0 1 0 1 0 1 000000 11111 111111111111111110 000000000000000 10 111111 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 11 00 0 1 0 0000000000 1 0 1 1 111 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1111 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 111111 00 0 0 00 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 00 0 1 11 11 1 1 00 0 0 1 0 0 11111 1111 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 000 1 0 0 111 11 11 00 1 1 1 0 000 0 0 1 1 11 00 0 0 0 1 11 1 11 0 1 1 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 00 111 0 0 1 0 11 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 00 1 0 00 1 1 00 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 11 0 1 0 0 0 0 111 11 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0000 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 11 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 111 0 0 0 0 0000000 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 00 0 1 1 1 0 0 11 1 1 1 0 00 00 0 1 1 1 11 0 0 0 0 00 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 00 00 1 1 1 00 00 1 1 1 00 1 111 0 0 0 11 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Cyclone 5700-360.OFDM & 5700-VS.OFDM User Manual 1 1.0 ABBREVIATIONS The following abbreviations may be used in these notes:
1X 2X 3X AP BH BHM BH CAP CIR CMM CNUT CSM DFS DHCP DiffServ EIRP ETSI FSK GPS 1X operation, with typical max aggregate (up and down) throughput of 7 Mbps 2X operation, with typical max aggregate (up and down) throughput of 14 Mbps 3X operation, with typical max aggregate (up and down) throughput of over 20 Mbps Access Point Module Backhaul Module, either timing master or timing slave Backhaul Module timing master Backhaul Module timing slave Access Point Module Committed Information Rate Cluster Management Module (CMM4 or CMMicro) Canopy Network Updater Tool Subscriber Module Dynamic Frequency Selection for radar avoidance Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Differentiated Services Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power European Telecommunications Standards Institute Frequency Shift Keying Global Positioning System Note: CMM uses GPS to synchronize APs & BHs MIB NAT OFDM PMP PTP QAM QPSK RF SM VLAN Management Information Base for SNMP Network Address Translation Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Point-to-Multi-Point (AP to SMs) Point-to-Point (Backhauls) Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Radio Frequency Subscriber Module Virtual Local Area Network 2 2.0 PERFORMANCE Table 1 shows performance details for Cyclone 5700-360.OFDM series. Table 1: Performance Details Product Channel Width Parameter Cyclone 5700-360.OFDM 10 MHz Modulation Typical Maximum Range Typical Maximum Aggregate
(up+down) Throughput Nominal Receive Sensitivity
(including FEC) Latency Performance Details 1X QPSK 2X 3X 16 QAM 64 QAM 7 mi/ 11.2km 3 mi/ 4.8km 2 mi/3.2 km 7.5 Mbps 15 Mbps 22.5 Mbps
-89 dBm
-78 dBm
-70 dBm 5-7 msec 3.0 PLANNING Cyclone 5700-360.OFDM Series systems use a 10 MHz channel size configurable on 5 MHz centers. This channel size, along with some different characteristics due to the use OFDM carrier technology and QPSK, 16 QAM, or 64 QAM modulations, supports somewhat different channel planning than for standard Canopy. (For reference, PMP 100/200 Series uses 20 MHz channels configurable on 5 MHz centers, single carrier technology, and 2-level and 4-level FSK modulation.) 3.1 TOWER CHANNEL PLANNING For a single cluster of 4 APs on a tower, 2-channel re-use with channels on 10 MHz channel center spacing gives good performance. In channel design parlance, this can be stated as ABAB channel planning, with no guard band needed between A and B. A typical arrangement might be to use radios configured for 5480 MHz aimed north and south, and radios configured for 5490 MHz aimed east and west.
