all | frequencies |
exhibits | applications |
manual | photos | label |
app s | submitted / available | |||||||
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Users Manual | Users Manual | 566.63 KiB | April 22 2021 / October 20 2021 | delayed release | ||
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Internal Photos | Internal Photos | 467.65 KiB | April 22 2021 / October 20 2021 | delayed release | ||
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External Photos | External Photos | 385.83 KiB | April 22 2021 / October 20 2021 | delayed release | ||
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ID Label/Location Info | ID Label/Location Info | 458.41 KiB | April 22 2021 / April 23 2021 | |||
1 | Block Diagram | Block Diagram | April 22 2021 | confidential | ||||
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Confidentiality | Cover Letter(s) | 139.40 KiB | April 22 2021 / April 23 2021 | |||
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Declaration of authorization | Cover Letter(s) | 122.21 KiB | April 22 2021 / April 23 2021 | |||
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MPE | RF Exposure Info | 226.46 KiB | April 22 2021 / April 23 2021 | |||
1 | Operational Description | Operational Description | April 22 2021 | confidential | ||||
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Power of Attorney Letter | Cover Letter(s) | 105.86 KiB | April 22 2021 / April 23 2021 | |||
1 | Schematics | Schematics | April 22 2021 | confidential | ||||
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Test Report | Test Report | 617.04 KiB | April 22 2021 / April 23 2021 | |||
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Test Setup Photos | Test Setup Photos | 289.22 KiB | April 22 2021 / October 20 2021 | delayed release |
1 | Users Manual | Users Manual | 566.63 KiB | April 22 2021 / October 20 2021 | delayed release |
DIE LAYOUT Die Line File:
FDL_MMA FCC CARD Artwork File:
INS_MMA001bt_8850bt01417_RevA00_Tunecast_AutoUniversal_RC_Statement_Insert_2.2 REV B 00 Business Unit:
Core Program Manager:
Packaging Engineer:
Matthew Duffy Retail Outside Dimension (Including Hang Tab) L x W x D (in):
0 x 0 x 0 0.00 x 0.00 x 0.00 L x W x D (mm):
MAGNETIC FACE TRACKING MOUNT SUPPORT ROTATIF ET MAGNTIQUE AVEC RECONNAISSANCE FACIALE SKU/MODEL: MMA001 abgestrahlt, und es kann daher bei nicht vorschriftsmiger Installation und Nutzung Funkstrungen verursachen. Eine Garantie dafr, dass entsprechende Strungen am konkreten Installationsort ausgeschlossen sind, kann nicht abgegeben werden. Verursacht das Gert Strungen des Radio- oder Fernsehempfangs (was sich durch Ein- und Ausschalten des Gerts feststellen lsst), so knnen Sie versuchen, die Strung auf folgende Weise zu beseitigen:
Andere Ausrichtung der Empfangsantenne oder Standortnderung Vergrern des Abstands zwischen Gert und Empfnger Anschluss des Gerts an eine Steckdose in einem anderen Stromkreis als dem des Empfngers Hinzuziehen des Hndlers oder eines erfahrenen Rundfunk- und Fernsehtechnikers Achtung: Vernderungen oder andere Eingriffe, die ohne ausdrckliche Genehmigung des fr die Strsicherheit zustndigen Herstellers vorgenommen wurden, knnen die Berechtigung des Benutzers zum Betrieb des Gerts auer Kraft setzen. Erklrung zur Strahlenbelastung:
Dieses Gert entspricht den Grenzwerten fr die Strahlenbelastung in einer nicht kontrollierten Umgebung. Bei der Installation und Verwendung dieses Gerts sollte ein Abstand von mindestens 20 cm zwischen Ihrem Krper und der Strahlungsquelle eingehalten werden. Frequenzband/Frequenzbnder, in dem/denen dieses Gert betrieben werden kann:
2402- 2480 MHz Maximale abgestrahlte Leistung: < 0.62 mW Auf folgender Website finden Sie die Konformittserklrung zur CE-Kennzeichnung der Europischen Union: ENTSORGUNGSHINWEIS FR BENUTZER Informationen zur Entsorgung von Produkten finden Sie unter
Nach Magabe von und in bereinstimmung mit Artikel 14 der Richtlinie 2012/19/
EU des Europischen Parlaments ber die Abfallentsorgung von Elektro- und Elektronikaltgerten (WEEE). Das Symbol der durchgestrichenen Mlltonne mit Balken auf dem Gert weist darauf hin, dass das Produkt am Ende seiner Nutzungsdauer nicht im Hausmll zu entsorgen ist, sondern getrennt gesammelt werden muss. Deshalb ist jedes Produkt am Ende seiner Nutzungsdauer bei einem Entsorgungszentrum abzugeben, das auf die getrennte Sammlung von Elektro- und Elektronikaltgerten spezialisiert ist. Alternativ kann es gem Artikel 14, soweit im betreffenden Land umgesetzt, beim Kauf eines neuen Elektro- oder Elektronikgerts beim Hndler abgegeben werden. Die ordnungsgeme Sammlung des Gerts zur spteren umweltgerechten Wiederverwertung, Aufbereitung und Entsorgung trgt zur Verhinderung mglicher Gesundheits- und Umweltbelastungen bei und erleichtert die Wiederverwendung und -verwertung der in dem Elektro- oder Elektronikgert enthaltenen Komponenten. Die unsachgeme Entsorgung durch den Benutzer kann je nach geltendem Recht mit einem Bugeld belegt werden. 4
FCC Statement DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY WITH FCC RULES FOR ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY We, Belkin International, Inc., of 12045 E. Waterfront Drive, Playa Vista, CA 90094, Tel: +1 (310) 751 5100, declare under our sole responsibility that the product MMA001, to which this declaration relates, complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Federal Communications Commission Interference Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the distance between the equipment and the receiver. Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate this equipment. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, please follow operation instructions as documented in this manual. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20cm between the radiator and your body. Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Statement:
This device contains licence-exempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canadas licence-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1) This device may not cause interference, and 2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. ESPAOL Declaracin de conformidad de la UE simplificada Nosotros, Belkin International, Inc., declaramos bajo nuestra sola responsabilidad que los transmisores FM de equipos de radio MMA001, a los que hace referencia la presente declaracin, estn en conformidad con la Directiva 2014/53/UE sobre equipos radioelctricos y la Directiva 2011/65/UE sobre sustancias peligrosas (revisada). Declaramos adems que el producto cumple con los requerimientos bsicos de dichas directivas mencionadas aqu arriba. Estos lmites se han establecido con el fin de proporcionar una proteccin suficiente contra interferencias nocivas en una instalacin de tipo residencial. Este equipo genera, utiliza y puede radiar energa de radiofrecuencia que, si no se instala y se usa de acuerdo con las instrucciones, puede causar interferencias nocivas a las comunicaciones radio. De todos modos, no existen garantas de que las interferencias no ocurrirn en una instalacin en particular. Si este equipo provoca interferencias nocivas en la recepcin de radio y televisin, las cuales se pueden determinar encendiendo y apagando seguidamente el dispositivo, el propio usuario puede intentar corregir dichas interferencias siguiendo alguno de los siguientes consejos:
Reorientar o colocar en otro lugar la antena de recepcin. Incrementar la distancia entre el equipo y el receptor. Conectar el equipo a la toma de un circuito distinto de aquel al que est conectado el receptor. Solicitar la ayuda del vendedor o de un tcnico experto en radio/televisin. Precaucin: todos los cambios o modificaciones que no hayan sido expresamente aprobados por la parte responsable del cumplimiento, podran invalidar la autoridad del usuario para manejar el equipo. Declaracin sobre la exposicin a las radiaciones:
Este equipo cumple los lmites de exposicin a las radiaciones de la establecidos para un entorno no controlado. Este equipo debe estar instalado y funcionar a una distancia mnima de 20 cm entre el emisor y las personas. Bandas de frecuencia dentro de las que funciona este equipo: 2402 a 2480 MHz Potencia emitida mxima: < 0.62 mW Puedes obtener una copia de la Declaracin de conformidad del marcado CE de la Unin Europea en el sitio web INFORMACIN SOBRE RESIDUOS PARA EL USUARIO Para obtener informacin sobre el desecho de productos, consulta
De conformidad con el artculo 14 de la directiva 2012/19/UE del Parlamento Europeo sobre residuos de equipamiento elctrico y electrnico (RAEE). El smbolo del contenedor de basura tachado que se muestra en el equipamiento indica que el producto se debe recolectar por separado del resto de residuos una vez que termine su vida til. Por este motivo, el usuario deber trasladar los productos que alcancen el final de su vida til a centros de residuos especializados en la recoleccin de residuos de equipamiento elctrico y electrnico o deber devolver dichos productos al distribuidor una vez que adquiera un nuevo producto RAEE de conformidad con el artculo 14 implementado en su pas. Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20cm between the radiator and your body. This digital apparatus complies with CAN ICES-003(B)/NMB-003 (B). Simplified EU Declaration of Conformity We, Belkin International, Inc., declare under our sole responsibility that this product is in conformity with RED Directive 2014/53/EU, and RoHS Directives 2015/863, and 2011/65/EU (Recast). Frequency band(s) in which this equipment operates: 2402 - 2480 MHz Maximum radiated power: < 0.62mW A copy of the European Union CE marking Declaration of Conformity may be obtained at the website: DISPOSAL INFORMATION FOR USER For information on product disposal, please refer to
Pursuant to and in accordance with Article 14 of the Directive 2012/19/EU of the European Parliament on waste in electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). The barred symbol of the rubbish bin shown on the equipment indicates that, at the end of its useful life, the product must be collected separately from other waste. Therefore, any product that has reached the end of its useful life must be given to waste disposal centers specializing in separate collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment or given back to the dealer when purchasing a new WEEE, pursuant to and in accordance with Article 14 as implemented in the country. The adequate separate collection for the subsequent start-up of the equipment sent to be recycled, treated and disposed of in an environmentally compatible way contributes to preventing possible negative effects on the environment and health and optimizes the recycling and reuse of components making up the electronic equipment. Abusive disposal of the product by the user involves application of the administrative sanctions according to the laws in force. Dclaration de la FCC DCLARATION DE CONFORMIT LA RGLEMENTATION FCC EN MATIRE DE COMPATIBILIT LECTROMAGNTIQUE Una recoleccin adecuada y el posterior procesamiento del equipo enviado para su reciclado, tratamiento y desecho de una forma ecolgica contribuye a prevenir posibles efectos negativos en el medio ambiente y en la salud, y optimiza el reciclado y la reutilizacin de los componentes que componen el dispositivo electrnico. Si el usuario desecha el producto de forma incorrecta, ser objeto de sanciones administrativas segn la legislacin vigente. ITALIANO Europa - Dichiarazione di conformit semplificata Noi, Belkin International, Inc., dichiariamo sotto la nostra sola responsabilit che i radiotrasmettitori FM MMA001, a cui questa dichiarazione fa riferimento, sono conformi alla Direttiva RED 2014/53/EU e alla Direttiva RoHS 2011/65/EU (Recast). Dichiariamo inoltre che il prodotto soddisfa i requisiti essenziali delle Direttive sopraindicate. I limiti contenuti in questi articoli hanno lo scopo di offrire una protezione ragionevole dalle interferenze dannose in uninstallazione domestica. Questo dispositivo genera, utilizza e pu emettere energia in radiofrequenza e, se non installato e utilizzato in conformit alle istruzioni, pu causare interferenze dannose alla ricezione radiotelevisiva. Tuttavia, non esiste alcuna garanzia che in una particolare installazione non possano verificarsi interferenze. Qualora questo dispositivo causasse interferenze dannose per la ricezione delle trasmissioni radiotelevisive determinabili spegnendo o riaccendendo il dispositivo stesso, si suggerisce allutente di cercare di rimediare allinterferenza ricorrendo ad uno o pi dei seguenti provvedimenti:
Cambiare lorientamento o la posizione dellantenna ricevente. Aumentare la distanza tra il dispositivo e il ricevitore. Collegare il dispositivo a una presa di corrente inserita in un circuito diverso da quello a cui collegato il ricevitore. Consultare il rivenditore o un tecnico radio/TV specializzato. Attenzione: Eventuali variazioni o modifiche di questo apparecchio non espressamente approvate dalla parte responsabile della normativa possono annullare qualsiasi diritto dellutente ad utilizzare questo dispositivo. Dichiarazione sullesposizione alle radiazioni:
Questo dispositivo conforme ai limiti di esposizione alle radiazioni stabiliti per un ambiente non controllato. Questo dispositivo deve essere installato e utilizzato mantenendosi a una distanza minima di 20 cm dal trasmettitore. Frequenza/e radio operativa/e del dispositivo: 2402 - 2480 MHz Massima potenza irradiata: < 0.62 mW Una copia della Dichiarazione di conformit alla marcatura CE dellUnione Europea pu essere ottenuta al sito web: INFORMAZIONI SULLO SMALTIMENTO DA PARTE DELLUTENTE Per informazioni sullo smaltimento del prodotto consultare lindirizzo http://www.
