rexeu eure 4 2y0u eyib wacsned cyawe J pre posu Guisieg) IS munnu 10 zocouge L1022 90g tojee29 [ye ASeRDLOBLIW 2mICY A100 1 1A (99 pou anes 0 ps LOM, boztnou"
putou Brot rizou obetapou o ssh omer ieaine tf yy powsnet oBeLoFe {OL OUR 202 istibetorte ou sua Cock 0 cauvet pe neva (ou wn fou rijou MF breqerwaiing S04 LODLSUNUOR (et DCEO [O ie 2 tecenie coves, pious exbyvea ws hon OnuoL2 wrounat LYE pryfou WA vo! po 7209 10
|eveuve 1 ma ee se por ooneu aug rupees zabaisfe nyjocnqizauy cyauu6) {pet mpstenct prijou Y2 biodsu2waq ju10
|vi20" 4 Aon go uot buodksus 9 neueUntEL PALIOU IUIO CYSUUE] $ MPICY 12 (YO
|koveuou@ coxevegfese wv qe waunsy kotce Brodin 8 pues reward 9 peuewyr oO tebyoursER Jevsuv0y MOLE: 1m o naveuntoi wah pe bodkauneg Wo Buh eno nang Jy Aone weraysnou course (Scyune9U fo 260 4 2 LesINL Fe AOFOPIO WY favour ywepou 0 tye nec yo Lezey buezey nec onruee" wlozze Coven}
nomi 8 bizeq dione onibar ye onbny cau po couvoctad (0 (yo qunGL tu 2 ma6q 10 mujer ive ney" cyauLN] @ 0 1 mpou bxod.suNICR" at ocr rurocx prsioue sw txodiowuuog (0 1e MON AOUGADL HO ROLL eyo) 1H n2eq 82 We roc UIOeY prxoU ot cya) S wpoU eodsLo/o
| Weco}AGL CYBUUGIZ @ OL \ mn} SCcedy (po bodiswiyjUA of jLev2WI (OL A DUAGL S BYOUIA ot gabstBze Onibn;
@ DUAG 4 RUOUIA ox adars}e Qnibny
& vans Onder yrs ribet 3 Lunn wojenze 01 yewore ary (ObtouR| ou owe wogere) 5 noon prodiouneq 1 osnsurocx cx rock we ioyoniud wearer qe vocane: biodmunnapI 207 teduqjeze 01 tye eojecnou o| ove priou OL Ho pritou oberon
[rax62 Dyce mpeu Gast 9 DaACKYSL RSLEUNHEL 12 M2EQ 10 NUIOCK IPS ABLICIO ive tocena ofe0 Dyanna nce BucuH puachou [ye qunee BOUIA (OUI Priv ot murs mo havewiioe peioue (eobaine foamjuieex) Wu agaHou fo pe moduauweg to obeiare ye rox NUEEK yNueHOvE map Ove REVELL ve WiOgS} PEAS 8 COUpAnISpIE LeCeAGL IPS! SyOMe (pe [L9UZUILIOL piodiswusud enige 3. Within 10 Seconds, Press and hold the button of the first transmitter you wish to control the Lock and Arm feature of your security system until a long chirp is heard from the siren.
{Repeat tis for each transmitter you wish to operate the Lock/Arm feature). 4, Within 10 seconds, press and release the valet program switch one time.
{Siren emits 2 short chirps indicating channel 2 has been entered) 5. Within 10 Seconds, press and hold any unused buttons) of the first
\ransmitter you wish to control the Unlock/Disarm feature of your security system until a long chirp is heard {rom the siren. NOTE: This channel is used only if you desire separate control of the Lock/Unlock feature. If you wish to operate the Lock/Unlock features from a single bution, move onto step 6 as whatever butlon is programmed into channel 1 will control both Lock and Arm/Uniock & Disarm.
{Repost ths for each taamitir you wish to operate the Unioey Disarm feature). Within 10 seconds, press and release the valet program switch one tine.
{Siren emits 3 short chirps indicating channel 3 has been entered) 7. Within 10 Seconds, Press and hold any unused button(s) of the first Iransmitter you wish lo control Channel 3 ouput, (Trunk Release) until a fong chitp is heard from the siren.
(Repeat this for each transmitter you wish to operate the Channel 3 output
(Trunk Release) 8. Witin 10 seconds, press and release the valet program switch one
{Siren emits 4 short chirps indicating channel 4 has been entered) 9. Within 10 Seconds, Press and hold any unused button(s) of the first transmitter you wish to control Channel 4 outpul, (Auxiliary Output 1) unt 1a long chirp is heard from the siren.
(Repeat this for each transmitter you wish to operate the Channel 4 outpul) . 10. Within 10 seconds, press and release the valet program switch one tine.
{Siren emits 5 short chips indicating channel 5 has been entered) 11. Within 10 Seconds, Press and hold any unused bution(s) of the first transmitter you wish to control Channel 5 output. (Auxiliary Output 2) until 1a long chirp is heard {rom the siren.
(Repeat this for each transmitter you wish to operate the Channel 5 output) 12. Within 10 seconds, press and release the valet program switch one time.
