... EN:ln the box ZHDE:lnder Box ES:Enel cuadro IT:Nell i!!!!!!iii FR:Dans IboiteJPIi:KO IIIIIC_ ... _ ....... SCtolaProdotto EN:Basic operation F l DE:Grundbetrieb
, ......Operazione
..... JPK0:77 ES:Operacn bsica de bse base FR:Opration ZH Bluetth receiver User Manual EN:User Mnu IT:Manuale ZH DEenutzerhandbuch ES:Mnuolde usuaioKO:},H FR:Monuel JP::I.--lj':i7JJ., d'uso de l'Utilisateur L1 X1 lJ, t)x, I X1 Mdel:806T3 EN Pair and connect DE: Kppelnund verbinden I} Put B06T3 with your phone as closespossible 2) Press the II/Cl button for I snds.while is in pirmode. the Bluetth red \Jnd blue.B06T3 3) Activate
"B06T3to connect. and wait for the pairing to succeed. 4)Plug the B06T3 TO your speaker of the mobile phone/cmputer
/tablet, click LED light flashing between or sundbramplifier through audio cable packed in box.
*How to enter pairing mode?
whiie LED light flashing between Press the nt button for I seconds. red and blue06T3with enter into pirmode Reset device If the receiver method to reset the device:
Pressnd hold the 111buttonfor I O seconds quickly about 3 times.That until the light flash purple means the device has been reseted. cannot be paired or wokproperly, please do following 1). Platzieren 2) DrOcken Sie die 111 Tste for I Sekunde, whend Sie B6T3mit lhrem Telefon so nah wie mlich dSLED-Licht zwischerRotundBlau blink! B06T3 mit Wechsel in den Pirina 3) Aktivieren Sie Bluetthdes Mobiltelefons herzuste I cmputers/Toblets, llen. und worten Sie, bis die Kopplung out ,ML300". erfolareich um eine Verbindung war. Modus. klicken Sie 4) SchlieBen Sie den B06T3 Ober das im Lieferumfang enthltene lhre Soundbar l an lhren Lautsprecher. Audiokabe WfeIdenKopplungsmodus auf?
DrueSdientTstefur I serundehrenddSLED-Licht b ou1nkt.B06T3 mtt dem Wechsel Ruckstelleinrichtung Wenn der Empfcinger fun ktniert, nicht gekoppelt in diring-Modus. oder lhren Verstrkern werden knnoder nicht richtig gehen Sie bitte wie folgt var, um dos Gercit zurOckzusetzen:
Sie die 111Tste Holten Mal schnell violett WUde IO Sekunden blink!. Dsbedeutet, lang gedrOckt bis das Licht etw3 dssdas Gercit zurOckgesetzt zwischen rot und ZH 11 B06T3 21nt1LED B06T3 31 4B06T3 B06T3 1111B06T3LE D Hf10LED3 ES: Emparejar 1) Po_nga B06T3 con su telfono y conectar lomscercposible 2) Pulse el bot11/durante Isundo.Mientras lluz LED parpodeo entre_ rojo y ozul, B06T3 enr6en modo de emprejomiento. 3) Active clic en "ML30praconectarse correctomente. el Bluetothdel telefono m11I computodora I tobleta se realice
, hgo y espereque el emporejamiento 4) Conteel B06T3 A su altavoz, barre de sonido o amplificador el bot6n 111duranteI segundo, del cable deudioque viene en Icaja. al mddeemparejam traves lC6molngresar Presione entre rojo yzul.B06T3 entren1odode e1prejmien Reiniciar Si el receptor el siguiente Mantenga presnodoel botnntduronte10 segundshaste que la o funcionr el dispositivo:
el dispsitivo metodo para restablecer no puede emprejarse lento?
to luz prpadenpurpurpidamenteunos 3 veces. dispositivo se ho reiniciado. Eso significo que el mientros lo luz LED parpde correctamente. rlice q e conneltill IT: Associa 1) MeB06T3con ii tuo telefono 2) Premere 11 pulsonte ii piil vicinossibile 111perI secondo. lampggiatra rosso e blu, B06T3 entra in modlitadiccoppiamento. Mentre lo luce del LED 3) Attivare ii Bluetooth del atelefono fare clic cellulare/computer/tablet. SUM_L300"
per connettersi e attendere 4) College 1106T3alltoprlonte che l'accoppmentvadaa buon fine o allsoundbar o all'omplifictore alla modalita nello confezione di associazione?
