DJIFPV FC7BGC) QuickStartGuide v1.0 Introduction Aircraft 1. Propellers 2. Motors 3. FrontLEDs 4. LandingGears(Builtinantennas) 5. FrameArmLight 6. AircraftStatusIndicators 7. GimbalandCamera 8. DownwardVisionSystem 9. InfraredSensingSystem 10. AuxiliaryLight 11. IntelligentFlightBattery 12. BatteryBuckles 13. PowerButton 14. BatteryLevelLEDs 15. BatteryPort 16. ForwardVisonSystem 17. USBCPort 18. microSDCardSlot Goggles RemoteController 1. PowerButton 2. BatteryLevelIndicator 3. LanyardAttachment 4. CustomizableButton 5. ControlSticks 6. USBCPort 7. FlightPauseButton 8. GimbalDial 9. FlightModeSwitch 10. CustomizableSwitch Takeoff/LandingButton(nonMmode) Lock/UnlockButton(Mmode) 11. Shutter/RecordButton 12. Antennas PreparingtheAircraft PreparingtheGoggles PowerSupply
Charging CheckingBatteryLevelsandPoweringOn/Off Pressoncetocheckthebatterylevel.
1) Pressthelinkbuttononthegoggles. 2) Pressandholdthepowerbuttonoftheaircraft. 3) Thebatterylevelindicatoroftheaircraftturnssolidanddisplaythebatterylevel,thegoggles stopbeepingwhensuccessfullylinkedandthevideodisplayisnormal. 1) Pressandholdthepowerbuttonoftheaircraft. 2) Pressandholdthepowerbuttonoftheremotecontroller. 3) Boththebatterylevelindicatorsturnsolidanddisplaythebatterylevel,andtheremote controllerstopbeepingwhensuccessfullylinked.
* Whenreadytolink,thedeviceswillgivethefollowingindication:
Aircraft:thebatterylevelindicatorblinksinsequence Goggles:thegogglesbeepcontinually Remotecontroller:theremotecontrollerbeepscontinuallyandthebatterylevelindicatorblinksin sequence Controls Goggles RemoteController Specifications Aircraft(Model:FD1W4K) TakeoffWeight MaxFlightTime OperatingTemperature OperatingFrequency TransmitterPower(EIRP) 790g 20mins 10to40C 2.4002.4835GHz,5.7255.850GHz 2.4G:30dBm(FCC),20dBm(CE/SRRC/MIC) 5.8G:30dBm(FCC/SRRC),14dBm(CE) 1/2.3CMOS,EffectivePixels:12M FOV:150 35mmFormatEquivalent:14.66mm Aperture:f/2.86 Focus:0.6mto 1003200 38402160 4K:3840216050/60p FHD:1920108050/60/100/120/200p Camera Sensor Lens ISO Capacity Voltage Type Energy ElectronicShutterSpeed 1/80001/60s MaxImageSize VideoResolution IntelligentFlightBattery 2000mAh 22.2V(standard) LiPo6S 45.6Wh@3C 5to40C 90W Approx.420g(headbandandantennasincluded) 184122110mm(antennasexcluded), 202126110mm(antennasincluded) 2inch2 1440810 2.4002.4835GHz5.7255.850GHz 2.4G:30dBm(FCC),20dBm(CE/SRRC/MIC) 5.8G:30dBm(FCC/SRRC),14dBm(CE) LowLatencyMode(810p120fps),HighQualityMode(810p60fps) MP4(Videoformat:H.264) MP4MOVMKV
(Videoformat:H.264;Audioformat:AACLC,AACHE,AC3,MP3) 0to40 C 11.125.2V ChargingTemperature MaxChargingPower Goggles(Model:FGDB28) Weight Dimensions ScreenSize ScreenResolution
(SingleScreen) OperatingFrequency TransmitterPower(EIRP) LiveViewMode VideoFormat SupportedVideoPlayFormat OperatingTemperature PowerInput GogglesBattery Capacity Voltage Type Energy 2600mAh 7.4V(standard) Liion2S 19.3Wh 0to45C 21.84W ChargingTemperature MaxChargingPower RemoteController(Model:FC7BGC) OperatingFrequecy MaxTransmissionDistance
(unobstructed,freeofinterference) TransmitterPower(EIRP) OperatingCurrent/Voltage 2.4002.4835GHz5.7255.850GHz 2.4G:8km(FCC)4km(CE) 5.8G:8km(FCC)1km(CE) 2.4G:30dBm(FCC),20dBm(CE/SRRC/MIC) 5.8G:30dBm(FCC/SRRC),14dBm(CE)
ComplianceInformation FCCComplianceNotice This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)Thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference,and(2)Thisdevicemustacceptany interferencereceived,includinginterferencethatmaycauseundesiredoperation. Anychangesormodificationsnotexpresslyapprovedbythepartyresponsibleforcompliancecould voidtheusersauthoritytooperatetheequipment. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interferencetoradioortelevisionreception,whichcanbedeterminedbyturningtheequipmentoff and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna. Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnicianforhelp. ISEDWarning Thisdevicecontainslicenceexempttransmitter(s)/receiver(s)thatcomplywithInnovation,Science and Economic Development Canadas licenceexempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)This device may not cause interference.(2)This device must accept any interference,includinginterferencethatmaycauseundesiredoperationofthedevice. Lmetteur/rcepteur exempt de licence contenu dans le prsent appareil est conforme aux CNR dInnovation, Sciences et Dveloppement conomique Canada applicables aux appareils radio exemptsdelicence.Lexploitationestautoriseauxdeuxconditionssuivantes:(1)Lappareilnedoit pasproduiredebrouillage;(2)Lappareildoitacceptertoutbrouillageradiolectriquesubi,mmesi lebrouillageestsusceptibledencompromettrelefonctionnement. This equipment complies with ISED radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End user must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. This transmitter must not be colocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.The portable device is designed to meet the requirements for exposure to radiowavesestablishedbytheISED. Cet quipement est conforme aux limites dexposition aux rayonnements ISED tablies pour un environnementnoncontrl.Lutilisateurfinaldoitsuivrelesinstructionsspcifiquespoursatisfaire les normes. Cet metteur ne doit pas tre coimplant ou fonctionner en conjonction avec toute autre antenne ou transmetteur. Le dispositif portatif est conu pour rpondre aux exigences dexpositionauxondesradiotablieparledveloppementnergtiqueDURABLE. KCCWarningMessage
