HERSTELLERGARANTIE WARRANTY GARANTIE GARANZIA GARANTA One-Year Limited Warranty English Your ZEPP sensor (the Product), and only the Product, is warranted by Zepp Labs, Inc. (Zepp Labs) to be free of defects in workmanship or materials, under normal use, for a period of one year from the date of purchase. This limited warranty excludes damage resulting from normal wear and tear; defects or damage caused by misuse, accident (including without limitation collision, fire and spillage of food or liquid), ne-
glect, abuse, alteration, unusual stress, modification, improper or unauthorized repair, installation, wiring or testing, improper storage, use in an unapproved device or if the serial number has been removed; use not in accordance with the documentation; and damage caused by the equipment with which the Product is used. To obtain warranty service, please return the defective Product and the store receipt to the original place of purchase. If there is a covered defect, we will replace the product (if available) or issue a full refund, at our discretion. We reserve the right to refuse either replacement or refund (but not both) if the cost of doing so would be disproportionate to the defect. In the event the original place of purchase is not reachable, please notify Zepp Labs via email at support@zepp.com to obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA) and return the defective Product together with proof of purchase specified by Zepp Labs in connection with the RMA. You will cover the cost of shipping the Product to Zepp Labs and Zepp Labs will cover the cost of shipping the replacement Product back to you. Any Product returned to Zepp Labs without an RMA or without proof of purchase will be returned to you at your expense. Any replacement Product may be, at the option of Zepp Labs, a new or remanufactured Product. If Zepp Labs determines it is not reasonable to replace the defective Product, Zepp Labs may refund to you the purchase price paid for the Product. When a Product is exchanged, any replacement Product becomes your property and the replaced Product becomes Zepp Labs property. No Zepp Labs reseller, agent, or employee is authorized to make any modification, extension, or addition to this limited warranty. This limited warranty is in place of all other express and limited warranties of any kind, which are hereby excluded. IN NO EVENT SHALL ZEPP LABS BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THE PRODUCT, AND ANY RECOVERY IS LIMITED TO THE PURCHASE PRICE. ZEPP LABS, INC 2016 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Garantie limite de 1 an Franais Zepp Labs, Inc. (Zepp Labs) garantit votre capteur ZEPP (le Produit), et seulement le Produit, contre tout vice matriel et de fabrication, dans le cadre dune utilisation normale pendant un an compter de la date dachat. La prsente garantie limite ne couvre pas lusure normale, les dfauts ou les dgts conscutifs une mauvaise utilisation, un incident ou un accident (y compris sans limitation, un choc, un incendie, la projection daliments ou de liquides), une ngligence, un abus, une altration, une contrainte excessive, une modification, des rparations, installations, valuations ou branchements non conformes ou non autoriss, une utilisation avec un autre appareil, et la garantie ne sapplique pas non plus si le numro de srie a t retir, ou si lutil-
isation nest pas conforme la documentation, ainsi quen cas de dgts causs par lquipement avec lequel le produit est utilis. Lapplication du service de garantie dfini par la prsente garantie est soumise lenvoi du produit et du ticket de caisse correspondant au lieu dachat. En cas de vice couvert par la prsente garantie, nous remplacerons le produit (si disponible) ou notre seule discrtion, nous vous le rembourserons. Nous nous rservons le droit de refuser soit le remplacement soit le remboursement (mais pas les deux) si le cot savre disproportionn au dfaut. Si le lieu dachat nest pas joignable ou nexiste plus, prvenir Zepp Labs par e-mail ladresse support@zepp.com pour obtenir une autorisation de retour de matriel
