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1 2 |
User Manual | Users Manual | 1.85 MiB | April 27 2017 | |||
1 2 |
Users Manual | Users Manual | 3.10 MiB | June 04 2017 | |||
1 2 |
Internal Photos | Internal Photos | 53.55 KiB | June 04 2017 | |||
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External Photos | External Photos | 146.92 KiB | April 27 2017 | |||
1 2 |
ID Label and Label Location Info | ID Label/Location Info | 90.71 KiB | June 04 2017 | |||
1 2 |
ID Label and Location Info | ID Label/Location Info | 127.29 KiB | April 27 2017 | |||
1 2 |
Class II Permissive Change Request Letter | Cover Letter(s) | 148.54 KiB | April 27 2017 | |||
1 2 |
Modular Approval Request Letter | Cover Letter(s) | 115.48 KiB | April 27 2017 | |||
1 2 | Test Report | April 27 2017 | ||||||
1 2 | Test Setup Photos | April 27 2017 | ||||||
1 2 | Block Diagram | Block Diagram | April 06 2017 | confidential | ||||
1 2 |
Confidentiality Request Letter | Cover Letter(s) | 22.52 KiB | June 04 2017 | |||
1 2 | Operational Description | Operational Description | April 06 2017 | confidential | ||||
1 2 | RF Exposure Info | June 04 2017 | ||||||
1 2 | Schematics Diagram | Schematics | April 06 2017 | confidential |
1 2 | User Manual | Users Manual | 1.85 MiB | April 27 2017 |
EH H-MB05 5 Blue etooth Techno ology A Audio Mo odule Blu etooth radi io th v3.0+ED DR ully embedd
- F Class2 modu
- C 12 28-bit encry
- R Range up to
- M Multipoint ca co onnected at ded Bluetoot ule yption securit 15m apability(7 tr t the same ty ransmit data time) a devices pport profile Sup PP (Master
- S iA AP (ipod acc
- H es and slave) cessory proto AVRCP,HID ocol)
(Salve) Use er interface mmand over S Send AT com
grade over U
- F irmware upg rvice active:
- W With SPP ser peed (UART T) sp ce (I2S,SPD CM interfac
- P I2 2C interface e(Master )
: 560kbps tr ansmission Aud dio codec 16 6bit internal
4MIPS Kalim 64
- S upport Apt-X stereo code mba DSP co X ,AAC, Apt ec :95dB SN oprocessor t-XLL,SBC c codec NR for DAC Gen neral I/O
urpose I/Os 1 1 general pu
/O 2 analogue I/
Bluetooth FCC and oltage sup Single vo Small for rm factor:
.2mm Operatin o 85 C to The ope eration dis g tempera h qualifie pply: 3.3V 23.24 x 11 ed typical 1.93 x ature rang ge: -40 C stance >20 0cm FCC ID
:2ACCRMB B05 Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd V Version 2.0 July 21 2014 J 4 1. C Conte nts 1. Des scription ..... 2. App plication ..... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... 3. EH-
-MB05 Prod uct number ring ............... ..................... B Bluetooth Aud dio Module
...................... ..................... ..................... ................... 4 4
...................... ..................... ..................... ................... 4 4
...................... ..................... ..................... ................... 4 4 4. Elec ctrical Char Recommen Absolute M Power cons Input/outpu
.1. Digital USB ........... Interna
.1. 2. Interna racteristic .... nd operation Maximum Rat sumptions .... ut Terminal C Terminals .... ..................... al CODEC An al CODEC Di
...................... conditions ... ting ................ ..................... Characteristic
...................... ..................... nalogue to D igital to Anal
...................... .................... .................... .................... cs .................. ..................... .................... Digital Conve ogue Conve
...................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... rter................ rter ............... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ................... 5 5
.................... 5 5
.................... 5 5
.................... 5 5
.................... 6 6
.................... 6 6
.................... 6 6
.................... 7 7
.................... 8 8 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.4. 4.5. 4.5. 5. Pin 5.1. out and Ter Pin assignm rminal Desc ment .............. ription ......... ..................... ..................... .................... 6. Phy ysical Interfa Power Supp Reset ......... PIO ............ AIO ............ UART ........ I2C Master
.1. Apple i Digital Audi
.1. PCM .. 2. Digital
.3. IEC 60 Microphone Analog Out USB ....... aces ............. ply ................. ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... r...................... iOS CP refer io Interfaces
...................... Audio Interfa 0958 Interfac e input ........... tput stage ..... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... rence design
..................... ..................... ace (I2S) ...... ce (SPDIF) ... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... n .................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6. 6.7. 6.6. 6.7. 6.7. 6.7. 6.8. 6.9. 6.10. 7. EH-
-MB05 Refer rence Desig gn .................. ..................... 8. Mec chanical and d PCB Foot print Charac cteristics .... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ................... 9 9
.................... 9 9
...................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... .................... ................. 11 1
.................. 11 1
.................. 12 2
.................. 12 2
.................. 12 2
.................. 13 3
.................. 13 3
.................. 14 4
.................. 15 5
.................. 16 6
.................. 16 6
.................. 19 9
.................. 20 0
.................. 20 0
.................. 21 1
...................... ..................... ..................... ................. 22 2
...................... ..................... ..................... ................. 23 3 9. RF 9.1. Layout Guid Feed Line a delines ........ and Antenna
...................... a ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ................. 23 3
.................. 24 4 Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd B Bluetooth Aud 9.2. Matching n etwork in fre ee space ....... .................... ..................... ..................... .................... dio Module
.................. 25 5 Reflow Profil le ................... ..................... ..................... 10. R
...................... ..................... ..................... ................. 26 6 2. T Table of Ta bles TABLE 1:
...................... ..................... ..................... ONVERTER .... ONVERTER .... TION ............... ..................... NGS ............... NS OF THE DIG ACE SLAVE TI ACE MASTER T ONENT VALUE ONS ................ MENDED OPER
...................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... GITAL AUDIO B MING ............. TIMING .......... ES .................. ..................... RATING COND
...................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... BUS INTERFAC
...................... ..................... ..................... ..................... DITIONS .......... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... CE ON THE PC
...................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... CM INTERFAC
...................... ..................... ..................... ................... 5 5
.................... 5 5
.................... 6 6
.................... 6 6
.................... 7 7
.................... 7 7
.................... 8 8
.................. 11 1
.................. 12 2
.................. 13 3 CE ............... 16 6
.................. 18 8
.................. 18 8
.................. 21 1 3. T Table of Fig gures 1 PINOUT O 2 POWER S 3: CONNECTIO 4: EXAMPLE E 5: APPLE CO-
...................... DESIGN ........ DEVICE .......... ONNECTION W 2.0C ............. 2.0B ............. ..................... CE MODES .... CE SLAVE TIM ACE MASTER R SPDIF INTE R SPDIF INTE
...................... ..................... ..................... MOUNTING PA ANTENNA ....... DESIGN ......... XAMPLE ......... OW PROFILE .. ..................... ..................... ..................... ITH I2C INTER
...................... ..................... ..................... ..................... MING .............. TIMING ........ RFACE (CO-A RFACE (OPTIC ANNEL SHOWN
...................... ..................... ..................... ATTERN (UNIT
...................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... RFACE ............ ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... AXIAL) ............ CAL) .............. N) .................. ..................... ..................... ..................... T: MM, DEVIAT
...................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... TION:0.02MM)
...................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .....................
)TOP VIEW ... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ................... 9 9
.................. 11 1
.................. 13 3
.................. 14 4
.................. 14 4
.................. 15 5
.................. 15 5
.................. 17 7
.................. 18 8
.................. 19 9
.................. 19 9
.................. 20 0
.................. 20 0
.................. 21 1
.................. 21 1
.................. 22 2
.................. 23 3
.................. 24 4
.................. 25 5
.................. 25 5
.................. 26 6 FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4 FIGURE 5 FIGURE 6 FIGURE 7 FIGURE 8 FIGURE 9 FIGURE 1 FIGURE 1 FIGURE 1 FIGURE 1 FIGURE 1 FIGURE 1 FIGURE 1 FIGURE 1 FIGURE 1 FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 2 Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd B Bluetooth Aud dio Module use Bluetoo F platform i oth module, n a small fo compliant w orm factor. with Bluetoo oth v3.0+ED DR. The s with wirele to the final p market of the erformance i 1 analogue I/
SPP service pedance of t oth AT comm s SPP, A2D on coproce on IC must r s may apply ich-program ctronic acce technical do tivity, not re e EH-MB05 cation. al space incl eral serial in 0 kbps with e between t ware is a frie P, HFP, HID ess connect product. Th e final applic in a minima
/O lines, seve e active, 20 the feed line mand firmw DP, AVRCP essor. egister as d developers, y, for additio onal informa ml. m/index.htm t connect to essories tha on, hardwar ocumentatio quiring any 5 module, b y RF eing a luding fast s nterface opt h iAP service the RF port endly interfa D, iAP and e speed tions, and e active. and the ce, etc. iAP to become ation visit:
an o an iPod, ents, re compone ce interactio nd can be o on, power o rdered pre-
ptimization, loaded and
, security, a nd other configured d. on an easy to u complete RF onic devices tegration int e time to m maximum pe e I/O lines, 1 speed with S na, the imp ded Bluetoo iles, such a authenticati uthenticatio License fees ograms/wh eloping elec n access to ation logos. pheral devic upported an ables electro ertise for int optimizes th igned for m eral purpose nsmission s ernal anten 50.Embedd etooth profi ng apples a he Apple au I member. L lopers deve d can gain and certifica are for perip s may be su on ment stics ile accesso ries aker escriptio H-MB05 is a e provides c H-MB05 ena ence or expe d solution, o odule is des and 11gene 00 kbps tran odule is exte a shall be 5 different Blu uetooth usin mers using th certified MF eveloper.ap d MFI deve
, and iPad al support a mized firmwa tary feature pplicatio 1. De The EH module The EH experie certified The mo UART a up to 60 The mo antenna Support over Blu Custom Apple c http://de Certified iPhone technic Custom propriet 2. Ap Hom e entertainm Servi ice diagnos Office e and mobi Com mercial Mult timedia spea Autom motive Hum an interface 3. EH H-MB05 P EH H-MB e devices Product t numbe B05X X ering A. EH B. M H --------
B05 -------
------ Com
------ Mod me(Ehong) mpany Nam
) e dule Name Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd Charact mend ope teristic eration c ectrical Recomm 4. Ele 4.1. condition ns B Bluetooth Aud dio Module ndition rature perature Ra ange Ope Stora Oper PIO V AIO V VDD RF fr rating Con age Temper rating Temp Voltage Voltage Voltage requency rature perature 4.2. Rati Stora Oper PIO V AIO V VDD USB_ Absolute ng age Tempe rating Temp Voltage Voltage Voltage _DP/USB_ DN Voltage e Othe er Terminal V Voltages ex xcept RF Min
+2.7 2400 Typica al
+3.3 2441 Max x
+105 5
+85 5
+3.6 6
+1.5 57
+3.6 6 00 2480 Min
-0.4 Max x
+125 5
+85 5
+3.6 6
+1.5 57
+3.6 6
+3.6 6 VDD+
+0. 4 Unit t C C V V V MHz z Unit t C C V V V V V Tab e Maxim le 1: Recom um Ratin mmended Op ng perating Co nditions Table Power c 2: Absolute consump e Maximum ptions Rating Reco ommended Operating C Conditions 4.3. Ope Stand Stand Inqui Conn disab Conn sniff(a Conn Conn strea rating Con dby, without dby, with de ry window t nected (De ble, sniff(a) e nected (Dee a) enable) nected with nected with aming (A2D ndition t deep sleep p eep sleep time (b) ep sleep enable ) ep sleep on
, fer data transf audio P) Min n 2.1 0.11 1
18 Typ pical
3 3.3 0 0.4 2 20 3 35 Max 3.1 0.7 40
22 40 Unit mA mA mA mA mA mA mA Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd B Bluetooth Aud dio Module Note :
Power c
(a)Sniff m slave is unless th time slot time slot
(b)Radio 4.4. 4.4.1. Suppl Input V VIL inpu VIH inp Outpu VOL out VOH ou Input a Ii input Ioz tri-st or 0V With st With st With w With w CI Inpu Resist Rpuw we Rpdw we Rpus str Rpds str consumption mode ----- In in active mo hat link is be ts when a sla ts. The sniff a on(Inquiry )-
Input/ou Digital Te ly Voltage Voltage Lev ut logic leve ut logic leve t Voltage L tput logic le tput logic le and Tri-sta leakage cu tate output depends on Sniff mode, t de on an AC eing treated a ave is listenin anchor point
----Search tim utput Ter erminals e Levels vels el low el high Levels evel low, lOL evel high, lO te Current urrent at Vin=
leakage cu trong pull-u p trong pull-do own p weak pull-up weak pull-do own nce ut Capacitan th tive Streng eak pull-up strength at wn strength eak pull-dow p strength a rong pull-up rong pull-do own strengt the firmware the duty cycl CL logical tra as a scatter n ng are reduc ts are spaced me is 22 seco rminal Ch e used. Typic le of the slav nsport, it sha net link or is ced, so the m d regularly w onds haracteri istics cal values ar ves activity in all listen in ev absent due t master shall o with an interv re shown in t n the piconet very ACL slo to hold mode only transmit al of Tsniff. the table. t may be red ot to the mas e. With sniff m to a slave in duced. If a ter traffic, mode, the n specified Min Typ Max Unit Table 3: Po 0.6
-0.3 ower consum 625VDD
= 4.0mA OH = -4.0mA
0.7 75xVDD
=VDD or 0V V
=VDD rrent at Vo=
+0.25xVDD D VDD+0.3 3 0.125 VDD 100 100
-10 100
-0.2 5.0 5.0 2M 2M 50k 50k V V V V nA nA uA A A A pF
0 0
-40 40
-100 10
-0.2 1.0 500k 500k 10k 10k t VDD-0.2V h at 0.2V at VDD-0.2V V h at 0.2V 4.5. USB T Input T USB Terminals s Threshold Tabl e 4: Digital T Terminal Min Typical Max Unit t Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd B Bluetooth Aud dio Module
-1 2.5 VIL inp VIH inp Input GND <
CI Inpu Outpu VOL ou VOH ou put logic leve put logic lev Leakage C
< VIN < VD ut capacitan ut Voltage L tput logic le utput logic le el low el high Current D(a) nce Levels to C evel low evel high Correctly Te erminated USB Cable e 0.0 2.8 Tab ble 5: USB T Terminal
(a) Inte ernal USB pull-up dis sable 4.5.1. Par Resolu Input S Internal C rameter ution Sample Rat te, Fsample CODEC An nalogue to Conditio o Digital C ons Converter Min n Fsample e 8kHz 11.025kH Hz z 16kHz 22.050kH Hz 32kHz z z 44.1kH tion = 1/32 d dB dB olution = 3d fin=1kHz B/W=20H A-Weight THD+N<
150mV V Hz->20kHz ted
Vpk-pk Digital Ga Analogue ain Resolut e Gain Reso maximum g gain (differe ential) Input f full scale at minimum g gain (differe ntial) e input impe one input) @
@ 30mv rm Table 6: An s input alogue to D Digital Conve erter
82 81 80 79 79 78
4 800 20 6 0.04 D 0.3VD
5 10.0 0.2 VDD V V A pF V V Max 16 44.1
21.5 42
Unit Bits kHz dB dB dB mV rms mV rms kHz k
-24 4
Signal Ratio, to Noise SNR Digital Analog Gain gue Gain Input f full scale at 3dB B Microp THD+
andwidth phone mode N (micropho Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd B Bluetooth Aud dio Module Internal C CODEC Dig gital to An nalogue C onverter 4.5.2. Par Resolu Output rameter ution Sample Ra ate, Fsample Conditi ions fin=1kHz z Hz->20kHz B/W=20 z A-Weigh hted
0dBFS s signal 100k Load = 1 Digital G Analogu Gain Resolu ue Gain Res Fsampl e 8kHz z 11.025k kHz z 16kHz 22.050k kHz 32kHz z 44.1kH Hz z 48kHz ution = 1/32 dB dB solution = 3 Signal Ratio, S to Noise SNR Digital Analog Gain gue Gain Output voltage full l swing (diff ferential) Allowed d Load e Resistive Capacitiv ve ad N 100k loa THD+N N 16 load THD+N SNR (L Load=16, e) silence 0dBFS inpu ut relative to o digital n Mi
-24 4 0
16 6
95 95 95 95 95 95 95
95 Max 16 48
OC 500 0.01 0.1
Unit Bits kHz dB dB dB mV rms pF
dB Table 7: Dig gital to Anal ogue Conve erter Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd 5. Pin 5.1. nout and Pin assi d Termin gnment nal Desc cription B Bluetooth Aud dio Module Figure 1 Pinout o of EH-MB05 5 Pin 1 Symbol l GND Ground d I/O Typ pe 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 RESETB B CMOS interna S input with al pull-up weak SPI_MISO Input w K SPI_CLK down O CMOS weak i SI CMOS interna SPI_MOS with weak in nternal pull-
S output, tri-
-state, with
-down nternal pull S input, with weak al pull-down n SPI_CSB B with weak in nternal pull-
Input w up PIO3 LED0 Open d Bi-dire progra interna T CMOS weak i Analog MIC_RP MIC_RN Analog drain outpu t h ctional with mmable str rength own al pull-up/do
-state, with S output, tri-
-down nternal pull gue gue PCM_OUT Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd Desc cription Ground OW RESET Active LO so must be low for >
RESETB B Serial Pe eripheral int ming only program eripheral Int Serial Pe ming only program Serial Pe eripheral Int ming only program ect for Sync Chip sele Interface e for program low LED Driv ver TB, input de
>5ms to cau ebounced use a terface cloc ck for terface outp put for terface inpu ut for chronous Se mming only erial y, active Program mmable inpu ut/output line e Synchron nous Data O Output Micropho Micropho one input po one input ne ositive, righ t egative, righ ht 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 PCM_SYN PCM_CLK GND PIO1 PIO0 PCM_IN ctional with h Bi-dire rength mmable str progra al pull-up/do interna own h ctional with Bi-dire mmable str progra rength own al pull-up/do interna S Input, with CMOS h weak al pull-down n interna d Ground NC Bi-dire ctional with h weak n al pull-down interna D RF_GND RF Gro ound RF RF_IN ound RF_GND D RF Gro ctional with h weak K Bi-dire n al pull-down interna ctional Bi-dire d Ground gue Analog Analog gue gue Analog gue Analog Analog gue gue Analog h ctional with Bi-dire progra mmable str rength own al pull-up/do interna 3V3 po ower input MIC_LP MIC_LN SPK_LN SPK_LP SPK_RN N SPK_RP P AIO0 GND PIO13 VDD USB_DP P Bi-dire ctional USB_DN N GND PIO9 PIO14 ctional Bi-dire Ground d h ctional with Bi-dire rength mmable str progra interna al pull-up/do own h ctional with Bi-dire rength mmable str progra interna al pull-up/do own Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd B Bluetooth Aud dio Module Program mmable inpu ut/output line e Program mmable inpu ut/output line e Synchron nous Data I Input Ground Synchron nous Data S Sync RF groun RF Trans RF groun nd sceiver inpu nd ut/output lin e Synchron nous Data C Clock e programm mable input/
/output line Analogue Ground Micropho Micropho Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker one input po one input ne output neg output pos output neg output pos ositive, left egative, righ ht gative, left itive, left gative, right itive, right Program mmable inpu ut/output line e wer input selectable a plus with l up resistor r a minus 3V3 pow USB data 1.5K pull USB data Ground internal Program mmable inpu ut/output line e Program mmable inpu ut/output line e 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 OS output, ak internal PIO4 GND UART_TX X UART_RX PIO8 PIO7 PIO6 ctional with h Bi-dire rength mmable str progra interna al pull-up/do own d Ground ctional CMO Bi-dire tri-state e, with wea p pull-up X CMOS weak S input with al pull-down n interna h ctional with Bi-dire mmable str progra rength interna al pull-up/do own h ctional with Bi-dire rength mmable str progra interna al pull-up/do own h ctional with Bi-dire rength mmable str progra interna al pull-up/do own B Bluetooth Aud dio Module Program mmable inpu ut/output line e Ground UART da ata output UART da ata input Program mmable inpu ut/output line e Program mmable inpu ut/output line e Program mmable inpu ut/output line e Table 8: P PIN Termina al Descriptio on 6. Ph 6.1.