(For reference, standard Canopy uses 2-channel re-use with clusters of 6 APs on a tower with channel center spacing of either 25 MHz for Advantage APs or 20 MHz for non-Advantage APs. This is ABCABC channel planning, with 5 MHz guard band between the 20 MHz channels for Advantage APs and no guard band needed for non-Advantage.) Available 5.8 GHz channel center frequencies for each region are shown in Table 2. These vary by region due to different band edge RF specifications (for example, between Canada/US and Europe). Table 2: 5.8 GHz Channel Center Frequencies, by Region Region US Canada Europe Range of Center Frequencies Available
(MHz)(on 5 MHz centers within this range, inclusive) Maximum number of non-overlapping channels 5730 - 5845 5730 - 5845 5730 - 5870 12 12 15 3 3.2 COLLOCATION OF 5.8 GHZ OFDM WITH STANDARD 5.7 GHZ CANOPY FSK When locating Cyclone OFDM (5.8 GHz) APs near 5.7 GHz standard Canopy FSK APs (especially on the same tower, but also in the same geographical area), the following practices should be followed to avoid interference between the two systems:
Plan spacing between OFDM and FSK channels to provide 25 MHz center spacing, which gives a 10 MHz guard band between the 10 MHz OFDM channel and the 20 MHz FSK channel. Coordinate Downlink Data %, Range, and Control Slot settings using both the OFDM and the FSK frame calculators. The following paragraphs give more details on these recommended practices. 3.3 CHANNEL SPACING Center spacing of 25 MHz between collocated FSK and OFDM APs provides a 10 MHz guard band between the 20 MHz and 10 MHz channels, which has proven useful and needed in field testing. Alternatively, in cases where channel planning is severely restricted and the 10 MHz guard band (25 MHz spacing) is not possible, using vertical separation of 5 feet or more between the OFDM and FSK APs may allow collocation with no guard band (15 MHz spacing) in some deployments. 3.4 FRAME CALCULATIONS AND CONFIGURATION SETTINGS Interference between collocated Canopy systems can be avoided by following two practices:
1. Use a CMM. This synchronizes frame start, so that all collocated APs begin transmitting at the same time each 2.5 millisecond frame. 2. Use the frame calculators in each module, OFDM and FSK (the frame calculators are different, as frame details are different) to select Downlink Data %, Range, and Control Slots for each system that produce Rec SEQ Start values that are within 300 bit times. This ensures that all collocated APs end transmission each frame before any collocated AP begins to receive. When collocating only Canopy OFDM APs together, or collocating only Canopy hardware scheduled FSK APs together, the simple practice of setting the Downlink Data %, Range, and Control Slots the same on all APs ensures they wont interfere with each other. (These parameters are set on the Configuration => Radio page of the AP.) However, due to the different physical layer between Canopy OFDM and Canopy FSK, this doesnt necessarily work when co-locating OFDM and FSK together. You will need to use frame calculators on both the OFDM and FSK modules, as they are different frame calculators. For the same Downlink Data %, Range, and Control Slots, the frame calculators give different results. Use of the frame calculators is similar to the previous use when co-locating software-scheduled and hardware-scheduled APs. 4 CONFIGURING Most PMP 430 Series configuration items are identical or very similar to configuration items in standard FSK Canopy modules. This section discusses those that are new or changed and also remarks on some that remain unchanged. 4.1 LINK OPERATION 1X/2X/3X Cyclone 5700-360.OFDM Series products offer three levels or speeds of operation 1X, 2X, and 3X. 3X supports a typical maximum aggregate (sum of up and down) throughput of up to 21 Mbps. If received power is less due to distance between the AP/BHM and the SM/BHS or due to obstructions, or interference affects the RF environment, the Canopy system will automatically and dynamically adjust links to the best operation level. Distance, rates and other information associated with the operation levels are shown in Table 1. 4 em chooses it eQuest) error broadcast) is the data is re gly. A normal s ent changes. running at 3X s operation ra control metho expected to esent. The se system may h Furthermore X while the up ate dynamica od. With ARQ be acknowled nding unit mo have links tha