Ai sensi e per gli effetti dellArticolo 14 della Direttiva 2012/19/EU del Parlamento Europeo, relativa ai rifiuti di apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche (RAEE). Nous, de Belkin International Inc., ayant sige au 12045 E. Waterfront Drive, Playa Vista, CA 90094 USA, dclarons sous notre seule responsabilit que les produits rfrence n: MMA001, auxquels se rfre la prsente dclaration, sont conformes aux normes nonces lalina 15 de la rglementation FCC. Le fonctionnement est assujetti aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) cet appareil ne peut pas provoquer dinterfrence nuisible, et (2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interfrence reue, y compris des interfrences pouvant entraner un fonctionnement non dsir. Dclaration de la Federal Communications Commission propos des interfrences Cet onduleur a t test et jug conforme aux limites imposes pour les units numriques de classe B, en vertu de lalina 15 de la rglementation FCC. Ces limites visent assurer une protection raisonnable contre les interfrences en milieu rsidentiel. Cet appareil gnre, utilise et peut mettre de lnergie radiolectrique et sil nest pas install et utilis selon les directives, peut causer des interfrences nuisibles aux communications radio. Cependant, il nexiste aucune garantie que des interfrences ne se produiront pas dans une installation particulire. Si cet quipement cause des interfrences nuisibles sur le plan de la rception radio ou tlvision, pouvant tre dtermines en mettant lappareil sous et hors tension, lutilisateur est invit tester et corriger linterfrence en prenant une des mesures suivantes :
Rorienter ou changer la position de lantenne rceptrice. Augmenter la distance entre lquipement et le rcepteur. Brancher lappareil sur une prise provenant dun circuit autre que celui sur lequel le rcepteur est branch. Demander conseil au vendeur ou un technicien spcialis en radio et tlvision. Mise en garde de la FCC : Toute modification qui na pas t expressment approuve par la partie responsable des questions de conformit pourrait annuler le droit de lutilisateur de se servir de cet quipement. Cet metteur ne doit pas tre utilis conjointement ou plac avec tout autre metteur ou antenne. Les lments de marquage se trouvent sous lappareil et lintrieur du compartiment des piles. Dclaration sur la radio-exposition :
Cet quipement est conforme aux limites dexposition aux radiofrquences portatives FCC tablies pour un environnement non contrl. Pour garantir la conformit aux exigences en matire dexposition aux radiofrquences de la FCC, veuillez suivre les instructions figurant dans ce manuel. Afin de rduire encore plus lexposition aux radiofrquences, vous pouvez loigner le plus possible le produit de votre corps ou baisser la puissance de sortie de lappareil si ce dernier dispose de ce type de fonctionnalit. nonc dInnovation, Sciences et Dveloppement conomique Canada (ISDE):
Lmetteur/rcepteur exempt de licence contenu dans le prsent appareil est conforme aux CNR dInnovation, Sciences et Dveloppement conomique Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. Lexploitation est autorise aux deux conditions suivantes:
1) Lappareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage;
2) Lappareil doit accepter tout brouillage radiolectrique subi, mme si le brouillage est Il simbolo del cassonetto barrato riportato sul dispositivo indica che il prodotto alla fine della propria vita utile deve essere raccolto separatamente dagli altri rifiuti. Lutente dovr, pertanto, conferire il dispositivo giunto a fine vita agli idonei centri di raccolta differenziata dei rifiuti elettronici ed elettrotecnici, oppure riconsegnarlo al rivenditore al momento dellacquisto di un nuovo dispositivo di tipo equivalente
(RAEE), ai sensi e per gli effetti dellArticolo 14, come stabilito nel proprio Paese. Ladeguata raccolta differenziata per lavvio successivo del dispositivo dismesso al riciclaggio, al trattamento e allo smaltimento ambientalmente compatibile contribuisce ad evitare possibili effetti negativi sullambiente e sulla salute e favorisce il reimpiego e/o riciclo dei materiali di cui composto il dispositivo elettronico. Lo smaltimento abusivo del prodotto da parte dellutente comporta lapplicazione delle sanzioni amministrative previste dalla normativa vigente. PORTUGUS Declarao Simplificada de Conformidade da UE A Belkin International Inc. declara, sob sua exclusiva responsabilidade, que os equipamentos de rdio emissores FM MMA001, aos quais esta declarao diz respeito, esto em conformidade com a Diretiva RED 2014/53/EU e a Diretiva RoHS 2011/65/EU (Remodelada). Declaramos ainda que o produto cumpre os requisitos essenciais das Diretivas acima mencionadas. Os limites contidos nestes artigos foram estabelecidos para conceder uma proteo razovel contra interferncias prejudiciais numa instalao domstica. Este equipamento gera, usa e pode irradiar energia de radiofrequncia e, se a sua instalao e utilizao no forem executadas de acordo com as instrues, poder causar interferncias prejudiciais nas comunicaes de rdio. No entanto, no existe qualquer garantia de que essas interferncias no possam ocorrer numa determinada instalao. Se este equipamento provocar interferncias prejudiciais na receo de transmisses de rdio e televiso, as quais podem ser verificadas, desligando e ligando o equipamento, encoraja-se o utilizador a tentar corrigir essa situao, levando a cabo uma das seguintes medidas:
Reorientar ou mudar a localizao da antena recetora. Aumentar o espao existente entre o equipamento e o recetor. Ligar o equipamento a uma tomada eltrica de um circuito diferente do circuito ao qual o recetor est ligado. Recorrer ao revendedor ou a um tcnico de rdio/televiso experiente se precisar de ajuda. Ateno: Quaisquer alteraes ou modificaes no aprovadas expressamente pela parte responsvel pela compatibilidade podem levar perda de autorizao, por parte do utilizador, de usar o equipamento. Declarao sobre exposio a radiao: Este equipamento est de acordo com os limites de exposio a radiao previstos para um ambiente no controlado. Este equipamento deve ser instalado e utilizado mantendo-se uma distncia mnima de 20 cm entre o radiador e o seu corpo. Bandas de frequncia nas quais estes equipamentos de rdio funcionam: 2402- 2480 MHz susceptible den compromettre le fonctionnement. y compris un brouillage susceptible de provoquer un fonctionnement indesirable. Ce priphrique numrique est conforme la norme CAN ICES-003(B)/NMB-003(B) Dclaration de conformit UE simplifie Nous, Belkin International, Inc., dclarons sous notre entire responsabilit que ce produit est conforme la directive dlgue (UE) 2015/863 modifiant la directive 2011/65/UE dite RoHS (refonte). Dclaration dexposition aux radiations:
Cet quipement est conforme aux limites dexposition aux rayonnements tablies pour un environnement non contrl. Cet quipement doit tre install et utilis avec un minimum de 20 cm de distance entre la source de rayonnement et votre corps. Bande(s) de frquence(s) sur laquelle(lesquelles) fonctionne cet quipement :
2402- 2480 MHz Puissance rayonne maximale : < 0.62mW Une copie de la dclaration de conformit au label CE de lUnion europenne est disponible sur : INFORMATION SUR LE RECYCLAGE DU PRODUIT LATTENTION DE LUTILISATEUR Pour en savoir plus sur le recyclage de ce produit, rendez-vous sur
