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SEE NOTES The Coleman Company, Inc. Wichita, Kansas USA 67219 COMPOSITE- NO SHEET 1 OF 1 SCALE:
1:1 19-DEC-17 Suky W. Chelor C. REVISION REVISION 01 NAME:
IM BL for 360 Light&Sound IM BL for 360 PART NO.:
4010060086 Garantie limite de trois ans Garanta Limitada de Tres Aos Limited Three Year Warranty The Coleman Company, Inc. ( Coleman ) garantit cet article contre tout vice de matriau et de fabrication pendant une priode de trois (3) ans courants compter de la date de lachat. Coleman se rserve le droit de choisir entre rparer ou remplacer cet article ou toute pice de celui-ci dont la dfectuosit a t constate au cours de la priode de garantie. Le remplacement se fera au moyen dun produit neuf ou remanufactur ou bien dune pice neuve ou remanufacture. Si larticle nest plus disponible, il sera remplac par un article semblable, de valeur gale ou suprieure. Aucune garantie nest fournie pour les piles et les ampoules. La prsente constitue votre garantie exclusive. Cette garantie nest valable que pour lacheteur au dtail original partir de la date de lachat au dtail initial et elle nest pas transfrable. Veuillez conserver le reu dachat original. La preuve dachat est exige pour tout ser vice couvert par la garantie. Les concessionnaires Coleman, les centres de service et les dtaillants qui vendent des articles Coleman nont pas le droit daltrer, de modifier ou de changer dune manire quelconque les moda lits de cette garantie. Ce que ne couvre pas cette garantie Cette garantie ne couvre pas lusure normale des pices, les pices autres que les pices authentiques Coleman ou lendommagement attribuable toute raison suivante: la ngligence, lutilisation abusive du produit, au branchement sur un circuit de tension ou courant inappropri, lutilisation commerciale du produit, au non-respect du mode demploi, au dmontage et la rparation ou laltration par quiconque, sauf Coleman ou un centre de service agr Coleman. Cette garantie ne couvre pas non plus les cas de force majeure comme incendies, inondations, ouragans et tornades. La garantie est automatiquement annule si lendommagement du produit dcoule de lutilisation dune pice autre quune pice de marque Coleman. COLEMAN NASSUME AUCUNE RESPONSABILIT POUR LES VICES RSULTANT DE LEMPLOI DE PICES NON AUTORISES OU DE RPARATIONS EXCUTES PAR UN PERSONNEL NON AUTORIS. COLEMAN DCLINE TOUTE RESPONSABILIT EN CAS DE DOMMAGES ACCESSOIRES OU INDIRECTS RSULTANT DU NON-RESPECT DE TOUTE GARANTIE OU CONDITION EXPLICITE OU IMPLICITE. SAUF DANS LA MESURE INTERDITE PAR LA LGISLATION PERTINENTE, TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE DE QUALIT COMMERCIALE OU DAPPLICATION UN USAGE PARTICULIER EST LIMITE LA DURE DE LA GARANTIE OU CONDITION CI-DESSUS. CERTAINS TATS ET CERTAINES PROVINCES OU JURIDICTIONS INTERDISENT DEXCLURE OU DE LIMITER LES DOMMAGES ACCESSOIRES OU INDIRECTS, OU NE PERMETTENT PAS LA LIMITATION DE LA DURE DAPPLICATION DE LA GARANTIE IMPLICITE, DE SORTE QUE VOUS POUVEZ NE PAS TRE ASSUJETTI AUX LIMITES OU EXCLUSIONS NONCES CI-DESSUS. CETTE GARANTIE VOUS CONFRE DES DROITS JURIDIQUES PRCIS ET VOUS POUVEZ AVOIR DAUTRES DROITS, CES DROITS VARIANT DUN TAT OU DUNE PROVINCE LAUTRE. Comment obtenir le service prvu par la garantie Votre produit doit tre couvert par la garantie afin dobtenir le service de garantie. Si votre produit est dfectueux et quil est encore couvert par la garantie, communiquez avec nous au 1-800-835-3278 (TDD 1-316-832-8707) afin dobtenir une autorisation de retour. Ne retournez pas le produit Coleman sans autorisation. On vous demandera de fixer une tiquette au produit qui comprendra votre nom, adresse, numro de tlphone le jour et une description du problme. Ajoutez une copie du reu de vente dorigine. Emballez le produit et envoyez-le assur par UPS, FedEx Ground ou colis postal avec frais dexpdition et assurance prpays :
