Federal Communications Commission Authorization and Evaluation Division 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia, Maryland 21046 July 11 th, 2017 Subject:
Permanent Confidentiality Request for FCC ID: 2AI7F-3050B044G To Whom It May Concern, Permanent Confidentiality Request- Avoiding substantial competitive harm We hereby respectfully request that under the provision of 47 CFR 0.459 and 0.457(d) the documents listed below and attached with this application for certification be provided with permanent confidential status and be withheld from public disclosure:
- Tune-up Procedures of Radio
- Example of the NDA between the grantee and a purchaser
- Schematics
- Operational Description
- Frequency Block Diagrams
Internal photos Note 1 Installation and User Manual Note 1 The above materials contain trade secrets and proprietary information not currently publicly available, and not customarily released to the public. The products are state of the art and embody innovative technical specifications for a highly competitive market. Furthermore, they contain trade secrets and proprietary information relating to the use of particular radio bands. As such, substantial competitive harm to us could result should the above items be made available to the public or our competitors. Note 1: There are no user serviceable parts, and no field repair is allowed. The product is Safety Certified to be installed by authorized personnel only. It is not sold to the general public, and all sales and service are made only under NDA, including third party sales, and final end users of the devices are also subject to NDA. The NDA does not permit disassembly of the products. The supplied manuals contain proprietary technical information intended for professional technicians under NDA. Furthermore, the product is typically mounted on the top of a tower and/or in a fenced enclosure. Page 1 of 2 The applicant understands that pursuant to 47 CFR 0.459 and 0.457(d), disclosure of this application and all accompanying documentation will not be made before the date of the Grant for this application. Any exhibit or information for which we have requested confidentiality, but for which the Commission declines to accord confidential treatment, should be returned to us. We would welcome the opportunity to answer any further questions you may have. Sincerely, Regulatory Compliance Engineering Louis Arthur Paquette Manager of Parallel Wireless Inc. 100 Innovative Way, Suite #3410 Nashua, NH 03062, USA PHONE: +1-603-589-9937 Ext-282 EMAIL: lpaquette@parallelwireless.com Page 2 of 2