(Siren emits 6 short chirps indicating channel 6 has been entered) Coad /58 PaOU Ze HELO Hl pO Iwo ObTOUE:
Jo tobiodiou v Leceiot GyauUe| mi = aletour novewte pricy ouce s BEBLIOLILISIG V LBVEWILLEB.2bBOCVHNIMG:
scone epsuvore Isadore bioeoqnio ap) (po obbrobusre navewuer prove {OL sy ost Soupuafou sdm0 909 se eum 9] wan aor IN UND fa Howia WOU (We ekaL- Yoloueo BUR buGee fh9 PrToU OL peo af btoze sua pola suA runeeq prow 0 caupuonoU OL Prove MU (008 Sqamousr imo aor" ofc 2 efee 14 e16b 9 hon iasuryeq oho naveuyiei2" Aon A YoAe fo UH we iL sob 9 on gsnnueg ove avewsc hon mi ano 0 Ul po onchtovg,
{binao" un oy espa a eusaoR on st Hono fo YON tocerNek AOI Brow iy Lacon so ocenbyaq mi WoVeUf8 hon me (0 couTUTe fo cova race nb oon faueuie 10 po eau o tues in
{igoboos te ou ozcy novauyyor hon aj fo owoU 70109 o Ho coun 2a cone poo ow Wo enau iho (et uavewtno. hon mig To WAY 0189 WO Ye COUN AU cURL 9 5 Au 40 2ecoune" Bleze 249 HKG WHE vsy OL VEPMDIEVE PICU OL 162 (2neU GuMte 4 epou cpub qics_UG CysUUE| 4 a2 PEBU eufs.eq) 5 unio 19 2ocoude bisee 20 tolooE Yo ASTONROGLA emp TACO
{: LM ine Banoo sae fo we -O1. boeitou Eufoe pe nsvetnae: od Lede fb pe neon fe0q qn iyo biodiow bioceee 10 ou naveunioxe A/a CoutunE flsvewie. snojope Ws hon mig) fo owDIY BiodLowWed Lee PO VOLE: Belts Aon peu fo ote Spe et ox 2loeu KIUELUEA) PONE EBY2INC LMVM2WILIEB It LHEA HVAE BEEMO2L OB 210TH figebeugeu! coukoy 01 ieee onionie ftsvewto. prow ere (vau 8 MUIEcK pruou Hal BHO cowbia10 trucrou one rpou dunot Buouk ZqubA broBLouNU2 BUA nuneeg VOLE: ciuuor @ ay 3 cou po reoq Be 8 2eboi5( ony fo Couto}
onibny Quast BUOUTA S}
(obost te wo. oscy favawot Aon may fo obeisre we CHSLURL 5
{Buea yaout 3) noms joud ep e posta nou To aKou"
Priou(e)) o| Tye yar aUAUIEEL AOA ANeY [0 CoUso CYSUUE] , onbAY 42 MMIPIU 10 26couge" pisz2 Sug poIg [8 NUIOCK Pn;foU (ot BUA MuNzEq
(2neu eunie 5 2pou cybe jugiesrjud cysuue| . vse PeoU OUTELeq) tae 1g AU J0 29coucebioee sug LaEEe Ape Ame bioBLsw emp ove onibny Quast BuoUIA 4)
{goboat tre suey Kovewnet Ron wep fo obotare 1ye Cysvve! @
{Gucsc yuoul 1) nom sud ep e posta wow te eeu"
Brvouts) 0, tie way Roveunte Ron map fo couRey CysUUR|@ orb 13" AMPLY Jo Zocbude" pleze 9uq Ho be nUjOCK TU" (OL SUA rueog 5 29S pacK me psTIOAA cao Const IU INE quectoU 2pomU eo) ayomu F-2IQS PECKIHS ocx ISP OUIV pecKarqs o\{HE NaVeUNTOLcozE\U IPE quECHOU ar Jo tebyace pe avewye pared ye povewtor ena:
Bffeset ened 10.9 wou qodougna nbou yom edneunA
{ay Ltaveuitot payed webycowout ye ecouuieugeg 3, Frop Bovey. ee ayanu peje mpou tye palieh pede (0 aereuosrse: pote [2870 8 Jom patted eof Pay umesre UO pee No don uj owes 9 qecteace Wu javewlfet avOe' Be Tye paler cougyfou SEbrvcine IME RVLLE!
Stace ipo navel Codes v2 gezcupeg 1 1 9pons eeint qyauver pe bodcewite. cou Wore ou qusteuscyaUve}
the 9 zecoug beyod? vo epsuGe Wy biodiawuNa yse peou UIaqe fo [8
{sway obownousy ive priou re wjoszea un uot buozzog B83TU HU
{ebrodiawweg YUA oper navewsioref4oq W V9 Mu.2 WeWod eA ft qui beow ya reveuiec pizu (out naveufer ne Uo pe Tue aay meu ene po biodiaus Woge (ye seu eule spe biodwew woge evewrer beng pre ecpou o.eee ye nur 10 e126 2 210109 cogee oat Ravewfec prou ug mayo 9 socouge busee 209 poe AU 8 oud cy 2 bse snewoA poou B.odiouveg eens 0 (pO Beate BETS WE ye (nb 0 5 epube) ato posta pe nur ve TUaicanUd ft (HO RaveUATOL bnaze 9ug por cum 9108 gfe posta 4 9 euBe cotb oc urbe S'_ Eutot pe iavawtier bodiow woge" (ed BUA Kove PMU Syauver 9p oxpor cose may owsry eio.09 frunzeq navewiet priou pia Sonou etz202 OUD {yak baLjen}L LecaNeL bontg pou vebest 3 agqu6va muse yet fe" Aon eau ogg eva qoateg Oni 1p 210U6q Cogs pA bisz21Ua pe nuNz|q Pritou Nun youd cpr Fe ebiaaisueg lend auA nuneeq prio ox coupueyou o4 prifoue bap T EUre pe naueunret biodaw woge o pe tecemet cyaULe 19 pe This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference
(2) This device must accept any interference received: including interference that may cause undesired operation. Note: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio TV interference caused by unauthorized modification to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.