How to Insert Batteries 4) Using a Phillips screwdriver, undo the screws on the remote control
"* andontopofthetrain. Open battery compartment covers. 2) Insert 2 AA batteries in the train battery compartment and 4 9-volt battery tn the remote control campartment. 3) Insert all batteries as shown by the diagrams in their respective compartments, Use of rechargeable batteries is not racomendad. 4) To replace compartment covers, praes down on top of cover and secure with screws. switch on the back of Chug-Alang Thomas to the "ON position. 2) Hold the remote control with the antanna pointing away from the body. Push the right hand button to make Chu theright andpush theleft hand button to make it turn to the left. 3) Chug-Along Thomas |s also free-wheeling and canbe pushed along whan tumed off... 4) TO CONSERVE BATTERY POWER, ALWAYS TURN CHUG-ALONG THOMAS OFF WHEN NOT IN USE. a-Along Thomas turn to interference |
Chug-Along Thomas is a radio controlled product. Performance may be affected by interference from other toys and household itema operating at similar frequencies. Ifyounotice any deterioration in performance or unusual response to remote control commands, take the following steps:
-1) Check that the batteries are in goodcondition. |. 2) Cheek that battarlas are making good contactin bath the remote control: and in Chug-Along Thomas. 3) Raplacabattarlas. Remotecontrol battery life lasts approxi mately 3 times longer than train battery life. 4) Leave Chug-Along Thomas for a short period and try at another time of day fo ensure that interference from another product is not
- rasponsible for poor performances. CAUTION Take special cqre to ensure batteries are intertad correctly, observing (+) and (-) markon bettery and product. Removal and replacement of batenes should be carried out by an adult or under adult auparviaion. Do nat attempt fe recharge non-rechargeadle batteries. Removal ahd recharging of rechargeable batteries should be carried out by an adult or under aduil suparvision. Avoid ehort circuiting the contacts in tha batiery compartment or tha battery tarminels. Remove exhausted batteries from product. Oo not mix old (uead) and naw battariag or batieres of diferent types, 0.9, rechargeabla and alkalina. Do not stampt to power battery products by the intreduotion of main supply or Separate power supplies, and do not stamp! fo plug any pert of this product into tha main supply. Dispoae of exhausted batteries safsly, and never dispose of batteries in aire. Remove batteries from product attar usa orif storing for long perioda. Periodically examine produot for signs of . damage tp electioal parta and donot play with until damage has been properly axanuned, Please retain the above information for future refaranca. DO NOT USE REGHARGEABLE BATTERIES, 1898 TOMY CORPORATION TOMY CORPORATION
- 4695 MacArthur Court, Suite 130, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Tel: 949 - 955 - 1030 Britt Alicroft (Thomas) Ltd. 1997
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