Conformment larticle 14 de la directive 2012/19/UE du Parlement europen relative aux dchets dquipements lectriques et lectroniques (DEEE). Le pictogramme reprsentant une poubelle barre indique que le produit, la fin de sa dure dutilit, doit tre collect sparment des autres dchets. Par consquent, conformment larticle 14 en vigueur dans son pays, lutilisateur doit rapporter un centre de recyclage spcialis dans la collecte dquipements lectriques et lectroniques tout produit arrivant la fin de sa dure dutilit, ou doit rapporter ce mme produit au distributeur ds quil fait lacquisition dun nouveau produit DEEE. La collecte spare et le traitement a posteriori de lquipement envoy pour tre recycl, trait et limin de manire cologique contribue prvenir des effets ngatifs ventuels sur lenvironnement et la sant, et permet doptimiser le recyclage et la rutilisation des lments composant lquipement lectronique. Si lutilisateur se spare du produit de manire incorrecte, il fera lobjet de sanctions administratives comme stipul par la lgislation en vigueur. DEUTSCH Vereinfachte EU-Konformittserklrung Wir, Belkin International, Inc., erklren alleinverantwortlich, dass die Funkgerte FM-
Transmitter MMA001 auf die sich diese Erklrung bezieht, der Funkanlagen-Richtlinie 2014/53/EU sowie der RoHS-Richtlinie 2011/65/EU (Neufassung) entsprechen. Des Weiteren erklren wir, dass das Produkt den grundlegenden Anforderungen der oben genannten Richtlinien entspricht. Die Grenzwerte in diesen Artikeln sollen einen angemessenen Schutz vor schdlichen Strungen im Wohnbereich sicherstellen. Durch dieses Gert wird hochfrequente Energie erzeugt, genutzt und unter Umstnden Potncia mxima radiada: < 0.62 mW Poder obter uma cpia da Declarao de conformidade com a marcao CE da Unio Europeia no site: INFORMAO PARA O UTILIZADOR SOBRE ELIMINAO DE PRODUTOS Para informao sobre eliminao do produto, consulte
Em conformidade com o Artigo 14 da Diretiva 2012/19/UE do Parlamento Europeu sobre resduos de equipamentos eltricos e eletrnicos (REEE / WEEE). O smbolo do caixote do lixo com um risco, aplicado no equipamento, indica que no fim da sua vida til o produto tem de ser eliminado separadamente do lixo comum. Portanto, qualquer produto deste gnero que tenha atingido o fim da sua vida til tem de ser entregue em centros de reciclagem especializados na recolha de materiais de resduos de equipamentos eltricos e eletrnicos, ou devolvidos ao revendedor quando adquirir um novo equipamento enquadrvel na categoria de REEE/WEEE, de acordo com o Artigo 14, conforme implementado no pas aplicvel. A adequada recolha separada do equipamento a ser enviado para reciclagem, tratado e eliminado de uma forma ambientalmente compatvel, contribui para prevenir possveis efeitos negativos sobre o ambiente e a sade, alm de otimizar a reciclagem e re-utilizao dos componentes que compem o equipamento eletrnico. A eliminao abusiva do produto por parte do utilizador implica a aplicao de sanes administrativas, de acordo com as leis em vigor. POLSKI Uproszczona deklaracja zgodnoci UE Firma Belkin International Inc. owiadcza na swoj wyczn odpowiedzialno, e urzdzenia radiowe: nadajniki FM MMA001, do ktrych odnosi si niniejsza deklaracja, pozostaj w zgodzie z dyrektyw RED 2014/53/UE oraz dyrektyw RoHS 2011/65/UE
(tekst przeksztacony). Ponadto owiadczamy, e produkt ten spenia podstawowe wymagania powyszych dyrektyw. Ograniczenia okrelone w tych artykuach maj zapewni odpowiedni ochron przed szkodliwymi zakceniami w instalacjach mieszkaniowych. Opisywane urzdzenie generuje, wykorzystuje i moe emitowa energi zwizan z czstotliwoci radiow. Jeli nie zostao zainstalowane zgodnie z instrukcj, moe powodowa zakcenia komunikacji radiowej. Nie gwarantuje si, e w przypadku konkretnej instalacji zakcenia nie wystpi. Jeli opisywane urzdzenie powoduje szkodliwe zakcenia przy odbiorze sygnau radiowego lub telewizyjnego, co mona stwierdzi przez wyczenie i ponowne wczenie urzdzenia, zaleca si likwidacj zakce przez wykonanie jednej z nastpujcych czynnoci:
zmian kierunku lub przeniesienie anteny odbiorczej;
zwikszenie odlegoci midzy urzdzeniem a odbiornikiem;
podczenie urzdzenia do gniazda korzystajcego z innego obwodu ni odbiornik;
zasignicie porady u sprzedawcy lub dowiadczonego technika. Ostrzeenie: Wszelkie zmiany lub modyfikacje, ktre nie s wyranie zatwierdzone przez stron odpowiedzialn za zgodno z przepisami, mog spowodowa uniewanienie prawa uytkownika do korzystania z tego urzdzenia. Nota na temat naraenia na promieniowanie: To urzdzenie spenia normy w zakresie ogranicze promieniowania okrelone dla rodowisk niekontrolowanych. Urzdzenie winno by zainstalowane i uytkowane tak, aby odlego midzy rdem promieniowania a ciaem wynosia przynajmniej 20 cm. Pasmo(-a) czstotliwoci pracy tego sprztu: 2402- 2480 MHz Maksymalna moc wypromieniowana: < 0.62 mW Deklaracj zgodnoci z wymaganiami oznaczenia CE Unii Europejskiej mona znale na stronie internetowej INFORMACJE DLA UYTKOWNIKA DOTYCZCE UTYLIZACJI Informacje o utylizacji produktu po zakoczeniu eksploatacji:
Zgodnie z art. 14 Dyrektywy 2012/19/UE Parlamentu Europejskiego w sprawie zuytego sprztu elektrycznego i elektronicznego (WEEE). Symbol przekrelonego kosza na mieci na urzdzeniu oznacza, e po zakoczeniu uytkowania produkt naley usun oddzielnie od innych odpadw. W zwizku z tym kady produkt, po zakoczeniu okresu uytkowania, musi zosta przekazany do zakadw utylizacji odpadw, specjalizujcych si w selektywnym zbieraniu zuytego sprztu elektrycznego i elektronicznego, lub zwrcony do sprzedawcy przy zakupie nowego WEEE, zgodnie z art. 14, w sposb zgodny ze sposobem jego realizacji w danym kraju. Odpowiednia selektywna zbirka w celu pniejszego przesania sprztu do recyklingu, poddania obrbce i utylizacji w sposb przyjazny dla rodowiska przyczynia si do zapobiegania potencjalnym negatywnym skutkom dla rodowiska naturalnego i zdrowia oraz optymalizuje recykling i ponowne wykorzystanie komponentw elektronicznych sprztu. Nieprawidowa utylizacja produktu przez uytkownika grozi sankcjami administracyjnymi przewidzianymi przez obowizujce prawo. SVENSKA Frenklad EU-frskran om verensstmmelse Vi, Belkin International, Inc., intygar under eget ansvar att radioutrustningen FM-sndare MMA001 som denna frskran gller, uppfyller kraven i RED-direktivet 2014/53/EU och RoHS-direktivet 2011/65/EU (omarbetning). Vi intygar dessutom att produkten uppfyller de vsentliga kraven i ovanstende direktiv. De angivna grnsvrdena i dessa artiklar r avsedda att ge ett rimligt skydd mot skadliga strningar vid installation i hemmet. Utrustningen genererar, anvnder och kan utstrla radiovgor och kan, om den inte installeras och anvnds enligt anvisningarna, orsaka skadliga strningar med radiokommunikation. Det finns dock ingen garanti fr att strningar inte intrffar i en viss installation. Om utrustningen orsakar skadliga strningar av radio- eller tv-mottagningen, vilket kan faststllas genom att den stngs av och stts p, kan anvndaren frska avhjlpa felet genom en av fljande tgrder:
Vrid eller flytta p mottagarens antenn. ka avstndet mellan utrustningen och mottagaren.
. 20 .
: 2402 - 2480 MHz
: < 0.62 mW CE
, http://www.