The Coleman Company, Inc. (Coleman) garantiza que por un periodo de tres (3) aos a partir de la fecha original de compra, este producto estar libre de defectos en material y construccion. Coleman, a su discrecin, reparar o reemplazar este producto o cualquier componente del producto que est defectuoso durante el periodo de la garanta. Cualquier reemplazo ser hecho con un producto o componente nuevo o refabricado. Si el producto no se encuentra disponible, el reemplazo se podr hacer con un producto similar de igual o mayor valor. No se provee garanta para las pilas ni las bombillas. Esta es su garanta exclusiva. Esta garanta es vlida para el comprador original desde la fecha de la compra inicial y no es transferible. Guarde su recibo de compra. Prueba de recibo de compra es requerido para obtener ejecucin de la garanta. Los comerciantes de Coleman, centros de servicio o las tiendas al por menor que venden articles Coleman no tienen el derecho de alterar, modificar o cambiar de ninguna otra manera los trminos y condiciones de esta garanta. Lo Que Esta Garantia No Cubre Esta garanta no cubre el desgaste normal de las piezas, piezas que no sean genuinas de Coleman ni dao resultante por l as siguientes causas; uso negligente o uso incorrecto del producto; uso con voltaje o corriente no apropiado, uso comercial de este producto, uso contrario a las instrucciones de operacin, desmontaje, reparacin o alteracin por cualquiera que no sea Coleman o un centro de servicio autorizado. Adems, la garanta no cubre Fuerzas Naturales tales como son fuego, inundaciones, huracanes y tornados. La garanta no es valida si el dao al producto es un resultado del uso de piezas que no sean piezas genuinas Coleman. COLEMAN NO SERA PESPONSABLE POR DEFECTOS CAUSADOS POR EL USO DE PIEZAS O SERVICIO NO AUTORIZADO. COLEMAN NO SER RESPONSABLE POR NINGN DAO INCIDENTAL O CONSIGUIENTE OCASIONADO POR LA VIOLACIN DE CUALQUIER GARANTA O CONDICIN IMPLICADA O EXPRESADA. CON EXCEPCIN AL LIMITE DE LO QUE PROVEE LA LEY APLICABLE, CUALQUIER GARANTA IMPLICADA DE COMERCIO O ADAPTACIN PARA UN USO EN PARTICULAR ES LIMITADA EN SU DURACIN A LA DURACIN DE LA GARANTA ARRIBA MENCIONADA. ALGUNOS ESTADOS, PROVINCIAS O JURISDICCIONES NO PERMITEN LA EXCLUSIN O LIMITACIN DE DAOS INCIDENTALES O CONSIGUIENTES O LIMITACIONES REFERENTE A CUNTO UNA GARANTA LIMITADA DEBE DURAR, POR LO TANTO LAS LIMITACIONES O EXCLUSIONES ARRIBA MENCIONADAS PUEDE QUE NO SEAN APLICABLES A USTED. ESTA GARANTA LE PROVEE DERECHOS LEGALES EXPECFICOS, Y ADEMS PUEDE QUE USTED TENGA OTROS DERECHOS QUE VARAN DE ESTADO A ESTADO O DE PROVINCIA A PROVINCIA. Como Obtener Servicio de Garanta Su producto debe estar en garanta para obtener servicio de garanta. Si su producto presenta defectos y est dentro del perodo de garanta, comunquese con nosotros al 1-800-835-3278 (TDD 1-316-832-8707) para recibir una autorizacin de devolucin. No devuelva el producto a Coleman sin autorizacin. Se le indicar colocar una etiqueta en el producto con su nombre, direccin, nmero de telfono diurno y una descripcin del problema. Incluya una copia del recibo original de compra. Empaque cuidadosamente el producto y envelo asegurado por UPS, FedEx Ground o Servicio de paquetes postales con el envo y el seguro prepagados a:
Pour les produits achets aux tats-Unis:
The Coleman Company, Inc. 3600 North Hydraulic Wichita, KS 67219 U.S.A. Pour les produits achets au Canada:
Sunbeam Corporation (Canada) Limited DBA Jarden Consumer Solutions 20B Hereford Street Brampton, ON L6Y 0M1 Les frais denvoi du produit Coleman pour obtenir le service de garantie doivent tre pays par lacheteur. NE RETOURNEZ PAS CE PRODUIT AU LIEU DACHAT. NEXPDIEZ PAS DE PRODUIT DANS LEQUEL SOIENT INSRES DES PILES. Si vous avez toute question quant cette garantie, veuillez composer le 1-800-835-3278 ou le ATS 1-316-832-8707 aux tats-Unis, et le 1-800-387-6161 au Canada. 2017 The Coleman Company, Inc. Tous droits rservs. Coleman, The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. sont des marques dposes de The Coleman Company, Inc. et 3 Para productos comprados en los Estados Unidos:
The Coleman Company, Inc. 3600 North Hydraulic Wichita, KS 67219 U.S.A.. Para productos comprados en Canada:
Sunbeam Corporation (Canada) Limited DBA Jarden Consumer Solutions 20B Hereford Street Brampton, ON L6Y 0M1 El costo del transporte del producto a Coleman para el servicio de garanta es responsabilidad del comprador. NO DEVUELVA ESTE PRODUCTO AL LUGAR DONDE LO COMPRO. NO TRANSPORTE CON BATERAS INSTALADAS. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta sobre esta garantia favor de llamar al 1-800-835-3278 o al TDD 1-316-832-8707 en los Estados Unidos o al 1-800-387-6161 en Canad. 2017 The Coleman Company, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. Coleman, The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. son marcas registradas de The Coleman Company, Inc. y 3 The Coleman Company, Inc. (Coleman) warrants that for a period of three (3) years from the date of original retail purchase, this product will be free from defects in material and workmanship. Coleman, at its option, will repair or replace this product or any component of the product found to be defective during the warranty period. Replacement will be made with a new or remanufactured product or component. If the product is no longer available, replacement may be made with a similar product of equal or greater value. No warranty is provided for batteries and light bulbs. This is your exclusive warranty. This warranty is valid for the original retail purchaser from the date of initial retail purchase and is not transferable. Keep the original sales receipt. Proof of purchase is required to obtain warranty performance. Coleman dealers, service centers, or retail stores selling Coleman products do not have the right to alter, modify or in any way change the terms and conditions of this warranty. What This Warranty Does Not Cover This warranty does not cover normal wear of parts, parts that are not genuine Coleman parts, or damage resulting from any of the following: negligent use or misuse of the product; use on improper voltage or current; commercial use of the product; use contrary to the operating instructions; disassembly, repair or alteration by anyone other than Coleman or an authorized service center. Further, the warranty does not cover Acts of God, such as fire, flood, hurricanes and tornadoes. Warranty void if damage to the product results from the use of a part other than a genuine Coleman part. COLEMAN SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DEFECTS THAT ARE CAUSED BY THE USE OF UNAUTHORIZED PARTS OR SERVICE. COLEMAN SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES CAUSED BY THE BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITIONS. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE DURATION OF THE ABOVE WARRANTY OR CONDITIONS. SOME STATES, PROVINCES, OR JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS THAT VARY FROM STATE TO STATE OR PROVINCE TO PROVINCE. How to Obtain Warranty Service Your product must be under warranty in order to obtain warranty service. If your product is defective and is within your warranty period, contact us at 1-800-835-3278 (TDD 1-316-832-8707) in order to receive a return authorization. Do not return product to Coleman without authorization. You will be directed to attach a tag to the product that includes your name, address, daytime telephone number and description of the problem. Include a copy of the original sales receipt. Carefully package the product and send insured by UPS, FedEx Ground or Parcel Post with shipping and insurance prepaid to:
For products purchased in the United States:
The Coleman Company, Inc. 3600 North Hydraulic Wichita, KS 67219 U.S.A. For products purchased in Canada:
Sunbeam Corporation (Canada) Limited DBA Jarden Consumer Solutions 20B Hereford Street Brampton, ON L6Y 0M1 The cost of transporting the product to Coleman for warranty service is the responsibility of the purchaser. DO NOT RETURN THIS PRODUCT TO THE PLACE OF PURCHASE. DO NOT SHIP WITH THE BATTERIES INSTALLED. If you have any questions regarding this warranty please call 1-800-835-3278 or TDD 1-316-832-8707 in the United States or 1-800-387-6161 in Canada. 3 2017 The Coleman Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Coleman, The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. are registered trademarks of The Coleman Company, Inc. and How to Use and Enjoy Your Coleman LI-ION RECHARGEABLE 360 Light&Sound Light&Sound BATTERY LANTERN Profitez au maximum de votre Coleman LI-ION RECHARGEABLE 360 Light&Sound Light&Sound LANTERNE PILES Cmo usar y disfrutar su producto Coleman LI-ION RECHARGEABLE 360 360 Light&Sound Light&Sound LINTERNA A PILAS 4010060086 (ECN20063435-01) BC Small End of USB Cord Petite extrmit du cordon USB Extremo pequeo del cable USB Larger end of USB Cord Larger end of USB Cord Larger end of USB Cord Fig. 1 A B C Fig. 3 English Fig. 2 D Fig. 4 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING: To reduce the risk of injury, user must read instruction manual. 1. Read all the instructions before using the appliance. 2. To reduce the risk of injury, close supervision is necessary when an appliance is used near children. 3. Only use attachments recommended or sold by the manufacturer. 4. Use only the charging cable supplied by the manufacturer to recharge. 5. The charging cable is intended for indoor/household use only. DO NOT USE CHARGING CABLE OUTDOORS. 6. To reduce the risk of electrical shock, use charging cable in a dry location. Do not put in water or other liquid. Do not place or store appliance where it can fall or be pulled into a tub or sink. 7. Dispose of battery according to instructions. 8. Do not use if there is visible damage to light. 9. Do not crush. 10. Do not expose to fire or temperatures greater than 100C. 11. Recommended charging temps range from 0C 32C. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS TO CHARGE BATTERY Carefully read all instructions before use and save for future reference. Take the USB attached (Fig. 1). Plug small end of USB cord into the lantern charge port on bottom of lantern (Fig. 2) and the larger end into adapter or any USB outlet rated 1A or greater. The lantern will charge at 5V/1A charge rate. A red indicator LED means the battery is charging. A green indicator LED means the battery is fully charged. Charge time will take approximately 6 hours to fully charge. TO OPERATE LANTERN Rotate button to cycle between off, low, medium, and high settings (Fig.3). TO OPERATE BLUETOOTH SPEAKER This lantern is equipped with a Bluetooth speaker. It can connect with your Bluetooth wireless technology enabled music devices (cell phone, tablet, etc.). The control buttons are located on the top of the lantern (Fig.4). To use the speaker, make sure the Bluetooth wireless technology is enabled on the device you will pair with the lantern. Press the on/pairing button on the lantern and search for Coleman 360 LightSound to sync the devices. Notes: Only one device can be paired to the lantern at one time. When battery is low, there will be a periodic audible noise to help indicate to recharge the lantern. Control buttons:
Button A - Bluetooth switch. (Note: When powered on, the button flashes. When pairing is completed and Button B - Volume down;
Button C - Volume Up;