- The
- Pow
- Cap
- Cap es hysical In Power S e module DC wer supply p pacitor deco pacitor prev nterface Supply C3.3V powe pin connect ouples powe vents noise er input. tion capacito er to the ch coupling ba or to chip a ip ack to powe er plane. nd pin as fa ar as possib ble close
. Figure 2 Power Supp ply PCB Des sign Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd B Bluetooth Aud dio Module 6.2. The mo charact The RE frequen RESET 5ms. At RES The pul Reset odule may b ter or via so ESETB pin i ncy clock os TB being act ETB the dig ll-down stat Pin N be reset fro oftware conf s an active scillator. A R tive. It is rec om several figured watc low RESET RESETB wi commended sources: R RESETB pin r. chdog timer TB and is in nternally filte med betwee ll be perform d that RESE ETB be app n, power-on n reset, a U UART break k ered using t en 1.5 and 4 plied for a p the internal 4.0ms follow period great low wing er than o inputs for b bi-directiona al pins and outputs are e tri-state. s are set to below. roup gital I/O pin te is shown Name / Gr USB_DP USB_DN UART_RX UART_TX SPI_MOSI SPI_CLK SPI_CSB SPI_MISO RESETB PIOs PCM_IN PCM_CLK P PCM_SYNC C P PCM_OUT Pin n RESETB n Status on B a N/a N/a a PD PU PD PD PU PD PU PD PD PD PD PD Table 9 9: Pin Statu s on Reset otal of 11 dig ions depend o have eithe gital program d on firmwa er weak or s mmable I/O are running strong pull-
O terminals. on the devi ups or pull-
They are p ice. PIO line
-downs. powered from es can be c m VDD configured onfigured as es can be co s inputs wit onfigured a h weak pull s interrupt r l-downs at r request line reset. es or as wak ke-up lines from sleep nalogue I/O onfigured to O terminals. o battery vo Their functi oltage meas ions depend surement. T d on softwa They can als are. Typicall so be used ly ADC as a digital PIO 05 has a to Their functi h software to 6.3. EH-MB
(3.3V). through Note:
lines are co All PIO Any of t the PIO line modes. AIO 6.4. 05 has 2 an EH-MB function ns can be co PIO. Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd B Bluetooth Aud dio Module 6.5. This is UART devices The UA control UART a standard interface p s using the ART CTS a where bot d UART in provides a e RS232 p and RTS s th are activ terface for simple me rotocol. signals can ve low indi r communic echanism fo cating with or commun h other seri nicating wi ial devices ith other se s. The erial to impleme ent RS232 hardware flow n be used t cators. Paramet er Baud Rate e Minimu m Maximu um trol Flow Cont Parity mber of Sto Bits per By op Bits yte Nu e Values Possibl d (2%Error r) 1200 baud d (1%Error r) 9600 baud
(1%Error) 3M baud (
S or None RTS/CTS dd or Even None, Od 1 o or 2 8 Table 10:
Possible U ART Setting gs Figure 3: C Connection T To Host dev vice 6.6. PIO6, P softwar keyboa resistor I2C Mast PIO7 and P re to drive th rd scanner rs. ter IO8 can be hese lines. or EEPRO used to for It is suited OM. In the rm a maste only to rela case, PIO er I2C interfa atively slow O lines need ace. The int functions s d to be pul terface is fo such as driv led up thro ormed using g
, ving a LCD ough 2.2K Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd B Bluetooth Aud dio Module Figure 4: E Example EE EPROM Con nection with h I2C Interfa ace 6.6.1. The figu specific Apple iOS ures below c MFI co-pro S CP refer give an ind ocessor layo rence desi icative over out is availa ign rview of wha able for lice at the hardw nsed MFI d ware conce developers f ept looks like from the MF e. A FI program. Figure 5:
Apple Co-p rocessor 2.0 0C Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd B Bluetooth Aud dio Module Figure 6:
Apple Co-p rocessor 2.0 0B terfaces onsists of:
Digital A 6.7. udio interfa The au Stereo au Dual audio A configur Figure e 2 outlines th ding of audio record the DA AC of the co its own ind run at Audio Int ce circuit co dio codec o inputs and rable PCM, he functiona o signals at odec each c ependent s d outputs IS or SPD e DIF interface e. The code the interfac al blocks of multiple sa with a reso ample rates dependent contain 2 in channels. A
. sample rate ec supports olution of 16 Any ADC or stereo play 6-bit. The AD r DAC chan yback and DC and nel can be Figu re 7: Audio Interface The in descri usage nterface for ibed in Tabl e. Table 11 l the digital a le 11, which lists these a audio bus sh h means ea alternative f hares the sa ch of the au functions. ame pins as udio buses s the PCM c are mutuall codec interf y exclusive face e in their Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd PCM PCM M Interface M_OUT PCM M_IN PCM M_SYNC PCM M_CLK B Bluetooth Aud dio Module SPDIF SPDIF_ Interface _OUT SPDIF_ _IN
ace IS Interfa SD_OUT SD_IN WS SCK Ta able 11: Alte dio input cir The aud single-e ended or fu ue and digit analogu The aud dio output c ernative Fun rcuitry cons lly different tal program circuitry con nctions of th sists of a du ial and prog mmable gain nsists of a d he Digital A ual audio inp grammed fo n stage for o dual differen udio Bus In put that can or either mic optimization ntial class A terface on t n be configu crophone o n of differen A-B output s the PCM Inte ured to be e or line input. nt micropho stage. erface either
. It has an nes. 6.7.1. The aud receptio Hardwa to three EH-MB as a PC EH-MB Frame It suppo receive EH-MB Qualc OKI M Motor Motor STW EH-M PCM dio pulse co on of PCM e are on EH-M e SCO conn 05 can ope CM interface 05 is comp Sync and G orts 13-bit o and transm 05 interface comm MSM MSM7705 fo rola MC145 rola MC145 5093 and 5 MB05 is also ode modula encoded au MB05 allow nections can erate as the e slave acc atible with a GCI timing e or 16-bit line mit on any s es directly t M 3000 serie our channe 5481 8-bit A 5483 13-bit 5094 14-bit o compatibl ation (PCM) udio data ov s the data t n be suppo PCM interf cepting exte a variety of environmen ear, 8-bit u-
selection of to PCM aud es and MSM el A-law and A-law and linear COD linear COD e with the M
) interface s ver Bluetoo to be sent to rted by the face maste ernally gene clock forma supports co oth. o and recei PCM interf r generating erated PCM ats, includin nts. w compand
-law or A-law e first four s three of the including th dio devices ies CDMA b M 5000 seri d -law COD DEC EC
-law CODE DEC DECs(8) Motorola SS SI interface ontinuous tra ansmission and ved from a face at any g PCM_SY M_SYNC an ng Long Fra SCO conn one time. NC and PC d PCM_CL ame Sync, ection. Up CM_CLK or K. Short formats an ded sample ng PCM_S slots followi g:
he following baseband d devices nd can YNC. 6.7.2. The dig justified The I2S with the I2S mas Digital Au gital audio in d. The interf S interface c e default firm ster. The I2 udio Interf nterface sup face shares can be ena mware. Con 2S support f face (I2S) pports the i s the same bled by usin ntact with E following fo ndustry sta pins of the ng AT+ com EHong for sp ormats:
andard form PCM interfa mmands. Th pecial firmw mats for I2S, ace as Tab he module i ware when u left-justifie ble 11. is an I2S sl use the mo d or right-
ave device dule as an Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd Sym mbol
tc ch t tcl to opd ts ssu ts sh ti su t tih B Bluetooth Aud dio Module F Figure 8: Dig gital Audio Interface Mo odes Paramete er ency ency me me _OUT dela K set up tim K hold time CK set-up CK hold tim S SCK Frequ W WS Freque S SCK high ti S SCK low tim S SCK to SD_ W WS to SCK W WS to SCK S SD_IN to S S SD_IN to S ay me time me Min
80 80
20 20 20 20 Typic
al Max 6.2 96
Unit MHz kHz ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd Sym mbol
to opd ts spd ti su t tih B Bluetooth Aud dio Module Ta able 12 : Digit tal Audio Inte erface Slave T Timing Figu ure 9: Digita al Audio Inte erface Slave e Timing Paramete er ency ency _OUT dela S delay CK set-up CK hold tim e 13: Digita S SCK Frequ W WS Freque S SCK to SD_ S SCK to WS S SD_IN to S SD_IN to S S Tabl ay time me l Audio Inte Min
20 10 erface Maste Typic
er Timing Unit MHz kHz ns ns ns ns al Max 6.2 96 20 20
Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd B Bluetooth Aud dio Module 8 Interface 6.7.3. IEC 60958 mmand to s Throu gh AT+ com interfa es bi-phase ace that use er to decode allows s the receive fication is ba ased on the specif AES/EBU Sony and Philips inte The in compatible w nterface is c ace signals The S PDIF interfa interfa he input and ace pins. Th A 75 coa axial cable w l link that us An optical Figur re 10: Digita al Audio Inte erface Maste er Timing e (SPDIF) witch if SPD coding to m e the clock in e 2 industry DIF is used minimise the nformation f standards:
.The IEC 60 e DC conten from the tran 0958 interfa nt of the tra nsmitted sig ace is a digi nsmitted sig gnal. The IE ital audio gnal and C 60958 erface speci with IEC 60 s are SPDIF d output sta with an RCA ses Toslink fication SPD 958-1, IEC F_IN and SP ges of the S A connecto optical com DIF 60958-3 an PDIF_OUT a SPDIF pins r, see Figur mponents, se nd IEC 6095 and are sha can interfac re 11. ee Figure 1 2. 58-4. ared on the ce to:
PCM Figure 11
: Example C Circuit for S SPDIF Interfa ace (Co-Axia al) Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd 6.8. B Bluetooth Aud dio Module 2: Example Figure 12 hone inpu ut Microph Circuit for S SPDIF Interf face (Optica al) 3: Micropho or use in the 1 and R2 eq 60dBV. Th one Biasing e range from qual to 1k e micropho
(Single Cha m 1A @ 94
, this requir one for each n) annel Shown 4dB SPL to about 10A hones with s res microph h channel sh hould be bia A @ 94dB sensitivity ased as stage try converts o a 2Mbits/s s the signal s 5-bit multi from 16-bit i-bit bit strea t per sample am, which is e, linear PC s fed into th CM of he analogue e mprised a D gnal betwee n SPKL_RN DAC with ga en SPKR_L N and SPKL in setting an LN and SPK L_RP for the nd class AB KR_LP for th e left chann B amplifier. he right cha nel. The output annel, as Figure 13 intended fo dio input is resistors R With biasing n about 40 0dBV and 4. in Figure 14 Output s Analog digital circuit tput stage d e sampling f frequency t circuitry. tput stage c able as a di 14 shows, a circuit is com fferential sig and betwee The aud SPL. W betwee shown 6.9. The out variable output c The out is availa Figure 1 Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd B Bluetooth Aud dio Module Figur re 15: Speak ker output USB a full speed s. The mod er, such as SB interface d. The devic er such as nts impleme cation v2.1+
evices such odule has a e is ready to d (12M bits dule acts a a PC. e is capable ce operates a PC. Both ented can b
+EDR or alte h as speake n internal U o enumerate 6.10. This is devices controll The US required controll endpoin specific audio d The mo module device. of driving a s as a USB the OHCI a behave as s ernatively c ers. USB pull-up e. It signals s/s) USB in as a USB p terface for peripheral, communica responding ating with o g to reques other compa st from a m atible digita l master host t a USB cable peripheral, and the UH pecified in t can appear a e directly. N responding CI standard the USB se as a set of e No external g to request ds are supp ection of the endpoints a USB transc ts from a m orted. The e Bluetooth appropriate ceiver is aster host set of USB to USB p resistor. T to the USB This pulls th B master tha e USB_DP at it is a full pin weakly speed (12M y high when n Mbit/s) USB B Figure 16: USB Co onnections ier Identifi Rs Value 27 Nomi nal Impeda Function n ng to USB nce matchi cable Ta ble 14: USB B Interface C Component V Values Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd B Bluetooth Aud dio Module Note:
USB_ON function needed 7. EH N is only use shall be ena
(firmware alr H-MB05 R ed when the f abled. In suc ready runs w Referen firmware nee h case it is s with USB, suc ce Desi ed an input to shared with th ch as USB D gn o detect if US he module P DFU or USB SB is connec PIO terminals CDC), USB_ cted and the s. If detection _ON is not ne USB n is not eeded. Figure 17: Referen nce Design Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd B Bluetooth Aud dio Module 8. Me echanica al and P PCB Foo tprint C haracte ristics Fig gure 18: Rec commended d PCB Moun nting Pattern n (Unit: mm
, Deviation:
0.02mm)TO OP View 9. RF EH-MB antenna bigger t F Layout 05 has an o a, area leng the better if t Guidel on-board PC gth is 1.6 tim the space a ines CB antenna mes of ante allows. The a. PCB desi nna length, e specific siz ign to ensur area width ze as show re enough c is 4 times o n figure bel clearance a of antenna ow. rea of width, the Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd B Bluetooth Aud dio Module Clearance a area of ante nna Figure 19:
Antenna 9.1. The imp A g Ro The imp For the Wh sig Use Feed Li ne and A the feed lin d directly un d line as cu he feed line sk your PCB pedance of good ground ute the feed e width of th pedance. As antenna, ntenna is us hen PCB an h. nal strength e as many v vias as pos ne between nder the fee rve lines wh e, the distan B supplier t the RF por ed line is alw hen needed nce of the fe to control th rt and the an ways neede d, avoid 90 o eed line to th he impedanc ntenna shal ed for imped or even less he ground p ce of the fee ll be 50. dance contr s degree an plane are ke ed line. rol. ngles style. eys to the sed, matchin ng networks s shall be u sed to optim mize the an tennas sible to con nnect the gr round plane es nearby th he antenna. Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd B Bluetooth Aud dio Module Matchin ng netwo Figure 20:
ork in fre Antenna ref e space ference des sign 9.2. The spe which is LCDs, why it is possible This is a accoun ecs of a Fra s an ideal c batteries, c s highly rec e to the ant a degree of t all elemen actus stand ase. In a re covers, conn ommended enna feedin f freedom to nts of the sy ard antenna eal design, c nectors, etc d to place 04 ng point. Do o tune the a ystem (batte a are meas components c affect the a 402 pads fo o it in the gr antenna onc eries, displa ured in thei s nearby the antenna pe or a PI matc round plane ce the desig ays, covers, ir evaluation e antenna, rformance. ching netwo e area, not i gn is finishe etc). n board (in semicondu This is the ork as close n the cleara d and takin free space)
), ctors, reason as ance area. g into Figure 21:
PI match ne etwork exam mple Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd 10. The sol The dat Profile file depends iven only fo Reflow dering prof ta here is gi B Bluetooth Aud dio Module s on various or guidance s parameter on solder r rs necessita reflow. ating a set u up for each application n. E 6 min n 250 217 210 25 A B C D 3 4 5 5 2 1 F Figure 22: R A) This z one raises ne is to pre e of this zo ribute the he ired to distr the heat sho ock to comp e 1 (B) In this sta d spread ov ver PCB bo liquefaction erature and film formed d on the s ed to be 15 commende ptional) e 2 (c) (op keep the tem mperature in rofile in the The pr solder. The r lead-free not so hig gh as to ca an lead to o intermeta ture (Tp) is ak temperat e is above 2 emperature
) The coo oling ate sh pical coolin g joint. Typ at zone (A The purpose age is requi to reduce t brium Zone particles an on of tempe ting oxide rature is re brium Zone mended to k w Zone (D) ce for othe wetting but ng time ca mended pea when the t g Zone (E) ongerlasting Recommende the temper eheat the PC eat uniform ponents. age the flux oard, preven n of flux, ea surface of 50 to 210 In order to n 210 217 e figure is e peak tem ause comp llic growth 230 ~ 250 217 C. hould be fas g rate sho 0 Pre-hea C/s. T This sta solvent Equilib solder p elevatio eliminat temper Equilib recomm Reflow referenc good w solderin recomm second Cooling give a lo Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd ed Reflow P rature at a CB board a mly to the PC Profile controlled r and compon CB board a rate, typica nents to 120 and complet ally 0.5 2 2 0 ~ 150 C
. tely remove e x becomes nting them ch activator each solde for 60 to 12 o resolve th 7 for abou designed fo mperature sh ponent disc which ca 0 C. The s soft and u from being r and rosin er particle 20 second he upright c t 20 to 30 s or Sn/Ag3. hould be hi coloration o an result in soldering tim uniformly en re-oxidized get activate and PCB for this zo component second. 0/Cu0.5. I igh enough or damage. n a brittle me should b ncapsulates s d. Also with h ed and start t board. The e one. issue, it is s It can be a a to achieve e Excessive e joint. The e be 30 to 90 0 the solder st, to keep uld be 4 C C. grains sma ll which wil l B Bluetooth Aud dio Module ontact Info ormation sales@ehlin cal support: s support@eh n
+86 21 647 69993 6 21 647658 833 address: Rom m1505, Blk 1st ,No.833 South Hong g mei Rd ,M Ming hang dis strict shangh hai CC RF exp ated transm pment Auth posure requ mit power m orization fo irements ust be equa r FCC ID:2A al to or lowe er than that ACCRMB05 5. specified in n the FCC G Grant of omply with sure to RF FCC regula radiation, m ations limitin maximum an ng both max ntenna gain ximum RF o n (including output powe cable loss) er and huma must not e an xceed: . ust not trans smit simulta aneously wit th any other r antenna o or transmitte er. mplies with p part 15 of th he FCC Rule es. Operatio on is subjec ct to the foll lowing two may not cau received,inc use harmful cluding inte interferenc erference tha ce, and (2) t at may caus this device se undesire must accep pt any ed operation n. oduct must hat must be include a us e observed ser manual to ensure c that clearly compliance y defines op with curren perating req t FCC RF e quirements exposure 11. Co Sales: s Technic Phone:
Fax: +8 Street a Note: F 1. Radia Equip 2. To co expos Bluet tooth <4.0 d dBi module mu 3. This 4. This device com cond ditions:
his device m
(1) Th terference in 5.The h and c guide host end pro conditions th elines. Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd B Bluetooth Aud dio Module s device, OE ts.Please re rtable device al is require evice is use ng configura a configurat ied modular anently affix rtification (la ions explain ions that ar ost using a when instal t forward co module is vis e:Contains RMB05 mus end users For por approva If the de operatin antenna For this product A certifi a perma 2.2 Cer instruct instruct For a ho visible w straight of the m module 2ACCR on how The fina criteria digital d ers manual The use er that chang the use ance could v complia ded only in is provid ation require informa ed the user c provide that form m. This de conditio any inte This eq pursuan protecti uses an the inst guarant cause h uipment ha nt to part 15 on against nd can radia ructions, m tee that inte harmful inte evice compli ons: (1) This erference re al host / mo for unintent device. es, in additi ed to satisfy on to the co the SAR re onditions 1 equirements through 5 d s of FCC Pa described a art 2.1093 bove, a sep parate ed for other ations, inclu tions. equipment uding portab that separa ble configur ate approva rations with al is required respect to er d for all othe 2.1093 and d different EM integrato efer to KDB7 ors must be 784748 D0 e provided w 1 v07, secti with labeling ion 8. Page g instruction e 6/7 last two ed ns of finishe o paragraph hs:
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(see next p a permane must be lab above). The belling requ aragraph). ently affixed belled with a e OEM man uirements,o label, or an an FCC ID -
nual must p options and c label. For n electronic 926 (see
- Section 2. ar provide clea OEM user manual certified mo led in the ho ommonly us sible; then a Transmitter st be used. can find an odular with ost, or (2) if sed methods an additiona r Module FC The host O d/or access a standard f the host is s for access al permane CC ID: 2AC OEM user m s the modul fixed label, s marketed s s to remove nt label refe CCRMB05 o manual must e and the F
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ain clear ins CC ID is not ot have e FCC ID tructions odule combi tional radiat nation may tors in orde y also need r to be prop to be evalu perly author uated agains rized for ope st the FCC eration as a Part 15B a Part 15 or instructio ges or mod void the use a form othe ed by this se can reasona on manual f ifications no er's authorit er than pape ection may ably be exp for an inten ot expressly ty to operat er, such as be included pected to ha tional or un y approved e the equip on a comp d in the man ave the cap nintentional by the party ment. In ca uter disk or nual in that ability to ac radiator sha y responsib ases where r over the In alternative ccess inform all caution ble for the manual l nternet, the form, mation in ies with par s device ma eceived, inc rt 15 of the F ay not cause cluding inter FCC Rules. e harmful in rference tha
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, and (2) thi se undesired to the follow is device m d operation wing two ust accept
. as been test 5 of the FCC harmful inte ate radio fre ay cause ha erference w erference to ted and fou C Rules. Th erference in equency ene armful inter ill not occur radio or tel nd to comp hese limits a n a resident ergy and, if rference to r r in a particu evision rece ly with the l are designe tial installati f not installe radio comm ular installa eption, whic limits for a C ed to provide on. This eq ed and used munications. ation. If this ch can be d Class B dig e reasonab quipment ge d in accorda
. However, equipment determined ital device, le enerates, ance with there is no does by turning Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd B Bluetooth Aud dio Module uipment off a f the followi ient or reloc ase the sep nect the equ ted. sult the deal the equ more of Reor Incre Conn connec Cons and on, the ng measure cate the rec paration bet uipment into user is enc es:
ceiving ante tween the e o an outlet o couraged to o try to corre ect the inter rference by one or enna. equipment a on a circuit d r. and receiver different fro om that to w which the rec ceiver is ler or an ex perienced r radio/TV tec chnician for r help. Ehong T Technology Co o., Ltd
1 2 | Users Manual | Users Manual | 3.10 MiB | June 04 2017 |
FCCID:2ACCRMB05 EH-MB05 Bluetooth technology audio module Bluetooth radio
Fully embedded Bluetooth v3.0 +EDR Class2 module 128-bit encryption security Range up to 15m Multipoint capability(7 transmit data devices connected at the same time) EH-MB05 SPP (Master and slave) iAP (ipod accessory protocol) HFP ,A2DP,AVRCP,HID(Salve) Support profiles
User interface
- Send AT command over UART
- Firmware upgrade over USB
- With SPP service active: 560kbps transmission speed (UART) 16bit internal stereo codec :95dB SNR for DAC 64MIPS Kalimba DSP coprocessor Support Apt-X ,AAC, Apt-XLL,SBC codec
- PCM interface (I2S,SPDIF)
- I2C interface(Master ) Audio codec
General I/O
FCC and Bluetooth qualified Single voltage supply: 3.3V typical Small form factor: 23.24 x 11.93 x 2.2mm Operating temperature range: -40 C to 85 C The operation distance >20cm 11 general purpose I/Os 2 analogue I/O July 21 2014 Version 2.0 Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc 1. Contents Bluetooth Audio Module 1. Description ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 2. Application................................................................................................................................................................. 4 3. EH-MB05 Product numbering ............................................................................................................................. 4 4. Electrical Characteristic ........................................................................................................................................ 5 4.1. Recommend operation conditions ................................................................................................................. 5 Absolute Maximum Rating .............................................................................................................................. 5 4.2. Power consumptions ........................................................................................................................................ 6 4.3. Input/output Terminal Characteristics ........................................................................................................... 6 4.4. Digital Terminals........................................................................................................................................ 6 USB .............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Internal CODEC Analogue to Digital Converter ................................................................................. 7 Internal CODEC Digital to Analogue Converter ................................................................................. 8 4.4.1. 