14 2012/19/E
, 14
. ESKY Zjednoduen Prohlen o shod EU Spolenost Belkin International, Inc. na svou vhradn zodpovdnost prohlauje, e rdiov zazen MMA001, jich se toto prohlen tk, spluj smrnici RED 2014/53/EU a smrnici RoHS 2011/65/
EU (pepracovan znn). Dle prohlaujeme, e produkt spluje nleit poadavky uvedench smrnic. Limity uveden v tchto odstavcch jsou navreny tak, aby zajiovaly pimenou ochranu proti nedoucmu ruen pi instalaci v domcnosti. Zazen generuje, pouv a me vyzaovat vysokofrekvenn energii, kter me pi nedodren pokyn k instalaci a obsluze zpsobovat ruen rdiovho spojen. Nelze vak zaruit, e se ruen v urit instalaci nevyskytne. Pokud dojde k ruen rozhlasovho i tele-
viznho pjmu, co lze jednoznan urit vypnutm a zapnutm pstroje, doporuujeme uivateli, aby se pokusil ruen omezit jednm z nsledujcch opaten:
Pesmrujte nebo pemstte pijmac antnu. Zvtete vzdlenost mezi zazenm a pijmaem. Pipojte zazen do zsuvky v jinm elektrickm okruhu, ne je okruh, ve kterm je zapojen pijma. Porate se s prodejcem nebo zkuenm technikem v oboru TV/rdio. Upozornn: V ppad jakchkoli zmn nebo prav zazen, kter nebyly vslovn schvleny stranou odpovdnou za shodu, hroz uivateli ztrta oprvnn k provozu zazen. Prohlen k vystaven elektromagnetickmu zen: Toto zazen spluje normy stanoven pro ppad vystaven vysokofrekvennmu zen v nekontrolovanm prosted. Zazen by mlo bt instalovno a provozovno ve vzdlenosti alespo 20 cm mezi zdrojem zen a vam tlem. Frekvenn psmo, ve kterm zazen pracuje: 24022480 MHz Maximln vyzen vkon: <0.62mW Anslut utrustningen till ett eluttag i en annan grupp n den som mottagaren r ansluten till. Kontakta terfrsljaren eller en erfaren radio- och tv-tekniker.Obs! ndringar som inte uttryckligen godknts av den part som ansvarar fr efterlevnad kan leda till att anvndaren frverkar rtten att anvnda utrustningen. Uttalande om strlningsexponering: Denna utrustning fljer grnserna fr strlningsexponering fr okontrollerade miljer. Utrustningen br installeras och anvndas med ett avstnd p minst 20 cm mellan anvndaren och strlningskllan. Frekvensband som denna utrustning arbetar inom: 2402-2480 MHz Maximal utstrlad effekt: < 0.62mW En kopia av Europeiska unionens frskran om verensstmmelse angende CE-
mrkning kan hmtas p webbplatsen: INFORMATION BETRFFANDE AVFALLSHANTERING Fr information om avfallshantering av produkten, se
I enlighet med och i verensstmmelse med artikel 14 i Europaparlamentets direktiv 2012/19/EU om avfall som utgrs av eller innehller elektrisk och elektronisk utrustning
(WEEE). Den verkorsade soptunnan som finns p utrustningen markerar att produkten, nr den har uppntt sin livslngd, mste avfallshanteras separat frn annat avfall. Drfr mste alla produkter som har uppntt slutet av sin livslngd avfallshanteras p tervinningscentraler som r specialiserade p separat hantering av elektrisk och elektronisk utrustning, eller terlmnas till terfrsljaren vid inkp av ny WEEE i enlighet med och i verensstmmelse med artikel 14 s som den gller i ditt land. Korrekt separat insamling av utrustningen fr tervinning, behandling och avfallshantering p ett miljvnligt vis, bidrar till att frhindra eventuella negativa effekter p milj och hlsa samt optimerar tervinning och teranvndning av komponenter i den elektroniska utrustningen. Felaktig avfallshantering av produkten omfattas av administrativa pfljder enligt gllande lagar. NEDERLANDS Vereenvoudigde EU-conformiteitsverklaring Wij, Belkin International, Inc., verklaren onder onze eigen verantwoordelijkheid dat de radioapparatuur waarop deze verklaring betrekking heeft, te weten de FM-zender met artikelnummer MMA001, voldoet aan RED-richtlijn 2014/53/EU en RoHS-richtlijn 2011/65/EU
(RoHS2). Voorts verklaren wij dat het product voldoet aan de essentile eisen van de bovengenoemde richtlijnen. De grenswaarden in deze artikelen zijn bedoeld om redelijke bescherming te bieden tegen schadelijke interferentie bij installatie in een woonomgeving. Deze apparatuur genereert en gebruikt radiofrequentie-energie en straalt deze mogelijk ook uit. Indien de apparatuur niet in overeenstemming met de instructies wordt genstalleerd en gebruikt, kan deze schadelijke interferentie voor radiocommunicatie veroorzaken. Er is echter geen garantie dat interferentie niet zal optreden in een bepaalde installatie. Als deze apparatuur schadelijke interferentie veroorzaakt bij radio- of televisieontvangst, hetgeen kan worden vastgesteld door de apparatuur uit en aan te zetten, kan de gebruiker de interferentie proberen te verhelpen met n van de volgende maatregelen:
Kopii Prohlen o shod (oznaen CE) pro Evropskou unii lze zskat na webov strnce: www. INFORMACE O LIKVIDACI Informace o likvidaci vrobku najdete na webov strnce
V souladu s lnkem 14 Smrnice 2012/19/EU Evropskho parlamentu o odpadnch elektrickch a elektronickch zazench (OEEZ). Symbol pekrtnutho odpadkovho koe znamen, e na konci ivotnosti mus bt produkt likvidovn oddlen od bnho odpadu. Z toho dvodu kad produkt, kter doshl konce ivotnosti, mus bt odevzdn ve special-
izovanm zazen ke sbru elektrickho a elektronickho odpadu nebo vrcen prodejci pi nkupu novho zazen podlhajcmi OEEZ, podle implementace lnku 14 ve va zemi. Odpovdajc samostatn sbr pslunho zazen odeslanho k recyklaci a jeho nleit oeten a likvidace zpsobem etrnm k ivotnmu prosted pispv k eliminaci negativnch dopad na ivotn prosted a zdrav. Tak optimalizuje recyklaci a opakovan vyuit komponent, ze kterch je dan zazen zhotoveno. Nevhodn likvidace produktu uivatelem me vst k zkonnm sankcm dle pslunho zkona.