. NCCWarningMessage EU Compliance Statement: SZ DJI TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. hereby declares that this device is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of the Directive 2014/53/EU. AcopyoftheEUDeclarationofConformityisavailableonlineatwww.dji.com/eurocompliance EUcontactaddress:DJIGmbH,Industriestrasse12,97618,Niederlauer,Germany Declaracin de cumplimiento UE: SZ DJI TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. por la presente declara que este dispositivo cumple los requisitos bsicos y el resto de provisiones relevantes de la Directiva 2014/53/EU. Hay www.dji.com/eurocompliance conformidad UE la Declaracin disponible online copia una en de de DireccindecontactodelaUE:DJIGmbH,Industriestrasse12,97618,Niederlauer,Germany EUve voldoe DeEU rklaringvan etaandeess verklaringva overeenstem entilevereis anovereenst mming:SZDJI stenenande temmingison ITECHNOLOG rerelevante nlinebeschik GYCO.,LTD.v bepalingenv kbaarop ww verklaarthier vanRichtlijn2 ww.dji.com/e rbijdatditap 2014/53/EU. eurocomplian nce pparaat Conta ctadresEU:D DJIGmbH,Ind dustriestrasse e12,97618,N Niederlauer, Germany Declar docum dispos Existe www.d rao de co mento, que e siesrelevan cp uma dji.com/euro onformidade este disposit ntesdaDireti pia da De ocompliance da UE: A tivo est em iva2014/53/
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. Mexic Lao equipo cualqu coWarningm operacinde oodispositiv uierinterfere message eesteequipo vonocause ncia,incluyen oestsujeta interferencia ndolaquepu alassiguien perjudicialy uedacausars tesdoscond y(2)esteeq suoperacin esposiblequ diciones:(1)e uipoodispo sitivodebea nodeseada. ueeste aceptar Brazil Este e interfe sistem Warningme equipamento erncia preju masoperando ssage o opera em udicial, mesm oemcarterp carter sec mo de esta primrio cundrio, ist es do mesm to , no te mo tipo, e n em direito o pode cau a proteo usar interfer contra ncia a RFExposureInformation(for FC7BGC) SARtestsareconductedusingstandardoperatingpositionsacceptedbytheFCC/ISEDCwiththe devicetransmittingatitshighestcertifiedpowerlevelinalltestedfrequencybands,althoughthe SARisdeterminedatthehighestcertifiedpowerlevel,theactualSARlevelofthedevicewhile operatingcanbewellbelowthemaximumvalue,ingeneral,thecloseryouaretoawirelessbase stationantenna,thelowerthepoweroutput. Beforeanewmodeldeviceisaavailableforsaletothepublic,itmustbetestedandcertifiedto theFCC/ISEDCthatitdoesnotexceedtheexposurelimitestablishedbytheFCC/ISEDC,Testsfor eachdeviceareperformedinpositionsandlocationsasrequiredbytheFCC/ISEDC. For handheld ,0mm was used for test, this equipment should be installed and operated with minimumdistance0mm For body worn operation, this model device has been tested and meets the FCC / ISEDC RF exposureguidelineswhenusedwithanaccessory designated for this product or when used with an accessory that contains no metal and that positionsthehandsetaminimumof10mmfromthebody. NoncompliancewiththeaboverestrictionsmayresultinviolationofRFexposureguidelines. LestestsSARsonteffectusenutilisantdespositionsdefonctionnementstandardacceptespar laFCC/ISEDCavecl'appareiltransmettantsonniveaudepuissancecertifilepluslevdans touteslesbandesdefrquencestestes,bienqueleSARsoitdterminauniveaudepuissance certifilepluslev,leniveauSARreldel'appareillefonctionnementpeuttrebieninfrieur lavaleurmaximale,engnral,plusvoustesproched'uneantennedestationdebasesansfil, pluslapuissancedesortieestfaible. Avantqu'unnouveaumodled'appareilsoitdisponiblelaventeaupublic,ildoittretestet certifiparlaFCC/ISEDCqu'ilnedpassepaslalimited'expositiontablieparlaFCC/ISEDC,les testspourchaqueappareilsonteffectusdansdespositionsetdesemplacementstelquerequis parlaFCC/ISEDC. Pour portable,0mmonttutilisspourletest,cetquipementdoittreinstalletutilisavec unedistanceminimalede0mm Pour une utilisation sur le corps, ce modle d'appareil a t test et rpond aux directives d'expositionRFFCC/ISEDClorsqu'ilestutilisavecunaccessoire dsignpourceproduitoulorsqu'ilestutilisavecunaccessoirequinecontientpasdemtalet quipositionnelecombinaumoins10mmducorps. Lenonrespectdesrestrictionscidessuspeutentraneruneviolationdesdirectivesd'exposition auxRF.