4.4.2. 4.4.3. 4.4.4. 5. Pinout and Terminal Description ........................................................................................................................ 9 5.1. Pin assignment .................................................................................................................................................. 9 6. Physical Interfaces................................................................................................................................................ 11 6.1. Power Supply ................................................................................................................................................... 11 Reset .................................................................................................................................................................. 12 6.2. PIO ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12 6.3. AIO ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12 6.4. UART.................................................................................................................................................................. 13 6.5. I2C Master ........................................................................................................................................................ 13 6.6. 6.6.1. Apple iOS CP reference design ........................................................................................................... 14 6.7. Digital Audio Interfaces .................................................................................................................................. 15 PCM ........................................................................................................................................................... 16 Digital Audio Interface (I S) .................................................................................................................. 16 IEC 60958 Interface (SPDIF) ............................................................................................................... 19 6.8 Microphone input ............................................................................................................................................. 20 Analog Output stage ....................................................................................................................................... 21 6.9 USB .................................................................................................................................................................... 21 6.10 6.7.1 6.7.2 6.7.3 2 7. EH-MB05 Reference Design ............................................................................................................................... 23 8. Mechanical and PCB Footprint Characteristics.......................................................................................... 24 Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc 9. RF Layout Guidelines .......................................................................................................................................... 24 Bluetooth Audio Module 9.1 9.2 Feed Line and Antenna.................................................................................................................................. 25 Matching network in free space ................................................................................................................... 26 10. Reflow Profile ..................................................................................................................................................... 27 11. Contact Information ......................................................................................................................................... 28 2. Table of Tables TABLE 1: RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS ............................................................................................... 5 TABLE 2: ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS ................................................ 5 TABLE 3: POWER CONSUMPTIONS .......................................................................................................................... 6 TABLE 4: DIGITAL TERMINAL .................................................................................................................................. 7 TABLE 5: USB TERMINAL ....................................................................................................................................... 7 TABLE 6: ANALOGUE TO DIGITAL CONVERTER ....................................................................................................... 8 TABLE 7: DIGITAL TO ANALOGUE CONVERTER ....................................................................................................... 8 TABLE 8PIN TERMINAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 11 TABLE 9: PIN STATUS ON RESET .......................................................................................................................... 12 TABLE 10: POSSIBLE UART SETTINGS ................................................................................................................ 13 TABLE 11:ALTERNATIVE FUNCTIONS OF THE DIGITAL AUDIO BUS INTERFACE ON THE PCM INTERFACE .............. 16 TABLE 12 : DIGITAL AUDIO INTERFACE SLAVE TIMING .......................................................................................... 17 TABLE 13 : DIGITAL AUDIO INTERFACE MASTER TIMING ....................................................................................... 18 TABLE 14: USB INTERFACE COMPONENT VALUES ............................................................................................... 22 3. Table of Figures FIGURE 1 P I NOUT OF EH-MB05......................................................................................................................... 9 FIGURE 2 P OW ER SUPPLY PCB DESIGN .......................................................................................................... 11 FIGURE 3 C O NNECTION TO HOST DEVICE ........................................................................................................ 13 FIGURE 4 : EXAMPLE EEPROM CONNECTION WITH I2C INTERFACE .................................................................... 14 FIGURE 5 : APPLE CO-PROCESSOR 2.0C ............................................................................................................. 14 FIGURE 6 : APPLE CO-PROCESSOR 2.0B ............................................................................................................. 15 FIGURE 7 : AUDIO INTERFACE .............................................................................................................................. 15 FIGURE 8 : DIGITAL AUDIO INTERFACE MODES ..................................................................................................... 17 FIGURE 9 : DIGITAL AUDIO INTERFACE SLAVE TIMING .......................................................................................... 18 FIGURE 10 : DIGITAL AUDIO INTERFACE MASTER TIMING ..................................................................................... 18 FIGURE 11: EXAMPLE CIRCUIT FOR SPDIF INTERFACE (CO-AXIAL ) ..................................................................... 19 FIGURE 12: EXAMPLE CIRCUIT FOR SPDIF INTERFACE (OPTICAL) ....................................................................... 20 FIGURE 13: MICROPHONE BIASING (SINGLE CHANNEL SHOWN) ........................................................................... 20 FIGURE 14: SPEAKER OUTPUT ............................................................................................................................. 21 FIGURE 15: USB CONNECTIONS .......................................................................................................................... 22 FIGURE 16: REFERENCE DESIGN ......................................................................................................................... 23 FIGURE 17: RECOMMENDED PCB MOUNTING PATTERN (UNIT: MM, DEVIATION:0.02MM)TOP VIEW ................... 24 FIGURE 18: CLEARANCE AREA OF ANTENNA ......................................................................................................... 25 FIGURE 19: ANTENNA REFERENCE DESIGN .......................................................................................................... 26 FIGURE 20: PI MATCH NETWORK EXAMPLE ........................................................................................................... 26 FIGURE 21: RECOMMENDED REFLOW PROFILE ................................................................................................... 27 Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc Bluetooth Audio Module 1. Description The EH-MB05 is an easy to use Bluetooth module, compliant with Bluetooth v3.0+EDR. The module provides complete RF platform in a small form factor. The EH-MB05 enables electronic devices with wireless connectivity, not requiring any RF experience or expertise for integration into the final product. The EH-MB05 module, being a certified solution, optimizes the time to market of the final application. The module is designed for maximum performance in a minimal space including fast speed UART and 11general purpose I/O lines, 1 analogueI/O lines, several serial interface options, and up to 600 kbps transmission speed with SPP service active, 200 kbps with iAP service active. The module is antenna shall be 50.Embedded Bluetooth AT command firmware is a friendly interface, Supportdifferent Bluetooth profiles, such as SPP, A2DP, AVRCP, HFP, HID, iAP and etc. iAP over Bluetooth using apples authentication coprocessor. Customers using the Apple authentication IC must register as developers, to become an Apple certified MFI member. License fees may apply, for additional information visit: Certified MFI developers developing electronic accessories that connect to an iPod, iPhone , and iPad can gain access to technical documentation, hardware components, technical support and certification logos. Customized firmware for peripheral device interaction, power optimization, security, and other proprietary features may be supported and can be ordered pre-loaded and configured. 2. Application
, the impedance of the feed line between the RF port and the Sports and fitness Home entertainment Service diagnostics Office and mobile accessories Commercial Multimedia speaker Automotive Human interface devices 3. EH-MB05 Product numbering EH-MB05X A. EH B. MB05 ------------ Module Name
Company Name(Ehong) Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc Bluetooth Audio Module Electrical Characteristic 4. 4.1. Recommend operation conditions Operating Condition Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Range PIO Voltage AIO Voltage VDD Voltage RF frequency Min
+2.7 2400 Typical
+3.3 2441 Max
+3.6 24800 Table 1: Recommended Operating Conditions 4.2. Absolute Maximum Rating Rating Storage Temperature Operating Temperature PIO Voltage AIO Voltage VDD Voltage USB_DP/USB_DN Voltage Other Terminal Voltages except RF Min
-0.4 Max
+3.6 VDD+0. 4 Table 2: Absolute Maximum Rating Recommended Operating Conditions Unit C C V V V MHz Unit C C V V V V V Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc 4.3. Power consumptions Bluetooth Audio Module
(b) Operating Condition Standby, without deep sleep Standby, with deep sleep Inquiry window time Connected (Deep sleep disable, sniff enable ) Connected (Deep sleep on, sniff enable) Connected with data transfer Connected with audio streaming (A2DP)
(a) Min 2.1 0.11
18 Typical
3.3 0.4 20 35 Max 3.1 0.7 40
22 40 Unit mA mA mA mA mA mA mA Table 3: Power consumptions Note :
Power consumption depends on the firmware used. Typical values are shown in the table.
(a) Sniff mode ----- In Sniff mode, the duty cycle of the slaves activity in the piconet may be reduced. If a slave is in active mode on an ACL logical transport, it shall listen in every ACL slot to the master traffic, unless that link is being treated as a scatter net link or is absent due to hold mode. With sniff mode, the time slots when a slave is listening are reduced, so the master shall only transmit to a slave in specified time slots. The sniff anchor points are spaced regularly with an interval of Tsniff.