, Belkin International, Inc.,
, FM- MMA001,
, 2014/53/
2011/65/ ( )
. 20
, : 24022480
: < 0.62 m CE De ontvangstantenne verplaatsen of anders richten. De afstand tussen de apparatuur en de ontvanger vergroten. De installatie aansluiten op een stopcontact van een andere groep dan die waarop de ontvanger is aangesloten. MHz De hulp inroepen van de verkoper of een deskundig radio-/televisietechnicus. Waarschuwing: Alle wijzigingen of aanpassingen die niet uitdrukkelijk zijn goedgekeurd door de partij die verantwoordelijk is voor de naleving, kunnen de bevoegdheid van de gebruiker om deze apparatuur te bedienen, tenietdoen. Verklaring betreffende de blootstelling aan straling: Dit apparaat voldoet aan de voorschriften betreffende grenswaarden voor blootstelling aan straling in een niet-gecontroleerde omgeving. Deze apparatuur moet worden genstalleerd en bediend met inachtneming van een minimale afstand van 20 cm tussen de stralingsbron en uw lichaam. Frequentieband(en) waarop de apparatuur werkt: 2402 - 2480 Maximaal uitgestraald vermogen: < 0.62 mW De conformiteitsverklaring voor de CE-markering van de Europese Unie kan hier worden geraadpleegd: INFORMATIE OVER VERWIJDERING DOOR DE GEBRUIKER Voor informatie over de verwijdering van afgedankte apparatuur verwijzen wij u naar http://www.
In overeenstemming met artikel 14 van Richtlijn 2012/19/EU van het Europese Parlement betreffende afgedankte elektrische en elektronische apparatuur (AEEA). Het symbool met een doorgekruiste afvalcontainer op de apparatuur geeft aan dat het product aan het einde van zijn nuttige levensduur gescheiden van ander afval moet worden ingezameld. Een product dat aan het einde van zijn levensduur is gekomen, moet dan ook bij een afvalverwerkingscentrum dat gespecialiseerd is in gescheiden inzameling van afgedankte elektrische en elektronische apparatuur of, bij aankoop van een nieuw elektrisch of elektronisch apparaat, bij de verkoper worden ingeleverd op grond van en in overeenstemming met artikel 14, zoals daaraan in het land uitvoering is gegeven. De adequate gescheiden inzameling om de apparatuur vervolgens te kunnen hergebruiken, verwerken en op milieuvriendelijke wijze af te kunnen voeren, draagt bij aan het voorkomen van mogelijk negatieve invloeden op het milieu en de gezondheid, en bevordert recycling of hergebruik van componenten waaruit de elektronische apparatuur is samengesteld. Bij oneigenlijke verwijdering van het product door de gebruiker worden administratieve sancties opgelegd volgens de geldende wetgeving. MAGYAR Egyszerstett EU-megfelelsgi nyilatkozat Mi, a Belkin International, Inc., felelssgnk tudatban kijelentjk, hogy az MMA001, rdifrekvencis adkszlkek, amelyhez ez a nyilatkozat tartozik, megfelelnek a 2014/53/EU RED-irnyelvnek, valamint a 2011/65/EU RoHS-irnyelvnek (tdolgozva). Ezenkvl kijelentjk, hogy a termk megfelel a fenti irnyelvek lnyeges kvetelmnyeinek. Az ezekben meghatrozott hatrrtkek megfelel vdelmet nyjtanak a kros sugrzsok ellen lakpleten bell. Ez a berendezs rdifrekvencis energit llt el, hasznl s sugrozhat ki, s a rdis hrkzls szmra kros interferencit okozhat, ha nem az utastsoknak megfelelen kerl teleptsre s felhasznlsra. Arra nincs garancia, hogy az interferencia nem lp fel egy adott telepts esetn. Ha ez a kszlk zavarja a rdi s TV vtelt amely a kszlk ki- s bekapcsolsval llapthat meg akkor a felhasznl az albbi intzkedsek valamelyikvel megprblhatja elhrtani az interferencit:
A vevantenna thelyezse vagy irnytottsgnak a megvltoztatsa. A berendezs s a vevkszlk kztti tvolsg nvelse.
14 2012/19/
, WEEE, 14
. TURKISH Zjednoduen Prohlen o shod EU Biz, Belkin International Inc. olarak radyo ekipman FM vericisi MMA001 in RED Direktifi 2014/53/EU ve RoHS Direktifi 2011/65/EU (Recast) ile uyumlu olduunu kendi sorumluluumuzda beyan ederiz. Ayrca beyan ederiz ki, rn, yukardaki Direktiflerin temel artlarn karlamaktadr. Maddelerde yer alan bu limitler yerleim blgelerinde zararl giriime kar makul koruma salamak zere tasarlanmtr. Bu ekipman radyo frekansnda enerji retir, kullanr ve yayabilir ve ynergelere uygun kurulmad ve kullanlmad srece, radyo iletiimine zararl giriime neden olabilir. Ancak belirli bir kurulumda giriimin ortaya kmayacann garantisi yoktur. Bu ekipman radyo veya televizyon almna zararl bir giriim dourursa (bu ekipman kapatp aarak anlalabilir), kullancnn aadaki nlemlerden birini alarak giriimi dzeltmeye almas nerilir:
Alc antenin ynn veya konumunu deitirin. Ekipman ile alc arasndaki mesafeyi artrn. Ekipman, alcnn bal olduundan farkl priz veya akma balayn. Yardm almak iin satcnza veya deneyimli bir radyo/TV teknisyenine dann. Dikkat: Uyumdan sorumlu tarafn ak bir ekilde onaylamad herhangi bir deiiklik veya tadilat, kullancnn bu ekipman altrma yetkisini geersiz klabilir. Radyasyona Maruz Kalma Beyan: Bu ekipman, kontrolsz bir ortam iin belirlenmi olan radyas-
yona maruz kalma snrlaryla uyumludur. Bu ekipman, n kaynayla bedeniniz arasnda en az 20 cm mesafe olacak ekilde kurulmal ve altrlmaldr Bu ekipmann alt frekans bantlar u ekildedir: 2402- 2480 MHz Maksimum yaylm gc: <0.62 mW Avrupa Birliinin CE damgal Uygunluk Beyannn bir nshas u adresten temin edilebilir: www. KULLANICI N MHA BLGLER rnn atlmas hakknda bilgi iin ltfen adresini 70 gsm wood free paper FCC statement 221/32
I H S L G N E 5-Panel Accordion Fold mogu da ponite korisnikovo pravo da koristi ovu opremu. Izjava o izlaganju zraenju: Ova oprema je usaglaena sa ogranienjima za izlaganje zraenju iz standarda koja su postavljena za nekontrolisano okruenje. Ova oprema treba da se instalira i koristi na najmanjem rastojanju od 20 cm izmeu ureaja koji zrai i vaeg tela. Frekvencijski opsezi u kojima ova oprema radi: Od 2402 do 2480 MHz Maksimalna izraena snaga: < 0.62 mW Kopija CE oznake Izjava o usklaenosti Evropske unije moe da se preuzme na veb lokaciji: INFORMACIJE ZA KORISNIKA O ODLAGANJU U OTPAD Informacije o odlaganju proizvoda u otpad potraite na adresi
U skladu sa lanom 14 Direktive 2012/19/EU Evropskog parlamenta o otpadu od elektrine i elektronske opreme (WEEE). Simbol precrtane kante za otpatke prikazan na opremi naznaava da, na kraju radnog veka, proizvod mora da se prikupi zasebno od ostalog otpada. Stoga, svaki proizvod koji je dostigao kraj radnog veka mora da se preda u centru za odlaganje otpada koji je specijalizovan za zasebno prikupljanje otpada od elektrine i elektronske opreme ili da se vrati nazad prodavcu prilikom kupovanja novog ureaja koji podlee direktivi WEEE, u skladu sa lanom 14 kao to je implementirano u dravi. Odgovarajue zasebno prikupljanje opreme za reciklau koja se alje na recikliranje, obradu i odlaganje na nain doprinosi zatiti ivotne sredine i spreava mogue negativne efekte na ivotnu sredinu i zdravlje i optimizuje reciklau i ponovnu upotrebu komponenti koje ine elektronsku opremu. Nepravilno odlaganje proizvoda u otpad od strane korisnika obuhvata primenu administrativnih kazni u skladu sa zakonom na snazi. EE
, Belkin International, Inc.,
(, FM MMA001) 2014/53/EE 2011/65/ () .
