all | frequencies |
exhibits | applications |
manuals |
app s | submitted / available | |||||||
1 2 |
user manual-1 | Users Manual | 2.49 MiB | December 24 2018 / February 28 2019 | |||
1 2 |
user manual-2 | Users Manual | 3.53 MiB | December 24 2018 / February 28 2019 | |||
1 2 | Cover Letter(s) | December 24 2018 | ||||||
1 2 | BOM | Parts List/Tune Up Info | December 24 2018 | confidential | ||||
1 2 | Block Diagram | Block Diagram | December 24 2018 | confidential | ||||
1 2 | External Photos | December 24 2018 / February 28 2019 | ||||||
1 2 | Internal Photos | December 24 2018 / February 28 2019 | ||||||
1 2 | ID Label/Location Info | December 24 2018 | ||||||
1 2 | Operational Description | Operational Description | December 24 2018 | confidential | ||||
1 2 | SCH | Schematics | December 24 2018 | confidential | ||||
1 2 | Test Report | |||||||
1 2 | Test Report | December 24 2018 | ||||||
1 2 | Test Report | December 24 2018 | ||||||
1 2 | Test Setup Photos | December 24 2018 / February 28 2019 | ||||||
1 2 | Test Setup Photos | December 24 2018 / February 28 2019 | ||||||
1 2 | Cover Letter(s) | December 24 2018 | ||||||
1 2 | Parts List/Tune Up Info | December 24 2018 | ||||||
1 2 | Test Report | December 24 2018 | ||||||
1 2 | Test Report |
1 2 | user manual-1 | Users Manual | 2.49 MiB | December 24 2018 / February 28 2019 |
soun dcore User Man Soundcore Spirit Pro FCC ID:2AOK IP .9QN9OALCA ADA Model Name:
>GVA B-A3404 VT
\3404 Product Number |
Bluetooth Earphones / Soundcor 510
. Benutze N3404 pill ai) Livat, Spirit Pro GVA Brukerhan 5001332 VOl handbuch | Manuel de l'utilisateur | Manu:
ale ntinitka | Rricarveiledning | Kavitan:
ibok | Anvaindarhandbok | Pykooacrao nc RURSERE |AS SSM | BP FA le utente | Manual de usuario sac | Gehniikerchandileiding nesogarena | Manual do Usuario
| esscall ls 12Q0 JO0G TOS\ 2 ew |
WOU Oe aa
| Bdep pa PRS Pr wg O/8/8/>
/>il English Deutsch Francais Italiano Espafiol
) Turr ON OFF Cha On / Off Press and hold for 1 second Press and hold for 3 seconds ging To prese O- Flashing blue once Flashing red once we Honttery tifieenan alli Charan at Cestina Dansk Suomi Nederlands Norsk Svenska he. B) Pair a. Bluetooth mo Flashing
@ Steady re Se O _ Steady b Note: Do not swi with Your Device de Press and hold for rr than 3 seconds (Wt the headphones are turned off) e every 45 days red Low battery Charging jue Fully charged ich on the earbuds during charging. ore e Enter pairing mode tomar BARB 01 FRR IT Press and hold for 3 seconds Rapidly flashing blue Steady blue Oi cea Un-pair connected device and re-enter pairing mode Pairing mode Connected toa device English Ov b. Google Assistant Apple and the Apple Ic are trademarks of App Google Pl Tie) Goocle Play and the Gr le Inc. Play logo are trademar Google Inc. c. Using the Goc oo Ocle gle Assistant Function Procedures Talk to Google Assistant Press and hold to start. Get notifications Press the Goog Stop Google Assistant Press the Goos Reply to a message Once a messay
(where available) Google Voice /
the Google Voice Assistant button le Voice Assistant button. le Voice Assistant button twice.
@ is received, press and hold the
\ssistant button then give your voice 1, Connect the headphones to the mob 2. Set up the Google Assistant via your
+ For Android device, press and hold t the onscreen instructions to complet
+ For Apple device, download or open instructions to complete the setup. ile device, mobile device:
ie home button to open the Google Assistant e the setup:
the Google Assistant app and follow the onsc ow app and follow For more inform Con Press response. Rele:
ation on voice commands, visit: https://assiste trols and hold for | second ase the button when you are done. int. Play / pause Next track Previous track Go Note: The Google Assistant is available
\aiatnctadak Wha Carag Aas the 02 English ogle Assistant on most eligible Android devices. Visit: supp:
ices: been tabular Himba aetna is: RA srt
A imAtae.
& Press|
and he Notific Notitic nulti-function button and volume-up key simi Id for 1 second nulti-function button and volume-up key simi Id for 5 seconds (During charging) ation prompt (BassUp) ation prompt (Normal) oeientallatali< sit ama stan H HHaneously Equalizer switch litaneously Recet BassUp mode on Normal mode on English 03 Answer / En Fress:
Press and hold Put current Reject call CA tty bhedos forisecong Transfer aca Slow flashing blue d call all on hold and answer incoming call nary adeiconiicael erties valli lI between headphones and mobile phone Onacall EIN AUS. Das
/ Ausschalten 1Sekunde lang gedriickthalten -
3Sekunden lang gedriickt halten -
Laden Um die /
> _ Blinkt einmal blau Blinkt einmal rot
.kkulebensdauer zu bewahren, Slow flashing blue Bor Press and hold for 1 second psec ar ee lh th Pa siesta al Specifications are subject to ch Incoming call Q Activate Siri / other voice control soft ange without notice. |
Driver (full range) 6 ware Kop a. Bluetooth-Mc _mindeste Blinkt rot a
@ Leuchtet 3% [| O _ Leuchtet Hinweis: Schalter Ladevorgangs nic peln mit Ihrem Gerat dus Mindestens 3 Sekur lang gedrtickt halter
(bei ausgeschaltete Boge or ins alle 45 Tage vollstandig laden. Niedriger Akkustand rot Ladevorgang blau Vollstandig aufgeladen 1 Sie die Ohrhrer wahrend des ht ein. den Kopplungsmodus aktivieren Charging time Ton Playtime (varies by volume level and content) On Nvergnt 108, Impedance 169 04 English urs, Frequency response = 20 urs Bluetooth version v4
(MI OF mange:
Hz - 20 KHz ON,| \
2 haa 3 Sekunden lang gedriickt halten GEE a Blinkt schnell blau Leuchtet blau G5 Sekunde lang) Gerateverbindung autheben und wieder den Kopplungsmodus aktivieren. Kopplungsmodus Deutsh 05 b. Google Assistant Apple and the Apple Ic are trademarks of App Google Pl Tie) Goocle Play and the Gr le Inc. Play logo are trademar Google Inc. c. Verwendung oo Ocle les Google Assistant Funktion Mit dem Google Assistant Halten Sie die sprechen zu beginnen Benachrichtigungen Driicken Sie di erhalten Google Assistant beenden Auf eine Nachricht antworten (wo verfigbar) Driicken Sie di Halten Sie nacl Google Assistz raced Soogle Assistant-Taste gedriickt, um
> Google Assistant-Taste. 2 Google Assistant-Taste zweimal 1 Empfang einer Nachricht die nt-Taste gedrtickt und sprechen Sie ee denne ea 1, Verbinden Sie den Kopfharer mit der 2. Richten Sie den Google Assistant ub
+ Android-Gerate: Halten Sie die Hom und befolgen Sie dann die Anweisun:
+ Apple-Gerate: Laden Sie die Google die Anweisungen auf dem Display, u a n Mobilgerat. xr Ihr Mobilgerat ein:
2-Taste gedriickt, um die Google Assistant-Ar zen auf dem Display, um die Einrichtung abzu Assistant-App herunter oder offnen Sie sie un m die Einrichtung abzuschlieBen. ow
\p zu Offnen, Weitere Informa schlieBen. headphones. driick 1 Sekt fertig sind. tionen zu Sprachbefehlen finden Sie unter ht Steuerung inde lang gedriickt halten 9s://
Wiedergabe / Pause Nachster Titel Vorheriger Titel Go Hinweis: Der Google Assistant ist auf d bibedrceMenkaes seis inane EMR ae te support 06 Deutsh ogle Assistant en meisten kompatiblen Android-Geraten ver ahi Maa a Ne AB tae Pa eee et AA Ce
&& Multi fogbar. Weitere GN) driicke den Sie iinter "Ta a, Benac unktionstaste und Taste ,Lautstirke erhohen n und 1 Sekunde lang gedriickt halten _________ rn und 5 Sekunden lang gedrtickt halten (wah gangs) nrichtigung (BassUp) nrichtigung (Normal) noes ees sleichzeitie Ea ualizer-Schalter Sees ee enddes Reset BassUp-Modus ein Normaler Modus ein Deutsh 07 Anruf anneh
) Grucken Aktuellen Ar
- Antuf ablehr
@ 1Sekundelang So Secrucet naiten:
Einen Anruf Blinkt langsam blau men / beenden ruf auf Halten setzen und eingehenden Anrut en So ate an ahaa Bh es Ewe eee:
zwischen Kopthdrer und Handy Ubertragen Anruf lauft
) Allu Allum annehmen Eteindre Enc mer / teindre ee wee ee seconde 8 Maintenir appuy pendant
[S__ 3secondes harge Po Pour prs O- Bleu clignotant une fois Rouge clignotant une fois, erver la dure de vie de la batterie, Blinkt langsam blau 1 Sekunde lang gedriickt halter
age On Anderungen der technischen D Eingang Eingehender Anruf Q 1 Siri / andere Sprachsteuerungssoftw. 015A Treiber (volle Reichweite) 6 re aktivieren Ny BL MOCe Breit ame fis proceder Rouge cli SIL Da te pai O_ Bleu fixe Remarque : Ne pi chargement. plage avec votre priphrig Maintenir la touche 4 enfonce pendant pl 8 3 secondes (lorsque
@ une recharge complete au moins ous les 45 jours. gnotant Batterie faible
= Seoanne ae pee eee Chargement termin 5 allumer les couteurs en cours de ue us de les Entrer en mode de couplage Ladedauer Le) Wiedergabedauer (je nach Lautstarke und Inhalt) 10st MEWICHE ws Impedanz 169 08 Deutsh unden Frequenzgang: 20 unden Bluetooth-Version Ve REICNWEIE Az - 20 KHz on,| \SO 2 i couteurs sont tein Maintenir appuy ps 3 secondes Bleu clignotant rapidement PU ibien fixe Guendanti seconde) ts) Dcoupler le priphrique connect et entrer @ nouveau en mode de couplage ndant Mode de couplage Francais 09 b. Google Assistant Apple and the Apple Ic are trademarks of App Google Pl Tie) Goocle Play and the Gr le Inc. Play logo are trademar Google Inc. c. Utilisation de oo Ocle Google Assistant Fonction Procdures Parler 4 Google Assistant Maintenir enfo enfonc pour Obtenir des notifications Appuyer sur le Arrter Google Assistant Appuyer deux Rpondre un message Une fois qu'un
(le cas chant) fe bouton Goo;
nc le bouton Google Assistant jemarrer, bouton Google Assistant. fois sur le bouton Google Assistant. message est recu, maintenir enfone sle Assistant, puis donner sa rponse 1, Connecter les couteurs a l'appareil 2. Configuration de Google Assistant v
* Pour un appareil Android, appuyer st les instructions 2 l'cran pour termin
+ Pour un appareil Apple, tlcharger pour terminer l'nstallation. nobile, a votre appareil mobile le bouton d'accueil pour ouvrir Google Assi er installation, 1 ouvrir Google Assistant et suivre les instruc i tant et suivre Pour plus d'infor platforms/heady tions a l'cran Ea Cor Maint vocale. Relacht mations sur les commandes vocales, rendez-\
hones imandes yer enir appuy pendant 1 seconde r le bouton une Tois termine.
