ond cause damane 7f left far mq merind afi. eee eee ee
NE NR RAR Pee Pn For best running performance, always start with pack fully charged. Partially charged packs will perform poorly. Installation of Power Pack Be sure connector plugs are securely locked together. Do not Pull on wifes when atsconneciing
% Uo!
pack, this may short out system. tr Se Save Battery Life Ge sure venice is turned off when not in play. A \\\\ Vn TR Tee IM GV Beyond Tadio signd!
contac}. Loss of conirol or slowness will be evident when out of range. Hold transmitter antenna up high and keep screwed in light for best reception. er Interference Eratic behavior, loss of contact or jeking motion may occur in areas of high tension wires, phone poles orb radios. Avoid collisions with hard surkaces. r fai"
ee es HET Te, CAH Avoid running on thick pile carpeting or dusty floors. Avoid running 2 vehicles wih the same lrequencie Always run one at a time unless you purchase vehicles with different frequencies. Wipe body off with a
soft rag or tact cloth. AOS _ eed Do not clean vehicle with chemicals or woter. Brush areas where dirt and dust get trapped. Ftc 3 Sere ees tee teeta Radio waves control and drive the vehicle. Any of the following conditions moy interfere with the behavior and function. The transmitter signals can easily be interrupted. caring for your transmitter Gnd vehicle is illustrated on these pages. -
Do not abuse your vehicle!
Remember to avoid water, heat, sand and high impact crashes!
Off road vehicles may run on grassy areas. Keep vehicle away from wint enriare* mr pin Keep vehicle away from en | -
IES ES tT shay, UUsly OES, Electronic insiruments are vory sensitive to direct sunlight or heat. Avoid long periods of play under direct suniiait. Always store vehicle and transmilter in a dry cool place oway from healers mr ARE ie corictaee eh Pe