Button D - Pause/Play. THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOw 1. Operating time for this lantern depends on whether it is run continuously or intermittently. Intermittent connection is established, the button will light steadily.);
operation extends the runtime of a set of batteries. 2. The LED is a lifetime light source. It will never need to be replaced. 3. Always transport the lantern by the handle located on top of the lantern. 4. To clean the outside of the lantern and globe, use only a damp cloth and mild dishwashing liquid. Avoid excessive water and strong cleaner, which can damage lantern. RECHARGEABLE BATTERY MUST BE RECYCLED OR DISPOSED OF PROPERLY. See recycling information that came with your Coleman Battery Lantern. Li-Ion Franais INFORMATIONS IMPORTANTES CONCERNANT LA SCURIT AVERTISSEMENTS: Pour rduire le risque de blessures, lutilisateur doit lire le mode demploi. 1. Lisez toutes les instructions avant dutiliser lappareil. 2. Pour rduire le risque de blessures, une surveillance attentive est ncessaire lorsque lappareil est utilis prs des enfants. 3. Utilisez seulement les attaches recommandes ou vendues par le fabricant. 4. Pour charger, nutiliser que le cble de chargement fourni par le fabricant. 5. Le cble de chargement nest destin qu une utilisation intrieur/domestique. NE PAS UTILISER LE CBLE DE CHARGEMENT LEXTRIEUR. 6. Pour rduire les risques dlectrochoc, utiliser le cble de chargement dans un endroit sec. Ne pas le placer dans leau ni aucun autre liquide. Ne pas placer ou ranger lappareil o il pourrait tomber ou tre tir dans un bain ou un vier. 7. liminer la pile conformment aux directives. 8. Ne pas utiliser si la lampe est visiblement endommage. 9. Ne pas craser. 10. Ne pas exposer des flammes ou une temprature excdant 100C. 11. La temprature de chargement recommande se situe entre 0 et 32C. CONSERVEZ CES INSTRUCTIONS POUR CHARGER LA PILE Veuillez lire attentivement toutes les directives avant dutiliser et conservez-les pour rfrence ultrieure. Take the USB attached (Fig. 1). Plug small end of USB cord into the lantern charge port on bottom of lantern (Fig. 2) and the larger end into adapter or any USB outlet rated 1A or greater. La lanterne chargera un rythme de 5V/1A. Un voyant DEL rouge sallume pour indiquer que la pile se charge. Un voyant DEL vert sallume pour indiquer que la pile est compltement charge. La dure de chargement est denviron 6 heures. POUR FAIRE FONCTIONNER LA LANTERNE Rotate button to cycle between off, low, medium, and high settings (Fig.3). TO OPERATE BLUETOOTH SPEAKER This lantern is equipped with a Bluetooth speaker. It can connect with your Bluetooth wireless technology enabled music devices (cell phone, tablet, etc.). The control buttons are located on the top of the lantern
(Fig.4). To use the speaker, make sure the Bluetooth wireless technology is enabled on the device you will pair with the lantern. Press the on/pairing button on the lantern and search for Coleman 360 LightSound to sync the devices. Notes: Only one device can be paired to the lantern at one time. When battery is low, there will be a periodic audible noise to help indicate to recharge the lantern. Control buttons:
Button A - Bluetooth switch. (Note: When powered on, the button flashes. When pairing is completed and Button B - Volume down;
Button C - Volume Up;
Button D - Pause/Play. RENSEIGNEMENTS ESSENTIELS 1. Lautonomie dun jeu de piles neuves dpend du mode dutilisation (continu ou intermittent) de la lanterne. connection is established, the button will light steadily.);