/ous sur https://assistant
Lecture / pause ia ae irae Piste prcdente disociankabinicnas bs. Go Remarque : Google Assistant est dispo'
ia ee ai Nigh ona cele ce ai icuace Bain de Google Assistant avec vos appareils 10 Francais ogle Assistant iible sur la plupart des appareils Android rpc a a Eat ndant aux la camnatibilite. Notific Notific yer 2nir appuyes les touches multi-fonction et nentation de volume simultanment pendant a eee ee ee nentation de volume simultanment pendant urs de charge) ation sonore (BassUp) ation sonore (normale) volume Commutateur iseconde dgaliseur 5 secondes Rinitialisation Mode BassUp activ Mode Normal activ Francais 11 Rpondre /|
) Appuyer 7 Mettre en at
; Rejeter un aj
@ Maintenir ee avenrwik vorinn Chuang divans seconde oe Transfrer ur Bleu clignotant lentement lettre fin & un appel ente l'appel en cours et rpondre & un appel pel engl mread turbot ursmneunt ansit:
| appel entre les couteurs et le tlphone por Appel en cours GO) Acc Acceso Spento table Rica snsione/Spegnimento Tenere premuto per 1 secondo Tenere premuto per 3 secondi rica ee Per prese Q- _ Lampeggiamento blu singolo Lampeggiamento rosso singolo
-Q> Bleu clignotant lentement Aa gar aT SNAG Oe Eat Seen 02 00g Les spcifications sont suscept Appel entrant Q conde Activer Siri / un autre logiciel de cont bles d'tre modifies sans pravis. :
Driver (gamme. &
V=OISA complete) rle vocal Assi a. Modalita Bluc
SCNT OQ _Blufisso Nota: non accen ciazione con il dispositivo oth, Tenere premuto per a fer almeno 3 secondi (
a i } gli auricolari spenti) iii _-a
= UNG FiCarica COMPS Bimeno Une:
45 giorni. npeggiante Batteria scarica ey eae Ricarica completata jere gli auricolari durante la ricarica Attivare la modalita di associazione ee Temps de charge Dure de lecture (varie en fonction du niveau sonore et du contenu) roles:
Impdance 12 Francais ro heure Rponse de frquence 21 Oheure Version Bluetooth o8 Froree:
J H2- 20 KHz 4.2 Ch ig Tenere premuto per
| 3secondi Lampeggiamento b|
~ Blufisso
~ (er 1,5 secondi) del dispositive collegato e attivare di nuovo la modalita di associazione Modalita di associazione PARE eh aR Italiano 13 b. Google Assistant Apple and the Apple Ic are trademarks of App Google Pl Tie) Goocle Play and the Gr le Inc. Play logo are trademar Google Inc. Utilizzo di Go oo Ocle ogle Assistant Funzionamento Procedure Parlare con Google Tenere premut Assistant iniziare, Ricevere notifiche Premere il tast Chiudere Google Assistant Premere due v Rispondere aun messaggio Una volta rice,
(Se disponibile) il tasto Google oil tasto Google Assistant per
> Google Assistant site il tasto Google Assistant. uto un messaggio, tenere premuto Assistant e pronunciare la risposta. 1, Collegare le cuffie al dispositivo mob 2. Configurare Google Assistant tramit
+ Per i dispositivi Android, tenere prem le istruzioni visualizzate per complet:
+ Per i dispositivi Apple, scaricare e ap per completare la configurazione, ile. il dispositive mobile:
uto il tasto home per aprire app Google Ass sre la contigurazione. ire l'app Google Assistant e seguire le istruzi ot stant e seguire Per ulteriori infor headphones ni visualizzate Ey Con Tener Rilasciare il tas mazioni sui comandi vocali, visitare il sito htt andi re
> premuto per 1 secondo to una volta terminato. s://assistant google. com/platforms/
Riproduzione/Pausa Brano successivo Brano precedente Duran Diuisiine Go Nota: Google Assistant @ disponibile pe a ca a nll esa le mec a 14 Italiano ogle Assistant 1 1a maggior parte dei dispositivi Android idor Sa eT ba tat ai Nar ois rane Tp ei. Visitare il sick eM albeteae:
Notitic re re contemporaneamente il tasto multifunzion e su per 1secondo re contemporaneamente il tasto multifunzion e su per 5 secondi (durante la ricarica) a vocale (BassUp) a vocale (normale) del volume ee il tasto Equalizzatore reiltasto Ripristino Modalita BassUp attiva Modalita normale attiva Italiano 15 Risposta/Fin rremere Tenere premuto Mettere in a Rifiuto chian Gincamen discs perisxono =
Trasferire un Lampeggiamento blu lento e chiamata tesa la chiamata in corso e rispondere alla ch ata weaceiiienite trl iaeerecene Mince ashen a chiamata dalla cuffia al telefono Chiamata in corso ae ENCENDIDO amata in arrivo APAGADO. Cars nder / apagar i, a ee fer i segundo Mantener pulsado durante
$* 3 segundos Para con!
Un parpadeo azul Un parpadeo rojo le la bateria,
-Q> Lampeggiamento blu lento or Tenere premuto per 1 secondo aa gar ea Sel Oe:
le specifiche sono soggette a Ingresso Chiamata in arrivo Q Attivare Siri o un altro software di cor odifiche senza preavviso. |
trollo vocale Emp a. Modo Blueto 5 mm x. di j Lo carguels Parpadec Soe erat Pea OQ Aaulfijo Nota: No apague arejar con el dispositivo th Mantener pulsado durante mas de 3 segundos (con los dinculane spagads por completo al menos una vez cada rojo Bateria baja eee ete Carga completa los auriculares durante la carga Acceder al modo de emparejamiento 5) Tempo di ricarica Iso Tempo di riproduzione (varia a seconda del livello di volumee 10 or
-delcontenuto) Peso 16g Impedenza 169 16 Italiano Risposta in frequenza_ Versione Bluetooth Portata 20 Hz - 20 KHz
(4.2 es Mantener pulsado
&. | durante 3 segundos Parpadeo azul rapid I fiji CE Aulfiio _ _ase see Desemparejar el dispositivo conectado y volver a acceder al modo de emparejamiento
) Modo de emparejamiento
. Conectado a un disposi a Espanol 17 b. Asistente de Google Apple and the Apple Ic are trademarks of App Google Pl Tie) Goocle Play and the Gr le Inc. Play logo are trademar Google Inc. c. Usar el Asiste oo Ocle nte de Google Funcin Hablar con el Asistente de Mantener puls Google para empezar. Recibir notificaciones de Pulse el botn. audio Detener el Asistentede Pulse el botn. Google Responder aun mensaje Cuando reciba MARR RMN | mCUU ae UND ado el botn del Asistente de Google del Asistente de Google del Asistente de Google dos veces. un mensaje, mantenga pulsado el Bae rae a re 1, Conecte los auriculares al dispositive 2. Configure el Asistente de Google de
+ En dispositivos Android, mantenga p siga las instrucciones en pantalla par
+ En dispositivos Apple, descargue o a para completar la configuracin.
