Certification designating a U.S. Agent for service of process:
As required by section 2.911(d)(7), the applicant must designate a contact located in the United States for purposes of acting as the applicants agent for service of process, regardless of whether the applicant is a domestic or foreign entity. An applicant located in the United States may designate itself as the agent for service of process. In either scenario, the designation of the U.S. agent for service of process should be provided as an attachment to the equipment authorization application. The applicant must provide a written certification, which must:
i. Be signed by both the applicant and designated agent for service of process, if the agent is different from the applicant. ii. Acknowledge the applicants consent and the designated agents obligation to accept service of process. iii. Provide a physical U.S. address and email for the designated agent. iv. Acknowledge the applicants acceptance to maintain an agent for no less than one year after the grantee has terminated all marketing and importation or the conclusion of any Commission-related proceeding involving the equipment. Unofficial information provided by FCC personnel on February 14, 2023, via the monthly call with the TCB Council:
The Agent for Process of Service:
cannot be a TCB or affiliated with a TCB (e.g. could not be a person who works for a TCB or a company that owns or is owned by the TCB) cannot be a [FCC recognised] Lab or affiliated with a test lab (e.g. could not be a person who works for a Lab or a company that owns or is owned by the Lab) Agent can be Individual Entity or a Company Entity Agent Entity must be located in US, US address/phone Entity acting as Agent must have FRN (best practice, put FRN on Agent Letter) Agent letter does not have to be FCC ID specific, can be general Agent for Grantee For devices being marketed or for which marketing has ceased for less than 1 year, if the Agent for Process of Service changes, then for every TC Number the TCB must request the FCC to put application into Audit Mode and Agent Letter needs to be updated (superseded). NOTE: The U.S. Agent for Service of Process should not be confused with the authorized agent used for signing the 731 form, other cover letters within the application, and/or the agent who may interface with the TCB. U.S. Agent Designation for Service of Process ATTENTION: Federal Communications Commission Authorization and Evaluation Division 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia, MD 21046 USA REGARDING: FCC Certification Section 2.911(d)(7) Information Designated U.S. Agent Company Name: Approve-IT, Inc. Contact Name: Nathan Grinager Street Address: 8011 34th Ave South, Suite 342 City/Province/Zip: Bloomington, MN 55425 Telephone No: 651-247-1678 Email: team@approve-it.net FRN #: 0027533835 This letter is to confirm that we (the Designated U.S. Agent) have accepted the responsibility to act as the Designated U.S. Agent for Service of Process as required by section 47 CFR 2.911(d)(7) on behalf of the Applicant noted below. U.S. Agent Signature:
Date: March 21, 2023 Signed by (Printed Name/Title): Nathan Grinager / Co-President
*This letter must be dated within 1-year of the date the application is submitted to the TCB for device certification The Applicant confirms its explicit consent and acknowledges that they must maintain an agent for no less than one year after terminating all marketing and importation OR the conclusion of any Commission-related proceeding involving the equipment. The applicant further acknowledges their responsibility to inform the FCC whenever the Designated U.S. Agent information above changes. Applicant Company name:Schrader Electronics Grantee Code: MRX Contact Name:James Kyle Street Address:Unit 10 ,technology Park,Antrim,Co Antrim City/Province/Zip:BT41 1QS Telephone No:02894483067 Email:jakyle@sensata.com Applicant Signature:
Date:21.3.2023 Signed by (Printed Name/Title):James Kyle.RF Approval Co-ordinator