(b) Radio on(Inquiry )----Search time is 22 seconds
-0.3 Min 4.4. Input/output Terminal Characteristics 4.4.1.Digital Terminals Supply Voltage Levels Input Voltage Levels VIL input logic level low VIH input logic level high Output Voltage Levels VOL output logic level low, lOL = 4.0mA VOH output logic level high, lOH = -4.0mA Input and Tri-state Current Ii input leakage current at Vin=VDD or 0V Ioz tri-state output leakage current at Vo=VDD or 0V With strong pull-up With strong pull-down
-100 10 0.75xVDD 0.625VDD
Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc Typ Max Unit
0 0
-40 40
+0.25xVDD VDD+0.3 0.125 VDD 100 100
-10 100 V V V V nA nA uA A Bluetooth Audio Module Input full scale at maximum gain (differential) Input full scale at minimum gain (differential) 3dB Bandwidth Microphone mode input impedance THD+N (microphone input) @ 30mv rms input
4 800 20 6 0.04
mV rms mV rms kHz k
Table 6: Analogue to Digital Converter 4.4.4.Internal CODEC Digital to Analogue Converter Parameter Conditions Resolution Output Sample Rate, Fsample Signal to Noise Ratio, SNR fin=1kHz B/W=20Hz->20kHz A-Weighted THD+N<0.01%
0dBFS signal Load = 100k Fsample 8kHz 11.025kHz 16kHz 22.050kHz 32kHz 44.1kHz 48kHz Digital Gain Analogue Gain Digital Gain Resolution = 1/32 dB Analogue Gain Resolution = 3dB Output voltage full swing (differential) Allowed Load Resistive Capacitive THD+N 100k load THD+N 16 load SNR (Load=16, 0dBFS input relative to digital silence) Min
-24 0
95 95 95 95 95 95 95
95 Max 16 48 Unit Bits kHz
OC 500 0.01 0.1
dB dB dB mV rms pF
dB Table 7: Digital to Analogue Converter Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc Bluetooth Audio Module 5. Pinout and Terminal Description 5.1. Pin assignment Figure 1 Pinout of EH-MB05 Symbol I/O Type Description GND Ground Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RESETB SPI_CLK SPI_MISO SPI_MOSI LED0 PIO3 PCM_OUT Ground Active LOW RESETB, input debounced so must be low for >5ms to cause a RESETB CMOS input with weak internal pull-up Input with weak internal pull- Serial Peripheral interface clock for down CMOS output, tri-state, with weak internal pull-down CMOS input, with weak internal pull-down programming only Serial Peripheral Interface output for programming only Serial Peripheral Interface input for programming only Chip select for Synchronous Serial Interface for programming only, active low LED Driver Open drain output Bi-directional with programmable strength internal pull-up/down CMOS output, tri-state, with weak internal pull-down Analogue Analogue Programmable input/output line Synchronous Data Output Microphone input positive, right Microphone input negative, right SPI_CSB Input with weak internal pull-
up 10 11 MIC_RP MIC_RN Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc Bluetooth Audio Module PIO0 PIO1 PCM_IN GND PCM_SYNC RF_GND RF_IN RF_GND PCM_CLK AIO0 GND MIC_LP MIC_LN SPK_LN SPK_LP SPK_RN SPK_RP PIO13 VDD Bi-directional with programmable strength internal pull-up/down Bi-directional with programmable strength internal pull-up/down CMOS Input, with weak internal pull-down Ground Bi-directional with weak internal pull-down RF Ground RF RF Ground Bi-directional with weak internal pull-down Bi-directional Ground Analogue Analogue Analogue Analogue Analogue Analogue Bi-directional with programmable strength internal pull-up/down 3V3 power input USB_DP Bi-directional USB_DN GND PIO9 PIO14 PIO4 Bi-directional Ground Bi-directional with programmable strength internal pull-up/down Bi-directional with programmable strength internal pull-up/down Bi-directional with 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc Programmable input/output line Programmable input/output line Synchronous Data Input Ground Synchronous Data Sync RF ground RF Transceiver input/output line RF ground Synchronous Data Clock Analogue programmable input/output line Ground Microphone input positive, left Microphone input negative, right Speaker output negative, left Speaker output positive, left Speaker output negative, right Speaker output positive, right Programmable input/output line 3V3 power input USB data plus with selectable internal 1.5K pull up resistor USB data minus Ground Programmable input/output line Programmable input/output line Programmable input/output line Bluetooth Audio Module 37 38 39 40 41 42 GND UART_TX UART_RX PIO8 PIO7 PIO6 programmable strength internal pull-up/down Ground Bi-directional CMOS output, tri-state, with weak internal pull-up CMOS input with weak internal pull-down Bi-directional with programmable strength internal pull-up/down Bi-directional with programmable strength internal pull-up/down Bi-directional with programmable strength internal pull-up/down Ground UART data output UART data input Programmable input/output line Programmable input/output line Programmable input/output line Table 8PIN Terminal Description 6. Physical Interfaces 6.1. Power Supply
The module DC3.3V power input. Power supply pin connection capacitor to chip and pin as far as possible close Capacitor decouples power to the chip Capacitor prevents noise coupling back to power plane. Figure 2 Power Supply PCB Design Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc 6.2. Reset Bluetooth Audio Module The module may be reset from several sources: RESETB pin, power-on reset, a UART break character or via software configured watchdog timer. The RESETB pin is an active low RESETB and is internally filtered using the internal low frequency clock oscillator. A RESETB will be performed between 1.5 and 4.0ms following RESETB being active. It is recommended that RESETB be applied for a period greater than 5ms. At RESETB the digital I/O pins are set to inputs for bi-directional pins and outputs are tri-state. The pull-down state is shown below. Pin Name / Group Pin Status on RESETB USB_DP USB_DN UART_RX UART_TX SPI_MOSI SPI_CLK SPI_CSB SPI_MISO RESETB PIOs PCM_IN PCM_CLK PCM_SYNC PCM_OUT N/a N/a PD PU PD PD PU PD PU PD PD PD PD PD Table 9: Pin Status on Reset 6.3. PIO EH-MB05 has a total of 11 digital programmable I/O terminals. They are powered from VDD
(3.3V). Their functions depend on firmware running on the device. PIO lines can be configured through software to have either weak or strong pull-ups or pull-downs. Note:
All PIO lines are configured as inputs with weak pull-downs at reset. Any of the PIO lines can be configured as interrupt request lines or as wake-up lines from sleep modes. 6.4. AIO EH-MB05 has 2 analogue I/O terminals. Their functions depend on software. Typically ADC functions can be configured to battery voltage measurement. They can also be used as a digital PIO. Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc Bluetooth Audio Module 6.5. UART This is a standard UART interface for communicating with other serial devices. The UART interface provides a simple mechanism for communicating with other serial devices using the RS232 protocol. The UART CTS and RTS signals can be used to implement RS232 hardware flow control where both are active low indicators. Parameter Baud Rate Minimum Maximum Flow Control Parity Number of Stop Bits Bits per Byte Table 10: Possible UART Settings Possible Values 1200 baud (2%Error) 9600 baud (1%Error) 3M baud (1%Error) RTS/CTS or None None, Odd or Even 1 or 2 8 Figure 3 Connection To Host device 6.6. I2C Master PIO6, PIO7 and PIO8 can be used to form a master I C interface. The interface is formed using software to drive these lines. It is suited only to relatively slow functions such as driving a LCD, keyboard scanner or EEPROM. In the case, PIO lines need to be pulled up through 2.2K resistors. 2 Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc Bluetooth Audio Module Figure 4 : Example EEPROM Connection with I2C Interface 6.6.1.Apple iOS CP reference design The figures below give an indicative overview of what the hardware concept looks like. A specific MFI co-processor layout is available for licensed MFI developers from the MFI program. Figure 5 : Apple Co-processor 2.0C Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc Bluetooth Audio Module Figure 6 : Apple Co-processor 2.0B 6.7. Digital Audio Interfaces The audio interface circuit consists of:
Stereo audio codec Dual audio inputs and outputs A configurable PCM, IS or SPDIF interface Figure 2 outlines the functional blocks of the interface. The codec supports stereo playback and recording of audio signals at multiple sample rates with a resolution of 16-bit. The ADC and the DAC of the codec each contain 2 independent channels. Any ADC or DAC channel can be run at its own independent sample rate. Figure 7 : Audio Interface The interface for the digital audio bus shares the same pins as the PCM codec interface described in Table 11, which means each of the audio buses are mutually exclusive in their usage. Table 11 lists these alternative functions. Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc Bluetooth Audio Module PCM Interface PCM_OUT PCM_IN PCM_SYNC PCM_CLK SPDIF Interface SPDIF_OUT SPDIF_IN
IS Interface SD_OUT SD_IN WS SCK Table 11: Alternative Functions of the Digital Audio Bus Interface on the PCM Interface The audio input circuitry consists of a dual audio input that can be configured to be either single-ended or fully differential and programmed for either microphone or line input. It has an analogue and digital programmable gain stage for optimization of different microphones. The audio output circuitry consists of a dual differential class A-B output stage. 6.7.1 PCM The audio pulse code modulation (PCM) interface supports continuous transmission and reception of PCM encoded audio data over Bluetooth. Hardware on EH-MB05 allows the data to be sent to and received from a SCO connection. Up to three SCO connections can be supported by the PCM interface at any one time. EH-MB05 can operate as the PCM interface master generating PCM_SYNC and PCM_CLK or as a PCM interface slave accepting externally generated PCM_SYNC and PCM_CLK. EH-MB05 is compatible with a variety of clock formats, including Long Frame Sync, Short Frame Sync and GCI timing environments. It supports 13-bit or 16-bit linear, 8-bit u-law or A-law companded sample formats and can receive and transmit on any selection of three of the first four slots following PCM_SYNC. EH-MB05 interfaces directly to PCM audio devices including the following:
Qualcomm MSM 3000 series and MSM 5000 series CDMA baseband devices OKI MSM7705 four channel A-law and -law CODEC Motorola MC145481 8-bit A-law and -law CODEC Motorola MC145483 13-bit linear CODEC STW 5093 and 5094 14-bit linear CODECs(8) EH-MB05 is also compatible with the Motorola SSI interface 6.7.2 Digital Audio Interface (I2S) The digital audio interface supports the industry standard formats for I2S, left-justified or right-
justified. The interface shares the same pins of the PCM interface as Table 11. The I2S interface can be enabled by using AT+ commands. The module is an I2S slave device with the default firmware. Contact with EHong for special firmware when use the module as an I2S master. The I2S support following formats:
Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc Bluetooth Audio Module Figure 8 : Digital Audio Interface Modes Symbol Parameter
tch tcl topd tssu tsh tisu tih SCK Frequency WS Frequency SCK high time SCK low time SCK to SD_OUT delay WS to SCK set up time WS to SCK hold time SD_IN to SCK set-up time SD_IN to SCK hold time Min
80 80
20 20 20 20 Typical Max 6.2 96
Unit MHz kHz ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Table 12 : Digital Audio Interface Slave Timing Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc Bluetooth Audio Module Figure 9 : Digital Audio Interface Slave Timing Symbol Parameter
topd tspd tisu tih SCK Frequency WS Frequency SCK to SD_OUT delay SCK to WS delay SD_IN to SCK set-up time SD_IN to SCK hold time Min
20 10 Typical Max 6.2 96 20 20
Unit MHz kHz ns ns ns ns Table 13 : Digital Audio Interface Master Timing Figure 10 : Digital Audio Interface Master Timing Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc 6.7.3 IEC 60958 Interface (SPDIF) Bluetooth Audio Module Through AT+ command to switch if SPDIF is used.The IEC 60958 interface is a digital audio interface that uses bi-phase coding to minimise the DC content of the transmitted signal and allows the receiver to decode the clock information from the transmitted signal. The IEC 60958 specification is based on the 2 industry standards:
AES/EBU Sony and Philips interface specification SPDIF The interface is compatible with IEC 60958-1, IEC 60958-3 and IEC 60958-4. The SPDIF interface signals are SPDIF_IN and SPDIF_OUT and are shared on the PCM interface pins. The input and output stages of the SPDIF pins can interface to:
A 75 coaxial cable with an RCA connector, see Figure 11. An optical link that uses Toslink optical components, see Figure 12. Figure 11: Example Circuit for SPDIF Interface (Co-Axial) Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc Bluetooth Audio Module Figure 12: Example Circuit for SPDIF Interface (Optical) 6.8 Microphone input Figure 13: Microphone Biasing (Single Channel Shown) The audio input is intended for use in the range from 1A @ 94dB SPL to about 10A @ 94dB SPL. With biasing resistors R1 and R2 equal to 1k, this requires microphones with sensitivity between about 40dBV and 60dBV. The microphone for each channel should be biased as shown in Figure 14. Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc 6.9 Analog Output stage Bluetooth Audio Module The output stage digital circuitry converts the signal from 16-bit per sample, linear PCM of variable sampling frequency to a 2Mbits/s 5-bit multi-bit bit stream, which is fed into the analogue output circuitry. The output stage circuit is comprised a DAC with gain setting and class AB amplifier. The output is available as a differential signal between SPKR_LN and SPKR_LP for the right channel, as Figure 14 shows, and between SPKL_RN and SPKL_RP for the left channel. Figure 15: Speaker output 6.10 USB This is a full speed (12M bits/s) USB interface for communicating with other compatible digital devices. The module acts as a USB peripheral, responding to request from a master host controller, such as a PC. The USB interface is capable of driving a USB cable directly. No external USB transceiver is required. The device operates as a USB peripheral, responding to requests from a master host controller such as a PC. Both the OHCI and the UHCI standards are supported. The set of USB endpoints implemented can behave as specified in the USB section of the Bluetooth specification v2.1+EDR or alternatively can appear as a set of endpoints appropriate to USB audio devices such as speakers. The module has an internal USB pull-up resistor. This pulls the USB_DP pin weakly high when module is ready to enumerate. It signals to the USB master that it is a full speed (12Mbit/s) USB device. Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc Bluetooth Audio Module Figure 16: USB Connections Identifier Rs Value 27 Nominal Function Impedance matching to USB cable Table 14: USB Interface Component Values Note:
USB_ON is only used when the firmware need an input to detect if USB is connected and the USB function shall be enabled. In such case it is shared with the module PIO terminals. If detection is not needed (firmware already runs with USB, such as USB DFU or USB CDC), USB_ON is not needed. Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc Bluetooth Audio Module 7. EH-MB05 Reference Design Figure 17: Reference Design Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc Bluetooth Audio Module 8. Mechanical and PCB Footprint Characteristics Figure 18: Recommended PCB Mounting Pattern (Unit: mm, Deviation:0.02mm)TOP View 9. RF Layout Guidelines EH-MB05 has an on-board PCB antenna. PCB design to ensure enough clearance area of antenna, area length is 1.6 times of antenna length, area width is 4 times of antenna width, the bigger the better if the space allows. The specific size as shown figure below. Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc Bluetooth Audio Module Figure 19: Clearance area of antenna 9.1 Feed Line and Antenna The impedance of the feed line between the RF port and the antenna shall be 50. A good ground directly under the feed line is always needed for impedance control. Route the feed line as curve lines when needed, avoid 90 or even less degree angles style. The width of the feed line, the distance of the feed line to the ground plane are keys to the impedance. Ask your PCB supplier to control the impedance of the feed line. For the antenna, When PCB antenna is used, matching networks shall be used to optimize the antennas signal strength. Use as many vias as possible to connect the ground planes nearby the antenna. Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc Bluetooth Audio Module Figure 20: Antenna reference design 9.2 Matching network in free space The specs of a Fractus standard antenna are measured in their evaluation board (in free space), which is an ideal case. In a real design, components nearby the antenna, semiconductors, LCDs, batteries, covers, connectors, etc affect the antenna performance. This is the reason why it is highly recommended to place 0402 pads for a PI matching network as close as possible to the antenna feeding point. Do it in the ground plane area, not in the clearance area. This is a degree of freedom to tune the antenna once the design is finished and taking into account all elements of the system (batteries, displays, covers, etc). Figure 21: PI match network example Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc Bluetooth Audio Module 10. Reflow Profile The soldering profile depends on various parameters necessitating a set up for each application. The data here is given only for guidance on solder reflow. 250 217 210 25 0 A 1 B 2 C D 3 4 5 E 6 min Figure 22: Recommended Reflow Profile Pre-heat zone (A) This zone raises the temperature at a controlled rate, typically 0.5 2 C/s. The purpose of this zone is to preheat the PCB board and components to 120 ~ 150 C. This stage is required to distribute the heat uniformly to the PCB board and completely remove solvent to reduce the heat shock to components. Equilibrium Zone 1 (B) In this stage the flux becomes soft and uniformly encapsulates solder particles and spread over PCB board, preventing them from being re-oxidized. Also with elevation of temperature and liquefaction of flux, each activator and rosin get activated and start eliminating oxide film formed on the surface of each solder particle and PCB board. The temperature is recommended to be 150to 210for 60 to 120 second for this zone. Equilibrium Zone 2 (c) (optional) In order to resolve the upright component issue, it is recommended to keep the temperature in 210 217 for about 20 to 30 second. Reflow Zone (D) The profile in the figure is designed for Sn/Ag3.0/Cu0.5. It can be a reference for other lead-free solder. The peak temperature should be high enough to achieve good wetting but not so high as to cause component discoloration or damage. Excessive soldering time can lead to intermetallic growth which can result in a brittle joint. The recommended peak temperature (Tp) is 230 ~ 250 C. The soldering time should be 30 to 90 second when the temperature is above 217 C. Cooling Zone (E) The cooling ate should be fast, to keep the solder grains small which will give a longerlasting joint. Typical cooling rate should be 4 C. Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc Bluetooth Audio Module 11. Contact Information Sales: Technical support: Phone: +86 21 64769993 Fax: +86 21 64765833 Street address: Rom1505, Blk 1st ,No.833 South Hong mei Rd ,Ming hang district shanghai Note: FCC RF exposure requirements 1. Radiated transmit power must be equal to or lower than that specified in the FCC Grant of Equipment Authorization for FCC ID:2ACCRMB05. 2. To comply with FCC regulations limiting both maximum RF output power and human exposure to RF radiation, maximum antenna gain (including cable loss) must not exceed: . Bluetooth <4.0 dBi 3. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation. 4.The host end product must include a user manual that clearly defines operating requirements and conditions that must be observed to ensure compliance with current FCC RF exposure guidelines. Ehong Technology Co., Ltd Bluetooth Audio Module For portable devices, in addition to the conditions described above, a separate approval is required to satisfy the SAR requirements of FCC Part 2.1093 If the device is used for other equipment that separate approval is required for all other operating configurations, including portable configurations with respect to 2.1093 and different antenna configurations. For this device, OEM integrators must be provided with labeling instructions of finished products.Please refer to KDB784748 D01 v07, section 8. Page 6/7 last two paragraphs:
A certified modular has the option to use a permanently affixed label, or an electronic label. For a permanently affixed label, the module must be labelled with an FCC ID - Section 2.926 (see 2.2 Certification (labelling requirements) above). The OEM manual must provide clear instructions explaining to the OEM the labelling requirements,options and OEM user manual instructions that are required (see next paragraph). For a host using a certified modular with a standard fixed label, if (1) the modules FCC ID is not visible when installed in the host, or (2) if the host is marketed so that end users do not have straight forward commonly used methods for access to remove the module so that the FCC ID of the module is visible; then an additional permanent label referring to the enclosed module:Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: 2ACCRMB05 or Contains FCC ID:
2ACCRMB05 must be used. The host OEM user manual must also contain clear instructions on how end users can find and/or access the module and the FCC ID. The final host / module combination may also need to be evaluated against the FCC Part 15B criteria for unintentional radiators in order to be properly authorized for operation as a Part 15 digital device. The users manual or instruction manual for an intentional or unintentional radiator shall caution the user that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. In cases where the manual is provided only in a form other than paper, such as on a computer disk or over the Internet, the information required by this section may be included in the manual in that alternative form, provided the user can reasonably be expected to have the capability to access information in that form. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Ehong Technology Co., Ltd Bluetooth Audio Module Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. In accordance with FCC Part 15C, this module is listed as a Limited Modular Transmitter device. Therefore, the final host product must be submitted to [ShangHai Ehong Technology Co.,Ltd.] for confirmation that the installation of the module into the host is in compliance with the regulations of FCC and IC Canada. Specifically, if an antenna other than the model documented in the Filing is used, a Class 2 Permissive Change must be filed with the FCC. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the users authority to operate the equipment. Ehong Technology Co., Ltd
1 2 | Internal Photos | Internal Photos | 53.55 KiB | June 04 2017 |
Internal Photo Company: ShangHai Ehong Technology Co.,Ltd. Model:
1 2 | External Photos | External Photos | 146.92 KiB | April 27 2017 |
External Photo Company: ShangHai Ehong Technology Co.,Ltd. Model:
EH-MB05 2ACCRMB05 External Photo Company: ShangHai Ehong Technology Co.,Ltd. Model:
1 2 | ID Label and Label Location Info | ID Label/Location Info | 90.71 KiB | June 04 2017 |
Label location ShangHai Ehong Technology Co.,Ltd. EH-MB05 2ACCRMB05 Label Size: 18mm*8mm
1 2 | ID Label and Location Info | ID Label/Location Info | 127.29 KiB | April 27 2017 |
Labellocation Company: ShangHai Ehong Technology Co.,Ltd. Model:
EH-MB05 2ACCRMB05 21mm*10mm
1 2 | Class II Permissive Change Request Letter | Cover Letter(s) | 148.54 KiB | April 27 2017 |
ShangHai Ehong Technology Co.,Ltd Date: April 12, 2017 Attn: OET Dept. Ref: FCC Class II Permissive change for FCC ID: 2ACCRMB05 Original Grant Date: 04/06/2017 Applicant: ShangHai Ehong Technology Co.,Ltd. Dear Examiner, This is to request a Class II permissive change for FCC ID: 2ACCRMB05, originally granted on 04/06/2017. What the change is:
1. Mechanical modifications:
Because the market purpose, add shielding:
No shielding Variant:
With shielding The mechanical change only by manufacture. There has no change in the circuitry of already certified device except adding the RF shield on the module and covers all its electrical circuitry. Radiated emissions test have been performed to compare the emissions of the shielded model with the already certified unshielded device. No degradation has been noted. The test report shall be filed as exhibits to this request. Sincerely, Print name:
Company: ShangHai Ehong Technology Co.,Ltd.