) movil de el dispositivo mvil ulsado el botn de inicio para abrir el Asisten!
a corspletar ta configucaciin. bra el Asistente de Google y siga las instrucci ow Para obtener m e de Googl eee mooeley platforms/head ones en pantalla Con Ge Pulsar Mant Suelte el botr s informacin sobre comandos de voz, visite t hones troles
=ner pulsado durante 1 segundo cuando haya terminado, ittps:/assistant
Reproducir / pausar Saltar a la pista siguiente Saltar a la pista anterior Go Nota: El Asistente de Google esta disp<
\iacti a a aah cate a oa Sa aR ane Asistente de Google con su dispositive 18 Espafol ogle Assistant nible en la mayoria de dispositives Android c da: Adstaaia'e webs wibrrvecat Aik aitins ta cornet mpatibles. vhidad dal Notitic Notitic
| botn multifuncin y el botn para subir el \
tiempo y mantngalas pulsadas durante 1 se a er no tiempo y mantngalas pulsadas durante 5 telacarga) acin (BassUp) acin (Normal) jolumen al _Interruptor del gundo ecualizador _ segundo _Restablecer Modo BassUp activado Modo Normal Espatiol 19 Responder /
) Fulsar ___ Poner en esp Rechazar un g Mantener ee ginknittcal weet: Cnmiiaeent 1 segundo ane Transferir un Parpadeo azul lento finalizar una llamada era una llamada y responder a la llamada enti llamada to tligvnte wevnerwrnc ation a llamada entre los auriculares y el telfono 1 Llamada en curso ante ZAPNOUT VYPNOUT Nab quti/vypnuti Stisknte a podrzte na lsekundu -
Stisknte a podrte na 3 sekundy -
jeni Pe Fivotnos O- _Blikne modie jednou Blikne erven jednou
[ baterie ochranita tak Ze nechate
-Q> Parpadeo azul lento Ber Mantener pulsado durante 1 s
eT ad SEE EGRET Sey Las especificaciones estan suje Llamada entrante Q sgundo Activar Siri / otro software de control tas a cambios sin previo aviso. |
por voz Parc a. ReBimn Rhiates
} Lo reproduk la nat Blika gen _egni far 34 __nepferus _ Sut mo Poznimka: Nezay vani s vaSim zarizenim Stisknte a podrate nna 3 sekundy (kdy2 sluchatka vypnuta) tor alespon jednou kazeycn 45 anu jen Tmi vybit baterie ane een Pin nabito vinejte sluchtka pfi nabjjeni lespoh sou _Prejit do rezimu parovani Tiempo de carga Von Tiempo de reproduccin (varia en funcin del nivel de volumen 10 he
-yelcontenido) Peso 16g Impedancia 16 20 Espafol ras Respuesta en frecuencia 2 ras Versin de Bluetooth =
Alcance 10 Hz - 20 KHz 2 a i Stisknte a podrite
&\ 3 sekundy Rychie blika mode CE Sutimodte nepreru aa genta Zrusit parovni pripojenho zatizeni a znovu piejit do rezimu prova Rezim parovani 0VANE pFipojeno k zatizent Cetina 21 b. Sluzba Google Assistant Apple and the Apple Ic are trademarks of App Google Pl Tie) Goocle Play and the Gr le Inc. Play logo are trademar Google Inc. c. Pouzivani stu:
oo Ocle y Google Assistant Funkce Postupy Mluvte s aplikaci Google _Stisknte a por Assistant a miete zacit Dostavejte oznameni st knte tlacit Ukonete aplikaci Google Dvakrat stiskn Assistant Odpovidejte na zpravy (je-li_Jakmile obdrdi teeta Haris Goose rite tlacitko Google Assistant ko Google Assistant, ste tlacitko Google Assistant. e zpravu, stisknutim a podrzenim Ni ae hee ne A BAe tera AL Sc aS 1, Pripojte sluchatka k mobilnimu zafiz 2. Na mobilnim zafizeni nastavte sluzb
+ U zafizeni se systmem Android stis Assistant a dokonete nastaveni pod
+ U zafizeni Apple stahnte nebo spus pokynii na obrazovee. ni, 1 Google Assistant:
knutim a podrzenim tlatitka Domi oteviete a le pokyni na obrazovce:
{te aplikaci Google Assistant a dokonete nas ow slikaci Google Vice informact o headphones. taveni podle Ea ov Stiskr Stiskr odpovd, Az bi hlasovych piikazech naleznete na adrese: htt dani ate
&te a podrite na 1 sekundu dete hotovi, tlatitko uvolnte,
Piehrvani/pozastaveni eee SEE ae oe ne aa A Piedchozi skladba Go Poznamka: Sluzba Google Assistant je |
Fi Ni a at a support. 22 Ceatina ogle Assistant
< dispozici na vtsin zafizeni se systmem A\
Ee ke RE oA Nae th Stiskn Stiskn rdroid. Vice hla. A Upozo te Ste soudasn multifunkni tlacitko a tladitko 2 sti a podrte je 1 sekundu Ste sougasn multifunkni tlaitko a tlagitko 2 sti a podrZte je 5 sekund (bhem nabijeni) rnni ozndmeni (BassUp) mni ozndmeni (normalni) eee hlasitosti wySeni nat elealioe Spina ekvalizru ent . ee Resetovani Rezim BassUp aktivni Normini rezim aktivni Ceatina 23 Prijmuti/uko suisknete: fe oe Odlozeni sou 9 eiindte Odmitnuti hi wenttane iavidtene Tsekundu Prenos hovo Pomalu blika madie neni hovoru iCasnho hovoru a piijmuti prichoziho hovoru yvoru Se stele he senna wy alia Crncmateany:
u mezi sluchatky a mobilnim telefonem Probiha hovor O) Ten TANOT SLUKKET Ople d/sluk Tryk og hold nede i 1 sekund Tryk og hold nede i 3 sekunder idning P Oplad ba O- Blinker blat n gang Blinker rodt n gang tteriet helt mindst n gang med Pomalu blika modie Bor Stiskndte a podrite na 1 sekun
ai em as:
con ga malt LENE oe Specifikace se mohou bez pied Prichozi hovor Q du Aktivace Siri / jinho softwaru ovldda choziho upozornni zmnit. |
ni hlasem Par!
a. Bluetooth-tils j Lo nalvende a Ee a PieP are O _byser bis Bemaerk: Taend ik ned din enhed tand Tryk og hold i mere fer end 3 sekunder (n&r
\)_ hovedtelefonere er nAmaneds metiemrum tor at bevare:
levetid. dt Lavt batteriniveau 7 ee me praia Asana t Fuldt opladet ke for arepropperne under opladning. Starter parringstilstand slukket) doh Doba piehravani (lisi se podle hlasitosti a obsahu) il Fimotnost: ws Impedance 169 24 Cestina adiny Frekvenni rozsah 20 din Verze Bluetooth ve vosan Hz - 20 KHz 2 oy B\ Tryk og hold nede i
&\ | 3 sekunder Blinker hurtigt blat _ byser blat (1,5 seku tilsluttede enhed, og start parringstilstand igen Parringstilstand nder) _Tilsluttet til en enhed Dansk 25 b. Google Assistant Apple and the Apple Ic are trademarks of App Google Pl Tie) Goocle Play and the Gr le Inc. Play logo are trademar Google Inc. c. Brug af Goog!
oo Ocle e Assistant Funktion Procedurer Tal til Google Assistant _Tryk p8 og hok begynde. Modtag notifikationer Tryk pa Google Stop Google Assistant Tryk to gange f Besvar en meddelelse Nar der modta
(hvor det er tilgaengeligt) og holde Goog
| Google Assistant-knappen for at Assistant-knappen. 14 Google Assistant-knappen, ges en meddelelse, skal du trykke p3 je Assistant-knappen og derefter sige 1, Slut hovedtelefonerne til mobilenhec 2. Konfigurer Google Assistant via din
+ Pa Android-enheder skal du trykke p appen og falge instruktionerne pa sk
+ Pa Apple-enheder skal du download for at fuldfore opsaetningen. en, nobilenhed:
3 og holde home-knappen for at 4bne Google einen tee at fldiore eneestnineen. eller Abne Google Assistant-appen og folge i ow Du kan finde fler Assistant com/platforms/
nstruktionerne EI Kon Tryk ait stemmesva e oplysninger om stemmekommandoer ved a headphones trolelementer iB g hold nede i 1 sekund F. Slip knappen, nar du er teerdig.
| besoge: httpsi//assistant. google. Afspil / pause Naeste nummer Forrige nummer Go Bemaerk: Google Assistant er tilgaengel a tn Fancast oe ba Ee Black Android-enheder. 26 Dansk ogle Assistant ig pa de fleste berettigede Android-enheder. t seiaiainay ane banana ial ab nice When: Cnidaria
}esog: support. Sank Aa Aina Medd 4 multifunktionsknappen og lydstyrke op sam ede i 1 sekund 3 multifunktionsknappen og lydstyrke op sam ede i5 sekunder (under opladning) sesprompt (BassUp) a eng eee nee ne idigt OB Mold ec yatizer-kontakt idigt, og hold jy hcti) BassUp-tilstand til Normal tilstand til Dansk 27 Besvar / afs|
yk Tryk og hold Seet aktuelt Avis opkald Skift mellem nedettsexund ___ Overfor et of Blinker langsomt bi8t ut opkald
pkald pa hold, og besvar indgende opkald aardoatitak nd burd\ vested attion conceited skald mellem hovedtelefoner og mobiltelefon Taler i telefon O) Vir KAYTOSSA EI KAYTOSSA, Lata in kytkeminen/katkaisemir Pida painettuna sekunnin ajan Pid painettuna kolmen sekunnin aj aminen Voit pide en n
Vilkkuu kerran sinisena Vilkkuu kerran punaisena ntaa akun kayttaikaa lataamalla sen.