, the links ope plink RF enviro ally, based on Q, every data dged by the re onitors these at move from erate indepen onment only s Canopys int slot of every eceiver, and resends, and 3X to 2X (or ndently; norm supports 2X. ternal ARQ (A frame sent ov if acknowledg adjusts the o 1X) and back al operation c Automatic ver the air (ex xcept gement is not t operation rate e k as the RF can have a ult is for both A nk to 1X/2X o nfiguration =>
operation. An
, using the Dy r locks down For example, at the AP, al AP/BHM and operation or to General pag n operator ma ynamic Rate A uplink and do if an individu l links in the s SM/BHS to b o only 1X ope e as shown in ay lock down a Adapt parame ownlink of all al link is set f sector will be be enabled fo eration using n Figure 1. Th an entire sect eter on the A links in the se for 3X operati locked down or 3X operatio the Dynamic his parameter tor to 2X and Ps Configura ector, and ove on at the SM to 1X operati on. An operato Rate Adapt p r locks down 1X operation ation => Gene errides any S and the sect ion. or may lock parameter on both uplink a n, or to only 1 eral page. Th SM 1X/2X/3X tor is set for 1 the nd X is X The syste Repeat re downlink received, according environme downlink The defau down a li SMs Con downlink o operation paramete settings. F operation Dynamic Ra ate Adapt on AP "Configu uration => G General" page e ases an opera mically choos ator is well-se se the best ra erved to leave te for each lin e the setting a nk. Cases wh at 1X/2X/3X a en it may be and let the sys useful to lock stem automat k down a link tically to 1X you are havin If may help in so m ng trouble aim ome cases. ming a link or getting it to r register, lockin ng the link do own to 2X or 1 1X the link is su If lo ocking the link op peration rates th he link can ch spected to be k down may in s, overall link oose its own e oscillating b ncrease throu throughput a rate dynamic etween opera ughput. Usual nd sector cap cally. ation rates to lly, even if the pacity are hig the detrimen e link is movin hest if the lin t of throughp ng rapidly bet k is left at 3X ut, tween and G General link tro oubleshooting g ector utilizatio as possible fo er to 1X rates. on Rate) settin F environment ore air time on involves ha or the sector. A This does no ngs to cap the t will allow. Th for other SM aving as man As an examp ot mean you s e SMs bandw his ensures th s. ny links as pos ple, you want t should set tha width use, but hat any transm ssible running to limit throug at link to 1X o t let the link ru mission uses g at 3X. This ghput to an in operation. Use un at as high as little air ti provides as m ndividual e MIR (Maxim an operation ime as possi mum rate ible, much Figure 1:
In most ca and dynam include Optimal s capacity a subscribe Informatio as the RF leaving m 5 4.2 TRANSMITTER OUTPUT POWER (AND NO JITTER) The AP/BHMs Transmitter Output Power is configured on the AP/BHMs Configuration => Radio page. Radio Frequency Transmit Output Power Range Factory Default Setting Cyclone OFDM 5.7 GHz 5.8 GHz
-30 dBm to +20 dBm (US)
-30 dBm to +21 dBm (Outside US) 10 dBm In most regulatory regions, including the US, Canada, and Europe, Cyclone 5700-360.OFDM Series modules operating in the 5.8 GHz band are limited to 33 dBm with 10MHz channels (Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power). This is different than the 30 dBm EIRP allowed for Canopy FSK modules operating in the 5.4 GHz band because the regulations are for spectral power density and with half the channel size
(10 MHz vs. 20 MHz). To meet 27 dBm EIRP with the connectorized 18 dBi antenna (with 1 dB of cable loss) that comes with the Cyclone OFDM AP, the maximum setting allowed is 10 dBm (the default) since 27-17=10. If a connectorized AP has been purchased and the operator has provided the antenna, the Transmitter Output Power must be configured based on that antenna and consistent with local or regional regulations. For example, if a Cyclone 5700-360.OFDM Access Point is being used with a 15 dBi antenna, then the maximum setting allowed to meet 27 dBm EIRP is the full 12 dBm of which the radio is capable. IMPORTANT!