. 14
. A berendezs msik tpfeszltsg-ramkrre csatlakoztatsval, mint amelyikre a vevkszlk csatlakozik. Segtsg krse a berendezs forgalmazjtl vagy rdi/TV szerel szakembertl. Vigyzat: A szabvnymegfelelsrt felels fl ltal nem kifejezetten engedlyezett mindennem vltoztats vagy mdosts megszntetheti a felhasznlnak a jelen berendezs zemeltetsi jogosultsgt. Nyilatkozat a sugrzsnak val kitettsgrl: Ez a berendezs megfelel az ltal elrt, nem szablyozott krnyezet szmra meghatrozott sugrzsi limiteknek. Az eszkzt minimum 20 cm-re kell telepteni, zemeltetni a sugrz forrstl s az emberi testtl. A berendezs a kvetkez frekvenciatartomnyokban mkdik: 2402- 2480 MHz Maximlis sugrzsi teljestmny: < 0.62mW Az eurpai unis CE Megfelelsgi Nyilatkozat egy pldnya megtekinthet ezen a cmen: www. LESELEJTEZSI INFORMCIK A FELHASZNLK SZMRA A termk leselejtezse utni elhelyezsrl szl informcit a kvetkez honlapon tallhat:
Megfelel az elektromos s elektronikus berendezsek hulladkairl szl 2012/19/EU eurpai parlamenti irnyelv 14. cikknek s sszhangban ll vele. A berendezsen feltntetett szemetesedny szimbluma azt jelzi, hogy a termk hasznos lettartama vgn ms hulladktl elklntve kell gyjteni. Ezrt az olyan termket, amely elrte hasznos lettartamnak vgt, elektromos s elektronikus berendezsek hulladkainak specilis gyjtsre szakosodott hulladkrtalmatlant kzpontoknak kell eljuttatni, vagy vissza kell adni a mrkakereskednek j WEEE-eszkz vsrlsakor a 14. cikknek megfelelen s azzal sszhangban az orszgban megvalstott mdon. A krnyezetbart mdon trtn jrahasznostsra, kezelsre s rtalmatlantsra elkldtt berendezs kvetkez zembe helyezshez megfelel kln gyjts hozzjrul a krnyezetre s az egszsgre gyakorolt lehetsges negatv hats megelzshez, s optimalizlja az elektronikus berendezs alkatrszeinek jrahasznostst s jrafelhasznlst. A termk felhasznl ltali jogsrt rtalmatlantsa a hatlyban lv jog kzigazgatsi szankciit vonja maga utn. SRPSKI Pojednostavljena Izjava o usklaenosti EU Mi, kompanija Belkin International, Inc., pod sopstvenom odgovornou izjavljujemo da radio oprema FM predajnik MMA001, na koje se ova izjava odnosi, usklaeni sa Direktivom RED 2014/53/EU i Direktivom RoHS 2011/65/EU (Recast). Dalje izjavljujemo da ovaj proizvod zadovoljava osnovne zahteve direktiva navedenih iznad. Ogranienja iz ovih lanaka su stvorena da bi obezbedila osnovnu zatitu od tetnih smetnji prilikom instalacije u stambenim objektima. Ova oprema generie, koristi i moe da zrai energiju radio-talasa, a ako se ne instalira i koristi u skladu sa uputstvima, moe da izazove tetne smetnje na radio-komunikacijama. Meutim, ne postoje garancije da se smetnje nee pojaviti u odreenoj instalaciji. Ako oprema izazove tetne smetnje na radio i TV prijemu, to moe da se utvrdi ukljuivanjem i iskljuivanjem opreme, korisnik moe da pokua da ispravi smetnje nekom od sledeih mera:
Promeniti orijentaciju ili poloaj prijemne antene. Poveati rastojanje izmeu opreme i prijemnika. Povezati opremu na utinicu koja se nalazi na kolu koje se razlikuje od kola na koje je prikljuen prijemnik. Potraiti pomo od prodavca ili iskusnog radio/TV tehniara. Oprez: Izmene ili modifikacije koje nije izriito odobrila strana koja je odgovorna za usaglaenost ziyaret edin. Avrupa Parlamentosunun elektrikli ve elektronik ekipmanda (WEEE) atklarla ilgili Direktifinin 2012/19/EU 14. Maddesi uyarnca ve buna uygun olarak. Ekipman zerinde gsterilen p kutusunun st izili olduu sembol, rnn kullanm mrnn sonunda dier atklardan ayr toplanmas gerektiini belirtir. Bu nedenle kullanm mrnn sonuna gelen herhangi bir rn, elektrikli aletlerin ve elektronik ekipmanlarn atnn ayr toplanmas konusunda uzmanlam atk imha merkezlerine verilmeli veya lkede uygulanan ekilde 14. Madde uyarnca yeni bir AEEE satn alrken bayiye iade edilmelidir. Geri dntrlmek, ilenmek ve evreye uyumlu bir ekilde imha edilmek zere gnderilen ekipmann daha sonra yeniden kullanma alnmas iin yeterli ayr toplama ilemi evre ve salk zerindeki olas olumsuz etkilerin nlenmesine katkda bulunur ve elektronik ekipman oluturan bileenlerin geri dnmn ve yeniden kullanmn optimize eder. rnn kullanc tarafndan kt bir ekilde imha edilmesi yrrlkteki kanunlara gre idari yaptrmlarn uygulanmasn ierir. BELKIN INTERNATIONAL, INC
.)( EU/65/2011 )ROHS( EU/53/2014
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0.62 < :
. )WEEE(
8850bt01417 Rev. A00 PRINT SPECS:
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1 | Internal Photos | Internal Photos | 467.65 KiB | April 22 2021 / October 20 2021 | delayed release |
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FCC, Request for non-disclosure RF_501, Issue 8 Date: 21-Nov-2018 Page 1 of 1 Company Name: Belkin International, Inc. Address:12045 East Waterfront Drive, Playa Vista, CA 90094,USA City: Playa Vista Country: USA Edisonstraat 12A 6902 PK ZEVENAAR The Netherlands To: Telefication B.V., Dept. FCC TCB Subject: Request for confidentiality FCC ID: K7SMMA001 Reference number: MMA001 Dear FCC TCB, 1. Long-Term Confidentiality Pursuant to 47 CFR Section 0.459(a) & (b), we hereby requests non-disclosure and confidential treatment of the following materials submitted in support of FCC certification application:
Bill(s) of Material Block Diagrams Operational Description Schematic Diagrams Tune-up Procedure Above materials contain secrets, proprietary and technical information, which would customarily be guarded from competitors under 47 CFR, section 0.457(d)(2). Disclosure or publication or any portion of this company confidential material to other parties could cause substantial competitive harm and provide unjustified benefits for competitors. 2. Short-Term Confidentiality (STC) Pursuant to Public Notice DA 04-1705 of the Commissions policy, in order to comply with the marketing regulations in 47 CFR 2.803 and the importation rules in 47 CFR 2.1204, applicant hereby requests Short-Term Confidential treatment of the following materials (See notes below):
Internal Photos Users Manual Test Set-up Photos External Photos Justification: The above materials contain trade secrets and proprietary information not customarily released to the public. The public disclosure of these materials may be harmful to the applicant and provide unjustified benefits to its competitors. Name and signature of applicant: Zack Vogel, Regulatory Compliance Engineer Date: 2021/4/15 Notes:
1) A document or type of document can only have ONE type of confidentiality!