1 2 | Modular Approval Request Letter | Cover Letter(s) | 115.48 KiB | April 27 2017 |
Modular Approval Request Letter FCC ID: 2ACCRMB05 Gentlemen:
Theres a Bluetooth module that would like to have your authorization as a modular approval. Date: April 27, 2017 The specific product as below, Bluetooth module, with its designed features and specified description, meets special requirements for full modular approval on FCC Public Notice 15.212 Released: June 26, 2000 by cross-reference list below. Company Model Name Model Number FCC ID
: ShangHai Ehong Technology Co.,Ltd.
: Bluetooth module
: EH-MB05
: 2ACCRMB05 RequirementofPublicNotice15.212 1.ThemodulartransmittermusthaveitsownRFshielding. ReferencetoEHMB05 EHMB05modulecontainshielding. 2.Themodulartransmittermusthavebufferedmodulation/datainputs. 3.Themodulartransmittermusthaveitsownpowersupplyregulation. 4.Themodulartransmittermustcomplywiththeantennarequirementsof Section15.203and15.204(c). 5.Themodulartransmittermustbetestedinastandaloneconfiguration, i.e.,themodulemustnotbeinsideanotherdeviceduringtesting. 6.ThemodulartransmittermustbelabeledwithitsownFCCIDnumber, and,iftheFCCIDisnotvisiblewhenthemoduleisinstalledinsideanother device,thentheoutsideofthedeviceintowhichthemoduleisinstalled mustalsodisplayalabelreferringtotheenclosedmodule. 7.Themodulartransmittermustcomplywithanyspecificruleoroperating requirementsapplicabletothetransmitterandthemanufacturermust provideadequateinstructionsalongwiththemoduletoexplainanysuch requirements.Acopyoftheseinstructionsmustbeincludedinthe applicationforequipmentauthorization. 8.ThemodulartransmittermustcomplywithanyapplicableRFexposure requirements.Forexample,FCCRulesinSections2.1091,2.1093and specificSectionsofPart15,including15.319(i),15.407(f),15.253(f)and 15.255(g),requirethatUnlicensedPCS,UNIIandmillimeterwavedevices performroutineenvironmentalevaluationforRFExposuretodemonstrate compliance.Inaddition,spreadspectrumtransmittersoperatingunder Section15.247arerequiredtoaddressRFExposurecompliancein accordancewithSection15.247(b)(4). EHMB05moduleusessingleBluetoothchipwhichintegrated bufferedmodulation/datainputs EHMB05moduleincorporatesregulatorstoensureoperationin specifiedpowerrage EHMB05moduleatracelayoutantenna.Pleaseseeusermanual. EHMB05modulewastestedinastandaloneconfigurationPlease seeconductedsetupphoto.pdf ThelabelpositionofEHMB05moduleisclearlyindicated.Ifthe FCC IDofthemodulecannotbeseenwhenitisinstalled,thenthehost labelmustincludethetext:ContainsFCCID:2ACCRMB05.Please seethelabel.pdf EHMB05moduleiscompliantwithallapplicableFCCrules.Detail instructionsaregivenintheUsersManual. EHMB05moduleisapprovedtocomplywiththeapplicableRF exposurerequirement,Installationrequirementareaddressedin document. Thank you. Sincerely, Date: April 27, 2017 ShangHai Ehong Technology Co.,Ltd. Tel: 021-64769993 Fax: 021-64765833 Email:
1 2 | Confidentiality Request Letter | Cover Letter(s) | 22.52 KiB | June 04 2017 |
ShangHai Ehong Technology Co.,Ltd. Request for Confidentiality Date: _2017-2-17_ Subject: Confidentiality Request for: ___FCC ID:2ACCRMB05______ Pursuant to FCC 47 CRF 0.457(d) and 0.459 and IC RSP-100, Section 10, the applicant requests that a part of the subject FCC application be held confidential. Type of Confidentiality Requested Short Term Short Term Short Term Short Term Short Term Short Term Short Term Short Term Permanent Permanent*1 Permanent Permanent Permanent Permanent*
Exhibit Block Diagrams External Photos Internal Photos Operation Description/Theory of Operation Parts List & Placement/BOM Schematics Test Setup Photos Users Manual
*Note: ______(Insert Explanation as Necessary)______ ______ ShangHai Ehong Technology Co.,Ltd. ___ has spent substantial effort in developing this product and it is one of the first of its kind in industry. Having the subject information easily available to "competition" would negate the advantage they have achieved by developing this product. Not protecting the details of the design will result in financial hardship. Permanent Confidentiality:
The applicant requests the exhibits listed above as permanently confidential be permanently withheld from public review due to materials that contain trade secrets and proprietary information not customarily released to the public. Short-Term Confidentiality:
The applicant requests the exhibits selected above as short term confidential be withheld from public view for a period of ___/___ days from the date of the Grant of Equipment Authorization and prior to marketing. This is to avoid premature release of sensitive information prior to marketing or release of the product to the public. Applicant is also aware that they are responsible to notify TCB in the event information regarding the product or the product is made available to the public. TCB will then release the documents listed above for public disclosure pursuant to FCC Public Notice DA 04-1705. Sincerely, By:
Tony Tang
(Print name)
frequency | equipment class | purpose | ||
1 | 2017-04-27 | 2402 ~ 2480 | DSS - Part 15 Spread Spectrum Transmitter | Class II permissive change or modification of presently authorized equipment |
2 | 2017-04-06 | 2402 ~ 2480 | DSS - Part 15 Spread Spectrum Transmitter | Original Equipment |
app s | Applicant Information | |||||
1 2 | Effective |
1 2 |
1 2 | Applicant's complete, legal business name |
ShangHai Ehong Technology Co.,Ltd.
1 2 | FCC Registration Number (FRN) |
1 2 | Physical Address |
Suite501,No.3 building,No.439 Jinglian road
1 2 |
Shanghai, N/A
1 2 |
app s | TCB Information | |||||
1 2 | TCB Application Email Address |
1 2 | TCB Scope |
A4: UNII devices & low power transmitters using spread spectrum techniques
app s | FCC ID | |||||
1 2 | Grantee Code |
1 2 | Equipment Product Code |
app s | Person at the applicant's address to receive grant or for contact | |||||
1 2 | Name |
T******** T********
1 2 | Telephone Number |
1 2 | Fax Number |
1 2 |
app s | Technical Contact | |||||
n/a | ||||||
app s | Non Technical Contact | |||||
n/a | ||||||
app s | Confidentiality (long or short term) | |||||
1 2 | Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | No | ||||
1 2 | Yes | |||||
1 2 | Long-Term Confidentiality Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | No | ||||
if no date is supplied, the release date will be set to 45 calendar days past the date of grant. | ||||||
app s | Cognitive Radio & Software Defined Radio, Class, etc | |||||
1 2 | Is this application for software defined/cognitive radio authorization? | No | ||||
1 2 | Equipment Class | DSS - Part 15 Spread Spectrum Transmitter | ||||
1 2 | Description of product as it is marketed: (NOTE: This text will appear below the equipment class on the grant) | Bluetooth Module | ||||
1 2 | Related OET KnowledgeDataBase Inquiry: Is there a KDB inquiry associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 2 | Modular Equipment Type | Single Modular Approval | ||||
1 2 | Limited Single Modular Approval | |||||
1 2 | Purpose / Application is for | Class II permissive change or modification of presently authorized equipment | ||||
1 2 | Original Equipment | |||||
1 2 | Composite Equipment: Is the equipment in this application a composite device subject to an additional equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 2 | Related Equipment: Is the equipment in this application part of a system that operates with, or is marketed with, another device that requires an equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 2 | Grant Comments | Class II permissive change to add the metal shiedling at module that described in this filing. Power output listed is conducted. Single Modular Approval. This module is granted for use in mobile only configuration as described in this filing. Approval is limited to OEM installation only. Only the antenna tested with the device or similar antenna with equal or lesser gain may be used with this transmitter. The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter, except in accordance with FCC multi-transmitter product procedures. OEM integrators and end-users must be provided with specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance requirements. | ||||
1 2 | Power output listed is conducted. Limited Single Modular Approval. This module is granted for use in mobile only configuration as described in this filing. Approval is limited to OEM installation only. Only the antenna tested with the device or similar antenna with equal or lesser gain may be used with this transmitter. The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter, except in accordance with FCC multi-transmitter product procedures. OEM integrators and end-users must be provided with specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance requirements. | |||||
1 2 | Is there an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 2 | If there is an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application, has the associated waiver been approved and all information uploaded? | No | ||||
app s | Test Firm Name and Contact Information | |||||
1 2 | Firm Name |
TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
1 2 | Name |
Z****** L********
1 2 | Telephone Number |
86-21******** Extension:
1 2 | Fax Number |
1 2 |
Equipment Specifications | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line | Rule Parts | Grant Notes | Lower Frequency | Upper Frequency | Power Output | Tolerance | Emission Designator | Microprocessor Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 15C | 2402.00000000 | 2480.00000000 | 0.0030000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line | Rule Parts | Grant Notes | Lower Frequency | Upper Frequency | Power Output | Tolerance | Emission Designator | Microprocessor Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | 1 | 15C | 2402.00000000 | 2480.00000000 | 0.0030000 |
some individual PII (Personally Identifiable Information) available on the public forms may be redacted, original source may include additional details
This product uses the FCC Data API but is not endorsed or certified by the FCC