troiteii covo audio contenuto Comeaccedere Premere ii pulsante ntperI secondo, trossoe blu, B06T3 entrinmodalita Ripristina dispos Se ii ricevitore seguente metodopristinare non essereccopptofunziono ii dispos per10 secondi Tieni premuto iiIsntent correomente. eseguire ii tinequandolo luce vla mentre lluceLED lompeggi di accoppia 1ento lampeggi ripristinato pkJientecirc3volte. Cio signific stato cheii dispositivo B06T3 ovec votre tphone ussiprsque possible 2) Appuyez sur le bouton pendantI seconde. Pendntque le entre le rouge et le bleu. B06T3 entre en1ode paire. el cnnecter FR: Jumeler 1) Metl:ez voytLED clignote 3 J Activez sur "ML300"
4. Profite_z le Bluetoth purvous connecte de vtremusue. 4) Brnchezle B06T3 a votre hut-parleur ou brrede sonu vuncatudiembolldonsune boite mplificoteur Commententrer Appuyez sur le bouton 111pendantI seconde, clignote Reinitialiser en mode appairage entre le rouge et le bleu. B06T3 ovec entree en l'appareil tandis
que le voyant LED mode pire. Si le rpteurne peut pas etre jumelfnctionner la methdesuivante ce que le voyant clignterapidement suivre Appuyez sur le bouton n Imaintenezle enfonce jusqu'a signitie treinitialise pour reinitliser que l'appareil en violet l'appreil pendant 10 sondes Cele enrn 3 fois. correctement. villez JP: -'\7'1):'.!7L,io I) B06T3l7al'
2)11151.1l.,.LEDfLI B06T3 1-'I1.,,1:
3 'J 71,yCDBluetooth
'771..,L7') Y
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.i.::i 1191LED:,1"tJB06T37 a':9o 4'Y717 71LB06T3 r:L,ML300J fi[L Ji:3-V
'J''J'Y'JectJLIlL,L,tJLIl 13LLI. 1)f31;:tl7a:
KO1 1) B06T3tj\
2)1111LED1l"llII1 I'll06T3o]"1]t.Ji:
"11Y Hf1'l}loJILEDl1l BJ6T3o1 7171
{Il 1113"l"
11=.J7f 11110 sH'll'.lll du telephone portable etattendez dinateur/tablette, reussisse que l'appairage cliquez l1 711.j 4tl06T3 el t DE LED-Anzeic::ie IT:lndicotore JP:LED-{:.,,:)7-'.9 LED/Stato FR:lndicoteur LED/ Etat KO:LED
/ SttusES lndicodo LED/Estdoo Hi Fi t1 White HD Geen word mrk and logosreowned by the Bluetooth The Bluetooth<ro SIG, Inc. andnyuse of such1arks by IMii Ltd. is under license. Other trdemarks and trdenmesare those of their respctive owners ndl2J This device must accept any interference. Operation This equipment not exprslyapproved with part I9fthe FCC rules. to opertethe equipment. by IMii Ltd. will void hsbeen is subject U) This device mynot cause harmful FCC:
This device complies to the foliongtwo _cc:,nditions:
interference Changes modifications the userSuthority tested and found to comp y with the limits forClossB digitldevice, to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limitsredignedto pursuant provide reasonble residential rdiofrequency with the instructions. nictions. Howevthereis no guarantee prticular interference by turning correct which cnbe deter1 ined off and on. the user is encouraged to try to measurE protectin goinstharmful interference installatin to rdioor television will not occuin a does cause harmful the equipment the interference energynd,if not installedndused ,n accordnce mycuseharmful interference by one or more of the following thtinterference If this equipment uses and can radite This equipment installtn generates. to radCmu recepon, in that this product is in complince with the CE IMii Ltd. hereby declares essential require1ents 2014/53/EU The full test of the EU declration following ddress:
internet and other relevnt prvisinsof Directive www.lmii.cm of conformity atthe is availble In accrdncewith AleI0(2ndAleIO(IO), allowed to be used inHEU mebersttes this pructis Shenzhen Baoon District, Limited 518100 China IMii Technologies Shenzhen EU Importer eVatmaster Bettinastr. 30,60325 Consulting GmbH Frankfurt am Main.Germny to normal use. Any man made dmages to an unsuitable power source. using an is limited Waranty Warranty service such as from connecting unsuitable device. es that did not occur during shipping, approved improper immedtely. by the company, installation mycause the warranty This Wrrnty or not following does not include repirs the instructinsswell as dmag and adjustrrentsnot damgesfommisuse. inaention. or fees shipping to be ineffective the receiving ntenn between the equipmentnd receiver to circuit utletno different to an electric is connected. the manufacturer anexperienced radTVtechnician for
)1 Disposal Always dispose of the used appliance
- Do not dispose the used appliance together at a recycling cente with household waste I2 T I like other radidevices.emits radfrequency within energy and operates safety standards the guidelines and recommendations. fundin These of the scientific reflect ndrecommendations from deliberations the consensus of panels and commtttsof who continully review and interpret the exensive research or relocte Reorient Increase the sepration Connect the equipment that which the receiver Consult help This product. ectrognetic radio frequency standards community scientists literture and result GmbH contoct@evotm r cnsulting l I evatmaste E 30 I 60325 FroamMa;r\Ge<ny Stercm L_____L__ lScan eto get more matiac
::'.:3:_:_;:', ,"I:
-,,:"(i ScannenSiedenCode umweitere lrmationen Escanee para obtemasinformaci ii cdicereneremil el c6digo infrmzi l i zu erhalten s E. o LL. ..3EE1'
Electron Shenzhen Limited Park, No. 4197 BaanBlvd., Xixiang St., Baoan Di 1 Mii Tech no Limited Ankbit Industrial Manufactur:
AddRunfeng China Shenzhen, Shenzhen Operator:
Addss:Qianhai Kong Coperalion We hope you never have the need, but if you do, urseiceis friendly and hassleee. Complex China Zone, Shenzhen, A201, Qianwan Road 1nhaiShen2hen-Hong RF Exposure Information This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment and operated with minimum distance 20cm between your body. FCCID2AUFR-RT504
( E: R s should be installed the radiator and i.comweb:www.1mii.com support@1mi MADE IN CHINA 105g 80X100mm RT5014 RT5014 695014010 V 1.0 Winson 80*100mm 2022/03/22