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$]U9]U05 Jo ajqe_ =: UON}0aS ysipjoayo jueuodwiog L - S]ua]UON 40 a1qeL 14611g MeN | UaiT= BN Vehicle Vehicle This vehicle is equipped with an internal Lithium-ion battery that is recharged via USB. ON/OFF Switch must be in the OFF position prior to charging. A i
USB Charging Cord Y) Lr a a). O USB Charging Cable eer and Storage Compartment ai 7 1. Locate the ON/OFF switch and USB cord on the under-side of the vehicle. 2. Turn the ON/OFF switch to the OFF position. 3. Open Storage Compartment cover. 4. Remove USB cable from the Storage Compartment. (Use care when extending cord as it is attached to inside internal battery). Cord can be *
plugged into any computer or USB outlet brick (not included). Charge ON/OFF Switch Status Light 5. While charging, the LED under the vehicle will be on. Once fully charged
* If vehicle pulls to the left or right during forward driving the Wheel Alignment Os the LED will turn off. Charging is completed in approximately 1.5-2 hours. may need to be adjusted. The Wheel Alignment Dial is located on bottom of Return cord and secure storage lid before operating the vehicle chassis between the front wheels. i djay 40) ueloluyo9} /_|/olpes peoueliedxe ue Jo Jejeap ayy yNSUOD -
191998 pue juawdinbs ay} UeeMjeq UOHesedes ay] aSedJOU| -
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