-O> Blinker langsomt bl&t for Tryk og hold nede 1 sekund
coh ga malt LANES SPL Ee Specifikationerne kan zendres u Indgang Indgaende opkald Q Aktiver Siri / anden stemmestyringss den varsel |
Driver (fuldt frekvensomrade) oftware a. Bluetooth-tila tayteen \
Vilkkuu f
@ Pala pu a L | O Pala sin Huomautus: Ala aikana. iitoksen muodostaminen la ajan (kuulokkeiden \
Paina yli kolmen sek
{7 ollessa katkaistuna) ahintdan 45 paivan valein. Akun varaustaso alhainen. vaisena lataa unaisena send Ladattu kaynnista kuulokkeita lataamisen itteeseen unnin iran Siirry pariliitostilaan Opladningstid Is Afspilningstid (varierer athaengigt 1 af lydstyrke og indhold) 0 vest Impedans 16 28 Dansk timer Frekvenskurve al timer Bluetooth-version Vv REERKEVICGE:
JHz- 20 KHz = -
(C 4 Vilkkuu nopeasti sin Palaa sinisend-
Gs sekuntia) en Katkaise parilitos laitteeseen ja sirry uudelleen parilitostilaan send Pariliitostila Liitetty laitteeseen Suomi 29 b. Google Assistant Apple and the Apple Ic are trademarks of App Google Pl Tie) Goocle Play and the Gr le Inc. Play logo are trademar Google Inc. c. Google Assist oo Ocle antin kayttd Toiminto Toimenpiteet Puhu Google Assistantille Aloita painam pitkan, limoitusten vastaanotto _ Paina Google /
Pysayt Google Assistant Paina Google /
Viestiin vastaaminen (jos Kun olet vasta:
kaytettdvissa) Assistant -pair lla Google Assistant -painiketta
\ssistant -painiketta.
\ssistant -painiketta kahdesti snottanut viestin, pida Google iketta painettuna ja sano vastauksesi. 1, Yhdista kuulokkeet mobiililaitteesee 2. Madritd Google Assistant mobiillait
+ Android-laitteessa avaa Google Assi noudattamalla navtn ohieita.
+ Apple-laitteessa lata Google Assist f
een kautta:
stant -sovellus painamalla aloituspainiketta ja ant -sovellus ja tee maaritys noudattamalla nz nmila Acwtotant ow tee maaritys Lisatietoja aanik Napauta painik smennoista on osoitteessa https://assistant.g simet eaiciniataaiaiiatiaiaiinni iin ties e, kun olet valmis. Toista/keskeyta Seuraava kappale Edellinen kappale Lisa/vahenna Huomautus: Google Assistant on saate Google Assistant -sovelluksen yhteens sateen cicneba ahaa Maaleiank 30 Suomi a villa useimpiin sita tukeviin Android-laitteisiin opivuudesta Android-laitteiden kanssa on oso Lisatietoja itteessa OX painet limoit Mimoiti onitoimipainiketta ja Sanenvoimakkuuden lis:
tuina yhden sekunnin ajan a a tt tuina vi jen sekunnin ajan (latauksen aikana) sksen kehote (BassUp) iksen kehote (normaali) iyspainiketta Taajuuskorjaimen valitsin ere Palautus alkutilaan BassUp-tila kaytss&
Normaali tila kaytssa Suomi 31 Vastaa / lop:
Faina Pida painettuna Aseta nykyi Hylk
\Vaihda vidos puhe SeKUNNIN ajan Siirra puhelu Vilkkuu hitaasti sinisend sta puhelu en puhelu pitoon ja vastaa saapuvaan puhelu ju sen: hem enibuidce alteitiose vaielnws:
kuulokkeista matkapuhelimeen tai toisin pain Puhelu kesken un AAN ult Ople litschakelen Houd 1 seconde ingedrukt Ra Houd 3 seconden ingedrukt iden Laad de |
O- _ Knippert n keer blauw Knippert n keer rood yatterij ten minste eenmaal per 45.
-Q> Vilkkuu hitaasti sinisena Bor ida painettuna sekunnin ajan
OUE eee ee AEE LESaNS Gere we Tekniset tiedot voivat muuttua Saapuva puhelu Q Aktivoi Siri / muu puheohjausohjelmi Iman erillist ilmoitusta. |
sto Kop SB SMewWou md nm x2 a Ff. See st nee paddiuy, paow i Austen Tol |
Vn [| O _ Brandt bi Opmerking: Scha opladen, pelen met uw apparaat me Langer dan 3 seconc 4 ingedrukt houden 8" (wanneer de hoofdte uedig op. Dit komt de levensduur rood Batterij bijna leg a] ae are auw Volledig opgeladen kel de oordopies niet in tijdens het jen
., De koppelmodus starten foor Latausaika Tote Toistoaika (vaihtelee
&anenvoimakkuuden ja 10tu toistettavan sisalln mukaan) __ Paino 16g, Impedanssi 169 32 Suomi initia Taajuusvaste 20 ntia Bluetooth-versio v4
/ 0,56 unssia Kantama 10
= re Hz - 20 KHz on, |
ingedrukt is uitgeschakeld) B\ Houd 3 seconden Knippert snel blauw eres eens o (15 seconde) Ontkoppel het verbonden apparaat en start de koppelmodus opnieuw Koppelmodus Verbonden met een apparaat Nederlands 33 b. Google Assistant Apple and the Apple Ic are trademarks of App Google Pl Tie) Goocle Play and the Gr le Inc. Play logo are trademar Google Inc. c. Google Assist Dy Ocle ant gebruiken Functie Procedures Tegen de Google Assistant Houd de Goog spreken beginnen, Meldingen ontvangen Druk op de Go Google Assistant stoppen Druk tweemaa Antwoorden op een bericht Zodra u een be
(indien beschikbaar) Google Assist le Assistant-knop ingedrukt om te ogle Assistant-knop.
| op de Google Assistant-knop. richt hebt ontvangen, houdt u de nt-knop ingedrukt en geeft u uw 1, Sluit de hoofdtelefoon aan op het me 2. Stel Google Assistant in via uw mobi
+ Voor Android-apparaten houdt u de en volet ude instructies op het scher
+ Voor Apple-apparaten downloadt of het scherm om de installatie te volto a biele apparaat. ele apparaat:
home-knop ingedrukt om de Google Assistan mom de installatie te voltooien. opent u de Google Assistant-app en volet u d oien, uw t-app te openen Bezoek https//a spraakopdrachte we Bed i Druk Houd antwoord, Laat ssistant v n eningselementen RA ap 1 seconde ingedrukt de knop los wanneer u klaar bent. oor meer informatie over Afspelen / pauzeren Volgend nummer Vorig nummer Volurne ombhoaa 7:
Go Opmerking: Google Assistant is beschi ainchinmannas ia inmates wars nina wea Google Assistant met uw Android-app 34 Nederlands ogle Assistant
<baar op de meeste in aanmerking komende /
RS i a ag a ae rr sraten,
sahiliteit van Meldi egeliikertiid op de multitunctionele knop en di e omhoog en houd ze 1 seconde ingedrukt egelijkertijd op de multifunctionele knop en de gz en houd ze 5 seconden ingedrukt (tijdens he 1gsprompt (BassUp) igsprompt (Normaal) omlaag pO: Equalizer-schakelaar toets Volume p- cotten t opladen) BassUp-modus aan Normale modus aan Nederlands 35
1 2 | user manual-2 | Users Manual | 3.53 MiB | December 24 2018 / February 28 2019 |
Oproep aanr Sa 0 Druk op Huidige oprc beantwoord Oproep wei Gi, Fwuc rseconve Fer ingedrukt Schakelen tu Wisselen tus Oe ee tee error? beindieen ep in de wacht zetten en binnenkomende opr fn eren ssen een oproep in de wacht en een actieve 0 sen koptelefoon en mobiele telefoon voor eer Vea shims:
Slaz oep proep Lade
| oproep v/pa Trykk pa og hold nede i 1 sekund Trykk p8 og hold nede i3 sekunder Lad helt or O- Blinker blatt n gang Blinker rodt n gang mint n gang hver 45:dae ford Knippert langzaam blauw for Houd 1 seconde ingedrukt Specificaties Prcenaiiwa ties amr ec ded anic Inkomende oproep cy Siri / andere spraakbesturingssoftwa
~veranderingzanderkenniesevine st
=0,15A Driver (fullrange) 6 r e activeren B) Pare a. Bluetooth-mc nm x2 n 2 (
| _oppretthol Blinker red
@ byser kont Se _ tyser kont med enheten din dus Trykk pa og hold nec mer enn tre sekunde hodetelefonene er s ea a a de batterilevetiden. t Lavt batteriniva nuerligradt Lading nuerlig blatt_Fulladet reproppene under lading. lei
(nar G inn i paringsmodus att av) 14 Gdutav paringsmodus til den Oplaadtijd 15u Afspeeltijd (afhankelijk van volume en bestand) Tut Gewicht 16g Impedantie 169 36 Nederlands ir Frequentierespons Bluetooth-versie 20 v4
/ 0,56 07 Bereik 10 Hz - 20 KHz 2 m/ 33 ft Blinker raskt blatt Lyser blatt 1,5 sekunder) tilkoblede enheten, og ga pa nytt inn i paringsmodus Paringsmodus:
Koblet til en enhet Norsk 37 b. Google Assistant Apple and the Apple Ic are trademarks of App Google Pl Tie) Goocle Play and the Gr le Inc. Play logo are trademar Google Inc. c. Bruke Google Pn Ocle Assistant Funksjon Prosedyrer Snakke til Google Assistant _Trykk p& og ho for starte. F3 varslinger Trykk p& Gog!
Stoppe Google Assistant _Trykk p& Goog!
Svare pen melding (nr_ Nar en meldin tilgiengelig) nede Google A dd nede Google Assistant-knappen e Assistant-knappen. e Assistant-knappen to ganger.