Le fonctionnement intermittent prolonge lautonomie. 2. La DEL est une source lumineuse ternelle. Elle naura jamais besoin dtre remplace. 3. Portez toujours la lanterne par la poigne qui est prvue cet effet au haut de la lanterne. 4. Pour nettoyer lextrieur de la lanterne et de lampoule, servez-vous dun chiffon humide et de liquide vaisselle doux. Une quantit excessive deau et un produit abrasif risqueraient dendommager la lanterne. LA MISE AU REBUT DES BATTERIES RECHARGEABLES DOIT TRE CONFORME LA RGLEMENTATION EN VIGUEUR. Reportez-vous aux directives de recyclage qui taient fournies avec votre lanterne pile Coleman. Li-Ion Espaol INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD IMPORTANTES ADVERTENCIA: Para reducir el riesgo de lesiones, el usuario debe leer el instructivo. 1. Lea todas las instrucciones antes de usar el aparato. 2. Para reducir el riesgo de lesiones, se requiere una supervisin atenta al usar un aparato cerca de nios. 3. Use solamente accesorios recomendados o vendidos por el fabricante. 4. Use nicamente el cable de carga provisto por el fabricante. 5. El cable de carga est diseado nicamente para uso domstico en interiores. NO USE EL CABLE DE CARGA AL AIRE LIBRE. 6. Para reducir el riesgo de descarga elctrica, use el cable de carga en un lugar seco. No lo coloque en agua u otros lquidos. No coloque ni guarde el aparato donde pueda caer en una baera o lavabo. 7. Deseche la pila conforme a las instrucciones. 8. La linterna no debe usarse si tiene daos visibles. 9. No aplastar. 10. No exponer a fuego ni a temperaturas superiores a 100C. 11. La temperatura recomendada para la carga es de 0 a 32C. GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES PARA CARGAR LA BATERA Lea todas las instrucciones antes de usar el aparato y gurdelas como referencia futura. Take the USB attached (Fig. 1). Plug small end of USB cord into the lantern charge port on bottom of lantern (Fig. 2) and the larger end into adapter or any USB outlet rated 1A or greater. La linterna se cargar a razn de 5V/1A. Un LED indicador rojo significa que la pila se est cargando. Un LED indicador verde significa que la pila est totalmente cargada. El tiempo para obtener una carga completa es de unas 6 horas. PARA OPERAR LA LINTERNA Rotate button to cycle between off, low, medium, and high settings (Fig.3). TO OPERATE BLUETOOTH SPEAKER This lantern is equipped with a Bluetooth speaker. It can connect with your Bluetooth wireless technology enabled music devices (cell phone, tablet, etc.). The control buttons are located on the top of the lantern
(Fig.4). To use the speaker, make sure the Bluetooth wireless technology is enabled on the device you will pair with the lantern. Press the on/pairing button on the lantern and search for Coleman 360 LightSound to sync the devices. Notes: Only one device can be paired to the lantern at one time. When battery is low, there will be a periodic audible noise to help indicate to recharge the lantern. Control buttons:
Button A - Bluetooth switch. (Note: When powered on, the button flashes. When pairing is completed and Button B - Volume down;
Button C - Volume Up;
Button D - Pause/Play. INFORMACIN qUE DEBE CONOCER 1. El tiempo de uso de esta linterna depender de si se usa en forma continua o intermitente. El uso connection is established, the button will light steadily.);
intermitente extiende el tiempo de funcionamiento de un conjunto de pilas. 2. El LED es una fuente de luz que dura toda la vida. Nunca tendr que reemplazarse. 3. Transporte siempre la linterna tomndola de la manija ubicada en la parte superior de sta. 4. Para limpiar el exterior de la linterna y globo, use solamente un pao hmedo y un detergente lquido suave para platos. Evite usar una cantidad excesiva de agua o un limpiador fuerte, que podran daar la linterna. LA PILA RECARGABLE DEBER RECICLARSE O DESECHARSE DE MANERA CORRECTA. Consulte la informacin de reciclaje entregada con la linterna de pilas Coleman. Li-Ion FCC Warning This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. NOTE: Any changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.