Wireless Doorbell with Socket socket User Manual
(Model10) LED inditor. plug in Plious volume control next chime with socket This package includes:
Wireless door Wireless Hardwaepack Battery for push button push butt n H wt Operate?
Introduction and use. This twin plug-through mmand the melodies It comes with 52 different any mains scketaround your chime can be plugged into chime kit is easy to install to choose a Shenzhen Homelead Electronics Co. Ltd speaker LED indicator yuto still use the atureallows for other electrical home so you will never have to change the batteries in it, and the plug-through socket BaeInstallation A.Push button 1. Remove back covebypushing inblocated products. at the bottom of the touch button unit with a small screwdriver. 2. Install an alkaline 23A 12V battery,make is sure battery orientproperly. 3 Put back the backk cover into pla "':);. LIl
B, Door Chime -
Just make sure the plug Is sultable foyou. A.Mount push butt useeitheSCws or double sidedpetomunipush button. To mount with screws, remove back of case by pushing tab on button with a small screwdriver. of back of case to door Jamb or wall. Snap front Attach button on. Tomuntwith double sided tape, make sure the surface of the door jamb or wall is clean and smooth. UV mounting Mounting Before Pilionthem where you want them mounted. button chime desnot sound, push button and chime, If on page 6. to veifychime and push buttnwork properly. see Troubleshooting temporarily Press push B, Mount door chime ustplug the door chime into standard then it will work. outlet in room, 2 3 1. Press the volume button to control There ar5adjustable melody. high.medium, low.and mu of the the volume higher, vlumelevels:
2.Press the Previous/Next button to select are 52 direntmelodles the melody wlth16 you Ilka.There chords. 1Technical Data 3. Reset function:Press and hold the Previous/Next button The music will be reset to the default for 3 seconds. selection. 4. This dorbell unexpected cmeswith a power failu memryfunction in case of 5. Plug through socket enables use of the socket for other devices. de Learning Exrnalinputfdchime:AC 11 OV(US), AC220V(EU, UK, AU)
) 23A 12V(include levels including mute) Push button battery:
0-110dB(5 Range:
Up to 1000 feet (in the open air) Number of melodies:
e WoJngf1uency:
Max. current eM.volgefor socket:
1 Important 52 433.92MHz for sock10A(AU OV(US}, function The code learnlng system inslnlclions 1. Press and hold the Volume button on door chimes, plug with more push button or door chimes. below for thee learning. you to expand you allows Follow the it into standard outlet, 2.Press the push button, learning is succful. learn the code again. I 1. Door chime is designed I 2. Avoid mounting then rleasethe button. I make sure the mounting if a melody is heard, If not, repeat the above step to I radiators, then code I 3. Avoid muntlngthe chime above heart sources such as or or In damp aruchas a kitchen the push button on suceis smooth. use only. melframes, and frindoor I bathroom. 4.Please do notpenand repair it withutprofessional guide in order to avoid any breakdown of componen rather batteries than which are insecure and have use high quality zinc batteries alkaline 5.Please carbon shoerservice life. 6.Please do not eoseit to the sun and rain for a long Problems Solutl Check whether the plug is well 2. Chime does inseledinto the socket not soundsMake sure the push buttnand chime code learning esetthe code. instructions to 7.The range of the doorbell time an keep it away from metallic object. on locatlon, depends condition, for long periods, unplug the and remove the batteryom push temperature and battery 8.If not using the doorbell chimeomsocket button to pventleakage. 9.Dispose of old battery legislatin. in acerdance with the relevant Proble Salutl Check orientation of push buon 1.Chime does battery. not sounds Check the batteyplacewith if necessary. new batteries Do not mount the chime or doorbell buttnnmeIor near metal studs. This reduces the transmitting 3. Battartes seemrange. OK, but theDo not mount the chime toclose chime does to ground slabs. This not work whenmay areducethe rnge.Mount installed.the chime away mom the floor. concrete level e Try dirent locatlons for chime button. to the doorbell Also closer try to orient angel to increase the range. the chime at a different 4. Push button Re-install the battery in push desnot wtbutton. 5 8 7 3A(UK), US) 250V(EU, UK, AU) 16A(EU, Troubleshoong