It is the responsibility of the operator and professional installer to ensure Transmitter Output Power is set within regulatory limits for their country or region. These must be set or confirmed on initial configuration and after a module is reset to factory defaults, and should be confirmed after the software on a module is upgraded. In most cases the operator will want to set the APs Transmitter Output Power to the maximum allowed so as to have the greatest overall range and the greatest range for 3X operation. It may be useful to reduce Transmitter Output Power when Canopy systems are located close together, with good coverage given because of their proximity and full power isnt needed, or in cases where an operator is trying to reduce interference from the Canopy system to other systems. Each SMs Transmitter Output Power is automatically set by the AP. The AP monitors the received power from each SM, and adjusts each SMs Transmitter Output Power so that the received power at the AP from that SM is not greater than -60 dBm. Cyclone OFDM Series networks use Auto-TPC because OFDM technology is more sensitive to large differences in power levels from SMs operating at various distances from the AP than the single carrier technology used in Canopy FSK. Cyclone OFDM Series modules display the typical Canopy Receive Power Level as shown in Figure 2. Due to the different modulation technique no jitter is calculated or displayed. 6 can be set in 1%
Power Leve el on AP Ho me=>Sessio on Status pa age. Figure 2:
4.3 DOW The Down increment The Rang between 1 Range to determine Range the Range do Range giv around tim If the Ran avoid clos 90% is no WNLINK DAT TA %, RANG GE, AND CO ONTROL SL LOTS nlink Data pa ts between 10 arameter on t 0% and 90%. he APs and The default a BHMs Config as shown in F guration => G Figure 3 is 75 General page 5%. ge parameter 1 and 30 mile the distance es frame struc e same acros on the APs C es for Cyclone of the furthes cture of the C ss a geograph Configuration e OFDM APs. st SM from an anopy over-th hical area give n => General
. The default a ny AP in the a he-air protoco e best overal set in 1-mile page can be as shown in F Figure 3 is 2 m nge paramete area. The Ran turn-around g ol, especially l performance e. increments miles. Set the e er effectively guard time. S Setting ge transmit po r power and s ower levels. D slightly reduce Do not set a h es throughput higher Range t to allow for h than needed higher air dela d. A higher ay and turn-
5 miles, the SM on issues. Fo M limits the D or example, a Downlink Dat a Range of 6 m ta to a maxim miles and a D o mum of 85% to Downlink Dat ta of oes not chang ves no higher me. nge is set to g se-in SMs hav ot allowed. Op greater than 5 ving registrati perationally, the Downlink if miles, the mod m k Data % is se dule will reset et to greater t the Downlink han 85% and k Data % to 8 d the user ent 5%
ters a range g greater than 5 5 7 the range is s if 5%, the modu 85 set to greater ule will reset t r than 5 miles the Downlink and the user Data % to 85 r enters a Dow 5%. wnlink Data %
% of greater t han Max Range
& Downlink Data on AP
"Configurati ion => Radio o" page. d Control Slo y all APs in a c s, and thereby ot settings as a cluster should y the send an a function of d use the sam d receive tim Ms in the sect number of SM me number of f control slots ing, the same e. tor are shown so as to keep n in Table 3. p the frame Figure 3:
Suggeste Generally structures Table 3: C ngs Cyclone OFD Numb Regis DM AP Contr rol Slot Settin ber of SMs tha at ster to the AP P 1 to 10 11 to 50 5 51 to 150 1 51 to 200 ector with the Any OFDM se Sugg gested Numbe C Control Slots er of 11 or 2 4 6 8 Note 1: A e Hi Priority C least 1 Con hannel enabl ntrol Slot on th led on any SM he AP. M should be c configured wit th at In some c seen in a different s to find a c cases operato sector handli sectors requir combination o ors may find th ng several Vo e different nu of settings tha hat sectors w oIP streams, umbers of Con t put Rec SE with high levels benefit overa ntrol Slots, the EQ Start time s of small pac all from slightly e operator sh es within 300 cket requests y higher Cont hould use the bit times. s, such as mig trol Slot settin Frame Calcu ght be ngs. If ulator 8 Control Slots are reserved for SMs bandwidth requests and never handle data. A higher number of control slots gives higher probability that an SMs bandwidth request will be heard when the system is heavily loaded, but with the tradeoff that sector capacity is reduced by about 100 kbps for each Control Slot configured, so there will be less capacity to handle the request. Uplink Data Slots are used first for data. If they are the not needed for data in a given frame the data slot can be used by the SMs for bandwidth requests. This allows SMs in sectors with zero control slots configured to still make bandwidth requests using unused data slots. Downlink Data %, Range, and Control Slots should be set consistent with the results of any collocation planning done using OFDM and FSK frame calculators. The BHM performs its own ranging and so no range need be set for it. BHMs do not have settings for control slots, as there is no bandwidth request contention on the one-to-