(ARM) et renvoyer le Produit dfectueux accompagn de la preuve dachat prcise par Zepp Labs pour la suite de la procdure dARM. Les frais denvoi du produit Zepp Labs sont votre charge. Zepp Labs vous renverra le Produit de remplace-
ment ses frais. Tout produit renvoy Zepp Labs sans ARM ou sans preuve dachat vous sera renvoy vos frais. Lventuel produit de remplacement sera, la discrtion de Zepp Labs, Inc., un produit neuf ou reconditionn. Si Zepp Labs estime quil nest pas raisonnable de remplacer le produit dfectueux, Zepp Labs pourra vous rembourser le produit hauteur de son prix dachat. En cas dchange du produit, vous tes propritaire du produit de substitution et Zepp Labs est propritaire du produit remplac. Aucun revendeur, agent ou employ de Zepp Labs nest autoris modifier, prolonger ou tendre la prsente garantie limite. Cette garantie limite remplace toutes les autres garanties expresses et implicites de toute sorte, lesquelles sont par la prsente exclues. EN AUCUN CAS ZEPP LABS NE SERA TENU RESPONSABLE POUR TOUT DOMMAGE DIRECT, INDIRECT, ACCIDENTEL OU CONSCUTIF DCOULANT DE LUTILISATION DU PRODUIT ET LA RPARATION DUN VENTUEL PRJUDICE NE SAURAIT DPASSER LE PRIX DACHAT. ZEPP LABS, INC 2016 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Garanzia limitata di un anno Italiano Zepp Labs, Inc. (di seguito, Zepp Labs) garantisce il sensore ZEPP (di seguito, il pro-
dotto), e unicamente tale sensore, come privo di difetti di lavorazione o materiali, in condizioni di utilizzo normale, per un periodo di un anno dalla data di acquisto. La pre-
sente garanzia limitata esclude danni derivanti da normale usura; difetti o danni causati da uso improprio, incidente (inclusi, a titolo esemplificativo ma non esaustivo, urto, incendio e versamento di cibo o liquido), negligenza, abuso, alterazione, sollecitazione inusuale, modifica, riparazione, installazione, cablaggio o test inadeguato o non autoriz-
zato, conservazione non corretta, impiego allinterno di un dispositivo non approvato, o in caso di rimozione del numero di serie; impiego non in conformit con la documen-
tazione; e danno causato dallattrezzatura con la quale il prodotto viene utilizzato. Per ottenere lassistenza in garanzia, restituire il prodotto difettoso e la ricevuta di acquisto presso il luogo di acquisto originale. In presenza di un difetto coperto da garanzia, a discrezione di Zepp Labs il prodotto verr sostituito (se disponibile) o verr emesso rimborso per lintera somma. Zepp Labs, Inc. si riserva il diritto di rifiutare la sostituzione o il rimborso (ma non entrambi) qualora il costo risulterebbe sproporzion-
ato rispetto al difetto. Qualora il luogo di acquisto originale non sia raggiu-ngibile, si prega di darne comuni-
cazione a Zepp Labs via e-mail allindirizzo support@zepp.com per ottenere unautoriz-
zazione al reso di materiale (RMA) e per procedere alla restituzione del prodotto difet-
toso, unitamente alla prova di acquisto come richiesta da Zepp Labs allinvio della RMA. I costi di spedizione per la restituzione del prodotto a Zepp Labs saranno a carico del cliente; la spedizione del prodotto sostitutivo al cliente sar a carico di Zepp Labs. Qual-
siasi prodotto restituito a Zepp Labs senza RMA o prova dacquisto verr rimandato al cliente a sue spese. Il prodotto sostitutivo potr essere, a discrezione di Zepp Labs, un prodotto nuovo o ricondizionato. Qualora stabilisca come impraticabile la sostituzione del prodotto difettoso, Zepp Labs proceder al rimborso del prezzo dacquisto pagato per il prodotto. In caso di sostituzione, il prodotto sostitutivo diventer di propriet del cliente, mentre il prodotto sostituito si intende passare alla propriet di Zepp Lab. Nessun rivenditore, agente o dipendente di Zepp Labs autorizzato ad apportare alcuna modifica, estensione o aggiunta alla presente garanzia limitata. La presente garanzia limitata sostituisce tutte le altre garanzie esplicite e limitate di qualsiasi natura che sono ivi escluse. IN NESSUN CASO ZEPP LABS SAR RESPONSABILE PER DANNI DIRETTI, INDIRETTI, INCIDENTALI O CONSEGUENTI DERIVANTI DALLUTILIZZO DEL PRODOTTO. QUALSIASI RISARCIMENTO SAR LIMITATO AL PREZZO DI ACQUISTO. ZEPP LABS, INC 2016 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Einjhrige beschrnkte Herstellergarantie Deutsch Zepp Labs, Inc. garantiert, dass Ihr Zepp-Sensor (das Produkt), bei normalem Gebrauch fr einen Zeitraum von einem Jahr ab Kaufdatum keine Verarbeitungsmn-