, er mottatt, trykker du pa og holder ssistant-knappen, s snakker du. 1, Koble hodetelefonene til mobilenhet 2. Konfigurer Google Assistant via mot
+ For Android-enheter trykker du pa o;
appen og falger instruksjonene pa sk
+ For Apple-enheter laster du ned elle skjermen for & fullfore konfigureringe a n, ilenhet:
, holder nede hjemknappen for & apne Google armen for S fulkere kenfioureringen:
Apner Google Assistant-appen og falger inst A a Hvis du vil ha m Assistant- platforms/heady Kon Trykk tipp Knappen x informasjon om talekommandoer, kan du g:
hones troller pa pa og hold nede i 1 sekund nar du er terdig. til
Spill/pause Neste spor Forrige spor Go Merk: Google Assistant er tilgiengelig aimtaterbaiak toh Eh Cukacancatans in onic 38 Norsk ogle Assistant de fleste Android-enheter. Ga til support.go ss peti ne bane cae a ak aha oe meee Trykk samtic
fades Varlin Varslit 28 flerfunksjonsknappen og knappen for & oke jig, og hold nede i 1 sekund 94 flerfunksjonsknappen og knappen for 4 ake og hold nede i5 sekund (under lading) ssbeskjed (BassUp) igsbeskjed (Normal) NEES ver ee aoe nee volumet Biyter for utjevning volumet Tilbakestille BassUp-modus pa Normal modus p3 Norsk 39 Svar/avslutt
{2 TYKK pa 7 Sett gjeldenc Awis samta
@ Trykk pdoghold nedettsexund _ Overfor en s Blinker sakte blatt samtale
Je samtale p8 vent, og svar pa innkommende e wera wertdele-caalbtemevtidn amtale mellom hodetelefonene og mobiltelefc ten samtale Slaz snrop PA AV Lade v/pa Hall intryckt i 1 sekund Hall intryckt i 3 sekunder ining Ladda fu O- Blinkar blatt en gang Blinkar rtt en ging it mminst en wing var 45ce dag fir att
-O> Blinker sakte blatt aah par re DE LEN gn gat Pe, Spesifikasjonene kan endres ut Stromtilforsel Innkommende anrop Q id Aktiver Siri / annen talekontrollprogr:
on varsel. |
015A Driver (hele serien) 6 mvare B) Park a, Bluetooth-lag a bevara bs Blinkar r
@ yser rat en O _ bser bla Obs! Sia inte pa oppla med din enhet e Hall intryckt i mer ai sekunder (nar hrlur ar avstangda) Hall intrvckti atteriets livslangd. tt Lag batteriniv Laddar tt Fulladdad ronsnckorna nar laddning pagr. 13 arna_ Aktivera parkopplingslage Ta bort parkoppling och Ladetid Joti Avspillingstid (varierer etter volumniva og innhold) to. VeKE ws Impedans 169 40. Norsk ner Frekvensrespons 20 ner Bluetooth-version =
= | 3 sekunder fl PURRAF Sa OL Oat Lyser blatt Gis sekunded aktivera parkopplingslige igen POE PRESS Ansluten till en enhet Svenska 41 b. Google Assistant Apple and the Apple Ic are trademarks of App Google Pl Tie) Goocle Play and the Gr le Inc. Play logo are trademar Google Inc. c. Anvinda Goo oo Ocle gle Assistant Funktion Processer Prata med Google Assistant Hall knappen fi komma igang 3 meddelanden Tryck pa knapr Stoppa Google Assistant _Tryck tv gang Svara pa ett meddelande Nar du far ett
(dar det ar tillgangligt) Google Assist sr Google Assistant intryckt for att en for Google Assistant r pa knappen for Google Assistant neddelande haller du knappen for nt intryckt och talar in ditt svar. Slapp 1, Anslut hrlurarna till den mobila enh 2. Konfigurera Google Assistant via der
+ Om du har en Android-enhet haller appen och slutfor konfigurationen ge
+ Om du har en Apple-enhet hamtar d konfigurationen genom att folja instr a eten.
| mobila enhet:
lu hemknappen intryckt for att Sppna Google nom att folia instruktionerna p3 skarmen. u eller 3ppnar Google Assistant-appen och sl uktionerna pa skrmen. ow Assistant- Mer information st Tryck Knappen nar dt om rstkommandon finns pa https://assistan troller ee J ar Klar. Spela upp/pausa Nasta spar Foregaende spar Volym upp/ned Go Obs! Google Assistant ar tillgdnglig pa aainitnstbaaiis Kanes chs CAM tice Vespa beh caslie enheter. 42 Svenska ogle Assistant de flesta Android-enheterna. Ga till support.g in Pe daditae: Bin iain cs lie ba a ath aie Hall fl samtic
Se cath cages samtic Medd Medd sfunktionsknappen och volym upp-knappen i igt 11 sekund ee 15 sekunder (under laddning) slandeprompt (BassUp) landeprompt (normal) rtrycktaEqualizer-knapp wane Aterstall BassUp-lage pa Normallage pa Svenska 43 Svara/avslut. WYCK pa Hall intryckt i Parkera det f Avvisa samt Sia: ai sexund Overfr ett s Blinkar langsamt blatt 3 samtal agdende samtalet och besvara det inkommar il raat me name nelie bh abitiuh ementel amtal fran horlurarna till mobiltelefonen ett samtal O) Bxn de samtalet a BbIK. 3aps oueHue / BbIKknio4ueHe Dene 0 Jeena I cenyHay 8 Haxmue w ypepxnpaitte
(S%__3.cenyunes aKa Uro6t np O- Opn pas muraer cui caeTom
(Opn pas maraer Kpachtina ceeTom OMT CpOK chyKOLI AKKYMyNATOpA, Blinkar langsamt blatt Nor Hall intryckt i1 sekund ia am eco:
coh ga malt LANES SPL Ee Specifikationerna kan Sndras ut Inkommande samtal Q Aktivera Siri/annan rststyrningsprog an foregdende meddelande. |
ramvara we
Con a. Pexum Bluet fo, nm x2 MonHocTt kame 4 Muraer k ceeTom a a ceeton OQ _ fopurcn Tipwmeanne. He sapanes:
PADKEHNEe C YCTPONCTBOM Haxmure w ynepaie Gonee 3 cekyHA (kor 10 3APAMAATE CFO HE PEME HEM. Suen -
pact Haskin sapaa akkymynaTopa SHOAL:
Bera eer Rare mM cBetom _TlonvocTbio sapAmeH akniowaiire HayUIHnkn BO BpeMA alte 1 Mepexon 8 pexnm conpaxeHna Laddnings Loti Speltid (varierar beroende pa volymniva och innehsil ot IKE ws Impedans 169 44 Svenska nmar Frekvensatergivning = 20 nmar Bluetooth-version JAKervall Hz - 20 KHz ON, bi desea bindaadties Hanmure v ynepyne 3 cenynabt EP Pater etre eee WOISED fvva 1aesnw odi3g
(e revehwe 1,5 cekyt Oe Sep, 1b)
._ OtMeHa ConpaxeHne c vine yeTpoficTeom uw nosTopHth epexon 8 pexwM conpaxeHHA Pexuim conpaxeHiia Sa a ee n) _ycTpoiictsy Pyccknit 45 6.Google Assistant Apple and the Apple Ic are trademarks of App Google Lt Tie) Goocle Plav and the Gr le Inc. Play logo are trademar Google Inc. 8. Vicnionbso8at o
\ocle Me npunoxexia Google Assistant OynKyua Aeicreua Pasrosop Google Assistant Haxmure w ye TO6H HaNaTe. MonyyeHne ysenomnennin Haxmiate KHON OctaHoska Google Assistant _{paxK/bi HaxMy Oreer Ha coobwyenne
(ecnu goctynto) Mlocne nonyuer ynepxnsaiire k Tpovshecnec pxxneaitte kHonky Google Assistant, xy Google Assistant. Te KHonky Google Assistant. nA COOOweHMA Hamre H Honky Google Assistant ebuart COTTIGE SUT ICIS IST 1, Mlogkniouure Haytnki k MOBMTbHON 2. Hactpoiire npunoxeHne Google Assi
+ Yerpoficrso Ha 6a3e Android: Hamar npunoxexve Google Assistant, v cnes
+ Yerpoiicrso Apple: 3arpysure unin oT a axkpaHe, Tot 2aBepuMTe HacTpo!
a y YCTPONICTBY. tant Ha MOGMNeHOM ycrporicTee:
= W ynlepxknpalite KHONKy riasHOro aKpaHa, UTC nyiiTe MHCTOYKUMAM Ha 3kpaHe, uToGu 3asecly polite npunoxene Google Assistant cnegyh Ky.