one link. 4.4 BACKGROUND AND OPERATION The modules use region-specific DFS based on the Region Code selected on the modules Configuration => General page. By directing installers and technicians to set the Region Code correctly, the operator gains confidence the module is operating according to national or regional regulations without having to deal with the details for each region. Available Region Codes include Other, United States, Canada, Europe, Brazil, Russia, and Australia. Operators in regions or countries not listed and with requirements aligned with one of the listed countries should set the Region Code to that country. Operators in regions or countries with no requirements for DFS should use the Other Region Code. New APs and BHMs from the factory will show a Region Code of None, and will not transmit until the Region Code is set to a value other than None. Canada, United States and Europe have requirements to avoid certain frequencies used by some weather radar. To meet this requirement, modules set to a Region Code of Canada, United States or Europe will display the center channel frequencies on the APs and BHMs Carrier Frequency pop-up and on the SMs and BHSs Frequency Scan Selection List. Table 4 shows the details of DFS operation and channels available for each Region Code, including whether DFS is active on the AP/BHM, SM/BHS, which DFS regulation apply, and any channel restrictions.. Table 4: 5.8 GHz OFDM DFS Operation based on Region Code Region Code1 Frequency AP SM Center Channel Frequencies Available2 (MHZ) United States Canada 5.8 GHz 5.8 GHz No Effect No Effect No Effect No Effect 5730-5845 5730-5845 1. In all cases set the Region Code to the region you are in and the equipment will provide DFS consistent with that regions regulations. For countries or regions not listed, use a Region Code that provides DFS functionality and channels consistent with your countrys regulatory requirements. 2. In some countries and regions, 5600 MHz to 5650 MHz is notched out to meet requirements to not transmit in weather radar frequencies. 9 AP or BHM wi ute, monitorin s minute, the
, the frequenc ate carrier freq nd then waits
, if the AP/BH on-occupancy th DFS boots g for the rada module then cy is marked f quency. The A s until the first HM detects a w y period and m s it performs a ar signature w proceeds to for a 30 minu AP/BHM cont t frequency en weather rada moves to chec a channel ava without transm normal beaco te non-occup tinues this be nds the 30 mi ar signature it ck the next-in ailability check mitting. If no ra on transmit m pancy period, havior throug inute non-occ marks the cu n-line carrier f k on its main adar signatur mode. If it does and the mod gh its 2nd alte cupancy perio urrent carrier f frequency. carrier freque e is detected s detect a rad ule moves to ernate frequen od. While frequency for ency dar its ncy if r a 30 HS does not b ng, SMs/BHS begin transmi Ss will be silen ssion until it d nt. detects a bea acon from an A AP/BHM. If A APs/BHMs are e not and IC requir Ms and SMs/B scans to find a availability che ng. A DFS de re DFS only o HSs, while B a Canopy bea eck on that fre ecision is mad on APs/BHMs razil applies i acon from a A equency for 1 de based on th s. Europe app t only to AP/B AP/BHM. If an minute, mon he following:
plies the ETSI BHMs. In the n AP/BHM is f nitoring for the I specification ETSI case, w found, the SM e radar signat n to both when an SM/B M/BHS perform ture, without BHS ms a no radar puls If egister to an A re If the SM/BHS sc canning other se is detected AP/BHM. does detect r frequencies DFS has see er an SM with rent AP if colo nect to a differ hat connection n. d during this 1 1 minute, the SM/BHS proc ceeds throug h normal step ps to radar, it locks in its scan lis s out that freq st. quency for 30 minutes and continues en a radar sig or codes, AP gnature on a f transmitting f frequency and frequencies, a d locked out t and SM scan that frequency ned frequenc y, it cies uld not be exp es and authen pected to con ntication to en nnect to a diffe nsure a BHS erent BHM, a only connects as backhaul lin s with its inte nks should be nded BHM. e configured u using fy operation a s. For examp to Europe, t ode is set to as future rele and ensure co le, when an S that SM will u None. Note, eases may us ompliance, an SM in Europe use ETSI DFS