gel oder Materialfehler aufweist. Diese Garantie bezieht sich ausschlielich auf das Produkt. Von dieser beschrnkten Herstellergarantie sind Schden ausgeschlossen, die durch normale Abnutzung und Verschlei entstanden sind; des Weiteren Mngel oder Schden durch unsachgemen Gebrauch, Unfall (insbesondere durch Zusam-
mensto, Feuer und verschttete Flssigkeiten oder Lebensmittel), Fahrlssigkeit, Missbrauch, Vernderung, ungewhnliche Belastung, Modifizierung; Schden durch unsachgeme und nicht autorisierte Reparaturen, Installationen, Verkabelung bzw. Tests, unsachgeme Lagerung; durch Verwendung bei nicht genehmigten Gerten oder Entfernen der Seriennummer; durch eine dem Handbuch nicht entsprechende Verwendung; und Schden, die durch Gerte entstanden sind, mit denen das Produkt verwendet wurde. Eine Garantieleistung ist nur durch Rckgabe des defekten Produkts mit Kassen-
beleg am ursprnglichen Kaufort mglich. Liegt ein verdeckter Mangel vor, wird das Produkt (sofern verfgbar) ersetzt oder der Kaufpreis nach eigenem Ermessen voll zurckerstattet. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, den Ersatz oder die Erstattung
(jedoch nicht beides) zu verweigern, wenn durch den Mangel unverhltnismig hohe Kosten entstnden. Sollte der ursprngliche Kaufort nicht erreichbar sein, wenden Sie sich bitte per E-Mail an Zepp Labs (support@zepp.com). Sie erhalten dann eine RMA-Rcksen-
denummer, um das fehlerhafte Produkt zusammen mit dem von Zepp Labs in Verbindung mit der RMA-Nummer angegebenen Kaufbeleg zurckzuschicken. Sie bernehmen die Kosten fr den Rckversand des Produkts an Zepp Labs. Zepp Labs schickt das ersetzte Produkt auf eigene Kosten an Sie zurck. Produkte, die ohne RMA-Nummer bzw. Kaufbeleg an Zepp Labs gesendet werden, werden auf Ihre Kosten an Sie zurckgeschickt. Das Ersatzprodukt kann nach eigenem Ermessen von Zepp Labs Inc. entweder ein neues oder ein repariertes Produkt sein. Sollte Zepp Labs den Ersatz eines fehlerhaften Produkts fr unzumutbar erachten, kann Zepp Labs den Kaufpreis fr das Produkt an Sie zurckerstatten. Beim Austausch eines Produkts geht das Ersatzprodukt in Ihr Eigentum und das ersetzte Produkt in das Eigentum von Zepp Labs ber. Es ist keinem Vertriebspartner, Vertreter oder Mitarbeiter von Zepp Labs gestattet, diese beschrnkte Garantie in irgendeiner Weise zu verndern, zu erweitern oder zu ergnzen. Diese beschrnkte Garantie gilt stellvertretend fr jegliche anderen hiermit ausgeschlossenen ausdrcklichen und beschrnkten Garantien. ZEPP LABS BERNIMMT KEINERLEI HAFTUNG FR UNMITTELBARE, MITTELBARE, BEILUFIG ENTSTANDENE ODER FOLGESCHDEN, DIE AUF DIE VERWENDUNG DES PRODUKTS ZURCKZUFHREN SIND; JEDWEDE RCKERSTATTUNG IST AUF DIE HHE DES KAUFPREISES BESCHRNKT. ZEPP LABS, INC 2016 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Garanta limitada de un ao Espaol Zepp Labs, Inc. garantiza que el sensor ZEPP (el Producto), y solamente dicho producto, no presentar defectos en cuanto a materiales y mano de obra, si se utiliza normalmente, durante un periodo de un ao desde la fecha de compra. La garanta limitada no incluye el dao derivado del desgaste por uso normal, defectos o daos causados por mal uso, accidente (incluidos daos por golpes, fuego o vertido de alimentos o lquido), negligencia, abuso, alteracin, presin inusual, modificacin, reparaciones, instalaciones, cableado o pruebas no autorizadas o inapropiadas, alma-
cenamiento inadecuado, uso en un dispositivo no aprobado o si el nmero de serie se ha eliminado. Asimismo no incluye los datos por usos que no se especifiquen en la documentacin y daos causados por el equipo con el que se utiliza el Producto. Para obtener el servicio de garanta, devuelva el Producto defectuoso junto con el recibo de compra al lugar en el que lo adquiri. Si el defecto est incluido en la garanta, sustituiremos el producto (si estuviera disponible) o emitiramos un reem-