2) Short-Term confidentiality is in principle for 45 days from date of grant; it can be extended max 3 times (total time 180 days max.)!
The planned date should stated in the RF731 application form. 3) FCC must be informed when marketing begins earlier. 4) Release takes place automatically thus extension must be requested in time. Telefication does not remind you of this!
5) Request for extension or for release must be received by Telefication at least 7 days before date of actual marketing or before expiration of the STC period
1 | Declaration of authorization | Cover Letter(s) | 122.21 KiB | April 22 2021 / April 23 2021 |
RF_160, Issue 04
.. . Belkin International, Inc. Declaration of Authorization We Name: Belkin International, Inc. Address: 12045 East Waterfront Drive, Playa Vista, CA 90094, USA City: Playa Vista Country: USA . Declare that:
Name Representative of agent: Jenny Guo Agent Company name: Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd. Dongguan Branch Address: No. 96, Guantai Road (Houjie Section) Houjie Town Dongguan City, Guangdong 523942, China City: Dongguan Country: China is authorized to apply for Certification of the following product(s):
Product description: Magnetic Face Tracking Mount Type designation: MMA001. Trademark:
Validity/ expiry date: 2022-4-14 on our behalf. Date: 2021-4-15 City: Playa Vista Name: Zack Vogel Function: Regulatory Compliance Engineer Signature:
(1): Required for FCC application
(2): For FCC it must be the Grantee Code owner or the authorized agent. belkin .
1 | Power of Attorney Letter | Cover Letter(s) | 105.86 KiB | April 22 2021 / April 23 2021 |
Power of Attorney To whom it may concern:
I, the undersigned, Jay Tu, hereby authorize the person listed below to act in behalf of me to sign all related documents for Belkin International, Inc.s FCC/IC application. Date: March 26, 2021 Name: Zack Vogel / Regulatory Compliance Engineer, Regulatory Compliance Tel: +1 800-223-5546 E-mail: Name: Andrei Moldavanov / Regulatory Compliance Engineer, Regulatory Compliance E-mail: Name: Rossi Wu / Senior Regulatory Compliance Engineer, Regulatory Compliance Tel: +1 310 633 9309 # 2960 E-mail: Tel: O +86 755 2387 1039 E-mail: Name: Daisy Dai / Regulatory Compliance Engineer, Regulatory Compliance Respectfully, Applicants company name: Belkin International, Inc. Applicants company address: 12045 East Waterfront Dr., Playa Vista, CA 90094, United Sates Signature Name and Job Title: Jay Tu / Manager, Regulatory Compliance E-mail: Tel: +1 310 633 9309 # 9142
1 | Test Setup Photos | Test Setup Photos | 289.22 KiB | April 22 2021 / October 20 2021 | delayed release |
frequency | equipment class | purpose | ||
1 | 2021-04-23 | 2402 ~ 2480 | DTS - Digital Transmission System | Original Equipment |
app s | Applicant Information | |||||
1 | Effective |
1 | Applicant's complete, legal business name |
Belkin International, Inc.
1 | FCC Registration Number (FRN) |
1 | Physical Address |
12045 East Waterfront Dr.
1 |
Playa Vista, CA
1 |
United States
app s | TCB Information | |||||
1 | TCB Application Email Address |
1 | TCB Scope |
A4: UNII devices & low power transmitters using spread spectrum techniques
app s | FCC ID | |||||
1 | Grantee Code |
1 | Equipment Product Code |
app s | Person at the applicant's address to receive grant or for contact | |||||
1 | Name |
J**** T****
1 | Title |
Manager, Regulatory Compliance
1 | Telephone Number |
310-6******** Extension:
1 | Fax Number |
1 |
app s | Technical Contact | |||||
1 | Firm Name |
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
1 | Name |
G****** H****
1 | Physical Address |
No. 96, Guantai Road (Houjie Section)
1 |
1 | Telephone Number |
1 | Fax Number |
1 |
app s | Non Technical Contact | |||||
1 | Firm Name |
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
1 | Name |
J******** G******
1 | Physical Address |
No. 96, Guantai Road (Houjie Section)
1 |
1 | Telephone Number |
1 | Fax Number |
1 |
app s | Confidentiality (long or short term) | |||||
1 | Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | Yes | ||||
1 | Long-Term Confidentiality Does this application include a request for confidentiality for any portion(s) of the data contained in this application pursuant to 47 CFR § 0.459 of the Commission Rules?: | Yes | ||||
1 | If so, specify the short-term confidentiality release date (MM/DD/YYYY format) | 10/20/2021 | ||||
if no date is supplied, the release date will be set to 45 calendar days past the date of grant. | ||||||
app s | Cognitive Radio & Software Defined Radio, Class, etc | |||||
1 | Is this application for software defined/cognitive radio authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Equipment Class | DTS - Digital Transmission System | ||||
1 | Description of product as it is marketed: (NOTE: This text will appear below the equipment class on the grant) | Magnetic Face Tracking Mount | ||||
1 | Related OET KnowledgeDataBase Inquiry: Is there a KDB inquiry associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 | Modular Equipment Type | Does not apply | ||||
1 | Purpose / Application is for | Original Equipment | ||||
1 | Composite Equipment: Is the equipment in this application a composite device subject to an additional equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Related Equipment: Is the equipment in this application part of a system that operates with, or is marketed with, another device that requires an equipment authorization? | No | ||||
1 | Grant Comments | Power output listed is conducted. The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be used to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. End-users must be provided with antenna installation instructions and transmitter operating conditions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. | ||||
1 | Is there an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application? | No | ||||
1 | If there is an equipment authorization waiver associated with this application, has the associated waiver been approved and all information uploaded? | No | ||||
app s | Test Firm Name and Contact Information | |||||
1 | Firm Name |
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd. Dongguan Branch
1 | Name |
E******** Y********
1 | Telephone Number |
1 |
Equipment Specifications | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line | Rule Parts | Grant Notes | Lower Frequency | Upper Frequency | Power Output | Tolerance | Emission Designator | Microprocessor Number | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 15C | 2402.00000000 | 2480.00000000 | 0.0014000 |
some individual PII (Personally Identifiable Information) available on the public forms may be redacted, original source may include additional details
This product uses the FCC Data API but is not endorsed or certified by the FCC