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I C I B I A I A01 I A02 I A03 I I 2021/05/14 FCCID/ICID 2021/07/9 FCCID\ ICID 2021/12/01 UGREEN How It Works DE,WleesfcnomertI FNonctionnement IT; Come Fcn,lona I JP; ICN; 1AR I ES, Como Fcnclona Magnetic Model:
Wireless CD245 I P/N: 30233 15W Charger EN: Coccectthe pcoductto powec outlet e EN: Attach you, pho,e o, the pcoduct, the, start chagt,g DE: Schllee, Sle das Pcoduktac eloe Steckdose a, DE:Schlie,Ste the Haody a, das Prod"kta, ood starte, Siede, FR: Coccecte, le pdultauchacgeuc Ladevocga,g ES: Cocecte el pcoducto a la fuecte de ahmeclaci6, FR: Mette,vote telephoe sue le pcoduit, puts ii commeocera a se chage I T: Collegan, ii pcodotto a uoa pcesa d, cocceote ES: Coloque su m6vil e, el pcoducto,luego come, acacga JP: Oyy CN:
:AR ii telefono I T: Collegace al prodotto, JP: ,-7y1Dlt-r5 CN:
,,.,J.,...-,,,,t:AR quindi awl ace la ncacica Specifications DE: Spe,ifikatiooeo JP: I CN: 1 AR I FR: Specificatioos IES: Especificaciooes IIT: Specifiche r s d e v c es Notes DE, Hi,weise IFR, Notes IES, Notas IIT, Note IJP, ICN
,i. ,AR ENThis prodoct oclyworks with iPhoce 12,es. For optimal performacce, we recommend MagSafe or MagSafe-compatible cases by UGREEN Do not putsuch mag,eticobjects as metal, mag,etic 5V-2A 9V---2A 12V-2A 15WMax 7.5W to use original strip card, credit Apple cases with card, publicacsportcard,pho,e card, etc besidethechagicgaeaof wireless chargecto avoid abcormal charg,,gor product damage. Keep away from directsoolightor any high-temperatore environmen tsacd away from heat-emitticg dcessuchasspace heater acd microwa,e DE Dieses Pmdckt 1st kompatibel
,cc mitdeciPhooe 12-Secie magtlqoe,la cartedecrt,lacartedetraosport,lartede tphone, FUceioeoptimale Beoccogseh,cogeo empfehleo wi,dieVecweodcog
,oo etc.)cotede la ,ooe de charge de chargecrsaos flt pocrtercnecharge igioal-Apple-HOlleo mit MagSafe-ode, MagSafe-kompatibleo HUlleo ,o, aoorrnale oc des dommages UGREEN le prodclt daos co eovlroooemeot a haote temperatcre,y Stelle, Sie keioe magoetischeo Gegeostaode w,e Meta I I, Magoetstceifeokarte, ma,s saoss'y limiter, scocaproximldevehiccles, de radlateors, Ne pas placer comprls, K,edrte, bfteotliche Veri<ehsmittelkarte, Telefookarte csw. oebeo dee d'appaells de rnlssoo com me co foe Ladebeich des kabellose, Ladegerats, cm cogewoholiche oge Lade,o, Ne pasfrapperoujeter le produit poureviterd'endommager le circuit imprime odePmdcktscheo'"
,ecmeideo ioteme. EnemenSiedasPmdckt,oodirekte Sonne,einstcahlcng oderHochtempera Ne pas exposer le produlta aucuo liqulde cmgebcngeosowie ,o, Wa,meabgabegerateo wie Racmhe,,geratend Poulaeparatloo ou le demootage, veu,llez cootacaux secvlces Mikrowelleo fem apr-veote UGREEN Nichtfalleo lasseo, dcnchsteo, d,Uckeo,
""diei,oere Schaltcnst,ckt beschadigtwen Set'"ssichkeioeoFIOssigkeiteo Zcm Repacie,eo odeZertegeoweodeo Siesich acs UGREEN ES Esteprodoctolo fonclonacon laserle IPhone 12 Para on rendimiento 6ptimo, secomiendautili,arfunda original con MagSafe bitte a, deo Kcndeodieost
,o, de Apple o fund a de UGREEN compatible con MagSafe No coloqoe obetosmagncos airedordela ,ona de carga inalambrica, lescoma objetos melicos, tarasde banda magnetica, tarjesdecredito, FR Ce pcodoit est oniqoement compatible a,ec lesiPhooe12. tarjetas detranspoe publico, tarjetas telef6nicas, que puedan daAael
, Poocdespemaocesoptimales, ii estecommaod'otilis ecdescoqoes productoousarunacaaanormal. d'oigine Apple a,ec MagSafe oo des coqoes UGREEN compatibles a,ec Nopongaelproducto a la lmolar d,recta ni locoloquecerca de areas que
, Ne pas placecd'obje15 magoetiqoes
(tels qoe le metal, la carte a baode No golpee, ni arrojeeste producto para evirdaarla placa de mcoito mte puedan calene,comoctoresy homos. Thei,teriocicu it structure may be damaged ifdopped,pucctured ocrushed MagSafe. Donote,posetoanyliquids. For the purpose of repair or disassemble, please ask UGREEN aer-salesserv 3-
3 FCC 1Dc2AQl5-30233 IC,26850-30233 Lisee Maocal I Becct,echaodbcch Maocal de cscado I Maocale Uteate I I Mao eel de l'ctmsatec Ill It''.,, No e,ponga el producto a un amblente hdmedo. SI neceslta desmontarel producto, p6ngase en conctoconelservlclo pos,enta de UGREEN IT Questa prodoofuc,iocalo coo la serie iPhoce 12. Perpresta,ioci ottimalr, consigliamo di utilrecuodieApple originali o coo custodie UGREEN compatibili coo MagSafe T(tc Non mettere oggetti magnetic, come metallo, carte a banda magnca,carte di credito, carte per i trasporti pubblici, carte telefoniche, ecc.Accanto all'area 0 drricarica delcaicabatteie wireless perevitare caricamenti anomali o danm Tenere lontano dalla lucesolaredi retta o da qualsiasi ambiecte ad alta 1,,P<t temperatura e lontano da dispositivi che emettono ca lore comestufee alprodotto microocde.