bolso completo, segn lo considerramos apropiado. Nos reservamos el derecho a no realizar la sustitucin o el reembolso (nunca ambos) si el coste derivado de dicha accin fuera desproporcionado con respecto al defecto. En caso de que no pueda acudir al lugar de la compra, notifqueselo a Zepp Labs por correo electrnico a support@zepp.com para obtener una Autorizacin de devolu-
cin de material (RMA, por sus siglas en ingls) y devuelva el producto defectuoso con la factura de compra solicitada por Zepp Labs junto con la RMA. Usted costear los gastos de envo del Producto a Zepp Labs y Zepp Labs costear los gastos de en-
vo de la sustitucin del Producto. Cualquier producto que se devuelva a Zepp Labs sin un RMA o sin factura de compra se le devolver y usted costear los gastos de envo. Zepp Labs se reserva el derecho de sustituir el Producto por uno nuevo o uno reparado. Si Zepp Labs no considerase razonable sustituir el producto defectuoso, le devolvera el precio que pag por el Producto. Cuando un Producto se sustituye, pasa a ser de su propiedad y el producto sustituido pasa a ser propiedad de Zepp Labs. Ningn distribuidor, agente o empleado de Zepp Labs tiene autorizacin para hacer ninguna modificacin, extensin o adicin a esta garanta limitada. Esta garanta limitada sustituye al resto de garantas expresas y limitadas de cualquier tipo, que se consideran excluidas en la presente. EN NINGN CASO ZEPP LABS SER RESPONS-
zepp.com RMA RMA RMA ZEPP LABS, INC 2016 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Zepp Labs, Inc. (Zepp Labs) Zepp() support@zepp.com Zepp Labs Return Material Authorization, RMA Zepp Labs RMA Zepp Labs Zepp LabsZepp LabsRMA Zepp Labs Zepp LabsZepp Labs Zepp Labs Zepp Labs ZEPP LABS ZEPP LABS, INC 2016 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 Zepp Labs, Inc.( Zepp Labs) ZEPP ( ) 1
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(RMA) Zepp Labs RMA
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() Zepp Labssupport@zepp. com RMA Zepp Labs RMA Zepp Labs Zepp Labs Zepp Labs RMA Zepp Labs Zepp Labs Zepp Labs Zepp Labs ZEPP LABS ZEPP LABS, INC 2016 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FCC STATEMENT This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the part responsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate the equipment. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digi-
tal device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not in-
stalled and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encour-
aged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. This device complies with Industry Canada licence-
exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Le prsent appareil est conforme aux CNR dIndustrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. Lexploitation est autorise aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) lappareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) lutilisateur de lappareil doit accepter tout brouillage radiolectrique subi, mme si le brouillage est susceptible den compromettre le fonctionnement. This equipment complies with Industry Canada radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. Cet quipement est conforme lexposition aux rayonnements Industry Canada limites tablies pour un environnement non contrl. ZEPP LABS, INC 2016 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This equipment is home use (Class B) electromagnetic wave suitability equipment and to be used mainly at home and it can be used in all areas. FCC ID:
2AE6VZS1 IC:20328-ZS1 R 018-160188 CMIIT:
2016DJ4519 PERSONAL VERSION: 5V 0.25A TEAM VERSION: 100-240V 1A MODEL: ZS1 COMPATIBILITY iPhone 5 and newer iPad 4th Gen and newer iPod touch 6th Gen and newer iPad mini 2 and newer Android 4.3 and newer Bluetooth Smart 901413020 20 S. Santa Cruz Avenue Suite 102 , Los Gatos, United States Phone408-884-8077 ZEPP LABS, INC 2016 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.