fi FCC ID: OZ9USTC-TED-0004 Bh we Pe ee ee eee dE ee lf necessary, the Instober should consult an experianced radia/television technicion for additional suggestions, of sand for the Interference Handbook prepared by the Federal Communications Commision. Ths booklet is ovallable from the US. Govemment Printing Office, Washington. 0.0. 20402, stock number 004-000-00450-7. CAUTION: Axonn Corporation does not support field changes or modifications to any of the Axonn Corporation RF equipment unless they are specifically covered in this manual, Al adjustments must be made at the factory under the specific quidelines set forth in our manufacturing processes. Any moditicatian to the equipment could void the user's authority to operate the equipment and render the equipment in violation of FOC Port 75. wy This dvice complies with Part 95 of the ACC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) ths device may not couse harmful interfarance, and
(2) th device rust occept ony interference received, including interference that may couse undesred operation. LIMITED WARRANTY THERE ARE NOT WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OF IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR 4 PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION ON THE FACE HEREOF, In ino cose shall Sefer be liable to anyone for any consequential or incidental damages for breach of this or any other waranty, express or implied. or upon ony other basis of liability whatsoever, aven if the loss or damoge is caused by Seller's own negligence or fault. This device is raquirad fo comply with FCC RF expomue requirements for modde transmitting devices. A separation of 20 cm (8 Inches) or mon must be maintained beteen the antenna and oll persons during device operations to sotefy RF exposuse compliance, TESTING THE TRANSMITTER Following stem installation, system testing ls mandatory. This should be performed by locating ihe TED in its final location and powering wp the unit. On initial power-up, the TED will sand out RF messages avery 4 second: or mare cepending on programming, This wil establish communications with the CTS recemver and the infarmatien callected wil then be used to judge Siem penonmance FCC NOTICE The USTC TED fransmitter generates ond uses rocio frequency energy. if nat installed and used in ccordonce with lhe manufacturer's ininectiangs, | may oause iInferference to radio and television reception. The traremitter has Geen tested ond found to comply with the specifications in Part 5 of the FCC Pules. if this equement causes interference to radio or television reception - which con be cetennined by furrang the equipment an and off - the installer is encouraged fo correct the interference by one or more of the fofewing measures: 1) Reorlent the antenna of the rodio/televsion. 2) Connect the AC transformer to.a different quilet so the TED ond rodio/television ore on differant branch circuits. 3) Relocate the TED with respect fo the radio/felevision.