, the operator se the Region n SM/BHS tak registers to a S, no matter w r should still c Code for add kes on the DF an AP with th what its Regio configure the ditional region FS type of the e Region on Code is se Region Code n-specific opt t to, even if its s e in the SM tions. e AP/BHM to w which After an A for 1 minu during this signature, 1st alterna needed a operating minute no An SM/BH transmittin The FCC APs/BHM boots, it s channel a transmittin Note, afte may conn support th BHSs wou color code To simplif it registers Code set Region Co correctly, Figure 27 7: Configured d Region Co de on SM Co onfiguration
=> General p page 10 8: Active Reg r BHM always ation => Gene gion Code on s operates un eral page), an n SM Home =
nder its manu d so does no
=> General S ally configure ot show a Reg Status page ed Region Co gion Code on ode (the one o its Home =>
on the General Stat tus rmal operatio ter power-up Table 4) will ns, APs and or reboot bef experience a BHMs operat fore they will r an additional m ting with DFS register any S minute after t
(see Table 4 SMs or BHSs hey reboot be 4) will experie
. SMs and BH efore they wil nce an additi HSs operating l register to a onal g with an AP wo reboots to on Code as d n the region c Antenna Gai again. set the param escribed abo ode and frequ in parameters meters descri ve, Save Cha uency band a s will be displ bed below on anges, and R as shown in T ayed. Set the n a module sta Reboot. If the Table 4), the R em as describ arting from fa e module then Radio Freque bed below, Sa actory defaults s. Set S n invokes DFS s and ency Carriers ave Changes s, and Set the R with m Region Code any context-s
, Save Chang sensitive para IMP ges, and Reb ameters, these
boot to see th he context sen ear in the GU e do not appe nsitive DFS p I with only a S parameters. U Save Change Unlike es. Radio Freque BHMs running ation => Radi kely event ra None, no b self out from encies g DFS include io page, in ad dar is detecte backup freque any transmis e an option fo ddition to the ed and the ma encies will be sion for 30 m or setting up t primary frequ ain frequency used in the c inutes. to two alterna uency. These y is locked ou case of DFS d ate frequencie e alternate fre t due to DFS detection, and es on the equencies are detection. If t d the AP or BH e used these HM Figure 28 The AP o Configura page. Under nor minute aft DFS (see or BHM. It takes tw the Regio
(based on External A Reboot a Setting R APs and B Configura in the unli are left at will lock it 11 If radar is detected on the main frequency, either at startup or during operation, a Channel Availability Check will be performed on the 1st alternate frequency before it is then used for transmission. If radar is detected on the 1st alternate frequency, either during Channel Availability Check or during operation, a Channel Availability Check will be performed on the 2nd alternate frequency before it is then used for transmission. If radar is detected on the 2nd alternate frequency, either during Channel Availability Check or during operation, the radio will cease transmission unless or until the primary channel clears its 30-
minute lock-out. The alternate frequencies configured in the AP/BHM must be included in the SM/BHSs Frequency Scan List, or the SMs/BHS cant follow their AP/BHM if it switches to a new channel. Additional frequencies may checked in the Frequency Scan List depending on local practices, for example an operator may want to configure an SM to only register on certain frequencies to drive a known SM to AP mapping. Another example would be an operator who configures an SM to register on many frequencies so that it may find another AP to register to if its usual AP isnt available. Note: use site surveys and RF planning to choose alternate frequencies useful for each sector, and consider testing on the alternate frequencies to ensure compatibility with the sectors RF environment. 4.5 EXTERNAL GAIN FIELD An AP, SM, or BH needs to know the gain of its antenna to perform DFS and Auto-TPC (Automatic Transmit Power Control) (SM only) consistent with regional or national regulations. The GUI includes a External Gain field to support this. Key points about the External Gain field include:
External Gain is defined as the gain of the antenna minus the loss in the coaxial cable and connectors. BHS) The External Gain is set on the Configuration => Radio page of each module (AP, SM, BHM, or The default on a 5.8-GHz SM or a unit reset to factory default is 0 dB The range is 0 to 35 dB. Any radio using DFS will use the External Gain to appropriately adjust sensitivity to radar signals. The use of DFS is determined by the Region Code setting on the Configuration => Home page. The Auto-TPC used by the Cyclone OFDM Series system takes into account the External Gain so as not to exceed national or regional EIRP limits. Procedure for setting the External Gain 1. If using a BH or SM with an integrated antenna or a connectorized AP with the connectorized antenna sold with it, leave the External Gain on the Configuration => Radio page set to the factory default of 17 dB. If using another antenna, set the External Gain to the gain of the antenna minus the loss in coaxial cable and connectors. IMPORTANT!