Ana nonyuenna Gy omar assistant. google:
Te HACTDONIKY. Te WHCTPYKUAM dre OnHo Harkm Pour 3aKOHYMTe, IOMONHUTENBHOM MHopMaLyHA 0 TOROCOBLIX Ki m/platforms/headphones MeHTbI yNpaBheHuA a HaxkaTne ute w yAepuBanite | CeKyHAy Malijax nepeiquTe no ccunke https//
Bocnponasegenne /
nay3a Cheyioui tex Npeabiayunis tpeK Yeennuenne /
Go Nipwmevanne. Mpunoxerne Google Assi
\Pisrsindieniiek sik ecaniiar es webanat cakeedae cosmectumocta Google Assistant ycTp 46 Pyccanit ogle Assistant stant AoctynHo ANA GonbWHHCTBA yCTPOCTS A ape Pa hae nce a iia a cade oicTeaMn Android, Hawn poMK Then ndroid. Sac oss Ge) rome g 3apay BayKor BayKor rTe MHOrOdyHKYMOHANBHYIO KHONKy Ml KNaBMUly 3CTW OHOBPeMeHHO M1 yRepxMBaliTe Mx 1 CeKy Ty CTH OAHOBPEMEHHO M yAepxnBaitTe Ux 5 Ceky wm) oft curHan (BassUp) ot cirHan (O6UHEAI) YMeHbLUEHME TPOMKOCTH yeenuetna Nepekniouarens ny keanalizepa VSENMUCHMA anoune dsseg waxed 20d99 wwada 08) tH BknioueH o6biuHbIiA PeEKAM Pycceni 47 Otgemte / 32
{) QGAHO HaxkaTue Mocraante Te OrKnoHwTe 8 8 Haxmute wt armenian Tinroeeranraee:
VcekyHay Mepexanpas
> Meanetio muraer carn caer
{BEPUMTb BbI308 yu 861308 Ha yepKAHNE M OTBETHTE Ha BX 1308 na etc fctaciar ene aioe tacek ok Ane eet aaa reiciam NeHNe BbI30BOB MEXAY HayWHMKAMN Wl MOBMN ym -BBIMONHAeTCA Bbi308 Liga rm LIGAR AAU B08 DESLIGAR wa HtiM TerlegoHOM Carr
/ Desliga Pressione e segure por 1 segundo Pressione e segure por 3 segundos egando Para prol
-Q> _ Luzazul piscando uma vez
@- (vz vermelha piscando uma vez nvigar ai vide Util ds bateria. carreoue-a
+O> Megnentio miraer cman caer Ror HaxwuTe w ynepiiaatire 1 cex
SRRFSE SRE SEE he SURE CUES Eel Textinuecke xapakTepHcTvki npegeapnrensHoro yeegomnen Bxoguoit Tox 5 om _BXORAUIMIA BbI30B Q yay Akrueauns Siri/ apyroro NO ronocos peat BERNE OryT Geir HaMeHeHts Gea i A. Auramux
(wmpoKononochbiit) Ulacrarune ro ynpasnenua BY o-
Gs ORS EHUSEOG 5 MM x 2 ais. totalmen Luz verrr piscandc Luz vert O_tuzazul Observacao: Nac eles estiverem ca arelhar com seu dispositive bad Pressione e segure f A\ 5 mais de 3 segundos IA S guendo ds tonesde Bateria fraca Carregando. rn constante __Totalmente carregado ligue os fones de ouvido enquanto rregando. or Ative 0 modo de ouvido emparelhamento Bpema sapankn q Bpema socnpowsseneHna
(sasucut or yposHa rpomkoctu |
-BocnpowsBoauMmoro MaTepvana) Bec Conporuenenne 48 Pyccanit xapakrepuctuKa 2 4aca
) wacos Bepcus Bluetooth r/OS6yHuvn - Paguyc qelicreua 50 SO aS, on,| \S*
v4.2 10/33 ya 8 ) iS ___estiverem desligado fea Pressione e segure 3 segundos Luz azul piscando rapidamente OW ne a
(por 1,5 segundo) s) Desemparelhe o dispositive conectado reative o modo de emparelhamento or Modo de emparelhamento Conectado a um dispositive Portuguese 49 b. Google Assistant Apple and the Apple Ic are trademarks of App Google Pl Tie) Goocle Play and the Gr le Inc. Play logo are trademar Google Inc. c. Usar 0 Google oo Ocle Assistant Funces Procedimento:
Falar com 0 Google Pressione e se Assistant para comecar. Obter notificacdes Pressione 0 bo eee Assistant Responder a uma mensagem (quando enn hal) vezes. Uma vez que u pressione e sey a eee ure 0 botdo do Google Assistant 130 do Google Assistant. BEA SRR RRR ee eee:
Fe A een eer eT MT eM Te ma mensagem tenha sido recebida, sure o botao do Google Assistant een ee nti ay 1, Conecte os fones de ouvido ao dispe 2. Configure o Google Assistant pelo d
+ Em dispositivos Android, pressione Assistant siga as instrucdes na tela
+ Em dispositivos Apple, baixe ou abra para concluir a configuracao, sitivo mvel, spositivo mvel:
segure 0 boto Home para abrir o aplicativo nara conchi-aicavicuiarse:
aplicativo Google Assistant e siga as instru ow Para obter mais Google poke platforms/head ces na tela EI Con Pressi Pressi solte 0 boto. nformacdes sobre os comandos de voz, visite hones troles one one e segure por 1 segundo https://assistant
Reproduzir / Pausar Proxima faixa Faixa anterior Aumentar / Diminuir Go Observacdo: O Google Assistant esta c akakaadice cikibdin phate Pidaet sand tenia cdo Assistant com dispositivos Android, 50 Portuguese ogle Assistant isponivel na maioria dos dispositivos Android a a in ke elegiveis. Visite Sree Pressic simult Notific Notitic ws mne o botao multifuncao e a tecla de aumento aneamente e segure por | segundo ne o botao multifuncdo e a tecla de aumento aneamente e segure por 5 segundos aco de som (BassUp) aao de som (Normal) volume devolume 35130 do equalizador de volume Redefinir Modo BassUp ativado Modo normal ativado Portuguese 51 Atender / Er Y) Fressione ~~~
Colocar ach Rejeitar char a Pressionee =
smmeictnts ice henna ganlhi
+ Sabet fe Se
\] 1segundo ane Transferir un Luz azul piscando lentamente cerrar chamada amada atual em espera e atender a chamada nada see ealinears waren tmesti ation 1a chamada entre o telefone celular e os fone Em chamada recebida aD DAY IAT 1ORRIFL Go. SPRL Ry Fy AElC-ERMLET RRBSEXHUSEOI, DECE
-Q> Luz azul piscando lentamente Bor _Pressione e segure por 1 segur Pes ike As especificacdes esto sujeita Chamada recebida Q do _Ativar Siri / outro software de control s a alteracdes sem aviso prvio, e por voz B) es a. Bluetooth m mm x BAS AK CONT VY OBIE ode AVY ORRE te DERALLES
(VARY OBRE A Ic LEY a7 3D AP UYIEEICTS Tempo de carregamento: Von Reproducao (varia de acordo
: 10h com o volume e 0 contetido) reso 10 8/
Impedancia 16.0 52 Portuguese fas fas Resposta de frequncia Verso do Bluetooth
V9 OF ANE FVatO 0 Hz - 20 KHz
/4.2 Nee eee) ey
& B SRI L. Mey FR
) sR ETE BAR 53 b. Google Assistant Apple and the Apple Ic are trademarks of App ce) [Lacie Goocle Play and the Gr le Inc. Play logo are trademar Google Inc. Google Assis Dy ocle tant (eA i HE ES Google Assistant Ey BASRA Google As:
La Google As Google Assistant TF Google As:
Fats xye DRAVE istaMtORS YS RELLET. istantOkS YELLE. istantA:
Ra YeIERLET. Google Assistant RS REARS LIE VARY REI VRE ICEL 2. E/\1 VARBEDS Google Assistar
+ Android#iz2OWE + LKB:
+ ApplettZ8O3%& : Google Assiste GEO CREST LTC EU xT. tOREETVET.
/% S38 L.L. Google Assistant 7U 8 STEW. MP TVELIYO-EULTHEED. E 8 Ev. wu SRisnichg platforms/heac at IO HT (Cc aS Viale Fo RIL DBMS T 5S DURE OBC EEL: F phones Fak RTT RA AERELE To ttps//
BE / 85 HB abe L ZBHNPyT/AOY Go BE: REA EDAndroid#8 Co Google Assistant Ei*tEIC DUT KEW. 54 BA ogle Assistant ogle Assistant@AATEET. SEL OA tz 5 5 DURL( ahr ndroidtit2s & UL3 Int) CBR sea ESR y 7+ ERC ORE a a Sena ee s i (BassUp) PLLED 4ID14-AtyF ee ey bE BassUpE KAY MBC RAY BARE 55 BBICHS Bi. sarees er, Gee SRE oF RSE meE eT eeS Ze DiC AN hI 4 Y COMBE YB AI ar Ar\/207|
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ymm x 2
@ BHC moa Q 3& Ol 2A BL SBI EO| WRI BP) eguel uietel 2A sas aes Sas OlHHES AAI OY AIS. IH mola Be ze OAS! AAO] MOlelS snast FRI 1.5 BATE ERPASIC EYRE) wet Raia 16 56 BAG fe BRAGS 5 Bluetoothaai \
Bluetooth iT Fac 10 Hz - 20 KHZ
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]0) 988 7973 (US) Me EU VAR | Moca ae et garanti rR bk
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+810 4864 452-2 1 SOUT SIDE (UPY MORE OUY = L150 LOM
) 69 9579 7960 (DE) Mon-Fri 3 4455 7823 ( AA) A - #9:00-
30 0550 036 (PE) KI2E/9H 9:00 - 17:30 6464- /088 (2-5) Bm 9:00-17:30 Declaration of Conformity Hereby, Anker Innovations Limited camniiance with Directive 2014/52 available at the following internet ac Maximum output power: 9dBm Frequency band: 2.4G band (2.400(
Anker Innovations Limited Room 1318-19, Hollywood Plaza, 61 jeclares that the radio equipment type A3
/FLL The fiill taxt af the Fl! declaration of
) Nathan Road,Mongkok, Kowloon, Hongk 404 is in ee ee ANKER Satety_Headphone 51005001333 VO1 Safety Instructions 1. Avoid dropping. 2, Do not disassemble. ow 4, The battery shall not be exposed to excessive 3. Avoid extreme temperatures. A k heat such as sunshine, fire or the like. w LYN Hearing Safety not use the device outdoors during thunderstorms. se original or certified cables, 0 not use any Corrosive Cleaner/oil to clean. eep out of reach of children. It contains small parts ich may be a choking hazard. by gis. ports Reese eid Keele aa, 5 gira ay ARS a telat se EN et Availability and performance of certain features, service and may not be available in all areas. controlling certain EN ee Cece ee charges may apply. requires pairing with eligible phone Po ek nee ae eae ee ae eT s and applications are device and network dependent devices in your home requires compatible smart Sar ea ea tage ten ee a and internet connection. 1, To avoid hearing damage, do not listen for extended 2. Do not turn the volume so high that you're unable te BAS a ae ee 4, You should use caution or temporarily discontinue u Notice Ka, | PRIORI Corres at re Fee ee Ney _ This symbol means the product must not bs ne eg ete eden na 7% and rechargeable batteries with normal hou mm _ rechargeable batteries helps prevent negati FCC caution periods at high volume. hear your surroundings. se in potentially hazardous situations. erence requirements of the European Community,
: discarded as household waste, and should be delivered See testes Lirah ceed conte heen eB a sehold waste. Correct disposal of old products and fe consequences for the environment and human health. uirement, The device can be used in portable exposure ee LILI Trademark
@ Bluetooth The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trac of such marks by Anker Technology Co., Limited. is und SUDWAIES DI SUD eee art ae peewee teat ae two conditions:
() this device may not cause interference, and Pe paar opiate. rant roar mae cere aaee
= RRR Ee aS Te te ae device Lepr sent appareil est conforme aux CNR dIndustrie C Sree I cesar yet gc ee eR Saree EOE I NE TS Sa SET RR NO ee eM Te Neots Stee) eee
(1) Yappareil ne doit pas! produire de Drouillage, et Jjemarks owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use license. Reever ween Pana Re eRe eS ERT EE NT a a cee ite es I anada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de Bihar netenapeyeaibeansered This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules, Operation may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
"gtate Faison vinimdoast toaicasines NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasona installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate rad Tee a ei naan cect ee eat aor ae aera:
that interference will not occur ina particular installation If th television reception, which can be determined by turning the Gea Aakedtibbaiota us tetas dar ccc cn eit suena
~ Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
+ Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different fr SAEs le epnen ue wie Garp onaeaceas eatin 0 Wecenennl a Ue FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly app user's authority to operate this equipment, is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device accept any interference received, including interference that ith the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 be protection guns harm interference in a eke io frequency energy and, ifnot installed and used in eh ee Re eee ee er is equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or quipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct sm that to which the receiver is connected, er coved by the party responsible for compliance could void the Ne rae eat ay SE eT ee eT see susceptible den compromettre le fonctionnement. This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICI ee een Gee eM aR ate ae NN ee nes ee re Radiation Exposure Statement The product comply withthe Canada portable RF expos See entra ee eee arr ee ee ee ee ee SEN racer re ake ke Bay amon era ae eh Reeser D & claration d'exposition aux radiations Le produit est conforme aux limites exposition pour les ee ues gen ee ne ane a a a a Sane EE ee ER ET MR ee SENN RE Se OE 5-003, re limit set forth for an uncontrolled environment and. apparels portables RF pour les Etats-Unis et le Canada English 02 Sicherheitshinweise 1. Lassen Sie das Gerst nicht fallen. 5 2, Nehmen Sie das Gerat nicht auseinander. 6 3. Vermeiden Sie extreme Temperaturen. |
4. Die Batterie darf keinen hohen Temperaturen 7. wie direktem Sonnenlicht, Feuer usw. SEES ea heeeseeee ie Jerwenden Sie originale oder zertifizierte Kabel keine atzenden Reinigungsmittel oder a neg reece Das Gerat darf nicht im Freien wahrend eines Sewitters genutzt werden leinteile, die eine Erstickungsgetahr sein konnen. Consignes de scurit 1, Ne pas faire tomber. 5. Nuti 2. Ne pas dsassembler. 6. Nep 3. Eviter les tempratures extrmes. 7, Nep 4, La batterie ne doit pas tre expose a une 8, Teni thaleur excessive (lumire du soleil, feuou piece ee liser que des cables originaux ou certifis, as utiliser dhuile ou de produit de nettoyage corrosif as utiliser cet appareil en extrieur lors d'orages. hors de porte des enfants. Contient des petites s qui peuvent prsenter un risque de suffocation, __ Ne 1. Um Gehrschden zu vermeiden, hren Sie nicht fa Pigs Saaosssbens ihre made crea nar Ruble ane 3. Kopfhdrer nicht wahrend der Fahrt nutzen. 4. In potenziell gefahrlichen Situationen soliten Sie seh Hinweis C Dieses Produkt entspricht den Richtlinien d Dieses Symbol bedeutet, dass das Produkt wt bei einer geeigneten Sammelstelle fir das R
@rtlichen Bestimmungen, und entsorgen Sie me Hausmilll. Eine ordnungsgematte Entsorgur Ausverlaineen auf Urnwelt und Gesundheit ier ee eee ne i ee eae ieee eet att gM ene 2 ayseisyne Jayoy 19q 197 2s98U9}
-vorsichtig sein oder die Verwendung. st Europaischen Union zu Funkstrungen. richt mit dem Hausmiill entsorgt werden darf, sondern, ecycling abgegeben werden muss. Befolgen Sie die das Produkt und die Alaus nicht. mit dem normalen ig von alten Produkten und Akkus hilft, negative au uarmatden:
PLUS GUM IVS 1. Ecouter de la musique & un niveau de volume impor Ae ecdinic 2. Veillez 3 ce que le volume soi autour de vous.
= Kia aku cutleins ielseatesen chee taconite:
rgl & un niveau ras 4, Faites preuve de prudence dans I'utlisation des co potentiellement dangereuses, Avertissement Cc Ce produit est conforme aux spcifications Ce symbole signifie que le produit ne doit tre dpos dans un centre de collecte app Seabourn tabae neem riveshit ok ina baits mE mise au rebut correcte de vos anciens appz Heruisnrnnemant eb laeants ant sur une longue dure peut provoquer une perte onnable vous permettant de savoir ce quill se passe teurs ou stoppez leur utilisation dans des situations, iterfrence radio de la Communaut Europenne. as tre jet avec les dchets mnagers, mais doit ropri pour recyclage. Respectez la rglementation ii oh cae ain bike cial tale rae tree ir Cneilte Tu reils et des batteries rechargeables aide & prserver 03 Deutsh Francais 04 Istruzioni di sicurezza 1. Non far cadere. 2, Non smontare. 3. Tenere lontano da temperature estreme. a, 4. La batteria non deve essere esposta a Nor fonti di calore eccessivo come luce solare, 8. Tent peri zzare cavi originali e/o certiticat utilizzare il dispositive in ambienti esterni durante eer utilizzare liquidi corrosivi per la pulizia re lontano dalla portata dei bambini.Il dispositive contiene wae oli diasfissia Instrucciones de seguridad
|, Evitar caidas. 2. No desarmar, 3. Mantener alejado de temperaturas extremas. pees Say 4. No exponga la bateria a temperaturas -
elevadas, como las que emiten la luz solar,el 8. N fuego o similares, p MO eon nee SOF CADIES OFiBINales y/0 Certinicados. 0 limpiar con sustancias/aceites corrosives. 1 usar el dispositivo a la intemperie durante tormentas eee:
lantener fuera del alcance de nfios. Contiene partes 2queiias que podrian causar peligro de asfixia. LYN Sicurezza per l'udito pn catia gS aha i a ender as eect tna 2. Non alzare il volume a un livello tale da non poter se 3. Non utilizzare il dispositivo durante la guida. Oe ee temporaneamente lascolto. Avviso Questo simbolo indica che il prodotto non essere consegnato presso un'apposita str SR a a a ea corretto smaltimento delle batterie ricaric:
Bt eae a eee eee ntire i suoni circostanti PFestare aleNnZione OPPUFE INKEFOMPere e comunitarie in materia di interferenze radio. deve essere smaltito con irifiuti domestici, ma deve ttura di raccolta per il riciclaggio. Seguire le normative a cc eae a ceca zabiliaiuta a prevenire bili e dei prodotti non pis uti siohases nals _ MEM ELEN 1. Para evitar dafios auditivos, no escuchar a alto volur 2. No subir el volumen hasta tapar los sonidos proveni 3. No usar auriculares mientras se maneja, 4. Ensituaciones posiblemente peligrosas, tener preca AvISO Cr gt: Se ee eee
\eay/__ Este simbolo significa que el producto no PR dasasin dl loducta cl se bakers con lot deseche el producto ni las baterias con lat mE productos y las baterias usadas ayuda a ev le Sand humane. ren por intervalos largos. antes del exterior. scin o interrumpir temporalmente el uso. AMECEEROAS COFCO GE I LOMUnIGES EUFODEA, ebe desecharse como residuo domstico y debe OOS Pola TeCICicne: alia IS NGIOHvS Car Y RUNS asura normal del hogar. Desechar correctamente los itar consecuencias negativas para el medio ambiente 05 Italiano Espanol 06 Bezpenostni pokyny 1. Davejte pozor, abyste zafizeni neupustili na zem. 2, Zatizeni nerozebirejte. 3. Vyhybejte se extremnim teplotam. 4, Newystavuite baterii nadmrmu teplu, napz. slunenimu svitu, ohni apod. POH Ochrana sluchu
. Nepouzivejte zafizent venku bhem bouiek. Pouziveite origindlni nebo certifikovan kabely. K cisteni nepouzivejte korozivni cistict prostredky ani benzin,
. Udriult EE ISI ISS Sikkerhedsinstruktioner 1. Undg at tabe produktet 5. Br 2, Produktet ma ikke skilles ad, 6. Br 3. Undge ekstreme temperaturer, 4 BA 4, Batteriet ma ikke udsaettes for ekstrem 8 Pr varme som feks. solskin,ild eller lignende. ind PIX. VieraciviachaA g ikke produktet udendors i tordenveje. 1g originale eller certificerede kabler. ig aldrig aetsende rengeringsmiddel eller olie. duktet skal opbevares utilgeengeligt for born, Det holder sm dele, som kan udgare en kvaelningsrisiko. 1. Pokud chcete zabrnit poskozeni sluchu, nepoutive}
Aebssails sak Wacdahisas ike Me eas ah Res oes ce 3, Nepoutivejte sluchatka pi fizeni. 4. V potenciding nebezpetnjch situacich dbejte opatr LInazarnani ae geese eee CE __Tentowjrobek spituie pozadavky Evropsk a mal by bjt advezen na vhodn sbrn mi RRC a nS ERR ETO w Tento symbol znamend, Ze s vjrobkem nest vjrobki a nabijecich baterii pomahate pied lidsk zdravi, e sluchtka po delSi dobu pii vysok hlasitosti Th cas:
sti, nebo sluchatka na chvili piestarite pouzivat. snietykaiici se interterenct rdiovych signi. ni byt naklddno jako s bBEnjm komundinim odpadem to pro recyklaci. Dodrdujte mistni predpisy a nikdy PAPERS LOR ED GIP Ty CRIT RATE 1zet negativaim dopadim na Zivotni prostiedi a a 1 Barat ucwiak Pearetensior rid Gis tke tutti ranmare?
