W133B B Produc ctDescr ription 1. Pro 2. Ope 3. RAM 4. Scre Gam 5. Cam 6. Spe 7. Aud 8. USB 9. TYP 10. SD 11. WIF 12. Blu 13. Bat Points 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Corei582 ocessor:Intel m:Windows eratingSyste B&16GBopt M:DDR38GB een:13.3FH HDIPSScree re. mesandmor mera:Builtin nwebcamera alspeakerswi eakers: Dua mbojackforH diojack:Com BPort:youca anconnectan nnectexterna PECport:Con cardtostore Port:UseSD FI:WIFI802.1 11b/g/n/
ion4.2allows etooth:Versi mer:7.6V4800 tteryLiPolym ion s for Attent Do not use e the player ow the play Do not allo arge your ba Please cha A. Battery y power ico B. The sy ystem autom again;
C. There i Please do n or downloa When this operation m will be hel Please do n There will product. apacitiveMu ultitouch.19 920*1080res olutionsallo wyoutowa tchHDmovi ies,Play evideo,chat oundallowyo online,andm outolistento more. omusic,watc hvideos,and dplaygames. 50Uoptional;
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enwithfullc athatallowy ithbuiltinhi Headset&MI nydevices(li altransmissio edata. acmakesyou syoutoconn 0mAhhighc ufasteronlin nectdevicesf capacitybatte e. faster. eryallowsyou utouselong er. in exceptio yer to fall do attery when n shows an matically shu onally cold o own while u or hot, dusty using it. n;
empty icon uts down an nd the powe y, damp or d dry environ nments. er is soon of ff when you u switch on t the unit onc ce perate on an abruptly wh ay lead to th ng disk, the operation m ny key hen the playe he error in th user shall s method may er is being f formatted o
. he program. port files in t store or exp y lead to the e loss of file or in the pro cess of uplo oading the proper f es, for which file manage h this Comp ment pany by yourself in the case o f. If there is of any chan any inquiry nge in the fu y, please con unctions and ntact the de d performan ealer. nce of this nse if you op is no respon nect power a not disconn erwise it ma ading. Othe d as a movin unit is used method. An ny improper ld no liable. not dismant tle this unit rate notice i be no separ Basic Operation Poweron Poweroff shutdown. Sleep Intheshutdownstate,longpress" "buttonboots Inthepoweronstate,longpressthe" "key3secondsthenpopupdeviceoptions,select"Poweroff"for the machine under normal operating conditions, Short press the power button, Into hibernation, Now, Screenwillclose.Shortpressthepowerbuttonagain,Beabletoresumenormalmode.Whenthetimebeinguse thisMIDcanenablethisfeaturewhen,Toreducepowerconsumption. Powerreset Ifthereisshutdowntotheplayerintheprocessofoperation,youcanturnoffandrestarttheplayerby pressing"reset"key. Screentimeout willbeautomaticallyturnsoff. Ifyoudonotcontacttheplayerwithinthesettime,anddonooperatebythebutton,thecontactscreen Inanystate,shortpress" "buttonandforactivation;Thenskidthelockupwardstothegreenofspotted whichwillaccomplishtoaccesstotheupperinterface. If it is necessary to deactivate the contact screen time out function, you can set the [Screen time out]
optionunder[display]functioninto"Never". UsingtheMicroSDcard Caution:
Afterthisunitisconnectedwiththecomputer,youwillfindtwomovingdisks.Thefirstoneisthebuiltin memorydiskforthisunitandtheotheristhediskfortheMicroSDcard.Ifnocardisinserted,theseconddisk cannotbeopened.ThisunitsupportstheextensionoftheMicroSDcardfrom4GBto32GB. InsertingandPullingouttheMicroSDcard Inserting:
PuttheMicroSDcardfaceup(sidewithwords),andslightlyforcethecardintothesocketofthecard,i.e. connectingtheunit.Underthisstate,youcanplaythecontentintheMicroSDcard. Pulling:
SlightlypushtheMicroSD,anditwillbouncebyasection,andthenyoucantakeitout. Please perform inserting and pulling operation when power is off! Otherwise, it will lead to the loss or damagetothefileswithintheunit!Ifnocardisinserted,thecomputerwillbeunabletoperformreadandwrite operationforthedisknotesofthelaterremovabledisk(MicroSDcard). Battery:
HighcapacityPolymerbatteryisusedforthisunit. The duration available of the battery power depends on volume, types of playing files and operation of batteries. The player can be set up by the user as "user define power off time" or "display setup" to save batteries. Charging:
TakeouttheDCcharger,plugitintothewalloutletwithAC220V(outputcurrent2100mAoutputvoltage 19V)),thenplugintheDCjackintothedeviceDCinjack. Warningsforcharging:
1. Anewbatterymaybeemptyandnotchargedbeforeyougetthedevice. 2. Ifthedeviceisnotusedforlongtime,itisbettertochargeittofullcapacityevery2or3monthsduring Poweradapterisakeycomponentoftheportableplayer,whichplayacrucialroleinkeepingtheportable players normal work and protecting your security when using the player, a longterm customer surveys and aftersales service Practice shows that the malfunction of the portable player In many cases were caused by usinginappropriateaccessories,inparticularthepoweradapter. Usethesubstandardpoweradapterwillshortenthelifeoftheportableplayerbyconsiderably,thevoltage instabilitywillseriouslyaffectedthenormalworkoftheportableplayerandbringpermanentdamageonthe playersperformanceandreliability,Usethesubstandardpoweradapterwillalsoreducedthevocalqualityof theplayers,shutdowntheplayerwhenyouusingit,Inaddition,Usethesubstandardpoweradapterwillcause combustionandexplosionwhichwilldisservethesafetyoftheconsumers. storage. Setting up your laptop 1:ConnectthelaptoptoACmainswithadapter 2.Afterchargingthebattery,pressandholdthepowerbuttonforupto5secondsuntilthepatternisdisplayed. IMPORTANT:Ifthebatteryimageisnotdisplayedonthescreen,pressthepowerbuttonbrieflytodisplaythe image,andthenpressandholdthepowerbuttonuntilthelogoisdisplayed. 3.Followtheonscreeninstructionstoselectalanguageandawirelessnetwork. Lock and unlock Turn off the laptop LockPressthepowerbutton.Pressandholdthepowerbutton, UnlockPressthepowerbuttontotouchPoweroff. turnonthelaptop,thenplaceyourIfyourlaptopbecomesunresponsive, andslidepressandholdthepowerbuttonfor fingeronthelockicon theicontotheunlock positionseveralsecondstoturnoffthelaptop. BackOpensthepreviousscreen. HomeOpens or returns to the Home screen. SearchAllows you to type one or more keywords to search. Voice searchAllows you to speak one or more keywords to search with the installed search wep.
*The search feature varies by model and country.