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,5 1111o,5 O1 U<t0UGREEN7 Lastruttura delcircuito ictemo puoesseedacceggiata iccaso di caduta, foratura o schiacciamecto. Nocespoaliquidi Perla ripa,ione olo smontaggio, chiedere al servi,io post-vendita dr UGREEN CN ;Phocel2 UGREEN JP. lac1Phooe12J L 1ppleMagSafe UGREENMagSafe
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.,..,., ,. Contents Package DE,Packcolohalt I FR, Cootecc IT, Coctecctodella e,,-,AR CoeoceIP,J<y de l'Emballage ICN, I ES, Cocldodelpaqcete 1 x Wlraless Chacge, 1xuseManoal
bythepartycespocsible posocelimitssetforth foca, issobjectto the oc operaticg e,vi,ocmect two cocditio,s, icterreceoce, octrncsmittec. FCC coles Operatioc cotevpslyappmved most cot be co-located the osecsaothocityto operatheeqoipmect with FCC radiatioc FCCS Statement Thisdmmplies with Partl5ofthe followicg
(1) this dev,ce may cot caose hacmfol
(2)thisdevice mostaeptacyicteececceived,icdodicgictee,that maycaoseocdedopeatio, Wamicg Chacgesocmodificatiocs foccompliaccoold,oid Thiseqoipmtcomplies occo,tmlled This tracsmittec a,te,ca Note, This eqoipmect device, Class B digital to providesocable mstallatim aod, if cot inslied intecfeeoce Howec,the insllation. ceception,which enco,raged meas"=
-lnccease with the instons, toradiocommonications. ceisnogoarantee that,nteecenSMll lfthiseqoipmentdoes has bee, sted acd pocsoact pcotectio, and used in aa:ocdance agaichacmfol theeceSingantenna the separation and"""
io coojocctio, Thiseqoipmect maycaosehacmfol notoocina gecerates between the eqoipment
to t,y to co, ecttheintecebyoneocmoofthefollowing icteeaicacesideotial oses acd ca, cadiate radio freqoeocy eoe caohamfulinteeence pacola, toradiooctelsion with a,y othec foocd to comply with the limits to part 15 of the FCC Roles. Thelimacedesigced foe a canbedetenedbytomingtheeqoipmentoffand on, theosec is ioto a, octlet oo, cicrnit difleceot from that to wh,ch the Coaoect the eqcipmeot cecei,ec iscoooected
-Coosclt the deO""'',eo The dce has beeo walcated ced rad,o{TVtechmciao fo help. ceqcicemeot This RFescce to mgeoeral equipment shou ld be installed and operated with minimum distanc e 20cm between the radiator & y our body Caoada liceoce-e,empt RSSoda s).Operatioo is ICES Statement EN This de, complies with lodustry subect to the followmg two cooditioos
(2)thisdeice muacceptaoyioteeceoce,i uodesioperatioo ofthe d"
FR Le pot appaeilest radio empde liceoce. L'e,ploitatiooest
(l)l'appaii oedoit
(2)l'utiteucde brouillage L'appaceil L'appaceil est susceptible d'eo compromettce a e,alue poupoodceau, peutce utidaosdcood sui,aot et de brouillage, pas pcoduice l'appaceil doit acreptout roofo,me autorieau,deu,cooditioos odudiog ioteeceoce that maycause b,ouillagecadlectriquesubi, le fooctioooemeot"
e,igeos g,oeralesd'e><positioo au,RF itioosd'po sitiooportablesaos cecictioo memesi le aW<CNRd'lodueoada applicablau,appaceils CAN ICES-003(8)
/ NMB-003(8)
2 PANTONE 356C 1.70g 2. +l 3. 750x75mm 4. 75x75mm 5. 6. 1mm 7.ROHS E I D SELEC
C 0.10 0.20 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.30 0.50 0.50 0.40 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 5.00 1.00 0.25 111 0.20 3.00 0.20 SHEET 10.00 1.00 0.30 UNIT SCALE 1:1
+ 0.20 :I I;-
I B 0.50 0.80 CRITICAL DIM. MARK mm I UGREEN CD24530233 0104.0203.BB.30233.00 I A 1