2. Drej ikke lydstyrken sa hejt, at du ikke kan hore dine 3. Brug ikke aretelefoner, mens du korer bil a ae a a ca oe Meddelelse CE __ Dette produkt overholder EU's krav om rad Dette symbol betyder, at produktet ikke ma af udtjente produkter og genopladelige batt og menneskers helbred. 4 arsed hak Hel erties:
omgivelser. cs bortskaffes som husholdningsaffald og skal indleveres til 8 genanvendelse. Folg de lokale regler, og bortskaf aldrig
{ almindeligt husholdningsaffald. Korrekt bortskaffelse ier er med til at forhindre negativ pavirkning af miljaet 07 Cestina Dansk 08 Turvallisuutta koskevia ohjeita 1. Ala pudota 5. Ala) 2. Ala pura. 6. Kayt 3. Valta adrimmeaisia lampotitoja. f NI 4, Akkua ei saa altistaa lialliselle 8 Sail kuumuudelle, kuten auringonpaisteelle jotke ytd tuotetta ulkona ukkosmyrskyssa 4 alkuperdisi tai sertifioituja kaapeleita. uhdista syvyttavalla puhdistusaineelia tai Oljyila. tettdvd lasten ulottumattomissa, Sisaltda pieni osia, voivat aiheuttaa tukehtumisvaaran, Veiligheidsinstructies 1. Laat het product niet vallen 2, Demonteer het product niet. 3. Vermijd extreme temperaturen, 4. De batterij mag niet worden blootgesteld 1n hoge temperaturen zoals zonlicht, vuur ae bruik het apparaat niet in de buitenlucht tijdens onweer. ruik originele of gewaarmerkte kabels, bruik geen bijtende schoonmaakmiddelen of olie. waar het product buiten bereik van kinderen, Het vat kleine onderdelen die verstikkingsgevaar kunnen CS NUUION SUU AAMT Se ee RO eRe een 2. Ala kuuntele niin suurella dnenvoimakkuudella, ett 3. Ald kayta kuulokkeita ajaessasi. NOY TS VROVEST al RESREY Ke hey ty Vauenororos Ma Hirgomaitiic Tama tuote tayttaa Euroopan yhteisin radic Tama symbol tarkoittaa, ettei tuotetta saa!
asianmukaiseen kerdyspisteeseen kierratys aiid tanpatta In akuia tavalliesn kohtalenieiSties havittminen auttaa ehkaisemaan mahdolli hrittavaikutuksia, t kuule ympristsi HAGUE ae Vaaierimisad weiieisad. laiteista aiheutuville hairdille asettamat vaatimukset.
\ivitt3a kotitalousjatteena ja etta se on toimitettava 4 varten, Noudata paikallisia sdant6j lak havit ie Re a ymparistlle ja ihmisten terveydelle aiheutuy 2S VMENUOTDESCHennninis, Se TL Te eT ee eae es eT ee eee 2. Zet het volume niet zo hog dat u uw omgeving niet 3. Gebruik de oordopies niet tijdens het rijden. BONES VOOTEIIUE OF SE OrUIn AS OAC RIES Tet i 1K Keannicoe'
o et EE CE vteroduct voor san de verssten met Dit symbool betekent dat dit product niet m moet worden ingeleverd bij een daarvoor be BESANT eG SE ESO RE TSE inzameling van oude producten en oplaadb milieu en de menseljke gezondheid, Fag aa iittala eae kunt horen, BENK SENOS Re SHUATES, toring van de Europese Unie. ag worden weggegooid als huishoudelik afval en stemd inzamelpunt voor recycling, Volg de plaatselijke abbadege diab caue bal Kae tadabra Aalaecnical Cacdacio:
re batterijen voorkomt negatieve gevolgen voor het 09 Suomi Nederlands 10 Sikkerhetsinstruksjoner 1. Unng & miste produktet 2, Ikke demonter produktet. 3. Unnga ekstreme temperaturer, 48 4, Batteriet ma ikke utsettes for sterk varme som 8. Oy direkte sollys, pen flamme eller lignende. in TAIN Horselssikkerhet e bruk enheten utendars under tordenvaer sk originale eller sertifiserte kabler,
& bruk etsende rengjeringsmidde! eller olje ti! 2 vaske. pbevar produktet utilgiengelig for barn. Enheten holder sma deler som kan utgjare en kvelningsfare. Sakerhetsfreskrifter 1. Undvik att tappa. 5. Am 2, Plocka inte isr. 6. Am 3. Undvik extrema temperaturer. ite AON 4, Batteriet br inte utsattas for hetta, til 8. Fn exempel direkt solljus, eld eller liknande. son PQ. Skydda hrseln nd inte produkten utomhus nar det Sskar. nd originalkablar eller godkanda kablar, and inte fratance rengdringsmedel/-oljor fOr rengoring, ras utom rackhill for barn. Produkten innehaler delar kan utgora kvavningsrisk. 1. For & unng horselsskade ma du ikke lytte med hoyt
& TARE'SKIU ODP VOIUMEL Sa NBYt St GU IKKE Nearer OMEN 3, Ikke bruk eretelefoner mens du kiorer, 4, Du bor vere forsiktig eller slutte 4 bruke produktet |
MICrKNAGeT CE Dette vroduktet er i samsvar med kravene f Dette symbolet betyr at produktet ikke skal till et passende innsamlingssted for resirkule Oppragoare atlener ( Varnigs TLE CNMTIN Ee batterier bidrar til forhindre negative kons volum i lange perioder om gangen, felsene cine. potensielt farlige situasjoner. sc raihiobesiveeteert C3:
kastes som husholdningsavfall, og at det skal leveres, ring. Falg de lokale regiene, og ikke kast produktet og
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frequency | equipment class | purpose | ||
1 | 2018-12-24 | 2402 ~ 2480 | DTS - Digital Transmission System | Original Equipment |
2 | 2402 ~ 2480 | DSS - Part 15 Spread Spectrum Transmitter |
app s | Applicant Information | |||||
1 2 | Effective |
1 2 | Applicant's complete, legal business name |
Anker Innovations Limited
1 2 | FCC Registration Number (FRN) |
1 2 | Physical Address |
Room 1318-19, Hollywood Plaza
1 2 |
Kowloon, N/A
1 2 |
Hong Kong
app s | TCB Information | |||||
1 2 | TCB Application Email Address |
1 2 | TCB Scope |
A4: UNII devices & low power transmitters using spread spectrum techniques
app s | FCC ID | |||||
1 2 | Grantee Code |
1 2 | Equipment Product Code |
app s | Person at the applicant's address to receive grant or for contact | |||||
1 2 | Name |
l**** Q****
1 2 | Telephone Number |
1 2 | Fax Number |
1 2 |
app s | Technical Contact | |||||
n/a | ||||||
app s | Non Technical Contact | |||||
n/a | ||||||
app s | Confidentiality (long or short term) | |||||
1 2 | Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | Yes | ||||
1 2 | Long-Term Confidentiality Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | Yes | ||||
1 2 | If so, specify the short-term confidentiality release date (MM/DD/YYYY format) | 02/28/2019 | ||||
if no date is supplied, the release date will be set to 45 calendar days past the date of grant. | ||||||
app s | Cognitive Radio & Software Defined Radio, Class, etc | |||||
1 2 | Is this application for software defined/cognitive radio authorization? | No | ||||
1 2 | Equipment Class | DTS - Digital Transmission System | ||||
1 2 | DSS - Part 15 Spread Spectrum Transmitter | |||||
1 2 | Description of product as it is marketed: (NOTE: This text will appear below the equipment class on the grant) | Soundcore Spirit Pro GVA (Bluetooth earbuds) | ||||
1 2 | Related OET KnowledgeDataBase Inquiry: Is there a KDB inquiry associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 2 | Modular Equipment Type | Does not apply | ||||
1 2 | Purpose / Application is for | Original Equipment | ||||
1 2 | Composite Equipment: Is the equipment in this application a composite device subject to an additional equipment authorization? | Yes | ||||
1 2 | Related Equipment: Is the equipment in this application part of a system that operates with, or is marketed with, another device that requires an equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 2 | Grant Comments | Output Power listed is peak conducted. | ||||
1 2 | Is there an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 2 | If there is an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application, has the associated waiver been approved and all information uploaded? | No | ||||
app s | Test Firm Name and Contact Information | |||||
1 2 | Firm Name |
Shenzhen Morlab Communications Technology Co. Ltd.
1 2 | Name |
M**** F********
1 2 | Telephone Number |
+86 7********
1 2 |
Equipment Specifications | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line | Rule Parts | Grant Notes | Lower Frequency | Upper Frequency | Power Output | Tolerance | Emission Designator | Microprocessor Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 15C | CC | 2402.00000000 | 2480.00000000 | 0.0001000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line | Rule Parts | Grant Notes | Lower Frequency | Upper Frequency | Power Output | Tolerance | Emission Designator | Microprocessor Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | 1 | 15C | CC | 2402.00000000 | 2480.00000000 | 0.0050000 |
some individual PII (Personally Identifiable Information) available on the public forms may be redacted, original source may include additional details
This product uses the FCC Data API but is not endorsed or certified by the FCC