Ensure the External Gain is set correctly. Setting it low or high can lead to either a system overly sensitive to DFS events or a system not transmitting at its full legal power. 4.6 NETWORK CONTROL PARAMETERS Parameters for High Priority/DiffServ, NAT, DHCP, VLAN, MIR, and CIR are configured the same as they are in standard Canopy. The operator may (or may not) want to take advantage of the higher possible MIR to provide greater bandwidth to a given SM. 4.7 FORWARD ERROR CORRECTION 12 Cyclone 5700-360.OFDM Series radios use FEC (Forward Error Correction) to extend the range of the modules. They use Reed-Solomon error correction optimized at 3/4 coding. The coding rate is not settable by the operator. 4.8 CYCLIC PREFIX (CONFIGURABLE ONLY ON CYCLONE OFDM AP/SM) OFDM technology uses a cyclic prefix, where a portion of the end of a symbol (slot) is repeated at the beginning of the symbol (slot) to allow multi-pathing to settle before receiving the desired data. A 1/4 cyclic prefix means that for every 4 bits of throughput data transmitted, an additional bit is used, A 1/8 cyclic prefix means that for every 8 bit of throughput data transmitted, an additional bit is used. Cyclone OFDM Series networks use a default cyclic prefix of 1/4 that is configurable by the operator to 1/8. The Cyclic Prefix is set on the Configuration => Radio page on the AP. Changing the default from to 1/8 can increase throughput by ~2 Mbps (assuming 75% duty cycle) in installations with low multipath conditions. It is recommended to test 1/8 cyclic prefix to determine actual performance based on RF conditions. Procedure for setting the Cyclic Prefix Set the Cyclic Prefix on the Configuration => Radio page of both the BHM and the BHS to 1/8 before deployment During installation use Link Tests to confirm link quality per standard installation and alignment procedures. If a Link Test shows low throughput or efficiency, consider changing the Cyclic Prefix to 1/4 on both the BHM and the BHS along with other standard installation troubleshooting procedures such as re-aiming, off-axis aiming, changing location, raising or lowering the height of the radio, adjusting Transmission Power up or down, or identifying and mitigating sources of interference. 5 INSTALLATION Installing a unit usually involves height, electricity, and exposure to RF (Radio Frequency) energy. To avoid personal injury, follow applicable national and local safety regulations along with industry best practices. Also follow the specific guidelines in this document, including Exposure Separation Distances in section 6 on page 14. WARNING!
5.1 INSTALLING AN AP WITH CONNECTORIZED ANTENNA This section addresses installation aspects specific to the Cyclone 5700-360.OFDM Series AP. General communications equipment, infrastructure, and facilities site design should be performed in line with Motorolas Standards and Guidelines for Communications Sites (also known as the R56 manual -
document #68P81089E50-A) These procedures are specific to the case of as AP purchased as a kit consisting of a connectorized antenna and a connectorized radio. They are also generally applicable to connectorized APs, SMs, or BHs when the antenna is purchased separately by the operator. A short coaxial cable from the radio terminates in a male N connector. The antenna has a chassis-
mounted female N connector. The antenna includes tower mount brackets with adjustable down-tilt. 13 Installing an AP typically consists of four phases:
1. Configuring the AP at an operator's facility or at the installation site using the information and settings defined previously in Planning (Section 3) and Configuring (Section 4). 2. Assembling the AP (radio and antenna and brackets) and physically installing it using on the mounting structure. 3. Cabling the AP to the CMMmicro or CMM4 (for Cyclone OFDM APs), and grounding it to Protective Earth PE using Procedure 4. This phase can also include cabling to backhauls, or running terrestrial feeds. 4. Confirming operation, using SMs in the field. Local practices and choices of installation options will dictate the actual processes. For example, variations on these generalized procedures can be used to install on a building or install multiple APs on a pipe mount before hoisting up a tower for final attachment. 6 EXPOSURE SEPARATION DISTANCES To protect from overexposure to RF energy, install Canopy radios so as to provide and maintain the minimum separation distances from all persons shown in Table 6. Table 5: Exposure Separation Distances Module Type Separation Distance from Persons Cyclone 5700-360.OFDM Cyclone 5700-VS.OFDM Canopy Module (for comparison) At least 24 cm (approx. 9.5 in) At least 24 cm (approx. 9.5 in) At least 20 cm (approx. 8 in) 14